- 17ffDAy, SEPT. 24, 1953 N A'DA TTSA1,DWAVLE NA! PAGE FIVN et SP~OALLY Gabardines, Poplins and Rayon Satins. Utex (Jtal- ity nien's showerproofed wiîndbreakers that sold or- iginally at 7.95 and 8.95.. A good selection of sizes and styles. End-of-line Clear- ance! 4«99 Stock Up Now on Men's Heavy Doeskin Shirts Fine quality Sanforized doeskin shirts in bright checked patterns; 2 bîitton- ed brcast pockets. Large29 roorny make. Sizes 1417-uto 5 17. NqEN'S ALL-WOOL Cardigan SWEATERS REDUCED Here is a grand opportunity for yots to save $2.00 on an all-w ool nien's cardigan sweater. Sizes sinall. îiied- juin andI large. Reg. $4.98. Thursday. Friday and Sat- tirday - 0111Y Tough wearing Sanforized blue denirn overalls with bib and braces. Sizes 30, 32, 34. Originally $2.98 - Clearing at 1@29 Boys' Doeskin -Shirts Smart checks and plaids in Sanforized doeskin. A shirt to brighten up the 1»98 ,whole day for your boy. Sizes 3 to 6x. Men's -AJJ-Wool Pants Stiirdy wearing, good looking men's all-wool striped or solid grey Dixon cloth trousers. Sizes 32 to 42. Special 6,95~ V a lu e ! - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ]Boys' Stadium Coi Stand-out saving on boys' and youths' stadinni coats of showerproof cotton twill. Fully lined with warm quilted Kasha cloth, wool pile collar. Sizes srnall, medium and large - - ---- BRESLIN'S Corduroy Boxer Loil Buy them now and save on Children 's Dutch corduroy boxer style longs. Al colours. Sizes 2ý to 6 years. Regular $1.98. Opportunity Day Special - ---- oees ERE IS THE MOST ANAZING SUIT VALUE YOU EVER SAW! 39ç.Seeing is believing - and you must see these suits carrying f cmous labels such as 1.29 Boys' Flannel Longs Neat looking and warm too! All-wool flannel boxer longs for boys 2 to 6 yrs. 1,9 S p e c ia l! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - Children's Sanf orized Jeans Tough wearing,' wasbable, Sanforized blue denini jeans. Boxer style, elastic waist. Sizes- 2 to 6 years .------ --- lis 1 Women's 98c Lisle Rose Misses' and Womnen's fii lisle hose, ini black only, Reg. to 98c. Clearing DU VALS and SAMUELS 1.50 r. Sizes 9 to 0!a -Whitby Your choice of any $59.50, $69.50 and $75.00 Suit in our stores. Opportunity Day Special, Only * ~k.".'S~J 'i A m Bowmanville TIM eeADTAN STATESMAX, IBOWMA"Mtt, ONTARIO PAGr rmz 8195 2-98iý