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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1953, p. 8

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PAGE EIGH' r AlGarden Club Nembers Aliended Achievemeni Day ai Grono Fair Four Receive County Honor Pins AU members wbo stacted their Garden Club praject last spcing completed their work by exhibitini! record books, bou- quets of flowers and a co-apera- tive Club exhibit at the Achieve- ment Day held in cannection with Durham Central Agricul- tucal Society at Ocono on Satur- day. Tnis' is something af -a re- cord and Club Leaders of the four graups sbould be cangra- tulated for keeping up the in- tecest anu anthusiasm of these membî_rs. To these ladies also goas credit for the tima and in- terest that they take with the Club projects. Leaders badges were given ta Mcs. M. Finney, Bethany, Mrs. D. S. Grant, Bow- manville. Mes. A. Bosevear and Mrs. A. Harvey, Tyrone and Miss Mary McHolm of Welcoma. Attractive club exhibits wece placed at the Fair which were graded. In the First group award wcre Bethany and Ty- cane, and Bowmanilic and Wel- corne were in the second group aw-ard. These exhibits showed originality in arrangement and a high qitalîty of vegetables A mornrng program of judg- ing vegeta bics, flowec bouquets and answering a garden quiz taak place fallowed by the pres- entation of two skits. Bath Ty- rone and Weleome selected the tapie 'Flowers aI aur House' and on these much time and prepa- ration had been spent ta the cre- dit of the clubs. For the' first time in the bis- tory of Homemaking Club in the County four girls received their Caunty Honour pin and certif cate for campleîing six prajeets. Thev wece Janet Bige- low, Grace Bigeiaw, Marie Fin- ney, and Eleanor Rowan all of Bethany. Cetificates of Achie- vement -for prajeets finished wece ewarded ta Shleley Quan- trill, Bowmanville Club, Arlene Bosevear, Tyrane, and Elizabeth Finale, Welcome. Each mamber recqfved a teaspoan for the sat- isfadtory cornpietion of their! unit. Jean Noble, Home Economist for the area in charge of the day, announced tbat Mary Mc- Hoim, Welcome would represent 1the Criunty at the 4H Cangcass in Chicago this Novamber alang with 27 othar delegates fcom the provi-ice. This awacd is giv- en for outstanding wark an Leaderc5bip shown in Club jects, es well as an active inter- est in Junior Farmer wock. Alceady the Club members are thirnking about their fail pro- jecî which wili be 'Meat in the Menu'. Any new gcoup interest- ed in this wock with girls be- tween the ages of 12 and 26 should cointact the Depactmenî of Agricuîlture, Boxvmnvilla. PONTYPOOL> The local tabacco ccop .is al- most harvcsted andi a gaod cap is ceparted with very liffle dam- age. The patato grawers are vecy dîsappointed with present prices but are hoping foc firm- ar pices later. This time last yeac prices wece $4 par bag at the farm. Pontypj)ol is ta have anather taxi driver as Larry Bradlev bas secured a taxi license and is ceady ior business. Robt Hal- loran hlas been conducting a taxi husitiess since he aperated wi.-h hanse and buggy and is still carrying an. The heavy ramn did nol inter- face wiLh the attendance at the LOL. dance on Saturday with the usuai gaod ccowd attending. We ar(- sacry ta report the sudden passing of Mr. Albert Lagan in Oshawa. Deeeased was buricd from the residence1 of bis brother, Mr Douglas La- gan, with interment at Fallis Cemetery. We exfend ocir syrn- pathy wo the bereaved. After the usuai tw'o months bolidays L.OL. 82 will hold ifs first meeiing an Monday, Sept. 28. Millbcook Legion held a big night recentiy when 15 canîdi- dates were initîafed. Two local veterans mere among the candi- dates. This Legion is ane of the most active in this zone. B.C. forests are practically an- ticely composed of canifers. DRINK- - __- -INCtUDING GOVT. TAX 154 New Detter than ever FRIGI1D AIRBE I"Thrifty 30" Electric Range OnIy 30" wlde-but big in everything that counts! Model I J Rs-35 la fuIly automatic, has famous Cookmaster Oven Clock Contrai. Cooking-top L a nm p, Timer and Storage Drawer. $299.75 6 Lifetime par- inside and out *Radiant u be cooking unîts E- 'M" AIi-steel, ane- piace cabinet *Sliding, ad- instable, tip- proof shelves Walis t-h Igh broil 'r Also see the Model Rs-30 ..wlthout Cookmaster, Larnp and Timer only $269.75 Liberal Trade-4n Àliowance Low Down Payment . Easy Terms ' M ason & Dale 36 KING ST. E. PHONE 408 !l BLACKSTOCK Mc. and Mrs. Ed Harris, Reta and Verna with friends at Fane- Ion Falls. Mc. James Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs Henry Armstrong, Hugh and Mary-Ellen, Burni River, with Mc. and Mrs. Ray McGill. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toron. ta, with Mcs. Jamcs Henry, Mr. and Mcs. Haroaid Craw, ford and Janice with M. and Mrs.. Norman Edgerton. Mc. and Mcs. Ivan Thampsan mnotorcd le Lively on Friday to visit Dr. and Mcs. Jack Mac- low. Elizabeth and Bill visitcd their grancipacents, Mc. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow. Sorry tuat Allan Rahm is sick in Comniuitiy Hospital, Part Perry. Miss Buth Hamilton of the Bell Telephone staff is baving two week's bolidays. Many from here attendeci an- niversacy services at Enniskil- len on Sunday xvhen Rev. M. R. Sanderson, Toronto, was guest speaker. There were 118 at the United Church .Stnday School on Sun- day murning. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hili, Mrs. WesleY Bc-acock, Mes. Margaret Tarvis acd Mr. John Beacock attended thie-Prince Albert an- niversaey services on Sunday when Rev. James FindiavN of Carleton St. United Cheîrch was gue"st speaker. Mr'. and Mrs. Weir Swain have moved ta Toronto from Timmiirs. Weir bas the position of stationdrv engineer aI Pa- tons and Baldwins. ,Miss Jessie McArthur and Norman Dysart have rettirned ta Torenco University for their second year. Miss Betty MeAr- Ihur lefi Mondav ta attend. Wes- terhi University af London where she is taking a course in jour- nalismi. 1Scveral fromn here attended the Oshaxxa Barber Shiop Quai'- tet Festival at Oshawa Collegi- ate on Saturday evening and if was woiderful entertainment. John Grieve is a member of the chorus. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beacock, Hillsda[e. Mich., ancd Mr. and Mes. A. Wv. Piekard, Bowrnan- ville. were supper giiests of Mc. and Mrs, Cecil Hill Thursday. Mr'. Ro *' Ferguson and Sandra, and Me. and Mrs. Stan Rahm, Paul and Carol, joined them for the evpnir.g. Mes. J. E. Flett, Bowmanville, visited Mr. andi Mes. Mervyn Graham Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mount- joy visited friends in Peterbor- ough and Norwood. Mc. and Mes. Eacl Dorreli ac- campaîiied by Me and Mes. Alex Joheston visited Mr. and Mes. Keith Johnston aI Carry- ing Place, also Lake-on-the- Mouintain, the Sanda Banks and ather p)oints of interest in Prince Eowvard County. At St. John's Anglican Church on Sainday rnorning Bishop Wells gave a splendid ser'mon on preparation for Thanksgiv- ing. Flowers w'ere in rnemory of MVrs. Florence Crawford, placed by Me. and Mes. Harold Craw- ford and Mrs. George Foi-der. Miss Mildrcd Archer, Toronto East General Nuising staff, is holidaving with hier parents, Mr. and Mes. W. Archer. Mrs. H-illigan, Mr. and Mrs. Poster Powl%,es. Fenelon Falls, and Me. and Mrs. John Argue, Bowmianville, with Mes. Johný \4cKee. Mrs. For~ster, Banff, Alberta, Mre. and 1 Mrs. A. Motintain and VIes. W. Mountjoy, H-amilton, M. W. Bowr-nan and famîly, Enfield, with Me. and Mi's. Tom Bouwm an. Me. and Mr. James Mood y, sawwith Me. and Mes. Orc Venning. At the United Church service on SLinday eveniî±g Miss Dor- een Van Camp told of lier ex- perience iin Caravan work at Havelock this suirrer. This is abranch of Christian ecluca- tion. Mission B3and rnrf in the Sun- dasy Schoul eoomi Saturdav with 7 chilcîren rpreseiît. Rail vea l thaid a utefrom iVrs. J. ýcot id ýlIinvitat ion ta attend recepîlion at itlicNew Convent XXîIllUWdalc Se-pt. 2t. A nion >as a iita have a bootlî at lie Faîli Fair aid Ille ainalal 1tue- cvS a IPIi Nov. 6i or O~ct. 3(1 as Thle nivoibers mxcie deliglited, 'îthne:iiilarînitalkbvMs Olci of Itue ýwui senid flie j ishop 11,1(1 i jo-ed a îîiong ,t1ue lidians at L\ ian. B.C. 'Sueé ceniiiw parl v tica larlv 1 tu' vllol ii!e aI St. Geaijýges >nî'id ic h()l:i f Ithe uc'.'. l i l K ..Peila c'losod ime meet- ng a ficr i'îhclilunc;1h was Fec%,- i 1) n ' :î\- r of Croup 2 .r.F D;a1'-'. . M'Eva Paie ici \l s. WV. Van Camip (licet- >.otlil irig i-: (.:Ilv w'crk uic n!Ii'haîg LIS(2.-Slr Janes lrrie. M MORRISH WA. met Sept. 16 with Mrs M. Oshorne with 10 members and one visitor present. President Mes. Wm. Marvin conducted the meeting. Roll was called and minutes cead hy secretacy Mrs. H. Osborne. Date of hazaar was fixed fur Oct. 28. Next meeting Oct. 21 in the home of Mrs. J. Brimacomb, Osacpc. Thece will be a show e of smali articles suifahlc' fer the fishpond as the raui caIJ. Devotional was read by Mcs. Wm. Hentierson; lesson thoughts with prayer by Mes. Harrv Beckett. Mes. Brimacomb read a missionary stocy taken frorn the book "Growing With The Years'. Mrs. Wm. McHolm gave a humorous and interest- ing accoun't of hec trip ta Man- itoba, thrcugh the U.S. to Cad- illac, Mich., and home again. A dainty lunch was serveci by the hostess assisfed. by Mcs. D Haines. Mers. H. Beckett propos- cd a vote of thanks ta these la- dies for their hospitality and ciainty lulich provided. Hope T-.%p. S.S. Convention On Feîday evening, Sept. 15, Hope Towý,nsliip Sunday Scbool Convention was held i n Wel- corne Church which was filled ta capacii.v with children, teacer and friends. Mrs. Benne o 1 SPECIAL SALE Studio Mi WALL] HALF until aill ai This tremendous saving is of Studio Masterl Just Arrived .* The New 1954 Stt WALLPAP Aberneth3 85 KING ST. WEST Whan We Test Eyes It VOUR REXALL1 PHIONE 778 THU1~5DAY. ~P?. 14. ¶o~ * by Ms ElsieRcado Te IAhb.EW LYPCornflýow,'r"; duet hy Misses' M E N'S OdMarie Care and Ga.yle Bristow DENIMI "Ou r J-onevmnoon'; duet byk'OC Misses Joan Merton and Phyllis t mtch WO RK SOX Bcisto,,, -Our Best To Yau"'andi a ceadiiîg b.v Mrs. R. Carr -What Reg. $4.95 First Quaiity, AI] Wool Boys and Girls Are Made 0f".SL Ioad, aim, and "flash" fob Miss Pomneroy thanked every-; fui indoor pictures with this one e.-peeýiallyv the committec 3 "r. $ 1.00 wohad arîanged the evening's 39 box camera. Has oversize enteî'tainment. Ail joined in ider and new-type shutter re- singing "For Shes-ý a JoiJy Good T R .amera con be used with or Fellow". Lunch was served. STR-O R FIshlder.Monday to Friday - 9 arn. to 6 P."n Saturday - 9 a.m. to 9 pa. It Is Done ProperlySU PS ST R DRUG STORESU P SST R BOWMANVILLE 24 Div ision St. BOWMANVILLE P>hone :1211 r J- i i... - ' '- -THE CAKADIAN , STATESMAN. BOWMA(VLL, ONTAMUO ence Nightingale and Abraham 1, P . I lieswr ntutdt Lico H*asodeihtd ot 14avrs T p oni sign the petition for the Interumi young ana old by singing a e g .Sbsidy on Road Expenditure short action sng, "A man built JioldUSept. Meeing SuptAuut3,15. e bis bouse upon a rock".____ These accaunts were passed: Bey. .Mr. 11dell of Canton then Marvers Township council S.S. No., 7 & 15, School j called the S. S. superintendents met Sept. 10 with ail members money ----------------_$1325.00 0,0y f ta the front of the church! present and Reeve in the chair. Hydro-Electric, service 158.68 * where each one repeated their Communications were read Counties Treas., Hospi- pledge. from Dept. of Public Welfare talzto ,----- -- 02 Th meeting closed with re: Parents' who have deserted Townshi2Tes,25a hyn"Stand Up, Stand Up For their families; Dept. of Agricul- Voucher ------------- -3523.13 Jeu"and benediction by Mr. ture, enclosing grant under the Manvers Tel., levy -- -----100().00 Harding. Warble Fly Act, 1952; Hydro- J. C. Cuminiskey, salary 150).00 Thnofrn evcs Electric Power Comm., on a Relief-- 137.51 Thanoftelngnumber of matters; Registrar- Sunday. Sept. 20, we held our General re:- Registration of Anniversary and Thankoffering deaths; Publie Trustees, re: a services for another year. The former resident; Ganaraska Stafftord Bros weather was perfect and the Conservation Authority, re. many baskets of beautiful faîl meeting in Port Hope on Sept. flowers cid much ta enhance15 from A. Frank Phillips; ou eta ok the spirit of worship at both North Burnaby, B.C., re: proof services. of age of former resident. Phone Whltby 552 Welcome cburch choir and or- It was decided that this mun- 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby ganist, Mis. G. Campbell, most icipality apply for Compensa-FN 17LT kindly gave their much appre- tian Insurance with voîuntary FN ULT ciated help at the morning ser-cmestowhFrn w- MONUMENTS AND vice. Two anthems "Bless This an Ca. at a premium of $55. MARKERS House" and "Camne Near and It wp.s decided that this muni- Hear Me," also a duet, "If Ever cipality transfer our road lia- Precise workmanship and I Loved Thee"., by Miss Connie bility insurance to the some careful attention to detail Bebee and Mr. Lloyd Kellogg, compa'ny at a premium of $131.- ryouraossufrancte whe were greatly enjayed. 75. you chioseofrom othedwade Rey. 0. M. Gilbert, Camborne, The power gracier will be cav- selectin G rted and gave a very thoughtful and in- ered by the Municipal Equip- dmaesi rnistscan spiring address stressing the ment Floater with the sameMabeinsok very important fact of the plea- campany at a premnium of $120.1 sure we get from seeing and hearing, the necessity of bath, much cf what we see and hear depends upon aur interests. God should be the centre of aur lives only tnen can we understand what is beyond seeing and hear- . , At the evening service we were pleased ta welcome Bailie- A- Sboro quartet with Miss Sceene %p~z '-4 "*,- " at the argan ta assist aur choir. ~~~ ~ STbree numibers were gîven by the visitor-s. Another very interesting' ad- dress was givn by aur guest- speaker from the words "He Sanforized Navy Blue ok T usr $34 Careth For You", showing bow ~w ~. observant Christ was of ail the Sanforized Olive Drill Woric arousers $34 ~4fl.~61IA hamelv details of everydav life, carpenters. builders, fishermen, 8 oz., riveted, 'ink, Bowmanville, and Ailene thie womïn in their homes, De m D nar s Sanforized$3 5 the famous Durham County sweeping, . sewing and cooking, Dies the dignity of work and the Dies ___________________humblest task is blessed if done and Servicemen's Uniorms, complete $89 in God's name. Canton made an excellent chair- Mrs. Frampton of Winnipeg, man. The service opened with sister of the late Malcolm RaeB0YS' L T E paysed bv Rev. A. W. Harding, and Mr. Melv.ille Rae, PortBOYS' CLOTHES asisedbyMr. Carruthers. Hope, visited Mrs. Wm. Me- We carry a compiete stock of Boys' Clothes, Rolilceal was answered by the 'Holm. including Socks, Shirts, Suits, Windbreakers, superinrendent of eacb Sunday' Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, Cavan, Underwear, Etc. School giving the average at- and Mr. rqnd Mrs. C. Jones, Or- tendance: Elizabethville 42, Gar- ana, were Sunday guests of Mrs. den Hîi 47, Perrytown 18, Can- MHaines on n r.D ton 36, Welcome 40, Morrish 31, is.ide aePtr a Wesleyville 38.MisMlrdJn er w 2P N home from Toronto for the Some o fthe pcojects of wock week-end. in Surdiay Schools are scrap Mcs. Mary Simpson, Mr. and GA A fIP ~ IT books of sacred pictures, mis- Mrs. Alec Simpson, Toranto, GAB RDIE AIT sionacy work and white gift ser- with Mr. and Mrs. Hacry Beck- vices at Christmas. ett. Cos n ftee4iatysye The worship service was in Cos n ftee~atysye the carc, of Wesleyville conduct-1 ed by superintendent Murray B TAM suits for Fail wear. Payne. This S.S. won the ban- BE HA Y I nec beid by Mocrish last year î je? and whi]e we did our best ta Mrs. A'ex MeMaster spent Sod e.'A.ý 299 keep it toc ariother year we the past v.ieek with relatives in cOuie.~'oO congratulpte Wesleyville for Toronto. winning this bonor. Rev. Clifford Grant is now Special speaker was Rev. Gai- a patient in Wellesley Hospital,, ______________________________ laway of Port Hope Baptist Toronto. His many friends here Chucch taking for his subject 1 are wishing hîm a speedy recov H U E O D AN E DN "Good and Noble Men and Wa- er y. i O S R L AN BE D men." Character building s -Mrs. Hilliard Bristow and n eL '0 started in1 the home and contin- dagtronac al c First Quality 81 x 99 in. Shet $.9 ued in Sunday School. Jesus companied by Mr. and MVrs. Ger- lovýd and obeyed His parents a1d Bristow of Yelvei'ton, at- Pillow Cases, pair - * - - 79c sablidren should love and tended the silver wedding anni- bonor their parents and be sub- versary aof Mc. and Mrs. Victor j FanIf jeet unta theco. In concluding GimorinCmplacofnasne! .)Reels Ibex, in 70 x 90 in., pair $.4 this very warthwhile address week. Mr. Gallowav mentioned Mw ir. Lloyd Kennedy was RdadGennaie ihbakbre great and noble characters, Flac- Judge of the different horse -classes at Beaverton Fair -on Saturd.ay. New Army Col Maltresses only -- - $6.95 Mrs. Edith Kenders, Yelver - ___________________________ tan, was with Mrs. Emma Ca- v'ano for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pom- MEN . ecay, Mc. and Mcs. Clarke Pom-N ,asterieceseroy, Paul Pomecoy and Miss Bevecly Pomeroy were Sunday - - . guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford i P AE, Manley, Bewdley. Suede LeatherZ jDr. and Mrs. J. J. Hamilton I S t- are in Toronto for a week with * . 7 to Il M.and Mrs. G. Brown. Windbreakers "' ot recavecy to Mrs. Harvey Ginn, ire cleared. wha is a patient in Bowman- Heiivy Duty %lIes ville Memocial Hospital. Black Only ý on ail our present stock Mcs. John Smith, who bas First Quality--- $16.95,'~ -pieces Wallpaper. been in bospital is convalescing SALE --------- ------$69 THLMSDAY, SEPII. 24, 1958 7f.-- t ý f , 0 1 - - - 1 - 'f -- ' * - 1

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