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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1953, p. 15

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?IrURDAY?;OVth, 1953 PAGE FITTEXI THE CANADIA! STATESMAN, EOWMANVMLI, ONTAR!O and Karen. Bowmanville, visit- Mr. Watt suggested the Arena B ACK T K r-ued Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Myles.1 may b. able ta realize sorne pro- B A K T C E II i~ ~ i~ md. ~ TMrs. Edgar (Jake) Middleton 1 fit from the ice chips whlch are ,,,-T h ei uru n o N e w s is in Memorial Hospital, Bow- cut away, since the Port Perry Mr. Melville Griffin visited * V ~manville.1 Arena might purchase them to his sister, Mrs. Gordon Whit- IMr. and Mrs. W. J. Inch, Wes- pack between the newly laid taker, in Hamilton over the - -- -- Iton, visited Mr. and Mrs. cari pipes of their arena to'hasten weekend and had tea Monday e EStrnSetin o Oh- mnyfrom this district on a Mrlng. adMs ar .C the process a! making their ice. afternoon Lt the home of Mns. '~h Eater Se tio o! Oah Bilin s.meeting ta Ican the equipmenlt L st Friday çvening the St. Prsilesbytedaî cv e t i A gntîng tp. ws ad an are enjoying a mnotor trip t he Arena and also ta have John's Church Mensî Club held iSkles U n t Churchlaist A gr o ozlettime anu hl d by through the States, visitng tlt w o k en a ss n t e a verY successful uchre t the àtnday. Arm Oon hedies erictthtanalOon;members o! the family at Port- jot re o f cargme siin ie 1 Parish Hall. There were seven- wr:Miss rabeOonD isvict Fiih and Hunt Club Hallowe 'en land, Seattle. Spokane and Red'3 bthe e cn rjbge ing dewOn i teen tables. The. door prize was Mae.DaeyMra. Masciuerade Dance at Orono Lodge, Montana. the Areen the - I won by Roy Collins, R.R. Port Robinson, Mn., A. Dnumn- Township Hall lait Fniday ev- h rn omte tei- Perry, and w'us a hamper o! Bliong, Ms . o , M r Wo arir!.ening. terests of the îown tlvl p ple oae . BTnond, Ms .oMrs.Wod rs. ar . henMn.WattandMr.Sam fnendfrm utotwn. V W. J. Lycett, Mrs. M. H. Stap- Mns. John H. Morris là viuit- WshdfniMrheWathieot and ThMerh.prSeamre-o n.E. Hancock, Mrs. R. igrad Mns MGill, Vlew- l Veteransthirrpot na TeAttendieswee o 'ck, Mrs. Rusel et Mrs. lake.Un '. recommendations, Deputy O. F. as follows: adles-Mrs. John ,Mrs. H. Lowery, ths.E.' recipndtMs.o anlooramp r ono U ited Llurcii Robson declaned that the Arenla Rahmi, Mrs. Fred Bailey, M1isi B and Mrs. Wm. Ali. th eipet o lorlm Management Committee should phylls Williams; Men - Roy MrS. Herbent T. Turley, 01- and wall mirror at a gathening N ext Sunu ay Evening ha ve a vote o! thanks not only Wenry, Mr. Bickell and Stan- tawa, vlsited her mother, Mrs. held in thein honour at Antioch i_____rom couincil but Irom pep&eI l -face. The men seed or ec- JU.Dcsra usn oeSchool Thur.sday evening o! Wéterans from this ares W,,,! zens o! the town. "Fewpelela.Thmn rvdielc J. iko etNrigHmlast week. march ta Onono United Church realize the great amount o! bous lunch. bf nd Cwcs. .e aMrnddMr.R.Husonwas guyeenngfr se ia work involved in nunning bhc The High School held a Hal- Mn. and Mrs. 0orontp,. est o! Mn . and Mrs.R.H sononudaevigfraseca Arena and the mnany long hours lowe'en Dance in the Recreation- TorotovîstedMr.andMn.Remembrance Day service with' Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick is v Rbisn.Cl.(r.-. lyd1:D. the comniltîe put in doing this ai Centre on Saturdav ;eig Ing M.'sPpprLlmento! cstufies.The udge blédick Mdfml, emn-j r. Pery ora inOhOB.,o!Cbugstespcl wonk.'" he said. Count. DeGeen 1 and there was a grand assort- ton.~~~~~~~ awa Hospital for tneatments. j speaker. 0,-1caino h iejbbigwr h e.adMs ere ton. ~~~~~Miss Bertha Cain was a dele- The parade wiil form upoi- ito !tefnejbbigwn Rv n r.Gog Mn. and Mrs. Snell, Toronto,' gale for the Clarke To wnship sid e the Orange Hall at 7 o'cloci< donc by Mn. Watt and Mr. Semis Nicholson, Rev. C. 'W. Hutton, Vsited Mr.«. K. Gamsby and, Teachers at Region 4 o! Wornen IWt h omnii ein n hi omteadMyor and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mc- famy.Teachers' Federation meeting Pipe Band in attendance. As Vanstone added bis own per- Comb. The prize winners vwere MrS. J. L.. Richards was i and banquet on Saturday at I part a! the service, a wneath wiii sonal appreciation. announced by President David! Florntolag Thrsdy t atendi belai etthefoo oftheCros ýSwain as follows: Best Dress'-d Toano as Tunda t atedTrenton. ib ada u oto h rs No Depreciation Aiiowed Couple--, Ballingail and Ai- the fuaneral o! Mns. Nîna Wat- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde, lin the Chancel.CuciaredtcryotInBaeysagnlmnad kins Crosson who was District Toronto; Ms rn ery iCo m i g t c arrit uthe x-and rsaNile MsalcontlmanCoand Manaer ! Sence Co whn M s. Fan aghtens , ail the recammendations made his lady; Comnic--a hanse, Mr. MrS. Richards joined 22 xeas' manville, visited Mns. Chas. Arena Report ception of the one fon handling Most Woka monkey. Mrs. ago this month. Awde.____ profits from tbe Arena opéra- John Venning; Most Original,' Mrs. Fred Bnwen, Mrs. Wm. Mrs. M. Sherwin, Miss Anna tin nti atrCara hss oaVnig oi Miller, Mrs Ed. Dean, Mrs. o*1 Marie Sherwîn, Laurence Sher- (Continued tram Page One li Nlon Osonei omateChiraneHamitonA sening, Dzor IROlph, Mrs. Chas. Taylor, Mrs.l win and Mn. Jack Bryson spent gnoundq cari be used as a park-: omni1e.rcmede 1t Ithe lucky caiidy kiss was won W.* Sherwin, Mrs. V. Robinson' Sunday with Mr. and Mns. Chai., ing facilîty. With aur presènt' counil tt suprto ! thdeby Mrs. G. Marlow. and Mrs. Foster Ferguson vi'Sit- 1 Reesor and !amily, Markham. increase in parking space weKnsnClbroetopan' Miss Taylor, o! the I.OD.E. led Kend'il Women's Institute; Mr. and Mrs. . W. Farrel are requesting Roads and off the. debentues floated l i Hospital, Toronto, was a wek- latweek.i visited Mr. and Mns. Alex Streets ta give us their ca-oper- insta-ll artificial ice, 80 per cent end guest at the Rectory. Mn.H MrhLong SalI,' Stnickland and family, Cobourg.j ation <uring the winter months i of the net profit o! bbc Arenaý Miss Olive Cartwright an:1 repent Tuesday wibh Mrs. Chas., Mn. and Mrs. Luthen Barra- with the removal o! snow. With 1 opération b. applied agnint bbtheMn. W. N. Campbell, Toronto, Wood.i bail visited in Countice on Sunr- regards ta Fine protection wýe, debenture debt for a peniod of~ with Mn. and Mrs. John Scot. Mns. 0. Gardener, Garden day. purchased 2 Ansul and 2 Py- er.o esi h e- Mrs. F. A. Bailey with Mn. and Hill, bm visibing Mn. 'and Mn- r adMs Donald Robb rene extingîîisbers. 2 lengths 'of fiu'e db hudb adu Mr8. Naysmith Henry, Janet- Pe rl.lefI lest week t pn h oe1010f.i egh1P; fore the fivc years clapse. Also vle Mn. Laverne Boyd is in Mein- winter in Bradenton, Flonida. pectively are hoakced tupi e i aIte aiig20pr et Mn. Luston, Mn. ai-d Mrs. Bob Onil Hsptal I andMr. R E.Loa rad fo a emrgncv, e ctainted by ic 2 renta-Ford and Robenta, Mn. and Mrs. Mn. Hoia , Bawmanville. Mrn. r..E.Lgn and rnnk raYfra mrecv e eandb h r a-Fred Henry n r.HnvS. Mand Mrs. Douglas Allen Mr. and Mns. Chas. Wlood spent 1 We alsa have had an appraiser agement Camimittee but that noa alofTaroandwt Mrs. oent. adson have moved ta Chas , Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. MTI1came dowîi ta tie Rink ta evailu- amaunt o! this b. set aside for1 Ford. no ihMs tbr Knox' hou. forthe i,. R. Young and attended tbe an- 1 ate the building and eupmnent. i depreciat ion in thc fIve -en- ______________ ,Mr. W. P. Bunnett is visiting niversary service at George! W. are waiting fan bis report!i peniod. In the event liaI the 20 )fls son, Mn. and Mrs. Lewis, Street United Churci. and the recommendat ions of ouI' penrcenit share faîls helow $500), BÙrnetî, Port Penny. Mrs. Henry Smith, Ronald' local insurance men. We expect' thc Arena Management Commit- M.Lloyd Myles, Whithy, and an d Barry, Gravenhurst; Mn. IliaI we wil be taking out mare I tee is ta b. allowed tb retain Mn. Lénoy Myles are among Ihpi and Mns, Jack Davis, Sherry insurance in the near future. this amaunit of profits nt thc endN e Recommendation Made o! each fiscal year ta b. used It l rcommcded by the as working capital.E years $66666 b turned over to form o! a motion was passed byRikCmî Eta nftre Tsrcmedto n1.A S Y T Town Council ta ielp de!nay council. THE BGGES 1EN ERANC EVEbbth expenses af Mn. Shay's sal- THEBIGESTTEMERACE VEN ary in view ofthe3 /à % grant SLN WASHERlS in Histony of Eastern Ontario, ran hcio t i pb.o dua- MOE BAIITFI L ei acy ana international law tioncho h et fEua OEBATF L NÊon orden. H. stated that if lb W Since the. Rink closed ort Sunday School next Sunday MORE EFFICIENT ns not for the Canadien Legior Apnil 101h, 1953 we bave en- Nov. 8., will be ab130octc MORE OUTSTANDING SATURDAY an d S ing is possible that t ewould daa1e.o30afet ep-wt bccirh evc I I VLU ne noecognition o eebadevuk aloatrteep o wit thck. c evc e NVLE UTeen.,Age Turnout" - An, cv'Day in Canada. "That to mi epo h ikadt aeocok Asoommodation fer 500Te ge one of tie great achieveme general impravements. Ths 'P- Mn. and Mns. Milton Stephen- ic o!? our arganîzation, simply ke neas ta b. souduid ependi- son, Mn. Gar don Finnie, Janet- G ND CNLV on ing alive tie memoiesaof t in future years epni ville, Mn. and Mns. Jini Thamp-If GBAND CONCLV Ile men who threw down bthtab ures are not buill up due ta son, Toronto, visited at Mn. J.1 es, of liberty ta us", he declared.1 lack o!fîproper planning. ThisKxels 1w. great Churclies in Li ' Lgo s iigM year il is expecbed ta be an out- W ri Legin lma Liingmernria1 standing year with respect ta; Mr. and Mns. Harvey Yellow- Dr. W Y5' The Canadien Legion el the Rink making mnoney and ,vstd tMnE.Lmrs,, i ohn bodies lths things for ahl t bbc same lime we recagnize lesadKnn1is as a - Direct tram ( the men of Canada foughf that the Bowmanville Rink-',l la"ick Arrange car 1>lx bwo world wars, and it is a gnï future with respect b aig M.A .Psofre a iîonI livng memonial tbo asle o!f rnoney will be greatly red -ml' iacorsondent for aven 40 -'rONTARIO TEMPE Ed- comnacles who sacrificed thi due ta bhc installation a! addi- 1 eans, was guest o! Editar Gea. 1I ns tliestht e "' Itional artificial ice prajecis in W. James, at lbe Rotary Club _______________________thbb surnounding district. New it being newspapen day at tief :.i:, - , 'rlnks- wbich will be in opera-! meeting. lion Ibis year are Wiitby and! Mn. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid' Bowmanville Branch 178 Canadian Legion Port Penny. NexI yean Litle' at Mn. Thenon Mountjay's, Bnitain will have artific'iel ireý Hampton. nnd il is expected that Oshatva Mn. and Mrs. John Knox and N 4 9U A L will rebuild at same later date. ciildren witi Mrs. S. Real,' "Naturally it will take sound, Blackwater. planning on lie part o! lbe Rink n adMn.Do eno Commttee in lie way o! finan-jMran s.DnGro A RM ISTICE SUPPR~i ces wiîi tie anticipatcd redur- and sons. Mn. Anson Gcnrav., 1tion in Rink actlvity from aut-1 Scugag, et Mn. Campbell Ham-, LEGION HALL, Iside tie commun ity. Wbile %ve er. anticipat, a lange bank balance Mn. arnd Mrs. F. Ormiston,' SATURDAYI NOV. 7thi, 6:30 p.m. aI lb. end of aur fiscal vear :t Ebene7zer, at Mr. Tom Baker's. is lie Rink'.s Cammittee recam-' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dyen and men datian liaI Ibese manies b. Elizabeth, Oshawa, aI Messrs. Turkey Supper - Speaker - Entertainment hl in a special accaunit fan lie Harold and Ra. Pascoe's. It' h ahr o'ebe ! urpose of: (1) Failure' o! lhe Mns. <Dr.) George Werv and' A,àiting for . . . developed Veterans who are net Legion members can puirchase 1 Kinsmen Club ta meet their chijdren, Oshawa, at Mr. S. E. crcated and guaranlced by tickets at Elgie Hannden's Handy Store. Price $3.00. obligations. (2) To b. dra%,n Weýrnyr's.I Easy, leaders in home lauin- an, if and when. tbe Rink ma>' Messrs. Rav Bemis and Elmerl dry cquipment for 50 years. Legion members can punchase tickets fromn Hap las. money. (3) Depreciation on. Crouse, Osiawa, at Mn. E.ýi Hobbs àt the Legion Hall or from members of the equipment.1j executive. Price $2.50. Youn ink commitîce feels if. Spires. i $4.5 this recommendation is accepi- 1Mn. and Mrg. E. Spires andr ___________________________________________able ta Town Cauincil liaI fY", j ~~~r .J prs iI- $159.50 wlth Fump wil] nat b. necessarv for a loi Ilr, Enniskillcn; 4tb Vice, nJi lime ta approaci Town Couru. Gray R. R. 1, Port Hope. Secre- for grants for the Rink wh tany, Ed Milîson, Orono, and o!ucat--s- wold ei n U -ly -Trasue - obHcnryR.I.r Mur Un. at nd. Sms M Iar. and Mns. Clarence Vice i Pr. WaTimand-r.:30mip.a. Donna: Mr. and Mns. Mu- 9 iik Ps ie13 ..commended tiat $100o! oftichae Vc, iM. .,ebos $2.000 tunned aven ta counicil b'?' Vcemnhu . MH.L 8P , Bi, bau used for paving lbe increso. iClmbs Recealon ircto Do ~ Mr. and Mrs. Cham. Burdett, tiful and "dreamline-slnyled", salany granted because o y M haAln omavilc', wîth al tic wondcrful addilional duties at lie Arena. at Mn. Wes. Ycilowlecs'. asbîng efficiency of tie SA T RDA ]M I 7 i ad tât he the S100o Mr. and Mns. C. Neal1s and' exclusive EASY Spinalaton; SA T RD Y ,NOV 7 afdhhatater 2abe David, Peterborough, at Mr.i ..Whspeing Power' precis- - -plied against the debenture debt son Jirnrie. Wbitbv, aI Mn. E. aniun-enamelled steel tnf o neas oi Liacig Cacil endta ccptIbs e- Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Knox. ita liandle al water. - ----- ---- omendtin.Brougham, Mrs. H. Farrow, Horses from Thorneliffe Raceway and other points i Ie Planer Nceded Sîankvile, aI Mn. cGeorge $95 Mr. Watt slaied that the Corn- . Knox's.$195 milIee wiil sbortiy have ta bine, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, au W A C E aR1Ià N Cnice planîer- fnon Toronto tb Mn. W. B. Hoar ono pane doticve 10 ich sbeay lt'giss vMn.aylo.Pe arerr PRIVILEGES ON ALL EVENTS u tis ig made o lbe surace'Biîou kM. ad Mns.E. R. ay- rTh 1 i emae ofithe bsui lî Miss Eveln tayr. E heTy tiî a.He îequested liaI jlor's. l .L Admission $ 1.00 Ladies Free lseOte ,.orrym truck.alloderElzaetp lsTyan MissDa Radi Sho and tawn employeeq fan tice, vïd Craig. Salem, at Mr. Wes. eight baurs tbis job wilne- I H j1.-. Phone 573 38 Kint St. E FREE PARKING and GRANDSTAND quine. H. said the Comimittce isl MNis. Mabel WeslleY, Toronto aAMnil Willing ta pav uthe employees %viii ber sister, Mns. J. Yellow-Bwanle _______________________________________________a: heir negulan rate. lees and family. CLASSIFIED ABS IN MEMORIAM RUNDLE, Ge.-In lovbng mcmi- ory of Dad, who passed away Nov. 2nd, 1950. In my hearl youn memony lingers Always tender, fond and truc, Ticrc's not a day dean dad I do not tbink o! you. -Sadly missed by daugiber Lola and gnanddaughlen Heathen. 4- RUNDLE, George-I--ln oving memony of Dad, wha pasîedi away, Nov. 2nd. 1950. Eveny day in some small way Memonies o! you came my way Thougi absent you are even near Still missed, stili loved, and even dean. - Lovingly rcmembered by daugiter Mcl and son-in-law Jack. 45-1 Cards of Thanks I wisi ta tbank Hampton Service Club and Women's Insti-' lte, fniends and relatives, wio1 sent me cards during my îiness. Geo. Yeo 4-* Mr. and Mrs. Heben Souici, Onono, wish ta thank thein niany friends and neigibors lon theý gifts, flowens, cards and good1 wiuhes extended to them on tic1, occasion o! themr Golden Wedd-i ing Annivcnsany. 45-1 1 would like ta than k my rel-, atives, neighbors and Iniends for, tie lovely Ilowers, cards and' fruit sent me while 1 was sick. Special thanks ta thc Goodyear nurse and Local 189, also Dr. Birks and Dr. Milis. 45-1 I would like to take this op- portunity te say a sincere thank Yu OUe1 my parents who looked after the chi]dren and te the Burketon W.A. for a ]ovely card also te Dr. H. B. Rundie, Dr. Mc- Kenzie, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital for making My stay there so pleasant. Mrs. Harold De Mille. We wish to ake this oppo5-1 tunity Io express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends, relatives and neighbours for the lovely gifs. on the occasion of our 251h wedd- ing anniversary. Special thanks te the ladies who mnade coffee and to ail who served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. 45-1* We wish te extend sincere thanks and appreciation ta al] our kind relatives, friends and neighbours for sympathy, flow- ers and other acts of kindness shown in the loss of a dear wife and beloved mother, Mary Stella Crag. Wewould also like to thank Drs. C. W. Slemnon, H. Ferguson, H. Rundie, Keith, .Slemon and Mrs. Leetooze, nurse, for making her last three rnonths of sickness easier te bear. Lloyd Crago and family. 45-1* I wish te extend mny sincere thanks to my relatives. neigh- bors and friends, Nestleton and. 13lackstock Women's Instit tes, United Church and St. John's Anglican Church W.A., who so kindly remembered me withj flowers, cards, letters, gifts, etc.,1 during my lengthy stay in Osh-i awa Hospital. also to my sur- geons and the entire hospital staff, Io Bishop Wells, for their kind miniitrations- with special thanks to the eight gentlemen who donated blood. Virginia M. Archer. Blackstock 45-1* In the midst of our sorrow, we wish te express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation te Our many relatives, triends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown us in the losa of a beloved husband and fath- er, William Louighman. We i especially wish te thank Dr. C. N. Haugh, Rev. A. Linton of Toronto and Rev. T. A. Morgan; of Bowmanville, for their con-! soling words, ail the donors of the many heautiful floral off- Prings, the pallbtarers. Lynettsý F'uneral Home, and Northcuitt & Smith of Bowmanvilie. for their knd, efficient management of the services. Mrs. Emily Loughman. sons Bill and Bud. and daughter June. 45-1 - Repairs REPAIRS toail] makes of refrig-' erators, dornestic and commer. cial: milking cooiers. Hlggon Electric, 42 King St. E. Phone 438. 25-tf lUEOM'<SACK -TALK samc~ PEOPLa <Witt.L.ISTDJ 10 ft- i &BI.êuSAC,'tTAL.K Notices Reward of 550 for information leading ta the conviction of persan or persans who dama g#ed the street llghting systemn on Oct. 31, 1053. H.E.P.C., Village'of Newcastle. 45-1 The office of Keith A. Billett, Optometrîst, wili be moved from the present location at 74 King St. West to his résidence at 141 IKing St. East, effective Novemn- ber 1, 1953.. 44-3 To Whom It May Concern: 1 would appreciate it if the neighbors would flot give my child kittens or other animais as 1 have to dispose of them at Imy own ex ense. EÈdna Campbell. __________45 -1 INVESTORS Addltlonal partners wanted with $5,000 ta Invest In a DRIVE-IN THEATRE to be buit in this area For information, write Box 85, c/oà The Canadian Statesman 44-31 Township of Darlington Court of Revision wiil be held at the Township Hall at Hampton, Saturday, November 141h, 1953. at thé, hours o! 10 a.m. and 2, ta hear and determine the several complaints against the assess- ments of the Township of Dar- lington for the year 1953. J. D. Hogarth, Cierk.« 44-2 SWAIN SEED CLEANERS Watch for the openlnt of ane of thc most I'p-to-date GRASS SEED (JLEANERS fon publie leaning ln Ontario MAKE SURE IT IS NO. 1 SEED YOU O BY ETTNGUS CLEANM Dlacksfock 8SOn 1 45-1 Township of Cartwright Court of Revision Take notice that tue firsl, sitting o! tic Court o! Revision o! tb. Assessmcnt Rolof the Township o! Cartwright fan the year 1953 wili be held aItih liecreation Hall, Blackstock, on, Thursday, tic 12th day a!' Novemben, 1953, aItich houn of 10:30 in thie forenoon o! tic a!onesaid day. AIl pensons having business befone the maid Court Are here- by notified ta attend. Given unden my bond Ibis 27th day o! Octoben. 19,13. Henry Thompson, of the Township o! Cartwright. CASH PRIZES 21 Cames and $75 Jackpot-all for 50c - also- SPECIAL GAMES and SHARE THE WEALTH THURSDAY, NOV. 12 - 8 p.m. sharp NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Proceeds for Newcastle Lions Club Welfare Work Hiliadale Choiee sliied Pineapple Persona] HYGIENIC supplies - (nu bbcr goods) mailed poîtpaid in plain sealed envelope with prie list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Orden Uept. T-28. Nov-Rubben Ca., Box 91. Hamr- iMon, Ont. 1-52 Earn $50 Weekly Men-womcn. We have a sen- satbonai plan vhenêby you tan make $50 weekiy and more In spae tie by seiiing our corn- plete line of dry goods and yard goods. No experienre needed. Samples furnlshed. Free par- ticulars. REX TRADING CO. (Dept. 39) 5752 Park Ave., Montreal, Que. Handwork for Everyone WOOL - COTTON NYLON for crocheting and knitting, RUG CANVAS and HURLA? for mats and runners EMBROIDERY WORK and THREADS CANVAS PANELS, OIL PAINTS and BRUSHES STAMP ALBUMS and HINGES Just Received! A small sbipment of BLUE IKADO J. W. JEWELLI "fIigr 20" 27 King St. W., Bowrnanvllle PHONE 556 Dewkiqt Choice 20 or. titi o.tnCream Corn 2/25c AyImer ('hoice 20 oz. tan Lipton's 6' Tomato Juice 3/29C Tea Bags Ik.59c Globe Deaet 20 or. ~l Ayimer Poars - 19C Ketchup Pnhaurose 16 oz. ian Stokiev'a Sweef Pickles 25C Spaghetti Kraft Chooz Whiz Oak Lea! Golden KNernol Corn 11 oz. bot. - 22c 15 oz. tin 2/ 27c ýàr C'ountry Kiît Cut 15 oz. tin 37c Wax Deans 2/ 19c 14 oz. tins -- 2 For 25c QUALITY -AT LOW PRICES Fres hly KilIed Capons and Broilers FREE DELIVERY YEOI'S Meis and Groceries 55 KING ST. F. BOWMANVILLF PHIONE 3367

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