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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1953, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CÂNADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTAR!O T!ftTRSDAY. NOV. Nth. liii' Social anc Mr. James Broad, Mrs. Mark- leY and son Arthur of Belle- ville, visited with relatives and friends in the district on Sun- day. Mr. W. R. Carveth, with a group from Peterborough, is deer hunting in the Apsley dis- trict north of Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Brouwer of Oakville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Walton on Satur- day. Messrs. Lloyd, George and Robert Stephenson are enjoying their annual deer hunt in the Bayswater district. Mrs. P. F. Hare attended th? funeral of her cousin the late Mrs. Henry Bush in Trenton on Wednesday. Congratulations to Mr. Bal- four LeGresley who won a free year's tuition as a prize for his work in his second year's course, at the Ryerson Institute in Toronto. Balfour is now in bis third and final year of his course in Photography. The Rev. H. G. and Mrs. Croz- fer of Whitby were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Walton. The Rev. Mr. Crozier T1C K ETS TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamship Consuit JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 IPersonal Proposeti Waterworks Installation Anniversary Services of theeD susdatP bi e tn Newcastle United Church j-tn Sunday.With Engineers Present, Nov. 17 Miss Ruby Stoneburg of To-_____ ronta, visited wlth friends in Due ta a misunderstanding, were recommended (a) drilling the village aon the weekend. the public meeting callcd for oi wells south ai the C.P.R. Congratulations are in order last Fridify evening for the pres- tracks or (b) obtaining a water ta Mr. N. T. Selby ai Grand' entation ai the engineer's repart supply front? Bowmanville. Caulee, Sask., (former Newcas- ai the recent survey for water- It is cxpected that Dr. Berry, tle resident) who celebrated warks and sewers was postpon-. Deputy Minister ai Health for the 96th anniversary ai his birth ed until Tuesday, November Ontario will be present at the on Saturday, October 31st. l7th. Mr. Reed ai the engineer- public meeting aiong with Mr. Mrs. A. R. Randaîl spent sev- ing firm wished further infor- Reed af, the engineering firm. eral days last week vissting mation regardingé Yboundarie.s They will explain the detaîls of with ber mather, Mrs. Sam etc., before giving bis report, the system and answer questions Brock at Belîfauntain. and discussed these matters put ta them by ratepayers. The Miss Sara Moise farmnerly of with members ai the village value ai the.system, the cost tc Newcastle, had ber photo in counicil on Friday evening. the ratepayers for installation the Oshawa Times-Gazette re- The boundaries agreed upan, and the probable cost ai oper- cently as a recipient ai the Cor- wbich exclude farm lands, ex- ation will be amang the subjects onatian Medal in honor af the tend from the C.N.R. tracks an discussed. Coronation of Queen Elizabeth. the soutb ta the C.P.R. tracks In order ta be in a position ta Miss Moise bas taught school in an the north and from the C.P. vote intelligently an this ques- Oshawa for the past 25 years. R. subway on King street east tion, praperty awners should Mrs. Linda Stone spent a day ta the top ai the bul on the mnake a special effort ta attendý with Mrs. Gea. Smith, Newcas- west. A map ai this section bas this public meeting and obtain tle. been prepared by the engineers. first hand information an the Mrs. Gea. Smith, Newcastle, Two means ai securing water subject. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Farrow and attended Shi- Robin- Clu uasauwee Mr ad rs Mltn obnLions C "' Ifa"ow'e' Party son, Kendal, spent MondayL evcning with Mrs. Gea. Smith.1 Draws Larue, Well Costumed Crowtl CLEANING COMMENI1 Math hles-Maths may a bollow skelton ai textile apparently intact, which drap out during tise cieý pracesses. Help your Cicar serve yeu better. Big Appetite SnuaU Budget Its easy to treat yaur' family a yorbudget right when yau buy yorfoads at your thrifty Ad Super Market. Why? Because A&I law prices on hundreds of ite help you enjoy ait the good thin that make apptites tingle at sa ings that make piggy banks jing If that's musice b your cars, stop and shop at your A&P todayl DBAKERY SPECIALS ANN PAGE DELUXE LOAF CAKE 39C REG. PRICE 45c Ann Page KETCHUP A&P Fancy Red Sockeye SALMON sultana Peanut BUTTER Kraft Cheese VELVEETA " Ontario Mild CHEESE McCarmick's Butter DIX& DEEP 0131 SPECIALS A&P Nectar TEA BAGS 8hoart nin g DOMESTIC Libby's Deep Brown BEANS boxof 30 29 lb2 i 15-ez tins il Rose Brand MARGARINE li-oz btl 1 9c '/15s ti n 3 1c 1-oz îar 29c -lb plcg 29Ç lb 39c 8-oz pkg i9c lb 27 Stili Yaur Boat Buy! ANN PAGE WHITE BREAD SLICED OR UNSLICE] 24-oz loaf 15 C VITAMIN "B"l ENR ICH ED (Canada Approved) VIGOROUS AIP Choice Creamed AND WINEY CORN BOKAR A&P Chaice BOKAR PEACHES COFFEE A&P Choice COFFEE TOMATOIS 9 7 Robin Had White 1lb7 CAKE MIX Manarch FLOUR 20-oz tins, 25 28-oz tin 2.9 L28-oz tins 3 3, 14-oz plkg 2, 7-lb bag 47, PRODUCE SPECIALS' Flarida No. 1, Extra Large Size, Finest for Juice, Size 176 ORANGES iz Flarida No. 1 Marsh Seedless, Size 96 GRAPEFRUIT California Na. 1, Fresh, Crisp, Large Size ICEBERG LETTUCE California No. 1, Hand Selected Quality TOMATOESc Califarnia Sun Maid RAISINS 2-lb c, 10Ofor 49Ç ecd 1 :ello pkg l9ç cello pkg 43Ç MEAT SPECIALS THRIFTY READY.TO-COOK POLJLTRY Mer* they are! Ail carefully clensd and resdy ta caok- Plump Poultry $«eeted for extra dlicicus tating, and priced Iow to make thom an extra big buy right now. GRADE "A" - OVEN READV 4 te 5 IL.average 2 ta 3 IL average 4 te 5 lb. average 10 te 14 IL. average R> 55Ç lb 49Ç lb 59< lb 75Ç MIL FED CUT UP CHICKEN LESS, THICHS &DIEASTS lb 79c NECKS & lACIS 2 iî 25fc WINCS Il> 39e Smoked Shanklesa, Ready Ta Est PORE SHROUNDER Frosh Caught PIICEREL VIILETS 16' 47e lbý 45e h- -A THE GBAT AuIAN&T C OMP NY TI^* -a. ['S leave fibre will ýaning ner ta s nd ai! 'pi m s nv- le. in 9C 5C PC 7C YI rc T r - ~~~---- ------ 0---V M W WM amp wa 0 w " - Improving as the years go by, Leslie Stephenson and John the annual community Hallow- Jose. e'.zn Party held in the' cam«- Best Couple 8 and under - mi.nity hall on Saturday even- Milkmaid and Farmer - Stanley ing drew the largest and best anîd Sandra Cobbledick. costumed crowd in the history Best couple 16 and under - of this annual event spansored ogran CwbyFace by the Newcastle Lions Club. Cor and Cowboy, Frances The difficult task of judging d Riekier-iterd. ep the exceptionally fine cas- Mary Mahoney. tumnes was carried out to per- fection by Mrs. P. F. Hare, Mr,-. Best Boy - Miss Newcastle George Walton and Mr. J. Il. Charles Gray. Jase, while Mrs. John Scott at Best Couple - Scotch Cas- th'i piano supplied music during turnes - Jeani.e and Margaret the judging. Zweir. Judged the best costume of ail Best Costume af ail - Horse was a horse, worn by Mr. and --Mr. and Mrs. David Gray. Mrs. David Gray, while the Youngest Child in Costume- prize for the youngest child inl tied - Karen Lee Parker and costume went to Karen Lee Sandra Gould. Parker and Sandra Gop.ld who Each costumed guest was pre- w2re both the same age. sented with a lovely rosy red Prize Wlnners apple when leaving the hall. 6 years and under - Mr. _________ Pumpkin-Robert Dubeau. 7 ta 8 years-Gypsy Queen- ~ Marsha Barkhouse. C.G.I.T. Group 9 ta 10 years - Skeleton -Eno Aru i Bobby Brown. E il Anua il ta 12 years - Midnîght - H lo ee at Donald Rudman. HalwIe af 12 to .16 years - Chinese - Peter Belsey. The magie, mystery and eeri- Best Boy or Girl - Pumpkin ness of Hallowe'en were ush- -Robert Dubeau. ered in an Tuesday evening last Best Couple, 6 and under - when the Canadian Girls In Hawaiian costume, and Mr. Owl, Training of the Newcastle Un- ited Church, tagether with their le:i-der, Mrs. Wm. Storks, con- vcned li the Sunday School Parlaurs. '9 The traditional awe-inspiring rolaurs, ye]low and black, were veymuch in evidence lendinga soookiness which reduced ani- mated conversation ta a whis- per and ta some dcgree lent a residue af fear and timidity to some of the younger spirits. . . . the letters start. Then from ail over tise free world corne such comxnents as these from reatiers of THfE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONI TOR, an international daily ltewspaper: "The.Monitor is must read. ing for straight-thinking people." *I returned ta school alter a lapme of 18 years. 1I iIi get my dégrée front the coliege, but my education cornes front the Monitor. ..I *'The Monitor gives me idea.s for my work .. . .» *"I truly enjay its cons- pany. .. ! TYou, tao, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world news. You will discover a con- structive viewpoint in every newa storv. Use thse coupon below for a spe- cial Introductory subscription- 3 niontha for only $3. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Christlan Sciene Monitor On.SteS.. Doion 15. Maso.. u. S. A.j Picle tend me an introductory mubserip. lien Io The CCN!.itn Scient. Monitor- 76 Issues. 1ai ec.* $3.1 (nom.) <eddeps) (sou.) (sîas.) ?B.I1 That strange mortal - thse broom-was everywhere lurk- ing araund corners and peering fram crannies. The girls were garbed in a variety oi costumes, some 26 -i them, ranging ah tthe way from tise camie ta thse dignified sev- erîty ai the Mid-Victorian era and embracing the apparel worn by cowboys and cawgirls out an the range. Mucis time must have gone inta the preparing ai these costumes and Miss Verna Milligan must have experienced im difiicult time in judging the winners. Mary and Annie Pluister cap- ped thse award for thse Mid-Vic- torian ensemble, with Sheila Gogerty and Carol Gaines achie- ving honours. In thse categary of comic dress, Marilyn Robin- son rcceived tise nod ai the, judge with Leide DeWith garb- I ed ini Indian silks receiving sec- i ond place. Ardele Pickering asi an aid fashioned lady took firstl place with Barbara Alldread cluse behind. A wholesome and varied lunch brought the mast enjayable evening ta a close. To know bow ta suggest is th art ai teaching.-Amiel. A CIVIC SERVICE OF R EM EMBRBA NC E wiII be held in Newcastle Community Hall .on Wednesday, November 111h at 10:45 a.m. Speaker: Bey. SJ.Pike of Newtonville Ail Veterans of Newcastle and District are specially urged to attend. The Public is Cordially Invited. JOHN RICKARD, Reeve, Village of Newcastle. Rev. S. J. Pike Guesi Speaker ai Remembrance Service 7k A/lewcaeul 9zefet CIordon Agnew, Editor Phone 3621 New Canadian Ladies Guesis ai Oct. Meeting 0f Friendship Club The October meeting af the Friendship Club was held in the Sunday School Room af the United Church with 31 members and 14 gucsts in attendance. The president, Mrs. Charlotte Rick- ard, aiter a word ai welcome, opened the meeting with a pocîn entitled "God's Sunshine". Thse guests af the evenin g, a graup ai new Canadians ai var- ous nationalities, werc introduc- cd by Mrs. Helen Nesbitt. Each lady spoke briefly and sbowed articles brought with themn from the old country which proved very interesting toalal present. During the business perîod, the members were reminded that the group were catering ta a wedding on November 14 and a banquet an November 23rd. Mrs. Betty Brown reported that ber graup bad made up and de- livered 25 boxes ta thse Rest Homnes and shut-ins ai tievl lage. It was decided that me: t ings should start promptly at 8.15; a donation was made tai Some Actual Samples of.a. * Mr. G.-Dowman- ville wos ollowed $1500 for hi$ 1950 Chevrolet. * Mr. C.-1949 Aus- tin, was ollowed $927.50. the W.M.S. and a motion was unanimausly passed ta, purchase Bibles for the use af the Sun- day School classes. Mrs. June McMullen's group was responsible for the even- ing's program with Mrs. Lena Graham presiding. Mrs. Helen Rudeil moved a vote of thanks ta Mr. Cecil Carveth who bad entertained the group with the showing of moving pictures. The enjoyable evening was brought ta a close with a Hal- lowe'en Con test and the serving af deliciaus refrcshments by the group in charge. Winners of the cantest were Mrs. Jean Ail- dread, Mrs. DeWith, and Mrs. damage was donc in this district. *Mr. F. - Oshao, was offered $1900 for his 1951 Mon- arc h. *Mr. D. S.-1951 Ford, was allowed $1750. 301 DUNDAS WEST 138 King St. W., Oshawa Phone 5-2631 who did not regain consciausness M * Mr. H.--Omhawo, wos allowed $1700 for hlm 1951 Ford. *Miss S.-1 949 Pon- tiac was ollowed Ob Full nome on request SEAWAY MOTORS LIMITED WH ITBY Series of Crokinole Parties ai Yelverton Yelverton. - The Yelvertan Family Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson 9f Monday, Oct. 26, for their open- ing meeting of the fail term. A series af crokinole parties was planned for the purpose of rais- ing money for t he church shed project. It was decided ta hold these parties the second Wednesday af each month and the regular meeting the fourth Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm volunteered te have the first party ln November and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm the meet- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mal- colm are ta take the topic for the comlng meeting. The pragram was In charge of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm. Eileen read the scripture and Rcv. Norman led in prayer. Howard chose as bis tepic, "Oh, Master, Heal Hlm". The story concerned a man NOTICE TILAEOFCtEWCAfThE *Mr. Y-Ajax, e allowed $2050 for his 1953 Chevrolet. *Mr. P.-1949 Ford, - PHONE 429 Tom Cowon, Bowmonyil 134 King St. E. - Phono 689 The annual Civic Service oi Remembrance will bc held on Wednesday, November 11, at 10.45 a.m. with the Rev. S. J. Pike, newly inducted minister cf the Newtonville charge 91 the United Church, giving the Remembrance Day message. The service, whîch will be held in the Newcastle Com- munity Hall will be conducted by local civic officiais and mem- bers ai the local clergy, with Mr. Glen Aluin as guest soloist. It is expected that Newcas- tle and District Veterans will attend in a body and ail citi- zens are urged to attend this sqervice held ta honour the mem- c.ry of those wbo paid the su- preme sacrifice during the twa World Wars and the more re- cent Koreaf conflict. 4 j 3-lb. bug $2.85 CUSTOM GROUND GET un APPRAISAL - on YOUR CAR o,' TRUCK! .ON ANEW 1953 FORD le or MONARCH CAR or'TRUCK Nobody in town wiII givfe you 0 HIGHER ALLOWANCE For your cor on o trode! WE MEAN BUSINESS AND WE WANT IT! WHY con we make Higher Trades? ... Because 39 More Cars will put us in a higher Discount Bracket .. and besides this we have on low over- head! FowiL CHICKENS DUCKlS TruUREs. Prices effective Until Bat., Nov. 7th, 1963 Terri*fic Truudes!1 ý q mm amm he BURKETON Thse W. A. wili meet at the home ai Mrs. Mary Dean, Nov. 5th when final plans wlll be made for the annual bazaar, Thursday, Nov. 12 (aiternoon) in the church. Mr. Hector Grant, accidentally killed an Saturday, Oct. ist, was farmerly a resîdent and C.P.R. worker for many years. Sym- pathy is extended ta the rel- atives. Mrs. Jim Gatcheil spent a few days in Bowmanville with Mrs. Cecil Gatchell. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Hudson, Mr. Frank Greatrix, Peterboro, spent Sunday with Mr, Nelson Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard and family. Mrs. Tom Bailey at ber home for thse weekend, and Miss Ruby Bailey and Mrs. Baîlcy's sister, Miss Ruby McDonald, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter and Wayne with relatives, Mrs. L. Cochrane and son Harold Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Arthsur Binneil and cbjîdren, Toronto, with Mr$. Harry Rabm. A basket social was held and films by N.F.B. were sbown at the school Thursday evening with Miss Dorathy Campbell, the teacher, in charge. A good time was enjayed by alI. On Hallowe'en the chîldren dressed in costumes, called on neighbours ta "sheli out". No You are hereby notified that a PUBLIC NEETING will be held in the Community Hall on Tuesday, November 171h, 1953 at 8:15 p.m. Mr. Graham Reid wiIl be in attendance with the resuits of the water and sewage survey. R. B. RICKARD, Clerk, Village of Newcastle. for days after being injured ln il New Jersey train wreck. Hie wife nev6r lest falth that would live. At the exact ht 11:20, when bis pastor prayed for him in church, the man spoke his first word and did recover. Eileen followed wifji a reading, "The Hill Ahead". A happy time was had with some Hallowe'en games, and lunch brought the evenlng toa close. President Ray Robinson thank. ed Mr. and Mrs. Wilson for their bospitality and welcomed Rev. and Mrs. Norman and Mr. and Mrs. T. Spenceley. Snakes are unknown on island af Newfoundland. Husbands! Wives! Want new Pop and Vim? Thousandi of couples ame weak, worn..ouî, ex. hasuted polely because body lacici iron. Fornýew vins, vitàlit>', try Ostrex Toute Tablets. Supplies Irnyou, too, may need for xpcp; supplemen. ti'doses Vitammn Bi. Introduct>ry or «gt acquainted" size oaly 600. At ail druggists l" TM CÀNADIAN STATESMAN. IROWMANMLLLP. ONTAMO TMrMDAT, NOV. eth, loag 1 To the Citizens of the 1 1 - ww jý

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