j' T YRONE Best dressed man-June Tay- B-am. F hreMr .HgOciober Wedding of Interesi Kinsmen's Kids Fresh , R sbere But the rasber Best comic Woman-Bob Bur- Mr. F. Lindsay, Miss Margaret li IA ersaferta acod inr (Intended for last week) gess. Lindsay, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Eno ues. AMeeting No Phasnt ÂFund Cle, ha.A ayrt o Saturday evening the Young Best comic man - Marilyn W.ianc ndhy Lny n buse~it flyrp ap People's sponsored a Hallowe'enl Philps. den. bintepsionohangd- audyiene.the Hall w a ge:iceyPhis nd Mrie oupl o ens ntemehs u o artyiene.The hall wa ith a hlarg Bsadrss e u l ou e Mrs. R. Foster and children Members of the Bowman- The wonderful October wea- i h c e c o r a t e d w i t h s t r e a m e r s , b a l - B s t c o i c c o p l - L r r i ntCt h r i e s Bl it herrh l depaa rg tonht st r c t s e m s t o h aeto.i n e d e r t m y l a o r lbons, etc. A large number raoeva n B hlipsn isearca udc ville Kinsmen Club brought ther experienced in this dis- we trusi h apere a in costume and were ge dat Rsva n etty hllp. iss'Paeeting Tueddah, Nov. 3rd, trict_________________have_______________________ the door bya grte Bob Coombes was chairmani manville, visited bier sister, Mrs. meeting_____________________________Nov.____ a ghstArlne nd aveoutthe rizs. arr ý urry Tbb.which was held as Sons and Rosevear. Joan ghoset Alene d gaeuthepze.LrvMryTab Daughters night and the kid- the piano for Brcket plye Rosevear assisted with gamnesl Mr. Kari Colbary is spending dies had a whale of a time. Af- Mrs. marching. and scrambles of peanuts and, a week with friends at Matawa. trteiecem oke n Mr.Walter Vaneyk, Mr. Fred kisses. Mrs. Cameron Emburgh, Mrs. caerthee erem oies, and Smith, Long Sault; M-rs. M'alter Lunch of cook les, candy and! F. Shorten, Mr. W. Hogg, To- ticombnation we o ves ov Ind Rahm wcre judges. Prize wlfl apples was served in abund- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. N. Bosley, ti obnto feet rv 2 ers w ere as follow s: IM . L r k , M s ~ ~ W r ed m ost popular. 12 and under: Mission Band met Sunday den, wih Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall. President Ken Nicks welcom- Best dressed girl-Joy Cham-'I morning. Officers for coming Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare ed the youngsters and asked C !~g berlain. vear are: President, Audrey' visited Mrs. W. Kilpatrick, Port each member to introduce them * Best dressed boy - Davidý Wood, vice president, Shirley Perry. to the gathering. The children Brent. Coombes, secretary, Lauraîne Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett, almost outsang their fathers Best comic girl-Lynn Stain- Cook; treasurer, Grant Glaspell; Scugog Island, with Mr. and during the sing song led by Kmin ton, leader, Mrs. W. Rahm; assistant,: Mrs o. Beckett. John Graham with Ivan Wool- Best comic boy - Kenneth Mrs. W. Murphy.1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs and ley at the piano. Murphy. Club 49 met -at the home of 1 Michael, Mrs. T. Gibbs visited Birthdays were celebrated 0 Best dressed couple- The An- Mrs. W. Rahm last Wednesdav1 Mr. H. Perfect in Cobourg Hos- HyeKis, Wil JohWals, oward iiis", the Skinner children. evening with a good attendancè. 'pital, on Sunday.HaeWly ali, owr Comic boy and girl xvas won! Mrs. Elva Beckett joined the i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Sturrock and John Graham. by Shirlev Coombes and Carol club. Birthdav fees were paidi Oshawa in company with Mr. Kin. Dr. John Werry present-ý Yellowlees. and plans were made for quqilt- i and Mrs. John Wilson, spent the ed a baby blanket on beh.aî o The Tyro Bos-John Cook, ing a quiît in November. Lunch weekend with relatives in Mon- the club members to Kin Don Jerry Taylor, Douglas Staintori. was served. i treal. Wrigit who is a recent father. 12 vcars and over: Mr. and Mrs. George McClen- Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bigelow, President Nicks announced that Bes t dressed woman Lorne non. Peterborough, visited her Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards visit- an invitation has been extend- Phillips. i sister, Mrs. F. L. Byam and Mr. ed Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Robin- ed to the local Kinsmen to at- son, Lindsay on Sunday. tend an inter-club meeting with Mr. and Mr,, Alden Hoar and the Cobourg Kinsmen Club on fail istd r adMrs. November 20. Kin Stan Dufn George W7hite, Bowmanville. asked al! members to bring a Serve cok6 ai hom e... Miss Marion Wright, Peter- guest of the next club meeting *WMY NO, \ÈEN- boo ghapet th ee e dat __ __ __ __ __ __IT'S EIGHT-THIR- hier home. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp ~IT~ o' vrodyu Icrccrut.We o visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S ALEMY DIQUATE WIRING ofctrc Claop, Belleville. build or modorniz. provide A You know guests enjoy the Trno pnthwekdwi (tne frm IIIee inatchless, delicious flavor of - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton.A ubrfo thcmun tea guests of Mr. and Mes. R. J. at te horneofMr.and r.W Cokn tebt..te. o nw y ke oMr.andMes S.T.Hoa wee tIh f o Mr .AHRS AN itving teve t.thie kflOW Hocîgson Sunday evening. rCraig in honor o M.and Mrs. IECR WRIG. REPIS AD REIG ATN itto. erv i ie cld ' 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Perfect and Douglas Reynolds, a recentBo36 right in the bottie. , J Richard, Bowmanville, with Mr. brieton atd gasochairm .a ckor4he KINGo 438 HOMERAPLiANEAL ER and Mrs. J. Gibbs. ltn ce scara o h hn 3 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Chipman Kean are shown about evening. Mr. F. Blackburn readHO EAP NC and Mvargaret visited Mr. and . 1. an address conveying the best ________________________________ ~j\ .Mrs. Walter Rahim. to cut tii wedding ck following hi marriage onl wishes of the community. They M.and Mes. LodAldread October 10 xvhich took place in Trinity United Church were presented with a set of and Maxine, Mr. James Ail- parsonage. The bride is the former Gladys Marian Brooks, folding chairs and a set of ash ,~~~ J ~~~deead, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ce- dauhtro Mr n Mr.AhrBoksBwm vie trays. The evening was spent in clAlldread, Bowmnanville. la\ing ad neistn fe Miss Joan Trimble, Bowman- and the groom is the son of Mrs. B. Carleton and the late hih uch ardser d.stn e ville, visited Mrs. Harcold Wood- Mr. Evan Kean. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Collacutt adfml ihM.adMs cueNw ,ý._L Mr. Jack Bird and Jacqueline, and rs.H. astes, ow-Shaws H me Schol BIT ARYH. Van der Hurl, Blackstock. Shaws H me Schol BIT ARYMrs. Nettie Cole and Miss M rs E. Far oîl To __ ___ __S te la B lack burn , N ew castle, rotvsitdMs W ilr Welcomes Newlyweds WILLIAM P. LOIJGHMAN with Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn. f ro mCI L Tommy, Mr. Ira AnodUnio Ain-rn Miss Lillian Cole, Town, was vilvisited Mrs. W. Hughison.A lH lo e nPai William Pateick Loughman a Sunday visitor with Miss Ger- Mr. and Mes. George Alldread, passed away at his home, 129 da Ceaig. Mr. and Ms. Earl Prescott, vis- On Friday, Oct. 30, witches ,Ta ne St., Toronto, on Wednes- Miss Ida Stephens and Mrs. Me.andMes Ac Abott nLrsrv bym chracersRob iday, October 28, 1953, in his Lawrence Squair, attended the Oshawa. i Hoods, cowboys and Indians, 71lst yeae. He had been in poo wedding of their nephew, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Barber~,i together with ma ny, other mask: health for the past year but Grant Moffatt and Miss Marion Toronto, Mr. and Mes. James ccl creatitres, invaded Shaw's, after several weeks in hospital Collinson in Markdale Anglican Graham and Garfield, Mrs. i'tÀrSchool when the Home andi he recuperatedi enouIgh to rea- Church, Saturday. Macdonald. Bowmanville, wizb Suhool Club held their annual:te owr o bu w Mrs. Sam Buttery and Mrs. rnonths. He suffered a relapse~ e hcltnatne h Mes. F. Scott. Halloween parts'. i epebr n adsn eAun Saleytonf te WM. t Congratulations to Mes. A. H-., A fier the grand parade th.iý been confined to bis home. Euunniskll fteW...a Beent who will ceebrat e ber judges, Mrs. Hope, Me. William Mr.Louhma xvs hm n last week. 8hs brtdayThrsavNoe Br~aggad Me. Douglas Wight'Nwe.NJ.btrmvdt Mr. and Mes. Lloyd Richards fol1o t li fuhluwin attended the funeral of Mes. Several W.M.S. members at- Mes. Otto Bragg prv e he1WetVieginia wtien a boy, ' Lloyd Crago last Friday. tended the W.M.S. Autumn Rai-rusc where he spent bis young man- MeadMs.Lli Wes ]y at Enniskillen hast week. Ps rse ilpesho hood and received bis educa- an d famihy with Mr. and Mes. L Me. ancl Mes. Waltee irlRah-snhol,!tion. A sistee, Mes. MieFarns- * l~'d bahoolMrsu.viCeshim.Me. and Mes. Lloyd Richards Rahm, Bueketon. Best dcesse ov pie-se ol-gînia,suveshm and family visited with Me. and M is s Margaret Chamberlain Ruv Rilyc\. as a cowboy. ilwthMsCarePoadyte n offl Usen hewekn wt Br àest dressed girls pub'i].r He Ccame to Bowmanvlewt r.CalsPharMrio mXirr:r: ft h eeedwt Br ,teGoodvear Tire and ubber Sunda. ~~g Carton ~bara Taylor. school - Donna Eyre, little oldi Co,ýfrom' Akron, Ohio, and for ran Mrs. J. StruttiOP!Tk tesyugld..btplteeoeo hdcuding Ioderai Tares Plia deposit 2 icin Hod BrbraKest of the machine shiop at the Welsh on Tuesdav. ZION ~~w itch: Fave Taylor, Mother 1 Goodyeair plant in Bowmnanville.' There was a good attendance chemistry's modern, lightweigbt plastics, i h erto e egt Authorized botier of Coca-Cola under contraci with Coca-Cola Ld. RI u bbard. i For the hast 21 yeaes he haod at the Hallowe'en party held at lifting" act. She's holding a 93/ pound poyhn1abyue o (Itede fr as wek -Best dressed1 bo,, hower grades wcoeked continuouslv at the the chuech last Friday night. storage and transport of chemicals. Moretaîa sso estl (Inendd fr lst eèk -Peter Wre, ndian; Walter: Viceroy Mfg., Co., Dupont St., H AM B LY'S BEVERAGE S Sympallhv of the communitv Rickard, cowbLoy; Upper grades, Toronto.srvedb biwf, S. .No 9 C rk polythene are in flexible, bandy "squeeze"bueadpoeu iextended to Me. and Mes. Jas. Bro Rahb, Robin Hood, He i uvvdb i i film bags for fruit and vegecables. OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE .1-2733 HaYw'ard aind familv of Wel- Jaiiiès ýRickard, Robin Hood. hfr r ml Thcsn S. .No9,Cak.... ____________corne, in the loss of tlieiir ittle Character costume, girls -j t he fome wEmilv TIas _______________________________________________son, who met Xith a fatalaci Cliristiiîa Lamb, cave woman \,bmh -etwe h a ei- foreladv at the Goody\car. Bow- (Intended for last week).... uuuumummmauumuoelmuuooeum.oeuuammuu Ident on his wav homne fom Charauter costtume, boys- manville. A daughter. Mes. E. J. Me. and Mes. Austin Turner suhool Hallowe;en party Fn Frun tcetup Strathdee (June), sons Raymond and Helen, spent Sunday wîth da.v afteenoon, Oct. 30. Alost original costumie-Jean J. (BudI, at home and William Me. and Mes. Llew Hallowell, M or B. .U .s p r d lla Me an Me. H~uwaedwer Stcey Litieolc lay.A. Niagara Falls. Starkvilhe, and attended Anni- residents of Zion at une time. Cuseicvostue, cilden - W eesorey that little Fat Davidi WerrY, clown. The funieral xvas held un Sat- versaeysevcstee IHarness had temsoun ComIIic costumte, aduît -Mes., irday, October 31, at F. Lvcett Visitors with Me. and Mrs. be hit by a car on 'ais way hom .Dwnv rm.Ftneral Home, Dtîndas St.W., C. Fisk weee Me. Max Fisk, St....... W hu~~~ifrm sehool Friday afternoon ýBet dressed lady - Ruth 1Toro~nto, with Rev' . LintonJonQuecM.RdPnt, ~oth ciatiiig. On arrivai at Bow- St. Catharines; and Me. John ' atter a Hallowe'en party and Braggt, Ladv Robin Hood. of ute evc ik atseLk.DydFs hope he ~~~Best dresscd man- Jim manV'llea utesevcwsFskBpiteL e.D idik hp hewill soon be up andRae, ngsh etlm . held at Nothcutt & Smuith Fu.n- accompanied Me. Penton home m iiî'iarouînd again. Biný,Egihgnlmn W.W 1Mes. A. Maris, of Windsr Best couple --Me. and Mrs. 0. eaI Home with Rev. T. Arthur' to live with bis twin sister, Di- _________________Iwas a recent guest of Me. and Osbornîe, Me. and Mes. Purina. Moind ffcatn and mr aoiy s Gbo anne.s Kt Mes. Del. Whitnew. Bust Hallowe'en costume, girl old iensan ore as c Mes. . isonwand thMes. Kit Me. and Mes. Edwin Ruthven i M-Aaiieiie Downey, Red Riding utes from the Goodyear attend-ckOhwwt e.F AUTOMA77C M.adMsiKihCseh od c.Bowen, Mondav. Messes.IWahîee andeBo 4-vag dut mt throum mev k«ht k~ Vmt bm sef Special Deal with Power Blower Unit worth $27.50, regitiar S14 Colenman Hleating Unit complete withl Hleater, Tank and BIoiwer, only $119.95 Corne in and sec this mwonderfiîl heater Lander ffardware Phone 774 nage ueUIEEUA5DEAERUEUaEMUUI.. KLLL.D(R'RV The death oecureed on Sep- teniber 10, of John Newton Tav- lor, at the Meniorial Hlosp)ital, (Iiîteiided for hast week) IBowmanvaiiile Mes. George Clarke, Tor~on- The deceased was buen near r to, spent Ttîesday with Mes. Arnaud, Manitoba, Juhv 21, Bill W'ainaii. ] 882.Mr. and Mes. George Hender- He farmied on the th lot of son, Orono. visited Fridav with the fiest concession of Cart- Me. and Ivrs. Ken. Hendlerson. wright, foemeehv knowýn as part Mr s. Thompson spent the of the Bruîce peoperty. lie at- weekendic with ber daughters. tained geeat success geowing Me. and Mes. Ahex Walkee, potatoes. Bowmanville, Funeral service %vas held" on The childeen enjuved a Hah- September 12, at the United h ou-Cen party at the schooh Fri- Church, Burketon. vith Rev.1 day atternoon. H. H. Lackev' of Claremont, out- Me. and Mes. K<en Hender- ficiating, in the absence of Rev.r son and familv, Mes. Patteeson R. M. Sevmocir. a nd Me. and MeIs. Bill Wannaiî Pallhearleles were: Hereet uand Ru-c.. spen-t Sundxv with llooe.\, Leith B 'vers, Jitu Ciirean, relatives at Cuit and P't Cee-i Wm e laighlin, G or do n ci Steong and Dan McTaggart. I Mr. and Mes. Fred Geaham Interimiit \xas in Hlampton and Merril , vîiied with Mr. Cerneterv. and Mis George Glanvihle, I.eft to mnourn bis passing arel NE'.cas. le. hiiz wîdow. the former Beateice i NMes. A. Evanîs, Orono, spent Stark. and three sons, Douglas, ýMundlav with Mes. Patterson L.eslie and Stanle-v iwo beoth- uand Ms.Bill Wannan. efrs. Tanimage îof 01-lawa and Ed- La- luc.keep in mnid mimd of Briish Coluimbia; tw.ýo tht àWJ\I S. Thankoffering ser- sriters . Me. MWîlfrsd Wetherilt! vice on VÇccbnerdla\-afternoon. of Caesarea and M.\rs.*Fred Toms .Nov. I liih, xwhen Mes. Reid of of En n skilUen; also, hve grand-i1 Hampion. will be our guesti ~4/~W Blg-velwn warm-ak SPECIAL! 7 King St. E. 441 TMMSDÀY, NOV 12,195s PAGE TEX THE CANADIAN . STATESMAN. 139WMANMLLP, ONTARIO