?TRAY, NOV 12,1i953THE CAIqADIAI STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO 7/e Accute oi4eke4d ri Agne w, Ediior Phone 3621 Religion in Distant Counîries Makes Interesting Discussion ai W. M. S. SThe November meeting o! be.,t Christian Youth Magazines 3e, Afternoon Auxiliany o! the n the worid. -.S. o! Newcastle Unitcd Mis- Mason spoke o! Dr. Frank< .ruech 'as beld on -Tbursdav, Laubach, the Apostle o! the ili- Nvmer 5th. with Mns. W. F-., terates, w-ho recently spoke ta ikadopening the meeting a packeci intendenominational with a few lines assuring ber rally aut Bloor Street United hearers that God answers pnay- Cburcb in Toronto. He predicts er. "«Hua promises are sure fan that withnn four yeans the wboie thase wha seek". o! Afnica and Asia wili be dom- Mrs. Hoar was in the chair' inated bv the Communists un-1 fon th,ý cievotional and studyý less the. Chistians o! the world Perioc'. Aiten caihing on Mrs. do something about it. He also Taylor to read the scripture' is quoted as saying tbat "Tbe Which was relative to the themne. masses want us, the govenn- "the Church, the Body af ment-, want us, but the cam- Christ", she enlanged on these, munists are beating us by Word. "Destray this temple and spending two billion a yean 'M Social' and Personal Week-end visitons with Mr. guests with Mrs. Wni. Quigg. and Mrs. H. C. Pedweil on the His many friends wiil regret occasion o! their forty-!iftb wed- ta leanmi that Mr. Thos. Enwright ding annivensany wene, Mr. and was taken ta Hospital in Toron- Mns. Russell Pedwell, Mn. and ta on Tuesday. Mrs. Lloyd Peçlwell and Canal, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Dud.ley Mr. and Mns. Keitb Pedwell, ahI and family o! Wiilowdaie were of Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Stan- Sunday guests with Mr. and ley Rickand and famiiy o! Bea-, Mrs. George Walton. venton, and Mn. and Mrs. Mau-I Mrs. M. Parks of Ameliasburg rice Pedwell and Barry o! New- visited on the weekend with castle. Mr. H. T. Manes and family. Mn. and Mns. Donald Jose The annuai meeting of the wene guests of latter's aunt and local Bible Society is being held unci r M. and Mns. M. S. Bed- this evening in the United fondFat a faifly dinner panty at Chuncb Sunday School Hall the Granite Club on Fniday with the Rev. Edgerton Young evening. o! Tornrto, as guest speaker. Mn. Mn. and Mns. Vie Pattenson a! Young will be presenting a film Ottawa, Mn. and M'rs. Joe Quigg depicting "'I¶e Bible in Daily and Joan. and Mrs. Patterson Living. AIl interesting persans i J [ordoi in three days I wil raise it W'itb prarrises in-dul] -books'and Sr., o! Toronto, were week-end are invited ta attend.~ again". . magazine.s. The Christian worid Mr,;. H. Jose and NMrs. H. R. could bave had the non-Chris- Pearce sang very acceptably the, tian world long ago if they had duet "Bigbten the Corner"' exerted as much effort. Sa clos- u lcS ho P p at n I cr se with Mrs H. Aluin playing the ed a stuidy perîod gîvnng much Piano accompaniment. Mrs. Hoar, fond for tbougbt. idn cloedth dvotonl it pay- Drig hebusiness session, Beyon d Capacity of Preseni Buidn* er. lýthe menibers were given a fi- Miss Blackburn was cailed nanciai uplift by the report o! The Newcastle Public Scbooi upon to give a summary o! the, a gift Of $100 from the Frieni- Board bas been expensencing a Thieves Break Int second and third chapters o! the ship Group o! the cburcb and most difficult task duning re- Study Book dealing with thp two other substantial donationscetmtsastecooppuCN R W îngR m work camps in India and that wbicb bave also been receivedcetmrhashecolppuC.N R.W ing om country's religions. Members o!, recently. for wbich the mem- lation bas continued to grow,Sea vrie.Pi-,l these work camps camne from: bers are trulv grateful. overflowing the facilities avai- ea Exrs Prcl Japar. U.S.A., Burma and the! able in the present school build- Phiilipir.es. One member from ing. 1 On arriving for work on Mon- the latter country dreaded Lioneffes Club According ta the chairman clf day morning, the local CN.R. meeting the Japanese because the Board, the Rev. D. R. Dewd- Agent, Mr. P. F. Hare discover- of the suttering caused bis fam-Pln nimE ney, the Board bad boped at the ed that the waiting roamn had Ily by themn during the last war. Plas N veALLIeL beginning o! this year, that pres- been broken into sometime A Japanese girl dneaded meet-, nt facîlities would handle the duning the nigbt. ing himn and each had pI anned B azaar and Te# school population until next The thieves were not success- a& somnewhat bitter speech wben I____ June. Hawever, an unexpected fui in gaining entrance ta the they met at the camp. However.' At the regulan Novemben meet- influx of chiidren ino the vil- office, but made away with the, these speeches were fongotten ing, the membens of the New- lage bas made this plan impos- night'rz express, sonie seven and eam.+ entened into the spirit sible. uniaking it necessary for shipments which were le!t iml of the group. castie Lînnettes Club discussed the Board ta seek facilities for the waiting romr until morning. One part of India being Mos-L final arm angements for the an- an additnonal ciassroom else- Entry was gained by bneaking lem and the othen Hindu with - muai Christmas Bazaan and Tea where in the village. Severai the lock on the door ta the several minor religions mixed sponsoned by the Club during availabie properties bave been waiting room.. A. R. Randali, lo- in. when one speaks o! Chnis- November. surveyed by the Board mem- cal Chie! of 'Police and Con- tianity, sorne dlaim that there is bers and though suitable with stable Higbam of the C.N.R. Po- ton much religion now and it After same discussion, the certain changes, the cost of con- lice are investigating. was religion which was respon- members voted ta give their version bas not met witb the __________ aible for dividing the .country.I support ta the Teen Town group Board's approval. Every pas- Mins H. Mason sumrnarized i sible angle bas and is being in- Most Canadian families spend' the fifth chapter, tauchnng o naw openating in the village. vestigated by tbe Board in the more on cigarets annually than Japan, the Philippings and New As a resuit of a request for hope that a suitable classroom tbey do an health services. Guinea, telling of the prevalent assistance from the Parent Coun- may be establisbed.t Illiterary. It is startling ta hean cil o! the Cerebral Palsy organ- In the meantime, the Board "CLENy N C1ENS that over onte haif of the people' ization of Oshawa, Bowmanville is proceeding witb plans ta hirec In the world can neither read' and 'Newcastle district, the club anatonltahe-atk Play safe. Although noa garm-t sior write. Commuriism bas -its' authorized the Health and el- over at the beginning o! the ent is completely pre-shrunk,( greatest hold in New G uinea.1 fane Committee ta investigate year and it may yet b e found' you are usually safe if it is1 The Philippinés' is the only, the equnpment needed by the necessary ta take the junior labelled "pre-sbrunk" or "san-é wrholly Christian country in the arganization and purchase and; classes in morning and after- forized." Help your Cleaner ta Crient, Predominately Roman present ta the group same suit-'i noon shifts in onder ta accom- serve you better. Lakeshoret £Catholic, it bas a Christian Ra- able piece o! equipment nat ex- modate the large number fDvsoryCensIstue ~in Station and bas one of the ceeding $150 in cast. childnen. (Ontario) Limited. MEMO TO ADVERTISERS %- for advertimsimng, too!l Lumber-by the foot 'j 'r' *# ... 1' t4 t Whet-by the bushel What a fix we'd ail be in without those standards of measurement for the goods you buy and seil. Imagine the confusion, waste and doubt in business transac- tions if we didn't have accepted standards of weighté and measures-known values. We believe it is just as necessary for u8 to tell you what yau get for your advertising dollars, in ternts of known circulation value, as it is for you to do busi- ness with your customers on the basis of recognized standards. That's why this newspaper is a inember of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. WHAT IS THE A.B.C.? The Bureau is a cooperative and nonprofit association of 3450 publishers, adver- tising agencies and advertisers in the United Status and Canada. Organized in 1914, A.B.C. brought order out of advertising chaos by establishing a definition for paid circulation, rules and standards for measur- ing, audîting and reporting the circulations of news- papers and periodicals. WHAT A.B.C. DOES FOR YOU. At regular inter. vals one of the Bureau's large staff of experienced circulation auditors cames to aur office and makes a * thoraugh audit of our circulation records. He has ac- cess to ail of our books and records ta obtain the FACTS that tell you what you get for your money - when you advertise in titis newspaper. Land-by the acre aPCSoline-by the gallon -i 1< 'r." 4 WHAT A.B.C. REPORTS TELL YOU. The circula. tion FACTS obtained by the A.B.C. auditor are con- densed in easy to read A.B.C. reports which tel! you: Haw much circulation we have; where the circula- tion goes; how it was sold and many other FACTS about the r ~ - audience we provide for your rbk3C ~ sales messages. Make your adver- - - tising investments on the ba8s of this audited information. Ask zhQiiAV t for a'copy of our A.B.C. report. AL C- REPORTS - FACTS AS A BASIC MIASURE 0F ADITISINO VALUl Mr. and Mrs. Ed. FlorY, Nia.' PeoPle's Union beid its regular, ira-on-thie-Lake; Mrs. H. Cale, meeting ton Monday eveniog at: laptai; vîvsited Mr. and Mrs. Courtice church. The meeting ohn His. aperied with the Young Peaple's' Rex'. A. F. Cresswt'1l, Linîdsay, Pîmrpose followed by the busi- ,as lea guest of Mr. aild r ness perîad which made plansi k'i-miie Vrtiie last WCUek. * for the Sundayv seri~vces. Theý M". 'W Ms- GorgeAlideadguest speaker for these services *i'. gmîd-rs ;of xAldea ill be Johii Medland, presm- 1r <c-~0 n u d Ms.A. dent of toc Oshawa Xî Vaung Pen-: mnmp.', o an Ilr. ~mlMs .pie's Pirovter. The' devotional! ~rdx, Bwmaivm ic. ,v.as ii c:arge of Miss Dorotnvi Mm.,-Ses Mlarion WVIîght andi Soineriile arnd Miss 'Marion 1 a he peri. Peel'bOI OLI211W,,mani. Opened hx cali ta Mr- eahsCollege. spcn?.i ls sh 1 p fafloxx cd bv hymn. The' ,ek a, Bethesda school. cnipture was taken hy Miss Mr. and id rs. A. Jones, To- Wyvman. A rmeditation by Don-' )ntn, spent the weekend at othx- c.ntned on the "~Christian, onaid Slountjay's. Cati". Mn. ani IMrs. J. C. Cook aiid' àmilv visite(] Mns. J. C. Cook G. eoi-geto\wn, and Mr. and nrs. T. MurdBiampton. Womnen's lnsttute i 's bc'ing Id Nov--",)her181h ' 2pým at nr.ih Patay Ho éKiinBow- manvilie. 1 Going fo Kingsbon COURTICE Ladies of Courtice Woman'ý Assn. aie busy preparing foi their bazaar. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kinsman anè son Morris, were week-enÈ guests at the home of Mr. ané Mrs. F. Johnson, Kingston-, als visited Mrs. Kinsman's brother Mr. Lloyd Echlin, who is a pa- *tient in Perth Memorial Hospi. Deepest syMpathy of Cour- tice and Ebenezer comunities iE extended to relatives of the latE Mrs. F. Courtice, who passe< away reeently in Toronto, alsc to Mr. D. Shutka and famiiy on the passing of his grandfather, the late Mr. John Andrey, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans, Charles and Douglas, spent the dinner hnur Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Penfound. Mr. and Mrs. C. Simmons and family attended the wedding or Saturday of Mrs. Simmons' sister, M\;iss Marilyn Baird, heic at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Baird of Blackwater. Rev. L. H. Turner, B.A. A fanîily get-together was The liev. Lawrence H. Tur- held at the home of Mi1. and ner, B.A., pastor of the Newcas- Mrs. H. Scorgie Saturday even- tle United Church during the ing in honour of Mr. E. Gatch- past three and one haîf year s ell's birthday, and ahl report a has received and accepted a cali pleasant evening. to become minister of the On Monday afternoon, the Cookes' United Church in the Gond - Will group of the W.A. éitY of Kingston.i met at the home of Mrs. Cecil .Mr. Turner, who camne toi Simmons and during business Newcastle in July 1950 from1 period, a child's quilt was under the Victoria Avenue United way for the bazaar. Program Church in Goderich. plans to ivas planned for next meeting, take over bis new pulpit in, also tea and lunch to be served Kingston the first Sunday in by the W.A. ladies on Saturday December. afternoon. The Laying of the Corner Stone wil] be an historic event -~ in the lite of Courtice United Marrid CoplesClubChurch on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 14, at 2 o'clock. Bath nid Sponor Flm SOWS and youiig fromn the district are invited to attend. President of For Village Children Bay of Quinte Conference, Rv ________Poulter, and Chairman of the Meeting in the Lions Roomi of Oshawa Presbytery, Rev. H. the ommnit Hal o We- 1Mellow will be present. Ladies thesa Commnity all ontedr- of the W.A. will pour tea and nesday evningeravt thenme. bers of the Married Couples.srelnh Club o! the United Church1 Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Penfound: spent the social part of the even- 1 Of Whitby 'were dinner guests ing piaying Court Whist with' Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Martin and Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Penfound. G. Szwear high and low lady Mr. and Mrs. E. Reid and Mr. respectively, and Stan Powell D. Thompson, Oshawa, spent and Frank McMulien high and! the dinner hour with Mr. and low gents. 1 Mrs. C. Thompson and familyý Duririg the business porti*on recently.1 of the meeting, the presiet Mr. E Milgate, Mr. Glenn! Brenton Rickard reminded theý Reynolds and Mr. G. Lintoný members that the annual elec- have returned home after sev- tion of officers for 1954 will takeI eral days in the Apsley district place at the Deceînber meeting. and report bagging a 200 pound Reports given by those in charge buck. of thc lunches served at the In- Mr. C. Tbompson, son Orville ternational Plowing match at and Edward- Wilson attended Cobourg, showed that over 1200 the father and son banquet at: lunches bad been distributed Camp Samac Friday evening. l during the four day match, and Several from this community that after buis had been paid attended the Reckzin-Duketchý the club would realize approx- wedding at Albert St. church,ý imately $500. Oshawa. Saturday afternoon , Votes o! thanks were extend- inciuding Mr. and Mrs. Herb. ed to Bill Allun who made the Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. C. Pen-i project possible and to Mrs. Gor- found, Mr. and Mrs. E. Milgate, don Gray the head convenor' Mrs. Murray Stacey, Mr. and and ail of bier assistants. The Mrs. T. Gladman and Mr. and rnembers decided that the club Mrs. F. Thompson. ecure films to present a mionth- Home & School Assn, regular ly show for the children of the meeting will be held at the new village. Courtice schooi Tuesday even- Foilowing the business, a love- ing, Nov. 17, at 8 o'ciock. Mr. llunch was served by the comn- Stanley Richardson, District mitee n carg an a eary'Scout Commissioner, Oshawa, velcome was extended to the wili be guest speaker. visiting couple. Mr. and Mrs. Eucbre at Courtice school Stan Powell. was enjoyed. Prizes were won by: Ladies' first, Mrs. F. Bal- The commîttee named for the, son; con.solation, Mrs. G. Goyne; )ecember meeting were Mr. Gents' first, Mr. Harry Gay- and Mrs. Bill Allun, Mr. and consolation, Mr. George Black;'I sirs. Lloyd Stephenson, Mr. and Door prize, Mi1s. E. Goyne. ilrs. Szwear and Mr. and Mrs. Courtice W.A. will hold itsi Pluister. regular meeting Thurs, evening,, Nov. 19, at Courtice churcb. Picase notice ladies, it's an T YRONE evening meeting. ________C.G.I.T. met Wednesday at W.MS. adis et t te hmeCourtice church. Contest was W.MS. adis et t te hmeenjoyed. Friendship Knot was f pr'esiWent, Mis. A. His with mastered by ail present. Anoth- 2 present. Reading, "In the er feature was learning the' Carpenter Shop" was given by C.G.I.T. hymn. Short worsbip Mrs. His and prayer by Mrs.1 service was conducted by Mrs.ý D. Lute. Mrs. Miller had charge Penfaund. A new siate of of- if the worship service. Mrs. S. ficers was elected: Pr-es., Mary1 rHoar gave the Bible reading Corolvie Warburton; Secret'y, nd Mrs. E. White the devotion- Bevere, ugs; orsod I.Mr. . rihtgae fneln ev . Mrless:CohraDne; You are hereby notified' that a PUBLIC MEETING will be held in the Community Hall on Tuesday, November 171h, '1953 at 8:15 p.m. Mr. Graham Reid will be in attendance with the resuits of the water and sewage survey. R. B. RTCKARD, Clerk, VillIàge of Newcastle." Bowmanville Memorial ARENA SATURDAYI NOVEMBER 14- PUBLIC SKATING ADMISSION 3 - 5 p.m. -Adults 35c Senior##BI# Children 20e HOCKEY BELLE VILLE MEMRS vs. TRUCKMEN 8:30 p.m. ADMISSION - Aduits, reserved (sides) - 1.00 Adtilts, reserved (ends) .75 Aduits, standing room .75 Children, (reserved or otherwise) ----- .50 TUESDAYI NOVEMBER 17 - Intermediale "A" HOCKEY C OBO0U IlG BOWMANVILLE 8:30 p.m. A D NI1 S S 1 O N - Aduits. reserved (Sides) 75e Adîtits, reserved (Ends) 50c Gencral Admission 50eO Children, reservcd or otberwvise - 25c WEDNESDAYI NOVEMBER 18- PUBLIC SKATING 8-- 10 p.m. ADMISSION - Aduits 3.3c Cbildren 20e eý'i i MAPLE GROVE KIRBY S Sympathy of this community The monthly meetings of W. r is extended to Mrs. Seward Ty- M.S. and W.A. were held on 1er in the sudden passing o! ber Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 4th. j husband and to ail other mem- Mrs. Bryson opened the W. 1bers of the family. M.S. m:!eting witb a hymn and 1 The many fniends of Mr. Ar- prayer foliowed by the minutes, thur Gibson are giad to know roll cali and business. that he 15 progressing niceîy Mrs. H. Lowery and ý1rs. after his operation in Memor-~ Bryson gave reports on the W. ial Hospital, Bowmanville.I M.S. raill- at Enniskiilen. Mrs. The many friends of Mrs. John McLean. are sorry to hear I Wm.. Allun conducted worsh.,p thatsheis i Bomanvileservicp. Mis. H. Lowery gave Hospital. Ail wish ber a speedy atmeac ~pr recovery.Mcur Mrs. S. Chapman took chap- Mr. T. cur is in Oshawa, ter 5 of the study book entitled Hospital We wisb bim a speedy "Chain Heaction" deaiing with recovery. ha the work 9f the missionary in Sorry to ha that Mrs. Albert the Philippine Islands and the butg is under the doctor' s care, great importance of these is- btis in'proving at time o!ilands chu rches today'. writing. 1 Mrs. Bill Wannan opened the This community extends con-.1 W.A. meeting with a hymn and gratulations to Mr. and Mrs.'; the Lord's prayer. Mrs. Gus Wi- Earl Osborne (nee Reta Power) I son read the seripture. Mrs. W. a former Mapie Grove girl who i Wannan gave a paper on Fel- 1on Tue.sday evening ceiebrated' lowship falied by prayer. itheir 25th wedding anniversary. Mrs. P-. Lowery favoured with The miany friends of Miss' a loveiy vocal solo. 1 Ethel Oxford are sorry to lea-ni After the business period the she bas been moved ta Bow- 1fallowing officers were elected manvilie Memorial Hospitali, for the coming year: President, when it was discovered she had' Mrs. Wm. Wannan; lst vice, fractureci ber left leg in ber' M-Iýrs. Gus Wilson; 2nd vice, Mrs. fail, whicb has sînce been put', Clarence Allin. rec. & cor. sec- in a cast. We wish for a speedy retary, Mrs. Stanley Cbapmnan; recovery.i assistant, Mrs. Evan Quantrili;, This being Young Peoples', financiai secretary, Mis. Wm- Week, the young people will Allin: treasurer, Mrs. Hartwell have charge o! the service Soin-I Lowery' arganist, Mrs. Raymond day. Mr. John Medland, Brook-! Chapnman: assistant, Mrs. Er- lin, wiil be guest speaker. j nest Bry son,: flower committee, Mr. Sam Van Camp, Mr.,I Mrs. James Lowery, Mrs. Stan- Glenn Metcalf, o! Skinner plant,! ley Chapmnan, Mns. Clarence AI- Oshawa, were flown ta Hunt- lin; vising committee, Mrs. H. ingdon, West Virginia, on a bus- Lowery. Mrs. R. Chapman, Mrs. iness trip last week. Annie Patterson: parsonage Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Mr. Ross committee, Mrs. Wm. Wannan, Metcalf, were guests on Sun- Mrs. Gus. Wilson, Mrs. Chas. day of Mr. and Mrs. Haliowell.I Harris; social activities, Mrs. Ross was guest ýoloist at the Wm. Aluin, Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, services. Mrs. Ken Henderson. Mrs. Glenn Metcalf, son Grant,r M. and Mrs. P. J. Bigelow spent a few days with ber motb- and family, Port Hope, visited er at Wellington. Sundiay witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Miss Belle Alexander, Cour- J. Bigelow. tice, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Les Reid with Miss Shirley Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid. NOTICE To the Citizens of the PAGE TEE N VILLAGE 0OF NEWCASTLE 14r omahtmi imairo '