PAGE FOURTEEN TRI CANADIAN STAI'ESMAIY BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO THUJRSDAY. NOV 12. 1953 The Orono News Mrs. Keitli W ilson and .'O. orne-baking .-ale 0of the Girl Bruce, Bainîî,ai Mr. and Q'îides. Mus. Art Whites. Catoîx n Toire ha.z heen visit- George Bes '. 'oronto îte ; no M . and Murs. L. Plains, Bow- Horace Bezt'invlc MuIs. Ed. Best. Victoria B.C . Mrs. Henirx Swaiîcott %vith is '.i~gM and Mrs,.îa:-Mrz Shorttin Oshaw a. leaves seý Hall. . his xveck on a unotor trip ou N ýewcas'(e Fisi- ood Hun, hu'.i hrSoîîthie'n States. Ckhr have boeen in I\Iusknka. Plav at th)e Orono Townshi p Mus. M'%. Shcrxviiianid Mr.:. W. Hall Fuclax -n ight was well re- W'. Shcrw'-n speni a dav in Ozýh- ce v-ro dîh,, a Ilarge audience, awa c%-tlvaind tàyîsited the Mr. and Mus. Orvîlte Chatter-, sister Mrs. L. A. Reici,' ton aond Miss JhIl Chapînan spent 1'aý hon o uie il!. Sondir' in Oshiava. Mu. Wii tr ouWo]e v, Bxna- The OucnWoi-en5 sIiislitute ville. onoi<nuz oi the musical tnok a hus te Touonto on Thur- portion ot îic Uuîted Churcil da', 10 atiend the Provincial s' ccSon-da'v. Convention. MuanciMu Ken Gua ' and Mur.-lrotd Aw.,de. Toronto. ,D iJnave been vis:ting atixu dli Mus. Chias. Awde. Ca CtMUo.> ey. and Mus. Harold Stain- Mus. Win. Bo d is in Mem-on-; ton and Mu. Beverley' Stainton. fa' Hosroîfal. Bowmvr l he. Newxv inonio. at Mi'. and Mus. ttlic Jone.. daughter of Mu' m. Rddeîl*s. Sundav. an," i Ceci!, Jones is a patient iM ihMsPnx Rickabv in .icua Ho.tpia., Boxx rnaiiî - v :ited M,. and Mus. Carl Bill- v '~ mes. . Gent.»C.Foc Ici nait Conguat' tIa!îiish to Mu. and azc" of the O'onn Buanch - 'if\l't ra lti,t.- Hall wîiho ,01irat The Caiidiaîî Bank of c nci'c.hciitransfeurec U Lisfowel B!-aiicl. L'rn. -1 s lier -: Pter. s ' 's Pîhc ol, ' e do' on a tel. \ "'r. C" In tir(,afteriionn tea THEATRZ FRIDAY - SATUI CHARTON HUSTON - RROW JAN STERLING FoRRE5 MONDAY T NOVEMBER 16, Wed in Orono UJnited Church 011on- 1-............. anivrsry Those who went deer hunting ýd to! or WNicdx 'ovemer 18ti. t10 ringon th nkrl i- Mr. un Mus Chast. Mom'al ver. Messrs. Fred Fallis, Harry <tOO.IMotIl' c':ctdxxit ie a(Johnston and Ernest Cavano 0J. tOus to r atitd x'.eue guests of have returned home each with Mu .and Mu.. Haî'rv Meî'cen, their quota of deer. ......4 lava,! Dilete) lle sci'ious illness and Miss Elsie Richardson has re- id. 'suhscouuiuî death of mv bus- turned from two weeks visit ither bad.or] ".iu n Richards, on with relatives in Toronto. c ove iner tn.IteCiono news The Glad-I-Canner Junior ad hi u e-k isbref. homemnaker's club, sponsored bv the local branch of the Wom- en's Institute, were chosen ta reeent Durham county at ýhe annual convention for Women's Institutes in the Royal York Ho- tel, Toronto. Five members of the club, Misses Eleanor Row- an, Janet Bigelow, RuthMc Kinley, Joy DeGeer and GraceMnan Mr. aolA.H rd repcudflo- Bigelow a ttended the conven- Mran r.HrlA.erdrepcudfoow tion on Thursday and modelled ing their wedding in Oî'ono United Church on Saturday, SO WM A NVI LIL their dresses which had been October 24. The bride is the former Jean Margareti made last year during their Bullock. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mus. Ulmont M. Bu].' RDAY - NO . 13- i course "Cottons May Be Smart". lock, Orono, and the groom is the youngest son of Mr. and BDAY NOV. 13-14 E ach girl gave a brief commen- Mrs. Charence M. Meard, Port Penny. The young couple tayof their work. The girls are to be congratulated on the r will reside in Onono. year's progress under the di- -Photo by Alpha Studio rection of Mus. M. Finney, Mns C. Page and Mrs. H. L. Challice.m evc The play "A Ready MadeVeeasA eilNm '2 Family" given by the members elr nsA tndNra l Se vic of St. Mary's A.Y.P.A. provid- 'ed top notch entertainment in theBehay ow HllonDnr. Lloyd GivesInspiring Address ÎT TUCMday evening. Directed by Mrs Percy Sarginson the cast of On Stinday evening the Unit- Last Post played by Roy For- characters inchuded Rev., T. S. 1 Chuuch at Orono was filled foi' rester', the "Lament" played y , Gault, Charles McGill, Kenneth te Remembrance Day service. th einPp Bnadte 17 - - - - Siclair.Josep Stapls, Mai37 Memersil theBxnnvle ie Reveille by Roy Fonrester. -1 -18 -19 20 21 Spencely, Dorothy Mann, Leo-' Legion. accompanied b.' other t ln li utbyrnee ra Smith, Marjorie Murrie,j ex-service personnel and nien-Gln lisutbyrde2 iBetty Preston and Ruth McKin- bers of the Wamen's Auxiliary: a solo "There is no Death" * * *ley. The plot was humorous and; to The Canadian Legion anàd while the choir sang the "Re- Welatdb each one. It was header] by the Legion Pipe Band, esoa"b eKvn presented under the auspices of1 marched' in a bodv to thie The message of the evening the Bethany Ladies Orange churcb after assembli'ng in front.i was given by Col. F. P. Lloyd, badge. Homne made candy sold of the Loyal Orange Hall' The V.D., O.BE., a veteran of the * by the members ahso added io parade was in charge of col. j. two World Wans. In his address their funds. C. Gamey. Under' Conirade Mit- Col. Lloyd dwelt on the sacri- arlier in the week, the mem- chell, the color party took, the,. fiee of the men in bath wars, bers of the A.Y.P.A. of St. Ma- calons ta the front of the church and of their challenge ta us. yvs Church presented Mrs. Peu- whene they were taken and Four large containers of cySarginson with a ýLazy Su- placed at the entrance to the flowers were placed in front of IL THE GREAT San in appreciation of her help Chancel hy the ni n 1er. 1the church. while PO>ppres filled as their play. director. The ad- The lavîng of the ', eath waezf he Vases an the Communion PICTU ES EER d dress was read by Ruth McKin- by Mrs. J. Major followed b - he Table. lITRSEE ey and tepeetto a '0 GIVE YOU made by Kenneth NemoralaWidow MAU sfh InaPleretraie em a indo suedicaied an's Auxiliary for their Novem- ber meeting with 16 membershi ring Special Ceremonies ai Orono puesided with Mrs. T. S. Gault reading the scrîpture lesson and At the regulan Sunda,' morn-! Famil>-, Edward Dean, Orme A. leading in prayers. Tt was de- ing service in Or'ono United Ctansby and The W. A. window. cided ta pack a box to go ta the Chorch Nov. 8, iin charge of the Mus. Tamblyn was for Io St. Faith's Messengers ta be dis- minîsten, Rev. Johnî Kitchen. x cears a veny efficient president tibuted as gifts ta needy at eleven new staiîîed glass win-' of the W.A. and is stihl an ac-! Christmas time. Main item of dows were dedicater]. It seemer] tive andr wiiling worker in al business was final plans fo1 h most fitting fihat Ihs beaultifolI the activities of the organiza-' annual bazaar. Assisting tecenemony shouhr] take place on 1 hon and xvas prour] to presenit hostess ta serve lunch were Remembrance Sunda.>'. 1on bhouait of the W.A. the beau-! Mus. Ernory Smith, Mrs. J. T.1 mrs. Milton J. Tau-nhîx îî, sec- tiful wýiîidow -- Jesus iin the, Coburn. Miss Winnifred Nesbi:t. retary of tlie Memorial Win- home of Mary and Mantha. The December meeting wilh bei daws Committee. puesentehi the Contiiiuing, -Île said. we must: hehd at the home of Mrs. Emory1 windows for decication to thc have both Man's and Marthasi Smith. memnorv of who have tîxed ini oui- honies tod~xai'Nad accept1 iomens Meeting j befoî'e us and aiiioigst.lis aind the ohîporunities of service. 'Bc' There were 21 members pues- have now passer] iîto tile gucat- ,>e stuong. Ihierefore. and noti ent at the November meeting of er life. leaving a fragrani. me-Icii-Je xour lîaîds he weak, for your the Women's Association o! the ory for us to cbeuish. wouk shaîl be revai'ded." United Church held at the Mus. Tambl.vo' said-as 1 stand The -'cripîtire uefereîîce an home of Mus. William Cavano.i before .\,ou, I feel or>' lhumible this wiîidow shouid be an in- Mus. Mansell Finnev presiddo1 have thbs sacued dutîx 10 pot sîîiuatioîi to each of us. 'I fou the devotional and(business foui" and amked tlic coiigrcga- xvouk tfli works of Rum who perîod. Minutes and correspon- Lion b how iii lis tira> er of scnt niexvhiîe it i15 day%". dence wbich included letteus off remnembi alce. 'Oh God who 'Mu. Kîtcheri ver>' giaciouisl,\' tbanks tram Mus. Clifford GrantI did'st guar'd and guide Th 'v -eci- ac(cîpivrdiiese gifts oui behaîf of and Mu. George Neals were vants througah alfil(thIi'oulch hd fie, Ofticial Board and congre- î'ead bv. thé Secretarv, Mus. years of their earll'v tîfe. andl galion. Walter Rowland. The 'treasur- hast w\eîccib tt ii inlonTh'b* PrevjoLlt I ri hS Service. elex'eîî er's report was given by Mus. blesser] pueseîîce t0 go ouIt'o Iovcl 'v îienioiial windows har] Wellington Falhis and the scrip- more forver, we give Ihehec )cen dicated includîîîg the tue esson uead by Mrs. George!i heantv thîaîks fou tlic,-xai-s ot hePalit'f[il windowx in the chian- Waddell. frubtfîîl felIow..sliip andc service (ct. Hoinian Hunt*- "Ligit offfthe A cmmiteecopî'sed ofwith these Thv servantIs now ai worlh" xx hich wýas installer] ar] Mus. W. Rowland. mpidofrest with Tliee. Aiiîco hcchiuaî,'d xith the churuli. Thompson and Mus. G. Molli- I.Mî's. Tanihl *'vilueteuur ed e- The chuuch .ýervicp xvas \-ci,,an werF appainted ta nomin- ingîx' to each faiiil'v uepu-cýeiited iiipiiti aihot ttiuOughou4t. R o\>. ate a siate o! officers for 1954. in these gifts ti10liliii "ii 1 lt ho preacher] ai appi'opui- szame ro be presented at the De- narnely' . dnîurih d h Ïl c~ lIt ' uîîîîîî0t'thie SuIb.ect '"Ihe cmemetn.and The Walshi Farniix Aiberti t' o Question'. The cuî cemenmeein.1 and Ethel Chapian, !Ui. amri end~'crIthe antliern "Oh Gor] The program waE in change of! Mus. C. J Thiorotioi. HRoi lutCîtî Hctî"in Ages Past" hx' Mai'- Mus. Frank Bigelow'. leader. of! and Lulli M(-Dotiald. Altier] aiui in anr] Mus. A. A. Drioiniond Group Four. The topic beîng Eiaeh Ril.M.HîsI'igtelvi'sl IKo 'Fellowship". Mrs. Bigelow ex'-, Best, Peter W. Laing, The Limi That M\ Rede,,crniLîveth"*. oîaind the scipture esson I1____-- ___ uead earlier "There can be no real life apar'î from Christ and STARK VILLE Fuîcîctx' bv St Aiiduew's Choir, His teacbings. Ttil a peusonal Mtuo.w-as welI attendedt "'esponsibilitv of each beieven. -I ..sgetvejv n I ,a have a deep concern for the Mu. . lniatr]CailO' îîeeds o! athers". Mus. Bigeiow ilononto, spent a, tev'. ha'.s wilti ..ciew1 t lese] Afso gave a neading "Nat 5v Mus R. Bougliei. Oic Tiuesr]ax afteunoon service Bread Ahane" explaining the Mu. ano Mis, Ouii î Fý-ailci '-1ý" iif'd at file Morris Chapel, 'vonk of The Bible Society,. Mus.: famulv. visi1e" Mur. aoil ciMrs. Box'. maux ile fou Murs. A. J. H. Jakeman gave a reading! Thos.' Falls- Kejîdat. StLil -h wlîopasser] awav Sator- Felowship and Brotherhood" ' Soe ~aîticrieutIli(, 1 tittuci to 'Manî>fuieiirs and relativ'es and Mus, R. Car ead a poem: Chureh aininveusar'. set". ,ces in W.îiioe h. exrendiuîg s ' nipaîhy îîY Ella Wheeîer IWilcox "Wish- Nw'tonx'îlîe on Suriina'-. tri .Mr. Souch and faniulv. :ng". Mus. Lawruence Norman.. r.E oiseHon at\-e* ugto \'.ife' o! the neiv muinister to the ' s. E. Four-t-tel'.W r h J . tînt' asat eks buet uan 'ýongregation %VAS introduced set nfex'uha' vi h\I. nhswuîpea's Ii eek andth and welcomreci tii' the inenuîe . mott.- t".of the Edîtoi-s r]et-k. Luonch wac served by the In honour ÔtMHii Mi mi'ia i rtqîtux - and dîsap- Iiostess and tiembeus of Group Dob.on ., Sîlve: cott \o-îitii îe, rn oi foi Four. %w.-th Mus. G. Waddell ex- Vei'sauxý. îitv-frtto a ~mi oeveu appo' oia prpsSu ng the thanks o! the la- their hoiie atiria'happy ihO lidLiîo dirta Mus Cax'ano for the use wisi h Ihni wet . A;:1. mien: alo iLitr of heu home and ta &Il those vers pleasaî' inir. 'Put'>pf-ll Erittors note-Sour'-. who ad ssîîed t te met- Mu. ur]Mus Pc'c'.l'oi ioxvahoîi: "rni-;i"sorof hast week's' %vh ha asistd a th met- r. nd Irs PecvStarkvili e u'..s Coruespondence ng. wîth Mr. and Mus. Wit.Fan- s ic igrta s M d0110 10 lialicwe'en parties all "CLEANING COMMIENTS" Oshawa Tuesdav attending the a 'on Ti ek h Sudden souls. Have soiled funeral of the latter's fathen. decks are cleaed-we hope. 1 garments ceadasso as Mr and Mus. Duthie. -Manito- possible before the soul develops ba. who visited Mu. and Mus. A. nta stains and becomes penm- Dobson, have le-ft for their Wa h da\ item: The e e anently set. Help your Cleaner home. ' 4222 Ithe, pins mrade tn serve You bptter. Lakeshore *-The Belle o!R iolo n Caîhý.cja h îr.jg 1951. latest Division. Dr, Cleanera Institute sponsored b' 5h; :)h Lt.,îeci \ E a! f- hich figures are. R! (Ontario) Limnted. Church and presented at Orono i available. A quîtt was in the frarnes at! Mus. H. Brooking's during theý latter part of the w'eek and fin- ished at the beginning of this1 one. Sask. Ro\ Sieep. Martin Manders- and Bihl Turansky left Sunday to join Joe Jilisen and others Bermiece Best xvas a delegate Wm. Mkencer and Ed. RuthvN,é at the Institute convention in the left Monday morning for their Royal Yauk. Toronto. and othens camp, north of Minden. Reg. who attended froni this district Elliott left the previous week were: Miss Stella Bennett, Mrs.! for his season's hunt. W. E. Nichols and Mrs. Edgar A numben fromn Kendal en- NichaIs. joyed the Operetta "The Bellok .,. ~ Annold and Harold Austin re-, of Barcelona" sponsored by the ~ turnedl froni hunting Saturdavi Shiioh folks in the Town Hall, with two deer. Truman Austin,1 Orono, Fridav evening. a Bill shb irma(îarie Wilson) knows a ihAby and Bruce Dinneïr The' first snow of the season good TV buy when she sees one. are away this week at their res- i blanketed this district Saturday It's the set with the big tag that pective hunting grounds. and made us think winter was reads '4Engineered by CBS-Col- Through illness and other! reallv here. There seemed about umbia." America's most advanc- reasons, four Sunday School: 7-8 inches on the hevel but the ed TV set! Yes, CBS-Columbia teachers were absent Sunday banks blew up much deeper.1 has TV's top values and The T. mouning but assistants were The motorists who venturedj V. Shop, King St. W., Bowman. present for ail classes but one. out had çany slippery adven- Iville, has CBS-Columbia. Our Low Prices Give Budgets .A Break *c4bwiee's Premium s& oics :TOMRATOES 2 24<u19C« Cropp'z Chooe FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 Wc~9< A4P Fancy Red Sockwye 3 Suitan M a, PANUT BUTTERw29 94mo Low C.bori. CHE liII, 25C tROT CAKE 29C »S. 3be- s*W 2m65Sc MEAT SPECIALS! MARGARINE 14, 29c Bo. ole 4u" ObS.o Meormic<'s Bufter ROT 5 5 A&P Nectar Bon*i.4 uemp TEA IAGS boxof4é 39c Robin Hood White R A Ti CAKE MIX w~-oz p&'g 29c 5 Daisy Sweet M'ixedl PICKLES 24-c>z w 2 9c Pe hudrIAT~ 9 Dole Pineapple P k » « U T,9 JUICE 2.20-oz m.s 31c D n*n fluw man~-Au l0na PEAClIES A&P CIhoice Habita-nt 'Jven 'i¶aoy PEA SOUP 2 28-oz s 29e GRADE "A" lUIM LncaReady CtFesh Caught MACARONI 3-lb box4 5 c Mary Loti ILfSUPCKL CHOCOLATES î-ib bo 65c Slc A&P Evaporated MILK 2 tan ,sm 2c SYSTERMS 2 20-oz tins 3 5c --rMIM BUI IJ95AST *u49 PeameaiedIG L MW~9* LETS lb69Ç 9oKIW 69Ç PRODUCE SPECIALS' CANADA NO, 1, P.E.I. OR NEW BRUNSWIZ'K. FULLV MATUREO, GOO-0 8TOR-A« W<>«. BUY THEM BV TH-E BAG AT THIS VERV LOW PRIGE POTATOES WV 6g9 GRAPES GRAPEFRUIT ORANGES PRUNES CASHEW NUIS CaMformia Foncy Eemperor, Table Stcck Florida No. 1 Mai'sh, Siýze 9&'S Co*formic Favncy Volencia, Now et 'Fber Best CGoworma Fa"c Large Saited PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATUROAY, NOVEMBER 14TH 2 ~29e 10 r45e ,5-ib oeko bag 2'%b cego 6eg 3~ 6-zccbeg33çi O o«I r twc1.ia-M0M îa~ cc~awr se M f VIGOROUS & WtNEY BOKAR COFFEE lb9 7 C3-b ,s2.85 EVERY POUND CUSTOM GROUND STK.L YOUR DEST BJY ! ANN PAGE VITAMIN "B" E4'4iffleED WHITE BREAD 74-czla1 5 c 8I.ICED OR UNSLICEo 1 BETIHANY 1Wonder what the weather jwill be by the time this, column is printed? In the'eariy'part of hast week we'received different reports from dur neighbers, of roses. dandelions. hollyhocks and snapdragon having a second crop of bloom: another reported lettuce over an inch high in the garden,' self *sée-ded from the earlier summer crop. Then on Saturday came the first snow storm of the season, tying up traffic on 7A highway and the temperature taking a decided drop. Piirhap-c the week set a record of contrast! Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Monk have returned froff two weeks vacation in Sarnia, Windsor, London and Detroit. Those from Bethany who at- tended ,the annual Women's Institute convention in the Roy- al York Hotel. Toronto, hast week wyere Mrs. Manseil Fin- ney, Mrs. Thomas Jennings. Mrs. Charles Reynolds. Mrs. Clarence Rowan and Mrs. Hugh ijeGeer. Miss Jean Palmi'er and Miss Lu- ella Brown, Peterborough, were week-end guests with Mrs. Ina Palm er. WESLEYVILLEMr. Harding's fine sermon of tures. Sunday was a marked WESLEYVILLE remembrance and "O diatcoast precedig t. loel un. Hearts" once again paid tribute dy rcdn t On Tuesday, November 3rd,1 to the men of three wars whose Kendal tobacco came to the the annual pot luck supper and sacrifice kept life in Canada safe fore again this vear with Roy white elephant sale xvas held in for us. Foster (on the George LsJjy. the basement of the church here.! Mr. anct Mrs. Wes. Barrow- staff farm) receiving the 16'p Shortly after seven o'clock be- clough. Oshawa, and Mrs. Art price of 48c. A number of others tween 30) and 40 people sat Black, Peterboro, visited with also came wîthin a few cents down before white covered ta- their uncle, Mr. S. Barrowclough of top price. Much of it was bles decorated with chrvsanthe- on Friday. sold for export. mums and laden with pot luck Because of continued mild Thursday Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. that sonlehow always works out weather. storni windows and Stoker, Mrs. R. Mercer, Miss to the satisfaction of ever\one. storm doors have flot been put Hilda Bell and Mrs. Garland Aduts isied and children on most homnes, nor aEtolsan Cathcart attended the WLI area plaved while dishes were stack- implements stored for winter. convention in the Royal Xork ed in the pantry, and tables re- So it is well the weekend's at Toronto. moved. Then. goods for sale heavy snowfail is disaaring,-- j The W.A. hcld a quilting ni wvere arîanged on the table and or mnanv folk w&ould be spearing' the Sundav School Tuesdav af- Trumnan Austin took over the in the'snow to locate articles, ternoon in preparation for th i« auction in a ver 'v efficient man- heft ou:side. Mlanv-, late chrvsan-, bazaar on Nov. 18. ner. He was assisted by Mrs. the mums were still unipickedi Ken Dinner and b.v Mrs. T. Aus- and their bright colours glow tin as clerk. Garden produce. bravelv through the blanket of Canada's National Parks had fruits oi the orchard. and ob- snw. their beginnings in 1885 when jeets of art were among the,: __________ a 10-square mile area arouncd items sold to bring in $34 when: the hot Banff mineral springs added ta the supper offering. TrIT1DAT was reserved for public use. Serious illness in several ..J.l. homes, as well bas unpleasant' My Friend Irn'a cases of 'flu was ýhe explana-' Miss Inez Gordon has return- tion of the smal] at tendance. We ed to ber duties at Clarke Cen- Isfl't So Dumb are ven.' pleased to sas' Mrs. tral afteu a delightfui trip to Tutt is graduallv impnoving but Saskatoon. Edimonton and other sorrv\ Mr. Thorndv-ke and Mr. western points. Miss dune Gor- S. Barrowclough are stili very don who accompanied her sis- 1 49Ç e%".-. P.-A- ib45Ç