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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1953, p. 1

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C "'Durham County's Gireat Family Journal" "17(11TT'1T¶af v 'SiIiJ.. Vil J5UWMANVILL, ONTARIO, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1953 9ttt#inrn 7 1q. R C C P J6T T ! TTmt D .b Intermediates Drop From League Assessmeni Cases Dilame PlayersDemanding Pay Nero iTonHl _____ No Decision Given The Bowmanville Intermedi- Baron,ý last year, wlsh à to be e Northumberland-Durham ate hockey team has folded for paid for playing and bath Mr.!Coutho eiio er egto the 1953-54 season, Mike Os- ObrnaurteAen aag-te ieaf Resn haiht 1of borne, sponsar of the team an-OsreanthArnMaae te ine pels gist13I nounced yesterday. ment Committee have refused, assessments in Bowmanville at ta acktheIntrmeiats ~ the Towr Hall on Tuesday af- While there are many under-ýt akteItritsu- ternoon and then viewed the i yink causes for the withdrawali der these conditions. A Bow- properties concerned. They will of the team from the Lakeshore manville entry would have ta hear the final appeal next Wed- League, such as a lack' af public have six local players and it is: nesdav and then render their, support at the games played soý impossible ta ice six players of: decisions in ail cases. far, the main reason may be'. Intermediate calibre who Will The Court of Revisian is cam- laid at the door of a few Baw- play for the squad in amateur;psdo himnGog n manill hokeyplaers sttus nis, Courtice, Leslie Wilson, Co-: These players, some af whom This "pay-for-play" stand on' bourg; Charles Chapman, Pan-1 performed for the Bowmanville: the part of some Bowmanville typool; William Haig, Colbornel players started during last sea-' and Grant Broatch, Campbell-ý son and carried over into this, ford. O uisianding Movie year, and has resulted in the _________ decision ta withdraw the team Reaching From Heaven1 orThi er. hasbee *tfd Trinity 'W. A. Fair Ai Royal Nexi Week IteLaesiore taguwiad a fr Draw s Large Crowd as is known now, no disciplin- A large crowd from this area is expected for the interesting ceremanies One of the finest pictures ai ary measures will be taken planned in cannectian with the 'Laying af the Cornerstone at Caurtice United Church this or any year is the way one against the entry because of its on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clack. Heads of church and municipal organizations Minister described the film decision:, will be on hand. The public is invited. "Rcaching From Heaven" which Bowmanville hockey fans will be sho*n at the Rayal greatîy appreciate the efforts Theatre aIl next week. aio Mr. Osborne ta keep an In- Le in S e k rUre eea sCourlice Unifed Church If you are interestcd in being termediate nrfoiBwm - Legon pea er rge Ifter ns iftdaut af the humdrum oa'ill lve and are sorry that Imaterialistic living and trans-. the attitude ai a fcw local To LayCornerfone- paredta a reaminwere you ý players has iorced the club to e- c eOcan get a glimpse ai what Gddsad To Re-dedic le Themselv s' Io Peace aturuay ffiernoon intended in the brief span af tisntko wawilae years allotted ta each af us on I sntkonwa iltk Over 200 Attend Fine Banquet The Laying af the Corner- earth, caine ta see this magnifi- Place on Tuesday nights nov stone af Caurtîce United Church cent production. You won't re- but the Arena is tryîng ta praî ý.,,Some 225 Bawmanville and1 wars ai aur gencration, the men1 will take place Saturday, Nov- gret it.1 oehcyinteJir-u -3istrict veterans ai two Worldj who fought for an idcal, and, ember l4th at 2 p.m. 'Reaching Fram Heaven" ei'clbe Wars attended the annual Arm- died for it". He pointed out that 1 Rev. Mr. Poulter, ai Wclling- knocks human selfishness int istice banquet held by B owrnan-,1 many wha were here when the, ton1, Presidenit ai the Bay af a cocked hat. It makes hypocri- ýBeffer Lock fihe Doors ville Branch 178 ai the Canadian 1 Bowmanville Branch -%vas form- Quinte Conference; Rev. Harry sy and sham fel like gaing inta Legion at the Legian Hall on icd, such as Comrade Bill (W. F.) Mellow, af Oshawa, Chairman hiding. In short, it is a anc-mn- W l Saturday night.J Ward, are no langer with usI of the Presbytery 'and Reeve R. a lietime picture that everyone Wove o.uin<.jClose~ An excellent turkey banquet, and are sadly rnissed. ' W. NichaIs, af Courtice, wi]l should sec. You'll came out ai jk stirring address on Canadian Remembrarîce Day, Mr. Hood take part in the cercmany. The the Royal feeling refreshcd and One Shoi Near Here Legion epnilts by M. Mc- said, is the e when we re hurclh building which is now pleased with lufe. You'll really ____ Intyre Hood, and a fine program called upon ta rededicate aur- u nder construction is af red get a great lift and be better for Th ovsaegti nrr of entertainment were the high- selves and aur national lufe ta brick with laminated arches having seen this picture. To he walvs o ar etingonerei lights af the enjoyable gathering. the ideals ai peace and democ- suppliid by Timber Structures dentsadntbeusaiGn Comirade Lloyd Preston, Presi- racy and international Iaw and ofa Peterboro. er -Maoand Godyca r lay e- dent af the Bowmanville Legion order. He stated that if it were Courtice United came inta Resulfs So Good eals eterWare reoderrrng te Branch, welcomed the veterans pot for the Canadian Legion it being in. a rather unusual way. ofethe four-iaote kindan ai and introduced the foîîowing is possible that there xvould be The Sunday School, known as AdtiEcoe hc h ont h Firs Con- o guests: Mayor Morley Vanstane, na recognition ai Remembrance Caurtice Highway S u n d a y dvriserEnlss wiha hoonteFr C - Mr. Hood, Branch Padre Rev: Day in Canada. "That ta me is School, met in the Courtice cession af Cartwright fleur the John Kitchen, President George one ai the great achievements Public School for a number of An Extra Haîf Dollar Darlington-Cartwright linlbcon Moody of the Bowmanville ?f aur arganizatian, simply kecp- years, ail the tim e stting aside Fowlcr. rin b Glbr ]Rotary Club, President Byron ing alive the memaries ai the one Sunday affering a month One thing which The Cana- Mr. Fowler was hunting with Vanstone af the Bowmanville men wha threw down the torch Jta a building iund. dian Statesmanca neracAutnBon iBwmnie Lions Club, John M. James, ai liberty ta us", hie declarcd. When the fund pussed the cuetsavrirsai s nr a-lwhen heBroungot downvi eo M.p. reDuraen .J Bon Legion s a Living Memorla thousand dollar mark steps were titude. One ai these, who had which was about the size i a "upritndnta the Boys "The Canadian Legion cm- taken ta ercct a suitable build- pîaced a classiiied advertisc- police dog and grey in colorwth *Trining School and Lieut. John bodieb aIl thase things for which ing. Since a Sundu5r School ment in the paper for an uu-arcdisotng aoud heek Xarn afthe Sulvation Army. the men ai Canada faught in cannot hold praperty a churcn to slsetaan 0 cnsJ r a wldshte r ouil thebe$0rcer Presîdent Preston also ex- two world wars, and it is a great cangregation had ta b e org4n- more than the cost ai the ad- Ibecause af his markmanship, esded the thanks of the Legion livng in'emarial ta those ai aur ized. This was accomplshed in vrieetwe aigh, ic h ntdCute u ,ý br t rsdetMs E-cmace h sacrificecd their 1946 under the pastorate ai Rev. bill. The additional 90 cents , he $50 bounty an the animaIs which '-dRundle, Sccretary Mrs. lives that we xight remain H. C. Linstead. said, wus for the extra gaod re- are a menace ta shccp and young James Coyhe and the members ai iree". Mr. Hood statcd that, ta Land was purchascd fromn sults he hud receivcd from bis cattle. Mr. Fowler went ta Ca- the Ladies' Auxiliary ta the him, the Legion also is a great William âverson and the wark low-cost classiiied ad in this pa- bourg on Wednesday aiternoon Legion for prcparing and serv- crusade whosc purpose is ta was started. Owing ta wartime pr ing the excellent banquet, and ta preserve frcedom and give serv- difficulties, the church base- pr.ta colect. Mr. Brown and Comradc AI ice sa that the country in which ment was not campleted until Smith far coakrng the turkeys. we live and for whicb thcy died 1947 in the tîme when Rev H. Arrivai Deîayed urv may ever be wo:hy ai the sac- F.Yrlywas pat.The Edgar Nfichols lce President ai He introduced guest speakër rifices tbcy made. basement was opcned and dedi- M. McIntyre Hood, whosearv Thspkr cdte events ctderyi 98b e.J eh was delayed by the bad ileading up ta the formation ai E. Griffith. Federation of Agriculture Meeting weuther conditions and snow The Canadian Legion in 1925 The church has shown steady ______ which lso kept attendance be-I and the work it bas accomplish- growth in all the arganizations Eda ihlRR.3PotoalrulbxhlesinD - Iow what it bas been in previaus ed for veterans since. "We have and now under the capable lead- EdaNihsRR.3PotaalrulbxhodsinD- years. Mr. Hood, he painted in Canada the best and most ership ai the pastor, Rev. L. M. Hope, was ehectcd presîdent af hum County. out, is very active in Legian ai- gencrous system ai pensions,, Samerville, thecocngregation the Durham Federation ai Agri- Farm Forums Discussed fuirs, being Public Relations trcatmcnt and allowances ai anyv has undertaken ta camplete the culture for 1954 at the monthly Fiftecn representatives ai Dur- Officer ai the Ontario Command country in the world solely be- sttructure sametime early in directars' meeting af the organ- ham Farm Forums wcre present and a past vice-president ai the cause there was in existence a 1954. C. ization held last Thursday night at the meeting and there wasi Commund. He is also Managing Canadian Legian whicb kncw Donations will be grateiully ut the home ai President Raîphicnieul icsino e Editor ai The Oshawa Times- haw ta deal with these prab- rcceived by Building Fund Lurmer, R. R. 2, Nestîcton. tocsis ai elicsngth farm-' Gazette. jlems", he asserted. "The re- Treasurer Alex Hoy, R. R. 4 Snhate airmafic er Rught "This is a special day for the habilitation- plan which was Oshawa, and reccipts muîled in by Chairmn Wulter Rundi forum gop mto a veterans ai aur country's wars", adapted by the gavernment ,of for income tax deductions. ai the Norminating Committeassmted thatenrc oreisor the speaker declurcd. "It is Canada is a Canadian Legion 1 wus ulsu upprovcd by the direc- a camormts ad ecoragefxis- day dedicuted ta salemn and plan. framed by an organization tors: lst Vice, Clarence Allin, um whervr osble.Mieg tefu reembanc ai thetawhicb the government isten- i1.. n - R. R. 1, Newcastle; 2nd Vice, ams eer s i ne. incage crifices ai aur comradesw c d with respect, an arganlization taes ratef W01 aceo h ho ealrsWle RnlR R ,Bw this work will be paid by the ~ve their liv'cs in bbc two great (Cantinued an Page Seven) D manville; 3rd Vice, Bruce Tay- Durham Federation ai Agricul- !oBig Business lor, Enniskillcn; 4th Vice. Bey. turc. Gray R. R. 1, Part Hope. Secre- Th eraindce t Canautan Whn ior Sriices tury, Ed Milîsan, Orono, and Th Feraindcedt Ca ad__Clbpe ke___dci Treasurer Bob Hendry, R. R. 4, take aver thc operation and fi- Bowmanvillc, will continue inI nances' ai bhc Durham Counb.y Tisuddcî nanwstorrmian bliir present positions.i Cream Producers Association in 1 Temperance Naturity, Bilingualism I The Iwsw1cmd~ ukdate ai bbc annuai ol epnet rvasdcsa id ma rsing userines in r ub- asSupper oi*bbe Federatioti ai bbc Association, and a coim- lida rshig bsinss n rb- asset for December 3 ut 6.30 mmttcc ta hundlc this matterl With Increase in Spiritual Things bers andhavershoes. but ere p.m. ut the Newcastle Commun- wus set iip with Bob Morton, R. ___loal_______t who found, ity Hall and the directors made R. 1, Kendal, as chaîrman. Mr. driving conditions very diffii plans to present engruved silver Morton was also elected a di-I Dr. Frank Banister Returns to St. PauI's to Giv'e Inispiring cult. rays ut that time ta bbc four rector af the Federation. Adciress. Rev. Harold A. Turner Elccted President of There were nine accidents in Durham County 4-H Junior Members approved bbc annual Men's Canadian Club. this adt ricisiodbytshippbuy Farmer judging teams wha won. grant ai $100 ta assist the Dur- Rev. Harold A. Turner, min- îoad ned poawr isofutall but events ut thc Provincial Com- hum Caunty Junior Furmers. ister ai St. Puul's United Cburch, panc ai t Gethesnectb .crareceailiathnmînorsi nature. Buses running tbrougb peetitions ut Guelph i n- ent.aCdurence Larmthane Presi was lected President aifbbce.Bowmanviile were behind schc- Scrctury Mlsodnews n densoftheand Mrs. Lufrer ho h 1 Bowmanville Men's Canadian dule, and bad driving conditions sructdngtae sond newsuleters iai bcFeeato frthitbs Club ut the final meeting aifbbce *eut dov, rattendance ut bathrgadnthPoLu kup rpîliy 1952-53.season hcld at St. Paul'ste ginAmsceB quf Sundy Scoolrooi on ed-and tbe Intermediate hockey nesday nigbt ai last weck. f,, aearSaudyngt A full shube aifafffcers for tbc At Newcastle, trafiic ut bct uchh pOpedi H s ia ber was elected. and members village was bcld up for almost To Give ainsG o evc heard an excellent address by bbmee hours by' cars which fail- Dr. Frunk Banister, former min- . d ta negotiate bbc stcep hilI ister ai St. Paul's United, wbo is an the east side ai bbc sub- l o e " u iir ilO e aeI now minister ai Chaimer's Unit- wav. Tiiere wvas no sand in bbtoeheA xlay W llO eae I ed Cburch. Kingstan. . sandbaxes on tbc bih ta bhelp C Retiring President Wilfrid D. out the harassed matarists. Memarial Hospital Tuck Shop, j convenor ai bbc prajeet. Miss Carruthers, in turning the gavel Offîcers ai bbc Bawmanville situated in tbc labbN ai bbc bas-f Mac Hildîtch, superintendent.C ove t Mr Trne. banedthedeacL~~nt i he roincalpital. oficiullv aopened for busi- bas offered ta take charge ai. uýe.tivMre Tnm bers ai bbcthe ichi m'eptofedthatPoicars lere ess Iast Friday aiternoon. lb is purcbusing since she bas bbc ad-b n Club for' tbcir support being abandaned on bbc high-, a ncw ser-vice, bcing provided. vantuge cd being an the prcm-c 1 î~g bbc past ycar and ex- wy for an undue length of and stuiied by' members ai bbc, ises wben salesmen make their i continue tae give bbc neYw presi timle. crcating a traffic buzurd.i Wramcn'3 Hospital Auxiliary for, cails. coninu togiv th ne prsi-Tbev xm arncd that in future bbecocnvenience ai patients and i In tbc iew days it bus been dent the saine ca-aperatian. sucb cars will be towed awax'vstr.mnoeainbc ukSo a Other officers on bbc siate and the awners billed for bbc lIn an attractive show cse donc a good business, whicb in- drawn up by the Naminating cost. donated bv Mr. G. A. Kennedy! creases cvery day us %word' Committce under tbc chairmun- The most seriaus accident Sat- are dispiayed a varicty ai arbi- spreuds umon*g bbc convalescentJ ship of Hurry Cryderman were: lsuha adegm ot ain Vice-resîdnt. runk orlad, Re. Haold Trner urday nigbt accurrcd on High- 1e uha udegm ot ains n oevstr e Vie-rsien.FrnkDrlnd ev HrldTunr vh'No. 2 near tbc Trcmeddun ipuste arnd brushes, casmetics, cm wrea btit ifr n Enniskillen; Secrpary-Treasurer, fam ilar faces." Dr. Banister de- Mýotel whben a car driven by nail polish, cigarettes and John- bbchewuy ai little giits and coin- percv Corbetl? (ré-elected): Mcm- clared. "My wifc and I have Sydney Read af Bowmanville san's baby produets. Visitars! forts whicb may be purchused bcrsbip ConMmittee, Wilfrid Car- decidcd that wben I amn ready skidded nto a panel truck dri-i wanting a giit for bbc- new baby for those thev arc visiting. F ruthers, chairman, W. F. Rick- tartr'ewsht iei ov-ynb'FakSisna1rn can choose from bbc attractiyec The fuet that some ai thesea ard. Charles Osborne. M. Staint- avle"Bahuc d âMakes About $700 Trinit-,W.A. annual Faîl Fair 's attracteJ large crowds an Fr1- s day afternoon, Nov. 6,. with ten - booths fuillaf colorful articles.1 a- Rev. T. A Morgan officially de- at clared the Fair open promptly alat 2p.m By 3 p.m. the tremen- to dous quEntity of home baking had completely disappeared.1 ,eOther booths featuring aprans, W~ children's wear, fancy work; -and White Elephant articles also -did a brisk business. Total re- ceipts were around $700.j A new booth which attracted* many ecistomers was that af ther s C.G.I.T., featuring Christmas centre-pieces and door decara- tions. Afternoon tea' was served ta about 250, with the followinga pouring tea during the after- i faon: Mrs. T. A. Morgan, Mrs c L. W. Dîppell, Mrs. Chas. W.9 Bagnell, Mrs. D. R. Alldreàdi Stuart R. James was convenor af the Fair. Firsi Section of Pipeline is Laid For Waler Sysfem Church Corners tone to Be Laid on Saturday West Toronto Salvation Army Band I_-- - - - - - - - The work of iaying the pipe-I tline intc, Lake Ontario in cn- The West Tor'onto Citadel meiibers af bbc West Taran,,* 1nection with Bawmanville's new Band presented a fine concerti Band gave a mSt enjayabie $350,000 watcr supply system aif band music in the Town Hall i pragram ai marcb and symn- hus begi mnand anc section af on Friday evening. Tbougb the phonic selectians, apening wîth bbc huge 24-inch pipe 90f) iet audience was nat large, it wasý a spirited march, "Youth Un. ilong bias been laid. . appreciatwcv. Prccedîng bbc ar- daunted'. AIl band members The large dredge "Black Car-, rival ai bbc Toronto band, wha' arceflot able ta take part in out- rier'ai the MeNamaru Con- were somcewbat delaycd, bbc of-town engagements awing ta structior. Company is being Bawmanville Salvation Army!, working baurs ai their varmaus uscd on bbc job and it is cx- Band under bbc direction ai jobs, Lieut. Ham 'explained. pccted that marc sections wiil Lieut. .John Ham sbowed its WNest Toronto Citadel is also be laid on Friday. Luying ai mcttle ir, a fine pragram of nobcd for its vacalists, and a furtber sections will entail bhc hymn tune arrangements a ndmie use ai divers who, are now ather sciections. Miss Murîi eraîxe quartet cantributed scv- era selections in .very swect working in Oshawa. The pipe-, Willatts zlso conbributed a pi- haïmony. On tbc invitation -)f line wîl' extend 1,760 feet inta ana nunmber. Lieut. Ham, bbc audience joined bbc luke wbcn campleted. iTne Bown.anvillc Band, start - woehatdyi h ig The MeNamara Company also cd by Capt. Dcering and car'- af "Lcrd Kindly Ligbt", anc ti began bbc job af building tbc ricd un xvitb great patience and the band's selections. At the brcakwatcr along bbc channe] entbusiasm by Lieut. Ham, bas close oi bbc program thcy rose bctwcen bbc cast and west increased in numbers and in ex- ta sing a verse ai "Abide Wibh beaches, and a crane bas' been cellence. The procccds afi Fn-:Me". placing bbc large cbunks ai day's .ùanccrt will be used ta ra abb ia elcinb granite into position along bbe purchase more ncw instruments,1 channel inside bbc mouth. On sa important ta bbc banc and bbch band. Band Sgt. Fcltwcl thc cast side bbc rock iill will quality of a band. Thre mcm-. rcad a portion ai senipture. Fol- be placed for 150 feet inside bbc bers aiflice band won bigh han- howing bbc singing af "Abide shorcline and 100 feet out§ide. ars this pasb summer in com-[ Wibb Me" Rev. A. G. Scott pro- On bbc wcst side bbc fill will be petition witb bbc bcst ai Mid- nounccd the beniediction. put in for 50 icet along bbc, Ontario division. Tbcy are Clare Members ai bbc Bawmanvi]le channel just inside bbc shore; Mubton, Gwen Barblett and Gar- Corps servcd refrcsbments ta line. don Anbram. their guests at bbc Citadel on Under the direction ai Band- i Divis;on St. following bbc con- - ., .. - master W. Wiloughby, about128ý cert. .Newcastle lVlnisIer 10 Leave for Kingsfon's Cooks' United Church Rev. Lawrence H. Turner, B.A., who has been .Minister of Newcastle United thurch for the past three and one-haif years, has accepted a call to Cooks United Church, King- ston and will *assume his new pastorate there the first Sun- day in December. The popular mini.ster came ta Newcastle from Goderich, On- tario. Born in County Durham, England, Mr. Turner worked in the coal mines for six years be- fore coming to Canada on a har- vest excursion. He graduated from the University of Toronto in Arts and from Emmanuel College ,Toronto. in Theology. Mr. Turner served as a stu- dent missianar-'v on fields in Saskatchewan, Haliburton and Muskoka and started his minis- try at Matheson in Northern Ontario. His call from Cooks United Church výas a unanimous ane. Mr. Turnier takes wvith hîm to) Kingston the best wishes ai his congregat in at New'castle Un- ited Church. E'ire Damage Slighi In Thursday Blaze The Bowmanville Volunteer Fire Dcpartment answered a cal at 6:45 p.m., Tbursduy, ta tbc Alexander bouse ut Loyers Lune and Centre Street for an ail fire out ai control in bbc fiirnace. A neom iersa m b ae~"sYuLik repuirman bart been vokn nOne f hem h er f thecatof"s o Lk thec furnace during bbc aiternoon 11", Mr. Alami Cailloju, iss lmio*Wfl abive ia costume as nd upparerîtlv an ail ]cak Oc- "Oliver:' in this momaritic comedy of Shakespeare. The urrd ad bc ir strtd weaplay %vill be prescnted in ',he Town Hall, Saturday night e was uwuy ut supper. Albhougb botbcred by dense at 8:15 p.m., by the professionai Toronto company, The il smoke. bbc firemen ra a base Earle Grey Plavcm-s Shakespeare Festival Company. Earle nto the cellar and quick]v c-' Grev and his wife. Mary (Godwin. fiead a taicnted cast. nguisbcd the blaze. There wus'hi pernci 0;ra-fleispooedb te otie or noa dumage ta bbc fura- T raîadi' nBwnavir ssosrdb h :e. Business and Pïofebsional W'oren'i Club. In Shakespearean Play ai Town Hall 'i .1 1 - !!!ffl ýý 0 - -- - Nustbe Strong Io Keep Peace Says Navy Area Recruiting- Officer In Remnembrance Day Talk ai Lions "Neither war nor peace is in- be af the best?" evitable in the world today, but Lt. Lang pointed out that it i if we want peace then we must very significant that Canada and work for it', Lt. W. H. Lang, the other free nations of the D.S.C., Toronto Area Recruiting war]d have realized that they Officer of the Royal Canadian must maintain large and ade- Navy, tald the members of the quate armed forces. It shows Bowmanville Lions Club at their we have not fallen into the meeting com- '?rnarating Re- abys. of complacency and in- membrance Day held an Mon- difference which so nearlyr day night. brought about aur dawnfall in "To hcld the peace we have 1939. "The lessons of history ta do twa things", he stated. have been learned, at least in "We havpta be strang enough! same degree", the speaker said, for long enaugh ta tire out those ' and we are placîng ourselvcs who mieht seek ta break it, and in a fair posture af defence. we h;ive ta remember that theý is a great psychological price af freedorn is eternai vigil- 1 gain. At best, it can resuit in ance. A great deal of aur acti-J the prevention af a third world vity must now stem from these war. At least. we will not be un- twn basic requirements, but the prepared". truth is that if we realize that Lf. Ling declared that it is they are basic, and arder aur anly 'Dy aintaining the strength national and indivîdual lives in needed to hold the line for accorti with that realization, aurý peace and avoiding complacency duty wil' flot be difficult." by the use af simple, straight- In utinig he uidupaiforward Canadian cammon In utinngthebuldp farce sense that we will be' worthy aIl the Canadian armed fr' and able of surviving the fallen since the beginning of the Kor -, whon. we honor on Remem- ean war, Lt. Lang pointed out rneDy that this is the first time that branceLay.wsitrdcdb we have' ever maîntained any- Lion Bert Parker, wha stated thing more than taken armcd that he served in the navy froin forces in time af peace. This has 12 al4 n andaDs been necessary because we are 12 o14 n andaDs living in a new era and we must tinguished Service Cross in iWorld War II. He re-enlisted ~n get used ta it, he said. Thî1s eraý the R.C.N. in 1948, and is na'w he termed a sort ai "twilight recruitii fie nteTrn peace", and he asseî'ted tîhat itltating eafficerin thde Toron rnay last foi' severa] years-per- aiC ta ntrc H a ofap fantral OneriatiHn I havy Defa enerogram th an k cdfoi' his timcly address HeaW e us eanetag alrnîy b'Lion Lau Deweil. " W e r u s l e r n o g c a m ly W ith h im w a s C .P .O . H a rry and serîsibly about aur daily Lane wha screened a color film business xvhile actively engaged "aadsFightingNay on a rather heavy defence pro- wc h dashowed he t paye gram vith a ll the dem ands it ' by h RC .N. iii the K or ean w ar. must surely make on aur pro- b h ...i h oenwr ductive capacity and aur man- Legion Executive Introduced power", the speaker state. Prior ta the openîng af' the "One thing above al] others meeting Lion John Ham saund- is necessary. The armed farces cd the Last Post. The executive must be manned and they must (Cantinued on Page Seven> 9% L à eanabian 7c PER COPY NTTMRRP 0

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