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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1953, p. 6

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PAGE six Parents ai Home and School Club Form Problemt Discussion Groups Show Interesti Iff ervous Students The main feature of the Nov- 1 Property. This tapîc was drop- ember Home and Schooi Asso-'ped. Othen topics were on Safe- ciation meeting heid In Ontario ty on aur Street&-Mns. 1. Mun- Street Sebool Nov. 4, was one; day, leader, Entertainiment in. tried ou't bore for the iirst time. the Haone, Comics, Television-, The divi: ion of the large nurn- Mrs. D. Parks; Childnen's Spend-j ber attending irito seven discus- ing Money-Mrs. R. Richards.I sion gnou ps ta consider vaniaus, There were seven groupa in ail. child problerns rosuited in more Reporte Given interest and enthusiasmn than 1 The reports which wene given has been sboxvn in a long Ue., following the 30 minutes allow- .î!rs. Cordon Moffatt conven- ed ion discussion praduced somej eci the inet ig rs. Moffatt intocestirîg points. Some of the e-xplainedi that there hiad b)eon. causes of nervausness suggest- sorte feeling tbat the Homie and! ed wore pon health, lack ai Scliool Association was net ful- pinymates when small, physical filling i' s main purpoise in the handicaps, lack ai love, parents type of pregrams giveni. Theonnrases elcfgo resons toth exenientofchild on being inherited by discussion groups on practical child. Suggested remedies in- problem5i at this meeting willi cluded: croate a feeling ai se- probablv reSUtt ini further pro-, curity, suificient i-est for bath grains of a similan type beingj ch ild and parents, nat drawing heid. attention ta shy arn foivous Nenvous Chlildren child. It was aisa suggested that Pertî2-itý a reflection of the Homne and Scbool Association tirnes éïnci the fast pace off înod- provident an excellent opportun- ei. ivng.the largest num-ber ity for parents ta meet with of pa:-elts were interested in, toachons and discuss thein child's discussin., Nervous Children. l)coblem with them. Reports! ( This gro';o had te be divicted. on7 these txvo groups wene given y Mrs. M. MclJonld taking one b.) Miss Gwen Batlett and Mrs. 1 anid Miss Agnes Carruthers the: H. Piekard.i otiier. Topie xvhich attracted the ; Reports fromi Miss Wilda Har- next largest r1 'rnber of parents; ket- and Mrs. S. McMuter for was that of Discipline. This. wasi the group on Discipline bnought split aise, witb Supervising out the conclusions that parentst Principal A. M. Thonipson and shauld make few rather thant Mýrs. J. Biggs leading the dis- xnany nules, but stick ta themn, cusionsiO.. being consistent from one day Theî-e may or miay net be sig- to the next. Parents should tny nificaîice in the fact that onty ta teach the child self-discipline ane perzon stood up iii nesponse: by setting a good example in 10 the cati of tho'se inerestei in the topic, Respect for Publi the. Itte,'s san. Then 011 over the free world couse such eomments as these from readers of TUF, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE àMONITOR. an internationul daily Ulewspaper: MT«Ponitor j's mut reaei ing for Straigh*4thinkjng people...: "I retupned to sclaool after a lapme of18 years. 1 i wîUge my degree from the college, lttmy éducation comn. froin the Monitor. ... «The Mkonitor give.s me idem. for my work. . .. "I truly en>oy iis coin. TyOu, to, will find tbe Monitor Informativ'e, with com»Plete world news. YOu wiII dijqeover a e«. it#rnctivc viewpoint in every new& tJte ,ouPon below for a sprc. rial nI»rod 'tory sub&cription- 3 montha for only $3. -------------- 'The ChTigiian Scient,, Monitor One. Nerway St.. 8.1t-n 15. "Ait,..SA Pie.,. send mle a, itroducîory .,berJp. timu fo The Chrelîian Scienci MOBie,-. 76 iiee. 1 ~eoe$3 Je~aa~~ w TmE CANADIAN RTATIESILM. flflWMA MXVff T VP nW.:Mr ENNISKILLEN ISingle entries went te Noble d;the homeý. Tehild should krFamHtopton,' Ont.; i vwuna grt ic kow hata brachof he ules TheTemerane EocuionAfteîr the meeting a velry tas- c know tat a brach of te rules The Temprance EocutionReennscle, Blackwater, Ont.; rùîy ylnh assrdbyS.G- -will resuit in punishrnent. On Contest under the auspices Mof lEnisilc. nt:lu~ enchs ciSis. E is. AGon- the other hand somne parents the Mission Band will be held lie Taylor, Burketon, Ont.; G.1 groups and ail enjoyed a social thought that too much is expect- in the church on Thursday R. Whittington, South Mona- hour. ed of children, and that the evening Nov. l9th at 7.30 p.m. glian. Ont.; Russel Richardson, parents themselves often need W.A. meeting was held at Ashburn. Ont.; W. J. Black, discipline more than the child- Mrs. ROY McGil1's. President Foxmead, Ont.; Arthur Percy, ren. Mrs. H. Mils, opened the meet- Pickering, Ont; MiltonStio, Local T obacco Crops Televlsion Problem ing with Creed and Motto. De- Enniskillen, Ont.: Willis Hall., reA Thegrupdicusig ntr-votional leaflet was read by Millbrook, Ont.: MVarshall Tay- A e bove Average The roupdisussig Ener-Mrs. J. Slemon. on Stewardship.~ lor, Lindsay; J. S. Anderson, tainiment in. thé Home* foundj Scripture was read by Mrs. H. Orangeville. Ont.; Bob Pcgg, Bringin g uood Prices television the biggest problem 1Stev'ens. Roll cati was answer- Lindsa~ Ont.; Otto MeKen- at the moment. with children ed by ".Your favourite fancy drick, Wenelon F'alls, Ont. Duha Cut____ cogrw neg]ectinr ghomnework and Out- Work". Program was in charge errhcivam Countv(tobàccegtsw tdoor play. Parents felt there of Mns. F. Werry, piano solo, br eer h e aric e t'a ces should be rules concernimg tele- Mrs. M. Stainton, a very inter- Oldest Juralst fo trithan the avber a esi i vsio. Sme adfoud tat heesting story by Mrs. T. Siemon whihOUrflinthebehiSIm novelty wore off after a time on her trip ta New York; solowhcbeainte el-im and children returned to Out- by Mrs. F. Beckett. Meeting coe area on Tuesday of last door play. Some parent, feit closed with theme sang andwek there should be supervision ni~ prayer. Lunch was servedi by TeDra rpaeae comic books read with the sug- group in charge. abTeout rham2 c omp ared t gestion that horror books should C.G.I.T. will be held at Miss, athntrioavcent opredowith be banned. Others feit there Ruth Lasb's on Saturday after- $ cents, and several county grow- were enough good books read noon at 2.30. Nov. l4th. . ers received top prices for their ta counterbalance the bad. Still Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick crops, Pete Newell, well-known others feit that the effect of and Robin, Toronto, with his local grower, reports. Roy Fos- comic books would be lgtprns Mr. n .S . ter. Kendal, received 48 cents providing the child is given the ;ethic.prpudfr i rpoeo proper foundation in character. Mr. Ed Cox enjoyed a hunting , the best prices paid ta any On- Miss Phyllis Parker gave the trip ait Millbridge. tario growers. His brothers, report. Mrs. T. Stevenson, Alice and whose farms are adjacent to his, A suggestion for monitors with Harold, Thornhill; Mr. and Mrs. also received top prices. Ted -white arm-bands ta assist at Alymer Herring, Oshawa, were..... Foster obtained 47 cents per busy corners was brought forth recent visitons with Mr. and, potiné! and H-atelher Foster ne- b3 the group which discussed Mns. W. H. Moore.. ceivecl 46 cents. John Bailey of Safety aon the Streets. They also Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms at- " Kendal also received 46 cents asked if safety rules for bicycle tended the double silver wed- . per pourid. ricling could not be obtaîned ding of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Another indication of Ihie fine and distributed. Parents wene Toms and Mr. and Mrs. Court- quality of the Durham County urged to set a goad example at ney Grahamn which was lield at tobacco is that probably 60 per stop lighits by waitîng for the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har- . cnt, of it wili go for expont. green ight. Mrs. Gea. Brown ald McLaugblin. Blackstock, The whole Durham ci-op this reported for this group. last Monday evening. year compared favorably with The gnoup discussing Spending Mrs. Ait Hellem and Larry, Ex-Reeve A. L. Pascoe Iatya',athuhsm n Monev agreed that a child Bowmanviîîe, accompanied Mrslstyea's1athugh sdom n should have spending money of R. Mitchcll. and Susan, to visiti The oldest journalist in Dur- dividual yieldssuerdfo his own and that as a child Mrs. Jack Sanders of Oshawa. h ain County, A. L. P ascoe dryf wastb anThemart o this gcew older the arnount shouldj Service Club was held at the Solina, was a guest of Ed itor!, car was fawsthad most o ti be increased. He should beI home of Mrs. F. Beckett, 'ith George W. James, of The Cana- counlty s goweir adaops te taught early hawever, to spend 14 present. Lunch was servcd dian Statesmnan, at the mneet- nipet lo'àsl.hi rp h wisely. and that money has ta by Mrs. D. Pickering, Mrs. E. 1 ing Of the Bowm-anville Ro- firt o aysato. lc 2,0, McNair, Mrs. P. Ellis and the i tacy Club Friday. Oct. 30, which PatclNalu u 2.0, hastess. Next meeting at Mr$S. 1vas beiîîg observed as National 000 poiînd crop in Ontario had G. Yo'son Nv. 7. Newspaper Week. boen snid hy last Saturday. G. Yo's n No. 17Local growers are now grad- Sympathy is extended ta re- In introdiicing Mr. Pasuoe' ing and baling their crops and ~ ~latives o' the late Mrs. Talmadge at the meeting. Mr. Jani-es' trucking thei to Delhi, Simncoc, Henry, of Lindsay. pointed out that until he catir- jisnugadChtan'Te Mrs. E. Bennett rettiinedl ed h had been the Sotîna co- rTi oi-g ad hthbaîn. Tbcy home to Feneton Falls, after respondient for The Statesmlanarefisd oieir tobtcco we spending a few days with Mr.! for over 40 years. Hê is now 86 h ouses. t h ae and Mrs. John E. Griffin. v eans of age and was a pupil of,____ Mrs. Frank Spry who bas Mr. Jamnes' father. M. A. A~ia~dnity ollected on al] been convalescing for sometime, Jamles. at Bradley public school! te\tiles inported into Caniada in AKwith le ites eune oe 80 years ago. of:emp9anc îî i in l vred eswas 24.- IA B wih r. nd rs EdarWright' A tifelong residciit of Durbhanl 151,- but by 1951 ti a been and amiy wen heyspent the; County, Mr. Pascoe îs a formner rceCI(ed to 1.% U4- week-eand wihM.Sr ldReeve of Darlington Townsbip,; Canadians visiting the Unit- 16o PIRES CE farily t Viarctre.Y ri nhslfad te ti rac ed States for more than 48 Wriht nd auenc reaied hi lfe nd s te ldet min ýlhotrsspend an average of $88 for fe das. îberof he Sns f Tmperncei echaccerding to Fedeî'al sta- Sypty oM.Nomn1intedstrict. tistic. _______________________ Wrigbt and relatives on the pagsing of his brother, M r. Ja-, bez Wright of Oshawa.11 Mor.thand CrenceM. . El n,ý oys' Training School Praised My c and aMrs. M Sai Wton pstubborn coughs J. Stainton. Orono. with Mr.'B eetC m ileo eom sdultsand chldrenand Mrs. M. Stainton.H~ A autan hlrnMr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston ~ .m s h r fP iaeS h o $1.25~~~~ visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. BrownBsAm phrofPiaeS ol - ~~~ loiofOrono. ______ IjM r. and Mrs. Fred Toms. at- Last wveek. the Ontario Train- c rat tone of the \\!Iolc ijîstitu- Rua- 1'cum an e Sund a tkannuess < ing Sehool foi- Boy1s was visited tion. In the mnidclle of r0\ý's of, F Ruma Vacum an wer Sundv te guesz oiby the Provincial' Legisiature's nmetie-ulouiinI' ade beds xwas a' P& i tte M. and Mrs. Nabrtms Select Conmuîtee on Refom i- tetevision There is onceo 65c 1.Mr. asp n a few Norays Wright stitutions and receix cd alinost evecr' dormitory~. al] of which 980 spintOsafwad awthltenedhs' unpeedented praise for the have been paid'toc by the boys ...... irOhawa, fund Ms a rguner-bisoperation. In most institution,,thernsetves. LkeExta Vlamns terWnightSt. CaMisare- the comînittee bas been higbtv The boys work out during the turned home with them aoven hecritical. ire' frnso week-ena. Superintendent J. .. Brown doing other mnanuallbo.Te Wampte'sExtrct.125 eMss-eae Mthelviie told the commnittec there a~e, receive 50 cents an bour, hait AyestlODCo LierMiss Betty Jane Werry on Sun- now 28 graduates ef bis school of which is kept foir theni anJ Ae10 D Cod .0 L .25 day at the Ontario Retorrnatory at the' otîsci baif goes into a 'bou1se Oil ------Mi-s--Diane _eo-1Ked-ron,5Miss Guelph, but could not say biow fond' tO box such per-quiSiteS j One--Da TaletsMiseaterDite Llewith nMsns mîany had gnaduated to' other for their dormitories and othen oeA-&Da - 1.35s-2.0 M.EA . W Mtcellry. Mr.andrefonm or penal instituîtions. In semi-luxury equipment. A & D - -- -M-.-an- Mrs. B. A dams Mc it seven-montb study, tbe corn- In a separate building is a re- Multple 1.2-2.5-M. and Ms. Bor.Bentams, Mr. mittee bave also been unable to cepticîl witi-g. One of jts current j mutpeand Mns. HBeactBenGaMr. find this out. o(Ccupanlt5 is a l0-year-eld To-1 ~uuguu~ ny Osawa Mn an Mr. Buce Aside frani this statistical rente boy charged with break-: ~~Sy Onwui sha a r and ml . ur uceil lack, the commîutee had unqual- ing, enfering and theft. It once Pàs siqow Nc AsMtonandfM. Her ule'i, fied praise for the eperat îon of lheld 6-year-old convicted ut Hampton, were visitons of M.ý. the scbool hiere. It lias the at-, inurd-er. An ' vbomsudr1 id iror Sel a~ rs Wate Oe.mospbeie of a bv*pri\"*;e years arc sent tu Cobourg Train- idIro esadMs atrOe scbool. . W. Do\wnier., (PC, Dut- 1 ing Schoel. In this -ing, the ' hades - New Desi.gnss ferin-Sin-icoe t reniacked that le. arctîw- thorougbh phy sical and "«CLEANING COMMENTS' ididInet f1eca S'inglIe SUlleiî taUe, menItal xi ntom N\ Ion Bnîstie Brushes as li e îtbrougb the builci- i 'honmas Pi- yde t(P.C., Huriioni IRegular cleaning saves clothes.1 ings. appeareil to Suni up the feeling i* 395-2.5Do flot %wear soiled garnients 1'FIe Bownianvilîectîiç«dlias 'of the coilmmittc ý, when h ibetter. when cleaned rpgs'IlarIy..the htigh rost of opçratîinn Fh s4.çlhi -1 e'dhack tIohiokel Hplp youc CIpanpr te serve vou conimittep, foînri thk-rt'xx homies. alit ohol or inimoratitv ini frbetter. Lakeshoce Division. Dry noughly ene staff member to the' home. Att tee often. be said, sfo Reni Cleaners Institutev (Ontario) tbcee students. (The term io- tbey get into trouble again aftec Limited. mate is net in vogue here: even ftbev graduate because tboy go ________________________the' dormniiories are named like back te these socdid bornes. Su-I universitv residences - Nortb j peintendent Brown agreed in a T1CKETSHousge. ouh H1Qou.etc.> Aoutmae-iy -f cse, bt aidth b. earned. They agreedthta $5 child should flot be ptidafor Average rce of 25 every smnall errand. Another Poit ws tatip ve f the Paid for Shorihorns amontofspending tmarie;y v1Af Sale in Blackstock on ta childnen is penhaps os great as iA appeans. A suggestioni was made that parents talk aven The Blue Ribbon Shorthorn the family budget with children sale conducted and mannged present. Mr. M. Sînte read the annuaily by Jack Baker, Hamp- repart for the gnoup. ton, and held at Blackstock on Musical Numberu Nov. 2nd, was cansidered by Mrs. Mel Wiseman presided'aIl concerned a satisfactory s9alè. during the usual business ponioda when the minutes were read The consignment oi 50 bond by Sect. Mns. H. Piekard, treas- mas widely distributed froni urer's neoat by Mns. R. Rich-: Georgian Bay ta Ottawa and ards showing a bank balance Of' Belleville in Ontario and to $202.21, an& letters neoeived by 1 Mrs. E. Perfect. These included Florida, U.S.A. a letten of thanks fram Mrs. R. The top pnice for a fernale and A. Wallace, chairman ai the ne- 1 ai the sale was a co-w consigned cent regional conference lield'by M. H. Pimrnett & Son, In-! in Bowmanville, for the splen- da ieOta 40a a did ca-operatian oi the Bow- daRieOtt$40sws manville Association. the second top at $420. Two piano duets by Mn.0. The tap priced bull consigned Bragg and Miss L. Bragg, were by Baker Fanms, Hampton, went much onjoyed, as were two0v- ta the Quinte Cattie Breedens' cal solos by Miss Margaret At- Bieila 40 lin, "A Brown Bird Singing" The 50 head made a general and "Chnistopher Robin la Say- average ai $250. ing Hia Prayers." She was ac- Lloyd Ashton & Sons of Hay- companicd at the piano by Miss don who have been consistent L. Bragg. who aiso presided at, buyens ini recent years took five the piano for opening and clos- head at an average of $232; Bell ing exercises. Rock Cattie Company, Florida, Mcs. Moffatt, cenvenor, thank- four bead, $261: A. E. Skeats, ed ah wba taok part in the Fenelon Falts, Ont. 4 boad, $241; meeting and expressed her gra- W. G. Guthrie, Whitby, Ont, tification at the intenest sbown tbceo head, $213; Menvin Miller, in thîs type of prograni. In in- Glascog, Sta., Ont., two top an- stituting it she reminded mem- imals, $440. bers that a Home and Schooi Other buyers taking two hieacl Association exists in order that were Bontbi Farnis. Osbawa;i :eachens and parents max- study Francis Stokes. Little Britainj together problenis of child be- Ont.; A. B. Cole, Port Hope, an s.aviour and education. J. L. Anderson & Son, Glen 10 ________________THTJRSDAY, IN R0V 12, 1053 Actuall1y 43% bigger- picture for the satienonev.,. or mil), frorn Adn-ir.t in nuis seîsational 21" table model TV! And not onlv bI)ggçi-, but amazingly bettcr, because the brilliaintly-detaled picture is powcrcd b), Adrniral's great nevv Cascode Cltmsi% and a host of other years-ahead features ! Ask for Modl-'22]IiX ln lustrous cbony plastic at this histîot-y.minilýg Iow pî'icc. Slighly) higher in MaFog- any finish. Canada's nost f'abuloubIT buy! C2 51I5X--Alti ied lzci2-t' (-Wt> sq. i n.) rc t îitgu Ir n t- Super (a scode ( lidio. . ..aI- golden picture framec . . . band- rubbed wood ahiet $649-11 \\,îlnoruu aiogany slie , iiheorI k mira i ehiher ii Jmdu O »! Get thilli"gconvncig de onsratin o Admrals amzinly btte The KING ST. E. Low Down Paymenl - 24 Months 10 Pay K2215X-Super 21" (252 sq. l.) tue with golden pictue rame . . ...V-igrated" Radio Super "600" .-Speed Phono hand rubbed wood cabinet. $579915 W'.lnut or Nllihogany TV NYAL Ci G tiaira n tecd to stor ",Il ideal tonjic forE Lge. boille Templetoni's Tenpleton's T. R. C. Razmah 65c-1.35-5-00 65c - 1.35 Keep Healthy - Ta AiPhamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Halibut 011 Capsules- 75e, 1.29, 4.79 Neo-Chemical Food- Capsules- 1.65, 2.95, 6.60 Liquid 1.55, 3.35, 5.90 PRE-CHRISTMJ Brush, Comb au New Materials - New S Bevelled Glass Nlirrojrs - 2.98 - 5.95 -11.9 Baby Scale., COWL DPRUGE 695 D U Shap i - . ., PHONE 3262 1 alebekahs',JngQll, Officers for 1953-54 Atý Impregsive Meeting On Monday, October 26, the off icers oi Beehive Rebekah Lodge were knstnlled by Sis. Ro- ta Boe D.13.P. of Dist. No. 8 and hon instnlling staff fram Maybelle Lodge, Port Perny. Sis. Bac was introduced by, Sis. Mabel Bagneil and present- ed with a bouquet oi rases oy guard of honor while Sis. Don- othy Van Driel sang an appra- priate. number. Other guests from Oshawa, Orono and Port Penny were welcomed by N.G. Eva MeMurter. Ini a very impressivo installa- tion ceremony the foltowing ai- ficers were installed for the on- suing terni: Gr. P.N.G. Sis. Eva MeMurten, N.G. Sis. Elva Leach, V.G. Sis. Edna Goheen, Roc. Sec. Sis. Grace Murdoch, Fin. Sec. Sis. Amy Tait, Treas. Sis. Audrey Wray, Won. Sis. Joan Rice, Cond. Sis. Donothy Bai-ton, Chap. Sis. Ruth Mitchell, I.G. Sis. Ruby Garnock, O.G. Sis. Mary Vinkie, R.S.N.G. Sis. Aluna Powell. L.S.N.G. Sis. Ida Nich- ols, R.S.V.G. Sis. Lorena High- field, L.S.V.G. Sis. Vera Mutton, Musician Sis. Aninie Wood. Sis. Be D.D. P., and N.G., of Orono, Port Peri'y and Oshawa No. 3 wcre asked to speak. Gifts were presentcd te Sis. Boe by Sis. Samis and Levett on be- liaif of Beehive Lodge and Sis. Eva McMuî-ter then presented hec supporters, Sis. Amy Win- nacott and Sis. Grace Murdoch witb gilts and thanked tbom and ai] officers for thein help and stippert duriug lhec terni. Ô-54-1 CDMLH(DU Low Down Payment 24 Months Io Pay

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