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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1953, p. 7

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0 . . tHUR DÂT, NOV M. 2 3* n CA Ant N U' AI M Att W~ W AWVi.?.u f~* PA - V ~ * ~ 1 *~ 6fl *'IM ImmZ ke ,n ýd 'Mr. m.- H. Goslett spent ti W~kd in Kingston visitini Miss Joan Luxton spent the weekend with Miss Marlyr Mliler, Toronto. dns. M. Colwell bas returnee honte after visiting bier daugh. ter,'Mrs. Lyrnen, Oshawa.' Mr. Jim Devitt, Vancouver BCiwas i town Wednesdey q1n on old acqueintances. Ut.and Mn,. L. B. Nichols the weekend witb Mn. and I. Douglas Nichols, Kingston, ,Mrs. Robt. McCneady, Inger- sdl, Was in town over the Weekend renewing old acquaint- anceS. Messrs, Dave Higgon, O. F. IRobson and Claude Kîlmen bae been deer hunting in the Ban- croft area. Mn.. M. A. Cox and Mn,. Etephen Gneey, Toronto, visit- ed their aunt, Mn.. Harry Foster, en Monday. Mn.. Ernest Hunt and daught- en, Sharron Anne, Eastview, are visiting ber mother, Mn,. R. Witheridge. Mn. and Mn.. Wim. Stuckey, Demaseus; Mrs. Jessie Kentner, Acton, visited thein sister, Mns. Herry Smith. Mn. and Mn.. Charles V. Hoeî and farnily, Toronto, spent Sun- day with hi, parents, Mn. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Miss Nellie Burk, Onrillia, wei home for the weekend with bier mother, Mn,. T. S. Holgate, anc sister. Miss Sybil Burk. Mn. and Mn,. J. Thompson, St. Catharines, were weekenc visitons with their deughter, Dr. and Mrs. Keitb Slemon. Mn. R. Coleman,' Toronto, is replecîng Mn. Art Constable as accountant et the Bank of Montreal wbile Mn. Constable ,is on holidays. Rev. Warren Turner attended the conference of the Ancb- deaconry of Peterborough, beld at St. John'. Cbureh, Peterbor- ough, thi, week. Mn. and Mn.. Henb Powell were guests at the Johnson- Quinn wedding in Norland on Oct. 31 and visited Mr. and Mn.. Howard Henry, Woodville. The postponed Canadien Legion Poppy Day will b. held in Bowrnanviîîe on Setunday. Be sure you are weening e Poppy befone the sun goes dcoWn. Mrs. C. L. Upper ha, return- ed to bier borne in Peterborough efter spending the weekend with her sister, Mn.. G. F. Jamieson, and belping Lerry and Lenrane celebrate thein eleventh birtb- da,%. Rev. and Mrs. W. P. ]Rogers were among the 200 guests who attended the Diamond Wedding Scelebration of Mn. and Mn.. S. P. Stinson et their borne in .ý.oronto on Satunday. Mn. Rog- ugLs a brother of Mrg. Stindon. -'The seven-man Courtice Hunt Club returned fnorn Apsley area this week with three bucka, e do.eand an eîk. Included în the perty were Eric Courtuce, Bob Courtice, Bill Nemis, Bob Muir, Bruce Muir, AI Flîntoff and Gordon Moffatt. CHURCH (Anglican) J Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B. HOL'Y COmMMION 11 a.rm. - CHORAL COMMubNION:X Sermon- "'The 7th Conmmeedment"' EVENSONG sermon: «Widsom."l TRINITY 11119 Minister: Rev. T. 11 A.M. - Dr. WiIlia Supenintendent Chicago ci Twenty years o Babies eared for duning chui Dr. C. W. 7 P.M. - "Handling Life' s I The Intermediate and Ji the music. et theg IlMr. D. C.Peter*, L.T.C.M. Director of Music. Postrnaster John B. KCent spent the weekend in Buffalo, N.Y. Lawn bowlers in this area will b. interested to learn that W. Merlin Etcher of Port Perry was elected President of the Pro- vincial Lawn Bowling Associa- tion of Ontario. He has been prominent in lawn bowling circles for many years. find -.. dead deer of mammoth! proportions it would belp 'if they cor.taeted Art. His scep- tical fniends would appreciate it. Mrs. T. S. Holgate received word Sunday thet ber nephew, Fred Gale, had Pessed awayj suddenly' on Saturday et hisî home, 632 Clinton St., Toronto.1 For a numben of yeers be was on the staff et the City Hell but retined a few years ego due to poor health. Fred is a na- tive of Bowmanville being the eldeat son of the late Mn. andJ Mns. James Gale. Hi. fatherj frmany years wes the pub- "Rece-nt winners of tickets for lisher oý' the Wet _Duiha 'y hockey games at Maple Leaf News. Deceased is survived Gardens in the Lions Club draw by bis wife. the former Eliza- Ishave beeri Laurence Goddard beth McCraig, three sisters, ýd and Dor Kemp on Nov. 7; Ted Mrs. Harold Earl, Toronto; Mrs. - Chant and Dick Perfect for Newly Hanford, Calgary, Alta,; - Nov. 11, and Joe Cooper and Mns. LeilE Hosback,Deri, te Ray Brnck for Nov. 14. Mich.; and one brother, Ross' t- Gale, Aylmer, Ont. The funer- Mr. Robin Mitchell of St. al was Tuesday wîth interment MEXICO-CANADIANo Boswell, Roxburghshire, Scot- ini Prospect Cemetery, Toronto.cmetd hnnebrso Bowm;anvllle Canadian Bank of Heavy snows over the week- inaugural flight party laid wri -Commerce. Mr. Mitchell will re- end caused worry and anxiety ceie hs nital ranin inth for at least one local family. The of Independence in Mexico ceie hs nitaltranig i te head of the household, Mr. Art. prominent Canadians signing Bowmanville branch. having Constable of the Bank of Mont- city following the ceremony, -just started on his banking ca- real had gone hunting with E edaPeieto h *er.R. Woodyard in the Apsley areaGleyDoadW lc, x Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Rundle, They were supposed to returr alrDnldWlae x -Col.. and Mrs. L. T. McLaugh- Saturday but the bountiful white Paul Martin and William Teli e lin and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. snow flakes blocked their ps- ekyNwppr soit James were among the* guests age so they didn't reach Row veiyNwpaesAsca *ho attended the annual chry- manville until some time Mon- of his organization. The pi santhemum tea on Saturday ef- day. Mrs. Constable and Mrs. regular service between Moi rternoon at "Parkwood," the Woodyard must have put in a City which, it is expected, wil home of Col. and Mrs. R. S. Mc- hectie couple of days because Laughlin, Oshawa. newspapers carried reports of r Several from this area visited bunters being lost, shot and in -Keith Rynard's farmi near Sun- other accidents. It ended satis-HA P O d deland last week to see a $2,300 factorily for ail concernied, ex- H IPO hog, supposed to be the largest cept that the hunters didn't see s in Canada. It i. eight feet long anything to shoot, flot even a Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. r and stands three and one-half squirrel. Report have it that K. Caverly were, Mr. L. S. C a- cl feet bhigh. Among those who banker Constable was equipped verly, Mrs. Ellwood Fenneil, Mr. saw this magnificent animal witb the makings of a complete Donald Fennell, Miss Barbara were Byron Vanstone, Wallace arsenal. Possibly he should have Fennell and Mrs. Beth Wright Munday, Otto Madsen and Cliff eut down on the weapons and of Toronto. Robinson. included a pair of snowshoes. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Power, Jack Bird. brother of Ted One of the cuteat scenes of the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Power, sons, SBird, and Rus. Candler, bro- week took place on Church Donnie an&~ Keitb, Lindsay, ther of Stuart Candier, both of Street on Wednesday morning. were gue.sts of Mr. and Mrs. Swhom live in London, came to A group of very young, would- Garnet Jobnston. fBowmanville last weekend to be hockey players were going at Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- attend the Canadien Legion it hammer and tongs on the joy visited at Mr. Russell Mount- Remembrence Day banquet and street when the whistle blew to joy' #, Blackstock, on Sunday. Ivisitet7 relatives and friends. announce the beginning of two Mrs. S. Kersey spent a few They stayed witb Mr. Ted Bird minutes' silence for Armistice days with bher son, Rev. T. M. 1while in town. observance. Witbout a word, Kersey, Plainfield. Don't forget Shekespeare's the entire group stopped playing Mrs. G Adcock visited Osh- "As You Like It" in the Town and stood on the side of the awa, relatives on Tuesday. Hall Saturdey night at 8.15 p,. road, their beads bowed over About 30 ladies of the Wom- m., presented by The Earle Grey their upright hockey sticks. en's Institute chartered a Garton Players, outstanding profession-. When the sarne whistle announe- bus for their annual trip to the al ompny f Trono. tudntsed the end'of the two minutes' TrnoAe ovnina h ai ompny f Trono. tudntssilence, baek they went to their TorontoraoneTirontthe 50c, adults $1.00. Sponsored by gm-gi ihu od tTusa at h ete e iBowmanville Business & Pro- wgam egintewioutord k oynYrkHtlTrnto fessional Women's Club. Get how many aduits paid their re- ing fine the trip was enjoyable. your tickets now from Jewell's, spects in similar' fashion. Sorne A number also went on a shop- LBlain Elliott's, or from mem- of the credit for this fine spirit ping tour or took in a show up bers. 46- among the ehildren must go the town, besides attending part of During the week ending Nov. sehool teaclmrs wbo, on Tues- the sessions of the convention 6, admisions at Memorial Hos- day, suggested that pupils oh- which tney found profitable, pital, Bowmanville, numbered serve the period of silence no and returned home pleased with 40. In the Stork Club the girls matter what they were doing. their day's outing. have been havîng it aIl their The big snow storm of Satur- own way for some weeks past, day no doubt was a surprise to but the boys came beck into Lg pae everyone, coming s0 eanly in the leed lest week, five to three. egonSpae the season, wben a blanket of Seven major and 17 minor -op- several inches covered the' erations were performed, and (Continued from Page One) ground and found many cti- two emergency cases were zens busy with their shovels in treated. Disebarges totalled 51. in wbieh our governrnents have the everiing, the plow making always had confidence because its appearance also. Childrenj On. Friday, Nov. 6, members of the sanity and soundness of had their share of fun and en-I Of St. John'. Evening Bnanch uprosl"1 surprised Miss A. Hyland at her ou rpsI" joyed it immensely for a day o r recently purchesed borne on Mr. Hood pointed out, bow- two. Wellington Street. Mrs. Chas. ever, that the task of the Can- The Hallowe'en masquerade Bettles, president, explained the adian Legion is not yet over. was very largely attended and purpose of'the vîsit and Mrs. Such problems as housing, edu- an unusually large numben came Ernest Lunn presented ber with cation, better citzenship and the in appropriate costume andi a floral top card table. Miss suppression of Cornrunismn are many weird looking eharacters: Hyland expressed ber thanks. vital coneerns of the organiz- were on parade; and special Canasta and progressive euebre ation, he said, and practical steps mention rnigbt be made of the wene played, and a tasty lunch are being taken to solve them. more lovcly attire of many of bnougbt the 'happy evenung to a Face Threats to Freedom the weo ones, wbo were prettily close., The threat to our freedom i. dnessed. The judges, Mrs. W. J. The Tbank-offering meeting the greatest threàt whieh faces Leask, Mrs. Albert Cole and of Trinity Auxiliary was held us, the speaker asserted, and the Mrs. Belle Reynolds, of Bow- Tuesday evenîng with a fair et- Cenadian Legion is the greatest manville, and their task was al tendance. Mrs. Ives opened the bulwark in Canada against it. difficult one. Pruzes were award- meeting with prayer and Mrs. "The Legion calîs upon the ed as follows: Best group, Mrs. Wight and ber assisting ladies, nation through its government L. Clemens and Mr. Dave Hall; Mrs. Coueh and Mn.. C. Belîman, and parliament to play its part best advertisement, Miss Louise condueted the worship service. in meeting the challenge of die- Goodman, Halloween Jr., Miss Mrs. Lloyd Ayne favored witb a tatorsbip by utilizing our resoure- Louise Ternill; Hallowe'en Sr., beautiful solo. Mrs. R. Hoskin1 es of manpowen and materials Harry Adcock, best comie, Allin gave a very interesting paper on t the uteos limit of our Woodlock, best couple Sr., Jean the Study Book, entitled, "Con- cpabi..ities", he stated. 'eLo n ienWa:bs ditions in India". The President stand for universal miflitary nursery rhymn, Erlyne Barron, presided and beard reports from1 service as a necessary part of Julie P'iyne and Sally Payne; each secretary.j that preparedness. We believe best bobo, Mrs. A. Blanchard; Among local hunters wbo did that notbing can be of greater i best National costume, Mrs. very well this year were: W. importance than the preservation Perey Allun and Miss Sheila Al- Art Edger, iHarvey 'Hap" Pal- of our freedorn and democnacy. lin: smnallest persons in cos- me, c'mavile De bî-The people of Canada moust be turnes, Chris Belson, John mer, BowmaPbille;DeWips- pepared to make any sacrifices Payne, Mary Jean Billett: best ney, Port Hope; Art hlis necessary to maintain them." junior couple, Gene Balson and Harold' Pbillips, Oshawa; and Mr. Hood felt that other organ- Ginger Balson. Harvey Hamilton, Whitby. They izations might be well advised Rev. F. J. Reed presided for seerched the runweys et Wbit- to follow the lead of the Canad- tefloigporr n e ston Lae, eer aveoek an ian Legion un forbidding mem-i the audience in a sing-song. Mrs. carne out Sundey with three' bersbip to Communists and Corn-i W. J. Lcask favored with a bucks and one doe. "Ginger" munist sympathizers. neading and kindly responded Edger, a fishermen of long i Rests With Younger Members Iwth an encore. Mrs, Albert standing as well as a hunter, He concluded bis address by' Cole and Mary Nudderv favored didn't get bis bag, but almost reminding younger members wt ievpaode;anm got the biggest buck of his that older veterans of World War wberofa livl ino dtuta nuco- cereer, he says. If anvone Ln I are passing an, and thev must bro msn tnsadcn Havelock anea sbould hppnto be prepared to take their. places, tests w'erE conducted by' Doug- happencnine obeagra las White creating much merri- force for better citizenship and ment and a number of ladies -fa- bigher ideals un pnivate and pub- vored wîith a vocal selection, l * f ie life, and one wbich us active 'Shine On Harvest Moon" putun thsebig ieal utowhich wes well enacted and rE inR ractice through our service".poiedmc hu r.Te be declared.i were eecompanied by Miss N. ILions Ernie Bradley, Dr. Haârold w%%est group and gav anintees Fergiison- Llo d Ayre and Pre-1 ing on the rro Lo k sident Venstone. Lion Gordon 1 out for your tongue. it us in a wet jElliott presented Lion Don Shey. place and mev slip. God Him- Phvlis Calli Barett, %%' tb a baby blanket on the oc-' self cent kill words, wben they Phyhu halis arrtt. casion of tbe necent binth of his are said." A.TC...Orgnît. son, Paul. Mrs. Keith Bilîett played a A.T..M..Orgaist. Members voted to donete $25 ver. dîfticult piano solo, 'one of to the Nuzi*hunberIa'nd-Durham ber A.RECI. n-i.rrbers. iChildiren& Aid Society. Humorcus readung. _A Mar- 'i 'pRELATIONS were further Trans-Canada Air Lines pre- reaths at the Mexican Column City. Here are shown three the Honor Guest Book of the y.Left to right are Robert Ottawa Parliamentary Press :cutive Assistant to the Hon. fer representing the Canadian tion who is signing on behaif ce-inaugural flight preluded ntreal, Toronto and Mexico ill begin shortly. -TCA Photo ried Man's Idea of the Wom- en's Institute" was given by Miss Mary Niddery; current events by Mrs. Daw; vocal solo, "Bar- carole" by Mrs. Shackleton Topic, Canadian Industries, "The Gadget Age" by Mrxs. Lor- enzo Trull, who made it very in- teresting. comparing our grand- mother's tîme to ours. Mrs. K. Billett favored with another pi- ano solo. The Queen was sung and lunch was served under the direction of Miss Minnie Horn. There was a large attendance. A bus was hired to go to the1 Area Convention on November; rsC»m sruSAMU box of12 4Oe SOCIAL AID PEESONAL PHONIC 3383 Calvin Murray, Newcastle, spent the weekend with Glen Bell. Mn. and Mrs. King Kent, Lon- don; Mn. and Mn.. Harny Mc- Comb, Mn. and Mrs:- W. M. Henry, Toronto; Mn. and Mn.. Norman Avery and farnlly, et Mn. and Mrs. Frank Denby's. Dr. and Mn.. Wrn. Connigan and baby at Mn. and Mn,. Charles Rankine's. Mns. Bernard Houseman left on Wednesday night to join ber husband, Cpl. Bernard House-, man wbo bas been stationed et Calgary. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray visited Mn. and Mn,. Jirn Aikenhead, Toronto. Elwyn Diekie, Yelverton; Miss Dorotby Stainton, Enniskillen, et Mr. D. Blaek's. Mrs. Dan Black is doing nicely aften ber openation and ise- peeted home soon fnom Port Penny Hospital. Mn. and Mns. Ross Ashton and farnily et Mn. Wrn. McLaugblin's, Bunketon. Donna Black spent a day witb Mn. and Mns. Donald Jobnson, Yelverton. W. A. November meeting will be held on Wednesday efternoon et the home of Mrs. Don Cern- any other pont In the world. DETTOL Smnall size, 1 7/s oz. 43c Large size, 724 oz. 11 5tb, and about 28 responded in- cluding seven non members. It is too bad that some went shop- ping, some to shows and others to visît relatives and not to convention for wbich the bus was bired. Next year, just bine one for sight seeing. Dr. and Mn,. Andfew Hard- ing, Oshawa; Mr. and Mn.. Han- vey Balson, Glenn, Douglas, Betty and Beverley, Oshawa, were recent visitons et J. W. Belson's. Mr. and Mn.. J. C. Macneb and family visited on Sundey for tea with Mn. and Mn.. Keith Billett and family, Bowmen- ville. Mns. Niddery, Miss Mary Nid- dery spent the weekend in To- ronto guesta of Mn. and Mn,. 1Bob Fernandez. Thefi Case Held Over Magistrale Imposes Fines in Seven Cases A number of traffie viola- tions wene dealt with by Magis- trete R. B. Baxter in Bowrnan- ville Police Court Tuesday and fines imposed in seven cases. An Oshawa mnan was fined $50 and costs for driving while bis ebil- ity wes impeired and smaller fines were irnposed on the othen six counts. The case of Robent Lawson, Greenwood Ave., Toronto, eharged with theft as the ne- sult of local cars being broken into on October 30, was set over until December 1. In sailing shlp days 'Yan- mouth, N.S., is said to have had more registered tonnage than BROMO-SELTZER Small size, 8 dose ---29c Large size, 40 dose ---98C Save 33e on the large ixe- SCOTT'S EMULSION Small size, 614 o., 73c- Large ise, 14J/4 os., $1.33 Save 6le on the large size AIR WICK small size, 5½ oz. --.89C Large size lS½I oz. 1.89 Save 29e on the large size Small size 4 os., 69ce Save $1.06 on large size WILDROOT CREAM OIL Small size, 1'i oz. --43c Large size. 8 oz.- 1.231 Save 56e on the large size LISTERINE Smnall size, 3 oz. -ý--33e Large size, 14 oz. ---98e - ENO'S "FRUIT SALT" Large size 8 oz., 51.09 Save 36e on the large size COLGATE DENTAL CREAM Small size, 1I ½ oz. 33C Large size 5 11/16 oz. 89c1 Save 39e on the large sise- DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD Small size, 6Q's, 79e - Large ise, 180's. $1.98 Save 38e on the Large sise Save 34c on the large ise ALKA SELTZER TRUSHAY LOTION Small sîze. 8's----- 34e Small size, 22' oz. - 37c Large size, 25's 68c Large sîze, 9 oz. 99C Save 16e on the large ie - NIVEA CREME Smaillaise, 2 os., 63e - Large ise. 4 os., $1.10 Sav.8 on arge iz JABSORBINE JUNIOR ISmall size, 4oz. --1.191 Save $2.50 on the large aise- TEMPLETON'S T-R-C', Smaill ise, 36's, $1.35 - Large aise, 200's, 55.00 1 Save 80e on the large ise HALO SHAIMPOO Smal] SiiA !'--z07. 39C Large size, 67/ oz. 98C M'cGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Alex. We Deliver eron. Officers will be elected for 1954. Mn. and Mn.. Lloyd Slernon attended the anniversany serv- ices et Blackstock on Sundey and visited Mr. and Mn.. Wilbur Toms. Mn. and Mrs. Roland Thomp- son and family et Mn. and Mn. Don Stainton's, Tyrone. Don Bell spent the weekend et Mn. and Mn.. Munray's, New- castle. Mn. and Mn.. Lloyd Slemon attended the double silver wedd- ing ennivensany of Mn. and Mn. Wllbun Toms and Mn. and Mn. Courtney Graham et the home of Mn. and Mn.. H. McLaughlin, Blaekstock, ýMonday nigbt. Cleyton Reed, Miss Audrey Ray, Mn,. A. Reed, Ina Beryl and Lynne, spent Sunday wlth Mn. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Toronto. Mn. and Mn,. Lloyd Ashton and fernily visited Mn. James Bnown, Newcastle. Enniskillen W. A. was enter- tained et the borne of Mr. and Mn,. Ross Ashton on Tuesday evening. You'II Enjoy Eating Lenhaven Lodge No. 2 Highway Newcastle We speealîe ln STEAKS - CHOPS FRIED CHICKEN For Reservations Diai Newcastle 2701 IWI P PACRAU OP -3WWtbsm 6633,/41"x" SIZE jr 20C fissm Ir" x W, MAN'S SIZE 1?"x*" D r u Phone 792 Phone 792 Farm Forums BLACKSTOCK FARM FORUM Blackstock Farm Forum have been engaged in a series of pre- testing farm forum topics for the past three weeks. First at E. M. Larmer's then at Earl Dorrell's and lastly at Ralph Larmer's. Miss McKenzie, editor of the Farm Forum Guide, and Mra. Fýoyd Griesback, wife of the National Farm Forum Secre- tary, were in attendance at each meeting. This pre-testing is carried out by several forums scattered here And there and reported back to head office b. fore the Guide is printed. Our meetings were carried out In regular forum practice, except a script was read, then questions were discussed. Plans made for next meeting, stunté and games enjoyed, as well né the lunch provided by the hou.- ess. Next meeting Nov. 16 at Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell's will revert back to regular forum topics. Chairman, Mer. ril Van Camp. There are more than 1,1,010 eating places in Canada. jIRUGjSTORE dent quiCOMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE iew SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY is FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 1. D. A. BRAND SPECIALS UWGIGFIRST AID SoId on a Money-Back Guarantee Ahelo. ii Easi-Gloss Floor Wax rel.5e 39 <EIV ANAGS Calamine Loion 4z.. 8 o5.,2 3c, 39c .4 oz., Cherry Cough Syrup reg. 50e 39c ~ ~~ Cold Cream Theatrcal type, 69C BABY PRODUCIS 1lb. jar., reg. 89eLOIN .6 SFlax Seed, whole 16 rg oz., 29c OIL .65 & 1.15 SFriar's Balsam reg. 25c,45 19c, 33c CREAM .18 ....... 12 oz., - 3 * Lin seed Meal reg. 35 29c 16 oz. bot., with 7. Beef, Iron and Wine Vitamin BI, reg. 1.00 79c, ORAL CLINICAL ahCohIINRLS a aThermomefer 2W ashCe- h In black 69C 25c Value 2/25c Bakelite Case ._ C pIa Save Moey uy the Large iehmes HOOT MON! SAVE MONEY.... PL BUY THE LARGE SIZE 300 at your Independent Druggist's Economy S(16LE T S ave 68e on the large sise Save 47e on the large sixe I _______ __ 1 1 1 t 1 ffl eANADUS IrrATESUM. BOWMANVrUULP-> n*T,&IM qft A~ q 1 1 i PRESCREPTIONS A SPECIALTY

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