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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1953, p. 11

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN BOWMANVTLLE ONTARIOPGE LEE Projects Completed by Jr. Farmers i YELVERTON D.u 1.u~ i The series -of crokinole par- Indiidu l Stndigs a e P blis ed iesgot off toi a bang-up start ai ______last Wednesday at Harv. andS ~IIVarau JuiorFamer Souh urhm Dir Caf:Cornie Malcolm's. Ten tables ai CUs ai Durha un y aeCluO rSetmbeary l2th: plaved amid much hilarity. Nor-' clumpleteDuthemir ut av lbOonSitme 1t marn Wilson cbpped al the hon-à thme erd the projects for Ken Brooks, 957; Geraldr ours with eleven wins out of a r the Yar wih thefollowing ne- Brown, 953; Merrill Brown, 950; ýpossible twe1ve. The two high t Euits neleased following achieve- Donald Shenwin, 931; Ron' girls, Mrs. D. Wilson and Mns. ment days held ini the vanious Brooks, 929; Roy McHolm, 917;! Victor Malcolm, played off withV centres. Doug Cruickshank, 910; Doug- Mrs. Wilson coming out victor- h 'fest Durham Swine Club,! las Shenwin, 908; Ruth McHolm, jous. Coffee and lunch wound Blackstock, September 26: 1893; Carlos Cniyderman, 889; Ed- up the evening. Ron Brooks, 943; Keith Van, gar Thompson, 889; Lorne Tink, Wr spoeeigw t h Camp, 942; Ralph Strong, 937; 889; Paul Allun, 889; Genda1 church hall. The men were Gerald Brown, 932; Delton Craig, 888; Robert Carruthersbs audyprigcmn W Fisher, 925; Walter Stapleton, 887; Bruce Bowman, 886, Billy bu fsy Sate obpounnceme D 908; Gerald Preston, 895; Barry, Tamblyn, 878; Grant Tainblynn in.Bildin the jobaon Monani tapies, 893, Herbie Curtis 888; 854; James Coombes# 836; Seldon nih.Bidn h tg oe *avid Swain, 883; James Power, Parker, 836; Keith Cryderman,1 next.C 6Alan Dayes 860; James 1830. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Stewart, Stephenson, 855; Benne Hooyer, North Durham Beef Caîf Club Toronto. Miss Beatrice O'Neil, j( t~3; Alan Passant 839. -Blackstock, September 26th. Creemore, Mr. and Mrs. Bill ti .W\ast Durham Swine Club, Keith Van Camp, 958; Larmer Cnei n aa rPr rdt Hope, September 5th: Rosevean, 954; Lawrence Mc- Penry, with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Leighton Benson, 925; John Laughlin, 946; Laurie Stapleton,ý McGil1. si Bannett Jr., 910; Bobby Ough, 941; Thomas Dawson, 929; Ralph Mr.and Mrs. Balfour Moore M 889; Brenda Peirce, 886; Paul Stnong, 928; David Riekard, 91;h en oe the weekend in Toron- Allin, 871-, John Ferguson, 871; Alvin Quinney, 914; Barry Sta-l to, with Mn. and Mrs. Morris tc John Beedhamn Jr., 867; Donald pies, 909; John Earle, 906; Holmes and took in the Royal al Morton, 861; Beverley Rose, 859; James Power, 884; Gerald Pres- and the Santa Claus parade. Fred Fisk, 828; Ralph Goheen,. ton, 871; George Wood, 862. Y.P.U. of Queen Street Unit- 818; Truman Young, 818; Doug- 1 Durham Potato Club - Beth- ed Church, Lindsay, met at the SI las Rose, 816; Neil Munroe, 814. any, September 23rd: home of Mn. and Mrs. John Ralph Porter, 959; Laverne McCabe, Lotus, Monday night.T Morton, 955; Kenneth Porter, Pnogram was on citizenship. 1~953; Cameron Porter, 951; Ken Lunch and a snowball fîghtt Buttery, 937; Douglas Olan, 930; spiced the evening up consider- ~.Kenneth Olan, 927; Ronald Fal- ably. 'ji lis, 926; Bert Wenry, 921; Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson, f 2JNas92;AlnJbstn99; ilanLele oolnvit-1Ray Finney, 912; Garth McGill, ed the Art Rowans on Sunday. te 1' 912; Maurice Hallowell, 897; Best wishes are extended re S Keith Fice, 893; Alan Dayes,toMsRbetAknnad 883; Clifford Dayes, 870. Mr. Willis Whiteside who are L - Tractor Club Report: both patients in the Civic Hos- w Gerald Brown, 812: Larmen pta, Peterborog.n ~~-1 ~ Rosevear, 790; Robent Carnu- pt uh Sthens, 768; Keith Lamb, 719; Mrs. Davis, Bethany, is visit- ' Menrill Brown, 702; Glen Sta- rng Mr. and Mrs. Jury Bristow. h( pleton, 615; Seldon Parker, 496; Mr. and Mns. Murray Malcolm si - Ralph Whyte, 419: Ross Dean, -wene Saturday evening dinnen TM 406; Carlos Cryderman, 13»; guests of Jack and Lorna Wil- Fred Flsk, 90; Jack Allun, 70. sonl. rc L et a DUIRO do Durham Grain Club - Bow- Mn. and Mns. Bob Moffat, Or- Si th h p& piM manvîlle, Septemben 22nd: ono, and Mr. and Mrs. White,M U * P t RU~3 ii I Lawrence McLaughlin, 941; Uxbridge, wene Sunday callens ~~VIG IM ..- EDC Glenn Preseott, 940; Donald with Mn. and Mns. Bert Gibson. N Green, 988; Mernili Brown, 935; Mn. and Mrs. Wilbert Mal- T as ING LABOR ... INCREAS- Harvey Graham, 935; Ken But- colmn wene guests at the wed- 11 ING PRODUCTION. DURO tery, 934; Gerald Brown, 931; ding af Morris McGill in York fa -funp designed for Farm dut3ri Ron Brooks, 927; Larmen Rose- Mills on Saturday and spent the th SÉpply fresh watcr where and vear, 926; Roy McHolm, 922; weekend with M:r. and Mrs. th when you aeed it ... in the home Ken Brooks, 920;,Cameron Por- Howard Philp. .- barn ... poultry yard--- ter, 890; Donald Chapman. 889; Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMullin truckr garden. . -. provides resemv Ralph Porter, 877; Neil Boyd,adGryJnevieMrad forIreproecton.862; George Patton, 857; Ken- Mrs. Sam Adams and Lynn, Sec your Plumber or DURO neth Porter, 854; Ronald Down, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and deaer Wforfl information about 824; Carlos Cryderman, 819. Mrs. Murray Malcolm.p the tffl of DURO Shallaw or Mr. and Mrs. Dean Graham wrt-eirflderuLyu n, or e RO NSand Isobel, Sunderland, Mr. and wit. fomrm Nee.a«Rity. _______ NSMrs. Bill Graham and Mrs. Wm. 1 the arm «essty".Graham, Lindsay, with John to Sympathy of the cammunity and Jean McCabe, Mrs. Hixon fo Is extended to Mr. J. Morley and and Ruth were msa wlth the m daughter, Mrs. R. Evans, on the MeCabes.. of loss of a devoted wife and moth- Mr. Reg Ruskin, Toronto, th er. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. gE Mfrs. Harry Sinclair, John and Geo. Heaslip.M Larry and Mns. Jack Hartwick, Mr. Vance Wilson, Toronto, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. with Jack and Lamna Wlo. se -James Curson and Jimmy, were Mr. and Mn.. Harold Stinsan yc fi in Peterborough on Sunday vis- and Mrs. M. Walker, were en- af iting Mr. Harry Sinclair, a pa- tentained at Dalton Browni's, al tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Fleetwood, on Sunday. fil who had been shot in a hunting Mrs. Clarence Page and Ian fe accident on Saturday. and Mrs. Floyd Stinsan and ha Miss Betty Stephenson and Pamela, attended St. Mary's W. la IMr. Pat McCullough visited Sat- A. meeting at Mrs. Geo. Page's, la, urday evening with Mr. anid Lifford. Mrs. Stan Couch. This promises ta h. a busy eC Mr. and& OFTEPiRS Tnd ir ann, week ji. Yelverton as the W.A. a ;O. imi-rED Pp& H. Pitt. the Durham County Co-opera- ta: ION DO0 N - C A N A D Mr. and Mrs. Stain Couch, tive Mudcal Services at Black-- _____________________ Mr. and Mns. James Curson, stock on Wednesday evening. K HO G H JlnMy, Mrs. Jack Hantwick, Mr. and Mrs. John McCabc JACK B OU l Mru. Harry Sinclair, John and vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Wilson WLarry, called an Mr. and Mrs. Staples at Janetville. ]PLUMBING AND HEATING Bob Hicks. Did you know that Norman Division Street S. Mn. and Mrs. Paul Yakowski Wilson's car has a mind of its IpEONE 615 DOIVMAN VILLE 'visited with Mr. and Mrs. James own? On Tuesday Norman ___________________Curson. came down ta Ralph Malcolm's *......UUUUUMMUUMMMUMUUMMMMMUMUUMUML tafetch home srre stray cattle. acnoiss the f ield,te car was supposedly parked on the hill MoreD.T..'s er d llar period of inactivity, the car bolede on boue.iliint ths wihvaîîey eo.MawleNr with man pased by on the tractor, looked in, uaw the car, wonder- ed whose car it was and what it was doing down there. Later he realized it was his own car and mv came ta retnieve it. Since the snaw had saftened the ground enough tai make At slppeny, we heand a noaring motair sevenal - -~ Rtimes before Narmn got the car * RU out. Penhaps it's just as well the guest. ub"«Im OéméYou'I Enjoy - -*Diemuab.mdtEating Special Deal with rower Blower Unit worth $27.50, Lenhaven Lodge regular $134 Coleman Unit complete with No. 2 Highway Heater, Tank and Blower, Newcastle only $119.95 Conne in and see this wonderful heater We Specialize in STEAKS - CHOPS Laner '..'retware For Reservatian. 7 King St. E Phone 774 Dial Newcastle 270, NE WTON VILLE Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Rcdknap and son, Douglas, Oshawa, spent Surday witp bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Redkrap. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Elliott and laughter Dorathy. went ta To- ronto on Saturday for the San- ta Claus parade. Mrs. Zera Carlaw, Greens- ville, spent the week-end with hcr sister, Mrs. WiHis Jones. Mn.. Mabel Langstaff i. under the ~doctor's cane. Mrs. Agnes Darlington, Oshawa, is staying wîth ber. Mn. B. K. Van Buren and sons, Donald and Robent, leit or Wed- nesday ta spend the winter at Calgary. Mn. and Mrs. Jacob Kratz and rerry, and John Adams, Toron- ao, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Andrew Reichrath. Mn. and Mrs. Clelard Lare pent the week-end witb Mn. ard Mirs. J. C. Moore, Hamilton. Mrs. Ernest Eiey and twa sors ook in the Santa Claus parade at Toronto or Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moase, Linrdsay, spent Surday with his sister, Mrs. G. W. Jones. Murray Gilmer, grndson ai M'rs. Bella Gilmer and James Wilson, Sask., are visiting rela- tives bere. Mrs. John Turner, Ororo, and Mr. and Mis. Thos. Turner ard family, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Nesbitt, Surday. Mrs. Andrcw Reicbratb at- tended the funerai service at To- onto, on Monday for Mn. Thea Kremer, held at the St. John's Lutheran Church. Mn. Kremer was with the Heintzmar com- pary for aven forty years. Mrs. Stevens, Newcastle, and her mothen, Mrs. Brown, spart ;unday with Mn. ard Mrs. Ray- 2ord Bruce. Mn. and Mrs. Sid Burley, To- ronto, with Mn. Spencer Burlcy, Sunday. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Bert Ballagb, Copenhager, New York State, who were fity 'cars married on Nov. l4th. Thein weddirg fiity years ago inked up two ai the pioneer families of Clarke township, th Ballaghs ai Starkville and the Couisons ai the Lakeiront. Vhy Cusiomer Couldn'i Pay His Accouni We are passing on the fol- lowing letten which was sent to the editan by a subscribcr for publication li The States- man. Unfontunately the rame Df the writcr is nat given, but tat will rat prevent you from getting a chucklc by reading it. My Dean Sir: In neply ta youn requcst ta send check. I wisb to inform aou that the prescrit condition f mny bank accound makes it Imou 't Impossible. My shattened inancial condition la due ta tderal laws, state laws, city [ws,, caunty laws, mather-in- lws, brotbcr-in-laws, sister-in- àws and outlaws.. Through these laws I amn compellcd ta pay a business ex, head tax, school tax, gas ax. light tax, sales tax, food ix, furniture tax and excise 33 King W. tax. Even my brains are taxed. I am required ta get a business license, car license, hunting l- cense, fishing licerse, truck il- cense,- not to. mention a mai- niage license and dog license. I am also required ta contni- bute ta every society and or- ganization which the genius ai man is capable of bringing ta ie; ta womer's relief, the un- employed relief and the gold diggers relief. Also to evcry hospital and charitable institu- tion in the city, including the Red Cross, the black cross, the Blue Cross, the purple cross ard the double cross. For my own safety, I am nrequired ta carry life insurance, business irsurance, earthquake insur- ance, unemployment insurance, old age and fine insurance. My business is sa governed that sometimes I wander wbo owrs it. I am inspected, suspect- ed, dis-respected. rejected, ex- amined, re-examined, inform- ed, required, summoned, fincd, commarded and compelled un- tii' 1 provide an inexhaustible supply ai money for everv known reed of the human race. Simply because I refuse ta don- ate ta somethirg or another I am boycotted, talked about, lied about, held up. beld dowr and robbýd urtil I arn almost ruined. I car bonestly tell you that except for the miracle that has just happened, I would not en- close check. The wolf that bas came ta my doon these days, just had a lit- ter af pups in the kîtchen. 1 sold them, so here is the money. Yours faithfully Dealer 13 P.S.--Selid receipt ta me atý my new address, Padded Celi 23-County Farrn. NESTLETON Mn. and Mrs. Fred Stuckey, Frankford, visited ber sisten, Mn. and Mrs. George Johnis. Mn. and Mrs. Isaac Beatty and son Ross, Tweed, visited Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm. Mrs. H. Vine, Mrs. Reg Mid- dleton and Gardon bad aiter- noon tea with Mrs. L. Joblin. Mn. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Janetville. were Thursday sup- pen guests with Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm. Mn. and Mrs. Wilmer Fitze, Mrs. Harvey Atkinson and Rich- ard, Osbawa, Mn. and NMrs. Leon- ard Joblin, sbent Friday even- irg with Mn. and Mrs. George Jahns ta celebrate Richard's and Leonard's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emerson and Mary, Toronto, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Congratulations ta Mr. Ralph Sadien who won two cham- pionship prizes on bis horses at the Winter Fair. Mns. Ken Minshall and Ron- nie, have rcturncd fram visiting frierds at Waterford. Don't forgef W.A. and W.M.S. meeting at Mrs. Raiph Sadlcr's, Thursday aiternoon, Nov. 19. Mrs. H. Cale, Hampton visited her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson and Miss -h-ene visited fnicnds li Oshawa. Social Worker Sends Sincere Thanks. To W.M.S. Members A highlight ai the autumn raily of the eastern and western section of the Oshawa Pnesby- terial Woman's Missianary Sa- ciety was a letter read fnamn Miss Alleen M. Ratz, United Church social warker at the Pont 0f Halifax, who spake aof her work at the spring rally ini Oshawa. In thanking the W.M.S. fer a git ai maney Miss Ratz wnote: "Wonds fail to express the amazement, -iollowed by a deep sense af gratitude, I felt when I saw the results, in cheque fonm, ai yaur concern for the people who are caming among us as new Canadians. "One ai the statements made by immigrants coming ta', the Part of Halifax always strikes the depths ai my being: 'How can they (meaning yau) do this for us whom they do nat ever know?' "That statement i.s indicative ai the wonder and gratitude ai these people's heants fan your kindness ta them as tbey came ta a new land, ful ai fears and yet with an indomitable hope ini the future. To fail these people in their need would be denying the very Christianlty for which we stand. "I can show my gratitude ta th .e letter, gare. Thon froin ail over te. reworld com. mach commente es ehe.. front ceaders of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. en internationali dail7 newopapo: "Th.. Menotk s. nae cr" Mg foer ii'W4" hinig PeuPW ... «E rieairule .W"d01 amier a kPse o ~et J. I UdRsa Msy qrlom M. e 0%f, but asOduocsm Ses pro . onw... .4 Ile&Boy . weh eplugo td Dws.. « a...ý.0 »..m etory. Use " eupoeheloer fàaq e». NU yh et, efaim a.ônue.. & Phone 3262 you only by trying ta use yaur gift wîsely and weli. This I shail endeavour ta do. "Yours in the Mastcr's ser- vice, Aileen M. Ratz." At Erniskillen Mrs. R. M. Sey- mour and at Kedron, Mns. John Glover weicomed the gathering; Mis. C. W. Slemon spake o0 stewardshîp; Miss Shirley Ell:is ard Mrs. E. A. Smail gave a re- port an the school for leaders, and Mrs. L. Sornerville reporteci on progress on the United Church Training Schaal. The principal speaker was Mrs. William Maj aniebanks who spoke on the wark ai the Un- ited Nations. Outlining the achievements, ai U.N. Mrs. Mar- joricbanks said that one way ini which the people ai Canada, could support thase wbo were striving for warld peace was by talking up U.N. successes and by becoming members ai the United Nations Association. The Association was organlzed to educate public opinion in sup- port ai the great World 'organ- ization, she said. "The Eastern Section met Ln Enniskillen United Cburch on Wednesday, Oct. 28 with Mrs. K. C. Hopkins in the chair. At Ke- dron an Thursday with Mrs. "4. C. Fisher in the chair. Mrs. T. R. Norton, president, brougbt greetingsanad wards ai w,1- came at bath sessions." Every mile ai railway iraek in Quebec hau more thari 8,60 people ta support it. But ev.pry' mile af track in Saskatchewan bas fcwer than 100 tu suppr rt it. The almost extirict Whoopin5$ Crane sperds its sumnenrs')i the Nortbwest Territonies and its winters in Texas. I f you're in a spot financially LO A N S right now. with expenses like fuel, clothes for the children, and plans for the holidays ahead, think this over. You can borrow $50 to $1000 promptly on your own signature at HFC. One-day 0VRD service. Then take up to 24 months to repay on a plan that you select yourself. SITS BUSINESSLIKKI IT'S MODERNI W!OUSEHIOLD FINANCE 111/2 Shncoe St.S@uth, second floor, phone Oshawa à- 11 39 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT NOPE BRANCHa 71 Wallon St., 2nd fber, phne 3030 Vour Home Deserves The Bestl sud the Bestis ,Aiways mirai Do'it Sacrifice Quaiily for a Few. Dollars I Low Down Paymeat 24 Months bo Pay1 THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTION aill-n 0F TELEVISION SETS ON DISPLAY AT ALL TIMES AT À- The T.V. SHOP " Our Aerials are Reasonabie i Price and the Besi in Guality 1 " Our Service is Prompt and Absolutely Free for 90 Days!1 " There are NO EXTRAS Charged for Installation or Service ! " We are the Only Authorized Admirai Dealer ini Bowmanville. PAGE ELZVM IL.

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