~RtIRDA~ OV. 9, 153 CANADIAN STATIESMAXf, OWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE TRIRTEE Durham County Junior Farmers Winning Tectm1 Pict.ured above with the Jeffery Bull Memorial Trophy which they won by taking top honors in the inter-county livestock judging competition at the Royal Winter Fair last Friday are members of the Durham County unior Farmers judging team and their coaches. Left to right are: Jim Brown, assistant agricultural rep- resentative; Howard Trewin, Burketon; Bev'. Gray, R. R. 1, Port Hope; Sam Turner, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, and Ed Summers, agricultural représentative of Durhamý County. The Durham team beat out 28 other entries from across the province and obtained 2,607 out of a possible 3,000 points. Mr. Gray won a gold medal and another trophv as welI. SOLINA Baker's Communit v Club milli ineet Friday night, Nov. 20 Miss! ]Rose Rate of Bowmanville mfil show colored slides of the Cor- onation.1 Solina Home and Sehool Club wil] meet Fridayv night. Nov. 21). Mr. Reg Harding, Bowmanville, will show pictures of the Coron- 17c Wagstaffe Light FRUIT CAKE MIXJ Makes 2-pound fruit cake -.- ely 72cJ Dalton's Cut Dalton 's Cut Mixd Peel PÎ<g. 18c Nixed Fruit Pkg. 21c Dallons Cnt Dalton Lemon - Pkg. 18C Glace S axonia Ied Naraschino Cherries MeLaren's Ried Naraschino Cherries )n's Red bCherries 30c 6 oz. bottie 16 oz. bottie 25c 55C Stokelyv's Fancy Cnt, 15 oz. Stokely's Fant-y GreeBean Ti.19 Honey Pod 15 oz. tin GrenDensTî lc Peas - 2 F., 39c YEO'S Meis and Groceries 55 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 ation. Mr.anidMrs. Wes.Yelowlees, Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees were ing to pav their lasi respects to the latters aunt. Mrs. W. Marks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker attend- ed the reception luncheon at the Royal Winier Pair on Sun- day. Mr. Chas. Warren and his men are now working at Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pa.scoe's new home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox's new home is also progressing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Wes HuIs and Canal, wene Sunday visitons at Mr, A. Hilîs, Tyrone. .Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peterbor- ough, Miss Lena Taylor, Bow- manville, were ai Mr. E. R. Taylor's. Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor visited at Mr. H. Ogden's, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. H. German, Mr. George German. Picton; Mr. and Mrs. Jay Crouse and Rich- ard; Mr. Elmer Crouse, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Spires, Mill- brook, visited ai Mr. E. Spires. Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Eastwood and Linda, Greenwaod; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Balson and childnen, Kingston: Mrs. Annie Smale, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Balson and children, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton. Zion, visited ai Mr* A. J. Balson's. Miss Helen Parninden enter- tained seveýal girl friends at aý birthday pàriy 'on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Parrinder and Helen visited ai Mr. J. Large's, Bowmanville. Miss Evelyn Hockaday enter- tained several girl friends at her birthday party on Monday af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamer. Dor- een and Donald,. were in Toron- to for the Santa Claus parade and the Royal Winter Fair. Mî's. E. M. Carr, Mr. and Mns. lan Smith, Toronto, were visit- ors at Mr. Stan Milîson 's an Remnembrance Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox and family visited ai Mr. H. Mal- colm's, Brougham. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink vis- ied ai Mrs. W. A. Ormiston's, Brooklin. Mr. Morley Cook and Miss Doris Cook. Coîborne, visited! Mrs. Rase Blanchard. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid spent the weekend at Mr. On- Gîve Her the Giît Ske'II Enjoy at Christmas AND FOR THE YEARS TO COKE t's New! It's Sensational! UTS HERE ion! 00 DUa a edM 10OMI WY See a demionstration at aur store AT JQNC E Or 'phone 573 NOWfor home Che Rad"r -1hore 573 Akfrican Violets For Meeing of The fine autumn weather still held on Nov. 4 for the Ken- da1 Women's Institute meeting held at the home of Miss Hîlda Bell. There was a gaod attend- ance wfth premldent Mrs. Ken- nedy in the chair. The motte was 'a thing of beauty isaa joy forevet". After the opening exercises each readily replied ta the roil cail, "a tip on raising house plants." *Mrs. Joe Gordon offered te, have the ladies corne ta her home on Nov. 20 ta prepare the lunich for the dance whîch is being held that evening in the Orange Hall ta raise maney for the equipment and bulbs for the street lights. Tickets are ta be sold on a blue wool blanket. Five of the ladies made plans te attend the Are@ convention at the Royal York. Toronto. The usual penny collection for cheer for the shut-ins was tak- en up. An executive meeting is being held ta, plan for the De- cember meeting when the aider folks are bclng enteriained. AIL members contribuîted ta the discussion of current evenIs then joined n singing -Old Black Joe". The meeting w'as under the heading of Agriculture with African Violets being the chas- en topic. Mrs. Turansky, speak- ing on the speli of the African Violet. noted thai they hald a peculiar fascination for women. men and even children who try ta grow them. They are one of the few house plants that ill flower ail vear round and have Canadian Legion To Hold Eleion 0f Officers, Dec. 13 Mcm bers of the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion decided ai their regular meet- ing last Thursday night to hold a Christmas party ai the Legion Hall for the children ofi mem- bers, and thnee conmrades offen- ed to donate candy, nuis and apples for the event. It was de- cided that a program of enter- tainmfeni would b. staged and that a Santa Claus would be present to distribute the treats. Loyal Orange Hall, Onano, on the invitation af the Orono mcm bers and a social evening with refreshments was enjayed fallowing the business meeting. -Padre John Kitchen and Com- rade Neil Porter acied as hosis ai the social gatherings. Thene was considerable dis- cussion as ta the price which shauld be charged for the Bnanch's New Year's dance and a motion was finally passed thal the price be left ai $7.5/j per couple, as recommended by the executive. President Lloyd Pireston an- nounced that a meeting of Dis- trict F will be held in the Bow- manville Légion Hall in the near future with the date ta be announced by District Com- mander John Bunneti. Thé La- dies Auxiliary ta the Légion will caler for this @vent. Election Set For Dec. 13 On motion of Comrade Rob Cale it was decideci that nomin- ations for next 'year's officens will be held ai the November 26 meeting and that the elec- tion of officers will be conduci- cd on December 13. The Treanuner's report was given by Conade Jack Rice, and Comnade Bll Bates requesi- cd that any membens intenested in forming a zone cribpage leagUe gët in touch with hitn. President Preston reported that as yet there was no detailed re- port 'on the Armistice Banquet but that a turkey lefi over had been donai.ed ta the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, for vet- cran patients and other patients there. Padre Kitchen reported visit- ing one member in hospital and asked that members notily him when any comrades are ill. Counrade Porter thanked the Bowmanville members, the Le- gin Pipe Band and the mem- brs of the Ladies' Auxiliary for attending the evening Re- membrance services in the On- ana United Church. President Preston on behaîf of the Bowynanville membens of the branch, thanked the On- ana membens for the invitation to hold the regulan meeting in Orono. ville Lunn's, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. RussellGGlîbert, Mrs. H. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jahnston, Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Harold Moore and family; Mr. and Mrs. F. Moore and Bill, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. Frank Wesilake's Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr. visited on Saturday ai Mr. Tom Westlake's. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wesilake Jr-. and children, were at Mr. Frank Cook's, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamln Green River. Mr. and Mrs. K. Postilîl, Markham; Mns. E. E. Yates, Milton, visited ai Mr. Geo. Hamnlin's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wesilake, Phyillis, Jean and Gordlon, vis* ied at Mr. L. Johnson's and Mr, Harry Jordan*s, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. George Knox and Carol, visited ai Mr. H. Far- row's. Starkville. Miss Pearl Leach visited at Mr. D. Flett's, Taunton, on Sunda%. Mr. and Mrs. E. ,aî'mer, Blackstock, visîted at Mr. H. Ve llow lees. NI'. and Mrs. Sam Van Camp and famîlywere Sunda' vlsit- or-- ai Messr-s. S. E. and Wes \V~errv S. Mrs. W'. D. MicLaughlin. Osh- aw . iý.Led lier father. Mr. A. MIr. anîd Mî's. Ralph Da\. is ani.c Patsv vîsxted at Mr. J. E. H Davi5. Oshaw.a.i Was the Theme StrongLox Placed in New Courtice Church Kendal W. no perfume. There are abo'ut 200 varieties. It was discovered in 1892 by a German, Baron Walter. von Saint Paul, in East Africa. In 1946 amateur grow- ers held their first show in At- Janta and since then its popular- itY has spread rapidly. Mrs. Turansky also gave rules for their care. Mrs. E. Couroux gave ways of increasing African violets, by dividing the large plants when a ihumber of crowns are present; and by propogating by rooting tL$IC leaves in water, vermiculite or Band. She had some specimensC on hand and also a number of pitures of different varieties. The hobby of growing African Violets appears to be a very in- teresting one. Mrs. Wm. Mercer held a bou- quet contest with each question being answered by naming a flover. Two groups of ladi."s were tied with one answer Luxn osile b Mrs. Rav Mercer and MIrs ManLxryise . Mis Hila Bllwcre hostesses and' Aniteetg feature of the laying of the cornerstone of the new Courtie sevda dcliciotis lunch. A' United. Church on Saturday afternoon was the placing of a sit-oii.bcx cointaiing heartv vote of appreciation was: church information and records behind the stone. In the photo above Clarence Pen- extencled ta Miss Bell b 'Mi\ found is shown ai right presenting the records to Alec Hov, treasurer of the building Couroux for the pleasant after- fttnd. who deposited them behind the niewlyý-laid cor-nerst'one. In addition to various noon at her homne. church records and a hisiory of its beg9inning, the box ais(> contained metnbership rails, a copy of Sa.tur-day's program and copies of The Canadian Statesman and Tbe ENNISKILLEN Oshawa Times-Gazette. g Sympathy is extended ta Mi's. of the worship the theme being i will be held on Nov. 28 in the Mr. and Mis. Walter Oka Arhu Bun o tc ude "The Church, The Body of i basement of the church. It \vas' w 11h Mr. and Mrs. George Hub- Christ". She alonethducted thedecided to hold meetings ii, thc bard, Enfield. pasingof er oihr, rs.W.basement of the church insteadi Mis. E. C. Ashton*s birthdayr Marks of Port Perry. C.G.I.T. re-affiliation service. of in the ghils homes. A deli- v. aý c'elebrated ai the home -if r.lJohLn Jandcks.ih Mr. r There were eteven girls parti- cious lunch was served bY t he: her eldesi sonI, Mr. O. C. Ash- and Mrs. Earl Luke and boy'-, cipated in the service. Mrs. R. hosiess and her mother. Next i ton. when her children and Hampton, visited Mr. and Mrs. 1 M. Seymour. in the absence of meeting Dec. 5th at 2.30 p.m. .grandchildren gathered in a Leonard Bradley. 1 Mrs. E. Wright, presided for the Mrs. A. Oke visiied Mr. and family party. We wvish Mrs. Ashi- Mr. and Mis. Albert Wright, folloving program: Mrs. Thomp- Mrs. Cameron Oke, Osýhawa, on' ton manv happy returns of the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin and son, Brooklin. sang a beautiful Saturda '. daY. Lloyd, Blackstoc'k, Mr. and Mrs. solo. '-His Eye Is On The Spar- Mr. Fred Ellis atiended the' Mi. and Mi's.C. Milis and C. E. Horn, Oshawa, with Mr. rw.Ms .Fse.Boki Black Lodge meeting ai Osh-! famnilv. Mapte Grove. Mr. John and Mrs. Earl Trewin. gave a very fine message on awa w'here the Toronto MapIve Bush. 'Port Perry, Mr. Ken Kel- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hlenry,Livn res hich was a Leaf team put on the Red Cross: lv. Bowvmanville, with Mrs. H. Lindsay, Mrs. H. Wannamaker. challenge ta bath y'otng an d Degree. Mls Mr. and Mrs. J.. Demara, Port î Id. A splendid piano duet b 'vM.idMs.Hrl y 1 Perry, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kay.1 Mrs. M. Stainion and Mrs. L. Miss Betty Jane Werry with; r n r.Hrl cil Mr. Bill KayTrno r n Lamb. Group III served a deli- Miss Heather Mitchell. fluýsell nd Ross. and a friend, Mrs EvretSaderon.Hespe- clous lunch after which Miss Mr. and Mrs. E. Allun. 0sh-_ ootvste r.Jh c 1er, weretvisiir iM.andesn Lenore Bentham, bride-to-be, awa. Mr. and Mrs. L. Fawns,' il Mrs. A. Sharp. xvas escorted ta a chair of hon-' Udora, visitece Mr. and Mrs. E.i______________ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson or- bv Mrs. A. Sharp and was MeNair. NIXONS and family. visited Mr'. and Mrs. presented with a miscellaneous Mrs. A. L. Wearn. Lorna andIG R E E Harold Potier, Hamputon, and showe.r. Lenore thanked ail and Susan, atiended the Santa Clau.',A GE E Mr. and Mrs. R. Bottrell, New- extended an invitation ta visit Parade in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. (S'rRONG FORMULA) castle. them in their home. Bell and family reiurned themi STOPS MASTITIS Mr. and Mrs. Flintoff, Mr. and C.G.I.T. met at the home of home. NEW MODERN MEDICATION Mrs. P. Warren. Oshawa, Mr.ý Ruth Lamb. Cail to Worship Miss Linda Stainton visited WORKS 3 WAYS and Mrs. Tom Wilson, and fam- was read by Shirley Ellis. Bible Misses Brenda and Paisy Ellis Now treut Mastitis overniqhtl GAR- ily, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack, reading was read by Ruth Lamb. on Sunday. GETEX in Cambin.d MultIie Medi- Kelc, M. ad Ms. ih ayat, ren Fegusn le inpraer.A Ms. ern Wod, oroto. cation. GARGETEX works 3 ways Kelch Mr. nd Ms. Bil Boant, rene erguon le in rayer A Mr. VwnatWodamTrontoqith ma itg -i.lts-.eThecrn. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. P. story from our Study Book was with ber parents, Mr'. and Mrs. bined druga In GAIlGETEX attack Ells. eadby aro WrghtandLina S R.Petick1IMarly different mattitlc gon»; 2. readby aro WrghtandLina S R.PeticI GARGETEX heipe te Iiqify pus The autumn thankoffering Stainton. Shirley Mills read a Mr. and Mrs. EarI Masters and eakinq for easy roval; 3. meeting was held ai the home veî'y interesting'copy of a letter and family. with friends and re- GARGETEX carriez medication te of Mrs. Ross Ashton, Nov. lotn that xvas sent la the boys over- latives in Toronto. ail internai surfaces. Gmt a tube with a good atiendance. Mrs. E. 1 .seas in 1944 by the C.G.I.T. of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leao- todaiy fron A. Werry presided and welcom-' Enniskillen, Enfield and Burke- beaier, Georgie and Tommy,' JURY & LOVELL ed the guests from Brooklin. ton. AIl enjoyed a game. Our with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeat-: inq st. W. Bowmeaavie Mrs. O. C. Ashton had charge' Mothei' and Daunghter Banquet er. Sr.. Toronto. That's a fair question and deserves a factual answer. When you buy newspaper advertisirig you have an investment in eveny copy of the paper that carnies your sales message because the circu- lation of the newspaper is also the circulation of your advertising. Sol. what you get in return for your adverîising dollars depends on the news- paper's circulation. In order that you may buy space ini Ibis newspaper as you would make any Th Audit Bureau f Circula- « tions is a cooperative, nanprofit association of 3,450 advertisers,f S advertising agencies and pub. 4î lisIters. Organized in 1914, ýZ A.B.C. established a definition fer paid circulation, rules and standards for mneasurîng circula tions ad ethods for auditing and repor'ting circulation FACIS. a o o -~ , I * ('I\ I * 4- I. ieund business investment, wp hold memnbership in the Audit Bureau of Circulations,ý well known to advertisers and publishers as A.B.C. Only pub. lications with païd cinculat ion -evidence that peo- pie want the paper-are eligible for mernbership. At. regular inlervals one of the Bureau's large staff of experienced circulation auditors cornes te our office te make a thorough audit of our circu- lation records. The FACTS that he obtains as result of the audit are published ini A.B.C. reports which tell you: How much circulation we have; Where if goes: How obtained; How much people pay for our paper, andi manY other FACTS that vou need in order ta KNOW whaî you get for your advertising money. It's neyer necessary for our advertiserm te ask, "Oh, where is mny wandering ad?" They get the FACTS from our A.B.C. report and KNOW. Ask for a copy todqy. 34t lamuate 0tm AS. C. REPORTS - lACIS AS AÀSSiffl MIAàJILS ofQVADPEL-siNG VÂkI For Youraaa CHRISTMASCAKES 4 ez, pk,, 4 oz. pkg- WalnUIS a 23c Ahuonds - 19c Seedie,. Raisins à,,b. 21c Dates Fluf f o - b.29c Tide 39c, 77c FREE DELIVERY 38 King Ste East lUtnMAY. NOV. 19, 1932