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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1953, p. 1

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T -., - 1w t4te~nî~rn "tDurham County's Girec" Family Journal" VOLUME 99 BOWMANVLLLE, ONTARIO, THUR$DAY, NOVEMBER l9th, 1958 7c PER COPYNUBR4 Local Ulities Receive Requesi q, From Newcastle Asking for Water -f ost of PipingTooExpensive '~ A letter fd the Newcastle will be delivered in the near fu. Courieil inquiring whether the ture, and also the three powp-- Bowmanville Public Utilities transformers for the new lake. Commission would consider sup- front pumping station. Plylng 50,000 gallons of water Mr. VanBridger explained dailylat the Newcastle village that certain alterations were ne. lmts ,was considered by the cessary in the interior of the Commission at its November P.U.C. office for greater effi. meeting held in the offices Tues- ciency, and a motion was passed day night. that this job be given to Ru- Members felt that while th-, pert Byers at a cost of not over new water supply system at the $325. with materials and labor lake would easily be able to sup- to be supplied by bim. Ply this additional amount when The Commission decided that completed, the P.U.C. could flot since few or n utmr a consider building a pipe-line to PU ocsoesci the Newcastle imits at its own, at the PUC. offices on Satur- expense. day afternoons, the office be Manager George VanBridger closed at 12 noon on Saturdays reprte tht a 8-nchmain after December 1. On weekdays epted ha an 8inch. s arthe offices will be open fron exnson Queen St. a far!t 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The office will consulting engîneers on the ne b lsdaldyo oigDy lake water project hae ecm December 26. hav rcom -,,The P.U.C. bas also decided mended that the 16-inch maintoftheecralppi from the lake be teed into this ance usin oe and Higgn lecl main at Queens Ave. and Queen ac uiesadHgo lc St.. rather than at Division St tric will take over the Moffat and ueensixas oiginîîydealership in Bowmanvilie. The aned. On mtionaos omis- ldisplay window space in the sionne OmoltJiotofCohis r- office will be rented to appliance SioerMilonJ.Ellot ths e-firms in Bowmanville ata cômimendation was accepted. noia e, it tefrm The matter of supplyin nmiagfe wa-tefim terto eronsin aington- alternating in use of the space Township along the grit -probably at three-month in- main on Manvers Road wa is- tervals. was is- Mr. Van)dJey was instruct- U. gussed. A motion was passed ed to secu ts from local "'hat any person living along this car dealers b'puicase okgne raad may be supplied with town % .tn,r no u- 1e- ed ri at )e s Ys m :1 it Lea dership Batfle This Saturday Night At Memorial Arena The Oshawa Tns kmen wilI be battling for frt place in the Eastern Ontario Senior "B"l League wben they clash -at the Bowmanville Memorial Arena on Saturday nigbt with 'hast year's champion Kingston Good- years. The Truckmcn already hold one overtime victory aven the Goadycars in Kingston and, like the Goodycans, have dnopped only one game in lcague play- the 6-5 loas to Belleville hast Saturday. Witb firat place at stake and seeking ta stant an- Cther winning stneak like the five-game anc that cnded last week, the Truckmen will be go- ing ail out on Saturday night for a win. Oshawa and Bowmanville fans are remindcd that subacribens' tickets - for Tnuckmen home games are stili available at the Bowmanville Arena, but that the sale wili end on ,Tuesday, Navember 24. They are advis- cd ta get their season tickets be- fore that date and thus maýke sure o! scats for remainingl league and playof! games. Arlie Northcutt Breaks Leg and Back When, Truck Rolîs Presentation of Prizes and Diplomas Featured B. H. S. C ommencement Gulline Details of School Addition Commencement Exercises of Bowmanville High School this year followed a new pattern, with presentation of prizes and diplomas taking place on Fni- day night in the High School auditorium, instead of in con- junction with the usual operet- ta production. ,The separation of the two events gives better emphasis to the importance of graduation and' also makes it possible for ail prize winners to come for- ward to receive their awards. In former years some wbo were in costume for the operetta were tunable to do this, Principal L. 'W. Dippell explained. Mn. Dip- pell also said that Commence- ment Exercises have returned to the auditorium of the High School since a number of grad- uates expressed the desire to re- ceive the-ir diplomas in the building in which they had! earned tbem. In a few introductory remarks' as chairman, Mn. Dippeil said that the past year had been a fine one in the records of the school. Over 90% of the pupils were successful in their exarnin- ations. witb over 60% receiving bonour standing in the Upper School examînations. B.H.S. also did well in the atbletic field, winning the inter-scbool cup in watr b paingthecoss o ""71-"" ýLC& uluull 1kaa ol Ipoints for junior, Interme- tappng he ainandpayng coach or sedan, less the trade- Anhie Northcutt o! Bowman- diate and Seniors, and also the douping the ain andes aingfc in value of the 1945 and 1948 ville is in Memoial Hospital Senior and Intermediate Boys double the twtrrts nefc Chevrolet coaches presently bere with a broken back and Cups. Bona o B Sld owned by the P.U.C. fractured leg following an acci. Municipalities Agree Bond ToBe oldOctoben electric accounts o! dent at 9.15 Tuesday morning Mr. D. A. McGnegon, Chair- A motion by Mayor Morley $17,455 and waten acç'ôuts o! on Highway 35 two miles north man of Durham County District 'Vanstone was passed that the $4,359 were passed f& ý-ý ment. of Kirby. Hîgh School Board, in bis ad- Commission seli $10,000 each of Present at the meeting were Mr. Northeutt and Thomas dress announced that after two 1967 and 1968 H.E.P.C. bonds so Chairman W. Ross Strike, Q.C., Bnookbam o! Bowmanville were and a haîf years, the municipal- that sufficient tunds would be Mayor Morley Vanstone, Com- drlving nonth on the highway ities concerned have now bean available to pay for the new missioner Milton J. Elliott and when the truck repontedly struck persuaded to sanction the biring 3,000 K.V.A. transformer which, Manager George VanBridger, a bump in the road. The rear of an architect to plan the ad- -end of the truck skidded on the dition ta Bowmanvilie Higb a pavement, which was wet fnom Scbool, and tbe building of an Kin ine Hod M mhesh Niht It rolled oven on its top on the' Hope. John B. Parkin Associates. S forKeelng sde o theroad and Mn. North-1 who designed tbe Ontario Street Wiâ eveneen uestcutt was thrown from the.vehi-J School here will be the anchi- W ii Se enlen uess fr N elig e, suffering a broken backc and1 tects of the B.H.S. addition. fractured Ieg. Mr. rBroohm1PpmQc, ý -- .-- Bowmanville Kinsmen Club ice fund to help meet payments escaped with shock and bruises played hast to 17 guests at the in future yeans. Dr. A. F. McKenzie, Orono reg-lar meeting at the Balmoral Kmn Clarke Wilson reported was called and tneated Mr .BIotel Tuesday night when most that the Bowmanville Foundry Northcutt at the scene. He ww members bnought guests on the bas invited the club ta bowl in then taken to Memorial RIospi occasion'o! "Membership Night." their league and it la probable tal, Bowmanville, in a North. Two new members, Bill Overy that one or two Kinsmien teams cutt anid Smith ambulance. .,nid Don Hendry, were wel- will accept this invitation. K1Ir Constables Chnis Cresswelh and * kfomed into the Club and pre- Wallis reported that one !amily Rodn Chlttim of the Bowman- ,, enteçl with Kinsmen pins by in Bowmanyille would need as- ville O.P.P. detachffient inves- .'kIfjjPresident Ken Nicks, but sistance at- Christmas, and this tîgated the accident. Were flot initiated. matten wil be taken up by _________ An excellent program o! en- the executive. Kin Murray tertainment arranged by Kin Larmer asked those planning toAn en John Graham was presented attend the Inter-Club meeting nin Rifle and a well-delivered classifica- in Cobourg Friday nigbt to ar- Afaf teto tion talk given by Kin Stan range transportation with hlm. Atai teto ibunn. Classification Talk Given 1The following guesta were Kin Jack Lander intraduced In Jamieson's Window introduoed by their Kinsmen Kin Stan Dunn who gave a____ hosta: Ted Bird, Charles Cat- classification talk on "Oul - Your An ancient 100-yean-old rifle tran, Jr., Bob Ramsay, Bill Car - And You." Pointing out which bas been on display in the Overy Don Hendry, Art Fleid- that to mast people their car is window o! Frank Jamieson's ler, Claude Kilmer, Vic Snyder, thein greatest financial invest- tire shop for the past few weeks Carl Devitt, Jack Samis,' "Buck" ment outside of their home, bas been attracting considerable Cowle, Ivan Wooley, Louis Kin Dunn stated that it is only attention fram people passing Giroux, Melvîn McVey, Harry common sense that every effort the shop. Dodswell. A h v i n Crawford, should be made ta protect and Oiginalhy owned by John "Cap" Fairey and Elton Brock. <Continued on Page Seven> Tyler, the rifle has bis name anc President Nicks presented the date June 14, 1854, canved on Secretary Bob King with a 100 the butt. The rifle is o! the old percent attendance pin for îast Earle Grey Players muzzîe-îoading variety using a year and Kin John Graham percussion cap, and the namnod Sa de a birthday presentation DelrT* Lca for tamping in the powder and IoKin Ray Lathangue. eihLoa Audiec bullet fits in a groove under'the Excellent Musical Program Wi A o I l" barrel. Thene is a fore-sight A fine program o! entertain- îh À-Yo Lie btn rean sight on the ancient ment was presented by four weapon. boys fnom the Boys Tnaining, Presentation o! Shakespeane's Tom Lymen o! Bowmanville is Sehool, with Kin Graham act- "As You Like It", by the Earle the ownen o! the rifle, and loan- ing as master of ceremonies. Grey Shakespeare Festival Com. cd it to Mn. Jamieson for dispiay Louis Ginoux witb bis steel pany o! in the Town 15urposes. guitanMli ceyo il Hall on Satunday night drew a k[anry Dodswell with bis mouth capacity audience. Tbis is tbe ongan and Alvin Cnawfond at thind time this Campanyha played in Bowmanville, daw-Lý 1Ocads musical selections, alone and i ng agrad oeetu-.i~ M i cobiaton wiý wreveyiastic following on each occasion. Winà a ALALaze much enjoyed. The Kinsmen Thir appearance bas been also cnjoyed a sing-song led by sponsored for the îast two years At Royal Winter Fair Kin Graham with Ivan Woolcy by the Bowmanville Business____ at the piano. and Professional Women's Club. Wilfrid D. Cannuthers, well Secretary King nead the min- Students from Cobourg, New- known onchardist a! Bowman- uites of the hast Kinsmen cxe-candtle, Whitby Ladies' College ville and Durham County, is a cutvemetig hih diledan the Ontario Training School pnize winner in several classes tive eetingb wîc$,000incoed- for Boys, as welh as from Bow- of apples at the Royal Winter that o the clu bas $2,00 in cx manville High School wene pres- Fair. Mn. Canruthens was the ces o!theamont ecesar taent, a total in ail o! about 203, only exhibiton from Durham meet this vean's debenture pay- with about 150 from B.H.S. Bal- County, thus bringing distinction ments on the artificial ide in- ance of the full bouse was made ta this area wbich is proud o! its Mtalmtona A ea. hisanil up of adults. The excellent fine apples. Memoria Arena This maunt cast wene left in no douht as ta Against competitionfrom will be set aside in the atificial the enjoyment of the audience much langer orchards, Mn. Cann- who responded with laughtcn uthers was successful in winning Peclir W aterand proionged appiause to the first pnize for thec nine box lots Pecuiar eafer Erle reyPlayrs'presentation o! Spies; 2nd i the nine box of thîs dcligbtful comedy. Mr. lots o! Delicious; lst in the 50 Upsets Plant Life Gr~ey, director, producer and six-quart baskets of Spies; lst In Local Gardens mid he ntiastic whistles a! icious class; 2nd and 6th in the ex Mn. Grey as Jacques, and bis and 2nd and 3nd on single bax 4etremely mild fahl wetitn- wife, Mary Godwin as Rosaiind, o! Spies. persists in this area has beadcda distinguished cast. The Aliltbe apples exhibitcd by Mn. nts in local garden con- audience also toak ta its heant Cruhr aebe ucae ta the point wbere they do Touchstone, the jester, excellen- bythe T. Eaven . t.,ron.s not seem ta know whether it 15 iy played by Donald Sinclair. ta. talor aprîng. Audrey, a country girl, phayed Aong the quenr freaks o! by Editb Ehgey, and William, a nature wbich bave occunned are country boy in love witb AsdreySe nAs sm ns the blossoming of forsythia bush- played by Rex Dcvlin, a 1 but es in the garden of Mrs. Avery brought the bouse down in thei Johnston, Church St., and the scene with Touchatone. Re aucend y Court blossorning of Columbia berry "As You Like It" la being bushes in the garden o! Mrs. studied this year in Grade 10 o! Of 18 appeals made by Bow- Seward Downson. Lamb>a Lane. the Ontario Scbools. The Earle manvihle property o wn er s Not only are Mrs. Dowson's Grey Playens by touring South. against 1953 asseasments, nine bushea blossomlng but there are erm Ontario witb this play, bning- were denied by the Nothumb- also green and ripe bernies on ing Shakespeare's characters to erland-Durham Court o! Revi- ,lIe same branches. vivid life, are making a great sion and seven were ahowed. .eAlso stili bearing fruit in her contribution ta the cultural lite Assesaments in the seven suc- * garden are red raspberries, of the schools and the co!,.mun- cessful cases were reduced by a thimblebernies, g o o a e b c mries,I ities visited. Their annual out- total o! $2,650. Strawberries, black curanta, door Festival held in Toronto The Court o! Revision under xhubarb and sage. She usill for the past five years bas won Chairman George Annis, Cour- harvesting horse-radish and international recognition. tice, met here on Nov'ember 10, .hiotta as welh. Mn.. Dowsonl The Business and Professional and on Wednesday gave its de- stilI thorougbly enjoys working Women's Club are doing a great isions in ail cases. The total as- in hem garden although &ho is service in sponsoring the Bow- sessment involved in the 16 ap- W4 years oofan. manvili. preseltations. i'peals was $65,265. L1-YeÂ1Issîn ol the Ontario Mun- s. icpa Board must stîli be ob- 0, tained, Mn. McGregor said, but r. CCentury Old Mill - - ownanville youngstens are Sold tolHarvey Partner binging fae to themseives and ThecenuryoldTyrne illof TV. Misses Diane Haliman Thcetycnry-adsyro eniiand Beveriy McRobbie are the Harvey Partnen punchased it lts ownaso nT.Te fnamn L. J. Goodman, wbo bas wiil be auppearing on tbe CBLT operated it for 41 yas.M.pnogagnm Now's Youn Chance" Goomanwîî cotinea.Mn- tonigbt (Tbursday) at 8 p.m., in age the mill for Mn. Pantner for tensn n ac rsna r a few weeks. tion o! the Charleston, attired in costumes of the Roaring Twen- The histony o! the Tynone Miii tics. ?dates back ta 1846 whcn it was his number was vcny popular -built by James McFcctcns who at the Junior Varicty Shaw in was later Mayor o! Bowman- May o! this year. The girls Il ville. In 1852 it was bought by wene auditioned on Nov. 7th for the grandfathcr of Fred C. Van- tonigbt's pnogram. Pnizes are stone, Bawmanville. In 1877, given for the best numben on Mn. Vanstonc's father, Jabez the pnagnam bascd on the votes Vanstone, took aven openation o! o! the audience, so send in your, the mili, and Mr. Vanstone bim. votes for these talented young self became propnieton in 1903. ladies. Winnens o! individual Thomas Goodman puncbased pragnams are contestants in the the business in 1908, and four finals, and winnens o! the finals yeans laten bis son, Luther J. are given an oppartunity ta ap- Goodnman bought the mihi and pear on anc o! the main shows tbe bouse nean it fnom bis fathen. aven CBLT. The girls will be Mn. Goodman opcnated the miii accompanied by the studio until the recent sale to Mn. anganist for thein numben. Pantncn. Diane is daughter o! Mn. and The picturesque aid structure Mns. Ru§seil Halîman and Bey- bas many times been the subject enly is daugbten o! Mn. and Mns. for local artists who have made A. McRobbie. It looks as if their paîntings o! it. expérience in the Junior Vaniety Mn. Partncr, who bas conduct- Club, which is dinected by Mns. cd a fanm implement agency Fred Cale and Mrs. Hailman, isi and plumbing business in Tynone neally paying off. Thein friendsE for the past f ive yeans, wilh make in Bowmanville and district Wil the millhbis ncw headquartcns. be watcbing for their perform-( He will continue to seli ail types ance at 8 o'chock tonight andt a! feed at the mill. sending in their votes. Distinguished Nissionary Coming To Si. John's Church, Sunday 1wîll probably be forthcomir without too much trouble. The addition will include tm mechanics' shops and a dome tic science room, grants i which were obtained from tl Provincial. government in 195 Grants for shops and gymr; siums are not now availabl Mr. McGregor said. The rne addition, which wiil be situate on the east side of the preser school and will be on three IE vels owing to the siope of t hill, will also include a sewin room, a music room, art roon a library class room, and Pc. sibly four regular class roon In the basement there wîll b an up-to-date cafeteria and k:l chen. "With the increased pubi school population in mind, w wvill probably need nine reg Ian class rooms," Mr. McGrego said, 'but we will have to pro ceed with four first." The nun ber of students at B.H.S. nowi approximately 350. The addi (Continued on Page Seven> No Signs Yef of Parker's Siolen Truc] The 1949 Chevrolet, manoon '/2-ton pick-up truck belongini to Jack Parker which was stoler from in front of his home or Church Street early Wednesdaý morning of last week bas nci yet been recovened. An unusual feature of thE theft is that Mr. Parker had awakened in the early hours ci the morning it was stolen and hiappened to walk to his bed- room window in time to sec it disappearing d'own the stneet. He'immediately 'phoned the Pro- vincial Police detachment hene, who broadcast a description of the vebicle. In spite of this and subsequent checks with Osbawa and Toronto police the truck has stili not been necovened. W1aich TV Tonighi For Local Dancers on "'Now's Your Chance'1 ing for the ý51. )le, ted nt e- ;he rig n, 's- ns. be [t- lic we Lt- j0- ig r ty :)t ie id )f id .1 t:. is Laying Corners tone at Courtice Church At the ceremony of laying the cornerstone Of the new Courtice United Church last Saturday afternoon, Russell DeCoe, left, is shown presenting the trowel to the minister of the church, Rev. L. M. Somerville, who then cemented the stone in place. Other clergymen taking part in the ceremony were Rev. H. A. Me]low, chairman of the Oshawa Presbytery, and Rev. Alfred Poulter, president of the Bay of Quinte Conference of the United Church of Canada. 'Six Local Soldiers nReturn From Europe )t Six Bowmanville soldiers who ehave been ser'ving with the 27t1 dCanadian Infantry ]Brigade in ýfGermany are among the close dto 800 officers and men who ar- rived at Quebec yesterday (Wednesday) aboard the S.S. Columbia. The Columbia docked at Wolfe's Cove, near Quebec, ut f8 a.m. and the troops disem 1barked around noon. Two spec- a i westbound trains are carry. sing personnel to Quebec and .Ontario points and to various places in Western Canada. The returning men are Rifle- man J. A. Bothwell, R.R. 3, Bowmanville; Pte. A. J. Des- roches, 35 King Street East, Bowmanville; Sgt. H. L. Hayes, 3 Carlisle Ave., Bowmanville; Rifleman W. J. Leask, 65 On- tario St., Bowmanville; Rifle- man H.G. Perfect, 24 Nelson St., Bo wmanville, and Rifleman R. J. Wilson, 70 Liberty Street, Bowmanville. The draft consists mainly of members of the lst Canadian Rifle Battalion. The troops embarked at Rotterdam oni November 9, and are under command of Major C. P. Mc- Pherson. CD, 36, of Winnipeg. Mrs. Frank Oke Wins New Lorie Watch How many pearls did you guess? The correct answer was 6,295 pearis contained in the jar in Hooper's Jewellery and Gift Shop window. Three local people came close to the right answer and ail three received a prize. The closest was Mrs. Frank Oke, 133 King- St. E., Bowman- ville, who guessed 6,300 and won herseif a beautiful new Lorie watch. Joan McKnight, 1 Vet- erans' Ave. guessed 6,413 and won a Ronson lighter. The only man in the close col- umn was Art Thompson, 10 Lib- erty St. with 6,070. Strangely enough he wins a sparkling new compact. In all there were close, to 1,000 entries in the contest. Junior Farmers Win Livestock Trophy Durham M ar m o Wn aM"an W aà jfàpo The-Riht -ee-e-d . R. . C-l-geUT The Rght evernd C R. e. Co leg, oronto. In 1946 Wy- The Durham Count uirA t i" ' ~ Iv V b n n l Wilkinson, M.A., D.D., Bishop CIff olege awarded him a Farmens unden the coaching o! A t e Roy1a M oner F mair, Toronto a! Amritsar, will preach at tbe D.D. honoris causa. Agicultural Representative Ed 11 o'chock service at St. John's Upon graduation Bishop Wil- Summers and bis assistant, Jim Cbuch n Snda. insn wnt o Idi an Brwnconined hei fie n-, Durham County exhibitors att1 tan, won several awards, înclud- A son o! the Rcctory, Bishop worked in the Kangra district- cord in provincial iudging com- teRylAnclua itr n hr nz tlino 92 Wilkinson, was born in Nova a missianary area supponted by petitions by winning the inter- Fair now in progress at Toron-Ithird prize tlinfae ro Scotia. His father, the late the Cburch a! Enghand in caunty livestock judging event tohv oeeceigywcll o15,frtadtidmr Canon Fred Wilkinson, was for Canada. He served as seccetary- at the Royal Agnicultunai Win- in the many events in which f oahcd in 1952, finat pnize mare many years Rector of St. Pet- treasuner o! the Canadian Mis- ter Fair in Toronto last Friday. tbey have entercd.1 foaled in 1950, resenve senior er's Church, Toronto. Attend- sion in Kangra until 1949 when I h he lseLodýcapo ae eev rn ing the University o! Toronto, be was made Archdeacon of The three-membcr team made Intescp laeLoy champion marean resve rand Bishop Wilkunson graduated East Punjab. In 1950 he wds up o! Howard Trewin, Bunke- Ayre, R. R. 4, Bowmanviile, had co hpionma and finy ofz witb the Bachelor o! Arts de- cansecrated Assistant Bishop o! ton; Bey Gray, R.R. 1, Port 18 entnies in various classes andene a niasm.oeyo grec in 1924 adtoyasLhr.Oigt h atta Hope, and Sam Turner, R.R. 4 won pnizes with them ail. He'ac1 am and two yBawmanvioreewbeattauthe28aothchnthad one champion sheep and anc In the borse show O. W. "Bud" later in Divinity from Wycliffe part o! the Diocese of Lahore ntnie vith ,607pits out o resev hmingat ,pOoo sodffbi was in Pakistan and part in etiswt ,0 onsoto eev hminga.Rlh rnsodffhi h ... India, it became nccessary ta j a possible 3,000 ta capture the R. B. Glaspeli, R. R. 4, Bow- single trotter clasa with bis creae anewdiocse ut ! t e Jcfrcy Bull Memoî-ial traphy. manvihle, took the neserve ram~hne o .Cia Arhecor f aIPujb In addition Bey Gray captur- pnize in Hampahires and also bad Mn wrscm adr andchaonryikio! Eas Punjab, d threc individual awards. He the best ewc. He also took both ham County in the heavily-con- ad is Bishp o thensonwslect- ranked !irst in total pointa wîth flock and lamb pnizea in this testcd grain classes. In soft cd irt Bshp o te Docse901 ou.t of 1,000, won a gold me- class.. white winter wbeat, A. L. Blan- o! Amritsar. He was enthron-chrHmtn odlt i cd asBisha o! mnitsr Ondal in the swinc judging corn- In the Leicesters, N. R. GreenchrH ponstdlib n April 14, 1953. Rev. Tom Dus- petition, and was awarded the and Sons, Nestîcton, had the sonNewcstandRobnt tph tan, a native a! Bawmanvilhc, E. H. Stonehouse Memorial tro- third ram twa yeara or aven, ~Nwate 2d - ~~~and a son o! St. John's Cburcb, phy for judging daîny cattlc, the sixth yearling ram, fîfth and I al auîgatJh ia member a! the Bisbop'à The Jef!rey Bull Memonialt eigbth yearling ewe, eightb ewe Cucsak apowssc Diocesan staff. trophy, awaded by B. H. Ih] lamb and furth pize pen o! ond; Garnet B. Rckad, Bow- In 1942 Dr. Wilkinson was and Son o! Brampton goca ta four hamba. Keith Van Camp, manvihle, ninth; Colin Smith, awarded the Kaisar i Hind sil-tecuytam ain th Nestîcton, had the ffhpie Bowmanviîîe, lOth, and J. W. ver medai. highest aggregate score in judg- pen o! four lamba, and l3th fori Boyd & Son, Orono, Ilth. Sunday's viaitar is a brother t ing thrce classes o! dairy and ewe iamb. In medium matuning oats. J. So! the Rt. Rcv. F. H. Wilkinson, bec! cattle, two classes o! swine Ini the wool classes, Harold W. Boyd, Orono, was placed - Co-Adjuton Bishop o! Toronto and anc class o! heavy hanses Skinner, Tyrone, was fourth in ninth. In rlas7es for six-roi).ed adfre etroSt. Puî's1 and swine. domestic mediumn cambing wooî' barley, Robet Stephenson, New- Cburch, Bloor St., Toronto. Hisi The high score o! 2,607 points and fiftb in damestic low sleitood I th.r ndSn h~~~~~ ~ife is a daughtcr o! the late piled up by the Durham Coun- medium combing wool. N. R.1Mlo eteitadSn Most Revcrend 1. O0 Stningen, ty Junior Farmen winning team Greeni and Sons wüne third in 1BIethany, took first place for !onmcrly Anchbishop* o! Rup- is a tnibute flot only to their ow'n damestic low combing wooî. Sebago potatoca. In a class for erts Land and famous as a' abilitvmbut aiso to the excellent ' Nestîcton Winners yrn otws!ut;Dn p oer mis-sianary in the coachîng given them h-v Mr. In hackney horse classes, Mn., aId Green, Nestîctan. 12th, and Rtt. Rev. C. R. M.WUlkinsoa Yukon. i Summers and Mr. Brown. i and Mrs. Raiph Sadlen, Nesthe- Harvey Graham, Nestletoa 30"h Cerèmony of Laying Cornersione 0f New Courlice United Church ,,Favored Wilh Sunshine, Good Crowd In bright sunshine and with a les just as much as it was made good attendance, the donner- o! matenial thinga. He express- stone o! the ncw Countice Unit- cd bis confidence that the Cour- cd Churcb was laid in place by tice Church would have the ýt tbe minister. Rcv. L. M. Som- same spinituality that distin- ýt erville, at a ceremony beld last guished ail chunches from mere - Saturday afternoan. A!tcr Mn. buildings o! wood and stone. -Somenville bad cemcnted the It ail started several yearu - stone securely in the niche a ago with an idea, It was 1 bnass b ox o! records was pre- Courtice Higbway S un da y scntcd by Clarence Penfound School, meeting in the Courtuce ta Alec Hoy, wbo deposited it Public School that carnied out bebind the cornenstane. the plan. One Sunday of!ering The ccrcmany was attended a manth was set aside in a by prominent cburch officials building fund, -o! the Bay o! Quinte Confer- The fund passed the $1,000 ence, and chunch and civic of- mark recently and moyeu were ficials o! West Durham. made ta instigate the erection Mr. Pcnfound stated that o! a new cburcb. It was !ound, anyane opcning the strongbox however, that a Sunday School in future gencrations would find could flot own property. A a fairly complete accaunt o! the chunch congregation bad ta be history o! the chunch and events organizcd. And so in 1946 the leading up f0 its building. Courtice United Church under Among the items enciosed in the pastorate then o! Rev. H. the strongbox for posterity were CniudoPaeSv) ivariaus cbunch records and (CnnedoPaeSen ;copies o! the Bowmanvilhe Can- L adian S tatesman and the Osh- C F oilEei awa Times - Gazette. O t h e r COF SoilE e ng items inciuded: a cunrent issue o! stamps, a current issue o! An Enjoyable Affair coins, the pnogram o! Saturday's ____ ceremonies, the financiai state- The Past Chie! Rangera' ban- ment, the cburch officers o! quet and dance o! the Canadian 1953, the names o! choir mcm- Onden o! Fonestens bcld in the bers, the membenshup roils, Lions Cammunity Centre on Sunday Schaol papers and Satunday evening, Nov. 14, was books, a bymnary the Woman's a mast enjoyable affain, Over Association records, the C.G.I.T. 150 were present from Bow- records and the minutes o! manville, Oshawa, Pickering Sunday School meetings fromn and as fan west as Toronto. 1935 ta 1937. President Tommy Masterson, Histony Made P.C.R., presided. The gucst speaker, Rev. Alfred With Mrs, Gea. W. Graham Poulter, President o! the Bay at the piano, the Qucen and o! Quinte Conference o! the Grace were sung prior ta the United Chuncb, in delivering a deliciaus turkey banquet, which very appropriate address, des- was catered by St. Paui's Even- cnibcd the occasion as "making ing W.A. A toast ta the Order histony." It would be rcmem- was praposcd by P.C.R. Gea. W. bered, he said, by ail the boys Graham and responded ta by and girls of the present genena- D.D.H.C.R. Eddie Henderson i tian. Oshawa. P.C.R. Farewell Blactz- The erection o! the new burn moved a vote of thanks chunch was a mark o! faith ta St. Paul's Evening W.A. marching an in spitc o! world Following the banquet many turmoil, be declared. joined in round and square Buildings are memcntoes o! dancing ta the music o! Al Stack man's ideals and dneams, Mr.' and His Four Tones, while Poulter said, and thcy lastcd othens enjoyed carda in the long after the men who created Green Room. Intermission was thcm had passed away. cnlivened by a sing-song and He described a church as be- sevenal impromptu amateur ing made of immateniai qualit- numbers. [ . - i Durham Farmers Win Manv Prizes p 1 -, id n- s- v le Le s :s le ýg n d n d a d d e 't t s

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