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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1953, p. 4

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PAGE rouxN = SCANADU5N in this entertainment palace, "a~ D but heck, theY've got littie bug. m Sters R po ton xear's P ote j C urrent gies for You to trundie your tev a P o rs *stuff around in. Y andAndweoureShok frDr. Dowles Gives Inspiri 'ng AddressU and And whileGo Sh okn o what you came in for you* I find a lot you didn't core in f eigI Confi en ia ~where the pretty girl is playing re Else Crruher Lu..ny tat dds Ial .Hampton United Church and of Christian education for the B'up, you'll find you've left quite Simcoe United in Oshawa were Bay of Quinte Conference, was dE a ieo oney behind. Oh the scenes of a well attended introduced and addressed the VENERABLE MERCHANT scious will be giveri away, ab- well, somebody's got to pay for meigo h saaPeb-meigo i ok nldn FOR A SUPER MARKET solutely free. There's nothing the band. Mighty nice musîc tery of the United Church last plans for the future in keeping w ta by, adis ad gntleen-Andthetoy forthekidiesandweek. Ministers and lay officers with the growth of the Presby- w lit ueems to us that nothingexptouwekygcris that new Pontiac they're giving o h eea hrce ntet .ex has changed more in this great Oxetur-cebel grcer is away. It's a big place to buy a area gathered ta discuss current Rev. Dr. S. L, Osbor'ne, of the co era of advance and change than bewildered. It looks and sound.s loaf of bread in, aîmost got los, bss and heara triling Ontaro Laies'Col8ge. hitby, ce the merchandising of groceries. like the Midway at the Fair. but it sure was a lot of fun. adisiigadesb 9 raised the question of extending su A cracker bartel store keeper Where are the tea and the flour * * year-old Dr. R. P. Bowles, Cae- aid to candidates for the min- sarea, retired minister of the istry who needed it. The Pres- C ifhe wandered into one of the and the sugar? Oh, sa that's NAMES AND STORIES Metropolitan Church, Torontobtr gedt staiease new super duper markets of what's in those littie shiny pack-. Some replies are coming in and exchancellor of Victoriabyeya greenda to et asia spew today would think he had sanie- ages with the pretty pictures to the question we asked recent- College. be made from evcry pulpit. Thech how got into the Canadian Na- on al these shelves that face ly in this colunn, "How many Need More Evangelismn presbyterv will make a study ci tional Exhibition or the Chicago two ways. Thought those little more house namnes do yOu Rv rhr ogno0ri-o0h(amnsrton0 hso Word" Firbymitae. one, two and five pound pack- know?" For instance, we said ity United Church, Bowman- fund. A band is playing stirring ages were there for the kids to that surely the Southey house, vil.oeedtemeig ihIceseI iig tunes, and it is no pick-up ag- with when they got which wa.s built in 1873 by vle pndtemeigwt nraeI iig a gregation either. It is one of the tired of the jet plane and the William Horsey, must have a prayer and a minute's silence A substantial increase in giv- cci best bands of the city of. Toron- rocking horse. namne. From its aeocpns was observed in tribute> to tha ings to the Maintenance and chi to, like the 48th Highlanders or You Don't Say Mr. and Mrs. E. C. C. Southey wieo f Revaw D, eorgie Tordon the Toronto Scottish. There are But where's the food' I see a who are now living in Oshawa, a.D.Tlodiamebrf big hobby horses and miniature lot of fancy little tins and there cornes the word that it had in-da.D.Tfrdiamebro jet planeseachebearig a mod- jer nes2Oth centrilad-ho re packages of Kleenex, what- deed, and the naine was "Marn-tePrsyry ern 0thcentry hildwhoever that is, and scrîbblers Wood". Just in passing may -ve Following the meeting, thel wears an expression of sober (something else for the kid- say, along with a lot of other body of Presbytery members at- concentration as epos dies apparently) and ink and Bomnil epe htIt tended the late Mrs. Telford's these out-size toys provided by magazines. You mean it's ail in doesn't seem right that the funeral at St. Andrew's Church the management for his amuse- those cans and packages you can Southeys are no longer therý-. in Oshawa. ment while his mother shops. see through? Weil, well. And The warm hospitality whiclé Speaking briefly at the open- Absolutely Free the rolled oats for porridge, mýany experienced in t heir gra- ing of the business session, Rev. In another corner a photogra- where would they keep theni? clous home over the years will Arthur Morgan told the mnem- pher is busily snapping photos In a little package too' And ail b e long remembered. bers present of the great need of he ustmer' cilren 'Lhe hes thng tht popl ea 'n iAnother name, 'ýErpingham-" for evangelistic service. Said Mr. o store is giving them away free stead nowadays you say, like ha~crefo r.Catn Morgan, *:You and I have par- to the mothers. This is Public Sugar Crisps and Muffets and Toronto, through Mrs. John ticular temptations. We use a Relations, or courting the cus- Wheaties. Weil, wcll! I wish Darch, Liberty St. North. -Er- dominant and trained person- tomer. The store is also giving Mother could see this. She'll pingham- was the name of the ality to achieve our ends We awaxr, if you have the lucky neyer believe me when 1 tel] residence of the late John are able to secure a sense Of « ticket obtained in the store, a lier. Darch on what is usually refer- conformity by dominance. LaýY- brad nw mtoicar aTV et Bu sa. ou antfoo meon ed to as the Darch Farm, a men and mninisters alike have or atri ta ew ork or wo. he 't f the Ontario Trainina gathered great congregations Step ight up and take a chance. and cabbages. We neyer had School0 For Boys. On digging by personality alone. We must You might be the winner, if not 'em like that, fresh out of the -nto Itte this week, then next week whengadnith middle of win- th er photostat copy thereof true and only tansformiation is anoherca ora tipta eru- er.Itrna tke litl whlewhich we had made at the New built upon the foundation of danohe a o at n p to Beru- e. I a ae ite w ie York Public Library) we find knowledge f the living God." d a o s o e t h n g q u a l y u s -t o i n d w h a y o ' r el o o i n gf o r th a t a c c o r d in g t o M r . F a ir b a ir n 's W e s e e to o m u c h b u ilt o n knowledge "Erpingham"l was personalities." continued Rev. built by the late John Darch Morgan. 'Things are no longer and named after the family es- judged upon the witness of the tte in England. The property, living God, but rather on the iwithout the present house, was ability to win friends and in- ..~~ .~0W ned at an earlier time bytha lun e pol. Cubitts who came fonm'Non- l"PoPularity does flot mean folkshire in 1832. More about successful evangelism, btr- them some other time. ther the tool tends a eoe Remnembered Dy Many the master in many cases. Tw te answihw In summing up his address, have-Tw te r i n ambee inw h i we Mr. Morgan stated. "W e must 4ý10 column have also been remem-metonths wo donte ~ I~ cnsfed several people. "Bea- lhfe as we see it, on thos who thecone o Lbety do not walk as we walk. Let us * <A ~~~ and Church Streets, once the vrke normnsadi 1/ residence of Mrs. Wm. ur hearts that we core ta the I'"Ti-a i, wo ws Chistna Bith waspeople teaching alone the wis- f'~~~~fII~~4~~ only rented in the first place bydmothCrs. i Alexande Beith, Christina's School For Eiders In *, father, sa there must be sanie I the business session iollow- earlieî' history here which we ing the school for eders of the haven't got. If anyone knows it, United Church was discu.ssed .. .... we would be glad to have it. Dr. C. Siemon of Bowmanvle~ oThe other familiar namne is asked the Presbytery ta cansi- "5 $~South Park", also a Beith der a similar school for ch urch ihoebut ag i n o ital swsiandimpl:rnentove f"them. "South Park" became in the members that the Iame' %WE HAVE SO MANY APPLIANCES PLUGGEID IN ON OUR OLb and its actual builder was Pe- for stewards and laymen as well V41RING THAT IT TAKES LONGER TO MAKI-. WAFFLES."', ter Coleman. It was buiît for as part of its duties. ... Mn. John McLeod, Liberal M.P. Schoîs for church elders.......... Dont overfood your electric circuits. When >ou for Durham, and at his death, have been successfully held re- auctioned off, with M.r. Hector cently in Brooklin and at Cen - *~* buld or modernie. provicle ADEQUATE WIRING. Beith outbidding Mn. Allen, tre Street Church, in Oshawa. .*::;:;ýý>k:,;: father of the Misses Clara and It is expected that a simîlar Margaret Allen, Beech Ave. It school will be held in Bawman- laten became the. property of ville for local church officiais Mr. J. W. Alexander, who gave somnetime during the earlieîl ELECTRIC WiRING, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION it to the town for a hospital. part of December. AUTHORIZED 42 1NGST. S NER L* LECRI 6o360 ~ vls.Lets Have More Call To Kingston AL W EECT IC IrsChanlie Bagneil tells us It was announced durîng the Phone 438 Bowmonville, that the name of her house on meeting that Rev. Lawrencei HOME APPLIANCE DEALER Ontario King St. East is "Victoria Villa". Turner had receivedi a formaI 'l 4 V"4~~ I Mrs. Ernie Rehder tells us that cal] ta Kingston. Mr. Turner of- ~ ber fatherýs mothen and father, ficially declared his intention ta _ Mn. and Mrs. Richard Gould, accept the caîl, and spoke IIO EYTIJ TNEW DRS'5LO K$lived there when she was a bniefly of the fine co-operatioliNA litiegir, nd ovd fomthere and assistance he had receîved - LIE ML IO !ta Toronto where the family is fromth Newcastle board of lif AM1110 ! til lvin i te sin hose eder drin hs hre yarstay *m-'. Any more naines? There must in that parish. be many more in Bowmanviîîe The members were invîted toa~ ~ TA N S D AR-and district. and each one gives attend the laying of a corner- usa leaf f local history. Let's stone for the Courtice United 81/r IT ÎINT NEW have more. ChUrch, Noverner14, Saturday Changing Attitudes ~s T o ppnmenis Rev. Dr. Bowlese-hacl SANITONElar of Victoria College, was the6 SA IT NEMade to Health Uni guest speaker at the meeting. avaAARM1ý» D.Bowlepoke on - the- b edu ts endy lae o tctOn sat Restoîlndn for a00" hrsas am zn antn ay los n t oo ttr e u- hebaty of the crops, andf the aengs aerei ro hei r or' a ] en îs somewhat familiar w ghlory of country beauty is gt ofyol Patcnarretretoh irgmnai hbvrahaîg pnrtowought by God's hand alone, nx er with ad rllane eaue tlte y1eaig pet w 1 i e u y a n n l i n e e asdi l t e m n h h e r 2 i n t h e s u m m e r o f d 5 0 I d p t d a m r l i e a di t' g n ! po s î ap ea !Per. 5 f r fe ld w r n c n e . attitude tow ard th ught and spiration vanishes! No cleaning t n Id hs orein of n td o peech on Sunday." And iS! B oeuer reis lanin a ' cetificate in sanitary in'spec- "Things change araund us," £PHVI Ad n anion dy lenin atod r.Bowles. *'We must sere pacssete e "ike-new to change with therni The age of feei and finish to fabrics. Cali usrniio htpopesi a loday and see! tasiFnttpepesincea AS E IFF R present for vr gsicth FAST ELIE FOR orldbegan is s'till with us. t is still an age af change." Dr. Bowles then went on ta HEADib the formation of i which made the entire address (:O L D S one of outstanding interest and à,ree- dastanding ovation fror themembeirs present, many of whom had lîstened ta ""KINE 0F AJN lectures delivered by Doctor Eowles while Chancellor of Vic- aeiAe R oo)Pg' LADIES, WEAS 91 toria College. h a a PHN:08BAWA ZiqrN ue13000 Addreised Conference Rr%- Ge&tge G. ConnalIl' ne-I Missîonary Fund, in the Presby- tery of Oshawa was reported yesterday by the Rev. Robert J. Scott, B.A., B.D., of Whitby United Church, at the meeting in Simcoe Street Church, Osh- awa. Mr. Scott reported that total receipts -ta date were $33,743, an increase of $8,235 over the same date last year, with the balance ft the year yet to go. The report was well received. Grateful appreciatian coupled Nith sincere congratulation were ýxtended by the Presbytery ta ýongregationsý which have re- ,ently completed outstandingîy ;ccessful financial campaigns. Mentioned were Northminster ýhurch. Oshawa, where aven ;0,000 was raised for the new îurchi; ta the Whitby United 'hunch cangregation. where $86, >0 was raised for the extension îfChristian education and im- rovement of Sunday Schooî acilities. and ta the Courtice hunch is being but. palitical discrimination and spe- rngregation, where a new cial pnivilege in favor of the BOX 33, ORONO Telephon, 27-r-1g Roman Chorch which is con- I ere S Anf Yeu Do Ip in at your nearest fThe Canadian Bank of 3e. Visit the Savings De- -Aok for a Christmas pon Book for the plan w, and start making i-monthiy deposits right ýn't delay! Join our sClub right now, and b. $10.............. 50.k $20................. $500 ~/96;f~~Q47A4~' 4t8 16, 'w a at arly raN-h o Oppome VatiemeEnvoy Opposition ta the cantemplat- ed aPpointment by the ledoral government of an envoy ta the Vatican wa.s expressed when a repart on evangelism and social service, presented by the Rev. R. H. Wylie, Of Port PerrY. was adopted. The report is as fol- lows: Inasmuch as the aPPaintment of a Canadian envov ta the Vat- ican is unden seriaus considena- tion by the Dominion govern- ment, we voîce aur disapproval thereto for the following rea- sons. We are persuaded that a Can- adian representative ta the Vat- ican would cause seniaus dissen- against Christian and Canadian unity which we have hitherto expenienced. Political Discrimination An appointment ta, the Vati- can would be interpneted as .P You psy no entrance fées to join this Club. It is simply an easy, sure way to g ttemoney you need whether for Chritmas, for a winter holiday, or for any other purpose. Our Christmas Club offers you a choice of plans to suit any budget and any need. (Check plan you fle ini box below). After choosing the plIan you want, you simply make a small deposit one vey un e ek tho u h the2 deposits) you'Il g et a nice "chequeI from Sanfk"next N0vemer, in time for , Christmas-or for whatever you wish. SISelect the Plan to Suit Yaur Needs BUDGETr WO RRIESI BE SURE 0F, A "CHEQUE FROM SANTAPP NEXT NOVEMBER!1 f»ý- - . -. . -- . -- STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLL ONTAMO TH!URST3AY, NOV. If, 19M trary' ta the Canadian Statut'. of 1851 setting forth Christian equality among all churches. In view of these considera.' tions cammunismn ha& made itg own seniaus inroada in coum tries dominated by authoritaf«ý ian chunches, we cannot believe that a Canadian representative at the Vatican would atrengthen the cause of freedomn and dem. ocra cy. In view of these considera. lions we dedlans an opposition ta this measure and urge that the Dominion goverriment take no action relative ta such au appointrnent. SPENCER CORSETIERE (Registered ince 1931> Mrs. J. E. Richards Semi-monthly Deposits of 50 weeks You Got a Choque fer What the Christmas club is

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