THURS DAY, NOV. 19, 1953 TE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVELLE. ONTARIO gers, my grandpa, and the boys, taken, but think there is a mnf éI industrious country has vastly reasnt eiveta f& Ilso y o h u d o r ie / faml ati h hmIhv o e o ha vermore0capitalvythannktrcanousecatitures itn illcbe uairlt trea fis bikhouse built ini that score years!" He replied, "Long orn. irt laiigvenmaten fl2ae.Bac I L %icinity by my grandpa in 1849. time, No see!" tdm ivT ae Ba o the Year 1865 The date was engraved over the His thirst quenched my un- In OntarioA cc r i g IoS r e whl u odsmn s ur t front door and both house and known started back for his seat. or g ereyhle ouroern ment% With elfwîei sdigs date are still there. The Rogers As he came opposite me, I arose. etyofrn .Wt forotesWehetah h v R a g ers boy ~s'nt t B0r1 ch o held out a detaining hand and I is no secret to state thati obtained bv the Jellinek For- w orld inl such nes ed of hao ey w r ta t c p al s e a and I guess that was what inl- recited to him the above verse-1 interested parties, in and out mula. a mnathematical method of wysol uhrsucshv htteeoeI sfi spired the Guide Board. I sus- let. Wonder enveloped his hand- of town are impatiently avait- computing probable incidence to g ?oj So ding"e urele pect that the other Rogers boys some countenance and he said: ing the legal lapse of time when of alcoholism. which has been The answer is simple. It iLs I imitdorsrs oeo helped in putting it in place but "Who are you anid where id they can again hold a vote to extensively used by the World lack of faith. Capital lias no ter adslrwrd David signed his name to it and you hear that?" I told him and -sanction the sale of liquor -and Health Organization. _____________________________ it was there he looked on his then we were off on a review of beer in Bowmanville, which - IA4TÀIhandiwork. "David Rogers 10 ancient history. bas been a local option corn- i~t~ years old".For some 3'ears we conatdm itfo elvr xas Warning Io Capital nnntHff 1M0 SOLINA ' Coming from the north 1 pre- each other more gr less regular- This being the case it is well' Zig. sumne the Guide Board will be Iv, but implacable time event f or our citizens to consider a yJsp LitrRleg 4ARMAM 41J umANILL 7 plainly visible, from the south uly took its toil and I saw recent survey carried out in an YJsp itrRteg Our Room is i'74 to north, flot quite so plain to him laid to rest in the city of unnamed Ontario County (not Everyone knows that, when 437M V3H~ ~view..Toa. Durham County). This survey cptlbgn opouea buggy -' no Cadillacs then or to the long life of the Revrend 000 cabnormal drinkers in On- improved way of living, it be- o n o h IT R~ 2 ~ 1~I.ENNNashs either - while a young David Rogers, one of Gods n - tario. according to H. David Ar- gins also to pyramid. Undertak-~i~pY +ULSK(IIRD Gt 8UjPKET0J 4 mari, taok up the rninistry and blernen, and the man responsi bl10 chibald, director of the Alco- ings, the product of capital, 9 W 10w, ACKST[OcY89 est as you ail know. He died sign board. And how fitting that Toronto. Fondt o its. ndhexopectdoand maknethe Ati'aiI Sept. 1939 at the age of 84 years its replacement shouîd be in- The Countv. w'ith a popula-prft.Teroec ofsh .w5'IA and three months. stigated by his niece. tion of 43,606, was 2elected for reward should be enough to en- Incidentjally David was borri St. Marys, Ontario. an intensive survey of alcohol- courage individuals and coun- June 10, 1855. Fred was born ism because its proportion of; tries that have a surplus of - June 10, 1845. They botb had PRESENT GENERATION rural to urban citizen a p capital to v'enture it in counl- sons born the same da\-Aug. RMIDDTESRT proximately the same as that of t ries needing it, and so create Agoigfri~cne~l eacmndt 18. 1880,-Wm. Ross and Chasthprvneawoe. a prosperity that shortl would Aiyobaeodoireoeltettcnoaner ,, Ross. Grandpa Rogers had 12 F H PS STILL LIVES I h i-month surx'e', made repay it with interest. In that ,-children, nine of tbem had only By Dr. L. B. Williams bv Robert J. Gibbins. showed way there would be mor'e roorn. Oshawa W~ood Produc~i isalt ~ snge. ams.Thesunam Rges i alin tatthere were 698 abnormral"hv'niosta teraej Wallboard, Paint, Insulat*onadForig oj , The oldest son Charles Rog- in the pioneer chain which drinkers in the countv, of whoirinox.Teewudb oemr 4 er lied o be90 ear SiXpiees he soryof arliî' om-9:3 per cent were not receiving kets for the surplus goods %V'ejned erson dtho ae 90Fred (m sdx mit\' life soof Darligtom treatmient. Bv applvig hefî-produce. assuring us a stili ed muni, lfe o Dalingon.!n ircý Zpovine a iimore comfortable life and î'e- was next and accordingly died, public'hife Rt-v. Pavid Roge.- ie;ohained tIn e province Cornesiofforha FREE esofmat mere infant, April 1919. in his hasfv bohr.with Fre- areMr AchhldesimteforeiîgusofthFtretEfE 'i4th year. Henry reached 81 rcln-i-emrhn n htteeae4.81 abnra ression. Foi, want is the prim-l Frank 86, Grace was 82, aunti Enniskillen. Henr. and latet' drinkers in the province. ary- cause of wai'.I Emma was 82. Long life seerned Charles. on the ho-nestead faru, The survey distingi-ile be- It is as simple as that. ye t men E D L TH to persist in the f&ml. (Grand- on south side east of the local t\vCon thi-ce types ofdinrs have managed to miake it coin-MO E THA TC R pa lived to 80 years and three fame Guide Board Corner and nIedikî h ssii~plctd hyhv oeti months.) Frank vhose retirement was in control of bis rrnking. but ha-_byASoking slSanc 1tCsucess, Nooykos o rtfuiWib.let it reach such proportions that1 by feeling that there is more A O S $~~ ~O T Noboy is beginning Io be a matteî' x-rtue in doing business badly. I arn to Mr. Nichols wbo always Reverend David. apart froniof concern to his farnilv, em-1 and so making no profit. than seems to be doing nice things, bis forrible address aez a circuit indigbsns Ilads for Darlington. In a quiet wa VMethodisi clergyman has indel- Tplloefiol dsadic- 1aoaes i ding pbuins go.Well a ve ill3 o m nvIeo -6~ Ohw as Reeve he just seems to think> ibly, bN' bis write-ups, preservedaTealoo ddc'wo a ain rftsgo.W have aniin('ontroilable craving for- let successful business becorne of the tbings that most people the earlv historl, of the littie acho-an ho is unable to an enticement to governmel ___________________________ oveloo soI illbe teraly vllaes ha pi-pont heTown- break with the d'inking habit. Profits are a temptation to tax- grateful for his efforts in seeîng isbip of Darlington when Hamp- The "chronic alcohiolie" W\Nhf ation, which will take a substan- YOUR SATISFACTION VSO.. C Guie oad"on heScgo wll e ubisedin ftue s- a anew Guide Board bas i ton i ealdas Milîville. SOI- bas indulged excessi7e1I in ai- ial part of them, or a ioOhwoo S E Reeve Roy W. Nichols been erected. ina as "Pelltiertown," Enfield 15oi"' r aiaiowihwl aeal as bat aug ay an ev n ears and as a consequence isi Even he îe the successMul m an Many people in the past 8 intimate particulars of the 12 BILLY M[ILLS GIVES HIS Bowmanville as Darlington ý:ufring one or more of heý or business is under constant years have passed by "The Rogers cildren. Hs comments MEMORIES 0F GUIDE BbARD Mills and so on. diseases of alcoholisin, uch as attack from jealous demago-P o u t I Rôad midwav between Hamp- sue. the world in the lines of the The survev obtained ifrm-otbei'cotîntries, wbere capital s a a Wo! tonandEnnsklle, bt w yn- y W J.(Blly Miîs compass were varving distances tion fi'om 'Al'oholics Anonv is more urgentI.v needed, should ture the opinion that very fl " GID BOARD FIRST Memories!, Memories! Wbat from the cross-roads of the 7th1 mous. clergymen. oflicials of in-da with it more wisely adadbl of our readers know the histori- n- UD Y r n ii iC ulc calsiniicnc ofths an iB11LT BY DAVID ROGERS an endless pr'ocession of tbemn Concession of the Rogers homFe- stitut ions. h îcaŽ phychia- There is no lack of capital. It carn icae af rk.lan came trooping adown the fourj stead and Scugog Road and 'n trists. policead aros teriaalbl.Iiseaeto e WHE 10VERS F GE score years that have corne and 1865 he personally outlîned th officiai gr.oup.Flinsal isd Sizîan.asl but - i n credit foi, bringing this By C. Grace Rogers MèCluskey gone, since as a barefooted lad- picture you see to become local- rather closely \wilh the estimai-es interesting sfory to ligbt goes Three years . ago friends of die, an oid sign board a mile j Y famous as "The Guide Board",___ ~~~iO t0 Mrs. C. Grace Rogers McClus-' mine were going to Ontario on and a quarter soufh of the ham the progenifor of the bigbway I'm surt, Oui local publie and! IR UNE EOMIPANIES*..mA key, 170 West 75tb St., New vaai.Isad "fyo arj let of my nativity was wont to designafions of todav.bsor oldwhmeeiet r" Yor Cty23,N..,a ntie Ion the Kingston Road? you wiîîpttebae pnmlagr The roads from Bowmanvîlle express thpir apprectation of i-he ID Enniskillen, 'ho bas lived inl pass tbrough the town of Bow- locomotion, and hoid me in sus- to Caesarea on Lake Scugog and doctor's -Lest We Forgef."M New Yor'k oveî' 50 y e a r s. manvilie. Wili you please for pended action as I sat me down from Tyrone to Brooklin ai- No. A gain lime«s unrrelenting de- Tbrug te eas heba kptpastime bit the Scugog Road uo teswr, ad bc 7.eend each other greetings Vadýation on the sigu bhas bec-n Q& s a wf k in foucb witb i-be Homneland Of due north about seven miles against the post, becaîne a a,"he Guide Board", soui-b ni met bx'ib hleget aln-y Durambybenga egla sb'and see if there is anything leif deae f ramwaving Enniskillen. ton patrîotismn in thîe peison of scriber to The Statesman, as of a Guide Board that bas stood kiddie fantasies anent the me- This latter thorofare ere long Reeve Roy Nichols no th an uelas making the occasional there since 1865". fropoli registered overhead, and i must be improved west simil- i-be lo bî-ass nofi-be Townsbhip's * Weli Tey cae hom i-o ay th f but one or two wereI arlv i-o that soutb of Hampton Counc.- tn a iifrltieeadf iendsI fo me personally, foraslO for like reasons. This t'me e\-e-n itbe post stand- hboernfwa adl egiale as I nirs od Dobbin was ours. and b Inthe meanfime, af tbe jog aî'd basben'eedadbig- Som mnibsag' rs M-.such and was completely shot. "Sbank's Mare"' alone provided bere in the raad there will have metal enca,ýed to gleani in tbe Ciluske ' was sorry ta learo i-bat Witb mixed feelings I thougbt our limited transportai-ion.. been a fatality, then a big, darkiiess on the page nf mem- The Guide Board bad "died fie a lot about if and one day won~- wds tbe period antedatîng hcebaddslx ilba-o' n rv oe t h deab n a ag oîl S sh wrme ere SaI -roe t Reve oytbe telephone and wben Sam nob witb tbe Guide Board sign present generatumn the att~ to W. Roy Nicbols, Reeve af Nichols asking if anytbing could Milîs (v Ddabtro n ei.te o tagtnc -esii It e asi tilili-e. , th aign n o wnsbip. e t seTe i e d n a r ne l a i equine fashion in Enniskilen out. M av the-b Guide B a d i u ; th sg cul e esoed Tea Darington Township land- deemed if necessary fa com- The 19i-b centurv Passed ac- and 'tbe naines oI ihse mlio > request feil on willing ears and mark, telling bim as much as I municate witb bis feliow cou- campanied by a couple more, guided ifs destiny. Rev. David the mati-or was brnughi-tai-bhe tbnughi- necessarv about if, put- tunier-Oliver Stock of Tyrone, gnrtosadIkws h i-Rgr.D.CrsSeo n attention nI tbe Dariington iing in a fe' snapshots wîth the if b cam~e the duty of liffle Wil-gnea Gide oand l sign fa t ereeeRogr NiDr bolrs, leon andm nConil wbch d a d ne n a me I vllgs a d itn e lie ime) to assume the role Of renewed as the 3rd sign by the the corridor aI Darlingfon > EL WE R YD U sia ontrctdan eecedlat-showing fairiy plainly-and a wingless Mercury-a "Weary public enferprise nf Dr. C. W. Township bistor'x. L, ARA E T motRes s awebve wl-b aite for ord egaring if W alker". And 80 years ave not Semnon a I Bow'm anvýIle in 1919. 8 Oi'io! Gai-dens, Tarante. 4,v icas1rnucigi feu- somewbat discouraged dimmed mv memory of Oliver's "well and truly laid" for at and belpless as 1 cauldn't travll kindly smile and graciaus recep- leasi- anouieî' generatian. This i-o the scene aI the Guide Board flan of a sboehess lad. I___ is i-bei-ird sign i-o be erecfed so I c8uldn't do much about t The return jaunt neyer seem-II W" ' 'UWW W ___ since i-be original one waspae physically but wait and hope. ed as long as i-be aufward bound,l **MU E lM!. there in 186,5. Througb Mr. Nichols word but wben the old sign-bnard____ In cvn into the hîstorv -il gai- t Editar Gea. James what again have in sighf,, I againj~~K.. this 'veil known landmnark we! was up and tbrough bis efforts neyer nmitted my day dream NOUTA fnund there was an inferesfing i and the Dariington Council the under ifs sbadow. si-or. associaied wifb if wbicb Guide Board bas become a reai- It was aiong about tbis perîod sbould be gijveii publicitv. At i-y. That is reallv gaod news thai-. in a littie hall in a back oui' invitation Mi's. McCluskex', and F'a sure ifs 'ereef ion wilh hane in Enniskillen, accompan- EVERYTHJNG M UST GO DI' L. B. Williams and Mr. W. be good news ta i-base in Dar- led by my mai-ber, I heard a J. MNilîs bave î-acb sent la Meni- lingi-on w-ha think of sucb fhings budding young cheric i-hi-ider, ories of The Guide Board wbicb as being nice and appropriai-e. againsi- iquor, tobacco, profaii CONE EARLY FOR BEST C O C wariebpyiorcr in this David Rogers paînted that ity and ail tbings akin ther.i aril.Wili Rager's, Calgary, j Board wben be w-as 10 easT imess fupnte juve- Al.. braih-r of MsM- Cus nd 1 865:orinnal n.yaes li afsbisauienehe-NbadMus - j TOWELS -PILLOW CSE are al Too Late REDUCED 10% to Turn Back I________________________ WHNyuset troubles pil. Sp ecial! e ing up stralght ahead, you've C 1, A R K' S 'M other's Helpe r! bat your chance to Play'ate. And tire, explosion, thett or MOIDY C other disaster ean hurt youAi oor plenty. l o ur lq,,- Mother wants her littie onles to grow Nw ...bfr rul strong and healthy.MI ep r~i. 35c dazen eIeink hatb idst ro bde. savines ilde a%' ay in a trail bC (ME IN AND SfF THU ng food e e n s t a iid s r n o i set debt, et us. for strong R M N US B G A N BE G and %vard off illness. Babies love our insuranee. IN THIS SALE. creany milk. Order now! Glen I~nsurance Real EstateRaSTATEJAS W eberls Fab i L lnR a air y phones: office 81: Res. 493 1BST.VI LEP TELEPHONE 444 BOIVMAN VILLE >King Street B mnve 10l RING T.E. UWI5YLLPOE32