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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1953, p. 6

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4, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Odawa ruckme LostFirst aMeý'The O.,hawa crew trido the pressure for the iest of th4 - garne and narrowed the imnur-g:i lu Six Staris Io Delleville Nemos to 6_5 at 15.21 wht'n SumnivI Recre1, Sarnolenko scored unw;sisted lui' ~2fo e O er ,00 Fan aitheAre a long shot. With 55 second.4 w the nets for a faeeoff in the1wv Belleville end. but the T, uclI In a wide-open. crowd-1 their first defeat. Frank "Son- men could not notch the ih oîg pleasing game at the Bowman-, ny" Hooper continued bis [lot marker. ville Memorial Arena Saturday pace as leading scorer of theIc(hp MN1'L(101 nîght the Oshawa Truckmen, league by sniping two of the T eeeOha i prodUICIAtiHOI Iast their first game in six Truckmien goals. Tie Oshwas br Prnoduction Thrinigh a Irequesi sent to the starts in the Eastern Ontario Memos Score First absence of Jed Wilson but Paul lnr'chîI)ePitrnent by Mr. Senior "B" Hockey League byl Belleville scored the first Jago pla.Ned a nic gaimt't leftIWm, Hcliickley, lt wam dacided to dropping a 6-5 decision to theý goal of the game at 6.27 when wn nhspae ..Rl Or nk n,~net afn h Belleville Memos. Edwin Duncan. who played the ault played an nutstandiîîg ýîIow I)nfltlt m îtcr in this type of The game was razor-close al best gaine for the Memos, goti in the Memos goal and was us-.mtivîty. It in expactad that a night with the first period score the puck frorn Pate Jones on al ing his mitt ini baseball fi on general meewtitng wi11 be held to ,,readhig 1-1 and the count stand- rekaway and sae naoeýt ikofmn ir rvs akoe h alu hsso ing 4-4 at the end of the second.. bnre ovi oscte.inaToe' to ickof m1n094r dri e .tt(,k overanth e aothases of The Truckmen claimed they nLs ovn osor. Teacodof104wthd he1 ropadogttegnra wee obe n .hewnn. Trucknien evened it up at 12.38 g ame.. The Dunocan twins forr felîmg of thixe intarestad. It welleviledgo scoed by Jack on Hooper's first goal, resultingl Belleville turned ini a fine per- would be a glee club type of Beardilaugoatl1253 n ed yJac from a lovely combination playi formaîice. with Edwin Duncan choir' made up of mixed voices perrod, mghata125nin tha third w Iith Bill Berwick. Play was1 notching two of their goals.. witli nmembership opaned prim- Marna forward was standingi, verY fast throughout the periodi Belleville - Goal, Roly Sur- arily to aduits. thegol rese ha h san and ended with the score dead-1 ault: dafance, Jake Wade, Bob Arrangements are now under thedgoil chom e Plig Cam locked 1-1. Taylor. Jud Semiark, Tonm way to find a suitable rehearsal Ernie Dickens objected so stren- Frank Hooper camne up xih Shrie:fradJc a room and. a meeting date. If uously ta the marker that he: his second goal at only 49 sec- hagh, Varn Goyer, Pete Jones,! vou are interested in belonging was handed a misconduct pen - onds of the third period, with Red Doran, Doutz Hull, Dave to a Municipal Choir please alty by Referea Stan Boshier. Wardhaugh just coming back to Jones, Duke Doran, Edwin Dun- phone Don Shay at 728 or 3401 The Truckmen played wide' the ice fromn a hooking penalty. can. Erwin Duncan, Ted De- s0 that you may be informed open in the last seven minutes The rmarker wvas scored on a Gry. of the first meeting. trYing ta lie il up and Dickens! long shot by Hoop from about OsaaefolLseovn pulled the goalie for a few sec-, 20 feet out, wilh Harry Sinden dfnca. Ernie Dickens, Bill Pe- SQUARE DANCE SESSION ond inthe'lat mnuts o! ad Bll.Berickdrawing as- ters. Harry Sînden, Don Mc- hog tec-prain f onds in the lat minuts of ad Bih. erwickBath; forwards, Bill Berwick, Thog th c-peaino play to try and pull the garne sists. MxeYutJc hlrteCmuiy Porme out of the fîre. but the Truck- iMaxie Yourth gave the Mai orhJc hl r Ih Cocmi ror amm t ese men inalv ad o cncee Tuckmn teirbes nirgi ofGerrv ,Scott, George Samolenko ratnh Soca Services heRe- men inalv hd b concde îucknenthei bei mag wof1Fred Etcher. Doug Williamns,crain Dprmn hsa- the night ai 1.21 whien lie pick-, Bob Holden, Frank Hooper. ranged for a special -one niglit1 ed the corner of the net on ai Paul Jago. stand- f tp lfl n square 1 RECR nice shot. afler being fed byi Referees- Stan Boshier, Ken dancing to be held in the Lions1 Don M1cBeth and Berwick. Vern Holmslia\\. Communily Centre on Jan. 20, Gover narrowTed the gap to 3-2_________ 1954. RFCRUITING Ia miinute andi a half later whenI. There will be spacial instrc ne JIUI~I Dont me putft CI uUiP front in back of the Truckmer goal andl cramned il in the side behind Colvin. Dava Jones draw an assist on this effort. Duncan Tics It Up Edwin Duncan tied il up or a soft goal at 10.18 when his shot went in off McBeth's stick. Ernie Dickens put thc Truckmen ahaad again aI 18.33 when ha beal Roly Sarault af- ter taking passes from Samol. enko and Jago. The Memos lied il up 4-4 with only 59 seconds left in the frame when Bob Taylor tallied on a pass front Playing Coach Red Doran. Duke Doran sent the visitors ahead 5-4 at 4.53 of the third when ha took passes front Erwin Duncan and Vern Goyer ta fllp a backhand shol mbt the rig- ging behind Colvin from close in. Don McBeth drew a tripping penalty at 12.15 and it was 38 seconds later that Wardhaugh fired the winning goal unassist- ed tram very close lu. Playing Coach Ernie Dickens argued vahemently wlth Referea Stan Boshier that the Belleville play- er was standing in the crease when the goal was scorad, and was finally given a misconduct penalty by the reforee. The fans showad their dispîcasure by showering the ice with programs and other refuse, but the goal 'le HOWES unSMOKE unSHOP @ I O WMAN VILLE PHONE 3029 1 SPECIAL sPRE-CHRISTMAS OFFER * 79-piece IELECTRIC TRAIN SETS $19.95 a ENGLISH WALKING DGLLS I 12 inches high - ----- $2.98 MAIL ORDERS FILLED * See the Iargest selection of Toys in town at Howes Smoie Shop Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets Newr sîtades. îîew patterns, high qualilv bevelled glass mil-rors, nylon brushes 2.98 - 5.95 - 11.95 Wampole's Extract $1.25 Svott's Emulsion 73c. 1.33 Neo-Chemical Food- 1.55. 3.35. 5.90 . 13.95 - 29.95 Alphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Halibut 011 Capsules- 75c, 1.29, 4.79 0ne-A-Da3y Tablets. A & D *1.35 -12.50 Multiple 1.25, -2.50, 4.25 A B D E C Cap% 1.95, 6.75 Doris Joli Leads Ladies' Major League In High Averages sName Ave. Gamas s Doris Jol---------- 212 24 Vi. Coole------------ 205 24 3 Hilda Brock----- 203 24 -Sylvia Bucknell - -- 202 24 -Bernice Budai 199 24 1 Anita Niekerson --- 195 24 9Onie Etcher - 195 24 3 Kay. Beauprie -.--- 192 24 1Lil Phillips ---- 184 24 Emima Brommel 181 24 Lorraine McFarlane 178 20 1Helen Piper .--176 24 1Lii. Hooper - 176 24 Lydia Bates ___ 176 24 Ena Etcher ____176 18 >Lola Wright 176 15 Ev. Swaetmnan 174 24 Mal. McNulty 174 24 Eleanor Larmer- 174 21 Sadie Bucknell- 173 24 *Raya Parker 173 24 Helen Moore 171 21 Vîv. Pickard 170 24 Ede. Marlowe 169 24 Helen Corden - 168 24 1Ruth Barclay 165 20 LDore. Mutton - 164 24 jHelen Dunu - 164 24 rMolly Badger - 162 18 ;Norma Gay - -161 24 LAnn Gay 161 24 Dot. Crombie - 161 24 Joyce Major -- 160 24 High Average 212m ---- -- - ----Don. Joli Hrigh Tripla 726 ----- --- Sylvia Bucknell High Single 318 Sylvia Bucknell Temm Standing Team Pts. Pins Jol --- --- 39 20113 McNulty 38 20497 Phillips 35 20954 Coola e ____ 32 21007 Etchar 31 20531 Beauprie 31 20068 Courtice 25 20098 Wiseman _____ 24 20106 Major 23 20567 Piper ----- 22 20015 Budai ----- 21 20328 Nickerson ----- --- 15 18843 Leman League Dot. Mutton -------- 70i Dot. Edmundson -__- 76 Rena Bathgale ---- -- 76 Ruth Johnson --------84 Bath Chartran 85 Vi. O'Rourke ____ 85ý Lena Geddes 87 Joan Engley ------9 Molv BadgerW tors from Toronto to put the participants lhrough their paces and the right is designed ta give various leaders in com-1 Fifiy Tons of Ice Scraped from Surface Ai Arena This Week Working through from 1.15 Monday morning until 12.30 the sawe day, an ice-planlng machine from York Twsp. and a crew of 10 local men unde: ica-maker Roy "Ducky" Needs removed between 2 and 214> inches of ice fromn the surface at the Bowmanville Memorial Arena. Altogether 50 tons of chipped ice were takan tram the ice sur- face and piled in a huge mound at the side of the Arena. This ice was sold ta the Port Perry Arena and used between the newly laid pipes there ta haster the process of making !ce. The job was made necessary by the early opaning of the Arena and the heavy use made of the surface, which resulted in ice of nearly three inches b.. ing built up by the constant floodings. For quick and ecan- amical freezing, a depth of three-quarters of an inch i best, sa the planing job waa ne- cessary ta chip the ice down to this depth. The ice planer was drivon2 back and forth over the surface chipping the ice dawn ta the re- quired depth, and the loose ice was shovelled into the tow3l sand loader by the workers and unlaadad outside the Arena. -Earlier Sunday night the shaft on the brine pump fani had broken and was sent ta To- ronta for rapairs. This part was returned and instalaed again by 4.30 p.m. Manday, and the brief breakdown resulted onîy li cancellation of public school skating on Monday aitarnoan and a commercial hockey gaine early Monday evaning. The Screech Owl (Bar bara Murdoch, Editor> Audrey -Fletcher 8 GIRLS' ATHLETIC SO1CIETY Jean Paltrick 93' Wilh the elaction of the axe- Elsie Morris --- 95 cutîve for the boys' and girl$'l Ollia Patfield- 95 alhlatic societias, the lasI of the Norma Gay ------- - ---- 97 schooî organizatians is finally 200 Gainas underway. Doris Joîl 298, Lil. Phillips On Wednesday, Nov. 4, the 264, Vi. Coole 262, Ann Gay girls elected the executive cf 258, Mal. MeNulty 253, Hava their alhletic socieîy. The af- Parker 253, Bath Charîran 244, ficers are: Pres.-Eleanor Lcîgh- Kay Baauprie 243, Onia Etcher ton; Vic-Pres.-Dorothy Hock- 243, Hilda Brock 241, Barnice in; Sec.-Treas. - Gerda Craig; Pickard 229, Eleanor Larmer Spicer; Basketball Convener- 228, Audrey Burns 227, Dol. Mary Husak; Badminteni Con- Crombie 225, Ev. Sweatman 223, vaner-Barbara Cryderman. Sylvia Bucknell 223, Anita Form Representatives: 9A- Nickarson 223, Enmma Brommell Paîsy Hockin; 9B-Lynn Bag- 223, Greta Brown 222,' Lil. nali; 9C-Calharina Witvoet; Hooper 220, Norma Gay 219,, OA - Patricia Conway; lOB-ý Ede. Marlowe. 215, Martiha Margaret Snowdani; 1OC-Donai Gowdy, 208. Helen Dunn 206, Therteli; 1lA-Vaughan Slaph-1 Ex-a King 203, Ruthb Barclay 202. enson; l1B-Joan Gibson; l1C, Va]. Miller 202. Good going -Shirley Bathgate; 12-Garda girls! Craig; Sr. C.-Beveriey Frank; 13-Mary Husak. Town Hockey Teams BOYS' Aýý1 OIT I The Boys' Atlelic Society Plyi uleH ae has been organizad for sanie In Close Cames the elusive parson Ihal ha is, 1 _______haven'l been able la find hini Action in the Town Hockey sldnog sîlîlnoeplae lon League ast Thursday nighl saw teog t idou h he oL- theCaadin rde o Foasar ficars ara. Howaver, I fînaliy theCandia Orer f Fresersfound out and haro is the axe- score a 7-5 win over Miller's cutive for the Boys' Athlaýtic1 Taxi and thie Front Street squad Society: Pras. - Joc Markla; handed Courtice a 4-1 sal-back. e.Tes-o cii Tom Depew and Richards SaF-r RasoenMcGilh. 9 were the top hands for the 1 orniCRepresentaives: gA-s C.O.F .sc oring îwo apiece wRgr oin9-i Cobs thei wi ovr ta Tximn. C-Lorna Crago; 1OA-Lewisi B. hei , B. Lylte ad aymn-sBickle: lOB -George Marlow-; I ah] EsorB.sinle ago alsfo te IC-Charles Bruce; liA-Ter-1 alForeisinFrgle gTaximo eF.ry Prica; llB-Fred Carter; licI Cowle and F. Luxton sniped -Hery r. Ko: 2-WmKePl-, 1 lwo each, wilh the fiflh goal ares r. C.-Kann Kly;1 coming from the stick of Gord-CarsArstn. StrckssÏth Tim Cox draw- "THE ROBE" C. Kilpatrick led the Counter The dance which Fifth Forni Hoppers in iheir assaull on tbe hahd iin Septembar provad to bel Courtice crew with two goals. so profitable that we had mare Burgess and Bishop drew assists money than wa knew what ta; on Ihase lwo goals. Ron Bur- do with., After discussing thaý gess got the third counter and malter for a weak or so %va Bob Williamns notched the decîded thai we would splurge: fou.rth on passes tram Parker on a trip ta Toronto. Aftar, and Larmar. another week's discussion wa; B. Nemis counted the lone final decided to go and see' Courtice goal with L. Harroni !le pîcture -The Robe' whicn drawing au assist.i pla>ymg at the imperial; 5 g i r s s 1 i I i ~es me ff - f j 0.7 Ot' SkHAf munity groups the arganiza-I, tional procedura that is nacess-1 ary for the sanie type of pro- gramme in their own organiza- lions. This service 'is made availablIe ta Service Clubs, Home and School, Church Young People's groups, teen aga clubs, etc., as well as groups ini outlying dis- tricts. LEATHER CLASS Mrs. F. Dilling, the local leather class instructor, is put- ting quite a feather in the Bow- manville Recreation Depart- ment's cap by demonstrating laatherwork in the Oshawa C. R.A. building during a travell- ing exhibition display which bas jiist returned from England. Mrs. Dilling instructs every Tuesday avaning in the Lions Centre. There is stili room for a few more membars. SWTMMIING GLASS Glad ta sec some of the nurses1 from the Mem-orial Hospital taking part in the swimming group on thair off shift. Re-I gistrations are really mounting. in this group with a total of 57 10 date. Bill Bagneil is hav- ing good success with the be- ginners and the regular "deep end" serpents and niermaids seem ta enjoy the "lsplash party." Theatre in Tarante. It only took us twa or three days 1ta arrive at a date suitable for everyone and so wc set off for Toronto at 5:15 on Tuasday, November 10. The picture was wondarful and it was genarally agreed that we couldn't have spent aur (or rather yaur) money baller, In fact, we're thinking of making these trips more often. Who knows where we might b. off te after the Christmas party? MEN'S MAJO. AIl-Time Record Standing Endq Seve-nteen Bowlers TaiF.rst Sel Have 700 or Better Bagnel --- 17 Ross Me±cnignt was une No. i' boy at the alleys on Wednasday whan ha toppled the dead wood for a total of 867. This wvas just 3 pins shy of George* El-ý liott's 870. Ross had scores of 269 -283 -315. Two other bowl-. ers were over 800 and seventeen bowlers had 700 or better Ioi cord. i teral-ire e-1O'Rourke - 9 15 25666 20, Ah Piper had 810, 256 - 257 - Aveagsta.see Gicasbin 297: Hank Janzan 809, 259 - 305 G. Elliotti---- 24 243 i - ý45; John Graham 793: Jack A. Osborne 24 241 An Eye For Beauty Brough 791; Ted Bagnell 781; B. Hearle --- - 21 2321 Sam Woods 756; Elton Brock E. Brock ---24 231 754, AI Osborne 743,, Russ Hall- T. Bagneli 24 227 man 740; Malt Harrison 729; B. Po1]ey - 24 2261 - ~ ~ . "' Norm O'Rourke 725: Clarence R. McKnight . 24 226 ~ Oke 720; Bill Hearle 718, Frank B. Williams 24 225 Williams 716; Bill Bates and Dr. H. Rundle 24 224 Reg Hearle bath with 712; Jack C. Oke --------- 24 223 1 Gay 711; Ernie Perfect 704 and B. Westlake 24 216 George Elliott 700. J. Lander 18 215 John Graham hadth hihjGry . - 24 215 single with 326, Ross McKnight E efc 4 215 315, Jack Brough 313, Russ H. Wlans2an1 Halîman 309, Ted Bagneîl 307, H azn----- 2 1 Clarence Oke 306 and Hank Dr. K. Shemon 23 214 Janzen 305 and Jack Gay 302. . HLarmer 24 213 In teamn competition AI Os- D.Tyo-------------- 24 212 borne's teamn postcd the high R. Oke24 1 single game of the season r'f J. Brough --------24 92101 " " 1360 for an average of 272 per R. Haîlman,---- ----- -22 210 And-bis idea of a baautiful TV man. Ted Bagnelî's team had P. Yeo --------- 24 209: set is one with the big tag tI it high triple score of 3583. G. Piper _.----------15 209 reads "Engineared by CBS-Col. Ray Fry and Charlie Wrighît J. Coole --------- - 24 208 iuba, tsAeiasms d splitthe honors for low single N. O'Rourke 24 208 ma" Il TVsetAmeas C -ost a wilh 110 when Captain Fred R. Richards 24 208 I umbia has TV's top values and Cola had 115. Caci Mutton had B. Bates 24 2071 The T. V. Shop, King St. , a nice 420 triple with Fred Colaej J Fair .---- - 24 2071 Bowmanville, has CBS-Columl -,«.a 436. S. Woods _ _ '2 0 ________________ Brock ---13 Rundle -12 DeGeer -13 Elliott -12_ Slemon i Milne -----i Bates --10 Osborne -10 R LEAGUE. rhedule, on Lost Pins Pts. 727258 40 Il 26006 312 I i2'6903 31 12 26656 31, il 25541 30 Il. 25361 t9 12 26602 28 13 26092 25 13 25697 25 14 25696 24 14 24980 21ý PAGE -six COMMENCEMENT EXERCISEB On Fniday, Nov. 13, Bownian- ville High School held its an- nual Commencement Exorcises. This year was different tram former years ln that these commencement exorcises are entfrely separate tramn the operetta. This is, we teed, a much bettar plan ln that the grads receive their due amaunt ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE A limited number of re- crulta will be engaged in this TmSc during the next three monthe. To be eligible for engage- ment an applicant xihust meet the. basic qualifications re- quired, some of which are set out below: .....Must b. single. O .... Hfeight-6 f..t 8 inche. .... .Cheut Meaurement-a ..mean"' average of 3 ..Age-lS to 80 yearu (proference is given to tilose between 19 and 25.) ..Education-at leet com- plote Grade VIII but peloeably Grade X. F. Iagob. om enao&u4h *w e .C.M. Polce o1ice. THvTT?3P AV, NOV. 19 1953 n21 2je .%. 1 24 20f -*2. . :ý24 2Ai 'i. Ma., nard -...----- 24 2 05 B. M ine -------- 24 2(j5 F. Sarnis ------- 18 ',5 G. Stephens ---- 21 203 B. Moses ------------- 24 2t)3 H. Pal- -er 21 203 J. Kn'cht ----- 24 2; 2 F. Bruni .. 18 21 2 R. Wright ---- 24 2P2 F. Blackburn-.------- -24 202 S. Nichols 24 201 H-. Bennett - ----------- 24 21)() K. Luxton ,.---- 24 200 nf ~ fallyeliii n 4a* 01 vt.f 'M shoved in between the acta of an eperetta or play like a con- vanient lime tiller. t The proceedingg began aI 6:00 p.m. with a banquet hald at MR' - Sthe Lionsý Community Centra ing staff cf thte Hlgh School.Go d saîf co y r Ivan Woolley and Dorothy Haockiai taok the part cf hast o d sa sf c ryr 1and hastess ut this banquet twhich was served by tha ladies of Triuity United Church. tAt 8:13 the grada maved te your money refuuded!l 1the asembly hall f the achool Ifor the commencement oser- cioes. Aler .everal musical e seleclions by the schaol arches- D Z NR N OE i 1r he pragram was efficiallyDO E S AI DOZ N .opened by tbe singing cf O c anda Te harmn, M. ..of Fine WATCHES for'CHRISTNAS rW. Dippeli, made a tew opening Eremarks and introduced Mr. A. What a wonderful selection of watchez at MARRYS! - You'r. SURE te 1MeGregor, Chairman of thc find just the one you want for "his" or "her" Christmas GIft. The hest [Durham County District High _ nationlykonwthssc sEC LI ETIL tSchaol Board. Mr. MeGregar» naÏnlyko wthsscas LC -EGI -W ST ED etald us samcthing cf the work BULOVA - Along with Marr's fine watches as shown belaw. Choose cf th. District High School now-and hold the watch of your choice on Marr's convenient Christmas Board and outlined the plans lay..away plan! fer the addition which will be built auto the schoal within thie next few years. The speaker ciosed with a few words ta the graduating class of '53. Graduation Diplomas were than prasented ta the members 4 of last year's grades 13, 12 and Senior Commercial, alter which Athletic and Academie awards wera dlstnibuted. Last, but certainly flot least, à an the programme was the very fine valedictory address given on behaif of the graduates by $2,0$ 95 Diana Webber. I$ 95 Directly alter the Commence- ment Exercises wcre aver a dance was held ta enable aid chums la get logether for a litIle couflab before goiug their Look at the price! You Can't Beat separate ways again. Whatever ES4%DYUG MNNB L A those ways m ay b . we theME ' N YO N ME 'B U L O V A B.H.S, wish you all happiness 15-Jewel Walches Aiutomatics and succesa. Goad luckkis WITH STAINLESS STEEL CASES Direct tram Swltzerlaud-made ta aur FanBels oea One of tie bait watch values Marr's exactlng standards - with 17-jewel features below and you'll recogniza the Elgin, Gruen aud Omago Automatirs _M In Rubber League e marvallous valua hare! startiug ut $59.50. Rasuits of games played Sun- . ivater-Resistaut Dust-Proof No Iindina Non -Magnetic day, Nov. lSth: Fan Bels5, * Shock-Proof Strap Shock-Proof * Water-Resistant « oic scorars: Fan Bets-Gir- Iýg~Exaso Baee ardi 3. Ellis and Masters; Officei» -Bond; Mats-G. ' Piper 3,J. Piper 2, Vivian, Woodward, Mohun; Hose - B. Perfect, A. Mdli Woodward. League Standings oi Team W LT F APts Fan Belîs 6 1 0--34 17 12 4 Office 5 2 0-29 21 F Mats 2 4 1-19 22 5 Hose 0 6 1-14 36 1 PlxrLea.diug Scorers $22.50 Plvr Teani G A Pis - D. G;irardi. Fan Belîs 14 1 21 $ 37 D. Masters, Fan Beits 13 31 1W. Lyhe. Office 10 4 14, J. LevaIt, Office 7 4 11l G. Piper, Mats 7 2 9 L. hat, ffce ~Smart Junior Miss stiling at a Mary- Beau iuII3' styled watch - ldpal for ellausly Iow price for a watch of this business or school - and with match- egion Bowling quality! 15 Jewels - fully guaranteed, int expansion bracelet. 15 JeweI- _______of course. fully guaranteed! Baies ----- .14 23353 Fi% Taylor---- 30 23618 Rundle 30 23209'M McKnight .- 27 229661,P Fair ------- 26 22003 ; Elliott 21 22134 '-w elmvr Saie good ganîes were bow- y Bales 759, F. Samis 793, D.I 43 Ring Si. W. Bowmmnville Phone 4631 «q Little 798, E. Rundie 719R.,e ý McKnight laking the high snl :1 il IBrownie Contains ea The Hawkeye Flash Oulfit verything for Indoor Pictures BOulfil - $16.50 Enerj ets Ne\ý hlealth and viîgor 30 days treatînent 5.95 New Lustre Creme Lotion SHAMPOO 1.25 - 75c - 45c Maltievol Ayerst hOD 1.00 2.00 Cod Livar 011 - 2.25 Vicks Aika- 1 Lunch Vacuum Rub Seltzer Kits flotties 53e - 0" 34c- 68c1.25sa COWLI NG'S MON DRUG STORE WE MI M USSES il ci e atton

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