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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1953, p. 14

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PAGE POURTEEN TH CANADIAN *STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE ONTJAROTHR AY No.2,es and some of the beastly stufi being i' 1has rubbed off on her. Juidgixng Sîudents Sunnlv ne etn Report Several Durham suLovs Meos" '""bigmnindvninee edI nai C'olurnn wauu~aha~ a ieresilng ~AA~AAA mot. Readings weregie byiwt32dlgae ta ~ ~ ~ I by the number of books read in iF Donna McLaughlin and hre aDnl ln omk I . .L~JU lgUlcLfS DurhamCounty. a intellient 0f L Annual rJudging ai Royal -Snooks. Doris Griffin paeasekn oro h rvn The's Grau Roots Coluinnist meet with approval. But I war'iFo Junior Frmer first story out of the ner td aur newest reviewer that. when i~. t L ____ book. The Mission 1adae_____________ it crne to FIah," hatmon EiAgU .jcI l selling lovel,, Christman ax mt com pendiu ofas, tamnorruhmauir am for their project thissaon ADBn Whl rsigtemain dragý vel the Saguenay and New-, pology. vour scribe will do hisý er judging teams repNesented hymn and a clasing prayrcn eci out a greeting ta ani 'ad ac- observant eyes nf Bill Berry,' wrveigadlk the students as a regular cor-, (2) Donated by staff of C.H. ing competitinsath Rolcuddhemtig InBwanil rcnlyIcîlfudin ralwhruhth on(hsacon wswite v yWllataro ntrtinteDoiin ugRoyal______f r o ptai~ quaintance. who promptly char- who helps tis ta enjoy the trip hleoangpp oda'tposition exercise under the di- S.-Presented by Mr. Paisley-; Winter Agricultural Fair in To- tled "vuare just the fehlow I through his racy, well written' week, son Bob developed se-veîrecto o1 G. ctta Wnb oga avsnrnahs ek h em a Donald MacDonal nced". He had purchasealrg'tris chest pains, had trouble breath- er of Engish, C.H.S.) ealrg tis..Marhow Prizes - Danated ny' gained h ih orpee roll of linoleum and needed help Here is a man, wîIo was not' ing. An M.D. diagnosed the trou- The annual Commencement of' Mr. W allace MaiwPrsne Ontario by winning the 4-H to hoist it ta the top of his car. able. financiaîîv. ta travel ver,,, hIe as torn rib-lining, strapped! Cartwright High Sehool was, by Rev. G. Nicholson. tina thIntriClu Agr icuî- C C.F. Organize As we were tving it in place. extensîvely untîl after he had' the young fellow up with a few hield in the Cartwright Recrea- Grade X 1 etBwraI College, Guîelph, on October edrC passing stranger stopped and' passed man's allotted span of yards of sticky adeie1p6toa enr nFia vnn,(2 ehPot.Coe McArthurt tape ____Ceteon__ayeein,() ehPru suggested we place some cloth, three score years and ten, gad- and turnied him loose. Nov. h3th. Dr. J. A. Merhr Grade XII-Shirley Hamilton. Tepoaotmmdeu0fJDnl C.Mcoad 3 betiveen the luggage carrier and ding about hike a twa-yearold! Funny thing about torn rb- 'achimnI The Henry Thompson pize, Kenneth Butterx', R.R. 6, low- ear-oîd national organîe o to the latter. We proceeded to ing the allure of the places he cular exertion, something which ada". the chorus of Grades IX Chifford Orchard. mnile eR and Mron e wonseond lee oCf. pteOtri act on the welcome advice. had often read about during his Jife-! no Youngman should be accus-' and X, under the capable direc- el ..1 rnwnscn edro h nai ju hakdthe stranger for tme, and unsehfishly sharingý ed of, unless reaching for fied tion of M. J. M. Gay, sang two Bhacstc w om peenteb Instit tea plac e or ont aria Tev gran pahr astidatursa M r tx is kîidness. when a nearby with us, his deights, memoies,. chicken or a pay cheque. numbers, "Fairest Lord Jesus" porizn were wonete by r.tamR mR. up Neof aRoy a- on cadtes om\:D s' urceepcî spk p aig xeriences. OnGood Friday, 1922, when and "In My Heart There Rings Johni SRhm an Here won- by hm R. R. , N st rt aH oye aYon the pst ew rE "1 --O hhi togi oeEo-MHlR .1 otHpYtn n nrwBejust c'ame out ta suggest the' What a wonderful gift ta have,! I should have been attendingi a Mehodv". Later in the pro- omics and Bert Bôwers in Man- placed foùmth. The swine team It was the Iargest C.C( o saine thng". and make se of. most af man'5 church, I busted some ib-lining gramme the same group endr- ual training. composed f Ralph Strong, R.R. "Wl.there voii have it folks faculties at an age wheii most .Iust pitching hay from a waggon ed several mare sehections, "Al- Th rnia'pizswe1,BktoadDvdSay, --lite in a small tovn: wher,- people want Io cur] uip and stav' ta the barn loft. Neyer having -Dehr oey" Sing owMe nTed arndia' przes we re R1., Burketon , n a Swayne fr:e1ffls h1ave lime ta caîl out put in the chimne.vý corner. Keep had such a malady pmeviousîy I .Sweet Chariot" RDin ta M doated nd presentedewo by Mr. RtRe 3,oviret, ad futhe g* Ion~l eaclh other: v heîe wriling Bill -ve wil] keep read- didn't know what was wmong, Only With Thine Eyes", '"Whis- RP.Al.Thewre won I by aon cthe pr ovinc s ad thf people dun*t hesitate ta ask a ing-with appreciation. but decided ta visit a sawbones. pering Hope," and "'Grandfath- Harvey Graham - Grade IIbe ateta opsdo himd: vw here the other felhow * *We had a two-year-old colt ta er's Clock". As an innovation Zoology; Clifford Orchard - Larmer Rosevear, Tymone and g -,-s help ungrîîdeingh\; ivihere Wonder uho the book review- break in, sa I hitched hiem tq a thisyeam, the girls were dress- Grade XII Algebra and Chem- Laurie Stapleton, Newtonvjlle a ~: ::n'r srohin psi.ofri er Ès that Unele George uinveil- two-wheeled camt and awayw edi school uniforms whichitr. 90-1 advice that is gratefulliy ed hast week? Did vou notice the went. That brute was in the they had made in the Home A Dominion - Provincial Bur- Tediyctl em fo acepied. ,'-here a storekeepe'r riame \výas omnitted? The hast ditch more than on the road, Economics classes. Allen Baihey sary was won by Shirley Ham-1 Wellington County won first is anxious that new inerchandise book reviewer was, I think, Kay and tested every fence along the sang a solo, "The Ohd Rugged ilton and presented ta hem by place for Ontario in that clazs. shuu)ýld be pî'otected a,{ainst dam- O'Neil;she was good, but did two and a hàif mile drive ta the Cross" which was weli received. Mr. Paisley. Shirley is usîng hiem British Columbia won tlie pota- .Hk1 L S ~ even though pu r- Thetat' ia readers appre- village. Every time the camt hit The girls of C.H.S. trainedbusrta ten thReso taasAbtahegin nd E RA E chased in his rivaI's store. Cao diate her efforts?! Will this me- unevea ground I thought I was by Mrs. John Scott, added col- Institute of Technohogy where bhe e classadSsacea yo iulz h oeon a-viewer labour in vain? beîng pulled apart. aur and action ta the programme she is eamalled in the course on th0wn ls.Poe323 1 o0vsaieth8oeon ap 1JOt pening in a large citv? If vou! One thing we must admit Tying the colt in the church xvîth their dumb-bell drill, Swe- Hotel Resomt and Restaurant The Durham teamns were "Ir7 TH4 F shw ('an. ou certain ly have a ively this one has a racv style, which shed I visited a doctor who told dih ni ag g*Samec s n Pmbe A st raeti on. rd o at b assaed b y i A Brcuwum. M r es-ow imagination. mnav prox'P popula-r and prabab- mewhat was wrong, taped me , sitnJmBon m rw * * * I d cte a airv ol d eu-' u, ad amnd m nt t caryrade." the C.H.S. Board were presented was also one of the two super- ]y ndiate a air-, oli ed- lpandwared e nt t cary The boy s, with Mm. G. A. Pais- by Dr. McAmthur. Rose bowls visorstth How fui 'uuatr Stalesman sub ration. Perhaps said reviewer nails of mihk, watem, swill; not 1e sterisrcabogtfrtegrswr o v 0for Ontario atheud scihers ae, to be able ta tra- ha'i heen n con tact with culture, t0 run or plough, in case my linuch enjoyment ta the audience isie Hooyer as Intemediate igcmettos î'ibs came unstuck. with their display of tumblingi Champion; Mildmed Brown as' On the way ta the shed a. and pyramids. They looked very unrChmi;Sivr us1lTPmtf , I lay ol m te ol hd ra-smart n their white gym kit.. for the boys were won by Ai- BLAUCK1ULK 'Il en baose and had galloped ta- They are ta be congratulated on Ian Jackson, Senior Champion;1 1 THr. %TRCNDA OVRMN NNIIS wards home. Forgetting the i'e- their excellent performance. 'Bill Weston, Intermedjate Cham- Mm. and Mrs. Alex Cleinents, 1I DEPARTMENT 0FLBU.OTWA(OTG9RE sret I ae meicent medical advice, I spriated The presentation of Certifi- pion; Ray Larmer, Junior Cham- Nowood, wth Mm. and Mrs. 1 SHOWiNG HOWD AE CANDIN OVBMN after the munaway, and caught cates and Prizes was an impor- pion. Russell Mountjoy. I1 PLASESED MEN BINFOMAIM up with hem when the cart be- tant part of the evening. Books weme presented ta the Mm. and Mrs. J. A. Jahnston,11>IICNBIGM EIRMN NOEA O OT came jammed betweea a tele- Intemmediate Certificates were C.H.S. Libramy in memory of Mm. and Mrs. John Scott withI My NAME IS_________________________ phone and a stump fence. presented by Rev. Herbert Mc- William Van Camp and Mms. W. his sister, Mrs. Burnham and (Mr./Mrs./Mss LAE RN S A L A D . thuhfloftedc Comb to the followin: Bert Nelson Camnpbell her son, Ray Burnham, at Ux- I~LV T_______i of liquid, but one of aur datîgli- Farder, Marilyn Jackson. Verna 1 Valedictamv address. He express- bri.. and Mrs. Earh Dorrelil ____________DAE0 IT ________ a ihMan'd Mms. Herman Hoei, his own chores. Within two Beth Proutt, Phylhis Stmong,' leaving C.H.S. 'guson, Omono. AEWHNAUTYOSTTTLPOE more days I was ploughing and Joan Venning. 1 The highlight of the even- Miss Mildred Herbert, Supt.ý 1 i understand thot inlomhnqsnaoewi ehi<ofdnil My mother-in-law declared she Honour Graduation Diplomias I ing's entertainment was the of Anne Grattan Page Home For' L-------------------------- J ______________________________________________could hear my anguished groans were presented by Rev. C. W. preseatation by some Grade X Aged Women, Toronto, visited -- _______________ ______________________________________ within the house, with the doors Hutton ta: Shirley Hamilton, students of a one-act comedy, hast week with hem fmiend, Mmi. ----- ------ and windows closed, evemy time Ben Hoayer, Ralph Stmong, Da- '"Couldn't I Kiss You Goad- Wilbert Archer. the plough stmuck a big stone. vid Swain. night?" Mr. and Mî's. Ross Ashtan, * * *Grade XIII Certificates were The' play vividly partmays the Schemyl, Glenn and Beth, Hay- Thmee years later, my wife, presented ta: Harvey Graham, scene which takes place when don, Mm. and Mrs. Will Me- X/V ed who oaly had two cows ta milk, Brian Hamilton, Betty McAr- 'teenage daughter retumas fromn Laughlin, Burketon, with Mm.M den to weed, and four childrea Toms, Bea Hooyem, Ralph young man. It afforded muca Mrs. Oakley Carley and Anne,' ta look aftem. whose ages ranged Strong, David Swaia. Shirley amusement to parents and pu- Cavan, with Mm. and Mrs. Char- YOU CANuebimeîlbhsmrgnes from four and a half yeams to Hamilton, Glenn Van Camp. puls alike. .4 ence Marlom, for several days. 'BORROW AT HFClohnfr hchde, IHU IR *SS MA VILNa baby of eight moaths, filled Genera] Pmoficiency Prizes: The evening clased with "'The Mm. and Mmi. John Argue. la hem spare time by helping~ Grade IX (1) Donated by Nes- iQueen". Bawmanville, with Mrs. John FOR THESE eaîsfrcrohohlia me haul hay from the south fii-i tieton Women's Institute-pre- McKee. REASONS ~ xn~admn oe _______________C._Wlso-wonBusiess______r Miss Ruth Hamilton and Mr. FRIDAY -SATURDAY -NOV. 27 -28 Asthe loaded waggon was snebyM .C.Wlo-o Bu nesD ecoy Douglas Hayes weme married at $SO TO $1000 6 YOURONSI ATR NO ANAL going Up the steep barn gang-ý St. John's Anglican Chumch on SECURITY REQUIRED CU O2 OTST EA way Butch feil off. landed on SEAD ELT L E G A L Saturday afternoon. Best wîsh- ON THE LNYUSLC Me UBW.qué hem head, and broke some ribi ci N ELlr4IF- - e aad ýcongratulations are ex-I heWM Having no money ta pay a doc- IYRNEI W. I. STRIKE, QC. tended ta the young couple. i .~o fo a tai. job I .on hem_'ýEE EI Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Mm. and Mrs. David Faim-' tightly with my aid Ammy put- iSolicitor for Bank ai Montreal thorne, Toronto, with Mm. and U tees. Perhaps the medical pro- Money to Loan Phone 791 Mrs. O. Wright. M251h year In canad a practîce, but by -jinga, thoseLWE is sick la Memorial Hospital,' aid puttees did the trick, They~ LWECE C. MASON, B.A. Port Pemmy. 1 V1/2 SlMCOO St.South, àeodfor hn saa513 didnt "pll"likeadhsivetap, E5 W~~Bamnister, Solicitor, Mm. and Mmi. Norman Mount- OSAAcOT but bpuil" made ai woohe tape, A Natary Public joy spent several days with Mr. PR OEBACu7 atnS. n lopoo38 weme frightfullv itchy: And be- EfE ,~ hns fie-Bwavleand Mmi. Bruce Mountjoy, Lan- ing itchy, they' distracted the hns ie 688 - Res 55 sing. and Mm. and Mms. Ernest' patient's mind fmom the pain of NUSAR .HDIS Belvea, Bronte. -___ ~ OT1[!the broken ribi. Barsr APAciorIN Mmi. John McKee entertain- CEW&MfNO M RAFTFER OUR 7 POItarvtî Pulieiar ed Mr. and Mmi. Hemman Wilson. AND I ~Temperance S.-Bownanville and Mr. and Mmi. C. P. DeviitIIc- A -r ANDf~k lait Monda, eveniag. the" occa- BROW S l ANIONFLDRYW. F. WARD, B.A. sion being Mmi. Wilson and Mmi iee Barrister, Solicitor, Notary McKee's birthday. 0UGEe ,ISA PD F ACTION... Mmi. Harî'y Sinclair. John and C ANN Moaey ta Loan Mr. and Mmi. NQrton Van' bron ~Larmv. Toronto, visited with Mr.f 9i2 King Street E. Camp and famihy, Listowehllf witb the She-devilI Jimmy for a few days this week.~, Phones: Office 825 - House 409 other relatives. 1fo Mmi. James Curson and Mrs. Mmi. John Scott attended alI 'eHarmy Sinclair weme in Peterbar- D EN T A L Home Economics Course for ~ ~ aug lat Wdneda tabrig ELt teachers at the Port Permy High Zz~D5 Ihome Mm. Harmy Sinclair from' DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. ScolSaudy StAoehsHsia.Ofc:Jr uileBd. Ms eseMAtuTrn afeno wt r adis r. .J. A. J1omnstomi anda Mvne. t other garment,' u wnnh~ihu ih ndess kr James Curson and Jimmy. ete Lastîng G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Johaston visited his sister, Mn.ntto i i Setter ~~~~Chiropractor Road ilro.pleats that stay in through inn erns uckwmkcsedn Mr an i.Wligo a- Office: OnSna van tte 1 Ywiter SUits. Pradmjc.d by î'ow had a few of the neigh bars Pres Poet'slt Pad, Prorkt Blor Oni a<,yI, evnigatth l cs MSm.ERE in d Mat rs. ein:tfor a c::- Prou Mondmg 63SpeanPaerrdutBd United Church the officers of Orected by SAMUEL FULLER pamty with the winnems beia Office Houri: teYugPol' no ee ScenPa AJULFLE Jean Perrin and Melvina-usa- ghrsa Fr. 'a a un ducted ino office byReC 2£1 harnm dGa. uia -Ttrdy-Stm W. Hutton as follows: Wilma' AutMr. adMrs. Harry McIlno , R E AL E ST A TE 1 Tom, one hat, Hr- ~~~~~ received an officiai notice sa,.-,- Emerson. Yon hnHn ing their son Jimmy, is aband' H. G. 'Hap' GILL REAL ESTATE 1 vey Grahamn, Presîdent: Bill WED. -THURS. -DECEMBER 2 -3 ithe S. S. Atlantic, and is expect- 8Second St. - Bownianville Ferguson. Melville Samehs" ad at ome Tuesdav monnPmaperties Sold - Rented Harvey Johnston, Stuart Don- 1ad b ta do Tue'sday mamng M~anaged and Appraised meIl ung. Jiîmyv has served two aibe o theBde gi re sor'N to Vn- ers i th he a y 4th Hgland- H. G. GuIl Realtor - Phone 3514 Oshawa Hospital and ahi hope ' home, in Grmay "elom she wilh soon be better. 4 haine, mnînîy' I ~ H TE~TMm. and Mmi. Wallace Mamlow ' .-' Mm. and Mmi. Bob Sinmpson AR H T C visited Dr. Jack Marlow and . , "' Beoeyubul, Ms Marlow at Lively, at the! T uesday and %vent ta the Ice M e o e y u b i d e k en m r n h m - ~ f ICapades.o h caso fNn HERBERT G. COLE, M.RAIC son, Nestieton, accompaaied My's bîr msonday f Avomd the last minute rush! Bawmanvil]e - Phone 3653 thm Mn Bb imsn uet îe Bring in Vour winter coltsT G Mission BandPAEN RDate ryHradelo'heerejs dax's on a hunting trip at Eale There were sxle malten ahmto T ' Lake. South River. toa!«,el ink the Loo Thmewee ixe pesnta thtee of the nine fashionabl mhae o ~â1beu h S A M U EL G O L D W Y N'S ~ M iss Jean Pe rrin and ' . B uil like new ag ao then you'Il N t e M s i n B n e tng at the C r n t o o o f C I L s S e d [ ~ S t n ' h s t e~ r b andMR 1 'lv\iip udvwt r alstwe h odsa i MONTIETH & MONTIETII United Church n Satudav af- jlig n Mn]ev Lisiîe d Suna lls Ken-. i e w e hecl na a Chartered Acc untants enoon. President Ronald os- able latex wall paint that e unm a>ff wmihr lî rrler M O O~ E~ Od . L o a d F l i , K n P h on e 5-4662 k mn p resid ed . M m. R o y T ay lo r has no " pain y" odo r, and d ie mn u t o m u e a a s m ch da, r T P PT(T If 37 King St. E. Oshawa played quiet music hen the nev sadiny surface. P a u a k w elc o B r\Nir a n d v M r . V E L L VG ' S G rd o n W . R ie hi . . s n g " 'R o u n d th e W o r d ' 'a s UANA~~~~~~ AN R W D RTYO 1i. aul Zao wsku tai Mor s T resident parte sung. The Lord's Praver was àAAANRWSDR TIYMhOMR hiave mnoue Amita M. cXVul T a * -- i nepeated in unison and .Mrs. Ce- Did u ka#w. W MCbWNtMrs house yot and. L1aUnte u0e P TOM~4E TRY jcil HuilI took.the vvorship perîod. mi. hv Stacey and l dauhter ~,_________________followed b',' ail repeatmng the A qumck. easy way ta removedi'________ whohav reeaty biltther ueaners & Dyelrs KEITH A. BTLLETT Mission Band Purpose. The"m- fmcrpedsar tabshhm homre here. St.m E.pee -tir Bomavl day wee acyHut n AND Mran and Mrs. Byron Bruat OSHAWA ZENITH 1»00 4 n Optornetrist sepamable twins" for the day 1 ells pnemp h ~' uthMr. W T.Brnt îsied Local Agent: Telephone 3252 Carol Rahm, with Carol takîng spange shoijld b. moistenteda M and' Mm, omm HOOPER'S Office Houri: 9 a.rn. ta 6 p.m Ithe offering and Nancy sayin2 hnWUtgwl.hg fl Techvi'1) an inj ~ ' ~ . LADIES' WsEAR NlI',hu fi' ý' aturdav ; the- dedicatmx pnii\ c 'The- rnohl Ibe îlad be nd la your aeW. I _________Evenia bê A»poitmmnt '"'your tavarîte hyrn" wx .,e, CÂNADIAN INDUSTISLMIu* n4fIK L

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