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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1953, p. 16

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RAESITD 1 E AAINSAEM1,OMjTj~OTM !~uM»AT, Ne?. m~ u~ PRfOiE 3 3 0 3'- BERTHS jArticies For Sale GOODMURPHY-Mr. and Mrs. OFFICE type typewriter, price Manford Goodmurphy (neo Mur- 1$15. Phono 3514. 48-1l iel Hindman) are happy to an- nounce the birth of a daughter, CEDAR rails for sale. Phono Sheila May, on Saturday, Nov. Orono 5 - 10. 48-2' l4th at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. 48-1l ACCORDION, 80 bass, brand new. Phono 28 - 20, Orono. 48-1 JOHNSTON-Rutb and Keith Johnston are happy to announce RANGETTE, General Electric, the birth of a baby girl, Linda very good condition. Phono Anne, 8 lbs., il ozs., on Sunday, 1 3409. 48-1' November 22, 1953, at Memorial 1 Hospital, Trenton. 4%~1 * IRISH Cobbler potatoes for sale ______ iby the bag. Phone D. Picker-. JONES-Mr. and Mrs. George ing, Clarke 2534. 46-2 Jones (nee Joan Wood) are happy to announce the birtb of ONE, car heater; one pair of their daughter, Deborah. Lee, tube skates, size 10, in good con- 8 lbs., 14 oz., at Memorial Hos- dition. Phono 2472. 48-1 pital, Bowmanville, Novemaber PUSH-BUTTON G.M. r'1dio, fits l4th. 48-1 '46-'48 Pontiac or Olds. Phono 2241. 4- MAHON-Mr. and Mrs. George 4- Mahon (nee Helen Tait), Wood- GIRL'S beige coat, size 12, girl's stock, announce the birth of their brown teddy bear coat size 12. daughter (stillborn) on Novem- 36 Jane St. Phono 764. 48-1 ber 22, 1953. 48-1 MEDIUM size Dominion piano RUNDLE-To Don and Audrey in good condition. Phono 2289.4 Rundle (nee Humphrey), at'the 48-1'. Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville ENTERPRISE space beater in on Nov. 20th, 1953, a daughter, excellent condition, large size. (since died). 484* Phono 2007. 48-1' STEVENS-Bob and Jean are STUDIO couch, perfect con- very bappy to announce the dition, reasonable price. Phono arrival of a son, Charles Ross, 3060. 48-1* on Monday, Nov. 16th, 1953, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ONTARIO potatoos, 75 lb. bags, ville, a brother for Deborah. delivered in Bowmanville. Phono 48-1 2473. 31-tf, WALKER-Ernie and Donnie <nee Griffin) are happy to an- nounce the arrival of a baby girl on November llth, a baby sister for Dalphine. 48-1 DEATHS MOLLON-At Toronto on Nov. 21, 1953, Ethel H . Mollon, daughter of the late .Mr. and Mrs. Hueh ,Mollon. formrIorlrf GIRL'S green station wagon:f coat, size 14, good condition.b Phono 3267. 48-1E CHRISTMAS trees-Scotch pines $1.50 up. Joe Cooper Service Station, King St. E. Phones: 3432 - 2224. We deliver. 48-tf SMALL cook stove $15; one 2- burner oil range $12; one 36-mn. well tile $7.50. Phone 2436. 48-1* Bowmanville; sister of the late QUANTITY of wood shavini Wilbur Mollon. Interment Mount You pick up, no charge. PaulE Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. Simpkin Cabinet Co. Ltd., 16 48-lf Churcb St. 26-1 FIVE-piece modern bedroot IN MEMORI.AM suite, practically new; wîll sel _________________________for $150.00, regular price $250.0( WOTTEN-In loving memnory of Phono 2974.. 48- Arthur H. Wotten who passed QUANTITY of maple and bee<] away Nov. 24th, 1948. wood sawed in stove wood There is a place in God, sample at 20 Hunt St., Bowman Where nest is complote, ville. Phono 91& 48- -Kindly remembered by Mrs. Jas. Adams and family. 48-1'* ATTRACTIVE shades in widc range of knitting wools, nug MOFFATT-In loving memory baby, etc. Bowmanville Woo of my dear husband, Andrew Co. Phono 3612. 48-. Moffatt, who passed away Nov. 26, 1952. ISAVE on lumbor, direct fron Another' year, another drearn milI to you. Pbîllips Lumbi 0f days that used to be 1 Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phon( And still the mernory lingers on, 17r11. 13-t You're back again witb me. SWEET apple cider, gallon ci -Ever rernembered, ever loved,; efe eky dlvre Vera. 8-1 iMeadowmount Farms, Newcastle Phono Clarke 2811. 46-81 Cards of Thanks ONEa large size pressure cookei anda mantel radio, also doubif Mr. and Mrs. Clinton BerrettI bed witb sprîngs. Phono 2781 thank their friends and neigh- 48-11 boums on behaîf of their son Bruce, for the cards, gifts and DRY bardwood, $18.00 per corcý thoughtfulness extended to him slabwood $10.00 per cord, sawed following bis recent accident. and delivered. Phono New- 48-1" castle 2146. 40-1l Mrs. Sewamd Tyler wishes to SCOTCH Pine Christmas treeý extend ber heartfelt thanks to at wbolesale pnices, quantities ail hem friends and neighbours 100 to 4,000; sizes 5 to 7 feet, and to ail who helped in s0 many good stock. Leroy Hamilton, ways for their many- kindnesses Orono, Ont. Phono 1 r 16. 48-1 and sympathy dtiring ber ecent SUFFERING from backaches, bereavement and loss of ber huaipinsctclmbg husband. 471l s over if you lot Rumacaps help I wih t thak m frindsyou to relief. Ask your druggisl. and neighbouns and St. Paul's* 48-1 Evening Auxiliary for the lovely AFRICAN violets, narned van- floxvers and cards sent ta me ieties, good selection, also cacti while a patient at Memonmal in different sîzes. Visitons wel- Hospital. corne at Enniskillen Greenhouses. Ann Rornbough. Phono 2468 or Blackstock 67. 48-1 47-3 1 wish to express my sincore HARDWOOD, four-foot lengths, thanks and appreciation to $12 per cord, also stove length, Drs. Harold Siemon, C. W. wîll exchange wood for live- Slemon and Keith Slemon and stock. Phono Blackstock 47 r 21. to the nurses and staff of Mem- Joe Redmnond, R. R. 1, Nestle- oial Hospital, Bowmanville, for ton. 48-1 came and kindness, also to ml-PR-tespitak atives, friends and neighbours PR-AST concret ei ans for flowers, gifts. cards and fruit delivered and installed, any size sent to me duing my stay n fo 300 gallons up. Sold bospital. through aIl plumbers. Brooklin Arthur Clarke. 48-1 Concrete Products. Robt. Mc- Coy, Manager. Phono 155, Brook- We wish to express our thanks lin, On t. 37-12 to al aur friends and neighbours and a special thanks to Rev. T. Singer A. Morgan and Dr. K. W. Slem on and staff of Memorial Hos- Sales aid Service pital, and a voey sincere thanks to Mrs. Hanmy Davey and Mns. Before doing your Chrlstmasl Sam Dewell who s0 willingly shopping, check aur prices cun bolped us in our ecent beneave- SINGER SEWING MACHINES.1 ment. Thank you so mucb. _j1Be sure of quality and servicel Mol and Greta Shiels. with a now Singer. ____ 48-1' IDia! Bowmianville 3649 We would like to thank 2& Mr. Pogue. your local sales neighbours and frien&~ who representative, Is always ready helped us when oun house bumo- ta serve you. He is a member ed down. Special thanks to Mm. of aur staff from yaur Lenov Hamilton, Mm. Rdy t Thompson, Mr. Colin Brown, ail Singer Sewing ICenfre mon who helped with the build- 47 WALTON ST., PORT HOPE ing, also special thanks to Mm. 4- and Mms. Emnie Green for taking 4- us in to their house, also the Red Cross and Women's A. S. and We have R-v. J. Kitchen. We are very A LARGE STOCK 0F 9'-teful te al who belped with c 'hing and bedding. Thank- T E L EI S10N il evervone very much. Mn. andi Mms. Herbert Campkin T R. R. 2, Orono. 48- Lost TWO Yearling cattle, black with white faces. Lot 25 andi 26. S. R. Pekins, Hampton. 48-1* ONE two-vear-old Hereford, bal! circle eut out o! left ear. W. E. S-nderson.' Oshawa R. R. 2. Phiono Bmooklin 54 r 23. 48-1 Boom and Board FOR single penson, or two, friends ta shart. Phone 3232. 48-i # Wesiinghouse Motorola and Admirai Price. front $89.95 up Table Models and Consoles AUl Guaranteed THE T. V. SHOP King St. W. Phone 3262 Articles For Sale TRADE-IN wîashers $49.50: trade-in refrigerators $79.50: space heaters, med. size, $39.50: cbesterfield suite $49.50, gooc condition. Murphy Appliance and Furniture, King W. Phone 811. 48-1 TI1L E CERAMIC - PLASTIC RUBEER - MARBOLEUM H3. G.EAL Phone 2902 Bowmanville 14tf ONE used Beatty waslKer $59.50; 1 used Beatty washer $39.50; used coal circulating heater $29.50; used Quebec heater $19.75; 2 used Hostess refrigerat. ors, with 6 months guarantee $125, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone 408. 48-1 TURKEYS Orders taken now for Christmas and New Year's. Broad-breasted young birds, 14 lbs. and Up. Oven-dressed and Delivered P HI1L FI1N NE Y BOWMANVILLE PHONE 2309 48-2 ONE used Quaker oul heater with fan; 1 Duo-Thermn; 2 used cook stoves; new and used tract- ors; 1 used tractor spreader; new oil heaters; floor furnaces; re- frigerators; Deepfreeze units; New Idea equipment. W. H. Brown, King St. W., Bowmnan- ville. 48-1 TURKEYS Young, Broad-breasted bronze- dressed or rough dressed. Lymer's Turkey Farm PHONE 2811 4- DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will cail at your home any time with a complete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Free estimates and free in- stallation within 35-mile area. Lowest prices in town. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Phone 3609, Bowmanville. 8-tf Notices Auction Sales Shaw's Home and School Complete dispersal of farm Association to be beld on Dec. equîpment, feed and bousebold 4th instead of November 27tb. furniture on Saturday, November Ci 48-1 * 28, 1'A% miles west of Wbitby on LI No. 2 Highway. Farm sold. e Dawson's turkey shoot, Satur- Charles T. Fathergill. .47-2* 1day, Nov. 28tb, at 1:30 p.m. at -Norm Bothwell's, 1 % miles north On Saturday, December 5tb of Bowmanville Training School. at 1 p.m. at home of the late 48-1 Mrs. Horatio Hilîs, Tyrone, furn- iture (some antique), rugs, stove, 1 We are now equipped to do all etc. Look for itemized list in types of electrical and actylene next week's Statesman. Jack welding, repairs to all rnakes of Reid, auctioneer. 48-1 cars, trucks and tractors. We e also sell tires, batteries, ges, ail. DURHAM f water pump systema, electric COMMUNITY AUCTION stoves, refrigerators, washing ORONO, ONT. Ima chines and Fess oul space beat- To be held every THURSDAY« ers. F. S. Allen & Sons, 3 miles SmaII items, 1:30 p.m. rWest of Bowmanville. Phone Livostock 2:00 r 2833.. 48-1 Small articles not sold by 2 p.m. will be sold after livestock. Municipal Choir general meet- 7t ing to be beld in tbe Lions Com-_____ 4t munity Centre on Monday, Nov. I have been favoured with in- 3th at 8 p.m., under auspices of structions from the Executors of Bowmanville Recreation Depart- the Sam Stinson Estate to seli ment. Adults and young adults by Public Auction at his late interested in singing secular residence, Janetville, Wednes- music are cordially invited to day, Dec. 2nd, 1953, at 1 p.m. attend in order to discuss the sharp, household furniture, dish- various details connected with os, tools, etc., etc. Terms cash. such a group. If time permits R. J. Payne, Pontypool," auction- we may break into song. 48.1 eer. 48-11 COMING EVENTS I bave received instructionsa ________________________from the executor of the estate Thee illbea ppe drve of 0 the late Seward Tyler, Lot Thee wll e apapr diveon22, Con. 2, Darlington Twp., on January 8th, 1954. Bowmanville No. 2 Hgwyat al Grove,c B oy c o ut . 4 8 1 t o s ell b y p u b lic a u c tio n o n F n - a Core t te pinetta ea ndday, Nov. 27 at 1 p.m. sharp,9 bazaar in St. John'sPIarish Halla bifrmsokipeens Dec.4th 2:0 to5 pm. 8-Ïfeed, 1946 Chevrolet coach in Dec.4th 2:0 to5 pm. 8-1excellent condition. Terms cash. Durham Holstein Breeders' No reserve. Jack Reid, Auction-n annual meeting on Saturday, eer. Laurence Harris, Clerk. c November 28 at 1:30 p.m. in the 47-2E Dept. of Agriculture building, Bowmanville. 47-2 AUCTION SALE The aiinual sale of articles The auction sale of Walnut An- made by the blind at the Bow- tique Furniture, Crystal Ware, manville Public Utilities build- Dishes, Glass Ware, 011 Paint- ing on Saturday, November 28. ings, etc., the late Mrs. Ernest 47-2 Wingate's property, which was to have been held last Saturday, c Bowmanville Nurses' Associa- will ho held s tinwl oda homebaking and N v gift sale at Kitson's Locker, Sat- S aturday, N v.28 f' urday, December 5th, frominteO N SAIGR K 9____._48- along with the furniture sale ofw isMr. W. B. Burnett. s hot. Paul's Evening W. A. will Both the sales will include b; hol it aualbazarDec. 5 in the best in modemn and antique7 the Sunday School omsatfunur such as three-piece ai ine a 3 ,. . UrsJi iv~Jnci 1 'Blackstock 67 - Bowmanvllle 2468 fancywomk , afternoon tea. 48-1 le, E n n i s kile n Dance in Tymone Comrnunity ,ol Hall on Friday, December 4th. -1 G r e en h ons e Mu sic by Ruth Wilsofl's Variety m (formerly J. K. Graham) FBall Club.dbyTyon r ENNISKILLEN - ONTARIO I____ 42 le Cut Flowers for AIl Occasions Local 189 Recreation Club ýt! Weddings a Specialty 11 bingo in the Union Hall, Dec. - Funeral Tributes - Potted Plantslt,8occk 20gmsshr GEO BLYTH K. SVANEFELT the wealth and jackpot. Açl- le OR 45-tf mission 25c. 48-1* FL* O coveing, large assomt- Rummage sale at St. Andrew's -ment, 65e sq. yd.; all-wool Ax- Chunch, Tuesday, December lst, l n mistmcg ie oda;beginning at I p.m. Good bar- 1. chesterfield suites; bedmoorn gains in dlean used clothing. *suites 3-piece $89.00: vacuum 4- -cleanens, new, $6900; kitchon 48-1__ cl ocks $5.95; G. E. floor polish- Goodyear Recreation Club ýd ors, reg. $64,50 for $54.50; elect- bingo, Fiday, Nov., 27, at 8 p.m. i-di kettles $12.50l. No down pay- in Goodyear hall. Jackpot and f ment, finst payment due Janu- othen good pnizes. Admission - amy lSth. Murphy Appîmance 50c per persan. 47-2 ýs and Fumniture, King W., Phonoe____ ý811. 48-1 Hampton United Chumch Cir ~Sw ain Seed Clecaniers ZonTusdy it, DeIll at 1 8th. A. L. Pascoo will speak on "Changes in Education in 80 S, O enig Fi.,Nov 27Yeans". Other pogram. 48-11 p with Up-to-date Bza orie Uie t._ras ____Mchne Chumch, Thursday, Dec 3md. We oul lie te peasre Opened at 2 o'clock by Mms., We woud lik the leasu eClaude Ives, President Woman' i to serve you Association Oshawa Presbytemy. - VISITORS WELCOME Everybody welcome. 48-1' PHONE ..,Friday, Dec. 4th, 8:20 p.m., ~ B1cksock 9 - there will 'be a "Pops" concert -3 Backiock 89 Il at Bawmanville Aena - Mern- 3,E. R. SWAIN bers o! Oshawa and Bowman- 1, 48-1 ville Skating Clubs will be the -actons. Don't miss it. 46-3 Help antedSalem W. A. will hold their SALESLADY wanted, exper- bazaar at the Lions Community ience not nocossamy. Apply Centre on Thursday, Nov. 26th, Breslin's. 48-1 commencing at 2:30. Home- -cooking and sewing booths, FEMALE office clemk wanted. country store. Afternoon tea IWrite Box 98 c/o The Canadman will be senved. 47-2 Statesman. 48-1 ____ inThe annual tumkey banquet o! DUE ta tremendous increase i the Durham County Holstein business, Fuller Bmush Ca. needs Club wilI be held in Orono Unit- thmee full time mon andi anc part ed Church on Friday. December timo man. Special pay ta stant. 4th at 6:30 p.m. Guest speaker, Phono 683 aftem 7 p.m. 48-1' IM_. D. R. Morrison, Bowman- RAWLEIGH business naw open ville. Tickets $ 1.75. Progmam in Bowmanville. Trade well i ll include musical numbers.9 establishod. Excellent opportun- 48-2 ity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. K-140-189, Cars For Sale Montreal. 47-25 ___-1949 FARGO I-ton expressh MAN for training in chain store truck, gaod condition. $750.00 or f, wark. Gooti starting wages; 25 best offer. Phono 657. 48-1 ta 35 yeams of age. Previaus ne- - tail experience desirable, but not '51 PONTIAC deluxe coach,F essential. Must ho pepared ta winterized, gooti condition. Tele-a go whemever requireti in Can- phono 3512. 48-1' adian-wide arganization. Apply '4 MERCURY one-ton pick-u P Box 94, c/o Canadian Statesmian. Excellent condition; na mason-, __________________47-2 able offer efused. Phono 439. MAKE big rnoney by working as 48-1' t a Famlex dealer, full or part '41 DELUXE Ford coach, two- e fime. You'll be in business far tone, heater, defrasten, radio,P youmself and ealize trernendous good condition, wintonized; sac-- profits ight fmom the stamt. With ifice. Phono 545. 48-1 the Christmas Season ahead youV have wandemful opportunities ta '47 CHEV. deluxo sedan, original fe seil aur gift sets. cosmetics, cul- black, spotless thmoughout. Nom- tI i nary extmacts, spices. floon pal- man Eddy, Newcastle. 3931 fi ish, etc. Whv not Write for de- Clarke after six. 48-2* taîls ta: Familex, 1600 Delor- imier, Dept. 2, Montreal. 48-1 '41 PONTIAC deluxe business- coupe, excellent motor, tieater, Wcmated defrosters andi slip-ovens; must _______________________seîl, best offer. Phono 2234. R HOMES for thmee kittens. Kitt- ci~* ens free. Phono 53,5. 48-1*-E __________ _e___ REED organs wanted. State P..s6na41 phono number and price. Write Box 97, c/o Canadman Statesman. HYGIENIC supplies - rubber - 48-1 goods) mailed postpaid ini plain -- - sea]ed envelope with pnîce list. - TOBACCO farm ta omok an Six samples 25c, . 24 samplos B shares, with fmom 35 to 50 acres $1 001 Mail Orden Dept. T-28. rE tobacco. Write Box 90, c/o The1 Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- Cý Canad.ian Statesnian. 46-3 'ilton, Ont. 1-52 el 'chesterfield suite, walnuýt dining 1 room suite, both in perfect con- dition; a Mendelssohn upright piano; 1935 Oldsmobile sedan in excellent condition; dozens and r dozens of valuable items. Saler will be held ramn or shine. Come t early, avoid disappointment. Sale i will commence at il a.m, Terms cash.a v Jack Reid, auctioneer. Lawrencee Harris, Clerk. 48-1 Livestock For Sale a y 'VEAL caîf. R. Stenger. Phonee years old. Phone Blackstock 72 - 3. 48-1* 18 YORKSHIRE pigs, 8 weeks old, also a caîf suitable for veal- ing. Orville Hindman. Phone 2254. 48-1 SEVEN' Yorkshire- pigs, seven weeks old. Phone Blackstock 47 r 21. Joe Redmond, R. R. 1, Nestleton. 48-1 GRAY mare eight years old for sale, good looking, work single or double; bas to be sold. John Bodnar, Courtice. West of Trull Store. 48-l* DON'T miss these started chick bargains, 2, 3, 4 and 5 woek old. Standard Quality Canadian Ap- proved chicks, New Hapmshire, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, Light Sussex, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, WYhite Rock X Lîght Sussex an d other popular heavy breeds. Two week old non-sexed $23.95; pullets $24.95; cockerels $24.95 per hundred, Three week old add 5c; 4 week old add 10c; 5 week add 15c per chick. Money Maker Quality add le; Extra Profit add 2c: Special Mating add 3c per chick. Assorted breeds deduct le per chick. Also day-old heavy breed pullets as low as $15-95; non-sexed $16.45 per hundred. Special two week old Rhode Island Red cdickerels $11.95 per hundred. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fer- gus, Ontario. 48-1 Wanted To Buy 500 PULLETS, April or May hatched, White Leghorn pre- ferred. Phone 2720 at noons, 48-1 * F'IRST or second cutting of alf- alfa, timothy and red clover rnixed, harvested without rain. APPly Doughty and Williamson, Jarvis, Ontario. 47-2* BEFORE selling your live poul- try, try us. Our prices are high- Phone 7 r 13. Reverse charges. 51-tf WANTED-Live poultry. gooso feathers, foather ticks, scrap iron, rags and metals. Raw furïasand deerskins. Phone 3-2043 Osawa, collect. 46-tf Repairs REPAIRS to aIl makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commer- cial; milking coolers. Higgon Electric. 42 King St. E. Phone 438. 25-tf Opportunities BECOME a bookkeeper, stenog-i rapher or typist. Lessons 50c.1 Canadian Correspondence Cours- s,6 1290 Bay St., Toronto. 48-2' Real Estate For Sale NEW bouse in Hampton, unfin- ished, on main street. Phone 2849. 48-t* BUILDING 66' x 18', steel siding and roof, in good condition. Suff- i cient material to construct a s mail home. To be removed frmproperty by March lst, 15.Apply Dr. John Werry. Phone 808. 48-1 NEW homé, close io bighway, nortb of House That Jack Built; four rooms and bath, full base- mont, oil heating with forced air; heavy duty wiring, double garage. A bargain-$2,500 cash, balance easy terms. Phone 2035. 48-1' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rentod, Managed and Appraised L. M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phono 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal, Newcastle. 0t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8 roomed brick bouse on bigh way, full cellar, oil furnace, 2 piece bath, hardwood f bons, hc and cold running water; bar and chicken bouse; 1-acre lo $11,000. Tenms. Ranch type frame 5-roome, bungalow, nicely-decorated, a] conveniences, 3 bedrooms, furn ace, ]aundry tubs, breezewaý garage, landscaped; fruits; nice location. $9,000. Terms. New 6 room frame 11/2-store: house, insulated, heavy wiring modern kitchen, furnace, ful cellar. $8,500. Terms. Mrs. A. P. Jansen Bowmanville il Duke Stree Phono 8309 after 5 p.m. Local agent for John F. DeWith, Roaltor 48-l' DeWITH REAL ESTATE 150 acre farm, loam, 80 acret workable, 20 acres of wood,' creeks, well; bank barn, drive. shed, etc.; 9 noomed brick house full cella-r, bydro throughout etc. Asking prîce $12,000. Terms 112 acre farm, loam, 85 acreç ivorkable, 7 acres of wood, 2 ;prings, wells, good road, liank barn, 2 othen barns, silo, garage, 7roomed frame bouse, full coîl- ar, hydro tbroughout. Price $11,000. Terms. 100 acre farm, dlay loam, 80 acres workable, spring, 2 wells, on new highway; 2 barns, 6 roomed frame bouse; hen bouse, uig pen. Price $5.000. Easy erms, 100 acre dlay loam farm, 90 acres workable, 5 acres of wood; Wells, 2 bank barns, etc.; 8 room- ed frame bouse, cellar. Close to highway. Price $8.000. Terms. 116 acre dlay loam famm, 100 acres workable, well, 10 acres young wood, bank barn; 8 room- cd brick bouse, furnace, bard- wood floors, hydro throughout, full cellar, good farmn Price 13,000. Terms. 7 roorned brick bouse, main treet, Newcastle, with bath- roorn, oiù furnace, bot and cold running water, nice sunporch. 'rice $10,000. Temms. 6 roorned bungalow, Main treet, Newcastle, with bath- uom, bot and cold running 'ater, heavy wiring, attached garage, immediate possession. nrice $5,000. Terms. 10 roomed stucco dwelling, 'ith 3, acres of land, New- istle, with modemn, new oil Iurnace, 4-piece bathroom, fine- laces, Iaundry tubs, heavy wir- ng, air conditioned. Apple rees. Price $13,500. Terms. 9 roomed frarne bouse, full tîllar, fumnace, hydmo through- iut, partly hamdwood floors, icely decorated, modemn kitch- n. Price $6.800. Terms. 8 roomed brick bouse on hîgh- ay, full cellar, oil furnace, athmoom, hardwood floors, pproximately 1 acre lot, chick- b ouse. Price $11,000. Terms. We have approximately 33 iore farms and homes to choose rom. Contact JTohn F. DeWith, Roaltor rwcastle Phono 3341 48-11i For Rent ONE apatment, 5 rooms, heateti, central !ocation. Apply Box 95, c/o Canadian Statesman. 48-1' TWO unfurnisheti heated rooms in new home, contrai location; adults only. Phon 3329. 48-1* THREE-moorn apantment, fully heated, and all canveniences. Apply 219 Liberty St.. N. 48-1* BRIGHT four-noomn h e a t e d apantment on King St. West, aduits only. Apply 29 King St. West. 48-1' STORE near four corners, avail- able January lst, 1954. Apply Louis Laskaris, Bowmanville. 48.1 NEW bouse, six rooms and bath, hydro, garage; on Highway 35 at Orono. Immediate possession. Phono Omono 65 - 19. 48-2v NICE room with twîn beds, suitable for two girls; board aptional. All canveniences. Tele- phono 3452. 48-1 FIVE roomn modemn bungalow on highway, ta tenant willing ta board one or two mon. W. G. Bowles, Nestleton. Phono Black- EIGHT-roomed winterized cott- age on East Beach, vacant Dec. lst. Apply John Sweet, 6 Hunt St., next to Canning Factory, after 4:30 p.m. 48-1 THREE-roomed heated apart- ment, separate bath and en- trance. Immediate possession, $35 per month. Phono 2436. 48-1' s.i ro si ro ga Pr ci p. iný trE ce] ou nic en wa bal Mo fro Ne Real Estate For Sale SEMI-DETACHED *solid brick bouse, 5 rooms, bathroom, furn- ace, double garage; possession' 30 days. Apply 27 Queen St. "RHAP" GJLL REAL ESTATE In Haliburton County, large well-wooded lakeshore lot on good fishing lake. Price $350. On High Street, two choîce building lots, open to offer. "'Hap" GUI Real Estate 8 Second St. Bowmanville Telephone 3514 48-1 REAL ESTATE FORL SALE Fine apartment house in vill- age, freshly decorated througb- out. Space for a good business. Priced reasonably for quick sale. 20 acre faim, 7-roomed insul brick house, large hen bouse, gar. * e and stable; bearing rasp- berry bushes, well fenced. Im- medjate possession. Price $4,700. New six-roomed bungalow. attached garage, furnace, 4-piece bath, 1/2-acre land, especially built for the present owner. One- baîf cash will bandle this bungalow. We have bungalows, i ½ -storey bouses, 2-storey bouses and, farms. Consuit us before buying F. A. Bruce, Broker, Toronto Local Agent, Mrs. M. E. Leask Phone 919 65 Ontaio St. Bowmanville 481 Work Wanted DUTCH girl desires day work. Apply 24 Lowe Street. 48-1 FLOOR and wall tiles laid.1 Phone 2753. 47-tf1 DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom Phone 3243. 32-tf TOY line or other line te sell from door te door for Christmas on commission. Apply R. Pell- etier, Orono, Ont. 48-1* IF YOU bave any earpentry 5work or intend to remodel, build tor like layout assistance for your new borne, give us a caîl, no job too big, no job too small. For free estimates and a guaranteed job Phone Don Brooks, 3670. 34-tf Mlasonry Construction iBRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE Free Estimates ANGER BROS. PHONE-2643 or 3375 42-tf SAVE MONET AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAIR SKATES SHARPENED J5 TEMIPERANCE ST. (in rear) 47-tf1 CARPENTRY WORK E Alterations Cupboards1 Roofing Cementlng Also expert Decoratlng Reasonable Rates H. K A SSIN GE R t Phono Bowmanvllle 2772 47-tf Skates Sharponed c SHOES UEPAIRED ZIPPERS REPAIRED and Replacedt at Lloyd Ellis Shos Stores 39 King St. W. Phone 941r 40-tf Hardwood Floors Laid, Sanded, Finished or or Refinished Two Coats of Wax and Pollshed for the prie. of one. J. E. Lilloy's Modern Floors OSHAWA DIAL à-4851 43-6 CONCRETE and MASON WORK STRUCTURAL and REPAIR ESTIMATES FREE L. TURNER PHONE 3600 DULLDOZING and, EXCAVATING TRENCHING and LOADING BY HOUR OR CONTRACT - Free Estimates Gîven- WM. TRJPP PORT PERRY R. R. 2 PHONES: Re.. 109r42, Offlqg 392 Phono 3613 FOR PROMPT SERVICE on your Plunihing and Hoating PROBLEMS LOW DOWN PAYMENT - EASY TERMS ON EVENINGS 32311 Bowmanvllle W. A. KILPATRICKJ1 Work Wanted FUENACES ,Air Condlioniu Shoot Notai Work Eavoutroughing DAVIS & Co. 2 MIl Lane Bowmanvulle Phone - Day or Nlght, 3412 - 691 16-tf ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis and family at Mr. Vincent Redding's, Mount Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ste. phenson and Ronnie at Mr. How. ard Cowling's, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, Brooklin, spent the weekend at G. Bowman's and were Sunday tea guests at W. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. George Bray, Raglan, Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, Brooklin, with Mrs. W. J. Or- miston. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lee, Mr. Lay Cowling, Whitby, at E. Lee's. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hockaday, Solina, at L. Stephenson's. , Congratulations to Mr. andi Mrs. Donald Prescott on the arrival of a son. The old saying that "No news is good news" would seein to make this community a de- sirable place to live in. Stir around neigbbours and ;and give this correspondent something to write about. Several from aur community Jattondod the turkoy supper, pic. tures and bazaar at Kendal, Wednesday. Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Brysomi spent Thursday at the Faim in Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Patterson is spend. ing a few days witb hem niece, Mrs. Mary Luxon, Kendal. Mrs. Claronce Allin and sonU attended the Royal Winto F il~ on Thursday. -' National Film Board pictl~ wone shown at the schooWý Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawson and Bruce, Yelverton, were guests of Mn. and Mrs. Ken Baîl. Mn. and Mns. Cooke and fam. ily visited Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. W. Reid and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan and Ross, wene guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cochrano on Sat- urday night and the men at- tended the hockey garni in Port Hope. AIl those Interested In the Sunday School, please note that the annual meeting will be Tues- day eveninq of next wook. Anmstrong's apple pickers and fmiends enjoyed their an- nual turkey dinner at Leskand cbuncb on Friday night. After a sumptuous supper. Bill Arm- strong showed some pictumes at the school. The rost of the night was spent in dancing. We weme somry ta bear of the death of Mms. I. Chapman. Opr sympathy is oxtended ta hem bi-1 meaved family. Mrs. Thompson, who bas been in Bowmanville Hospital is now able to ho with ber daugbter, Mm. and Mns. Walkem. Mr. Perrin, who is stilliun Bowmanville Memorial hospi- tal, is feeling some botter. Plan ta attend the Christmas meetings of the W.M.S. and WV.A. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson and farnily with Mn. and Mms. Clarke, Stankville. Stint yourself, as you think good, in other things; but don't scruple freedomt in brightening bome-Buxton. The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT ' HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOB? TOURD - ETC. Cash Bat* - - 3c Per Word *with a minimum et soc Muet b. paid by dote fai inhertia if charqed, an additianal 25c will b. odded. A charge ai 25c will bc made LOI, ail replies dir.cted ta this office. NOTICES. COKING EVENTS AND CARDS OF THANKIS 3c a word wlth a minimum et 1.00 for 33 words or les». BIRTma. DEATES. ENGAGEMENTS, MARIAGUS 31.00 per insertion in bMEMORIANS $1.00 plus lOc a lino for verso CObMECIAL CLABSIYIEDS includes ail advertising foi Persona or firme sellinq services, ideas or qoode ai any description -3c per word; minimum charge 75c cash with order. 'ta reqular adveutisers. payable monthly. Display Classifl.d ai 31.50 p.' inch with <a minimum aiof on inch. Additional insertions at th. coame rates. AUl Claaisiti*d Ad&» must bu in tisi office flot luter than 12 o'clck moon, Wedn.eday. Send cash, stamps or mnoaty order and sav* monoy. 1 lpii uifrh1y eeec TIM CANADIAN STATESMM, nowmANVMLLF, ONTpMo 1 PAGE BIXTE;

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