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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1953, p. 9

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THURSDAY DEC. 3rd, 19~ '3 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV1LLE, ONTARIO PAGN NflIE James T. Brown Elected President Central Ontario Spring Show To be Held ai Peterboro, Mîrch 16-21 James T. Brawn, Newcastle,i Was elected president of the Central Ontario Sping Show Ut the annual meeting held ati Peterbarough on Nov. 24. He succeeds Robert Armstrong of Cavan Wha became past presi- dent. Geo e MLaughlin of Osh- 8wa )t~rst vice-president and1 Hiarol etlor, Stirling, second 'lvce-President. Executive members are: Tho-o mias Hensilwoad, Napanee R. R.1 7; Owen Sweetman, Little Bri- tain; James Henderson, King- stan: Wesley Down, Hilton;q Samn Danford, Cansecon; Weil- ington Sutton, Otonabee, andj the agicultural representatives Of the Central Ontario caunties. The show will be held in Pc- tcmborough during the week of Mamch 16 ta 21. Panel discus- Sions of farmn questions will again be a feature. The execu- tive has the problcm af draft-1 ing panel members ta attain the success of the last two shows. Subjects are bcing aimed mare definitcly at the practical phase of farming. One of themn will deal wîth cash cops, "how the farmer of Central Ontario can supplement his incarne." Soy beans and grain cmaps will be included in the cash cmaps. Use of Macbinery Another panel will be devat- cd ta the use of farm machinery, the came of farma equipment, what machincry is equired by the average fammer for econ- amie practical results. The topic of marketing will find a place la this pogram. The meeting was unanimaus la this choice of panel subjects, dclving especially into the pro- fit factor at the beginning of a year when farmers arc facing a prospect of depleted incarne. Wilson Gemmeli, treasurer af the shaw, analyzed- the finan- NUTS IN Ail Fresh 1952 B~WU~Diar-nond Walnuts Mixed PEAK FREAN BISCUITS Il Ballet Assorted Orchid Drum Good oz. 85C 29 oz.--1959 16OZ Dominion Special CHRISTMAS CAKES cial autlaak. Caunties are being asked again ta continue their grants. Admission charges are unchanged. The treasury has shawn same enc'auraging improvements over last year, but in the words of Mr. Gemmeil "we can't feel se- cure until we have a credit suf- ficient ta tide us aver an ad- verse year." Stuart Brown ecommended in the proposed increase in prize money that emphasis be placed an ten bushel lots of seed. A major purpose of the Sping Show is ta attract producers. of top quality seed and farmers in- terested in buying supplies. It was said that a great deal of the seed fmom Duirham and sevemal other counties w'as widely dis- tibuted last 1\Iarch. Petembor-. ough and Hastings county farmn- ers helped themselves ta mare af the show seed than ever, and the prices weme satisfactory ta the growers. The ex'ening concert Thursday night will ho another renewed feature, and it was only decided 'ta arrange a program Wednes- day night suitable for perform- ance in the exhibits building. More encourazement than here- tofome will be given ta the 4-Hi Club grain depatrnent. First meeting of the execu- tive and grain committee will be at Napanee, Friday, Dec. 18. Durham grain growers were asked again ta include their county seed show, grain and potatoes, in the March exhibi- tion. BLACKSTOCK >fi Blackstock Badminton Club evening last the Brooklin Bad- minton Club. Friendly games adasing-song. set for Christmas see, "Hao' ~ Philp, Phone 2620. SHELL Mr. and MVrs. Lorenzo Mount- joy and Miss Rose Mountjoy, i3 Stock Nestleton, \vere Siinday guests of Mr. and Mrs. RuISSeli Maunt- j oy. Lb. 55C m. anci iVrs. Ross Curtis and SHelen, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cur- tis, Orillia, with Mr. and Mrs. Lb.A ~Gardon Strong, Sunday. Mrs. 49 Robert Bruce returned with 5cthem ta Orillia for a visit. Lb. c Miss Jean Sameils, Port Per- 53 ry, pesented hem Coronation t--p -i-tures at the United Church last Wednesday evcning N TINS and thcy werc greatly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spinks, 1Comnanion. Mm. and Mrs. Ira Argue and Mr. 1.19 Ogilvie - Just Add Water Makes a FRUIT CAKE MIX 2.1b. Cake 69c Gilchrist - ieady to use & ALMOND ICING 'oz' uY EARLYi *5c -10c 39C1 Lb.3C es Lb. 39C Lh. 69C ~ This Week's Meat Specials SIRLOIN BUTT ROAST. ONE PRICE PORK BUTT ROAST 5e [I:1CK EOTL,: BEEFPe t f-TAGE ROLL59 ;,%îift's Pre-Dressed ENDER YOUNG CHICKENS F nll ed and Crisp CapCod Florida No.1 Size 176's 2 - 4 lb. - Lt. 29C - Do? 31 Cint Bay of ORANGES 16 - i a bag Size 288 Domninion Stores Ltd. B OWM A NVILLE %Çarfa- Do crowded stores scare you? Do you lie awake worrying about what to give your wife? Why flot take a tip from a lot of smnart husbands and give ber an EASY Electric Ironer. lt's like giving ber a "'day-off" every week. This new EASY Ironer is portable, easy ta use and easy ta store away. Dues ait the ironing, flat things, shirts, dresses, etc. And she'II be really E roud ta own it. Corne in and sec 0w it works. 'Sous THE RADIO SHOPi 38 King St. E. Phone 5731 Wed in Double-Ring Ceremony Highland Creek will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Harding whose marriage was solemnized recently in Yelverton United Church. Formerly Miss Doris Argue, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Argue of Yelverton and the bridegroom is the 5on of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harding of Blackwater. i -Photo by Ian McNab To Whom It May Concern Frorn Urne to trne sorne Sof our rural correspondents have cornplained that cer- tain people request free publicity be put ln the cor- respondèee announcinjr a concert, cooking sale, La- zaar, etc. This Is dune thoughtlessly or intentional- ly to avoid paying in the re- guIa.e way for advertising the event. Sncb requests emi- barrass our correspondents for they know such advance notices are rightly classed as advertising. The publishers depend on the revenue frorn advertis- ing space sold in their pa- per to pay their accounts, in like manner that a grocer derives revenue frorn seli- ing tea, sugar, etc. You don't ask a grocer to give you bis goods free of charge, so why expeet the publishers to give the space free ia a newspaper? in future please advlse the correspondent to whom the account should be sent for such notice, which wiIi appear in the "Corning Event" coiurnn on the last page, and not with the bud- get of correspondence. There is also a proper place ia the paper to an- nounce a "blessed event" has taken place in the farn- ily wbere everybody will rcad it. That Is ia the Blrth column whicb, we are told, is the departrnent rnost people read first. So, please folks, on behaif of your faithful correspon- dent and the publishers, govern yourself according- iy in such matters. and Mrs. Tom Hodge were din- neî guests with Mrs. EdaS Darcy. Mr. and Mrs. Athur Bailey spent the weekend in Listowel with Mm. and Mrs. Norton Van Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Gamnet Murray and girls. Port Cedit, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor. Mm. and Mms. Harry Beckerly, St. Catharines, Mm. and Mrs. Charlie Trivett and Mr. and Mrs. Goldwyn Faint and fam- ily, Toronto, with Mm. and Mrs. Osniond Wright. Nomination Day for Cart- wright Counicil wvas held at the Recreational Centre on Friday aftemnoon with a good attend- ance. The following candidates were norninated: For Reeve, George Black, Wesley Sweet; Deputy Reeve, Ivan Cochrane, (acclamation); Councillors, AI- ian Suggitt, Howard Forder, Bruce Ashton, Jack Green, WVil- liam Farder, Archie Dysart. Mm. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp, Keith and Aileen, movcd inta their house in the village this wý%eek. Annual Meeing W.A. Annua] meeting of United Church W. A. xvas at the Par- sonage on Tuc'sday and 1l child- ren present. President, Mms. H-. Shortridge, presided. Mrs. Noil Werr 'v gav e the devotional, the Christmas story. Mrs. Harold Swain was in charge of a short progmam. Rev. C. W. Huttan presided for election of these officers pesented by the nom- inating committee: President, Mis. H. Shortridge: lst vice, Mrs. Clarence Marlaw; secre- tary, Mrs. Percv Van Camp; treasurer, Mrs. Russell Mount- joy; group leaders, Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Mrs. Fred Trewin, Mrs. Ernest Sw'ain, Mrs. Harald S%%ain. Mrs. Wilbert Archer; parsonage cammittee, Mrs. Ross Duiff, Mrs. Roy TaYlor, Mrs. John INIKee: Gaod Cheer, Mrs-. George Fowler. Motions were passed ta pay the ,_s,,al donations ta Budget Fund, M. and M. Fund, Institute for tbe Blind and Choir. A %-urv sat,.factory, treasurei s, rei)ort was 2iven. A verY hearty 1 vote of thanks was given Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Hutton and the nominating committee. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess and the group in charge. Mrs. Harold Weir, London, Ont., was a recent visitar af her parents, Mm. and Mms. Tom Bow- man and with thcm visited her brothers, Mm. Wilfmed Bowman and Mr. Godfrey Bowman at En- field wheme they celebrated Mr. Thas. Bowman's 83rd bithday. Congratulations. Round - the - Clock Compact Set. "Tailared" round for daytime kznockabout. Square stone-set for go-formaI occa- sions. Gold finish. $2-00 uP Fine 17-jewcl watches for men and womcn in newest styles. And they are priced for your Christmas Budget! $33.75 up Pen and Pencil Sets-Just right for the school folks or that man in your life. From $5.00 Up Enniskillen C.G.I.T. Croup Rosi To Nothers and Grandmothers Wilh Mrs. Siephen Sayw.ell Speaker M.KIRBY M.and Mrs. Bill Wannan and Ross and Mrs. Patterson visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee, Cadinus. Mrs. Stainton, Orono, visited Mrs. Jas. Wannan. Mrs. Fred Graham spent Tues- day in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wannan with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Davies, Lakefield, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ruther- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and Merrili, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Glanville, Newcastle. Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Bill Wannan visited with Mirs. Brim- acombe, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Galbraith and Mrs. Eff je Elliott, vLsited Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Annie Patterson. STÂRK VILLE Mr. an~d Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn, Orono, were dinner guests at Mr. Orme Falls, Saturday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White, Maple Grave, with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell, Sun- day. Mrs. G. Plum, Toronto, visit- ed Mr. Arthur McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Llew HaUlowell sper't Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson. Mr. J. Murphy's truck was stolen in Oshawa Friday even- ing while he was at work. It was located in Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. W. Prause and Charles, Osaca, Miss Noreen Prouse and girl friend, Toron- ta, Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis, New- tonville, Mrs. Elliott and Miss White, Oshawa, were entertain- ed at Mr. Morley Robmnsan's on Sunday. Miss Mary Hallowell, Toron- ta, spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. McKnight, Mil- brook, and friends from Peter- bora, were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Tadd. Mr. Arthur MeKay is reeve by the acclamation of Clarke Council for the next terra. On Manday a reporter for the Telegram was in aur commun- ity getting data of the district, church and schaol for a "write- Up" an Starkville. We'll be watching the paper carefully for the accaunt. Mr. Arthur McKay and Mis. G. PIum visited Mr, and Mrs. H. Barowclough, Wesleyville, Sunday. Delight hem this Christmas with the gift of a lifLetimne- A beautiful Diamond Rînz. Priced-------- From $50.00 A complete line of Electrie Shavers including Sunbeam, Remington, Sehick and Philishave. From $5.5Up 'mums on behalf of the graup. Mrs. Seý mour thanked all for à very succesdftd event. Wiht Nancy Wood at the piano ail joined in singing, "Blest Be The Tie". A large cir- cie around the entire basement closed the evening with "Taps.* -PIEVENTEZL Protec« Youu CAL VES AGAINST DEFICIE@CM cxmq Seaurs. Paeumoia 0" Other Dîseoas. Proec«tex TabIets contain " vite- Du, miner 'i and trae 1.nan new-boru CaIvez. ýtVO!D 7ALF PtOBLEMS QET NX fSPnEvENTEx AT- JURY & LOVERLL M6 Knq St. W. omeH When friends drop in serve Coke and snacks On Saturday cvcning, Nov. 28 our church basement was the setting for the C.G.I.T. Mother and Daughtem Banquet. The ta- bles were appropmîately decor- ated -in blue and white, and were centred with beautiful flawers danatcd by, aur local green houses. The head table had a vase of 'rnums which were presented ta Shirley Milîs as ane of the leading ladies la the B.H.S. Opemetta. Beginning at 6.30 by singing of the Blessîng a sumptuaus dîn- ner was scrved ta 45 ladies which included the C.G.I.T. members. their mathers and two grandmothers. The program began with the toast ta the Qucen with Elinor Heard at the piano; then a toast ta the mthers proposed by Rs- va McGill and a reply i, rs E. Wright. Mms. H. Milis propos- ed the toast ta the C.G.I.T. and Ruth Lamb replied. Mms. O. C. Ashton welcomed the mathers and guests and briefly spoke on "What is C.G.I.T." and "Our Ç.G.I.T.". Mary Griffin and Nancy Wood p layed a piano duet "Birds of Pamadise". Shirley Mi11s delight- ed aIl with hem endition af "Mother," in a vocal solo ac- campanied by Mms. M. Stainton. An accordion solo "You Can', Be True Dear", given by Gloria Wright was very pleasing. All enjoyed a piano solo, "Bless This Haouse" played by Elinor Heard. The guest speaker was Mrs. Stephen Saywell, Oshawa, wlio in hem usùally charming man- ner delivered a challenging ad - dress with the frame womk of her talk based an three things- "The Chumch - God's House"; "The Bible-God's Book," and Sunday - God's Day". Mrs. Say- well also showed many beauti- fui coloured slides of local pla- ces and Flarida. Lamna Wearn cxpressed the appreciation of the girls ta Mrs. Saywell and CarrQl Wright pre- sented hem with a bouquet of CLEANING COMMENTS Math hales-Maths may leave a hollow sicelton of textile fibre apparently intact, which will drap aut during the cleaning pracesses. Help your Cleaner ta, serve you better. Lakeshore Division, Dry Cleaners Institute9 (Ontario) Limited. For1 no) o preciý :34 -pc. Se Autoi Every Item cf Merchandise in This Stoi Avcilable on Our Easy Layaway Pic Wait 1 Buy Now! For Best Selections HOOPER'S IFT 28 KiNG ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Mom or yaur best girl thcr gift is more ap- ated than Silverware. .set service for eight $68.75 our fine assortment of matie Electric Irons. re is Now an. Don't ERY AN» SHlOP PHONE 747 J1.. 4oz. ' zUristie's Sfruit Puddini Weight $1.95 One lb. 40Ç CANDY Cindy Canes Cream and Gum Jingle Beils liard Candy Satin Mix Crearn Centres Globe Chocolat Deluxe Ass't Chocolate 'Coke" is c regstMred trode-moz&. Amhohed tun., o> Coo, Coo.,- *s. co.Co, HANBLY'S SEVERAGES Oshawa, Ont. Phone 3-2733 >,»-, ýrf Lwéilý ------------- --------------------------- 53 DEC. Srd, 195 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVnLLF. ONTAMO m PAGE NM m

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