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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1953, p. 10

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PAGE TMN Second and Fourth O Siressed ini Informai ByPast President M An informative taik on the second and fourth abjects of ]Rotary International was given ta the Bowmanviîîe Rotary Club by 'Rotarian Morley Vanstone at the club's regular meeting in the Balmoral Hotel on Friday. Introduced by Rotarian Dave Morrison, Chairman of the Ro- tary Information Committee wbich had charge of the pro.. gram, Mayor Vanstane first pointed out to the members that tbey could carry out the Rotary concept of service ta others by ettending the civic nomination meeting that evening and standing for civic office. He then outiined the second Object of Rotary International whicb is "ta encourage and fos- ter bigh ethical standards in the various businesses and oc- cupations ta whicb its members beiong." One way in which Ro- tarians can heip ta encourage hîgh standards in business deal- ings, the speaker said, is by tak- ing an interest in the vocationai guidance program carried an in high scboais. Another is by ap- _plying tbe four-way otar who are trained to hghCana Ibecome qualified, if you are 1 School education, and are intg Mail Coupon NOW for fulltin£ ---------- -- -- - --- RADIO COLLIGE 0F CANADA <sab. c 86 BATHURST ST., TORONTO 28 Please send me fuil information on c test Bf busi, said, bimý all c will. al also ards activ aval( such usin, A "E dicta tacti( Mr. shoul empl how Th ta er van c derst; progr "Eve. be a count ta Pl wili dian 17 to tereste forma over 2ý qualify HIGONELI ELECTRIC WIRING, REPAIRS AND AUTHORIZED 42 KING STE.GENERAL C> ELEI Phone 438 HOME APPLiANCE DE Switch to miracle Sanitone Dry Cleunîn, self bow every one notices the différence. like new again. Dirt vanishes! Nasty spai ratiqa .. . gone! Original color, pattern au VWonderful press lasts and lasts. You'11 old-lashioned dry cieaning once you'i, (Àa 9 com cin aoday! WSeD Loca Agent:- HOOPERS LADIEî PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 7,M CAN"LIANSTAIICMAV # VA - - lations". he said. Iblecs of étu y The method by which Ratar- live Address building up an eniightened pub-.SaemnsG lorley Vansione 'icchéevinrtia1nclude interna-'I tional meetings among Rôtarýe to bsinss daligs. Clubs whenever possible, per- News of Jim Richards' pass- to usies delins. sonal contacts with- other Ro- ing Nov. 9, made me sad. Dur- ýefore consummating any tarians when travelling to for- ing.the thirty years of our ac- ness deal, Mr. Vanstone eign countries, and by Rotary quaintance I had learned to hold 1the Rotarian should ask Clubs of countries with an in- him in high regard. He always iself: "Is it true, is it fair to ternational border working on seemed willing ta encourage cqncrne, wll t bild oodjoit pojets.others; eager to help people ta ~1ncedwill it ebuiil odjon xproe te aterishave confidence in their limited * acnd ta bnficaO A xml o h atri abilities. No wonder we, who concrne? RtaranscanGlacier Park in Waterton, Al- knew hîm well, called hirn help to maintain high stand- berta, where Rotarians of both friend. When he attendeci the in business by taking an Alberta and Montana have been annual installation Of officers ve part in trade associations, active in pramoting this park of Orono Odd Fellows such a iding unethical practices as an international peace park. short time before bis death, I ias deals and payoffs, and International exchanges of pro- did flot suppose it would be aur ýg anly honest advertising. grams betWeen clubs by corres- îast chat. void Dictatorial Methods pondence and tape recordings .mployers should also avaîd will also promotê good interna- He was one of the throng who torial and heavy handed tional relations, the speaker bridged the gap from near pion- ics ith hei empoyes" sid.eer days to the present; whase Vanstone declared. "They Should Welcome New anduftb pilosCanadîanm, have Id be ready ta listen ta their Canadians head ato mi ake tismlade oyee's prablem. no matter hle o mk hsln small they may seem". In every town Rotary Clubs pleasant place in which ta live-1 cana belp to foster good will by for us who mourn him. Althugh" .e fourth Rotary abject is making New Canadians feel at we were old friends, it was notE icourage and foster the ad- home, helping thern find jobs, until after Jim had left us that 'ement of international un- and welcoming them inta theïr I learned that the Gladys -Rich- fanding, goodwill, peace and homes, Mr. Vanstane stated. Ro- ards whom I met in Torontof ress, the speaker asserted. tarians can help pramote better many years ago, was his daugh-t ry Rotarian should nat only international understanding also ter.I tloyal citizen of his owfl by supporting the wark of the Her name is now Mrs. Charles2 ry, but should be trying variaus cammittees of the Unit- Mowat. We met when we bath ýrmote international gaod ed Nations such as the United attended Bathurst Street Unit- and better iniernational re- Nations Childrens Emergency ed Churcb. Gladys was a mem-b ._:- . .. und. ber of the Servo Bible Class, I, A The speaker pointed aut that a mnember of the Tri-Mu Class. t an e of Rotary's most concrete Being of the same age graup, theS contributions ta the field of in- two classes often enjoyed pic- 0 S IO 1 ternational relations is the nics together-the girls pravid-L N ~Rotary Foundation Fund by ing the eats. If You happen ta t'Inutr -mans o0 hc suet rera hic(ds b sue enbedt take up studies in that, yaur recent letter ta the Meýeiý E N NO .Thsestdet Erlitor of The Statesman, which the country from which they bhappy memories of the good e .~~ cme.M.Vntone declared. tmsw young folk enjoyed "There are many oppartunities "away back wben". 1 Stadads yu an ta pramote international gaad Do yau remember when aur te Standads. YO cala will and every Rotarian should class decided we cauld pravide i 30, ave ome igh be alert ta take advantage of a better picnic supper than you 01 them", the speaker cancluded. girls? And what a mess we madea ed in teclinical. worka He was tbanked for bis infor- Of it at the very next picrlic? mative address by President And how we welcomed back, ul tiofi. George Moody, who also made with open arms, aur Servo sup- a birthday presentatian to Ro- per praviders? At long last, you - - - - - - tarian Charles Carter Sr. know the real reason why we fa 1 Years> 3I gave you girls such a good time c. 2312at Hanlon's Point, after the pic- vc 'ing for TVl;"P . - l . niec, and, after we had walked ne *uiizeflship .Top1c from Centre Island-four miles, fe ...................0fFn Adrs wasn't it? We were trying ta O POEN.................... HNNOO FieA d s mk amends for aur boorish- je( EDCAIO ---- Ai Women's Instifule nss * * _______________ _____On Nov. 20, I was a guest at di Bowanill Wme's nsi-Bradley's Home and Scbooî wi tute il Wmet on Thu sdi aClub, where we enjoyed a so- Ow good aetenance da with r a cial evening, including a twelve- ins Bud tte presiding. s.. year-old boy pianist, a lady solo- a Butter who warbled a couple of l The secreta.ry announced that myfQuuesnsadaci-e __a prize had been won at Black- munity "sing"s. nThe president, bac stock Fair. The Kopper Karni- Mrs. George Knox, knows ber v val will be beld at the Lions * Centre on March 1, 1954. Business Directory Sr aR1. AS interesting and comprehensive -. ~report of the recent conventionLEG A L of the Federated Women's In- W .SRKQ stitute af Central Ontario.aritr oiioNtr ~~?. k) ~ ~ Mrs. A. H. Clemens introduc- BrstrSocirNay ed Mrs. T. Hoad, a member of Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Hampton W.I., who spoke on Money to> Loan Phone, 741 k ~~~~ "Citizensbip". Let us be proud Bwavle nai of the heritage, do the best we LAWEC c.MSNBA cana today, and have a 'vision for WariseN , Soitor tamorrow. Training for gaod B artr ubSlictr citizenship bas three counter- King' t .-Bomnîl part-the borne, the church and Phanes: Office 688 - Res. 553 the scbool. The pianeers built first their homes and then, pool- NUss APHA i. HODGINS ing the efforts of ail in the Barrister, Solicîtor, cammunity, a church, by work Notary Public and faith shawing the brother- Temperance St. - Bwmanvlle hood of man pointing ta the ----- NG SYSTEM IS SO Fatherhood of God. W. F. WARD, B.A. >W *TO HEAT UP?" A good citizen should be loy- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary ai ta bis country, study its gav- Money ta Loan uins. Whon >.o< erniment, learn its history and 91/2 Ring Street E. resources and resolve ta make Bowmanville - Ontario EQUATE WIRING. as valuable a contribution ta its Phones: Office 825 - House 409 well-being as is in each one*s power. D N A Mrs. M. Wiseman moved a DEN TA L ECTR icbearty vote of thanks ta Mrs. DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. REFRIGERATION Hoad for an inspiring address. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Refreshments were served by 40 Ring St. W. - Bowmanville ~TRi >Bx 360 Mrs. Clemens and the members Office Hours: ofwmber group. 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily EAER Bomnvll, The Christmnas party will be 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday EALER Ontario held in the Union Hall on Wed- Clased Sunday nesday, December 16 at 2.30 Office Phone 790 p.m. House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E.- W. SISSON, L.D.S.. D.D.S. neyer go back so Students will register at the Member of the ,'e cried San42om. O.A.C. on Sunday, Dec. 27th at Ontario Real Estate Boaà,ds 2 p.m. and classes will begin on H. G. Gij, Realtor - Phone 3514 Monday morning, Dec. 28th. In- teresting evening programs are ARC H IT E CT being arranged by the College. Several agricuitural organi- Befare you build, zations are ca-aperating witb consuit an Architect the Coilege this year ta encour- HERBERT G. COLE, M.R.A.J.C. age the attendance of their Bowmanville - Phone 3653 members at these courses. Ap- plications for ail courses must A UD IT IN G be made tbrough the office of the local agricuiturai represen- MONTIETH & MONTI[ETE3 tative, and no applications wili Cbartered Accountants Abe considered after December Phone 5-4662 15. ______ 37 Ring St. E. Oshawa 15. ____________Gardon W. Riehl, C.A., Canada's earliest manufactur- resident partner AI ON ing cancerns were breweries O PT O M E T R FE and faundries; by the end of_______________ the 19th century f he production KEITH A. BILLETT of textiles, iran and steel, pulpi Optometrist : and paper, and cheese and but- 141 King St. E.- Bowmanville é ter were thriving r4anufactur- Telephone 3252 81 WEARE ing industries. Ofc Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.mý 100Latitudinally, efonlad onday ta Saturday smie suggestian that he be ex- l D ~ eax Club. Jiled "back" ta a place he did A1 &JP .FoodUStoresL Mr. Buchan, who is emPloyed flot ariginate from? Russia ha s n sTTmatr' i-t mnjon ,an C '. 1u mfll Ihad the cheek- ta daim it dis- flonor Gon]ucnan sama pcat ajie Icavered everything first fromuo the' company on octaber 24, ms otswlm"ae can' tobave nitwisuAnniers19r8 baebcaî tavenfly uting sner:,: OsrY n his 25th anniversary he re. ninwhnIthe idea into the thick pRuttîng eivd acas n 1928.mth skulls tat they discovered Sin- George S. Buchan. formerly company and cngratuatory onins henit cores ta and- clair. He is ours! He's Canadian! of Bowmanvile, naw of Willow- messages from Lawrence M. ling a meeting. Wbever made And why shouldn't he want ta dale, recently celebrated is Cazayoux, Divisional President, the offe d ser es pa onthe see tbe cou try ber he get 25h a niv rsa y ~ A. & ~ and L. W . Beebe, vice-president th ofe dsrsa a o h sead aondttere eproudi anieray ih .& .in charge of aperations thraugh. back, it was deliciaus and top- flymg its teag? uy Food Stores and joined more out this area. ped off a tasty lunch. During My parents hailed from Bel- than 500 New England division Mr. Buchan is married and the entire program, încluding a fast, Ireland; they were in Lan- employees the campany's 25-1 has four cbildren. rather dull speech, tbe ebldren, don, England, when I was born. of ail ages, were exceptianally I emigrated ta Canada. And I, well behaved, thus reflecting arn Irish Limey, whose affection credit on their parents' training. for Britain cannat be challeng- I didn't suppose anyone in ed, back Sinclair one hundred the audience knew me, thus per cent. The only reasans why was surprised ta meet a lady we haven't aur awn flag is be- (qiea few years ago) of Drurn caue fleur-de-lys ta hog the show, Tle s r i i n Scbool, a set of World Books and the ultra Britîshers insist when I was a member of tbat on the Union Jack predominat- board. At that time ber name ing. The stupid farce could be was Miss Tamblyn: Don't know speedily ended if we only had wbat it is naw. But I notice her a few members of Parliament twelve year aid pîanist son ap- with guts enaugb ta declare pears capable of keeping up the that, they would block all par- Tamblyn tradition for musician- liamentary business until the sbip. flag issue was settled. And that * * *tbe flag they wanted was either Recently received a letter a red flag; a white flag; a blue from Peter Walker, mientioning flag, with a large maple leaf in that his home town, Holland autumn colours, in the centre. Landing, is going ta stage the Move over Sinclair, naw Ill be annual Santa Claus parade on ostracized. And, like you, I December 10. If it's anything cheerfully thumb my nase at like the parade last year it will all the ostracizers. be well worth seeing. Peter also invited me ta be the guest of the Holland Landing Home and Mrs. Daw Addresses School Club during the evening M of the fîrst Monday in March. Hampion W. . S. Let's hope the weatherman, the highway people, and the Austin comnbine ta make the trip pas- Hampton Women's Missionary sible. Society held their November * * *meeting in the S. S. room with Your scribe bad a welcome let- the president, Mrs. Trull, pre- ter from Jim Lavekin last weelç, siding. She opened the caîl ta It is hard to draw the straight line that commenting on the Lonnie Tay- worship with a poem. dvdsyufo et lor column, and suggesting that Treasurer reported réceipts ofdvde oufmdet the matter be drawn ta the at- the thankoffering and dinner It is harder stili to foresee money difficulties tention of the Carnegie Founda- served ta ministers and laymen that may arise, and to protect yourself tion, whose trustees might fav- which was gratifying. A nomin- gisthm ourably consider making an ating committee was appointedagnsthm award ta Lonnie. Thanks, Jim! ta present a new slate of afficers More than.- 570,000 people borrow from ?'our suggestion will be acted for 1954. Renewals are request- Household Finance every year to help' theni upan. ed for W.M.S. Monthlys and * * * World Friends. An invitation straighten out their financial line. Nearly Gardon Sinclair is ane of aur was accepted ta attend an affil1- every employed person knows that at times favourite radio reporters, be- iation service with the C.G.I.T. there are sound, logical reasons to borrow cause he bas a strong resonant The assaciate members were in- mny eoice; reports the most unusuai vited ta attend this meeting. mny iews items in a racy style; is Mrs. Daw presented a very That is why there are consumer finance .arless in presenting bis per- fine address encouraging an ma iw naygve u-EeigAxiir ab ra-campanies. We provide a sensible, business- ect; is no man's boot-licking ized in the near future. like way for you ta weather the stormn we ave. In short, we like bim Worsbip service and program hope you neyer experience. )ecause he is typically Cana- was in charge of Mrs. E. Cale. ian. Yet, he can't express a Mrs. Hodgson and Mrs. W. Chap- vish that Canadians have their man taking part in the warship ýw flag without a lot of jerks service and Mrs. Cale, Mrs. Tyr- Established in Canada 1928 .sultingly questioning bis mar- relI, Mrs. A. E. Billett, Mrs. Truli Is patriotism, racial arigin. taking parts in the program IUfli ýO S R I A C ýuite recently, be received sev- "Where'er The Sun" was used. rai letters telling hlm "ta go U ack ta Russia". From 1939 ta 1952 federal Gardon is a born Canadian of 1 government spending per cap-i6p*a~f cottish ancestry. Sa why theas ita increased from $49 ta $266. The devastating tornado struck suddenly, causing millions of dollars' damage in minutes - a fearful example of the power of nature. Most lire insurance policies provide protection against windstorm damage for a nominal additional premium. Wind damage in Canada is not uncomnion, and Fire and Casualty insurance companies pay many windstorm dlaims eackt year. Tornadoes sucli as at Sarnia are fortunately rare. Claims paid resulting from thie Sarnia tornado totalled approximately $3,OOO,OOO - an example of how the small contribution by the many who want protection provides full indemmty and compensation for those who ILLCANADA do suifer lom. N UANCE I E -TION >ALL CANADA INSURANCE FPEDERATION on behaif of more than 200 comnpeting com pan îes writing *;- 1Fire, Automobile and Cas ualtv Insurance. TEL E V 1 -Canada's Giant Ne: REQUIRES YOUNG u7kluffluAT, DEC' 3rd' 1952 FMA . . . . . . . ..... . ....... . ... . ................................. ... . . .............. ........... ... , ............. . . . ......................... - .... El r5m, J13VWMABVUJàE, ONTAIUO y N à TIR-qn À V Imllpr lk-.l I..« - is,

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