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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1953, p. 11

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PIrHT1-DAY. DEC. I'rd. 1Q.91 THTE CANATJIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE,~ ONTARIO Socialand Prsona Acclamations in Ail Civic Offices Hi mnyfrens il b wreSuda gesswith Mr Only Two Changes in Personnel Pleased ta know that Mr. Tbos. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis. En Pright bas returned ta hsis Miss Cora Butler was in To- Onîx two changes will appear ed); J. H. Jase by GardonC .from the hospital in To-rntonM daateigth in the personnel af the elected and Irwin Colwill; D. J. -~~ W. H. Smtân osLter- officials o! the village of New- ningbam by George Mead :r. and Mrs. Ken Withers andi' ary Luncheon at the King Ed.. castle in 1954 as a result o! two and Stanley Graham; Ross D Scis Wayne and Brian, Peter- ward Hotel. The guest speaker municipal nominations held Fni- inson by Irwin Colwill ani hý -ough, spent Sunday with her: was Mn. Kenneth Wells, author day evening. Cauncillor George H. Jase. Pa:ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Tamn- of "The Owl Pen" stories. The Graham who announced his re- For Scbool Board-Rev. D b. n. chimn1a is agrtitrement a week earlier, will be Dewdney by E. W. Fisher .iss Olive Thorne is visitingI Aitken, M.P. replaced by D. J. Cunningham, P. Hare; Gardon Gray by Iý W nMrs Gomanin oroto.I issElln Rmsbtto spntwhile Miss H. A. Mason declined low Hancock and Murray1 2Ivlr. Ross Holland, Oakwood, 1 the weekend in Toronto. r-lcint h ulcSho esn uryPtesn sI--t te weked wth is r. nd rs.IanHecendrnBoard in favour of Gardon Gray. Marlow Hancock and Go] fa. ln h ekn it i r n rs.a eknon Reeve John Rickard was the Gray; Hattie A. Mason by J1 faî.Burfard, were Wednesday guests onîy candidate nominated for Jase and Cora Butler; J. C. 1 he Pluister family are mov- wîth Mr. and Mrs. Gardon the top position. Stanley Gra- ter by Irwin Colwill and D ir into their new home on Agnew. ham, chairmran of the Hydro Dewdney; I. J. McCullough King Street east, recently pur- Mr. and Mrs. J. Gobeen and Commission was also unoppas- D. R. Dewdney and Fred Cai chased from Mrs. Wm. Taylor. daughters Ruth andi Diane, Bow- ed. Five names were proposed Hydro Commission - Star ..-.iss Peggy Pearce, Toronto, manvîlle, were Sunday gueszs for the four seats in counceil but Grabamn by E. W. Fisher and Mrs. H. R. Pearce were with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. anc candidate withdrew giving George R. Meadows. Miss H Snnday guests Witb Mr. and Mrs. P.> Tamblyn. the other four acclamations. Six Mason, Murray PattensGn SneyPowell. Miss Almeda Couch was tak- namnes were proposed for the J. C. Porter failed ta qualify Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, en ta Memorial Hospital, Bow- three seats on the School Board Scbool Board. Lindsay, and Mn. andi Mrs. Elmer manville, on Sunday. Her frientis with three declining the nbmin- Elect.ed Pollard and family, Courtice, wish ber a speedy recovery. ation. Reeve-Jobn Rickard. -- Nominations were as follows: Counilors-J. H. Jase, F -etc., 'in addition ta the tables Reeve-John Riekard nomin- Coucb, Ross Dickinson and L îoneffes Club filled witb dolîs, toys, aprons ateti by Irwin Colwill andi Per- J. Cunningham. and scores of articles o! fancy cy Hare. Public Scbool Board-Rev. C hrisimas Bazaar wr.CuclosFe .CuhR edeI .MClo As usual, those in charge of by P. Hare and E. W. Fisher; Gardon L. Gray. Net Cub$26 I~it~b ,.t George Meadows by Albert Nay- Hydro Commission - Star .Gra, Cur low )ic< D. F an( Mbar Pat b3 )dor Par. uh b inle' arn ani fai dD ugh, iley The Lions room and kitchen o! the Community Hall was a Inost colourful sight on Satur- day afternoon as tbe annual Christmas Bazaar and Tea spon- soned by the Lianettes Club heiti sway. The bazaan, which netted the club $260.60, presenteti a most exclusive variety o! gift goods and !oods. There was a large display o! baketi goods, candy, bave an idle moment as the young ones, and some not se young, tried their luck at the age-ald game. Some fifty per- sans enjoyeti rest and relaxation as tbey were served delicacies in the tea room. The draw for a lovely large baby doîl, with complete ward- robe, was won by little Miss Carol Gray. Winners of the bomemade fruit cakes were Mrs. Chas. Knox andi Mrs. Jack Wade. I NOTICE POWER INTERRUPTION VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE There wiJJ be an interruption of electric service on Sunday, December 61h heom 1:30 to 4 p.m. ini the Village of Newcastle. NEWCASTLE IIYDRO COMMISSION. CHRISTMAS SHOPPERSi Leave your parcels with us while you are Idoing your shopping. We are centrally located at the four corners so that you can do your shopping and as you do it bring your parcels to us. When you are ail through just cail around and we wil take you and your shoppinig home in easy comfort. Try this easy method of shopping today. KIN'STAXI OPERATED BY LATH4NGUE BROS. PHONE 561 Fresh Lean Ninced Beef Pork Loin Roast - - - Fresh Neaty Spare Ribs Fresh Pork Liver - - - Swift's Premium Salami lar and George Chiard, (decli-n- Gra'am. 7Ille /Vewccue Ycf"t/ Crdon Agnew, Ediior Phone 3621 1 Red Tape Delays Walerworks Vole Reeve and Councillors Report on Their Tenure of Office Pasi Year In bis address to the electaiE following his re-election by ac- clamation, Reeve John Rickard revealed that it had been the wish of the council to hold the vote on waterworks on Dec, 7th. But due ta regulations calling for the preparation ai a by-law, having three readings and approval by the-~municipal board, after which the law re- quired advertising for three consecutive times in the local press. this was found to be im- possible and the vote would have to be delayed until Feb- ruary. Reeve Rickard said he had de- cided to seek a third term be- cause too few citizens wouid allow their name to stand for public office and he feit it his duty to serve for another year if the people wanted him. He congratulated the members of the retiring council for the co- operative manner in which they had carried out the affairs of the village. He also congra- tulated the school board who had a most difficuit year and were able to carry on at a re- duced cost over the previous year, thus helping council to keep the tax rate down. In explaining the re-assess- ment now underway the Reeve stated that he had previously been assured that the Newcas- tle assessment was O.K. and that the Counties Assessor had stated that Newcastle had been the first municipality ta com- plete its re-assessment. How- ever when the new assessor took over it was found that there were no assessment cards in the counties office for Newcas- tle. Thus it was necessary ta have the re-assessment made at a cost ta the village of approxi- mately $450. The Reeve spoke briefly on county business explaining that debentures were being issued ta cover the cost of a new High School at Port Hope and an ad- dition to the Bowmanville High School of which the village of Newcastle will be required to pay approximatelyi $2,763 the first year. After that, he said, Provincial grants should bring the payments down to about - - -Lb. 29C - - * -Lb. 59C - - - -Lb. 49C - -- -Lb. 27c - M a aLb. 69C m Geese ti te ie is )f Ys il ýe al r f .s 0 d $700 annually for 20 years. He saiti that another counties service whicb was gaing beyond reason in cast was the Counties Health Unit, but as it is admin- istered by the Provincial Dept. of Healtb which pays haîf the cost, the council members have littie control aver expenditures. Coun. Jase reported ta the people on Finance, stating tbat the tax rate bad been held ta 42 milîs this year, but that there would flot be any surplus and the council would do well if tbey coulti break even. He stated that relief casts had been high- er than at any other timne during his termn in councîl. The cost a! police and hall caretaken were also higber this yean, but he be- lieved the people would agree that the new system of split- ting the positions was well worth the extra cost in the ser- vice rendereti. Coun. Caucb reported for the Property and Fine Committees. He said cansidenable new equipment bati been purclbased for the lire department and that a contract had been let for the replacing of the eaves on the community hall but that the cantractors had nat stanted as yet. .Coun. Dickinson reparting on roatis said that this tiepartment had had ta curtail its work con- siderably due ta the large cut in the government grant. He said he believed that the oiling o! some of the raads was an economical step and he believ- ed more streets shaulti be spray- ed this year.- W.C. T.U. Ontario GiVes Local TemjF Newcastle W.C.T.U. met in the Sunday School rooni o! the United Church on Nov. 25th, witb Miss Blackburn presidîng. A brie! business perioti was followed by a fine tievotiona] service o! scripture reading and meditation by Mrs. G. Allin and prayer by Mrs. E. Awde. Mrs. J. Brown andi Mns. T. Sal- lows favouneti with two heauti- fui, well rentiered duets, acdom- panied by Mrs. C. Cowan. Mrs. P. Rare intnoduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Beth Me- Kay, Fieldi Secretary for On- tario. The speaker bad addres- seti the C.G.I.T. group the pre- viaus evening anti had spent a busy morning speaking ta stu- dents o! the High School and all grades o! the Public Sehool. A movie film and a flannel- graph atideti interest ta tbese in- spiring talks. In speaking ta the W.C.T.U. Mrs. McKay chose as ber tapie, "It Depends On Me", and gave vaniaus illustrations revealing what one deeply interestet i di- vidual can accomplisb. She alsa tolti o! the temperance work o! unions in other landis. India was commentied for its rules for fi- quor, some of which are as fol- lows: (1) No alcoholic drinks serveti at State funictions; (2) Elimination o! aIl drinking scenes from motion pictures; (3) Serving liquor on dining cars o! trains and refreshment rooms of nailways banned; (4) No per- san who carnies on trade in hi- quor or who is addicted ta drink is eligible for election ta con- gress. On the ather banti. she de- plored the large space allotteti the brewenies at the Interna- tional Trade Fair in Toronto and the flaunting o! beautifully de- signeti recipe books stre.ssing the uise o! liquor and beer for cooking. She spoke encouragingix of the heightened publie inteî est in: the liquar probiemis as nv iu bx- the press. People uho not aIl total abstainer' are iýi ~(mntalarnied and u - anlei- ,au\-iin(-!ng. The pru >sde t mani-a iih -- \()te of tlois Iota lii- - r 1' 0ul 1.1 a.c-re perance Addresses"- Friendship Club Hears Talk on Laivia By Mrs. Z. Gommers The Friendship Club held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Kay Powell with 27 mem- bers and two guests in attend- «« ance./6., The president opened tbe meeting with a portion of the C~z iî < Christmas Stary and conducted ~ ~ " ' the business period. Mrs. June McMullen reported that hier group had made up 41 bags of fruit which were distributed to A DUIRO PUMP the Rest Homes and shut-ins. It wsdecided ta hold the next Means Better LivingH! meeting on Dec. 9th instead of the regular date. . UR DURO Water Sys- Mrs. Betty Brown's Group of- 0..Jtemn gives us fresh, pure ferèd ta decorate the Sunday water when and where we School auditorium for the need it ... adds ta aur con- Christmas concert. The club is venience and comfort of daily purchasing five copies of the life. revised Edition of the Holy Bi-. DURO Purnps are avaîl- ble for use in the Sunday School. able in ail sizes to meet in- Mrs. Eva Couch's group was dividual needs. See your in charge of the program. The Plumber or DURO dealer worship period opened with a for full information or write hymn. Mrs. Kay Powell read for FREE folder, '*Runnîng Psalm 121. Miss Marie Pedwell Water, the Faim N«essity'. read a poem "Mom's Old Apron". The guest speaker, Mrs. Zeidra Gommers, formnerly of Latvia, was introduced by Mrs. Eva Couch. She related same of lher experiences while under Russian and German occupation alsoI during the time she was in a German labour camp. Finally she told of her chance ta start a new life ji Caaada, She said Canadians should appreciate their freedomn and hope it con- tiniues. Po vote of thanks ta the speak- er was moved by Mrs. Velma Parker. While refreshments were be-PU PflTN D ing prepared, Miss Reta GodnP M S & SO T N Rý condi2cted a spelling match. 1L IblITEDB PF92i Speui.11pi izes were awarded to- N O ir. Allie Laking for having -N O AAA ,lic iarge.ýt earrings and ta Miss - Allen for having the iA K BRoUGH PLI NIBING AND IIEATINC, C, ' oc e ifkri\x1ecî.ýe ~Diviîsion Street S. -gli.ta u Le endureca. PHONE 615 BOIW31ANVILLE O F - International Harvester REFRIGERATOIRS Reduced fo Clear for New Models 7.4 cu. fi., reg. $296 8.2 cu. f I., reg. $345 - 8.4 cu. f I., reg. $488 10.3 cu. ff., reg. $399.95 10.5 cu. fi., reg. $521- 12 cu. fi. HOME FREEZEIR Holds 400 lbs. of Frozen Foods. itegular $525 for - for $235 - for $280 - for $335 * for $310 - for $375 $405 $10-00 Wi1l Hold Any Refrigerator Until Christmas. 24 Monihs fo Pay - No Down Payment Farm Equipment and Automotive 1,11 Kinz St. T031 COIVAN, Proprietor East Bowmanville Phone 689 Addition to School Play Leading Roles in B. H. S. Operetta Will be Required-7 By Septiember, 1956 "A two room addition ta New- castle Public School will be a necessity by 1956 if the students are ta be accommodated", said Rev. D. R. Dewdney, chairman of the School Board, when speaking at the municipal nom- ination meeting Friday evening. H-e explained that just last Monday an auxiliary classroorc had been opened in the base- ment of the St. George's Par- ty ish Hall. At the present time the four ýjunior grades each require a , 7classroom and teacher with grades 5 and 6 and grades 7 and - B cambining two grades toaa room. As the lower grades ad- d vance each grade will require -a separate romr which will tmake an 8-room schoal neces- N ý sary by Sept. 1956.e .' The present school building, Some of the leading players in the Bowmanville High School production 1including the space now accu- of the "Pirates af Penzance" are pictured above in costume. The operetta under - pied by the High School and the the direction of Mr. D. C. Peters, delighted audiences for four nights làst week in tbasement room recently eluiP- the Hg cool auditorium.' Front row, lef t to right: Carole Gibner, Laurie Staple- y ped, only bas seven cîassrooms Hg c 1which will make an addition a ton, Shirley Milîs, Kenneth Kelly, Nancy Smythe. Back row: Beverly Frank, y' necessity to handle the school Ruth Rombough. -Photo by Robert Carruthers d population. The chairman said that according ta information hefot d had obtained a two-room schoo] in rtne ta break lier leg r. ,rwudcstapoiael 4, nMemorial Hospital, Bowman- ENFIL Fred Samnis and Mr. and Mrs. 000. ville.Wallace Paýýcoe w - iencd the In speaking of the past, Mr. Our local teachers, Miss Der- Mrs. S. B. Tapp, Mrs. Emily recePtion followingy the cere- Dewdney said that having had ene Powell, Miss Irene Inch, Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Alex M3Wair many. d a surplus at the beginning of Miss Valena Capping, Miss Ca- and Donnie, Toronto; Mr. and We offer congratulations aîwt the year, the Board had been therine Stewart and Neil Stew- Mrs. Everett Ormiston, Boy.- best wishes ta the bride and able ta get along wîth less mon- art attended the teacher's ban- manville, with Mrs. w. i. or- groom who will live in this com- ey from the council this year. quet at Newcastle Tuesday miston. munity. Despite the unexpected expen- evening. All regretted the ab- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pascoe "At Home" of the W.A. wvas ditures required ta outfit the sence of Mrs. Mellor, who is in with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, held in the parsonage Enniskil- rschool raom in the Parish Hall, Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Brooklin. eFiaevngwthR. hie said, hie was pleased ta bc ville. Mr.Taalonn lanwt 'd Mrs. R.M. Seymnour as hast able ta report that the Board Mr. and Mrs. Vance Allen vis- Mrs. Gardon Brent, Raglan. an hoes.Tevein ws was gaing ta be able ta keep ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. spent in playing lost hieir and %within its budget for 1953. Mercer, Sunday. Marion Prescott is visiting visiting. follawed bv a generaus Sam Searl spent a few days with hier grandparents, Mr. and lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Or- last week with relatives at Mrs. Hoskin Smith, Hampton. miston, Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs. Si. eorg's Curch Newtonville. evnnMh ok r ajid Mrs. T. R. Bowman, W. G. Sr-nith, Mrs. L. C. Pso S.Gog s hrhOn Friday vngthfokBlkso;Mr and Mrs. How- and Miss Bessie Pascae. Oshawa; iof Kendal enjayeda euchre par- ard Grass, Columbus; Mrs. Har- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormistovi, Womens Auxiliary ty at the scbool, when the even-ol Weir, London; Mr. and Mrs. were special guests of the occa- ing's scores were, high H. Wes- Wilfrid Bawman and Eric, at- sion. Elecis 1954 Officers theuser, Reg. Elliott; low, Miss tended a birthday dinner for Mr. Mrs. Wilfrid Bawrnan enter- 5 At the meeting of Afternoan tasty lunch of sandwiches, cook- Godfrey Bowman. of young people Saturday even- ies and tea was served. Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor and ing. 1Brancb of Woman's Auxiliary Misses Dorothy and Shirley Allan with Mr. and Mrs. Les Last week's appeal for news 5of St. George's Church, the fol- Mercer are visiting their uncle, Johnson, Highland Creek. has had gratifying results as lowing officers were elected for Mr. andMs yEs saa Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ormis shown above and the efforts of 1954: President, Miss B. S. Mc- t. nd Ms. C liObwtan, Miss Lais Ormiston, MUr. the kind folk are greatly ap- Intosh; vice president, Mrs. D.thiss id elwaweek.o n r.WllGa tede h rcatd erfset eiv H. Gibsone; strearr, Miss C. the W.A. on Wednesday after- Ormistan-Blatch wedding in that it is coincidental. H.Gbue; Dorasserer, Ms . noan, Nov. 25 when Mrs. (Rev.) John Garrod; social service sec- gatce n as gu itestnspeakon retary, Mrs. P. F. LeGresley; ex- Cgiaveandvery interestig tlk o tra cent-a-day secretary, Mrs. Cna nte d fficu ti e th John Ferguson; ltrtr er-ogKog h loehbtdthe Great New 1tary, Miss B. S. McIntosb; Liv-Hng on.Seasexitd ing Message secretary, Mrs man!' beautiful Chinese articles John Garrod. which they brought with them. The members expressed their appreciatian for the many per- sans who visited their recent bazaar at which mare than $10 Hae0ht. was realized. Mrs. Holubenko ]ae ta gave the use of her vacant store ta the W.A. for the occasion. D O L S KENDAL OR Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gibbs, eIN SHEL Mr. and Mrs. Meredith McMil- W N S IL Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Lowery Iby iNTERNATIONAL HARVESTIER were recent guests of Sam Installed Now Seanl. Mn. and Mrs. A. Couroux and William, Mn. and Mrs. D. B ut- cher and Garry Campbell, af While You Waii - Cache Bay, spent a. few days with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Cour- aux and also visited their daugbter, Mrs. Moore, Toronto. JOE COOPER'S Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jilisen and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Overy visited Sevc Sato friends at Delhi this weekend. Sevc Stio We regret ta learn that Mrs. H MNIL Wm. Robinson has had the mis- O M NIL 218 King St. E. CAWKER'S Super I.G.A. Meat Values Be Sure and Order Your CHRISTMAS POULTRY N O W!1 Turkeys m Chickens m Ducks i For the Best Meal Values in Town Always Buy ai Cawkerà's Super I.G.A. Market 41 Open Saiurday Evenings PA(, ýGE ELEVEN à Phone 689

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