TE CARADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Bold Pirates and Their Loyal Pirate Maid Beverly Frank, who played with distinction the role of Ruth, the piratical inaid-of-all-work, in the B. H. S. operetta "Pirates of Penzance" is shown surround- ed by some of her pirate comrades. The production played to large audiences for four nights last week in the High School auditorium. -PoobRbetCruhs With Cat-like Tread They StaLk Pirates These are the English policemen who provid the B.H.S. presenLation of the "Pirates of Penzance." S centre of the f ront row tried ta whip up their failiný the bold pirates, but ail seemed convinced a "po1icemE Farm Forums 111ROVIDENCE FARM FORUM E rovidence tarm forum met U'jeyhome o! Mn. and Mrs. J. u.,e haland with twenty mcm- b and one visitor present. ý,The subject under..discussion ~as the stnugglc for men's minds. The first question asked what steps Canada shauld take ta show Asiatic countries that aur attitude ta thini is friendly and nan-aggrassive. We balieva that thc people a! Canada should send tnainad men and women ta help these people ta help theniselves. Manhinerxy and equipmant should be sceut ta lielp them produce more food for their starving people. Any nation living on the verge o!' starvatian is a very unsettlad nation and if sonie method a! distribution of food surpluses in othen countnies could heara- ranged wc feci thare WOuIld be lass strifa. \Vc shouuld also en- courage studonts froin the east ta came ta aur cauntry for training as they no doubt would have mare influence on their awn people. What can we do ta convince athers that the democratic way o! life is better than the Com- munist way? We can live demo- cracy in aur own country thus showing the Communists living amang us that it is the happiest way o! hife. Stress Clinistianity, freedoni o! speech and private enterprise. Take advantage of any exehange o! factual infor- mation between countries that is possible. Mr. Howard Foley, our Co-op insurance agent, was present ta give us a few helpful hints on safe driving. We hope ta see aur forum well nepresented at the Pot Luck sup- per at Newcastle Thursday night. Our next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mns. Neil Mutton. HAMPTON FARM FORUM Hampton Fanm Forum met at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorr. The question under dis- Plan ta attend the Agricultural Event of the Year ANNUAL MEETING of the Durham Soil and Crop Improvemeni Association to be held in the BOIWMANVILLE LIONS COMIMUNITV CENTRE, (New !1.111) on Beech Avenuie (three blocks N.orthi of main street) on .2 ~AY, s.. Il T DECEMBERIlth aI 1:30 P.11. -Dr. D. N. Hunfley, Hy Ilushatidry Departuiient, O.A.C. 't. î dan Aer u ricutural Production" SpeciaI Discuîssion Period l~uesic1ent. E. A. SUMMERS, Secret ary (OECORATE NOW FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON We Cani do your work on short notice. A ful i ue tof W.ALLPAPERS to choose froin. in'clud ing imported pal)ers. Aiso tui' ( oicesî lPAINTrING, 31A'FERIALS. C;1% is a cal11. la He ABERNETRY 8.5 Kinug Si. IW. The death is recorded cf John Dardh, 68, well known citizen wlio built the Balmoral Hotel and later purchased "Erplngham Farm" which is now a part of The Boys Training Sehool pro- perty. At the Past Presidents Night at Wellington Lodge, S.0.E., F. J. Grant, Hampton, was present- ed with a jewel o! menit, being a member for 38 years. Mn. Francis Sutton, organist and choir director o! Tinity United Churcli, gave an inter- esting address on "Music" at the Rotary Club. Thene is no one in town better able ta talk on that subi ect than Mn. Sutton wha is literally "bubbling over with music". Wilfrid Carruthers is taking a post graduate course in fanm- ing at Kemptvile Agicultural Cahlege. B. H. S. first year in rugby resulted in winnlng the league championship by defeatlng Pe- terboro Collegiate in final game. Pontypool-Fred Graham lias purchased the Latonia Hotel froni Wm. Rennie. Enniskillen-Wilfred Sander- son lias purchased the Patter farm of 218 acres an Con. 8, Darlington. Newcastle-Front fences are becoming a relie o! the past with thnee o! aur villagers hav- ing had their fences removc-d the pastweek, being a great im- provement. the "Police Gazette" perclance? If I'm going ta tattle on Non- man Wilson's car, I suppose I must confess that my car, too, lias a mind of its own. Left the thing panked on the. main street o! Bethany a week ago while I ran into a store fan a minute. The car, being willful, decided ta get friendly with the car panked next. This mild -pi flirtation on the part o! the car cast some kind gentleman a inew tail liglit glass and me the pnice a! a new seal-beam, head- led mnuch of the comnedy in ligît. Ah well! Perliaps the 3ergantJoe cGil inthe car was lonely! ~ergantJoe cGil inthe Sundày evening dinner guests tg courage before attacking a! Mn. and Mrs. Ted Spence- an's lot is flot an 'appy one." ley were Mr. and Mrs. Law- -Photo by Robent Carnuthers rence Staples, Barry and David and Mn. and Mrs. Percy Pres- 1cussian was: "The Stnuggle for ton and Mly. Cmbl rMen's Mn ad rs Cmpel We think that Canada's atti- nimpliies, Castlefand; Messrs tude tawards friendîiness and Ornie and Walter Lamb, Acton, nan-aggnession can be shown and Mrs. Ruth Cadhenam, Ton- by greaten assistance fan demno- anta, were avenniglit guests o! cratie education, uphalding the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson. demaocnatic way a! living and Mrs. O. Lamb and Miss C. better ways o! supplying thein Hendersan, Acton, wene guests own needs; alsa by increaslng o! the Ralph Malcolm's. the help fan food -needs. Mn. and Mns. George Fother- Lunch was served by the gill, Whitby; Mn. and Mrs. hostess aften a short period o! George Somenville, Acton; Mrs. recreation. Pearl Kennedy, Miss Minnie L Next meeting at the home of Somerville, Acton, attended the Mn. and Mrs. Jack druickshank. funenal o! Rev. J. P. Henderson and visited briefly with the ELIZABETHVILLE FARM family. L FORUMWeekend guests of Mn. and FORUMMrs. Gardon Robinson were 1 The negular Monday nigît Mn. and Mrs, Nanman LesMay meeting o! the Elizabetîville and boys, Hamilton. Farn Forum was lield at the Mn. and Mrm Fred Stacey and home of Mn. and Mrs. Mac famuly visited Mrs. Finlayson ut Walker. Due ta the bad weatler Pont Penny. only 27 members tunned out. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Mal- The tapie for the evening "The colm and Tenry, Mn. and Mns. Struggle For Men's Minds" gave Jas. Shackleton visited Mn. Bill us ail food for thougît. We feit Whittaker and Miss Betty 'Whit- that steps that slould be taken taken, Toronto. by Canada to show the Asiatie Mn. and Mrs. Bill Humplinies cauntnies that aur attitude ta and Glen with Mn. and Mrs. them is friendly and non-aggres- Ray Robinson. sive shauld include education a! It bunns me up wlien people the people tîrougli missionanies talk about municipal nommia- adtnauned teaclers sa that the tions being "eut and dried." rising genenations wouid be able How can any public meeting ta take aven the job in the fu- wlene anyane ýp'ho wishes to ture along democratic lines; the may stand up and nominate for sending a! assistance in' the office anyane lie chooses be form of food and clathing for "eut and dried"? It's iust to needy areas; and the sending a! bad that more people dan't take agicultural experts and indus- the tume and trouble ta attend. trial tedlinicians ta make them Miss Ern Henders lias return- independent. ed home after a pnolanged visit Ta canvînce athens that the in Toronto. Mrs. E. Lane spent demaocratie way o! life is betten Sunday witl lier. than the Communist way we Mrs. Robt. Atkinson is home should show them hy example froni Peterboroughi Hospital and and thnough education and is feeling better. when the people have been Mn. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and educated they will be convineed. family visited in Raglan an Also we should have eadh imdi- Saturday. vidual in the weastern demnocra- A numnber froni Yelverton at- tic cauntries take a greater in- tended the Bethany United terest in the affains o! Asia as Churdli tunkey suppen Friday few o!fus do little about things niglit. that do not directly affect aur Mn. and Mns. Io"arle Ross, own lives. Toronto, were guests o! Mr. and Afuer a period of recreatian Mns. Gea. Heaslip. On Satur- a deliciaus lunch was served by day the Heaslips and Ross' vis- Mýrs. Walker. Nexu. week's meet- ited Mrs. Elizabeth Fleming at ing will be held at the home o! Hil]head. Mr. Reg Rusken, Ton- Mn1. and Mns. T. G. Sowden, utoset Sunday at Heas- Newcastle. ip's. Miss Tnuus Boon. Caoksville, spent the weekend with Harv and Cornie Malcolmi. YELV RTONVisitons o! Mn. and Mrs. Dave Wilson wene Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Work us prognessing satis- Vanstone, Camneron; Mn. and faeu.oniv u the church hall. A Mrs. Gea. Pýutherford and Al- turnaui o!f ffteen on Thursday len, Mrs. G. Blair and Diane, nighu save the stage well unden- Oshawa, and Mrs. Alma Fawler, way. The first hour and a hal! Blackstock. wvas apparently spcnt in a livelY Mn. and Mrs. Herb Weldon discussion as ta low things and Murray, Oakwood: Mn. and should be done. Someone ie- Mrs. E. Canning. Camneron, with marked that there were only tle Balfour Moore family. fiftaen people but sixteen car- Mns. Sami Adamis and Lynn, penters present. However, this Bowmanville, are staying witl was only a friendly exdhange Mrs. Murray Malcolmi and baby o! ideas (we'll say) and once, Manleali Joy. bagun, work went swiftly. The langer 1 live herc thuý more l'in convincad thaithdeu e sno otler plac-e luke Y elvcr- f. I E on' l'le spirit of0o ea I f osv-'TI E and ieguulns s develoo- ed liere Io a verv high degree. In 0 l-, %%(,koi tialanri Ever),body gels a bit run-do,*n now and uDon'licd(a.il O' m then, tired-out, heavy-headed, and maybe :atni to '1~ piuî~c~. n ibothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing ci iipdtl\ O> c) r.o' e rom n- aeriously wrong, juit a temporary tolic .,l 1. w\ ( ~ DiUitPa" - conditon caused by excesa acids and i ("w .~ .'r hwastes. Thats the time to te.Dodd's * .,.. .. .o,~bu' Kjdney PUIs. Dodd's stimulite the kidneys. 3 ~L~.2 e o .ra: o.u.j.u t. and so help re3tore their normal action*cf i r .. ~ .iY~.jrrr.swal- reinoving exces acida and waites. Theu It .d r- Ya>o'itlal bettet, siftp bettar, worà beter. eC.A i.Jd' di .) >Pâlisnoie. LL4.iur the lejut lie% hth th., redsd at .a( druggpati. 'ou fan depend on Dtodd a. u 1. è 1. 1 , ";: , f) West Durham Liberals wil meet Saturday ta choose a can- didate for Ontario Legisiature campaign. Rager Fislileigh, engineen at D. 0. & P. Ca., factony and ',f the town Fine Brigade, lias been appointed inspectar fan the Boul- er Inspector and Insurance Ca. o! Canada. Misses Eva Wickett and Mawl& Scott, Model Sehool, Part Hope, were home oven the holiday. Chas. Lehmann, Toronto, lias taken aven the management o! the Bennett House. He will be ably assisted by his bride, the former Maud Sweet, who be- came lis wife hast Tlursday Maple Grave - Ed. and M. Wilkins, R. L. Wonden and Tain Adamis bagged 15 rabbits in 2½y hours in the waads narth o! aur community . . . Miss Fanny El- lenon has been engaged as aur teacher for 1905. Saina-We see that Lord and Lady Minto accompanied aur young lard o! Raselandale (Ed- gar Werny) on lis trip acnoss the Atlantic ta visit friends in Holdswonthy, England. Thnee former membens as- sisted the Methodist Churdli chour an Sunday - Mrs. C. A. Cawken, Mrs. A. N. Mitchell and Miss Ethel Y. King. Hampton-Mrs. W. Allin fell thnough an open trap door into the cellar and received a slignt concussion. Yelverfon Famlly Club Enjoys Interesting Talk on "The Moon" Yelverton: Yelvartan Family Club was hld at the home o! Mr. and Mns. Howard Malcolnm on Wednesday night. A cnak- inole party was planned at Mn. and Mns. Ray Rabinson's. Dec- emben meeting is ta be at Mn. and Mrs. Raîpli Malcolm's. Raîpli Malclm read the scniptune. Subject o! lis tapie was "The Moon." Acconding ta theary the eartl and the moan wene once one body but at sanie time lad split into two. Be- cause thene is na atmosphene on the moan its surface lad neyer changed. This surface is a black rock. Because thera is no air ta conduct sound on the moan, a lange orchestra playing ten feet away could nat 'ne heard. Also, bacau7,e thare are no air cunnents, there is sanie- tumes, theonetically, a differ- ence o! 400 degrees in the tam- perature betwaen sun and sha- dow. Tlie moon's gravitv is one-sixîli that o! eanth; canse- quentiy a persan could thno\v a baIl six tumes as fan on the niaon. This article foracasted the eventual disintegration a! the moon. Sanie o! the molacules which formed the moon would be pullad by gravity ta aarth and some would fanm a ring around the aanth similar ta tIc one anound Satunn. Luheh con- ciuded tIc avening. 'Il BOOKS for Christas HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA by Foster Hewitt The Maple Leafs' Story for ail sport fans, young and aid BEYOND THIS PLACE A. J. Cronin TIDE FALL Thos. Raddall THE GREATEST FAITH EVER KNOMIN Fulton Oursier April Oursier Arnstrotng TIME AND TIMIE .XAIN James Hilton COUNTRY PARSON George W. Morrison TOO LATE THE PHALAROPE' Alan Paton IN TUE WET Nevil Shute WHAT TIME THE TEMPE ST Waldo Smith LORD VANITY Sanmuel Shellabarger TO LIVE AND 'EO (HERISH IVill R. Bird FIRTUER (IIONICLES 0F AVONLE.1, L. M. Montgomer.N HIRLBLTT'S S'rOR%-<()F THE BIBLE New Edition and many nther's J. W. JEWELL "'Big 20" 27 Ring Sti,, Bbwirnanviille P lU O N F , 5 5 6 - . - Coronafion Medal Received by Former Hampion Boy Rev. Frank M. Cryderman, minister of Memonial United Church, St. Catharines, who is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cryderman, Silver St., Bowman- ville, has received a Coronation Medal. Named after lis uncîe in Bowmanville, Mr. Cryderman was bonn in Saskatchewan, but after his fathen's death return- ed with his mothen, ta Hamp- ton, and received his eanly edu- cation there. Mn. Cryderman laten attend- ed Albert College, Belleville, and studied Theolagy at Emi- manuel College, University of Toronto. He is secretary o! the Hamilton Conference o! the Un- itedi Chuncli of Canada. He is frequently heard an the St. Catharines radio station in the program "Morning Devotions.' By the same mail as Mn. Cry- derman's Coronation Medal, his eldest daughter, Beverly, was notified that she had been awarded the Proficièncy Medal for highest standing in Grade 12, which she received at grad- uation exencises on Nov. 27. The Screech OwI (Barbara Murdochi, Editor) VOLLEYBALL Volleyball las been going strong for some time now but in the flurry aven commence- ment and operetta we sort of overlooked it. The credit for this activity gaes ta the Boys' Athle- tic Society. The boys along with Mr. Ross, arranged the schedule and provided the alunaIas for the ganies. Conipelition lias really been keen this year but Senior Commercial seemns-ta be on top at thiýs point. The regular schedule 15 aver and we are now in the playofis sa lie sure and nead the Statesman next week ta find out wha won. OPEIZETTA Afte. doing samething differ- ent last year we returned this year ta presenting an operetta as aur dramatic effort for the school yean. "The Pirates of Penzance" las been presented at B.H.S. befone but all the bniglit littie faces yau saw peep-! ing down at you f rom the stage were different. You all know who the cast were but they did such a fine' job that we'd like ta mention! their namnes anyway. They were: Mabel - Nancy Smythe and Shirley Mill&; Ruth Rombougli; Isobel-Nancy Smythe and Shirlcy Milis; Ruth -Beverly Frank; Major General, Stanley - Mernili Brown; The Pirate King - -Noel Dudley; Fredernie Ken Kelly; -Samuel- Laurie Stapleton; Sergeant of Police--Jue iVIGili. And of course we miustn't for- get the supporting cast and al those who worked behind the scenes. With such a fine group.the show couldn't help but be a huge success. And that's exact- ly what it was. Everyone whîo saw it was delighted. We've heard sevenal people say it seemed much too short. 0f course that could be because there were no commencement exercises along with the apen- etta but we prefen ta think that the superb performance made the time pass mnore quickly. P. S.-Dont forget to-Mark Dec. 4.J WESLEY VILLE The monthly recreatian evc'n- ing was held on Fnuday un the' school wuth tle aduits enjoying aucîre and tIe children organ- ized games under the capable supervision o! Mrs. A. Thorn- dyke. Everyane cnjayed Vhe ncighbourly get-tagether ending the lavent with refreshments. Truman Austin was in change a! Sunday School hs week un the absence o! superintendent Murray Payne. Evenyone thrili- ed ta the music af the new organ placcd in thc church on trial, and played by Muriel Austin. At the evening church service Mrs. Reeve, organist, was en- thusiactic aven its performance, and the congregation dclighted with organ music after piano accompaninment for Sa long. A, short choui practice was hcld afte--r service in preparation ton uext Sunîdax s ýpecuuuI service, v.hnthe augan c ompany wi:I send an organusuta demnonstrate. The la. t uew organ was pur- cuased in 1894 or~ thereabouts and perhaps ts cust ai that per- iod was comparable ta thc pres- cnt ana, considering VIe price af othen articles. Mn. Handing's sermon on the use a! aur talents, wasa erninder to make use o! aur ow-n abilitias whatevar hey mav ha. Mn. and Mrs. E. Cable, Roch- ester, spent thc latter part o! the weck wuth Mr. and Mrs. Pen- cy Snell.* We are sarnv ta say there is still cansiderable îllncss in VIe district. Mn. Tlorndyke was iii agaun during thc weakand. How- ard Payne sufferad a nacurrence of a prevîcuF trouble. and Gloria Ninhiols who .-uffered frani pnieuni<în iii ýornr eeks ago, cantranuird a se'ere chest cald. PONTYPOOL I -O c,2, are spon ' Oi ng a i p1~ici11 r via anîd faniiiies on Frid&. . Dec. 10 l n the Lnileci Chunch. This !11 iýt foIlùýve d ri-a -ocial ev~en- iu~n ý ntheir il. icj1io'vung are un by acclamation: Reeve' Allan Beer; Deputy SEail ~geCounucllcrs, A'>.4il ir4-ugiIL cals havd ,TURSDAY. DEC. 3rd. 195I WEDDING Le VAILLANT - STEVENSON On Saturday aftennon, Nov- ember l4th in the Orono United Churel, the wedding was sol- emnized of! Miss Evelyn Claire 1Stevenson, daughter a! Mn. and Mns. Jaohn F. Stevenson o! Or- ana ta Mn. Henry Arthur Le 1Vallant o! Toronto, son o!fMn. and Mrs. R. M. Le Vaillant. Rev. O. E. Brauglitan o!ficiated at the service, assîsted by Rev. John' Kitelen. The bride was given in marniage by lien fathen and looked charming in a frôck a! dapline pink taffata, baautifu1lly shirred at the neckline, with miatching veil and carried a cas- cade a! yellow -Hibband rases. The bride was attended by lier sister, Mrs. Laurence C. John- stan o! Rye, New York wno ware Dior blue taffeta with cape neckline and full skirt. She car- ried a cascade o! mauve munis. The brida's mother was dressed in blue taffeta with velvet hat to match. The groom was at- tanded by Mn. Einor Benson o! Toronto. The wedding music was play- ed by Mns. W. E. C. Workman, Bawmanvilla, and Mn. Glenn Aluin sang very acceptably. Out o! tawn guests were !rom New '9'brk, Detrait, Regina, Hamilton and Toronto. After a trip to pointa east, the couiple will make their homne in Toronto. T 1CK ET S TIO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Consult JURYV & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W..- Phone 778 SPENCER CORSETIERE (Registered since 1931) Mrs. J. E. Richards BOX 33, ORONO Telephone 27-r-16 CHRISTMAS GIVE BlM A USEFUL 1 F T ROt(ARY POMwme! *Spedy and e«or4.s *NO ratdng, no tvlmmmg. * Powerod byfomwlron- Hom. lO&Oelofa, tol-f .. Mode in Ce.d v b f mafacturmr . of ign flvintud. edlire Out.ar( Mom 7. PALMER MO0TOR SALES 20 King St. E. Phones 487 Bowmanville DOIGTASA , GETA LAW -BOY GOOD USED CARS Coine ln and Look Tbemn Over 1951 Dodge Sedan 1949 Plymouth Suhurban 1949 Chevrolet Sedan 1948 Pontilac Coach 1947 Plymouth Sedan TRUCKS 1950 Mercury 3-ton 1949 Dodge 3-toi Special Combinatioti Dtmp 198Fargo Stake 1949 Dodge '/2-ton pick-up 1942 G.M.C. 1-on paiel Palmer Motor Sale s 20 Kilig st. E. Buwmanville Phone 481 3 PAGE THTZTEN been loaded at C.P.R. yards O IU R with Christmas treesan scores BT AR of transport loads have gone out. Late buyers are having difficul- MRS. JOHN COCHRANE ty securing any tçees. Mr. Bill Hamniton of Have- One of Clarke Township's lock, a C.P.R. conductor and oldest citizens passed away nt former resident here, has recov- Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ered after his recent illness. Bill ville, on Nov. 14, at the age of is o1, the passenger train froni 92 years. Although in fadling Havelock to Bobcaygeon. health -for some tinie, Mis. Y.P.U. have reorganized and Cochrane was quite active un- are Planning for a %successful til the last week, when she broke year in church activities. lier hip. Our new lire hall looks very Mrs. Cochrane, who was the creditable alter its recent coat former Emma Billings, wa.s boni of paint. in Clarke Township, near En- We ae sory o lern tat terprise, on Nov. 5, 1861. being We ae srry a larn hata daughter of the late Mr. and Mr. Willis Whiteside lias been Mrs. Rufus Billings. She spent taken ta a Toronto Hospital lier *entire life in the commuil- with a heart condition.. ity, except for a few years of Most local men have returned ber girlhood at Valentia, in Mar- ta the General Motors, Oshawa, iposa Township, and a short after their recent layoff. time in Bowmanville and Orono. She was united in marriage ta John Cochrane, on Nov. '-0, L ake Shore, Clark e 1889, in Bowmanville, and ie ail the rest of her life on hi fanm in the McCrea's district. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake, Mrs. She is survived by one son, Aif. Brown and Mrs. W. Holmes Roy, living on the homesteai attended the funeral .of Miss and one daugher, Ethel (Mrs. Gladys Long, Toronto. Thos. McRoberts), Tyrorie. Aiso Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Bnown and surviving are eight grandchild- Jack visited Mrs. H. Brown at ren and ten great-grandchildren. the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Her husband predeceased lier and while in Toronto attended on Sept. 26, 1927. the Royal Winter Fair. Mrs. Cochrane was a member TheLak Shre adis K S.of McCrea's United Churcli. CheLubketoe aie . -1Funeral service, cond'îcted bv & C. Cu e at the home of, Rev. James E. Harvey, 'a form'or Mrs. P. H. Van Leeuven. Next pasOr, was held froni the resî- meetng t te hme ! Ms.,dence on Nov. 16, with inter- Jack Holmes. ment in McCrea's cemetery. Mr. and Mns, Bob Rutherfordi Th ere were many lovely floi- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. a] offerings from relativec, W. Adams. friends and neighbours, The The Lake Shore H. & S. Club palibearers were Wm-. Cochralie. will hold a meeting Friclay Hiartwell LoNvery, Lyall Low- evening, Dec. 4 at 8.30. Cards' cry, Wm. Miller, Keith Bradley will be played. and Gardon Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldredi and family and Mr. and Mrs.1 CLEANING COMMENTS Chas. Alldned and famnily and' NIrs. Paul Hotson, spent Satur- Sor, non-rev'ersible beits. day in Toronto with Mn. and1 beits of imitation suede, aor Mr.s. Reg. Woohams. leathenette. beits with cardt4oard Mr. and iVrs. Alf. Wilkins" lining, glued belts, canot be and faii wene Sunday visit- cleaned. Help your Cleaner ta ors with Mr. and Mrs. hs serve you better. Lakeshore Bedwn. Cas.Division, Dry Cleanens Institute Mr. and Imrs. W. Holmes (Otaio im-ei spent a week in Toronto with Mr. and MVrs. Bob. Shupak and while there attended the Nov- ember Durhamn Club meeting. T H 1 S is , 1 ý 1 , 114 b Il e 1 ., : 1 1