PAGE FOUTRTEX (Col are ni bave ThE V~ied us Ment Cipali ta lei sesmn Coine Scho. H flece new that taxe Pen cou ty-r fr c C Str ta t Ali De wo ro n'o as. Y Bai. iir theii two HEUATRU - BOWMANVILLE FEIDAY -- SATURIPAY - DEC. 4 - 5 ~FAITH DOMERGUE NON. M i4-TURS., DECEK!rEll7 -8- 9 - 10 -~ THE PICTURE SEVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT! jj ADULT NERTAI"'MENT ,; ýiitlet! CARTOON Anuai Turkey Dinner and Dance Reid by Jr. Farmers ai Newcastle '.Are Durbam County Juniors the head table*and guests. Mr. really good judges, or just prize J. Hartwell Lowery, Warden of 'bulI-shooters?'"' was the ques- the United Counties, was pres- tion raised by Assistant Rep. c-nita bring geetings from the Jim Brown as hie introduced the Coointies. "Miss Beverley Gray" teamn whicb' won the Jeffrey presented the Past-Pmesidents' Bull Memoriai Trophv, Bey Pin ta the immediate Past-Pme- Gray who won the Stoniehouse sident, Farficombe LeGresley. tmophy for being high man in The Public Speaking Contest the Dairy Cattie division Of bad two entries. Carl Boynton those competitions, and alsa the from York County, Vice Presi- four winning teams wvho repres- dent of the Junior Farmers' As- ented Ontario at National 4H- sociation of Ontario, pesented Club Week. These introductions a tropby ta the winner, Francis weme made at the Durham Cotin- Jase. Thlis tropby was donated ty Annual Turkev Banquet ai-i by J. M. James, M.P. who was Dance heid at Newcastle Coin- unabie ta be present. The sec- munity Hall on Friday, Novem- anti speaker, Ruth McHolm, e- ber 27. ceived a $4 voucher for hier A toast ta these winning teatît: speech about Aicohol. was proposed by Stuart Dorrcll The musical talent o! the and replied ta by Harvey Gra- cOtntvwýas exhibited by a ham, the hîgh man for Ontari lo ureteKnBterGrl in the Grain Teamns. miss jean Brown, Jack Allen, and Bruce Z4Joble, Home Econoinist. tt'1î Taylai' wbosang three numbers. intraduced the Durhbam Deï- Thex- will represent Durham gate ta the 4H Club Congt'eis Coutîit,*- at the Quartette coin- be:ng heid in Chicago beginnia t cuîi6n for the province in Nov. 28, Miss Mary McHoimn, January. Welcome. . A very successful evening Immediately followilîg the 1clr\v ta a close following danc- meal Hazel MWhite lied a slng ing ta the music o! Jack Minifie sang. She was. accompanied by and bis Rice Lake Islanders. lV -a: .;aiet Aiken. The CnnîIIIIVD: ______________ rector, David Wilson,ttttecr Pl. Perry Hospital ft~Pft NITD.Auxîliary Holds i Meeting TI-e Auxîliary of the Com-s ROYL C NADAN mtnity Hospital, Port Perry,D ROYAL _________________firs annual meetingt -Nov. 171,1, in the Public Libra-c ~ y.The forty women's organiza-r M OUNTED POLICE os omrsn the- Auxiliary,c w.eîe w-ail represented. i Titis group of women, womk-A A -iîmîted nuniber of l'e- r lti quietly and efficiently, haved cruig wîli be engag-ed in thîs Idonie an amazing amount of!t Force during the next three W(Ik by hv ucae months. mniLin eded articles of equip-h te-ent for the hospital, also yardA To be eligible foi' engage- I goodics. from xvhicb the sewing ment an applicant raust meet o itehaeutndsw I the basic qualifications re- av r 9ttee)aics for ten f quired, somne of which are set room.w out below: During the past two months iy ....Mut be ingle the w-amen bave donated over t Mus besinle.900 containers of fruit and jam P ....eigh-5 eet inces. for the bospitals requirements. ....Heiht-5fee 8 iche. 1These officiers were eiected R ...Chest Measureient -a for the coming ycar: President,R "mean" average of 5 rs. M. B. Dymond; lst Vice,V inches. Mr'î. F. Baker; 2nd vice, Mrs. J. Sc ta 0 ear RIobertson: secretary, Mrs. Bruce l ....Age-18 o3yer Ho1îbv; treasutîer, Mrs. Donald A (preference is given ta Ciozier. Pl those between 19 and 25.) It was suggc-sted that, whenM .... .Education-at least coin- making their Cbristmas cakes cc plete Grade VIII but and puddings, as many women yc preferably Grade X. as possible include a small oneM for the Community Hospital. tit For' furbui' information enquire ai Donations could ho left at t'le Ti $bc neari R.C.M. Police offlice. haine of Mrs, M. B. Dymond,pl or phone 106, for furtber infor- nYtion. bu njthi H sh sin, Miss Shirley Bac-, on Fmi- day evc-ning witb Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin.* Mm. and Mrs. George Johns and Mm. anci Mîs. L. Joblin vis-j itc-d Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black at Haydon on Fiday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fr-ank Harris and Miss Shirley Fitzes, Cc-dam Cî'eek, visited Mr, and Mrs. George Johns. Mrs. H. Vine and Charles vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Reg Middle- ton at Maiton. Mrs. George Ncsbitt, Orîllia, and Miss Mvargaret Stc-clc-, R. N., Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. George Johns spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and Mr. and Mî's. L. Jablin, spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Bateman, Cac-sarea. IMr. and Mrs. Lamne Middle- ton and Marilyn, Omemee, vis- iteri their uncle and aunt, Mm. andi Mrs. Herman Wilson. Mi-. and Mrs. Wilfrecl Vine visited MVr. and _Mrs. H. Vinîe. Mi. anîd iVîn. Edgar Emer-son and family, Stratford, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. M- . -iLhe-t. Dninkie Oýi'n- awa, spent an afternoon with - - ~ -i ~MrS. Winnîfrect Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Peterborough, with Miss Annie Mrs. Adelbert Beacock bas O D RKN FU Sisn been appointed on the jury and.WO D RKN FU Sis. goesto oborg extMondy. OR VERONEMr. and Mrs. Ralph Rowland, goosto oborg extMondy. OR VERONEOttawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Miss Gladys Emnerson, nurse- ter Rowland. Iin-training, Toronto, visited ber Now the whole farnily can eniy h Mr. and Mrs. uhMDn parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Emer- fun and benefls of power tool wood-work- aid, Toronto, were with Mis. soli. ing. Here, at last, are "big feature" tools.. Richard Fallis. Mrs. Fallis, re- Glad to know Douglas Davi- markably hale and hearty, was soni is able to be back to ,ln' 10" Band Saw priced !aw. Tools to save you noney or celebrating her Bth ]Mrtbday. again this weeký shelves, cupboards, cabinets, bookcases... Mr. and Mrs. William Dixon, window v'alances and fine furniture.. Toronto, were visitors with Mrs. toys, gifts, novelties. These new WVork- Iae als NE WTON VILLE shojp cools are easy and safe ta operate; MrBoBoonTrntit _______Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds. buit by Atlas for long, accurate Their daugtster, Airwoman Peg- Mr. and Mis. Hibbaid moveci servIce. Corne in and sec themn. gy Reynolds, RCAF, at Lac St. ¶ta Oshav a on Wednesday and1 Denise, Que., was home for the Mr. and Mirs Ralph Boughen wceken d. moved in on Thursday. 4" Jointers Mrs. Cecil Waite and William Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gower, $31 Bigelow, Toronto, visited Mr. Oshawa, spent Sunclay witl Mir. and Mrs. Frank Bigelow on Fri- and Mis. Earl Walkev. day. Mrs. Harr 'v Worrall and two Mr'. and Mrs. Haig Bothwell, children are spending a few days sons Perrv and Craig, Peterbor- with lier parents. Mr. and Mrs. iaugh, with Mr. and Mrs. John Beedharn, Baltimore. White. Fromi now an the Unitedý Mrs. Ernest Stacey, accompan- Church service Sunday evening ied by Mrs. L. Merrick and Da- will be al 7.30 p.m. tr vid, Kingston, matored ta Kit- Congratulations ta Mi'. EarI l___ chener and visited Mr. and Mis. Xalkev wbo xwas elected -.o Charles Cutts. Clarke Township Couincil by au- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lawlori claination. S68.45685 and Bonnie Heather of Delora. The svinpathv of the comnituj- were Sunday gucits with Mvr. it v is extencd Ir) the famnily ' and MrS. Ross Carr. Mr hîlp Se ~ nsv~ o pss-Women's Association of Unit-i ed a\s ay il a B, %vilanivilie Rest ed Churcb held a very success- Home on Fricla x The funeri'a fui Turkey dinner Fridav c-yen- took place iront tin- chapel ing Xith many present from out- Jex andi Smith. Poilt Hope. oi side points. The concert was ail ,Noiidazi. itîternient was, at Lak - by local talent and provio'ed en- \VtOtt\'illC. r . rason viD ale joyable entertainment. ibose MrŽ.. R. S. Ju -1 tcn w& Dale taking part witb songs, readings1 secureci a positîion %vith Sirnul- and guitar selectiont, were[ sn-Scars of Toironto, wùs called Messrs. Ted Spencelý, Alla to J unwer .NB. \ý 1n ir 0P erston and MrsCrio, rs. I î-la "Ra~a~ud Sow,~ ardkvare - Sporting Goods - Electrical Appliances er ribo ai ap e 3f KI tjidn ~î~3 ING ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE -. PHONE 408 Earl Argue, Mis~s M;,rie Carri uccitiuit. _____________________________________ and MI-S. T. Jerînuiiis, fýev. Law-N, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Wi11 Reside ini Newcaslle 1 OBITUARY REV. J. P. HENDERSON A former minister of te Bethany United Church charge who returned ta live in retire- ment in Bethany, Rev. James P. Henderson, died suddeniy Nov. 21 of a heart attack in his 66th year. Born in Halton courtty, hie was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson. He was educated in Georgetown high school, Miltan Model School and received bis M.A. degree before taking bis theological training at Knox College. Before studying for the min- istry, Mr. Henderson served overseas with the Canadian Ex- peditionary Force. He was ordained at a charge in South Alberta and then serv- ed in succession at Gervin, Sask., Dawson Creek, B.C., Berwyn and Lavaie, Alberta, Renfrew, andi then Bethany. VQhiie in Bethany from 1944 ta 1948 lie showed bis particu- lar interest in young people and their problems. He was mainly responsible for arganizing and building the cammunity rink and even helped himself in the labor involved including digging post haies.C After- leaving Bethany he moved ta Rednersville, Ont., and then Westmieath before iii health for'ccd bis retirenient this surn- mer'. It was said of him that he flot onl' preached bis Christian- ity but lived it. He is survived by bis wife, the foirmer Ernestine Willeý't, five childi-en, Mrs. Ray Robin- son (Ernestine) and Mrs. Ralph Malcolm (Ruth) bath of Yelver- tan; Gardon of Toronto, John of Buckingham, Quebec, Mur- ray at home and four grand- children, Judith and Clare Rab- inson and Cynthia and Karen Malcolm; a brother George Hen-t ciersan of Dawson Creek and three sisters, Miss Annie Hen- lerson, Mrs. W. R. Lamb and Mliss Christina Henderson of Ac tan. Bethany United Church was fiiled ta capacity for the funeral on Nov. 24th. Many mninisters were present from the surround- irig district, including represen- tatives from the Renfrew and f Peterborough Presbyteries. 0 The service was in charge of Rev. Lawrence Norman, withC Rev. James Hampson of Green- vood reading the seripture les- aons. Rev. R. Prosser, Renfrew , led in prayers, and Rev. A'. Armstrong af Part Perry preached the sermon. .During bis term in Bethany, A Mr. Hendeî'son had especialiy IE concentrated on working with 9 oung people, and there are li many who remember with gra- Jtude bis active leadership in fý ruxis Square and Young Pc-o- b ýle's Union. le The many beautiful floral tri- y )utes lined the entire altar of s. te churcb. Pallbearers were Ralph Mal-M olm, Ray Robinson, Orr Lamb, W V. Donaldson, A. H. Watson and Y ioward Malcolm. Burial was iny Ïelverton cemetery. NESTLETON Mrs M. Emerson attended a hower in Toronto for ber cou- ORMISTON - BLATCH Cbrysanthemums and ferns formed the.setting in the chapel o! Albert Street United Church, Oshawa, an Saturday afternoon, Nov. 28, for the mammiage o! Viargaret Patricia Blatch and Ivan Howard Ormiston with Re-v. S. C. H. Atkinson officiat- ing. The bride is daugbtem o! Mr. A. E. Blatch, Oshawa, and the late Mrs. Blatcb, and the bride- groom is son o! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ormiston, o! Enfield. Given in marriage by ber father the bride wore a navy blue suit with a white velvet la! bat and white accessories. 'c-llow roses comprised ber cor- 3age. Mms. William Wilson who was tatron-of-honor for ber sister, xare a light blue suit with a1 jellow accessories and a corsage( -Photo by Alpha Studio o! red roses. Hem jewelry was a mhinestone choker and eaî'rings, the gif t of the bride. The best man was Mm. Wilfmed Alexan- dem. A meceptian was hc-ld in the banquet ball of the churcb. Mms. A.* E.* Blatch, stepmother o! the bride. received, wearing royal blue lace- witb a white bat. The bridegmooni's mother who as- sistc-d ber was in navy blue crepe with a matching bat. Bath wore corsages o! cbrysanthemums. Later Mm. and Mrs. Ormiston ieft for a wc-dding trip and on their return wiii bive at En- field. For travelling the bride donned a Persian iamb fabrie shortie coat over ber wedding ensemble. The bride and bridegroom ex- changed gifts of luggage. The bridegroom presc-nted the best man with a personal gift. Canada today is second ta the United States as a 7he wayiba mans - heart 1% via Give Him 0 0 only pro- Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaugh- lin and Lawrence attended the Winter Fair. Lawrence entered bis cal! in the 4-H Cal! Club competition. Mrs. Lamne Pollon and Mms. Sparmow, Dafoe, Sask., and Mrs. Annie Watson, Caesamea, visit- ed Mrs. Jas. Farder. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Brown, Oshawa, visited the Grant Thompson's. Mrs. John Dickey spent last week visiting friends in Toron- t . adMs a.Hri t Mr. nd he. Jas. ar rsat- e ateedtefueraloy Ms. Pw rs tGPorgerry. san Ms RshGorgtenoers tnd Miss Rth Pbordutmeaten ndte ba- pia oadmein nPotPr Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tbomp- son visited Mr. and Mms. Alex Gilbert, Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb and Ruth, Enniskillen, Mr. Richard Olver, Brooklin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ceeil Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Lamb and Mr. and Mrs. Ceeil Wilson attended the funemal a! Mrs. Nellie Brandon at Fenelon Falls. Mr. Scott Hutchison, Tommy and Ronnie, visited Mrs. Herman Samelîs. Mrs. Donald Tbompson ani Miss Chrystal Fallis visited Mr. and Mrs. Max Fallis, Toronto, and attended the Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Ce-cil Wilson, Gwen and Eunice, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clame Thompson, Brooklin. Mrs. Jas. Ferrier, Pertb, Mrs. Frank Symonds, Joan and Nancy, Bowmanviile, visited their parents, Mr. and Mms. N. C. Marlow. Miss Rose Mountjoy and Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjay, were Sunday dinner guests co! Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barber and Brian, Courtice, brougbt Mrs. Ada McKee home on Sunday after a visit at their home. Miss Rose Mountjoy spent a couple of days witb Mrs. Jemi- son, Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colm, Gail, Bannie and Glen, with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nes- bitt. Mrs. George Bowers and Mrs. Grant Thampson enjoyed a northern trip with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mamlow. Mrs. Bowers visited Mm. and Mrs. Lonnie Cbapman and Paul, Trout Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. Mamlow and Mrs. Thompson visited Dr. and Mrs. Jack Mamlow, Lively, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Ce-cil Elliot and Randy, Long Brancb, were J guests of Mm. and Mms.B.R Knight. Mrs. Fred Rogers, Oshawa, I visited ber mother, Mrs. Jas.1 Sameils and Norman. Mrs. Alice Farder spent Sun- day witb Mm. and Mrs. S. Sta- pies, Cavan. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tbompson spent the weekend in Beaver- ton with bis brother, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thompen Brian and Johnny of Hamilton. ,,Word bas been received a! the marriage o! Miss Caty Nec-f and Mm. Harry Vander Heul in Holiand iâst Saturday. The happy couple are expected home this week via air and will be most welcome in tbe coin- munity. Mm. and Mms. John McGamry, Lorraine and Mrs. McGarry Sm., Toronto, with Mr. and Mms. Jas. Hiarris. Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip and Mrs. Irvine with Mm. and lWrs. Hamry Campbell, Bailie- boo. Mm. and Mrs. Jas. Vanstone, Camc-ron, visited their.cousinsg VMr. Elmer Nesbitt and Mm. and! vMrs. Marvin Nc-sbitt. Sunday visitors with Mm. andi virs. Gardon Mc-tcalf wer-: Mm. and Mrs. Gardon Harrison )mneme-, and Mm. and Mms. j Bruce Meteaif, Bowmanvilie.1 Mr. and Mrs. Meteaif rc-mained rr a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gist îith Mm. and Mrs. Francis Gist it Laing. Douglas Davison rc-turned ta zbhool Monday. We hope he en- sys bis reunion witb classmates and teachers in Grade X at 'amtwmigbt Higb Sebool. EXTIRA Ma>&rpti Christmas catis for MORE of everything that's good . . especially MTLK! Be sure to order plenty to glorify youm holiday cook- Puddings, pies,- cakes and cookies, cream g ravies and soups, rich sauces, egg nogs... what a happy host of good things you're planning for your family and friends... and so many of them cali for lots and lots of wholesome, farm-fresh milk! Order EXTRA milk now! Glen Rae Dairy TELEPHONE 444 BOWMANVILLE Be Sure to Hear... THE VIDEO-ETTES Internationally featured artists with their Visual Varieties and Novelty Musical Instruments Canada's Only Prof essionai Swiss Handbell Ringers - p L US - Canada's outstanding folk singers SELMA and HENRY DIALUSHI at the Newcastle High Scàhool Concert COMMEand COMMNCEMENT EXERCISES FRIDAY, DECEMBER llth at 7:30 p.m. Newcastle Communiiy Hall plus other vocal artists, and Ad ulis, 75c Sludents, 50c Children (12 and under) 35c ./~ Shown following their marriage on November 20 in Trinity United Church parsonage are Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks. The bride is the former Miss Shirley Brummel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Brummel, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hicks. They will reside in Newcastle. tee penc dlun athe surr oveý Ib.y t inar Up Libi ed. idp Coli flot exp con, the taw Eq nem old dur the put cati sw4 ve Nesilefon Stafion WEDDING 1 THURSDAY, DEC. SM, IM 1 rence Norman was chairman. Municipal Elections IFAST RELIEF FOIR Thei'e will b no municipal COMMON election lor Manvers Township this year. On Friday the nom- inations were heid and on mo-O R tion of Henry Jakeman and SR George Smith, ail the aid council were returned by acclamation: Reeve, Alian Beer; Deputy- Reeve, Eari Argue; Councillors,1 H RA John Payne, Ralph Malcolm HO' and Addison Scott. Later in the afternoon on motion of Orme - Miller and Fenton Fallis, Hen- ry Jakeman was proposed as a new member of the council and on motion of Chares McNeil andKIGO Clifford Curtis, Robert Brown, Pontypool, was aiso nomiriated. Both these gentlemen quaiified for election, but on Saturday wîthdrew from the running. Humor(