PAGE SIXTEE TEE ANAIANSTAT~MA. WW lMLMV , , .U.-f- 'I£q & 4%9"%pT7SCmAV VsVP' .a .~nA, r,1 PROIR Turn Page for Additional Classified BIRTHS GRAHAM-Mr. and Mrs. John L. P. Graham are happy to announce the birth of their daughter (Elizabeth Ann) at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Thursday, Nov. 26, 1953. A sister for Lloyd. 49-.1* McDONALD-Milford and Helen McDonald (nee Adams) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Lawrence Tracy, on November l8th at Memorial Hospital. A baby brother for Gerald and Maurice. 49-1* McFEETERS-Mr. and Mrs. George McFeeters (nee Barbara Forrester) are happy to ann- ounce the birth of twins, Caren Denice and Kenneth Dwight on Friday, Nov. 27, at Oshawa Generai Hospital. A brother and sister for Marcia. 49-1 ORMISTON-Howard and Cath- erine (nee Minto) are happy to announce the arrivai of David Howard Andrew, November 26, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, a brother for Dianne and Beatrice. 49-1* WILSON-Alan and Marg. Wil- son of Nestleton are vey happy to announce the arrivai of a baby,' Suzanne Elaine, sister for Glenda, on Sunday, November 29 at Port Perry Memorial Hos- pital. 49-1 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George Brooksc wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Lucîlle Ruth, to Jack Lelland, son ofs Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moffatt.c The wedding will take place ona December 24th. 49-i DEATHSf COLE, Eizabet-In Dunsford on Wednesday, November 25, 1953, Elizabeth Cole, dear wife of the late Jacob Cole and dear ziother of Myrtle (Mrs. Laplaîn) of Dunsford and gandmotber of Douglas Thurston of Port Credit. Rested at the Mackey Funemal Home, Lindsay. Service was held in the chapel on Sat- urday, Nov. 28 at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Dunsford Cemetery. 49-l1' HUDSON. Elizabeth-At the residence of ber son, Manvers Station, on Monday, Nov. 3th, Elizabeth Morton, widow of William Hudson and dear moth- er of Mrs. Sam O'Brien (Mina) of Sydney, Manitoba; Mrs. Milt- on Robinson (Elsie) of Oshawa; Mrs. A. T. Gotfrey (Millie) of Toronto; Mrs. W. Fowlcr (Marj- orie) of Peterborough, and Cliff- ord of Manvers, and predeceas- ed by Pearl, Harry, Lorne and Pansy Roberta, in ber 89tb year. Resting at the esidence of G. T. MncPherson, Funemal Director, King St., Millbrook, for service on Tbursday, Dec. 3rd at 1:30 P.m., Rev. T. Gault officiating.i Interment St. Paul's Cemetcry, Cavan. 49-1 JONES-At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Tbursday, Nov. 26, 1953, Louisa Joncs in ber 75tb year, beloved wife of the late Fred Joncs. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Sat- urday, Nov. 28 at 2:30 p.m. In- terment Hampton Cemetery. .49-1 McMURTRY, Emma-At Toron- to, en Nov. 26, 1953, Emma Ratz, widow of Edward C. McMurtry, and beloved mother of Mrs. M. Ward (Marion) of 161 Home- wood Dr., Toronto; Harold of Detroit and the late L. Carleton McMurtry. Service was at the Chapel of McDougall & Brown Ltd., 646 St. Clair Ave. W n terment Mount Pleasant Cre tery, London, Ont. 49-11 Pets Foi Sale BAB Y Budgies ready for train. ing and for Christrias presents. Apply to Mrs. L. Richards, 6,5 Church St. 49-3 For Reni THREE - ROOMED apartment. .Apply Mrs. J. Sheard, Eniskill- en. 49-1 SIX-roomed house, with three piece bath. Apply 65 Liberty St. S. 49-1l* SMALL heated furnished apart- ment, central, available January lst. Phone 416. 49-1 * APARTMENT for rent. Apply Mrs. B. Annis, 16 Division St., Apartment 2. 49-1* THREE nice rooms, heated, reas- onable, suitable for couple with smaîl baby. Phone 3602. 49-1- BRIGHT four-room h e a t e d apartment on King St. West, aduits only. Apply 29 King St. West. 49-1 HEATED apartment, four rooms, kitchenette and three-piece bath, built-in cupboards, tile floor throughout, automatic washer. Immediate possession. Apt . 7, 63King St. . 49-1* COMING-EVENTS Corne to the poinsettia tea ani bazaar in St. John's Parisb Hall Dec. 4th, 2:30 to 5 p.m. 49- Bowmanville Nurses' Associa tion wili bold a homebaking ani gift sale at Kitson's Locker, Sal urday, December 5th, fror 9 to 5. 48-ý Dance in Tyrone Communiti Hall on Friday, December 4th IMusic by Ruth Wilson's Variet) Band. Sponsored by Tyron( Football Club. 48-ý Are you organizing a Christ mas party? Dominion Stores Bowmanville, offer extra loy prices on bulk candies, nuts oranges, etc. Enquire from local Manager. 49-. Musical comedy, "Happines: Ahend" by Enniskillen Choir in Enniskillen Community Hall, Wednesday, December 9th, by ticket only. Saturday, Decem- ber l2tb by admission at the door. 50c and 25c. 49-1 Be sure to attend the -New- castle Higb School concert and Commencement Exercises or Friday, December lith at 7:30 p.m., featuring the Video-fttes, Swiss band-bell ringers. See advertisement on page 11. 49-1 The annual turkey banquet of the Durham County Holstein Club will be beld in Orono Unit- cd Cburch on Friday, December 4tb at 6:30 p.m. Guest speaker, Mr. D. R. Morrison, Bowman- ville. Tickets $1.75. Program will include musical numbers. 48-2 Heather Social Club is hold- ing its annual bazaar and tea on Saturday, December Sth at 2:30 p.m., in Orono Township Hll. There will be the usual sale of Cbristmas cakes, home c00king, candy, farm produce, apple juice, aprons, knitted wear and fancywork. There will also be a "toucb and take" bootb for the cbildren. Come, and bring your friends. 49-1 Wanted DOUBLE bed-sitting room with use of kitchen and bath for two girls. No objection to iight duty or baby-sitting. Phone 3414. 49-1 Boom arnd Board FOR single person. or two friends to share. Phone 3232. 49-1 NICE room with twin beds, suitable for two girls; board optional. Ahl conveniences. Tele- phone 3452. 49-3 Help Wanted SUPERVISORS required for On- tario Training Schooi for Boys. Apply in person to the Super- intendent. Phone 3301. 49-i WANTED: Man for steady trav. el among consumers in Bow- manville. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable h us tie r considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. L-140- 131, Montreal. 49-2 BE first in your surroundings selling our 250 products and gift boxes. Interesting specials with free products are awaiting al ambitious dealers. For details on our agency write to: Familex, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. 3, Mont- real. 49-1 SALESMEN Due to recent promotions we re- quire two aggressive, intelligentJ salesmen to, help organize the S Bowmanville area. Must be ,villing worker. Car an asset.- Interviews will be granted on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday (Dec. 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th) Ci from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, at1 ALGER BLDG., 37 King E., Oshawa 2nd Floor, Room 22 49-1 Wanted To Buy ,50 PULLETS ready to lay. Phone 2830. 49-1* A TURNIP pulper. Clarencei Turner. Phone 2075. 49-1* ONE used doîl pram and one used child's desk in good con- dition. Phone 2692. 49-i BEFORE selling your ive poul- try, try us. Our prices are high. er. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany Phone 7 r 13. Reverse charges. 51-tf WANTED-Live poultry. goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iron, rags and metals. Raw furs and deerskîns. Phone 3-2043 Oshawa. col]ect. 46-tf WHEAT WANTED Will Buy ANY QUANTITY 0F GOOD WHEAT Must be FREE FROM SMUT AND WEEVIL ,Tà T I II1tnn T fi à CHROME kitchen sets, 4 chairs anid table complete, $69.50; bcd- room suites, 3-piece -bcd, dress. er and chest o! drawers, $84.50; chesterfield suite, 3-pc., $129.50; space heaters, aIl 20%: off, at Murpby's Fumniture and Apphi- ance, 47 King St. W., Bowman- ville. Phone 811. 49-1 TURKEYS Orders taken now for Christmas and New Year's. Broad-breasted yount birds. 14 lhs. and un. 1 Business Opportunity' Oven-dressq WANTEýD: man with car or 491 BOWMANVIJ truck to act as distributor for chemicals used to unblock and Persona.1 recondition septic tanks, drain- TU] lnes and cesspools. To the man HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber vndes wishing to be in business for goods) mailed postpaid in plain O.edrs himself either on a full or part sealed envelope with price list. time basis this offers an ex- Six samples 25c, 24 samples PRHIL cellent opportunity. Reply to $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Box 100. c/o Canadian States- Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- Bol4manvtlle man. 49-3 ilton, Ont. 1-52 sed and Delivered 1FINNE Y ILE PHONE 2309 48-2 RKEYS ïed and Delivered FINNEY Phone 2309 49-1 IP Articles For Sale STurkeys for Christmas re.Young Broad-breasted Bronze )-*1 aid Nebraska. Apply R. R. 2 C. BOREK BURKETON Articles For ale id CHRISTMAS trees, ail kin l, Phone 2359. 4ý .1 DOLL buggy, maroon and gr( - Phone 648. 49- id - UPRIGHT Williams piano. Te' m phone 2713, Newcastle. 49. .2 TUEXDO, size 38, water tai ,y 30-gallon. Phone 403. 4S à. RANGETTE stove. Phone 36 y after 7 p.m. 49- ,ONE fur coat, size 14. App 16 Division St., Apt. i. 49- CEDAR rails for sale. Phoi rOrono 5 - 10. 48- iBALED straw for sale. Phoi 12594. 49- ONE portable galvanized bat tub, painted, white enam4 n Phone 2874. 49 ySAWING machine on rubbE -wil] sell or trade for cattl ePhone 2298. 49- 1LLOYD convertible carriag -grey, excellent coedition. Duke St., after 7 p.m. 49 CHRISTMAS TREES (pine).1 L. Evans, 10 Carlisle Avenu. Phone 2781. 49-, CHILD'S large size crib, wil 1inner spring mattress. Phor f2524. 49-1 GLOXINIA bulbs, ahl colour make lovely Christmas gift Stewart's Seeds. 49 ONE giri's wine winter coa size 12, very reasonable. Phor 683. 49- SUNS IlNE kiddie-kar, excelle] condition. Phone 3444 or appl 91 Queen St. 49-1 LADY'S white skates, size in good condition. Phone 249, 49- ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bag deiivered in Bowmanviiîe. Phor 2473. 31-1 QUANTITY beech and mapl cordwood, sawed into stovewoc length. Sample at 20 Hunt S Phone 916. 49. FOUR-PIECE solid walnut bec room suite, no spring. or matl ress, $40; youth's bed, natura. mattress, $15. Phone 3168. 49. USED refrigerator. 6 montit old, sold for $469, for $299; usei cabinet radios $19-50, at Mur phy's. Phone 811. 49- CHRISTMAS trees--Scotch pine $1.50 up. Joe Cooper Servie, Station, King St. E. Phones 3432 - 2224. We deliver. 48-t SAVE on lumber, direct fror Mill to you. Phillips Lumbel Co., Kînmount, Ont. Phoni 17r11. 13-t: CHRISTMAS trees, spruce anc Scotch pine. Murray Wood, 9( Scugog St. Phone 882 or 479 49-3, SWEET apple cider, gallon oi keg, fresh weekly; deliveries Meadowmount Farms, Newcastle Phone Clarke 2811. 46-84 DRY hardwood, $18.00 per cord: slabwood $ 10.00 per cord, sawec and delivered. Phone New- castle 2146. 40-t: WESTINGHO)USE electric roast- er oven, almost new; also three- sheif open wa]nut book-case, size 3 ft. by 3 ft., 6" high. Tele. Phone Orono 17r1. 49-1* INSULATION-blowing method with rock wool, workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 49-4*-tf FLOOR coverings, 65e sq. yard; inlaid linoleumn $1.10 sq. yard; Axminster rugs, 7x9 ft., $54.50; 9X12 ft., $99; 9x15 ft., $119.50 at M.'urphy's. Phone 811. 49-1 AFRICAN violets, named var- ieties, good selection, also cacti in different sizes. Visitors wel- corne at Enniskillen Greenhouses. Phone 2468 or Blackstock 67. 47-3 FREE kitchen knife set, 6 knives, with the purchase of a new Inger.soîllwasher, $142; offer Blackstock 67 - Bowmanvlhle 2468 E nn i sk i11e n Greenhouses formerly J. K. Graham) ENNISKILLEN - ONTARIO Cut Flowers for Ail Occasions Weddings a Specialty Funeral Tributes - Potted Plants GEO BLYTHI K. SVANEFELT 45-tf TURKEYS For a Plump, Tender, Hand- picked bird with real Christmas flavour, CALL LYMER'S NOW! You are assured of the Highest Quality obtainable in Poultry. Lymer's Turkey Farm Phone 2811 Bowmanville 49-1 New and Used Tractor Saws, New and Used Chain Saws, Stable Ventilators, Cobey Spreaders, Lincoln Weld- ers, Gem Deepfreeze, Used Corn Sheller, Full line of New Holland Machines; Pedlar Water Bowls, Stable Equipment and Roofing. S. S. Morton & Son NEW HOLLAND DEALER PHONE 2279 49-1 Careful Drivers Only Bod. Injury and Prop. Dam. Ins. $10,000/20,000. $5.000. $10.80 $100 Ded. Coll. & Compr. $14.10 On your 53/54 Chev., Ford, Dodge. Easy to pay, semi-ann- ual premlum. No extra for bus- iness or the occasional driver under 25 y. Principal driver bas to be between 25 and 69 or married and over 17. Be safe and save. DIRK ]BRINKMAN NEWCASTLE PHONE 3671 Singer Sales & Service Buy at a Saving whlle they last! We still have two Demonstrator Cabinet SEWING MACHINES and one Portable at a greatly Reduced Price for Christmas Saving. Dial Bowmanville 3649 Mîr. Pogue, your local Sales Rep- resentative, has these on display., HIe is a member of our staff from your Singer Sewing Centre 7 WALTON ST. PORT HOPE 49-i ýNotices Dr. Ferguson's office will be closed durîng December. 49-2* AUICTION SALE DURHAM COMMUNITY AUCTION ORONO, ONT. To be held every THURSDAY Small items, 1:30 P.m. Livestock 2:00 p.m. Small articles not sold by 2 p.m. will be sold after livestock. 47-tf AUCTION SALE will be beld SATURDAY, DEC. 5th, 12:30, Lot 32, Con. 1, WHITBY, 112 miles West of town, No. 2 Highway Complete equipment of FARM IMPLEMENTS, inciuding tractor and tractor macbinery. also piles o! lumber, wood, poles and posts, apple, barrels, berry crates, nany otb- cm articles. 50 tons of! bay a nd baled straw. Quatitity of buse- bold furniture and antiques. 1 Chas. T. Fothergili. 49-1' ELECTION CAMI To the Electoru of South Darlington Sehool Area: Make sure your school t. are spent wisely. Vote Sweetman. 41 To the Ratepayers of South Darlington Sehool Area: Having served on the al Scbool Board for one year, I offering my services toy Scbool Board for the next suing years and if ehected, do ail I can to serve you to best of my ability for ahi cerned. J. C. Naenab. To the Electors of South Darlington School Area: At the request of severai rate- payers; and neigbbours, I bave offered my services to represent you on next year's Board. I feel that my experience dur- ing the past 20 years in churcb, scbooi and community activities, bas provided me witb a sound basis of knowledge, courage and understanding to meet the edu- cational problems in the Area. Next Monday, vote and elect- Ken Werry. 49-1 To the Electors of the South Darlington School Area I bave allowed my name to stand for Scbool Trustee in this Amen and would appreciate the support of ahi my friends and acquaintances. There is going to be an ex- tensive building campaîgn car- ried on in the next few years and I feel the experience I have gained during twenty years in various stages 0f the building industry will be of benefit to the Scbool Board. If you see fit to elect me I wiil serve you to the best of my abihty. Ds ýaxes i91* bove 1amn your en- wil the con- Wilfred J. Brown, Courti 49. ce. ý..* To the Electors of South Darlington School Area: After baving been a member of the Scbool Board since it was formed some ten years ago, I bave decided to stand for re- election. I feel I b.ave at least gained some experience to help solve the problems in this apidly growing Area. I am well aware of the needs in the various schools and it bas always been my policy to support wbat I tbink best. Regardless of where you are situated and for good of whole Amen new class rooms must be provided this coming year and other services rend- ered, but remembering that the only way a scbool board gives these services is tbrougb taxes that you, the Ratepayer, pays. I do net intend to make personal cahls but urge nIl Ratepayers te get out and vote. Your support for and on my bebaîf will be appreciated. Harold C. Muir. To the Electors of Bowmanvillq Having bad four years' e:, perience as Councillor, I a. again offering my services i that capacity. I hereby soiic, your support on Monday. Wilfrid Carruthers. ________ 49-1 To the Electors of the Town o! Bowmanville: Having been nominated as candidate for Town Council fo this coming year, I would lil< to solicit your vote and suppor in the forthcoming Municipa Election on December 7tb. Thomas F. Rehder.4- le: zil a e )r m ie st To the Eleetors o! the Town of Bowmanville: I have again allowed my name to stand for position of Councili- or for tbe 1954 Bowmanville Town Council. It bas been a pleasure to serve the citizens during the past five years and if I am entrusted witb the me- sponsibility for another term I will endeavour to serve you with the same integrity. No matter wbom you supporti be sure to vote on December 7th. Nelson E. Osborne. 1 To the Voters of the Town of Bowmanville: I am standing for Councilloi for 1954. If you feel that I car be of service to you during tbE coming yenr, I earnestiy equest your support. For information and transpor- tation on Dec. 7th dial 3639. Thank you. Respectfully, Bernard Kitney. To the Electors of the Town of Bownianvllle: I bave been nominated for the Position o! Councillor for the 1954 Bowmanville Council. If I amn elected I will do every- thing in my power to do what is best for the majority of citîzens of this town. Be sure to vote on Monday, December 7th for the candidates of your choîce. Season's greet- ings. 49-11 Cars For Sale '41 DELUXE Ford coach, two- tone, heater, defroster, good condition, winterized, sacrifice. Phone 545. 49-1 '38 CHEV. coach, heaiter, de- froster. radio, tires good; winter- ized. Phone 2500 after 6 p.m. 49-1I '46 CHEV. sedan, good con- dition, motor recently over- hauled, must seli. Good buy, cash or terms. Phone 2318 after 6 p.m. 351 Liberty N. 49-1w Work Wcmted HOUSEWORK, in Bowmanvil lApply 16 Silver Street. 49- FLOOR and wall ti1es lh Phone 2753. 47 DARLINGTON Abattoir, Har ton, for custom killing. Phc CHAIN sawing. Apply Per Swain. Phone Blackstock 89j 49- SWAIN Seed Cleaners will open on Monday and Wednesà until further notice. Phoi Blackstock 89r11. 49- EAVESTROUQHING contrac ing. Free estimates. Apply C. Gould, Clarevilla Apartmenr Newcastle. 4 A DUTCH girl would like hous work for three or four days week, or baby-sitting. P. V. Scbaaf, 12 Prospect Street. 49 IF YOU have any carpent work or intend to remodel, bui or like iayout assistance for yc new home, give us a caîl, no j, too big, no job too small. For fr estimates and a guaranteed ji Phone Don Brooks, 3670. 34. Masonry Consiructia BRICK - BLOCK - CONCREI Free Estimates ANGER BIROS. PHONE-2643 or 3375 Y49-3* One More Order, DEC. 12 SPECIAL--Twenty Items $1.25 CALL OR PHONE 3038 NIrs. Rohert Kerr 99 King St. E. Bowmanville 49-1 * Bugs, Broadloom SAVE 50%. New Rugs Made from Your OId Rugs, Carpets, WoolIens, etc. Dominion Rug Weaving Company Phone 3446 Bowmanvllle 49-tf USED chesterfield suites, 3-pc., $49.50; used coal range, Findlay, in good condition, $39.50; used chrome sets, table and 4 chairs, $39; used steel beds, $5; used ,Hide-a-bed, complete, like new,l regular $129 for $59 at Murphy's Furniture and Appliance, 47 King St. W., Bowmanville. Tele- phone 811, 49-1 DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will cail at your home any time with a complete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Free estimates and free in- stallation within 35-mile area. Lowest prices in town. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Phone 3609, Bowmanville. 8-tf SKATES SHARPENED 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear 1 ~47-1 CARPENTRY WORK Alterations Cupboard Roofing Cementing AIso expert Decorating .Reasonable Rates H. K A S S 1 N G E R Phone Bowmanville 2772 bSkates Sharpened SHOES REPAIRED ZIPPERS REPAIRED and Replaced at Lloyd Ellis Shoe Sion 39 King St. W. Phone 94, BOWMANVILLE CONCREE and MON WORK STRUCTURAL -and REPAIR L. TURNER PE 'HONE 3600 '. Box 177 EVENINGS 3231 Bowmanville BULLDDZING and TRENCHING and LOADING BY HOUR OR CONTRACT - Free Estimates Given - WM. TRIPP PORT PERRY R. R. 2 PHONES: Res. 109r42, Office 392 Phone 3613 FOR PROMPT SERVICE PIum bing and Heating PROBLEMS LOW DOWN PAYMENT - EASY TERMS ON New Installafions w s *A. KILPATRICK 48-tf FURNACES A ir Conditioning Oil Durners iheet Melal Work EXPERIENCE COUNTS Eavestroughing DAVIS & CO. 2 Mill Lane Bowmanville Phone - Day or Night, 3412 - 691 16-tf Li TWf Dec( 2662 24 E mont castl âvestock For Sale rO Holstein heifers due in cember and February. Phone ý2. 49-1 BARRED Rock puhlets, seven nths old, laying; gov't tested; 50 each. Phone 3386, Ne- PUREBRED Herefordbl,1 montbs, not registered. Raày-ý mond Clapp, Tyrone. Phone 2980. __ 49-1* ONE grade Holstein beifer duc to fresben in seven weeks and one registered Holstein beifer, 20 months old. Apply F. Le Gresley. Phone 3656. Newcastle. 49-1 * at 1 p.m. at home of the late Mrs. Horatio Hilîs, Tyrone 5- piece velour parlour suite, liv- ing-room table, red cedar; ex- tension dining table, sideboard and chairs, rocking chairs, also odd chairs, Axminster rug, near- ]y new, l0'xlO'; tapestry rug 12'xl8'; 6-legged drop-leaf table, kitchen chairs, wahnut dresser and bcd, tbrce-piece bedroom suite, cedar chest, 2 spool beds, mattresses, antique bail rack, pictures, some dishes and glass- ware, elcctric two-burnem stove, (Moffatt element); bot-plate, radio, kitchen range, (Acme): various other articles too num- erous to mention. Terms cash. No reserve. Wesley Hilîs, clerk. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 49-1 Opening o! New Auction Arena ONF MILE NORTH 0F THE House That Jack Buili ON TOWNSHIP UINE, Tuesday, December 8 SALE EVERY Tuesday Evening at 7:30 Sale o! Livestock 2V2% Furniture 10% Any Article Not SoId, No charge J. F. WOOD, Auctioneer. OSHAWA Phone 5-5980 The Canadian Statesmail CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - HELP WANTED CARS FRSALE LOST FFOUND ETC. Cash Rat* 3c pr wot ,. With a minimum of Soc Mu"tet paid by date ofiisertiOD if charqed, an additionai 25(cq wil be added. A charge o1 2bcwîillb. muide IQ al repliez directed 10 Ibis Office- NOTICES. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F TiIANES 3c a Word with a minimum o1 1.00 for 33 words or les. BuRTifS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, 1MARRIAGES $1.00 per nsertion 1N MEMORIAM$ $1.00 plus IOc a lino tor verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDI Includes aitadvertisinq foi porno ns or firmus silinq services. ideos or goods of any description -3c per word;. minimum charge 75c cash wlth order. To, requlal payable monthly Dispiay CIansified al 31.50 pei inch with a minimum of ont inch. Addiional insertions ai the same rate*. Ail Classified Ade. muaihtrl ibis office flot laotere thon 12 o'clock noon. Wednezday. Sand cash, stamps or mon.y oidernand cave mon.y. Clip ibis out for handy reference 1 : SAVE MONEY AT DAVE'S n n it - 1 1 r 1 -. 1- 1 40-ti THE C"ADIAN STATESMM. BOVICANMIAL DIMAMO -i'RimItnAV- Mpre qpà qok.& 9 33le Real Estate ForSale Real Estate For Saie 11le. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TWO 50-acre lots suitable 1* Properties Sold, Rented, Christmas trees. Apply H aid. Managed and Appraised Se.PoeBtay1 7-tf L. M. A L LI1S 0ON -Real Estate Broker NEW bouse in vîiag ft nDý 'nP Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. tno cggRI>mI 2-nf Two blocks north of traffic cim yanwrngb. Phoné signal, Newcastle. Bert Hoskin, 2849. 49.1' rcy 204tf FIVE roins, brick bouse en. r4.__ detacbed, bot water haig . )-HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE piece bath, cetal en be A Mortgage Funds Write Box 99, c/o The Canadiain{ lay for present I have availabie Statesman. 49-1î, foe first mortgage investment1 tw so oney nmey WINTERIZED cottage, 5 rons - $l,00 ad $2000.fully furnished, electric stove ct- Leroy Hamilton, Broker oiu beater, good well. Bowman... to Orono Phone 1 r 16 ville East Beach. Sacrifice ati nts, 49-1 $2,600. Phone 3567. 49-1'! RELESAE-O2SL 20 ACRES pear and appleorh. ýse- EAL STAT FORSALE ard, barn and 7 room strçhyý s- Five-roomed new bungalow, atahofhue baywre i sa 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, furn-adahl osevywrn D. ac, weh buil. - 'ard and soft water, near school' 9. ac8,500.00 i. Bargain at Close to No. 2 Higbway, $8,500. ý 1$8,5 crs0n0avd0oa,.x Phone 3487, or 209 King St. E. try cellent location for subdividing. 49-1' iid 7 acres hardwood bush. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ur We have houses ranging in 7-room stucco dwelling, 2%Y job price from $5,000 up, also many acres, hydro, 3-piece bath, new ee farms from 5 acres to 200 acres furnace, hardwood filoors, somne job in size. One-acre lot in Hamp- f loor covering, kitchen 'stove, tf ton, good location, $275. cupboards, barn, hen house, - Consult us before buying. small fruit. $4,000 down. n F. A. Bruce, Broker, Toronto Quiet dignified home, 7 moins, Local Agent, Mrs. M. E. Leask solid brick, private drive, double TE Phone 919 65 Ontario St. garage, modemn tiled kitchen Bowmanvîlle with cupboards, 3-piece bath, 49-1 1furnace, hardwood floors, nicely decorated. $9,000. Possession REAL ESTATE FOR SALE arranged. .tj New six-roomed bouse not 4-room bungqlow, 2 bedrooms, -quite finished, good location, dining room, kitchen, built-in full cellar, modern kitchen, furn- cupboards, 3-piece bath, bas - ace. acreage. $4,500. Possession~ Ranch type frame five-room drranged. bungalow, nicely decorated, ahi 4-room frame bungalow, haid, conveniences, three bedrooms, wood floors, built in cupboards4ý furnace, laundry tubs, breeze- 1 insulated. $3,500. Possession;,: way, garage, landscaped; fruits. 'arranged. r)$9,000. Terms. Lot on Liberty St. N., base..", tf New five-roomed bouse, flot ment bas a sub-floor with townd -finisbed, good location; $6,500. water ready to go ahead. $800. ' Mrs. A. P. Jansen Service station with 5-roomi di Bowmanville il Duke Street apartment, 1/à-acre, office, oil. Phone 3309 after 5 p.m. stove, pop cooler, cash register,1_ Local agent for 1,200 gais a week. $5,200.!.; John F. DeWith, Realtor Many extras. 49-1 Modern wood-working plantt ,witb ail machinery, bydro, five- DeWITH REAL ESTATE room bungalow, hardwood floors tf 33 acre farm witb 7 roomed and modern kitchen, storni -frame bouse, bank barn with windows, 2 garages, large stor-.I steel roof, 1%½ miles from paved age space, good lot, good bus- road. Price $4,000. $1.000 down. iness. $6,000 down. Owner re.- 117 acres of land, 100 acres of tiring. Wili have to be seen toi wood, with 5 roomed stone l be appreciated. bouse, celar, creek, good fences. 100ars 5wralbdo Asking price $7,000. Down pay-j milk bouse, cooler, water bowls,, ment arranged. ! litter carrier, cement silo, runn- e 96 acre dlay loam farm, sx!îng water in bouse and barn, 15. î miles from Oshawa, 80 acres I room brick bouse. $10,000 dow Iworkable, creek, wells. goodi Building 66'x18'. steel sidi- road, 2 bank barns, water bowls,1 and roof. In good condition. :1 silo, cement floors, etc; 9 room- Many extras. -ed frame bouse with bath room, More lots for sale. waterworks, hydro throughout.1 Wanted-10 to 200 acres Asking price $15,000. Terms. buildings. 75 acre farm, loam, comt James Nixon. Broker ing distance from Oshawa, 451160 Liberty St. N.. Bowmanville acres worknale, creek, some Phone 682 wood; bank bnrn for 35hbead; 49-1~ 10 roomed frame bouse, bard- wood floors, beavy wiring. Ask- Lost ing price $11,000. Open for _______________ offer.1 BROWN bat at B.H.S. auditor- 1 155 acre farm, ioam, 100 acres: i umnwitb initiais G .V.H. Wili e workable land, 25 acres of wood,' excitange for bat picked up... ;f 2 wells, good bank barn for 28 Phone 3144. 49-le * -hend of cattle, ben house, etc.,,ý garage; 8 roomed frame bouse,'ON No. 2 Highway between bnrdwood floors, bydro tbrough- Maple Grove and Courtice, two out, water in stable. Price new chrome chairs. Finder $12,500. Down payment arrang- 'phone Oshawa 5-5039. Reward. ed. 49-2 7 roomed clapboard home, 1 acre lot with oil furnace, hydmo FR0 M Orono, a blue tîck hourîd. throughout, on good road. Price Note this dog bhas no tail. Any- $5,500. Easy down pnyment. body seeing this bound or know- 7 romed rickbous, m i ng its whereabouts please notify street, Newcastle, with bath- A. Pigott, Box 69, or 'hn room, oil furnace, bot and coid 18 - 11, Orono. Reward. 49-1, running water, nice sunporcb. LARGE red hound on Saturday. *Asking price $10,000. Terms. vicinity of Norm BothweW's: 10 roomed solid brick bouse Fossibly seen in Newcastle.: with centre hall, furnace, bath- Name Blazer. Please notif.Y room, full basement. beavy Geo. Lemon, 20 Second St., BOW- ing, bot and cold wnter. nice manville. 49-1* woodwork. Price $8,500. Terms. - -- 13 roomed solid brick bouse LADY'S yellow gold wristwatch. with ou bheating, 2 bathrooms. lost between Cawker's Store and hardwood floors, fireplaces. In- the Post Office, on Saturday come home. Rented in apart- night. Finder of the watch ments. Asking price $16,00. pease leave at The Canadian Terms arranged. Statesman. Reward offered.-1 We have approximately 31 49 1 more farms and homes to choose Sa 1 from. Cotc Cars For S l ' John F. DeWith, Realtor WRECKING 1940 Chev. coach, Newcastle Phone 3341J parts for sale. Apply 47 HorseY 49-hiSzt. *49-1' 1- 1