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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1953, p. 1

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/ 1wb V(~I eDurham County's Great Family Journal" I BOWMNVJLE. O6ARI. THRSDA DEEMBE 3rd 195 Ail Darlinglon Council Filled IlAcclamalion ai Nominations Eection Required for School Board Al Positions on the Darling- ton Townsbip Councîl for 1954 were filled by acclamation at the nomination meeting beld iný the Township Hall, Hampton, on Friday afternoon. But an election will be necessar to select four new members for the South Darlington Area School Board from the six who qualified. Reeve Roy W. Nichols, Deputy Reeve Garnet Rickard and Councillors Ross Stevens and Everett Vice were returned to office for another termn by ac- clamation. Percy Werry was chosen by acclamation to f lîl the council seat made vacant by the resignation of Councillor Murray Tabb, who is moving to Bowmanville to live. Those nominated for two-year terms on the South Darlington Area School Board were: Har- old C. Muir, Courtice, and Jack C. MacNab, Hampton, who serv- ed this year and last; Wilfred J. Brown, Courtice; H e r ni a n Sweetman. Courtice; Kenneth Werry, Newcastle, and Daniel Shutka, Courtice. Roy W. Nichols Ordinarlx only three mcm- c4,rs would be needed for two- Jf Ear1 Osborne, who would Still have one year to serve, caused- by bis moving to Bow- manville, makes the election of a fourth trustee necessary. The election to select the four trustees will be held on Mon- day, December 7. Members Giv'e Reports money. "I have tried to run the Township in a business like way the saine as I run my busiiçess", Reeve Nichols declared. He pointed out that in the past year 31/4 miles of road from Hampton to Taunton nad been paved and that in the three years hie has served as reeve the entire 5 12 miles have been paved -the first hard-surfacing done in the township in 25 years. This accomplishment was due ini large part, hie said, Ito the coop- eration of the minister and de- puty-minister of highways and Ewart Z'Iarston, divisional en- gineer. Surplus In Road Account Mr. Nichols stated that when hie took office in 1951 the town- ship was $8,000 in debt on its road account due to repair bis on machinery and a balance owing on the equipment shed. This was paid off during that (Continued on page eight) Hampton Couple Have Narrow Escape In Motor Accident Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Perkins, Hampton, narrowiy escaped scr- jous injury in an accident Sun- day noon when their pickup truck was invoived in an acci- dent witb another pickup truck driven by John DeWitt, Bow- manville. Mr. Perkins' truck was over- turncd after being struck near the rear whel by DeWitt's vehîcle as he attemptcd the pass through the intersection of the fourth Concession of Darlington and the Middle Road. Perkins' 31-year-old daughter Margaret was a passenger in ber fatber's truck. Both Mrs. Perkins and her daughter were treated at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, for shock and minor bruises. Perkins and De- Witt, escaped unscathed. Both trucks were extensively dam- aged. Clarke Council Elected By Acclamation Arthur McKay, Reeve AIl members of Clarke Town- ship Council were elected by acclamation at the nomination An audience which filled the p meeting held in the Townsh Township Hall to its seating Hall, Orono, on Friday whi, capacity heard the present mem- wsatne yaot8 a bers of the Darl ington Council wsatne yaot8 a and the South Darlington payers. School Board give an accountý J. . H. Lowery, Reeve th of their stewardship this y ear ypar and Warden of the Unit( and the new candidates outline! lnis elndt u g their views.Conisdcindtru ag Reev Ro W.Nichls hr and Arthur McKay, R.R. was acclaimed to this position~ Newtonville, stepped up fro for a fourth term. sta ht deputy-rceve to succeed hir this year he had broken an. un- r James T. Brown, R.R. 2, Nev written law in the Township byI astle, stepped up from counci serving a third term as reeve. lo î dpuyree Since the Darlington ratepayersortdeu-eve had wished him to serve,' how- F. B. Lovekin, Ncwcastl s (.ever, he stated that he was gladý and J. H. Davey, R.R. 2, Oron - ito have given bis time and had will again serve as councillor always tried to give them the H. . Walkcy, Newtonville, wî best value possible for their taxi elected as the new counicillor Ail Ready for Skating Carnival Getting ready for their part ln the "Pops" Concert skating carnival to be presented by the Bowmanville and ,!-Oshawa Skating Clubs at the Bowmanville Arena tomorrow <Friday) evening at 8:20 are Lynne Bagneli. Ieft, and ber sister, Gail Bagneil. The fine program of skating entertainment will be headed by' the Junior Canadian Pairs Champions, Dawn Steckley and David Low.ery, and will include solos, pairs and group numbers by members of the two skating clubs. This evening of sparkling entertainment is sure to be enjoyed by everyone botIh young and old. lhp Cpi. Gordon Keasi Takes Over Provincial Police Deiachmeni CpI. Gordon Keast on Tues- day took over command of the Bowmanville detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police, suc- cceding Sgt. Leslie Throop who has been transferred to Simcoe. For the hast eight years Cpi. Keast has been serving with the *Whitby detachment, during which time he has made bis home at 797 King St. W., Osh- awa. He will continue to live in Oshawa. He joined the force nine and one-baîf years ago and was stationed at Toronto and Port Credit before being posted to Whitby. A native of Barrie, CpI. Keast is married and has one son. Memoriai Park Clubhouse Real Assel Io South Ward The exterior of the Memorial Park Clubhouse bas now been completed and the Memorial Park Association, whose mcm- bers are responsible for the erection of the attractive build- ing, plan to hold an opening ceremony and party in the near future. The main floor of the build- ing is devoted to a large meet- ing room and a small kitchen. In the basement are men's and ladies' washrooms and show- ers which wiii be available next year for players and spectators using the softbail and basebal diamond. The 'hall will be available to residents in the area during the winter for community affairs such as cuchres, bingos and ailniversary celebrations, and will be a valùable asset to the community life in the South Ward. The residents of this area are to be congratulated on their initiative and hard work in completing this worthwhile project. Sale of Articles Made by Blind Realized Over $500 1 The sale of articles made by blind persons in this area, held îast Saturday at the Hydro Shop, realized $464.35 in cash. Orders now in hand wili bring the total to over $500, it is learned froni Miss Helen Cry- derman, chairman of Bowmani- Legion Election Set for December 13 Receive Acclamation, Eight Running for Six Positions Children's Christmas Tree on Dec. 12 .'On Town Council, Ail Other Civic Dorothy Çross Orchestra for Dance Officiais Elected by Acclamation Two members of Bowmanvilîe Brpnch No. 178 of the Canadian Legion; Comrad'e Ab Mavin and Ross McKnight, were nom- inated for the position of Presi- dent for 1954 at the nomina- tions held Thursday night. Ad- ditional nominations for this and other officers may be made at the regular meeting of De- cember 10, but no nominations will be accepted at the election to be held in the Legion Hall Sunday. December 13. Other nominations were: lst' Vice, Jack Knight: 2nd Vice, Elgie Harnden; Secretary, Vince Mathewson, Ab Mavin, Ron Ab- bott, Ron Richards, Treasurer. Jack Rice; Sergeant-at-Arms, Ross McKnight, Ed Rundle; Pa- dre, Rev. John Kitchen, Execu- tive, Alex Mairs, Bob Finnigan, Ernie Perfect, Frank Burns, Lloyd Preston, Jim Firth, Jack Knight, Jîm Newman, Jim Fair, Doug Johnson, Ron Hall, Bob Kirig, Vince Mathewson, Bill Mitchell, Tom Phillips, George Hacking. Bob Cale, And Cliff Anderson. E. H. Baîhantyne of Bowman- ville was initiated into member- Guelph Bilimores Play Truckmen Here Saturday Nighf Bowmanville and Oshawa, hockey fans will have a chance to sce Bobby Attersley, second highest scorer in the O.H.A.ý Junior "A" League, in actionI here Saturday night when the, Truckmen play an exhibition game with Guelph Biltmores. Attersley, a native of Oshawa, is the scoring star of the Bult- mores and has banged in 21 goals and 26 assists this season for a total of 47 points. Th> game will start at 8:30 p.m. and promises to be a topnotch frce- eship by President Lloyd Pres- ton, lst. Vice, Stan Dunn and iCorrrades Bill Bates, Bill Har- rison Jr. and Pete Bathgate. Treasurer Jack Rice reported that membership in the branch is now 269 and that notices ha,,e been sent to 28 members wlîo are behind in their dues. Poppy Day Dlseussed Comrade Ron Hall asked for figures on the amount raised )n POPPY Day and Treasurer Rice reported that $192 had bee collected--$l70 less than was realized last year. Comrade George Meadows expressed the opInion that the branch had fallen down this year in their Pappy Day campaign and that a much better effort could hav been made. lst Vice Stan Durn and President Preston were also (Continued on Page Seven) Parker's Stolen Truck, Locafted in Toronto A maroon pickup truck be- longing to L.A. Parker & Sons which was stolen from in front of Jack Parker's home on Nov. Il was found by Lionel Parker, Jr., on Thursday morning of last week in a store parking lot on Kingston Road in Toronto. Lionel had been told by a' Bowmanville resident that the truck had been seen and he was keeping an eye on the lots along the road while driving into To- ronto. His search bore fruit; bhen he spotted the abandoe vehicle, which had been MISS- ing for two weeks. Fire Brigade Answers Two Cails, to Lake And Dariington scurrig afjair. Bowmanville's volunteer lire- men got an early awakening at 5 arn. Tuesday morning t Rotary Club Sponsors answer a cail from Prestonville north of Tooley's Mill. The T wo Durham Lads blaze was in an empty bouse -behonging toeRegStvn hh At VarietyVilg was in the process of being Villge r- roved te a new location 400 The excellent program of r- Xard, away. habilitation for cerebral palsy rBY the lime the fire truck 1victims carried out aI Variety reached the scene the bouse was Village, Scarborough, was out- ahmôst completely destroyed, îined by Rotarian Don Morris, but the firemen stood by for to members of the Bowmanville slightly over an bour to make Rotary Club at their regular sure no other buildings cauglit meeting Friday. fire from flying sparks. The Rotary Club sponsors two I The brigade was aiso called Most civic offices in Bowman- ville for 1954 were filled by ac- clamation at the poorly-attend- ed nomination meeting held Friday night. But an election will be necessary to select six councillors from among the eight candidates who have quai- if ied. Mayor Morley Vanstone was re-eiected to the highest civic post by acclamation. Reeve Sid- ney Little was unopposed and Owen Nicholas, a former coun- cillor, was elected deputy-reeve by acclamation. Eight citizens were nominal- ed and later qualified for cou.-- cil seats. Councillors Nelson Os- borne and Fred Cole who served this year will again seek re- election. Albert Darch and Wil- frid Carruthers, both of whom have sat on council previously, have again thrown their hats in the ring. Newcomers to the civie arena who are seeking council seats are David Higgon, Lloyd Preston, Thomas Rehder and Bernard Kitney. The election to select the six councillors for 1954 will be held on Monday, Dec. 7. The three vacancies on the Public School Board were filled by acclamation. Elected for two- year terms as trustees were Bill James, chairman of this year .s Board, Arthur Hooper and George Vinish, both new mcm- bers. Ross Strike Re-elected W. Ross Strike, Q.C., who has scrved as Chairman of the Pub- lic Utîlities Commission for scv- eral years, was rc-elected as' commissioner for a two-year term. A smal audience of only about 35 citizens heard the memn- bers of the various civic bodies! report on their stewardship! during the year. Mayor Vanstone thanked council, school board and pub- lic utilities commission mem- bers and the citizens of Bow- manville for their cooperation during the year. He asserted that he had received excellent cooperation from ail courncil members and complimented the chairmen of the various com- mittees for their fine work. Eigh School Studenis Score Another Ouistandi'ng Success in Presentation 0f the "Pirates of Penzance" ter DeGeer, Mayor Vanstone re- ported that the public property committee bas installed a new steam heating system in the iTown Hall and completed the work of re-decorating the build- ing started in 1952. Another buig improvement bas been the in- stallation of the new-type street lighits on most of the streets in town. There may !je a slight deficit in this commit- tee's budget due to the newr lighting program, the Mavor said. Deputy-Reeve Robson Reports Deputy-Reeve O. F. Robsun stated that due to the pressure of business he would flot be a candidate for re-election, ai- though he expressed bis willing- ness to again serve on couneil at some time in the future. Mr. Robson reported that a grant of $3,000 had been ma-le this year to the Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, and that there is stili a surplus of $720 in the $1.000 voted by council for post-sanitorium care this year. As chairman of the civic and relief committee he report- ed that only $449 bas been spe-.t on relief to date. "~This speaks higbl *v of the town and indi- cates that its citizens are get- ting along well". he declared. Only $113 had been spent out of $1,000 ailotted for hospitali- zation, he said, although this figure could be addcd to in December. WiIl Finish Within Budgets Coun. Nelso? Osborne, chair- man of the Finance Committee, reported that ail Town Councîl committees, except the Public Property Committee, would fin- ish within their budgets. He stated that in bts five years on council he had voted on deben- tures totalling $1 ,000,000. The town's total. debenture debt as of Dec. 31st, 1953, is $725,371.- 95 as follows: High Schoo]s, $34,- 371: Public Sehools, $188,100; Sewers and sewagc disposai, $142,500; Local Improvements. $169,900; Arena, $35,000; Wcl- ter Tank, $66,700 and Memorial Hospital, $88,800. He pointed out, bowevrer, that Bowmanville stil] docs not have as much debenture debt as mhos ïc ville orancn oft he U.N.IJ.. Durham County youths aI Ibis 1out LU the West Beach early >~P Y e- The sale was under the con-inttto an MrMorshdW nsay fenon w re ** Gilbert and Sullivan, like venership of Mrs. W. R. Strike driven one of these boys to the overbeated stove pipes had Shakespeare, neyer pal, and hswbo was assisted by volnt' Village earlier in the wcek. It started woodwork smoulderingso nc mrete"ias clerks from h çclCN... is located just pasl the point in the cottage owned by Char-Peace"psnîdfrou cd and also wivcs of Lion members wbere Highway 401 branches lie Severs and occupied by Mr. nights hast week by a student in who are on the Sigbt Conserva- mbt Kingston Road and Dan-i and Mrs. Cameron and famiiy. * cast from Bowmaoville High ttion committee. Those in charge forth Avenue aI the Scarborougb Little damage was caused. School, found happy and ap- wýere rtefu1 for Ill assistance war memorial. preciative audiences. The oper- graeuoaysMc. Mois sted at thieetta was staged in the auditor- trpatronized the sale of the beau- bosa hscnreaepoie auminfon Cli um of the High School, with w- tiful and useful articles, thus with brigbt- roomy dormitories music under the direction of il- belping and encouraging blind witb only six boys in each. Dur- 1 Matr. De.rnro.o .enuv-neev 0esn f Bowmanville and ing the day they receive train- afe eebr oD l-ev- As Principal L. W. Dippeil machct igine shop wotrk, f urnitaseOwen Nicholas explained in bis welcoming re- 1, ditrct n n arinoustre sna ra nT ura etmarks, athough there were 60 o, mnufaturig. wtcb epaiin~,or 70 on stage, twice that num- . r, ieti and other occupations wbich1 Bowmanvîhle Badminton ClubC.onri ber bel ped witb costumes, make- ~~iggon Has will enable them to obtain jobs1 battled to a 17 - 17 tic with the Plae p, props, as ushers, and so on. -Very Attractive I ndteu:entry.are pro-trorna of luben e w. ic With P. O. Staff sets used were painted by the vided witb passes for movies, was phayed bere Saturday nigbt.InC rsm sM i art class. Window isplayand free shows are frequently A total of 40 games were play- nCrsm sM i Leading roles were ail wel W ido Dspaystaged by entertainers who are cd, but the local players were interpreted, witb Nancy Smythe * neofth petistChis-fromn Toronto wbo donate hi unable 10 break the deadhock. Commencing ncxt Wecs- and Shirley Milis Oneof hepretiet hrit-services.1 Folhowing the matches delic- dayv, Dec. 9. wickets aI the PosItbth part of Mabel, one of Major- mas windows yet put in by local The Bowmanville Rotary Club ions refreshmeqts were served Office wilh be open ail day, each General Stanley's wards w±io stores is the very attractive dis- and other service clubq provide and a period of dancing enjoy- Wednesday nUntil Christmas. Ail fails in love with the pirate play at Higgon Electric. Fea-trnptainfrhe ainsed turing an old-fashioncd cutter tasottinfrte1ainsc mail, ont going and în-coming. apprentice, played by Kenneth and also provide tbemn witn Five of the Bowmanvilie Club will be bandhed a onue location Kelly. The mode] major-gen- loaded witb Christmas gift clothes and treats. members: Gary Tighe, Bob Ga!- only this year, in the PosI 0f- eral was wehl portrayed by itesthçwidowmaes vry Mr. Morris poinled ont that lagher. Bill Burgess, Doreen fice building. The public is, Merriil Brown. beautiful holiday decoration. donations of this kind are wei- Reddock and Betty Bettles, will requested bo co-operale by mail- rB everly Frank as Ruth, gave wi In the background white nib- comed by the directors of Var- be jonrneying 10 Toronto on ing earlv' b facihîtate the move- a very fine performance and pr bons stretching fromn ceiling t0 iety Village and that visitors1 Friday nigbt to play in the Car- nient of mail and ensure a~teseei hc h onda theboton o th wndo mkeare welcome. ýleton Club tournament. rival ai ils destination before rwî o c a h iaed a fitting backdrop for the dis- Christmas._________________Dudley__as__the__pirate I Dd play. White stars and globes Crsms king, and Kenneîb Kelly wbere en suspcnded fromn the cciling and 1 L f i D .J i' 1L the ni osI amazing paradox" ac colorcd ornaments on the side K ns en VClu asi aaesiduwus igt B. T. S. oldsAui that lbhe poor apprentice was inj belp 10 set off the attractive born. L iOu nna on Feb. 29 is brouglit on, display. AIL. it requires t0 comi-Hi or i l L I. £ rocked the bouse and brouglît plee hepicur i Dae e-aeieaW ua y ofClub alovemaent .bwaru iNighf of much plue No Dd,.,l wiskered and in a Santa Clans Lwbo had the misfortune to break suit. __________Theb nmn lbosrvdu.,190udrPrsdn ack thletic Activities a bone in bis foot a week before ________________ insen lub osevedj uay, 950undr Prsîdnt ackthe show, made an even more Past Presidents Nighi at the Lander, who was responsible realistic pirate king, tbumping Balmoral Hotel Tuesday even- for organizing the club with A\wards in track and fieldaota ed whonsif Cartrigt Elcf1011 ing witb bbc prograni in chargelhelp froni Oshawa Kinsmen. soccer, softbal and toncb rngb' about as lbeuddte neSsmufl arw igtEecinPas Presidents Stan n The origina memberhip of 22 \vr rsented t h 1t An-i was wcll played by Laurie On Monday for and Jack Lander, and Past Vice- bas now grown to over 30. 0 nuai Supper Awards Night Stapletorin lasmc eoe Reeve and Councillors tok_! h uisofPeietjcsfKisasi bcî-School on Tbnrsday cvening. Ed by the audience in the Pirates _____last season after Kin BillTiticînde tbe promoting of f *- Smes Agricultîîial Repres- i that in wbicb the timorous Teewl eamoved 10 Saskatoon. ship among young professional entative of Durhami CoiityN, spoie npear10taktb Tihe fre woffibe aof e a o Chairman Dunn introducel [ and business men and the carry-giiesî speaker. bold pirates. This brings nf Cartwright Township and a con- guest Kinsman Art Gillespie of 1 îng out of community service The Bowmaîivi lie P o hceý the famous "'A policeman's lott test among six who qualified for Markdahe. Kin Humpage mInro- 1 work. He urged the Kinsmen Io Sbield was preseied tn tuei is not an 'appy on0e." Both the three council seats. TIie duced Kin Irvine Brown, chair- read their Kinsmen constitution winning tug-of-war leani at the scenes featuring the policemen postof epuy-Reveandtheman of the Kînsmen Education and byhaws and strive 10 prac- 1 Junior Police Gamres. and thie wcre exîremely well donc witb poesî of pth-eeve o adh Committce. He pointcd out Ibat tise bbc objects of the organiza- Van Dusen award for- the bor Joe McGili as Sergeant of Police meeembes of te acliam dKrt i hrermme ionaIaIllies.. ho showed the most promise and a number of the pirate hwer lce. vacaain bas served on the executive and Sccretary Bob King read tbe 1 i track and field eveîîîs wasý chorus cbanging bbeir costumes Go g lcowsreve was Bulletin editor hs esn minutes and President Ken presented to G. V. Padden. The for that of policemen. Ibi yar wllbatleilou wth History of Kinsmen Club Nicks outlined plans to sponsor six-mnile relay tropbx was pre- Very phcasing and pretty in Weslev Sweet 10 retain this Mr. Brown outlined the bis-1 a car draw in 1954 along newisented .10 the winning tearn frorri appearance and solos were Ruth poitonan tre cunilos or o te inme lub ines and using a new type of I Kiwanis House, who retaîned it RombouR n d aoeGb poion beandetcdr o amilorg wtiory afoune i Cl920,ticket. Kin Keith Laîbanguei sînce thev bave won fr bee! as two of the Major-General's Howad Frde, BuceAshoiî i amitonby ma wh miselgave an intercsting classificaicn'ycars in successioni. A brophy wards, and altogether delightfui talk on farming as a means of- was also preseîîbed b i-H. Pe- iwcre the large chorus o! girls tAllaîî Dsggit, ack Glliaee nd the co adesbi farnîyclub' ivelihood. ters, winner tf the tbree-mile ,(also wards) in their pretty old- :Arbie Dyartand Wilia an sartd aprva clbKmn Howard Sînrrock minro-i road race. fashiorîed costumes. Their chior- jForder. whicb later became known as i ue Frn Wilas oa Peettooftohswr!us og eelgtyad Ivan Cochrane. wbo was de- 1 the Kinsmen Club. One of the dcd Fak Wlîmlcl Peettino rp~swr ssnswr ibl n put-reveIbi ben mmbrs ovd 1 Mntralmanager Bell Telephone Co., and:' made ho the winning teams in, sweet]y sung, and their scrcams Stwat aro h saa of-. soccer, softbaia,d! on the appearance of the pirates returncd 10 this office by ac- and started another club there, 1 f ie.rM. Carr sbowed several Itnbm ~ n 7 niiulwr otraitc h os fclamation. Threc school trust-' and in the .'ears wbicb follow- iinteretngfls nlnig one crs and275 ere ivenio ch re mst wealso w Te boys'g c es were also electedi by accla- cd the organization bas growîî etn im nldn n iceiad aswr ie o hrsswr lowl ug mation, wîtb the posts going 10 10 284 clubs across Canada with li sbowing the principles and ap- the boys. J. J. Broxii. Superin- ierspecially 'Hail Poetry,' which Wallce Mrlow Joh Hailto 10,00 mmber. 1plication of sonar and radar and tendent of BT.S., congratulat- fcatured some fine barmony. chi Walac MrlwJon amllo 1.00 iifier.1 the uses of Ibis type of equip- cd the boys on their sporls The solos of Nancy Smythc M« and Dick Davison. Local Club Founded in 1949 1 ment in both war and peace. achievements dnring the year.ý and Shirley Milîs in the part of The election will be beld on.1 Bowmanvillc Club wasz forni-: The sing song was led by Kîn' Athîctic Supervisor Bill Bag- of Mabel, their duels witb Ken- S. Monday, December 7. with poil- , cd un Aprîl, 1949. be saîd. and Ron MacDonald witb Iviin oeil was chairman *of bbc gath- netb Kelly and Kel1y's Solos Hi, ing hours from 10 a.m. ho 7 p.m.' began regular meetings in Jan- WuooUey at the piano. eriî. i (Continued on Page Sevenî .-1 Pirate King A very realistic Pirate KCing vas Noel Dudley in the B.H.S. )odncbion "Pirates of Penz- ice." A cast on bis left lcg, lue ho a broken bone> in bis foot, îhanced bbce effecl already :bhieved by NocI in Ibis roister- ng role. ýPhoto by Robert Carruthers. VIodel Major-Generai MerrmU Brown la show» in aracteristie pose as the precise lajor-General in the "Pirates 1Penzance" prescnted by BEf. .sîndenîs hast week in the gb Scbool auditorium. -Photo by Robert Carruthon '.JAiLJJjJJvu Mayor .Morley Vanstone Reeve Sidney Little 10e PER COPY . -J bu býqg vqg", inan ru 1 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, T11URSDAY. DECEMBER 3rd, 1953 NIMBER 4.4 ' 9

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