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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1953, p. 8

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7L. -~ ~ ~ TEE CANAMZAN TATE&WM. EowmAwn= ffLEM ~'UVUU'I% A ~ ~à AUl Darlinglon Council Filled Dy Acclamation ai Nominations Election Requiredfor School Board (C0fltlfued tronm Page One) oett and the cooperation of year and the account showed a Counties A s s e s s o r Garnet balance of $356 at the end ofL Shields the assessnient roll has 1951. i 1952 the account show- been substafltitillv increased and ed a balance of $970, and he es. sanie property <iw*ners who were timated that the accountwilprei~tiusl,'lot w taxes have show a balance of nearly $1(0,000 been idded. Ini his catt'g.or> are this year. This was b:rought the Trans-Norther i Pipeline about, he said, by the provincial Whih 1' itS YýU Vitx $130, government cutting the amount t\% "' I' S near thel1o Bes On which it would pay a sLub -, T"ziiiiSilz S0l otwhîdt are faw aidy from $70,000 ta $54.000. 11YUlui .,% proapt't Darlington Council had budget- new!C hii:~ ~Ct tit' clI.h ed on the higher f igure and 1 iS "" V'g~~I when it learned that a subs11i\ tr '~~ ~~'toU Vil 5V5 Would flot be paid on $ .0 M tO<"I ha enintrLu- thi.. it decided flot to speno i e'e ~%N~. thet. t \ - $8,000 Of township n~~ . ' e o itdmngs year. This $8.000, plus the c :. orth' 326 surplus from the tieh O tC ex er vious years, will lie a tdb' 'o tt~ h iIN ,Svtt'iii start off with in 1954.* .t'i'x~. ehctd $0 In 1950 oni'-2.59. 't... ~. tvehadi gravel was put coit. $"S2,040 more in roads but in moret inO' '*'t9fl'~ a19M3. Mr. Nichols tîx'k .t'.*4 'ptî oaIîsReceived yards had be aÎi'î ~ cieicts ev ihi figure for 1952. he sdw ~ t't iXR1ceve Nin Towns 297 yards. Rer'at-s ý,111,"!ýtIiTwsi chinerv have * , . :eetved$10,559 in special '792 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ uli in15 . 237,..*~ fronithe, cDepartn-ent and 272 :9~ .~t:~~ Hghwys,$2_550 donations there a-surno\v g from the De- there are ..*!'ilit anc ît$1S,185 from Ge.i- 'i t ilrs for using the road he cc cxt t sXe 'onCourttce north ta the gra- gcver:~:~t iee 'c: 'd vet ic. He declared that if the AsccVc' 5:.c 't M )\,ttenmeiit subsidy could be 5 f, C: rca. ; tge or~ collected. the township could 5 ~~1 hM Q~ ard-surface 2 more miles of fe.:e lie .acrsst e t nship roads without raisi-ig pcda' a.r.r-'ccn at a cost Of j the tax rate. $$ch a f which wssub-~ .Ncospitdotta s::rdby che provincial gov- - teMemNchl ori d u t ernriient. The township had thusth Mmra Hospital, Bow- acquired the waik for $210 less manville, has received $2,000 than a sidewalk would h ave this year from Darlington Town- cost.j ship under the grant given it- FireCost AreLess received frorn Counties Council Fire casts have dropped fromn under the aid system of coun- $3,295 in 1952 ta only $1,700 so ties rates to hospitals. He point- far this year, Reeve Nichols re- ed out that ail nearby munici- ported. 1 palities except Clarke Town- Thraugh the hard work ofL ship, have adopted this system Township Assessor William Ly-'1 of paying direct grants ta the JOIN THE SMART SHOPPERS WHOK SHOP AND7A SAVE AT... f~i S~>eciIs IBakery Special! oup cit sàuiaiseA#N PAGE SPANISH Ulow.. MINC!MEAT 28-o, b#n 35Se Menarch MARGARINU i1 7c Ion& TOMATOES l2w.ozmis2Tc Robim Kood OATS s4 pkg 43c V.Iwt Patfry MLOUE .bn 3 Se »M »~! OATED jmP Pre WHITE BREAD 24-M eoef 15 c OLDCSD OR I9LFC5D Bar Cake 27C A"f~ PAGE IJMED Raisin Bread 2 M-z" s29c Arnn Page KETCHUP i-oz b 9c Canadian Ms* CHEESE lb 39c Sultana Peanut 13UTTER 1-o a 29c A&P Fancy Red Sockeye SALMON h's hi 31c Daisy Sweet Ms3cid PICKLES 24-ozpri29c RITZ 8-ce pg 19c, A&P Choie. Creamed CORN 2 20.oz tins 25c A&P Choice PEAS 2 20-oz tins 3 Sc lanla Strawberry (fectn Added>) 8 OC'ILOJCK .,. .eal COFFEE SOUP SODAS *95C lPEaCE 1LN DAA « 7« PE CHE Cuatom Ground 24-oz jar 41c 2tins23c l4plg 29c 2 20-ozfms i37Ç1 Globe Choice Keiffer PEARS 2 15-oz fins 27c PRODUCE SPECIALS! Imparted No. 1, Fresh Snow White, Large Size CAULIFLOWER Florida No. 1, Best For Juice, Large Size 176's OBAIVGES eacb 29 doz39 ORANGES. VERV FINE IN FLAVOUR. MEAT SPECIALS! BAVE TIME, WORK AND MONEY. BUY A GRADE 'A' READY- TO-COOI< CHICKEN AT A&P. THERE IS NO CLEANING TO DO, NO WASTE TO PAY FOR. Oven R.ady, Grade A, 2 to 3 Ft. average CHICKENS GRADE A CUT 1>P CHICKEN LEGS, THIIGHRS & DREASTS 1 69e WINCS 051 NECKS & DACKS 2 25Ç Extra Short Cut, Red or Blue Brand Bee ]PRIME RID BOUT ,53e Super Right QualitY EINDLESS SIDE BACON éb 83e PERCE FILLETS Pr,... Etffctivfe un*IiSt., 7 m Dec "h 48e WCOROUS & WINEV hospital rather than paylngà hospital rate to the Unitec Counties, and as a resuit Clarkt patients in the hospital are nom charged 50 cents more per da than patients from other muni cipalities. Deputy-Reeve Reporte Deputy Reeve Garnet RickarÈ in accounting for bis steward. ship during the past year report. ed that he had represented Darlington Township on tht United Counties Council, ha' been chairman of the Agricul. tural Committee and was also a niemnbers of the Finance and By. Laws Committees. He feit that the Agricuitural Cammittee had perhaps flot paid enough attention ta the agricul- tural problems of the United L'otnties but said that he had gained valuable experience ;Dy attending a meeting of the agri- cultural council in Toronto. The counities rate in Darling. ton this year was 8.75 mills, Mr, Ilickard said, and this had real- ized $34,637 as Dariington's pay« niment for United Counties pur- poses. The Counties had sperit $416.945 during the year, witk $55.450 of this going for general government and administrative expenses. Another large item of counties expenditure was the $43,850 spent on iaw enforce- ment, county goal and family court. Mr. Rickard pointed out thai the iargest single item of ex- pend iture by the counties was the $77,423 spent on roads and bridges and he feit that more of these funds should be spent or Darlington Township roads, since they are much more heav- îly travelled than some roads ini other parts of Northumberland and Durham whîch are receiving more attention. The Deputy Reeve stated there is a goad possibility that the the government may agree to take over the road from Hamp- ton to Kirby. If they do, he said, the United Counties will hard surface it at a cost of $30,- 000 and xviii receive the govern- ment 50 % subsidy on this work, Welfare Costs Too High Mr. Rickard feit that the item of $57,000 in Counties Council budget for chuld welfare is un- duly high, as is the $38,500 for the Northumberland - Durham Health Unit. The cost per child is $1,16 a day in the Children's Sheiter in Cobourg, he said, whiie costs in Toronto shelters is slightly over $2.00. The Un- ited Counties must pay this higher amount for counties' children in shelters in Toronto who are flot adopted. In answer to a question from the floor the deputy reeve stat- ed that there are now 87 in the Counties Home. These persons pay $37 per month from their old age pension and the council is trying to raise the rate for those who can afford it to $60. He mentioned one instance of a persan worth $100,000 trying to get into the Counties Home at the $37 rate. The home is filled ta capacity, but is not as crowd- ed as it has been in the past, he said. Mr. Rickard pointed out that 31/4 miles of hard surfacing have been compieted in Darlington Township during this year at a cost of $14,332. '11 think our roads are improving and we are indebted ta the road super- intendent and his merl far the VOUR home is a highly important investment... an investment which has grown in value tremend- ously during the past few years. Is your insurance stili adequate? Don't guess. Ask us to revlew your protection-. to- day. . . and be safe. STUART R. JAMES Insurance Phones: Office King Street Real Estate 681; Res. 493 Bowmanvjlle YOUR EYES and Re-written from previous copyrights of C. B. Tuck, Optometrlst Disney Bldg. Opp. P.O. OSHAWA - Phone 5-6143 238. If we foster an unworthy thought or a fancied wrong, we can so poisonl our life that we may be very miserable. If we worry over some fancied griev- ance we may fan the fire to some greater proportion that only our ability to worry seems to exist and yet this loss of nerve energy plax's a vital part in the heaith and efficiency. Early in life we may often outlive these things. (Copyrighted> work the>~ are dolng." He stated he would like ta sec more pav- ing and weed spraylng during 1954. Coun. Vie Fraise. Workers Coundillor Everett Vice ini bis report also paid tribute ta the work of Road Superintendent Wesley Graham and his men. He stated that a stretcb of road from Bradley's School to the Tamarack Swamp which had not been touched for 25 years had been repaired, and that many other neglected stretches of township roads had also been fixed up. Coun. Vice pointed out that the gravel situation is becoming serious in the township and that construction companies are quickly depleting the gravel supply. He suggested that coun- cil should buy or take over the remaining gravel pits in the township or it would find itseif without gravel for repairing roads. Asked.. from the floor whether a crusher could be ah- tained to crush stone into gravel, he replied that the costs of this would probably be tao high. Mr. Vice complimented Build- ing Inspector E. Varcoe for his fine work. "This is a bard job", he said. "There are plenty to criticise bis work. but no one willing ta take his place". He drew attention ta the tremen- dous growth of Darlington Township, stating that Yt now has a population of 6,300, which is larger than Bowmanville's, and an assessment of $4,100,050. Coun. Stevens Reports Councillor Ross Stevens stated that be had enjoyed bis irst year on council and was willing ta serve again. "Council bas worked harmoniously together duning the past year"', he said "and the leadership given by the reeve and deputy reeve bas ibeen excellent". He pointed out that the provincial government had made warble fly spraying 1obligatory duning the past year and that cauncil had purchased for $1,820 a sprayer which cauld be used for bath warble fly and weed spraying. Profit of $167 realized from its use this yean can be used ta pay off part of the initial cost, he said. He stat- ed that it is much easier ta kili noadside weeds and bushes witb the sprayer than to bine men at 85 cents an hour ta eut them. Asked from the floor when tbese dead leaves and brush wouid be cleared away, he stat- cd that it takes a year for the spray ta take full effect on the roots and after that time the de- bris can be cleaned up. Coun. Stevens stated that the township "hasn't burt itself"' in supporting the work of the Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville. "We are very fortunate in having a good hospital close at hand and should do more to supj- port it." He stated that patients from municipalities who do not give grants ta the bospital are now charged 50 cents more per day than patients fnom munici- palities such as Bowmanville and Darlington which do. Suggests Crop Insurance Coun. Murray Tabb expressed the belief that the council should take out insurance to cover pas- sýble damage to field crops caused by spnaying roadsidp weeds. He feit that council bad made a wise move in deciding ta plant 20 acres of red and white pine in the noth-east por- tion of the township as a refor- estation project. Ë~e suggested that council could plant Christ- mas trees at a profit in 140 acres of waste land in this area. After Pency Werny had allow- ed bis name ta stand for count- cil, Everton White, Bruce Tink, Wesley Yellowiees and Earl Truli ail declined ta run, giving Mr. Werry the council seat by acclamation. Mn. Werry declan- ed that he would serve the citi- zens of Darlington ta the best of his abilits'. Sehool Attendance Doubled Chairmnan Eanl Osborne of the South Darlington Area School Board reported on some of the pnoblems wbich have been met during this year and outlined same which have got ta be faced, In the past nine years that be bas served on the Board school attendance bas jumped from 330 ta 761 and continues to increase, be said. Portable schools have been built at Shaws and at Mapie Grave at a cost of $11,500. It is absolutely neces- sany that ive roonis be buit before next September, Mr. Os- borne said, and tbey will be fill- ed from the outset. He suggested that a twa-room addition be built at Maple Grave and that one of the pont- able schools be moved to Salem. Anathen two rooms are needed at Zion and two or tbree rooms are needed at Courtice. He feit that the Board would be un- wise to buiid anything less thaii a four-room school at Countice. Government Cuts Grants Mn. Osborn9 poînted out that; portable classrooms can oe built at a cost of only $6,000 per raom while a permanent scbool costs $20,000 to $22,000 per noom. The government will not allaw grants on portable sebools, however, even when tbey are put on permanent foundations. Asked Lrom, the floor why the Board did not provide trans- portation, Mn. Osborne replied that the provincial government will not pay transportation casts for children living less than three miles Lrom a scbaol. He pointed out that the questioner lived within three miles of the nearest school. Mn. Osborne stated that the Board does not wisb ta get into the transporta- tion field at ai as the costs would be more than the town- ship could possibly bear. Trustees Harold Muin and Jack Nacnab ofL this year's board also reported to the meeting on the year's wonk and several ofL those nominated for the posts of trustees also spoke briefly. In thanking the council and school board members for thein reports, Township Clerk James Hogarth stated that it was the most informative nomination meeting held in the Township in 23 years.V Mrs. Jennie Richardson re-, turned ta Chatham Sunday after 1spending a week at ber home. MZrs.,Harry Mercer rcturncd hm Sunday after two weeks In Memonlal Hospital, Bowxnan- ville. Miss Marlon McKelvey, R.N., Toronto, visitcd Mrs. Fred Brimacombe wbo bas moved into the R. Woodbouse, acros from United Cburch. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood were Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, Gall and Sandra, Lake- field, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barra- bail, Whitby. Mrs. C. P. May, Windsor, Mrs. E. J. Silver, Bowmanville, vis- ited their sister, Mrs. Chas. Awde. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and daughter, Bowmanvi.lle. Mrs. Virtle Wilson entertain- ed Saturday evening at a Tup- per Party, Mrs. Les. Hopper was the lucky winner of the door prize. Mr. and Mrs. L. Brown, (the former Manjorie Adams), To- ronto, visîted friends and were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong. The late Mns. Matilda Ann Chapman, was the wîdow of Isaac E. Chapman, Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reesor and family, Markham, spent Sunday with Mrs. Milfred Sberwin and famils'. Mn. Hawke is the relief man- ager ofL the Bank of Commerce, Orono, and is staying with Mtss S. Brown. Mr. George Fuester has been transferred to Listpw- el starting Dec. lst. Mrs. Fues- ter and family will remain in Orono until aften Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, Oshawa, visited Miss Bertha Cain. W.M.S. and W.A. will bave a joint meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 8th. There will be carol singing and a Christmas program. The 1954 siate of officers for each BURKETOIN Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kotchla- pa, Picton, spent a few days with Mn. and Mrs. K. Roblin. Mrs. Roblin netunned with themn for a week visiting relatives in Picton. Mn. and Mrs. R. Gardiner, Nia- gara Falls, N.Y., spent the week- end witb Mns. E. Caugbill. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard, Oshawa, witb Mn. and Mns. Ben Hubbard. Mr. and Mns. Merle Hubbard and Mn. Alden Hubband, with Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Hay- don. Miss Mary Vigas and friend, Norwich, with Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hubband. Mrs. Nelson Mullen, Sunder- land. with ber sister, Mrs. Pearl Avery'. Mr. and Mrs. George Tomp- kins, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Art Tompkins, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Tompkîns. Mrs. H. Ramham is visiting with Mn. and Mns. George Rahm, Saintfield. Mn. and Mns. Douglas Coates, Wbitby; Mn. and Mrs. R. Car- ter, Petenhono; Mn. and Mrs. Y. Carter, Bowmanville, Jim and Cheryl Rowan, Enniskiiien, were recent visitons with Mr. and Mns. Carter. Films wene shown at the school Tbunsday by Miss D. Campbell. I SEND IN THIS COUPON NOW organization will be presented. Mrs. P. Patton and Mrs. H. Swancott returned last wcek aftcr a motor trip to Florida and Soutbern States. Mrs. John Turner returned home Monday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Robent Stevens, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. M. Webster, To- ronto, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Hutton and Mrs. A. Harris. Witb the nice weather tbe contractons have made a good start on the new hîgbway south ofL Onono, especially at Dean*s corner. Young Oral ors Receive Gold Medals in W.C.T.U. Coniesi Miss June Wood, 15, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Wood, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, was winner of the Gold Medal for girls in a public speaking contest in Orono on Nov. 20, sponsored by the Women's Christian Tempenance Union. June, who spoke on "Yauth of the Wonld", competed against Muriel Gibsan, Newcastle, and Joyce Jones, Onono. There were four boys competing, with John Tamblyn, Orono, winning the Gald Medai. Ail contestants were previous silver medal winners. The competîtion was held in the Sunday School au- ditorium of Orono United Church. TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. J. Wismer, Frantk and Kenneth, Isiington; Mn. Frank Coibary, Long Branch, with Mr. and Mrs. Kani Colbary. Club 49 quilted a quilt last week at Mrs. Florence Scott's. The evening group of the W. A. met at Mrs. Lamne Annis, Monday evening. Mrs. Aima Yellowlees and girls attended the 4Otb wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yeliowlees, Solina. Miss Elenor Hutchinson, Bow- manville, with Jacqueline Huis. Sympathy is extended ta the bereaved family of the late Mrs. Louisa Jones. Funeral was held Saturday with interment in Hampton Cemeters'. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Byam, Osb- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. For your Admirai Television set for Christmas see "Hap" Philp, Phone 2620. Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread, Mr. Jamnes Alldread, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Murray and Mns. M. Fowler, Orona. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partner moved on Saturday ta their new residënce formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. L. Goodman, who a]so moved into the McCoy home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. GriL- fin, Enniskillen. Messrs. B3ert Stire and Jack Gray, Bawmanville, Mrs. Annie Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. David Elenderson and Stuart, Peterbor- ough; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knox, Hlampton; were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harvey and Vlargaret. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Becker- ey, St. Catharines, with Mn, and Mrs. O. Beckett and cailed - Th e Orono News APPLIANCESPECIALS THOR WASHING MACHINE With Pump, regular $198 - ----- Special $165 CAUFIELD WASHING MACHINE With Pump, regular $175 -- Special $145 ELECTRIC RANGE 4-burner, ail porcelain, large oven, ~ $4 slightly marked, regular $225 - -------p.ecl $14 PHILIPS TELE VISION - front $298 $10 will hold any article until Christmas Balance over 24 months USED APPLIANCES GENERAL-ELECTRIC RADIO and RECORD PLAYER - Like new 2 only - CONSOLE RADIOS Your choice ------------------------------ for only $35 1 only - STROMBERG MANTEL RADIO Like new - $24.50 USED WASHING MACHINES, $29.95 USED REFRIGERATORS -*$75 ELECTRIC RANGETTES on Mr. and Mrs. L. Alldread. Douglas Jones bas become a student at Variety Village, To- ronto, where be will learn a trade. Doug. is being sp<nsored by Bowmanvile Rotary Club. Mr. and Mrs. R. Glaspeil, Grant and Gwendoywn, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Elliott. Mrs. Alma Yellowlees and girls, Miss Allie Wood, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. H. Rundie, Hamp- ton. Mrs. C. T. May, Windsor, Mrs. E. J. Silver, Bowmanvllle, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry. Mr. Joe Riddle, Barriefield; Mns. L. Hetherington, Angus; Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones and baby with Mrs. Luella Young. Gail Scott in company with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Scott, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Little, Markbam. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear and family, visited friends in Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. H. McClure, Jim and Jane, Bobbie Coombes, Salem, witb Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. Mrs. H. Hall, Tyrone, Miss Gladys Maynard, Oshawa, Mr. Douglas Walkey, Bowmanville, visited Stuart Hall at Variety Village, Toronto. A euchre Party spctnsored by the L.O.B.A.* beld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mur- phy, Saturday evening was well attended. Prizes were awarded ta Mrs. A. Brown, high lady, and Walter Cochrane, higb New burners $25 Faim Equipment and Automotive 134 KING ST. ' Tom Cowan, Prop. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 689 Santa Arrives 52 WEEK.S A YEAR When You Give a Gilft Subscriïption - TO - The Canadian Statesman Each year more and more people are saving themselves a lot of trouble by giving friends and relatives a gift of a yean's subscription to The Statesman. If you are puzzled what to give ta people in on out of town make use of this idea now-it is inexpensive and what is even nicer it saves tracking through cnowJed stores looking for something to give. suaup::s;pzupppI-pepp--'" 1;t(u4r"1V< Ina Virtue. Jack Gibbs received the lucky cup prize. Friday evening guesta of Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett were, Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett, Scugog;, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Beckett and family. Osbawa. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamm4 ' Bowmanville, witb Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Aildread and Maxine. Mrs. W. Hughson Is spcnding the winter with ber daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. G. Arnold, Union. ville. CADMUS Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson visited at Mr. and Mrs. Frank GjIsn at Greenbank on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford 'Krr visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mc- Quade. Miss June Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sweet and Donna, To- ronto, spent the week-end wi-th Mr. and Mrs. Wes Sweet. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greaves, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pbayre and Gary, Sunday. Sorry to report that Mrs. Ger- aId Stinson underwent an oper- ation at the Port Perry Hospital. We hope that she will soon be well again. Every bouse where love abides and friendship is a guest is surely bome, and home, sweet home; for there the beant can A Special Chrisimas Card Goes Wilh Each Gifi Subscripiion THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. Gentlemen: Please send The Canadian Statesman for a year and a Special Gift Card announcing its arrivai to: M -___ ---------- Street Town or City - ------------------- My Name is --------- Street Address-_ _ Please find enclosed Money Order or Cheque for $-__ One Year's Subscription in Canada $4.O-In the U.S.A. $5.00 1 L. ý 1 Il qlpnmqnAlv TMM SPA l'am Ae lb 45Ç

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