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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1953, p. 9

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F' - ;7 ?ETIRSDAY DEC. l'Y, 1958 Principal of .H.S,. Describes Educational Nethods in Other Lands Ai Meeting of theRotary Club I~tarian L.W Dippeli, Prin- 'know Enghish when they enter. CIPa1 0f' owanie District A sYstemn has been evolved ljhh chooi, paid tribute ta the whereby a Canadian student par Piayed in furthering edu- spends the first two -or three cation by members of Public school weeks with each foreign and Hiîgh School Boards in an student. This student points out address on "Education" deliver- familier abjects ta the foreign ed at the regular meeting of the student and pronaunces the BOwmIanville Rotary Club on name of them for him. This rl!day. system hes been found very Painting out that serving on helpful in getting the foreign a eschool board is a very hard students started on English, hie end Often thankless task whjch said. I;,Mws criticism, Mr. Dippeli These students have done very ggdc that BOwmanville has well here and ail have managed "eI very fartunate as campared ta pass their grades the first 1'sanie other towns. J'The year with good marks. Calibre of our school boards has Contrary ta what most people ben very high", hie declared believe, the speaker esserted, Ponta takes its place beside the. biggest, most Special, Laurentian, Pathfinder Deluxe and fiend I would like ta thank the the United States and Canada 1 choa1 board member and the are flot the most literete coun- itnp!misse cars oni the road with the. introduction Pathfinder provide a choice of<31 différent model aple 0 amnvile fo wat tries in the world. Canada is of the 1954 Star Chief, pctured aiove. With a ail rirnediately identifiable as Poritiacs by their iey, have done for education only third, with Japan in second aniaovrlIegh0 n',batfuaddstcieSlertra here."1 place. He then explained the 14i hebs n noe-àIgho ebatfiaddsicieSle tekstying. The speaker said that school educational systenis of several 213.7 inches, the Star Chief is eleven luches longer The/ 1954 Pontiac, more briUliant than ever li CCsts are increasing rapidly for foreign countries. In Hong miew school buildings, services, Kong, where the educational than the longest of Poniac's other 1954 modela. eppearance, offers greater value ln termes ofpowe# Rupplies and salaries, and that systeni is better than in the rest The Star Cliief, Chieftain Deluxe, Chieftain economy, and ail-round performance àn the face of these mounting of China, there are kindergrt -_______________________________________________ eotts school boards have hed a ens, public sehools and highI difficult tume in budgetîng and schools, but the parents must in England which are much like itrying ta keep down expenses. pay the costs of educating their our private preparatory schooîs, zFarm Forum Findîngs Can Have TheY have done a fine job in cehildren, and there is no co)m- the speaker stated. The uni- this respect, he said. pulsory education. In the viii- versities are state-eided ta ah Serious Teacher Shortage ages and rural areas .there are greater extent than thoseo in I p rtant Ifluence if Put Io Action Another difficuîty education very few who can read or write. Canada. faces in Ontaro at the present English System Explained The German and Netherlands oei srprtae tue, Mr. Dippel] asserted, is the In England, Mr. Dippell stated, educational systems are very "What happens ta the Forumn peple.Soemsrprtae shortage of trained teachers, the educational system has similar, the speaker stated, con- findings? Do they ever lead ta sent ta the papers. Aiways there especially for the public schools. kindergartens for children five sisting of an early kindergarten action?"I is the Provincial Secretary's "Teechers can teach in public and six years aid and froni these for chîldren froni three ta six. People often ask these ques- nexvscast on Monday evenings. schools now on a permit with- they go ta elementary schools At 13 the children are given an tions wondering if their Fan Thus thousands of people heer out having ta pass any tests", until they are 11. They then examinatian and those who Forum opinions ever get beyond about the Forum findings. And hie stated. "This is not good.- take an examination and an in- i show mechanical ability are sent their own group.. 1 thus the For-umi findiiugs niLke It is bound ta lower the teaching telligence test ta determine their ta a free trade school. If the Th Fou idn sra f r t e c tib i n t p le standards, but it has become a abilities. Those who pass go students are sent ta high school be dthe ou indgsrachfer ohirio otr wiution tawpubli question now of low standards on ta gramniar schools and the there is a charge of $8 a month. beyn the grd oupain Te r o- oiino hc the landae liatl aËédj or no teaching at ail". remainder are sent ta trade Trade schools are 'free and theteteyeatacio.Ter-heanaeulialybe j Mr. Dippell told bis listeners schools. The students who en- universities are state-aîded. sulting action, hawever, may not Since National Farmn Radio that there are now students of rall in grammar schools must The Canadien and American take place immediately and it Forumi is not a pressure graup ,countries at aur High Schaol, or they are transferred to trade simlar, Mr. Dippeil said. Kin- directiy ta the findings. Frmfnig napoica coming from China, Nether- schoals. Ail these sehools are dergartens are free in Canada Samething that happens riguît or national scale, can only be ln s, oe hmdo and otit Tere"ubi" c ool w, where farmerly they were in the cammunity, like a local taken by other agencies. Stqtes, sm fwo ont Teeaeas pbi"sho nat. "Our educational costs are action project, cen very easily high, but we must remember be traced back to the one For- that duririg his first 16 yeers of uni. But when it cornes ta action life the student ls forming im- on a wider scale, such as the portent habits", the speaker passing of a new law, usually I Ie u."tisipratmn acosaenovd - that during these formative A good exmple is the Old Age 1~y5ears hie shoud have the ivery Security Act af 1951. This is the Sbest of training and guidance". Act by which every Canadian 24 Vears In Bownianv1ie gets a pension af $40 a month Mr. Dippeli wes introduced by on reaching the ege of 70. Rotria Bb Sevnswh stt- The Forums discussed the e thrat heobadtbenw taingquestion of old age pensions on .1- * ~~~~~for 31 yeers - 24 aI them in Bow-Dembr ,190unrth aiul."Mr. Dippell's sincere Aout "A Pension cn for Fvrorums i~ s reflected in the high standing fvue nadaepnine ftIA±i~ c..... ofa the students et the High 65 or 70 withaut a mneens test. ~ ~ ~ School," Mr. Stevens declared. Copies of the National Sunimary Mr. Dippeil was thanked an be- aI Forum Findings were sent a - -- hall af the club members by ta top government officiels. The . .... resident George Moody. RotaianWiliamMcKinstrey Act was passed. oI Oshawa, was a visitar. Pres- There is no doubt Liut what q ident Moody congratulated Ro- the governnient welcomed 'he tarians Deve Hlggon and Tommy expression of opinion from the el; Rehder on being eiected to Forums which represent an im- . ... . positions on Town Council for portent section aI the farm pub- z- -1954. lic. But the Act was not passed. The members joined enthus- soleiy because aI the Forum Jk ..... ...iastically in a sing-song of findings. It wes passed because Christmas cerols led by Rotarian public opinion, urban, as weil as IE. .,D ,,Deve Morrison et the piano. aid age pensions without a Secretary Rex Walters ann- means test. ounced that any members wish- Public officiais are alwavs ,, ing tickets ta the series of operas glad ta hear what farm people ta be sponsared in Taronto ' are thinking and they welcome May by the Toronto Rotary reports of the Forum findings. Clubs mey reserve them uiow. Lest February, 86 per cent aof the Forums went on record as Lisi Now Available own regions woulcl benefit from PLAN EARLY TO TRAVEL BY TRAIN Seed Prices Suggesied deas, arepreanobtet ario FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE FoHas n aredIro-Electric Power Commis- Z N Make your reservations now for tht holiday train trip He was impressed and quoted "' Folowng srve o th sedextensively from the Forum home. Your folks will know just when ta expect yau situation the Seed Marketing findings in dli eddress bie made ... and you'll have no worries about blustery winter and Publicity Committee, On- in March, on the St. Lawrence tari Sol ad Cop mprve-Power Projeet, before the Part weather as you sit back and enjoy yourself ! You have ment Association, has suggested Arthur Rotary Club. vour chai ce of rcstful sleeping accommodations or the foiowing minimum prices Provincial and National Suni- for the 1953 seed crop. maries of Forum findings area OL AIO cheerful day coaches .. . grand meals in the spacius Ots-Commercieî No. 1 grade prepared alter every Farm For- 2 dinin car. . .raamta sretchyourlegs.and isit -$1.40 per bushel. Registered umi discussion. Copies are ai-l: jwI wit frens erote.Traelby ran -youîîarrveNo. 1 qrade-.$l.65 per bushel. weys sent ta officiais af farm ýY withfrindsenrute Trvel y tain- yu'I ariveBerley- ,Commîercial No. 1 grade organizations,' government de- relaxed, refreshed and in e holiday mood! -$2.00 per bushel. RegZistered partments and othepr intereted witn :vrs. L. Nanman assis-tantî; i ie -, ~~T. Mr.Wellington Fallis, teacher IVll af junior class, with Miss Joan J%1Arile'IF- i.Brisfw assistant; Mrs. MervynV Porteous, teacher aI beginners' of charge on class, with Mrs. Vincent Jack- f son, Miss Marie Carr and Miss a Marie Finney assistants. A Christmas party for the ' oew children was planned for De- cemrber 18, when there will be y a brief pragram by the pupils, P foilowed by lunch. A hearty Feel Free Io Corne in an X MAS T EE SE ..7 U EGHTsvote of thanks xvas tendered i Xà M E S « .7 L GHTSMrs. George Wadeli who is re- ALL BUR INDPENENTLY ' class. îItebgn You are Under No ADDON ONNCT r Rev. Lawrence Norman ad- 4 ~ ~ £* ~ed the importance af Sunday Scolwark. Foliowing the conducted an installation service I~~auafor er. fficers and led in pray- Al LimderHardware fornew1 He t7at believeth on roc. the y E ,f bPhon.7 4 ork,ý that i1 cia shall he Io t' T ~- ~. Ealno: and greater ,ýorkq_ th n 3 5U4I T. nt Father.-Christ Jesuâ. 50 Towns Instali Work en Ldgtowel's new art!- ficial ice arena jes lowing down, as the money la flot available for further work at present. Lis- towel Council passe debentures for $50,000 to caver part of the cost, but while the expenditure was approved by the Depart- ment o f Municipal Affairs the debentures have flot been sold and Listowel has an overdraft of $56,000. Application wifl be made -to the province for a grant of $10,- 000, $5,000 for the arena and $5,000 for the recreation hall grant. An attempt was made ta get another $5,000 as an artifi- cial ice grant, but the Deputy Mini.ster of Agriculture said there were 50 towns getting ar- aticel $25eth0sforartiad the Thgodnrllnsm o cpi tti adbie ha plants. has been a basic belief oI men of sucessfulsfearmercomuestgiv On the day that Moy f 90g0d wil of ail faiths No n i e rvi e uces is fcam iung Cross aI Listowel visited the hAU tg ailt rlgslae rs nd ore ce ne uccesefu carin Departinent seven other tawns Altegetrlgau edr adwrig a0ne.Iftwhco had representatives there look- and moral philosophers have bing rut his ther talent, te ing for grnts. They were Mount conceved and taught that mndi- these, tgether with being a Forest, Meford, Plmerston, vidual hppness and common good farmez' makes for a well Rdgetawn. Durham and Park- good cn be realised only bY developed citizen. hil. those who practise the golden The third question asked how rule in their personel and cal- cen the inferest af young people lective life. be dev.-loped in Canadien pub- "HAT 1 WANT FOR True progress bas been niade lic alfairs anid international CHRISTMAS ta the extent that people and probleros. nations prectised the golden 1. Jain 4-H lub and Jr. Ferm- W'hen I was young, and Sente rule , fhe common den, rn'nLLoa, 6-.*S cngoame osfoe sye, a constructive human relations. 2. Encourage public speaking Inake foodolfsioend ooylen Power -seekers and power- for juniors. 1 sefrdlaboknd wielders and their diplomats 3. Discuss public affaire with To iae n hewotwie regard the golden rule as a your famuly. To akemy ifeworhwhle.counter farce and an unceasing 4. Plan bus trips ta places of Whe aier row, sf11 rean-danger fa their rutbless pohicies. interest in aur awn province. Whenolde gron, stil dra-5. Read the editoniel- page of ed on Faitbless individuels in ail ne- u ne sa r. 0f neckieces and rings: tions regard good will as weak- aurnetwse yongrepl.a OI siiken gown wifh lacy frills. es elmann ttse farm forum lead their own dis- 0f lovehy costlier things. ' usuelly have beIieved that there cussions and repart their find- was insufficient gad will in the ns But now when belle and, cerols wonld ta sustein International Or mga.tigwilbea sweet, policies based upiPO ti. the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. K, Herald the Christmias finie, When e n o u g hi individuels Osbarne. "Gaod Heelth," dear Sente, just throughouf the worhd practîse "good beeîth", the golden rule, if wihl rule Woud make my life sublime. among nations and peace wil be Time! the corrector wen ur essured. judgnients eîr.-Lord Byron. P.S.: Santa, 1 amn ashamed To make such selfish choie.; BHlng Love to cure the Nations' iln,, That ail hearts may rejoice. Yes Mr. Editor a free worid is what I want most for Christ- mas and coupied with this is a yearning that parents this year will give less "things" to their children and more of "them- selves." May every littie child have a sober mammy and daddy this Christmas. The Golden Rule The Only Hope coeeoptele aders o f 4- young mon la a goad fermer ho is making sufficient contribu- at je ig in M a R' S Jewelleryv PHONE 463 PACM ifffl "M CMAMM ST-ATMUM, MMM«VnlX ONTAMO 1 Farm Forums PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM Our foirum met at the home ti Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mutton ta discuss the topic "Citizens of Tomorraw". There were eight- een present. We were unanimoaly agreed that the 4-H Clubs in this prov- ince have been successful in turning out gaad leaders.for our farm organizations and coin- munlty projects. We feel that many Young men and wamen enrolled at O.A.C. now were given encouragement ýo attend 1 MID,

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