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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1953, p. 11

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rhU-RSDAY. DEC. 17. 1953 ¶ 1Coming ta Town," by Mrs.' Eu ùkilen .G.I. . Ne bersMurray Vice; a reading by Mrs.i Rold Annual Candle-light Service he conclusion o teaI gri Pal Leach with Mrs. M. Vice led in several carols. Fnniskillen: A major event oleasing duet by Misses Nancy' The talk was given by Mr£., tLik place on Sundav evening WV.ood and Carrol Wright,, R. Langinaid which she titled in bn. liskil1en Church when the 'Silent Night,'- and a delightful --Âre You Satisfied With Your a ' iîuaî Christmas Vesper and solo, -Holx- Night.- by Miss Husbatud?" or "What Makes a Landie Lighiting Service wvas Shirle'. Milis. Happy Marriage." She began directed by the C.G.I.T. ai-d Miss Shirley Ellis, president, by presenting the problem o! their leaders. led in the candie lighting ser- the present day - the reason The, gue.,Dc peaKeî was Mr>. vice when 30 C.G.I.T. meinhers ior so many divorces. "Peop.:e T.A. .vorgaý. vife o! the inin- I'orrned a circle with lighted are flot more adulterous than 'n ister O! TriniL, UniLed Church. .andles. Misses Mona Brunt former days. Women are nom Bowmnanville %who in her and Marie Ashton ablv presid- equal to men and consider their charming and inimitable man- ad at piano and organ, respec- rights. They do flot put up with fler gave a splendid address tively. as much as their ancestors. If Choosing as a titie for a most Rev. R. M. Seymour dedicated, they are not contented they do â4,J àpropriate subject. "Gifts.7 the white gifts presented by flot' feel it right ta continue an'd WW illustrative materia] Mis. the large congregation incluci- therefore we have more di- liorgan told some true life ing gifts framn Burketon and vorces. It takes two to break 6tories to portray the value of Enfield toi the Old People's a marriage. Talk things over the better gifts a! love. kind- Home at Cobourg. xith your partner." riess and humility. A social hour and lunch was The seven greatest problems Twelve meinbers and leaders served by the C.G.I.T. to their. in marriage in order of impor- 01 Hanmpton C.G.I.T. joined in gluests at the close o! the ser- tance are: the service. We regretted that ý vice. 1 adigo iacs Blackstock C.G.I.T. were unable, A light*2d Christmas tree,' adigo iacs to corne.! poinsettia and cyclamen plants. i 2. Children. Sçiecial music consisted aif! donated by our local green- 3. Recreation. anthemn by C.G.I.T. choir "Bless- houses and the Service Club 4. Affection. ed Songs of Christmas", a added a festive note. 5. Sex. 6. Moral standards. Solina Women's Instiute Hfears EIawofth seven were de- veloped more fully by Mrs. Langmaid. She concludèd by Good Addriess on "Are You ltn ht"tesrnt n Satisfied Wilh Your Husband" depends on mta gemn on compromise." The hymn, "Happy the Home when God is The Citizenship and Edtîca- was read. $8.00 was x'oted .o There," which she read was tion group under the leadership! the local club ta help with ex- fitting to sumn all that was re- af Mrs. Lloyd Broome had penses for their "Meat in the quired for a happy marriage charge of the December meet- Menu" project. A present and she feit. inig o! the Solina Women's card were sent to Doris Milîson Mrs. Broome and her group Institute. and it was decided ta remember served a lovely lunch. The roll caîl was answered Mrs. Baker and Louise as in The Januarý meeting will be with Christmas gifts for the previous years. in charge of Mrs. George Knox Children's SheJter. A social night when the hus- and her group under the head- "Giving neyer made anyone bandls will be entertained was ing, "Home Ecohomics and poor," the motta for the meet- planned for January 29. Mrs. Health." ,ng, was commented on by Mrs. Bruce Tink. SMrs. H. Milîson, the second vice-president, presided for the ýmeeting. A letter irom Miss îNoble about Junior Club work Amozlng New Super-Powered SWIVEL-TOP CL fANER <LIP-ON TOOLS. A Christmas Gift apweelat.d sud uaed aH sr through E. Spires with the help of the other group leaders is in charge of the arrangements. The programme included a piano solo, "Winter Wonder- land," and "Santa Claus lu Easy Action Swinf-Top citons lil over lieu 1 pesities D D Si Tof rMPTYA WEDDING KERR - DUNN On Nov. 20, in Edmonton, Alta., the marriage took place of Eleanor Elizabeth, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunn, Bowmanville, and William John Kerr, son of Mr. and Mns. Charles Kerr. Maple Grove, Ont. The couple were married quietly in a civil cereniony, the bride wearing a sand checkc suit with rose feather hat trimmed with a green veil, rose gloves and green shoes. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr wil make their home in Edmonton. Prior ta leaving Bowmanvile to join hon future huaband, the bride waa gueut of honor at a shower given by the neighbors at the home of ber mother, 14 Third St. The bride received a piece ai luggage in navy and beige, and many useful articles of linen. The bride-ta-be wau also sur- prised by girl ionds at her home when she was the recip- ient of a number of loev ou il and saucers. Mjontmoreney 1.11.,Quebea, ln 100 feet hlgh« then Niagara Falls. tLEANMNG COMMENT8 Ladies, did you know that rogulan dry cleaning lengthens the lié af your clothes? Give your elothes longer life and a fresher appearance by sending themn to your cleaner regularly. Help your Cleaner ta serve you better. Lakeshore Division, Dry Cleaners Institute (Ontario) Ltd. :":se::m::-~:sppmssIpp Santa Arrives 52 WEEKS A VEAR When You Give a Gi"ft Subscriptin - TO - The Canadian Statesmain THE CA.NADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIC Will Live ai Enfield Er BI th an Following their marriage which was solemnized -cently in the chapel of Albert Street United Church, )shawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Howard Ormiston will live at Enfield. The bride, formerly Miss Margaret Patricia l1atch, is the daughter of Mr. A. E. Blatch of Oshawa, and ,e late Mrs. Blatch, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. md Mrs. Harold Ormiston of Enfield. -Photo by Ireland "Happiness Ahead"' 2-Acf Comedy Cleverly Given hy Enniskillen Folks Rnnisklllen: Dame Fortune spasms of good, clean comedy waved her magic wand over and ample variety of music by aur community once agairi orchestra, solos, duets, quar- when two more highly success- tettes and choruses. iul events took place. On Wed- Cast of Character. nesday and Saturday evenings, Mrs. Annabelle Humphreys, a musical comedy entitled "Hap- th ha istespayd piness Ahead," was presented Mres. dorA.mis res, aedb unde theausicesof he coir Elmer, the gardener, by Allan to capacîty houses ini the com- Werry. munity hall. This new humor- Hannah. the colored coak, by ous play parallels the popular Mrs. John Griffin. production, "The Bean Town Gabby Tellitali, the choral Choir," which aur choir pre- gossip, yMsL.Wan sented on 29 occasions aîmost Julietmi, by Mrs. .Wer . three years ago. McNair. "Happiness Ahead" bas twa iti okwospao acts of two scenes each which C ithianLocwood sopano t ak e pl a e I n M rs. H u m hy s eil R ad cliffe, ten on, by C lan- lovely garden in June. Wîth ence Stainton. the stage setting of evergreens, Zander, the stranger, by Elgin trelises, lattice work and arti-Had ficial flowers, as a background Flora Malaprop, who neyer and potted plants pravided b y puts a word in the right place, aur local florist, K. Svanefelt, yMs .Bcet and lighting effects arrangecibyMrs. F. Brecktthe peo and cantrolled by L. Wearn, odn'seyeBnt, thepll.a alsoa cst f 2.,acorstraned Aunt Fanny, elocutionist, by by aur capable directress, Mrs. Mrs. R. Seymour. R. Seymour, ail added up ta a H*orace Hershey, a gay bach- successful production. eo.b ril stn Mrs.L. ambpreide atthe David Diznsey. who playa the piano for the many and varied horses, byEWrgt musical numbers. The entire L y E.HWmitnht.i'sfin cast who were in colorful cos Lulu HaymitonE. Dvig 's lan turnes added much charrn ta the Bcee, Dy Mrs .right.y rn play. There is a lave story Bh, avi'findyy m woven through the play with Mabtaff.dsKn n se.: ~s e* s:- p-p -Blanche, four choral members by Ronald Ashton, Mrs. Lloydi Ashton, John Slemon, Mrs. H. Stevens, respectively. S Orchestra - Orville Ashton, Len Stainton, John Sheard and Gordon Steven's. Male Quartette-Gardon Stev- Wright and John Slemon. Already in the new year some invitations to other commu-ijties have been accepted. ----.WN-'Sf Each year more and more people are saving themselves a lot of trouble by giving friends and relatives a gift of a vear's subscriptian ta The Statesman. If you are puzzled tvhat ta give ta people in or ou! of town make use of this idea now-ît is inexpensive and xvhat is even nicer it saveg tracking through crowded stores looking for something 'ta give. A Special Chrisimas Card Goes Wiih Each Gifi Subscriplîon *THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. # 'entiemen: 1 Please send The Canadian Statesman for a year and a Special Gift * ard announcing its arrivai ta: *~m -----_ _ _ _ _ Street _ _ - * ~~Town or City ___ * My Naie is ____________ Street ________ * Address --------- 1 Please fiîîd encIosedMoe Orden or Cheque for $ * One Year's Subseription in Canada $4.O-In the U.S.A. $5.00 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_-_ _-_ _-_- -_- - - - Brown's Home aînd Schocl Jlub was held at the school an f uesday evening, Dec. th. After the business period the remain- der o! the evening was spent ir playing euchre with the winner: being, high lady, Mrs. Page; high ran, Mr. Archie Brown; consolations, Mrs. Farrow anc Mr. Cali. Brown's Busy Bees met at the home o! Mrs. Wellington Fan. row an Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 9th. After a short business period the ladies played euchre with the winners, Mrs. T. Wil. son aiid Mrs. Cowlard. Mrs. Far- row liad decorated a Christmas tree for tie children and gave aIl a bag o! candies and nuts and an orange. Lunch wvas served. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Couch and Linda visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hicks and family, Sunday The Sialesman SoId Ai Following Stores Trull's Store, Caurtîce Strong's Store, Part Hope Reg. Ednund's Store, Bethany -lohnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byarn, Tvrone G. A. Barron, Hampton J. Riddell. Burketon H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrrell, Orono H K. Reynolds, Kendalý Gilbert Faod Market, MillbroaIk J W. Jewell W J. Berrv floxces Srnoke Shops Jury & [ovell .,i ~îrnlen -llandY Store The Statesman Office HAPON-so'ý1loan Mrs. J. Lyon andi There wilbe no Sunday School ,old Wilson, Cecile and Donna,. A numnber fromn here attended Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wilson,; Leaside, \vere Sunday visitors the Star Concert in Bowman- Toronto, were guests of lier' vith Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon., ville on Thursday evening whicil aunt, Mrs. Alfred Challener. Miss Lena Taylor. Bowinan-' tW as very much enjoyed. Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Empey ville, was guest at the parson- li Congratulations to Mr. Or- called on friends in the village age. ville Hindman and bride (nee on Thursday.. Dr. and Ms. Irwin Hilliard Barbara Jeanne Dedrick of St. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Caverlv and fainily, Toronto, were Sun-: WiliaiTL, Ont). and daughter Lyn, Stn yda guests of Rev. and Mrs. F.. The weather is more wintrv Creek. visited hs brother, Ken-; J. Reed. and the storni of Monday leit neth and Mrs. Caverly. î Mr. and Mrs. G,. Adcock.ý a heavy blanket of snow. Miss Geraldine Hartwell, To-j Annabelle and Harry visited Mr. If there's no one at home dont ronto, who was forrnerly a: and Mrs. J. Saunders. Oshawa, leave clothes before the lire to missionary in China for 38 years, on Sunday.' dry.-Chinese Proverb. has been a guest of Rev. and, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham, Mrs. F. J. Reed. Fenelon Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. Dr. E. C. Reynolds wîth his Harland Trull. sister, Miss L. Reynolds. A Christmas pageant "The Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fernandez Nativity" will be presented in the and daughter, Toronto, with church Sunday evening at 7 Mrs. S. G. Niddery and Mary. jo' dock. Regular morning church Miss E. Ruttan and Mr. Ed.. service at 10.45, with a Christ- Ro Manning, Toronto, visited herý mas message and special Christ- mother, Mrs. Hazel Ruttan, et: mas music by the choir. You are WIA the home of Miss Reynolds. 1 invited to join ini these services, For Gi"fts You'II Givel With Pride îLet yourJeweller beyour Gu«de A gift te delight her! Stunnlng li-piece set for her drossmg table. Beautiful 45 desiffn445 WOMAN'S PEARL RING Exquisite pearl in a 20.00 lovely mounting -2 IDENTIFCATION BRACELET In sterling and 9 gald.. From __.9_ MAN'S SIGNET RING EXPANSION ]BRACELETS Handsome-mnounted for l.adies' or menlu onyx ring for hlm l.u watclxea irons 49 FINE BINOCULARS Precision quality, n~ leather case. From....AIJ F'or aHl a Handmoan. CIGARETTE CASE Very durable. Made 0, mn England. Fnam '- U'J ni For Mom S STREAMLINE IMON 1 Automatec--- 14.95 M ELETRIC To Brighten Vour Home ALasting Gif t KETTLES MODERN TABLE LAMP 14.0 Our prîce 7.95 Ta .deli@ __________Chriatni 1GIFWRAPING!Engraving Do Merchandise purc E OPEN EVENNGS TILL CIRI: and Gif' SPhone 747 MUSICAL POWDER BOXES Bee aur selection -- 7.95 34-piece SET 0F SILVER ,ght her this 687 mas -__68.75__ one Free on ail ,chased in our store it Shap 114ý4 àil?ý WW ing fSt.i W. - i. Iler's the cleaner you've been hearing about TIME FAYMENTS IF YOIJ WISH The Radio Shop X King St. Boat Phone 573 SEND IN THIS COUPON NOW -1 le 111 1 'N i PAGE ELEVEN - ,11 ISTMAS

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