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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1953, p. 15

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.............................................................................-......'.4..- - - *< ?Jt~sIAy DE. ?,leu TWE CANADMIA STATESMffl, NOWMAIqyy.LMoerAMz <ike ewc"d seetin [ýordon :Agnew. Editor .Phono 3621 Social and Personcil Mr. and Mn,. P. F. Hare mo- bonéd to Piclon on Saturday ,fluhere they attended the fun- Ip'aIo! Mn. Hare's cousin, the Me MrM. Sam' Clement. Mr. and Mn,. George Wallon mpbyIntor on Saturday for a ri.on in Flonida. ru . C. Dennis ha, return- ced to her home after having ,qpent the past two weeks with her brother, Mn. Dan Taylor in Windsor. Mr. and Mn,. Ken Blow and Mir. and Mn,. Les. McSwain of Acton and Mr. and Mrs. Long- ton Carveth o! Lindsay, wene weekend gueits with Mn. and Un,. W. R. Corveth and family. Mn. and Mn,. Gardon Agnow vlsited in Peterborough on Sun- day with Mn. and Mn.. F. L. Agnew. Mn. and Mrs. Poney Tamnb1y spent the weekend ln Peterbo' ough visiting with thein dauglb ter and son-in-law, Mn. and Mri Ken Withers and family. The Newcastle Mcmorîal Li bnary Board hos recently pui chased three sets af books t augment the reference sectiai They are the "Book o! Know ledge"l, 20 volumes 1954 edition The Book of Popular Science 10 volumes; and the Encyclape dia of Canada, 6 volumes. The, are published by the Grolier So ciety. W'hile prlmarily for th, benefit of high and public scho& pupils, these new sets contaii Up to the minute informatial which every patron of the Li brany should find usetul. Thý Llbrary Board hope, these booki will be used and enjoyed by ah? Mrs. Harry Jose nittee was appointed topa r ]Re-elected Presideni 1mis for Crsms h onn WoManS ASSCiatin i1ating committee presenteda Womas Asociaion siate of officens for 1954 whîcl ________was accepted. December meeting of Womn-,_ The guest speaker, Mrs. Fre< an's Association of Newcastle J EBowen, was introduced by Mrrs United Church was heid on Glenney. The speaker gave soîni Thursday with a goodly num- interesting tacts regarding the ber Of rmembers in attendance A.C.W.W. Convention which she had attended last summer In The devotional period featur- Toronto. She said there had been ed the theme of Christmas with 126 countries and 126 organiza- Mrs. A. Glenney opening with1 tions repreffnted at the conven- the reading of two suitable; tion. Mrs. Bowen read two poems. Christmas hymns wene! poems "Builders Ail" and "Be sung and Mrs. C. Carveth nead As Good As You Can". the scripture and meditation. A Ahetyveo!hakst voa ut,"9 i)h Srn Mrs. Bowen for her interesting ge?,was contributed by Mrs.takwsedre byM.C i.Jose and Mrs. H. Peance with Creh *«Ml'. . Allin playing the piano Creh accompaniment. Lunch was served by mem- bers of Mrs. Glenney's group Mn.. Jose conducted a short and a social haif heur enjoyed business pnxod In which a corn- at the close. 1954 Offleera* President, Mrs. Harry Jase; APPLCATONS ist vice, to be filled:, 2nd vice, APPLCATINS Ms. Herb Toms; rec. sec.'y, Mrs. H. Allun; corresponding sec.'y. Clork Treasurer Mrs. I.Colwill; assistant, Ms 1 ofey, treasurer, Mrs. Ross Appications will be re- Dickinson; Parsonage com., Mrs. eeived by thie undersigned W. Rickard. Mrs. Percy Hare, for the position of Clerk- Mrs. C. Cowan, Mrs. H. Jose, Treaturer for the Village o! Mrs. Ross Dickinson; kitchen Newcasatle, Up to and In-. Com., Mrs. C. Ferguson, Mrs. H. clïading Déeemnber 26, 1953. Brown, Mrs. C. Cowan, and Mrs. Salary $550 per annum. L. Toms; flowen com., Mrs. Fer- R. . ICAR. lek, guson, Mrs. Cowan, Mn,. P. R.e.wRcK astle Ont. wn and Mrs. A. Glenney; Newaste, nt. press sec.'y, Mrs. T. Sowden; _______________________pianist, Mrs. G. Rîckard. DOèXINGDAY By Resolution of the Village Couneil, 1 bave been authorized to proclaim Boxing Day, SATURDAT, DECENDER 261 h A Civit Holiday in the Village of Newcastle, of which ail Citizens are Requested to Take Notice. JOHN RICKARD, Reeve, Village of Newcastle. Rey. L. H. Turner Santa' Claus Cornes vnGiven Purse of Money To Gay Concert S- By Congregation At Yelverton School Prion ta hi. leaving ta take Yelverton-The annual schocl SUp hlm new pastorale in the city concert aI Yelverton was open- r- of Kingston, Bey. Lawrence H. cd with "O Canada". Grades1 O Turner was the rcpe of a and 2 then pnesented a "Wel- reipen corne" Acnostic. Little Miss Lin- of a purse of $2S7, the gift do Rowan, in hon final year at nof hi. congregation of the New- school asked "Why Not?" in a ýe castle United Church. recitation. In a play, "A Letter e- Cailing at the Porsonage ta Santa Clous", Neal Ker !y shortly before the departure of Pearl Kenr and Carole Henshaw > tc Turner eamnily, a committee managed ta reformi Stirling Me- e eomposed of Mn.. P. F. Hare, Gil by threatening ta tell Son- Di Mm'. J. H. Jose and Messrs. AI- ta of his conduct. Choral speak- in bent Pearce, Gordon Martin, ing of "The Night Before Christ- on Charles Cowan and Edmund mas" by the whole school was iThackray mode the presenlation well done. Lloyd Wilson sang ita Mn. Turner, on behaîf of the about "Freddy, the Fin Tree". tg congregatian. A drill "At Christmas" by the I. In reading the addness of tare- juniors wos W<ell received. Ken- well, Mrs. Hane expressed the ny Wilson told about "When -e regrets of the congregation in SnaWsaKd.Eeyn n -their loss of a good minister and j oyed the school's presentatior fniend from their midst. The o JnleBlsBit htn *address expressed the apprecia- BAniqustnme fo t,.i a tion of the members of the con- Aunqeseefo etn h gregation for the faithful work arou.nd Christmas shopping carried on by Mn. Turner in the 1 problems was lntroduced in "Se- church and community and con-1 cond Hand Presents" featuring dgratulated him on the honour, Lorraine MeGili, June Henshaw, which had been bestowed upon; Lloyd Stephenson and Neal e hlm on being calied from here Kerr. Lorraine McGill played e ta a city pulpit, which honour the piano and Junc Kerr gave e made it easier for the local con- a necitation "What Would You n gregation ta release him. Say?" A group of songs by the The best wishes o! the con- school was followed by a group gregation go with Mn. Turner, recitation "Their Wishes". Some hi. wite and daughten, Grace vr sweet canal singing was e Marie, as they go 10 thein new backed by a Christmas pageant home and the addness expressed showing the manger scene. Dale the hope that, thaugh they Stinson told how "Hopeful" hie would be making new fniend- was and then Santa Clous ap- ships, l hoped that they would Peared 10 distribute the pres- not fonget the tniendships mode eïits and bags of candy under in Newcastle. the tree. Mn. Ga, Bethany, was ai the 1 piano with Ralph Malcolm as i LO G S ULT master of ceremonies.Mr. Jack j teochen and the pupils fon their Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk efforts. Mn. Neil Boiley, the John Hooyer, Nestleton. A real stonm took away from Mrs. Hrold Murphy, Mns. W. the usual crowd at this annual Voneyk and Miss Grace Smith festivity but it did flot take attended the L.O.B.A. surprise away any of the enjoyment of party for Mrs. E. Murphy at the those who were present. home o! Mrs. W. Murphy, Ty- rone. Mrs. Murphy was present- ed with a lovcly pin before leav- N sitn Sain ing ta spend three months in effo Stin Irelond with hen brothers and sistens. Mrs. Murphy left Sun- Congratulations to Mn. and day by plane from Dorval Air- Mrs. W G. Bowles (nee Evelyn part, Montreal. Lcary, Toronto)> who were mar- Mr. and Mns. F. G. Smith at- nxed on Satunday, Dec. 12, 1953, tended the White Gift service by Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles at his at St. PauI's church Sunday home, Nestieton. morning and were dinner guests Mn. and Mrs. B. R. Knight left of Mn. and Mn,. F. O. Smith, by train to visit her sister, Mr. Bowmanville. and Mrs. Jas. Colville in Font Mr. and Mn,. Gordon Bont- William for the holiday season. ley, Port Penny, Mn. and Mrs. Mns. Wiltrid Vine and baby Harol d Bentley, Stephen_ and son arrived home an Sunday. R'onnie, Mn. and Mrs. Grant Mn. and Mrs. Philip Langfeld Bentley Ajax, were Sunday and daughtor, Bowmanville, vis- visitons of Mn. and Mns.' Rye td M.adM .G ag Gibson. feld. M.adMs .G og Don't forgot the schoîoi con- Miss Catherine Deacon died at cent Thursday night, Dec. 7, in ber home in Port Penny on Sun- the school. day. Interment in Caesar's cern- Mn. Harold Murphy is driving etery, Cartwright. a new Meteor car. Relatives fnom Nestieton aI- Mn. Stanley Flotcher, Toron- tendod the funoral af Mr. Otto to, with hi, parents, Mn. and Spencer, Bethany an Monday. Mn,. G, Fletcher. Interment was in Yelventon cometery. Mn. H. McComb ha, begun meetings for the young peoplo each Saturday evening in Nos-, tioton Presbyterian Chunch' bosoment. Mr, Harry Vonden 1oul ne- turnod Thunsday by air from Holiand. He loft Amsterdam at on Tuesday and landed in Gander, Nfld., ot Il a.m. on Wednesday. The announcement receivcd by sovonal Conadian i friends was not a wedding an- nouncement but of an engage- ment party and reception on Nov. 28, 1953, in Holland aI the home of Miss Caty Neef. Caty will come ta Canada eonly in the spring. Ladies' Aid of Nestleton Pres- bytenian Church met at the home o! Mrs. G. Wolfe for the Christ- mas meeting. Treasurer's report showod a good financial balance and $20 was voted ta missions. A heanty ciap and vote o! thanks was tendènod retiring president, Mn,. K. Gilbank. Mn. McComb spoke wonds a! oppreciation for the wonk done by the Ladies' Aid after which he conducted the election o! these officers: President, Mn,. G. Wolfe; ist vice, Mn,. G. Thompson; 2nd vice, Mn,. Cecil Wilson; sec. troas., Miss Ruth Pnoutt; assist- ont sec.-tneos., Mn,. Jas Honnis; piantst, Mn,. Thompson. Mn,. Wolfe closed the meeting and presidod for Ibis pnogram: Read- ings, Mrs. Wilson, "The Book I Most Enjoyed"; Mn,. H. Mc- Laughlin, "A Christmas Prayer"l; Mn,. Wolfe, "'Twas the Night Bofone Christmas". Canais end- ed the prognam. Lunch was served by the hastes, and as-: sistants Mn,. H. McLaughlin and Mn,. K. Giibank. Mn,. Wil- aon extended the thanks of the mxeeting. Januany meeting a Mfrs. R. Dckey'. STARK VILLE si a] Mn. and Mrs. Keith Rowe and son, Bowmanville. with Mr..and Mrs. Howard Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and familyý with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Falls, Kendal. Mn. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson, and sons visited Mr. and Mrs.I R. Boughen, Newtonville. Miss Donna Stark, Oshawa,, sPent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. G. Shemilt, Osh- awa, viàited Mr. and Mn.. Bert Tnim. Miss C. W. Stewart and pupils have been husy prepaning their program 10 be presented next Mr. d, Rthvn, Zonwith, Califonia Sunkist Navel Oran California Suankist Naviel Orai Florida Tangerines - "Eatmor" Cranherries * - Prince Edward Island Polafoes , - m a a Large Heads Head Letuce - New Crop Bunched Carrois * M * * * M - * * M u M * M M M a a 220 'a ne. 43c 21 E' Ig a »~29C m m 1* lb.25c 50 LbI. 89C 10 Lb., 25c m m a r29c m m 0 m m Fer 25C STORE HOURS OPEN Saturday Evsmmng IjU 9 s'cock Open Nonday, Dec. 21 - Tues., Dec. 22 - Wed., Dec. 23 frontS a.m. Io 9 pm. Open Thurs., Dec. 24 - 8 a.. I 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. William Massie Hospital. Eowmanville. and pon- Denton, TorontQ, visit. Miss Vida and Miss Elnia ed Mr. and Mns. V. Robinson. Tourjee, Toronto, visited friends Miss Zdith Sherwin returned Sunday in Orono. home last week -foilowlng sev- Mr. Ambrose Delbert Gilroy, erai months ini Oshawa and To> native of Kendal, passed away rontp hospitals. . Dec. 9th. Plenty, Sask., in his MW. W. H. Hooper and daugh- 68th year. He is survived by his ter, Mrs. J. Andrews, Toronto, widow, one daughter and two Mr. and Mrs. Frank WE.r, Ty- sons, one sister, Miss Effle B. rone, spent Suaday wth Mrs. Gilroy, Vancouver, B.C., and il Charles Awde and Mr. and Mrs. one brother, Mr. Anson Gilroy, i- Dave Hooper. Orono. 1 Mr. Roy Uowers, Scarbor- Congratulations to Mr. and 1- ough, visited Mrs. Cecil Pow- Mrn. W. J., Stainton, who are k- ers on Sunday and reported na celebratini their golden wed- kt chane in the serious condition ding anniversary on December a of Mrs. Fred Souch following 19th, in Sunday School rooms ,r being hit by a street car in To- of Orono United Church. Mrs. . ronto, two weeks ago. Stainton w p the former Miss V Mrs. Hrry Mereer returned Aima Tambryn. -on Tuesday to the MemoiaI Mr. and Mxa. A. Clough, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duhart and fam- * W. . an W. M S. Trenton, spent Sunday with g T~.IT~ M Miss Adele Cooper and Mr. ,.HlUAUJolfint M eeing Douglas Lycett traveiled with a Oshawa Skating Club by char- On Dec. 8th W.A. and W.M.S. tered bus to Midland Arena iast of United Church met together Friday evening. in the Sunday School auditor-1 Baby Band held their Christ- ium ta enjoy their Christmas mas partv, Saturdav in the Sun- meeting.1 day School Auditorium. Mrs. Ervin Rainey, president Mrs. K. Gamsby and familv of W.A., opeiied the meeting movéd on Saturday ta their new with words of welcôme and regidence, formierly owned by after singing a Christmas hymn, Mr. andl Mrs, J. Wm. Boyd, who Mrs. C. Duncan led in prayer. have moved into the Gamfsby Business included reports of ca- home for the winter. tering to a wedding and to the banquet of the Holstein Associa- Mr. and Mrs. H. Luxton and tion, Mrs. C. Duncan presented new daughter. Bowmanville, vis- the slate of officers for the new ited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mer- year. cn President, Mrs. E. Rainey; Ist Mr. and Mrs. E. Denty, Co- vice, Mrs. V. Robinson; 2nd vice, bourg, visited Mrs. J. E. Rich- Mrs. W. Hoar; 3rd vice, Mrs. C. ards. Taylor; rec. sec., Miss E. Pen- Mrs. Thornton Wilson return- found; cor. sec., Miss M. Davy; ed home atter spending several treas., Mrs. R. E. Logan; kit.chen weeks visiting in Simcoe, Ham- comn., Mrs. W. Hoar; Parsonage ilton and Toronto. com., Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn; pian- Ms .P umni tyn ist. Mrs. George Carson; visiting with Sadie Brown over the itol- com., Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn. iday season. Mrs. A. Drummond, W.M.S. M.adMs lxWto president, then took charge ofvsie Mr. and Mrs. Arex Wat- the meeting and read a letter iteMranMs.AceWt from Miss Hawse, Missionary in son, Toronto. Africa, expressing her thanks Mrs. Gordon Cotter is assist- for a carton of clothing received ing at Orono Post Office for the from Orono. Christmas season. Officers for 1954: President, Mr. andý Mrs. E. H. Samuel Mrs. A. A. Drummond; lst -vice, spent the weekend in Toronto. Mrs. M. H. Staples; 2nd vice,' Mrs. Emil Schmid and Mrs. Mrs. V. Robinson; 3rd vice, Mrs. Henry Cantreli entertained at R. Allun; Rec. Sec., Miss M. Da- their home at a Tupper party. vy; Christian stewardshipý sec, Lucky winners were Mrs. Glan- Mrs, A. Drummond; community ville, Newcastle; Mrs. Carl Ten- fniendship, Mrs. W. J. Lycett; nant, Mrs. T. Lewis and Miss supply sec, Mrs. Chas. Wood; Alma Cuttell. Missionary Monthly sec, Mrs. C. Mr. Newton Cobbledick re- Duncan; press sec., Mrs. J. J turned to his son Harold's home Mellor; temperance and citizen-- after spending several months ship sec., Mrs. W. Stutt; litera- in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- turc sec., Miss Gilfillan and Mrs. ville. Porter. Miss Viola Gilfillan is at St. President conducted the wor- John's Convalescent Hospital, ship service on the theme "God's Newtonbrook, Ontario, and Miss Christian Gifts". Mrs. C. Wood Christine Kitchen, R.N., is now and Mrs. R. Allun assisted in a Ofl St. John's staff. Christian Meditation and several canais were sung. A solo by Mrs. CLEANING COMMENTS G. Carson was enjoyed. Mns. Kit- chen gave a very interesting Here is a tip, neyer put things talk on customs and celebra- away for the winter without tions of Christmas in Norway dry cleaning first. Help your and Mr. Kitchen showed some Cleanen ta serve you better. beautiful Christmas slides of the Lakeshore Division, Dry Clean- First Christmas. lers Institute (Ontania'> Limited. A E - I Wrn. Bunting Ioved To St. Wi1Iiaifz Forest Station Mn. Bill Bunting. vho has been stationed at the Forest Sta- tion here for the.p ast several years is being transferred to the St. Williams Forest Station on Lake Erie during eanly January. Among his ather new duties Bill will have charge of a Highways Department nursery near Lon- don. This transfer is n line with the routine policy af the' Departuxent of Lands and For- ests by whîch assistant nursery supeintendents, after being ta- tioned at one nursery for sev- eral years, are transterned ta other nurseries, where climate, sali, and tree species are diffen- ent. in orden ta gain wider ex- penience and take on additional responsibilities. We will al miss Bill and his family very much and we wish them every success in thqir new home. Mr. A. A. (Sandy) Russell, r IllilFOR CHRISTAS 25%/' Off During Christmas SeasonJ Two and three-skin Scarves from $22.50 up per skin Drop ln and see them. Open until 10 each evening except Thursday. Honey Hollow Restaurant Neweastle Phono 3206 'j The Amazing New LIQUID TILE - FLOOR PAINT Now you can have a tile surface floor for the price of point. New Jiquid tile goes on like paint - Pordun On!e-e Five popular colours - tule red, battleship grey, tile green, marine blue or sunshine yollow. $2.39 quart 85K S. W 85 King St. W. Phone 431 -$7.95 gallon Hu. ADERNETHY I hFor the Dest Value for your $ iShop at CawIcer's I.G.A. S'With regards tu Xmas Paultry' I Our Turkeys, Chickens, Geese are ail FRESH killed and raised within a radius of leu miles of Dowmanville. The Price will be IEIGHT. Wa tch our windows Thursday for prices on ail Poulfry. Place your order -now for complete satisfaction. Praduce Features ing transferred from the Med- hurst Nursery ta take over Bill Bunting's duties at Orono. San- dy spent a sumnmer at the Orano Nursery in 1948 while a student. Mr. AI. Peacock, who hails from Elizabethville. i. being transferred from Angus ta take Sandy Russell's place at Mid. hurst. Mail News Early Thereo-operatlon of correspon- dents In mailing thefr news bud. tete eau-ly during thc next two weeks Is urgently requested. We autgest that correspondent@ send lIn their budget& a day car- lier than usual durlng the Christmas rash pertod ln order to ensure that they wIll arrive ln tisse for publication ln the current Issue. This co-operation wil b. jilao greatly appreeiated lIf theru who ave news items send or phone them in early and » ------------------ - ýîl&- PAC. LOLP Firl Effl Phone 3206 Newcastle Brush On' Roll On! - 1 la Phone 431 .ý-i m 1 Jusi Arrived . . 0

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