TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN, 8BOWALfLE& oNTABIo Senior Officiais Attend Agricultural Con ference BEASON 0F ENTERTI- ipear in major cities across the MENT continerit, on both sides of the ' Another winter's entertai- border. The Canadian ballet Ment seanhsben n rn was fornied to encourage pro- erica, aa il ovr thelushballet in this country, " acres afteeto ain h and the plan la eventually toa people artespeparigatiornew take the "Swan Lake" choreo- arhdue of thir forie graphy as well as "Dark of the « amuees sfmhnicaortMoon", a production writteh by amu-eme balletyhne music, Joey Harris of London, Ont., ta Urlhgardevaleytheing es the smaller centres. The coin- hockey andj wrestling to check- pany has just this week left the andwhit. n orus, rensMaritimes and will next appear e halls and high school au- m oteladTrno 4iumns ail manner of show- When the Sadler's Wells Bal- - eiocutionists, bubble let danced "Sleeping Beauty" in t cers-, jugglers and hypnotists roronto last month ail the avail- -ill supply in saine measure able seats ini Maple Leaf Gar- the great need which we al dens were taken. The 9,332 pa- have for entertainment in this trons, who stacked themselves 40 hour week era. ta the rafters at one perforîn- The National Ballet Company ance of the three-night stand, Of Canada has aiready opene d rel iust 41 short of the world's c ite third season, and a troupe of j ord attendance for a ballet 1 'ýA < 45 daincers, under the artistic di- presentation. With Margot Fon- ~~ ~ ' rection of Celia Franca, wiîî ap- teyn as a drawing card, the Com- pany brought in .$110,00 MENDELSSOHN CHOIR TO NEW YORK IflUi irim Canadian musicians made a ID A G F big splash in New York this year when orchestral work of Many of the Ministers and ail Deputy Ministers Reading fromn lef t to right,'seated: Pt. Trcpanier, Quebeç; Canadian composers were pres- of Agriculture, with the exception of Newfoundland, C. D. Graham, Ontario; Dr. J. G. Tag2__art, Ottawa; 0. S. ented in Carnegie Hall under attended the Federal-Provincial Agricultural Conference Longman, Alberta. Standings: F. W. Walsh, Nova Scotia; tebaton of Leopold Stokow- ski. In April there will be an-a tawNvebr2-24, 1953. Above are the Deputy W. R. Shaw, Prince Edward Island; J. K. King, New Bruns- J I ~other big Canadian -venture in i Ministers, except W. R. Robertson, British Columbia. wc;J .BlMntb;W 1 onr akthwn New York. Sir Ernest MacMil- wc-Dep.BelMnior;W.Htm eofri asculuewphot lan will conduct Toronto's Men- _eateto giutr ht a ~~delssohn Choir and orchestra in wsi h ad fteoecniudt ewt i two performances. They will I a i h anso h give full renditions of Bach's French, but it was thrown into fnemily. Thedsytathy ofthei "St. Matthew Passion" and Han- th1ako hnte rayo I whole community has been ex- ;~~î'del's 'Messiah". Paris was being drafted folio-- ri# a u 10 tnedt i orwn ea y - Mr. Stokowski wiîl corne to ing Wolfe's vîctory over the 1Iivs Canada to conduct some of our French at Quebec. There was tvs ai D i aste On Thursday afternoon, John own orchestras. soe osternation in Engiand, V Tt' er asosrdb e For radio listeners, Maestro however, as to which of the D alAshbsa t r erey, sPoritainwasKend * Arturo Toscanini, who will oe colonies - Canada or Guade- ______ _______________ I Port Hope.a the t hetre 87 in March, basleth NB loupe - should be retained by The crowd was smaller than the int ~~~~~~the British and which under thetce 7 sryalupcae odwih w er rcdn u eot 0 itoits l7th season at Carnegie, atiletoitele stroul b my havel unckaged oodwihtw errreeigbu eot Hai1.>For the 24th year the Col- rticleoFrhenteat. hudb umbia Broadcasting System - etredtoFane Women will share ail the per-rahvebnexdtoa- say pictures shown were even i1 ils of incidents which may arise, dioactive dust or moisture; wash better than last year. Door presenting the Sunday after- The war had been costly. andintevetoantaconC- thoroughly ail containers sa c-.x-' prizes were won by Mr. Bruce noon concerts of the New York England was happy enough to'aa elr ii eec x posed and don't use their Con- Crosley, Zion, and Mrs. Greer, Philharmonic which have help- be rid of the expense evenîif itprs hy ilhv pat ents unless you are sure they Cobourg. The district repre- Sed Canadians as well to under- meant losing Canada. The rea-eualasmprntsthta were airtight; keep water star- sentative, Mr. D. McLauchlin, stand classical music. sons for keeping Guadeloupe qalasiiotnasta oeinarih tlsorjsnBigowspeetfrhs .4 a * * ~and deedin ethe barren snows b lyd ymninmauese nrtige h btesjrs, in rigton, aprnest or bs MORE HURS 0FLEISURE iof l8th dntury Canda ta ita deal with disaster and, in the yo U oesefFltietrw peaac sb a IF rance were set forth in a ser- awtermath of attack, may be Us fFclte enprmtdt oiini Peopîpe are* staying at homeieofltesaLndnAn even more essential to restora-' If more water is needed than Moncton, N.B.1 A OU ST R moean hyaeging out iso etr oLo.Adi tive services. bas been stored, officiaIs say, Master of Ceremonies was Mr.1 AT O R S O E more, tand They aorter gor they might have m an hedeod As Canada plans to cape with that if water is stili running E. Weiss, Hamilton branch of Coly the new Modeshorter working rhad the sugar eca.so11 basthe rerBWModel Mimte day and increased hours of England not feared that their;i calamity, in whatever shape It from'the taps it may be safe toa the company; Mr. J. A. Watson,1 basth lrgr OW-FT beaters leisure are continuaiiy creating mnplwudbe rknif aycne, the cali bas already use il for a short time after an Vice- President, and Mr. D. shaped to fit both ide and bottom moo wumarketsnifMa cr ofolAlhbatrosho new akt for entertainment. Reodcmaissl ilos uadeloupe's sugar products* gone out ta women with special attack, because it would take Laree of the saine branch, were theoe..EVEN mixlng, reater AEt eor opniss mlin were permnitted ta flood the Brit- training in such fields as first some time for radio-active ma- present. ATION, aod igher hfiner- of discs during the year to peo-ismaktfeofaif.Te idwlaran hoeurig eas ta penetrate to it, but On Friday afternoon the onxtthd caes, p e wh' took themhoesta play merchants used their influence to j0n services being organized: piped water should not be used1 church was filed to overflow- popthe -seet-urtabres. tar with the colonial secretar and ý or emergency action. Retired freely until healtb authonities of- lng when many friends from a3 COMPLE eopnleaazwet'ottosapurants in 1763 Guadeloupe was ceded nurses are urgently needed to ficiaily approve it. This is be-' distance, and practically everyt $63-95ETE 0and0magainenickeps and put $1,-ta France and Canada was e-; ep build up the ealth and! cause, at times of disruption of' famiiY in the community were coninnts uk oes course, today Canada praduces ties know, will be bulwarks of seases cauld spread through a ta Mr. Tborndyke as he lay in staying at thoe epenho a great deal of sugar fromn the civil defence organization every- town's water suppiy. wî cherished for so long. Beauti- home arebeet.) wer.Peoplean ltigaswl their time loaking at televisian,! ful ilowers surrounding the LESE , ANIER uthi remarkable new med- It is doubtful if pon judg- Women will aiso be needed in 1 as supplies, are hiable to con-, casket and music of the oid R, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mn had ever before been more communications, transport anid tamination, under modemn air fmla yuadtesro Shavos in LESS TIME kept people off the dance floors profitable than it was for Brit- other civil defence services in attack conditions, so, as s0floofbi fiedsad'eihors1 or away- fromn tedie-nani the days ta followed. fa greater numbers than ever sufficient water is availabie, the were ail a fitting memoriai ta; on Soop-andBIod. theates. TV bas ven helpedbefore and, because of their in- womnan at home should make oewaefmla iuewl effncn Sou-end-Bode teatre. TV hs eve helpd timae knoledknofwledgeowofvetheirwaownr ever tonenewashe aorlbatfieuetho- encourage people to, reaT 'neghohod, iJ ak delragly an hag cohe.be sorely missed in the front were 18,000 new books pyy'- EDDIN neghbrhodwitb neponsiiiity fo Clean acdothang, et whe i pew of the church. His service ed in Engiand alone yean, ________leadership in forming and guid- would not be hiable to cantam-!fwelortity easnoe and .11,000 in the U.S. Every ig sl hl ate eoe ntosol epto n important office wiii always be time a book is reviewed on rV STEPHENSON - BROWN drn and after incidents,. the passibîy dangeraus garments an inspiration ta those left be- the sales soar.urn hind ta carry on bis wark, with More people are going ta mo- In a pretty wedding in Colum- Since the individual home wiîî either thoroughiy washed or de- added zeal in remembrance of vies, also. Last year was the bus United Church parsonage uudoubtedly be involved »in any stroyed altogether. In washiug, ihim. first time that receipts fromn mo- on Dec. 12, David Stephenson, wrwihmycre h e pcn teto hudb ie On Friday evening a happy vie houses in Canada exceeded eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton tion's hope and trust is pinned, ta one's hair, fingernails and party was held at the home of the $100,000,000 mark (ta Stephenson, Janetville, was wedi on tbe hausewife in every sec-î folds of the skin, wbere radia- Mr. and Mrs. Truman Austin $105,459,000). This money was ta Miss .8etty Brown, daugter tian of the country. I n many! active dust couid lurk.I when about 50 neighbors gath- received througb the box of- of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown, cases, she will be tbe only aduitI Civil Defence authorities see ered with gifts and good wishes fîces of 3,416 theatres and halls. Ohawa. Rev. R. H. Rickard1 in a position ta look ta the wel- 1 Canadian women rising ta the for the newiy married couple, {This was 103 more box offices fiatd fare of children and the safety occasion in any major disaster Mr. and Mrs. Sam Yeo, Port than in 1951. The gavernment's The bride was frocked in grey of the home, since men not ac- which may strike their commun- Hope. The bride, the former take in amusement taxes taffeta with dark blue access- tal ntefgtn ocswl te.Te okfrterbl Ainslee Bee, looked charming amo-unted ta $12,975,298. aies and corsage of pink roses. be away, holding the production' in ail the civil defence services, and happy. dressed in navy with * *Se a atndd ybe ise-' front or doing their bit in such' standing shoulder to shoulder1 chrysanthemumn corsage. An MEANING 0F GUADELOUPE in-law, Mrs. Clifford Brown, services as those mobilized forr with their menfolk and, most, address of good wishes was DAYI Oshawa, wearing a navy outfit beavy rescue, fire-1ighting, aux- of ahl, keeping up morale andj read by Muriel Austin and a with pink accessories and cor- iliary police work, debris dlear- fighting the fight fan survival table full of presents placed in This week-on Decemnber 12 sage of roses. The groom was ance. etc. on the family front as only womn-' front of the young couple, wbo HA MA T R -Guadeloupe Day will b e cele - attended by Mr. Clifford Brown, Hints For Housewlves en know how. tbanked their friends. The 'btinAe i nd e o.Indiesin -IOhw.rCivil ciefence officiais urge al many ioveiy gifts were opened tinAmnia ad exco.Itisin At a supper and dance in the Canadian wamen wbo do- nat idIE and passed around the guests sa If you believe cecric sbaves bonor of their most important local C. O. W. hall in Oshawa, expect ta be able ta join the WELE Y VILLE ahl might see them. The even- sainto on and wihi b a da of mx- following the ceremony, close ta variaus services )f arganized _____ ng was spent quîetly with a few y ke oo LO a n otIIh-v ed religiaus fervor and light- one hundred get attended. civil deect t atIrpr games and sing-song conducted yOur er LSEeog- heartedness. 1guests .saydefence., btaruatnaneasripreparen 3 minutes with the Model "W" The day recaîls ta me a most 1 The bride's mother received, for emergency at home. or in- On Wmedn tedayualmenogbTa and M nteuuail maune Shavemaster wiII change yomr interesting connection whicb rgo wred in navy witb red accèss-, stance, every hausebold should Do tee m ,tan uAsso metiong and t ee and chusua ande mimd. Corneini and tryit S Ca'nada has with the sugar-rich ri ndcrage o oes. Sh aeo dapentflspl iheid at the home of Mrs. C. cake. for yourself. It's Americas Most la do\udlup n*h vas assisted by Mrs. Stephen- of blankets, sheets, toweis, etc. pepalar electrac $haver. % rec Ws son, wvearing a navy ensemble eadih- availabie. Chiidren Py!,Pr oe h r- W r or asyGoi Fec WetIndies. If it bad ýwt osg fpn-rss huàb agtt erln gram for the aftemnoon was in Nichails is not making a very! f iot been fan a curiaus interven-chwrth corsage ofarink Nroses.sshould be taugbt ta weaar long -1Mr. and Mrs. David Stephein-.sieeves and ta keep thein skin cag fMs irneNcol uc eoeyfo eet tion of the British Lords of son wîîî reside in Oshawa. covemed as much as possible, and ber graup. The Christmasl illness, but we hope she is feel- Trade, coupied with the coin- wenter s ane a -b story was the theme, making1 ing more like herseif before $3 -5plete misunderstanding which attk. Hos derod f irs-idkî use of the scripture story and Christmas week. Eugau flsthadluresec ta SS o. Clrke of course, should aîways be weîllusrtd b mn fto Mr. C. Beightan returned Canada's future, this nation of S.S N .9, k Clartkewmauaf heoveiy Christmas carols. "A lost home on Sunday after having business Mrs.-migh-was_-ead bycMrs.anchiehe wonta thetnheo1 the-w1ek,-an r ,'emîug, Oshawa. -WW1. retai-y-Mrs. K. Ashby; Treas- powered witb a V-8 miotor that develops 161 h.p." Miss Betty Allun, Peterbono, rX . -Urer-Mrs. George Tufford- Cor estsogasplayed Sun-1 '. îsited at home on the weekend - Sec. -Berniece Best; Flowe* da,., Dec. 6th-Hose 5, Mats 4;!I Mrs. W. Brunt spent the - Com.-Mrs. K. Dinner, Mrs. C. Office 3, Fan Beits 6. Sundayj rweekend with Mr. sud Mrs. Bill Beightou. Dec. l3th-Mats 3, Office 2; Hose Gordonat Newtouviile. DI ngthe semving f refresh- 3, a B e Stndng B I A I E r. and Mrs. C. Fisk aud j ents ahl members enjayed aiegeStnig family vi Mr. sud Mrs. Floyd - social time, especialiy pesdTeam P W L T F A Pts Harvey. Cobaurg. , ta meet with Mrs. C. Payne in 1F an Beits Il 9 2 0 53 29 18 Mr.andMrs Bil Brchrdber home, sud with former.Office Il 6 5 O 41 3 7 12 N t r S l s îm t d 1adLois, and Mrs. Fisk speut members of the Association haw M9ts Il 3 5 i 32 31 1l; Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Don t living in Port Hope. Hose Il1 9 i 29 58 3,r Budd aud Louise. Dale.Agfofacpadsue1 adn Sors Sari-v ta hear Mrs. F. Bawen was presented to Mrs. Payne by Player Team G A Pts .G."Slow"" Stewart is in the Memonial Hospital, Mrs. L. Holdaway on behall of D t. Girardi F. Belts 17 Il 28 Bowmanille. e xishher athe W.A. as a oe of apprec-,D Masters F. Beits 20 4 24 YorMruy -Lnon -Mto elr speedy and compiete recovery. 1 EN iatieh for past and cantinued W. Lyle Office 14 6 20 fellowship. G. Sellers Hase 12 6 18 PHONE NEWCASTLE 2871 An Aberdeen professar of Di- WEA Word bad been received very G. Piper Mats 9 6 15 Open Untâ 9 P.r.vnitv asked bis students: "WAho -shortlyý before the meeting be- i L. Chant Off ice 7 7 14 Ope Uti SP.lI Iwas sorry when the prodîgal ne- gan of the passing of Mr. Victor Schedul. for December 24 turned." One of the brightest KINC TE eMNIL Thorndyke and thnougbout the1 1:00 p.nt-Hose at Office PAGE SEVWETUE Ixe- (By Benjamin Beveridge) Radio 6Tube. -Phonograph rust Look at the Features: 6-tube Radio with 3 gang- tuned RF stage. Top quality speaker. Full variable tone control. Built in aerial. Record Changer is a Webster 114 conveniently mounted on a slide drawer. Simple ta operate. Plays ail speeds, ali sizes and shuts off automatically. Labinet has attractive modern design with Marconi's exclusive double slicling doors to, conceal ample record storage space. Only $1990011 (Time Payments gladly arranged) See our I4rte selection of new amalt MARCONI RADIOS Ideal gîft .1toayone and sure to please, Prieed froam $29895 The Radio Shop 38 King St East Phione 573 TRURDAYDEC. 1?, 1953 Baniam Ail-Stars Manvers Council Lose in Port Hope December Meeting- The Bowmanville Bantam i Final meeting af Township af All-Stars dropped a 6-1 deci-t Manvers Council was heidDec. sien te Port Hope Bentams at! 8th witb ail members presetit the Peter Campbell, Memoiolansd Reeve in the chair. Arena in Part Hope hast Thurs-1 Communications were read day nigbt. Masterson scored the1 from Dept. of Municipal Affaira lane Bowmanvilhe tally with! me: Grant in lieu of taxes on gov- Wehsh assisting on the play. ernment property, also statement Eanhier in the week the Bow- of grants in lieu of one miii sub- manville team had defeated Port sidy. Sec'y-Treas. of Victor'a Hope in the Memorial Amena Caunty Disti'ict High School liere. The Bantam ail-stars are Ares with statemeut of Higb picked Ironi the local Bantain School expenditunes fer maint. League snd are mauaged by enance and debentures and me- Chàrles Vanstone and coacbed questing payment of this munici- by Murray McKnight. pality's share;, T. R. McEwen _______________ and W. H. Carlton, Public School Inspectons, with instructions to psy ail manies due the different Farm Forums SchoÔl Sections; Counties Treas- urer ne fax bouuty,-qpmmencing Dec. lst snd ending Feb. 28, 1954. PROVIDENCE FORUM Reeve- and Cotin., Malcolîn were appointed, a committee, Our Fanm Forum met at the with M. Stephenson, te wait on home of Mn. and Mrs. Orville Cartwright Council ne a portion Osborne ta discuss the tapic of of the West Boundary.* "Telling the Farmem's Stony". An adjustment is ta be made We believe that somne urban in the tax account of S.. Allen, people take their food toa mucb Lindsay, on accôauit of,. an eror for granted sud do not realize in assessment. thé diffeentt problems with 1 Cierk wasanâtructéd ta write wbich a fammen bas ta contend the Ontario Municipal Board sud in the production of these pnod- Major John Foote, M.P.P., V.C., ucta. He speuds a great mauy ta state that this Muncipal Coun- boums tmying ta keep pests, cil endarse the erîuest of, Ga-t- biight, smut aud other plant dis-; on Coach Lines3 for a frae eases under control. He must Ita operate à service 'betw.,,-",n also couteud with many diseases' Newcastle and,, Lindsa.y, ovcr in animais. Weather con-'Hiighway 35. ditions can eithern make or break1 These accounts were pasged: s farmer and yet they are comn-. Hîgh Scbool Aresacct. $ 6472.49 pleteiy out of bis contrai. The jSchool maney, uncertainty of the farmer 'ta20 122,8 market aven a peniod of years I Sections 1Io2 1258 is anather of bis probiems. Council salaries 435.00 To keep the urban dweller J. C. Cummniskey, better infanmed an famm pmob - salai-y, etc.. 770.00 lems we suggest that the press iCaunties Treas, rate --- 15731.93 and radio could be used more Township Treas., extensively. We recommeudi noad voucher .- 2031.45 advertising in wamen's magaz- lues such as the Home JournalManvers Tel. System, sud Chatelaine. 1 tolls sud deb..- 5304.85 The third question asks: "'If Emily Tel. System, you were an tbe executive of service. 2. 102.60 a national or provincial farm Mirrar-Reparter, organization wbat public rela- piinting _._ 112.50. tions progmam would you suggest j. C. Cummiskey, bond 25.00- for that organization?r G. W. Smith, salary. 60.00 First we would suggest that H. McGiîî, salary- 50.00' we womk for mare co-opemation sud undemstanding among famm- W. J. Boggs and .. ers themiselves, and secoudly, by McMullen, livestock having agriculture taugbt as a valuers -------------.. 13.00 cômpulsony subject in urban and Hydro-Eiectric, -st.reet. rural scbools, we could educate ligbts----------------- - 152.70 the urban people to oui- prob- Ryley & Son, supplies 41.15 lemsansd cast of praduction. R. Edmunds, supplies 4.09 Next 'Monday night we ai-e F. W. Reynolds,: sup.. 8.45, having aur annual Christmas H. Stewart, N. Argue, party at the home af Mi-. sud R. Fer-en, sbeep Mms. Cieme Aluin. We will bavè kilied------------------- 177.0@0 an excbange of gifts se bning H. Barluk, H. Neale yours along. The evening's en- G. Fisk,, tex refund 12.2 tetainment promises to be a Durham Ca. Potata îiveîy one-so came one, corne Club, grant ------------- 15.00. aIl. The ladies are aîl asked te Relief -------------- 255.14 briug a hittie lunch. Council adjaul'neç- Sîne Die. MARC NI