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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1953, p. 18

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PAGE N!GHTEE!I TEE CANADIAN STAMAN. UOWMMIVHI~ flWFA~ TEURSDAT, DEC. 17, lUS PROIE BIRTHS LEE-Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lee are happy ta anounce the arrivai cf their daughter, Sandra Marg- aret, on Dec. 9th at Memorial Haspital, Bowmanviile. A sister for Larry and David. 51-1* LARGE-Mr. and Mrs. John Large are bappy ta annaunce the arrivai af a baby girl, Janet Mary, on December 7th, 1953, at Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville. A sister for Robbie. 51-1* ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Cecil S. McLar- en, Orono, announce the engage- ment ai their oniy daugbter, Marjorie Lillian, ta Mr. Lloyd Ernest Ewing, son af Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Ewing, Caithness Ave,. Toronta. The marriage will take place on December 23 at 8 o'clock in Park Street Unit- ed Cburch, Orono. 51-1 DEATHT1 DUDLEY-At Memanial Hos- pital, Bawmanviile, on Tuesday, Decemben 15, 1953, Maggie Allun Dudley, dean sister ai Hanry Aiin and Susie (Mrs. H. C. Os- borne). Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Bawmanville. Service in the Chapel on Thuns- dav, Decemben 17, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. 51-1 IN MEMORIAM ROWAN-In lovîng mcmory af iny parents, Richard and Mari- anna Seymour Rowan, brother Jim, sisters Ada, Marion and Margaret. What wauld I give ta clasp thein bands, Their happy faces sec; 'Ta hear their vaices and sec their smiies That meant so much ta me. But-a constant feeling that Gad alone Knew wbat was best ta be. -,Always sadly niissed by Mabel STORMS-In loving memory ai aur mother and grandmather, Dorcas Storms, who left us tbree years ago today. -Rememhered hy ber daugbtens Edith and Myrtie, grandchiidnen Ernest and Betty,,. 51-1* Reception Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman wili be at home ta their friends on Mnnday, Dec. 28th frnm 3 ta 5 ;:nd 7 ta 9, at their residence, King St. WV., Glen Rae Dairy r t., Bowmanville, on the occa- suon ai their 40th wedding ani-, versary. 50-2f i Mn. and Mrs. Wm. H. Bates, 1l Flett St., Bowmanville, will b", "leased ta receive friends e relatives, on the occasion * ý,eir Silver Wedding, Tues- d., Decemben 22nd, inom two ta ' ive and froni seven ta ten, et their home. 51-1 Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Or ono, will be pleased ta re- ceive their friends and relatives, on the occasion ai their fiitieth wedding annivensary, in the Orono United Cburch Sunday Schoi roam on Saturday, Dec. 19 froni two ta four and fnom seven ta nine. 50-2*t _COMING EVENTS Turkey shoot ta be held at Oiono Fair Grounds at 1 p.m._, Saturday, Dec. I9th. 51-1'* Lotus Christmas Concert et Lcýus Hall, Monday, Dec. 21 at 8 p.m. Admission 25c. Dance af ier. 50-2 Goodyear Employees' Recrea- ti n Club cuchre, Friday, Dec. IL, 1953, 8 p.m., in Goodyear PJ-, "eation Hall. Six chickens as ir.zes. 51-1 .:.-%,angelistic Centre - We in- v:' you ta attend aur Christ- t, tree and programme, Fri- di D1ec. l8th. Time 7:30. Ad- , - ion f ree. 51-1 Don't miss New Yea's Eve d-r;îe at the Reereation Centre, 1'u kstock, sponsored hy ONO. (_ ub Ský,-plece orchestra. Re- f 'si -gi;r' i 'AdmrOission $3.00 per~ couple.5- Cacrds of Thcmks I wish to thank the vaters of Cartwright, and my many friends who belped me in my successful campaign during the election. I wiil do my best tor the Compliments of the Season. Wes. Sweet. 51-1 I would like ta tbank all my friends and the different wam- en's organizations for thinkîng of me and sending cards, letters and fiowers during my stay in Memonial Hospital, Bawman- ville. Aricles For Sale A GOOD set of sleighs. Phone 2447. - 51-4* HARDWOOD rails, eut in stove length. Phone 2268. 51-1 GREY baby carniage, excellent condition. Phone 3232. 51-1 GIRL'S tricycle, large size, In goad condition. Phone 3391. 51-if GENERAL-ELECTRIC refriger- atar, good condition. Phone 2249. 51-11 1 P'T f.UTTTT A lk..1t... .11 .-.1-1-.. Ethel Axford. , .2LA.JINIJi. uUiU, aU VUIUUrs, 51-. make laveiy Christmas gifts. _____Stewart's Seeds. 49tf We wish ta express aur thanks ta aur friends and relatives for their telephane caîls and inquir- les cancerning aur baby during ber recent stay in the Memoniai Hospital, Bowmanville. Our special thanks ta Dr. Rundle and special nurse, Mrs. Wilkins, also nursing staff ai the baspital. Les and Betty Piper. 51-1' I wisb ta express my sincene tbanks and appreciation ta Dr. fRundie and Dr. Austin. ta the nurses and staff af Memonial Hospital, Bowmanviile, for cane and kindness during my illness at the hospital. Also ta relatives, fniends and neighbouns for their kind help and many cards, gifts, enquinies, etc. Thank yau. Elva McDonald. 51-1 We wish ta express aur heant- feit thanks ta the many friends for the beautiful fiowers and acts af sympathy duning aur necent sad bereavement ai a beiovcd daughter, especially thanking membens ai Ontario Training School and the Salem1 Community fan their kindly assistance. Lillian and Thomas Whitehead 51-1- I would like ta express my sincere' appreciatian for flowers, cards and fruit neceived and also ta tbank those who belped out sa splendidly at home dur- ing mv stay in the baspital. Speciai tbanks ta Dr. Keith Sieman, Dr. Rundie, Dr. Witzel, nurses and staff ai Memonial Hospital, Bowmanvillc, for their cane and kindness. Mrs. Bill Stephens. 51-1* We wisb ta convey aur beart- feit thanks ta the many friends who have belped in caning for my mother during ber long iii- ness; to the staff af Memorial Hospital while thene, and other nurses and doctors while at hqme; ta the ministers and friends in Trinity Church, who, tbraugh the iast years remem- bbered ber so kindly, visiting ber and witb ilowers and cards, not forgetting the letters from the Woman's Missionary Society and ta the Concession St. West Group for their kindness ta us ail. Thank yau. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rabbins and Ruth. 51-1 Notices Open bowling at rartn 's Bowling Academy starting Mon- day, December l4tb until aiter New Year's. 50-3 I bave received proper author- ity frain L.O.L. No. 2384, Orange Lodge Association, taonganize a fice and drum band. Anyonn wishing ta join this band please contact the undensigned before December 31. Fred Gniffin, 1 Hunt St. Phone 904. 51-2 To the Electors of South Darlington School Area 1 would like ta thank you for the support given me in the rec- cnt election. A special thanks ta ail who worked on my behali and gave so generously ai their time. At this time I wîsh you, anc and ail, the Compliments ai the Season. t Wilfred Brown. 51-1* For Rent ROOMV for one or two gentle- men ta share. Phione 710. 51-l'* FIVE-ROOMED apartment. Ap- ply Beatrice Annis, 16 Division SApt. 2.51* Dancer ta the rusic ai George -__ ____ Wr ,deaind uis Corni Huskers at GARAGE, central location up- th- r'iiniutiî, Hall, Newvcastle, tawn. Apply Stutart R. James, C' Newv Ycar's Eve, Tliurs- 24 King St. E. 51-11 d, '-)ccomnber 3lst, from 10:00 - 'P' Io 2:00) a.m. Admission. APARTMENT ta ent, Front1 S2w0 ir erson. Snack bar Street West, five raoms, third1 wiil be in 'the basement. 51-1 iloor. Phone 439. 5)1-1 HOUSE, February lst, 4 naams, New orcl1estra - Dancing Set- 'central location, ail conven- iu'scadai rîd\--ictces. Apply P. O. Box 153. 1- .l time and modern, 51-1* to (odfre *v's Orchestra every. - S.ritrciav- evenim. commencinglAPARTMENT, ground floor, Sa~ra.Dec. 19, in Tyrone : furnisbed and heated. Far Wint- Comrinuniity Hall. Sponsored by 'er nîonths. Aduits only. Phonel Tvrone Service Clubs. Ladies 1439. 51-1 50c. gents 7.5c. 51-1I ---- _ _ _ 1T:IREE-ROOM apartment on Cars ForSalIe No. 2Highway, Eastaof Bow- 141 FORD coach', lieater. winter-1 phone 28t3. 51-1 ized. good runing order, sacni- 'SMALL apartm( nt. nmadern con- fîced for quick sale. Phone 545. venience, Laký (a Lodge, New- 51*castle, $35.00 ptr inonth. Appiy ,,P CHEV. coach, radio, beeter, Oshawa. Phone 3-7244. 50-2 d'aster, gocd tires, good runn-', ir- order. :Phone 2500 aiter Business Opportunity .fi 1 FORD se&an, radio, heater, WANTED: Mati with car or cc-osfer. First class condition: truck ta act as distributor for F"iiance may be arranged. Apply chemicals used ta unblock and Arnold Wade, Newtonville. Tele- recoiidition septic tanks, drain- phone Clarke 504. 51-1 lines, and cesspools. To the nman wishing ta be in business fan 1149 CHEV. deluxe 1007 Senies, hiniseli cither on a full or part eustorn radia. beater, and in time besis tbis o! fers an ex- excellent condition. Must bp relient appartuntîy. Reply ta oold this week. Dial Oshawa Box 100, c/o Cenadian States- £4084, 61-1 Man. 4- ONTARIO petataes, 75 lb. bags, delivered ini Bowmanville. Phone 2473. 31-tf TURNIPS, excellent for table use. Garnet Rickard. Phone 2813. 51-1 SCOTC H Pine Chnistmas trees -wiil retain needies. Phane 607. 55 Centre St. 51-1 EVENING dresses, anc pînk and one white, like new. Size 12. Phone 613 aiter 6 p.m. 51-1 ORDER your goose now for Christmas or New Year's dinner. Phone E. Wright, 2601. 51-1 C.C.M. white figure skates, size 6, good condition, $6.00. Mrs. L. Masan. Phone 553. 51-1* ASTRAL refrigeraton, $70.00, in perfect condition. Apply Honey Holiow. Phone 3206, Newcastle. 51-1 FIVE-piece dinette suite and three-piece cbcsterfield. Phone 819 or apply 87 Liberty St. S. 51-1* CHRISTMAS trees for sale, spruce and balsam, fresh cut, large and small. Crcair of Baricy Park. 51-2 BEECH and elm trees on Lot 15, Con. 5, Darlingtan Township. Apply ta F. J. Clemens, R. R. 2, Oshawa. Phone 5-1859. 50-2* CHRISTMAS trees-5'cotch pines $1.50 up. Joe Cooper Service Station, King St. E. Phones: 3432 - 2224. We deliver. 48-tf PAIR white figure skates, size 4, used anc seasan. Apply Honey Hollow. Phone 3206, Newcastle. 50-1 SAVE on lumber, direct from mili ta you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17r11. 13-tf CHRISTMAS trees, sprucc and Scotch pine. Murray Wood, 96 Scugog St. Phone 882 or 479. 49-3* SET ai fanm sleighs, new sboc- ing; set ai farm team harncssi baled bay and baied straw. Phone 2271. 51-1*0 SPACE beater and ail druni just used anc winter; rangette in good condition, reasanable price. Phone 637. 51-1 SWEET apple cider, gallon or keg, inesh weekiy; deliveries. Meadowmount Farms, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 2811. 46-8* DRY hardwaod, $18.00 per cord; slabwood $10.00 per cord, sawed and deiivered. Phone New- castle 2146. 40-tf INSULATION-blowing method1 with rock wool, warkmansbip guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 49..4*-tf WHY suifer the agony ai rheu- matic pain, sciatica, lumbago, when Rumacaps will help you ta welcomc relief. Ask yourj druggist. 51-1i1 TILE CERAMIC - PLASTIC RUBBER - MARBOLEUM IR. G. ]REAL Phone 2902 Bowmanville l4tf Singer Sales & Service While They Last! HIOTPOINT FEATHERWEIGHT atraNew onPis Lese Dry Iw rons only $9.95 TeeIrons make an Ideal Git for the lady of the bouse. We still have a full supply of Iran- ing Boards, Steam Irons and f Sewlng Cabinets. Dial Bowmanville 3649. Mr. Pogue, your local represent- ative, is a member ai aur staff from your Singer Sewing Centre 47 WALTON ST. PORT HOPE 51-1 Azaleas Cyclamen Poinsettia African Violets Cacti Gardens Mixed Pans CUT FLOWERS SEE THEM AT ENNISKILLEN GREENHOUSES or Phone 24"8 te RIackaUeek à 67 1: Articles For Sale 1 Recrl Estate For Sale 1 GEESE for sale for Chrlstmnas and New Year's. Phone 2662. BEAUTIFUL nine-piece walnut dining room suite, threc-piece chesterfield; Wilton rug, 9x12, like ncw, very reasonabje. Phone Oshawa 3-7244. 51-1 GjURNEY heavy wire stove, apartment size, 20x24 top, aven and three elements. Price $75. Frank Hoskin. Phone Black- stock 2. 51-1 SPECIAL Christmas buy-Gib- son refrigerators, 9 eu. ft. $70 off list price; 7 cu. ft. $50 off list price. Don't besitate, sec tbem to-day at Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanvile. Phone 774. 51-1 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER General Electrie FLOOR POLISHERS, reg. $64.50 for $54.50 S. S. MORTON & SON New Holland Dealer Maple Grave Phone 2279 51-1 Rugs, Broadloom SAVE 50%. New Rugs Made from Your Old Rugs, Carpets, Woollens, etc. Dominion Rug Weaving Company Phone 3446 Bowmanville 49-t! Turkeys for Christmas Young Broad-breasted Bronze and Nebraska. Apply C. BO RE K R. R. 2 BURKETON or ÊNNISKILLEN LOCKER, John Slemon - Phone 2573 50-2* DRAPERIES and venetian biinds custam made, or draperies sald by the yard. Our representative wiil cail at your home any time witb a complete range ai sarnipies and suggestions without obliga- tion. Free estimates and frec in- stallation witbin 35-mile area. Lowest pnices in town. Fabnic Town, 59 King St. W. Phone 3609, Bowmanville. 8-tf Blackstock 67 - Bowmanvllle 2468 E nn i sk i11e n Greenhouses (formerly J. K. Graham) ENNISKILLEN - ONTARIO Cut Flowers for AU Occasions Weddings a Specialty Funeral Tributes - Potted Plants GEO BLYTH K. SVANEFTELT 45-tii GIVE A Basket of Fruit for a CHRISTMAS GIFI Specially made for Children, Aduits or Organizations from $1.00 up Place Your Order Now Also fÔr Christmas Trees at the Fairway Food Market Phone 674 Free Delivery 50-2 Pets For Sale FOX Terrier pup, maie, for Christmas, for a child. Tele- phone 2480. 51-1 TWO Walker fax hounds, I ½ý years aid, maie and female, guaranteed on fax. Phone 3236. 51-1* COCKER Spaniel puppies, reg- istered, tbree blonde males, anc black female. Phone Black- stock 89 r 3. 51-1 BABY Budgies ready for train- ing and for Christmas presents. Apply ta Mrs. L. Richards, 65 Church St. 49-3 COCKER Spaniel, black and white, female, registened; good with children. Cail after 8 p.m. Frîda.y. Phone Clarke 1323. 51-1 Baby Budgies From a Talking Strain FREE Booklet af Training Instructions with each bird Budgie and Cage complete, $12.00 Also Coloured Canaries Red Orange, Etc. Cbristmas Orders Accepted 89King Si. East - - - 151-1 I FIVE-room house, stable and garage on 1 ¼ acre land, welli and cistern. $2,800 cash. Phonel 2578. -50-2*j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented, Managel and Ajipralged LM. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566- Newëastle, Ont. Twô blocks north of traffic signal, Newcastle. 20-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8-roomed solict brick bouse, Èfull basement, air conditioned, bardwood and tule flooring throughout. An exccptionaily fine borne with 5 acres af land, beautiiuîiy iandscaped; garage, lake frontage, near Bowman- ville. Lot in Hampton, anc acre, goad buy for $275,00. We have bouses ranging in price fram $5,000 up, alsa many farms from 5 acres to 200 acres in size. Consuit us befare buying. F. A. Bruce, Broker, Toronto Local Agent, Mrs. M. E. Leask Phone 919 65 Ontario St. Bowhianville 51-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Distinctive home, 5-roomed, ranch style bungalow, modern kitchen, bot air beating, laundry tubs, breezeway, garage, land- scaped, fruits. $9,000. Ternis. New 6-roomed frame hause, Il½-storey, insulated, heavy wir- ing, bufit in cupboards, funnace. $8,500. Large bouse, 3 apartments, al canveniences, close ta business centre. Asking $16,000. Mrs. A. P. .ansen Bowmanville il Duke Street Phone 3309 after 5 p.m. Local Agent for John F. DeWith, Realtor 51-1* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8-room brick dweliing, living- dining raom, modern kitchen, bardwood floars, 3-piece bath, furnace, bcavy wirîng, possess- ion arranged. $9,500. 7-room solîd brick, private drive and double garage, modern tiled kitchen with cupboards, 3-piece bath, furnace, bardwood floors, niceiy decorated. $9,000. Possession arnanged. 6-room brick and marne home on one acre, bydro, well, double garage, close ta Blowmanville an goad road. $6,500. 4-raam frame bungalow, bard wood floors, built in cupbaards, insulated, $3,500. Possession arnanged. Building 66'x18'. steel siding and roof, gaad condition. Suif- icient material ta construct a home. To be removed frai praperty. Farms, dwellings, garage, woodworklng plant, basement and lot, lots. Buying or selling, contact James Nixon, Broker 8 King East Bowmanville Phones: Office 713, House 682 51-1* DeWITH REAL ESTATE 70 acre fanm, 45 acnes work- able boai land, wifh 20 acres ai wood, 2 barns; l0-roamed bouse with ail canveniences, hydro. Partiy subdivided for building lots. Close ta Lake Scugog. Pnice $16.000. 50 acre farm, close ta Oshawa, with option for adjaining 100 acres; creek, 2 batik barns, good 10 roomed bouse, wîtb waten- warks, batbraom, bydro thraugb- out, etc. Price $10,000. Terms. 96 acre farm close ta Oshawa, 6 miles. 80 acres workable dlay boai land, creek, wells, 2 batik barns; 9 roomed marne bouse with running water, bathroom, bydro; silo, etc. Asking pnice $15.000. Terms. 33 acre fanm with 7 roomed frame bouse, bank barn with steel roof; 11/2 miles frai paved road. Pnice $4,000. $1.000 down. 117 acres ai land, sandy ioam, witb 5 roamed stone bouse, creek, large area ai wood. Price $7,000. Tennis. 5 roomed insul brick bouse with 21/2 acres of land, with bydro, waterprcssure, furnace, pig pens, cbîcken bouse, garage. Pnice $4,000. 5 roomed insul brick bouse with 10 acres ai land, an bigh- way, full cellar, garage, chicken bouse, ban, weli, hydro thnoughout. Price $7,500. Terms. 7 roomed solid brick bouse with sun parch; main street, Newcastle; bethroom, ail furn- ace, bot and cold runing water double lot. Asking pnice $10,000'1 8 roamed brick bouse on high- way, with all conveniences. Chicken bouse. Asking price $11,000. Ternis. 10 roomed stucco borne witb new ail funnace, laundry tubs, waterworks, air conditioning, heavy wiring, Plus 3',ý acres ai lan . Pre, fl9 <ton 1 l-N. Tenders Wanted We bave approxirnately 30 Wanted To Buy BymoteefBowmanvilhemPsbliccfrai. Utilte ComissiorPthlie ohn . antctBEFORE selling youn live poul- decortingaih Commissirth ConnWthc eator try, try us. Our prices are high- decratng f te Cmmisi N ewaonst.le Wi hone 3341 er.M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Office, 19 King Street West, NwatePoe34 Phone 7 r 13. Reverse charges. Bowmanville, the contractor ta 5- 51-tf Specifications may bc obtain- ep W n d WANTED-Live poultry. os cd at the above address. Tend- -feathens, feather ticks, scrap ers xiii be received hy the Man-I RELIABLE mati as dealer in iran, nags and metals. Raw ager until 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, Bowmanviile. Expenience nat furs'and deerskins. Phone .9-2043 December 23, 1953. nccessany. A fine opportunity Oshawa, collect. 46-tf Bowmanville Public Utilities ta s tep into aid profitable bus- --- ---- commission. iness where Rawleigb's Produets For Sale or Rent 51-1 bave been sold for years. Big___ ______________________profits. Products iurnished otiTRE lrsadfv-r-e crdt rt Rweg et. insuiatt d oe, fenr ond- L-140-163, Mote awl. 1-sDet.inua(d osciei u PesndL-4-6, otbl. 5- al acre af land, hydro; HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber Repairs j~imile w of N.2ewae.hone gaods) mailed postpaid in plain - -_______________11ls9a14 ewate.Pnn sealed envelope iwith pi)rce iist.'RPISt llmk- refrig. - - ' - - .- - -- -- Six sanîpies 25c, 24 samples 'erators, domestic and coromer- I n ansu er ta a 'nctiind cî ;r $1.00. Mail Ordet' Dept. T-28, 'cial; milking coolers. Higgonj lar â- A - an 'ltd Nov-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Hem-; Electrka 42 King M., I. Phone j "xpýýce tu way on Oxford Work Wanted FLOOÈ and wall tUes1 Phone 2753.4 DAIRLINGTON Abattoir, Hian ton, for custom killing. Phc 3243. 32 WOOD cutting, chain sawii Newton Selby. Phone Ne castie 2354. 51 LIGHT carpentry, storm se and door installation. F.( mond, 13 Orchard VieW Eli 50- IF YOU have any carpent wark or intend ta remodel, bu' or like iayout assistance for yc new home, give us a cali, no j too big, no job tao small. For fr estimates and a guarantecd j Phone Don Brooks, 602. 50. Nasonry Constructic BRICK - BLOCK - CONCREI cre Estimates ANGER BROS. PHONE-2643 or 3375 42. SAVE MONEY AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAIE SKATES SHARPENED 35 TEMPERANCE ST. ("in rea; 47, CARPENTRY WORK Alterations Cupboari Roofing Cementing Also expert Decorating Reasonable Rates H. K A S SI1N GE R Phone Bowmanvillc 2772 47. CONCRETE and NASON WORK STRUCTURAL and REPAIM ESTIMATES FREE L. TURNER PHONE 3600 P.O. Box 177 EVENINGS 323 Bowmanvill BULLDOZING and EXCAVATING TRENCHING and LOADING BY HOUR OR CONTRACT ~-Free Estimates Given - WM.TRIPP PORT PERRY R. R. 2 PHONES: Res. 109r42, Office 39 22-t Phone 3613 FOR PROMPT SERVICE an youn Plumbing and Heatint IPROBLEMS LOW DOWN PAYMENT - EASY TERMS ON New Installaions W. A. KILPATRICI 48-t: FURNACES Air Conditioning Gil Burners Sheet Metal Work EXPERIENCE COUNTS Eavestroughing Phone - Day or Night, 3412 - 691 16-tl DAVIS & CO. 2 Mill Lane Bowmanville Room and Board FOR twa men wbo wîll shant room and bed. Phone 819. 51-l* ROOM for rent with board Phone 3232. 51-1 NICE room witb twin beds, suitable for two girls; board aptional. Ail conveniences. Tele- phone 3452. 49-3 Wanted DEAD STOCK removed iran, your farm promptly for sanitary disposai. Telephone coiiect: Ca- bourg 1266 an Toronto EM3-3636. Gardon Young Limited. 50-tf butos n ndrwaran hirts $1.00 Per _ nsertion 1 put a patch on here and there. IN MEMORIAMS darnied sacks and, just befare $1.00 piur. !Oc a iine for ver&t banking the fire for the night, COMMERCI A -L CLASSIFIES mixed up a batch of dougb fer includes ail advertisinq foi buns and bread. persans oz firms sieîîing services. e* * ider or qoods of any description Arnd all this for a mere price --Il Per Word; minimum charge i7bc cash with aider. To regulai tag of $69,000, day in and day adtrertisýis, payable monthjy out for perhaps 50 years. But ± c0T. îs po J the womien of the Eastern On - înc with a nvnimum of one tario Xomen's Institute had anl inch. Ac!d.4t.anai isertionseta j, eye out for themselve!s, for they the*r'aere i. had resulutions asking the Go,,- AI' Clab!.îîed Acis. Imuet b. in ernrnent ta exempt from giftl i ti.,,office nct later' than ti,' :eJ.' the ~1' of arr': 12 o'c!icti naon Wednesday. half the deccased hu s1hand , Zs ina.out or handy I S etate b.e onidr or ottax -__ __ :Z 1 q -t lai 47- AUCTION SALES Purposes llsearned by hig id. laRHM pon his death; also that, in- 7-tf URHAMstead of exempting estates up y COIDEUNITY AUCTION to $50,000, this aixiunt be made n-ORONO, ONT. a "true exemption" deductibi., one To b. held every THURSDAY from the value of the estate bý SmaII Items, 1:30 P.m. fore calculating the taxes. Ttie,1 - Livestock 2:00 pm». want to be recognlzed as a Par ing. Small articles flot sold by 2 p.m. ner, flot as a dependent of th aW- will b. sold after livestock. husbands. 1-147-tf However, a prie tag of ash 000 May be useful ta the pii. Os- Livestock For Sale cheeked and robust Young lad~ vd. who, when courted. cana de- .4* GOOD Holstein caif for vealing. murelY say "Yes", condjtial - Clare Aluin. Phone 2847. 51-1 * upon a settlement of that try amount free and unencumnbered. ild PUREBRED Yorkshire boar, For that they may be willing to ur serviceable age. Garnet Rick- take a chance of getting gif ta jab ard. Phone 2813. 51-1 and outliving a husband and rce DRESSED chickcns, 5 to 8 1bs.caming inta haif his estate, of ob alooe hrhoncwde dwhich $50,000 wili be an ex- f a neary hone N, deastiemption deductible before taxes. of anury.Phne ewcste But $69,000 is a preposterous )n2354. 51-1 figure. Who can Put a value ori RTWO-year Jersey heifer and one a gaod farm wife?-Moose Jaw TE year-old Holstein heifer. Also, Times-Herald. will buy a quantity of hay. Phone 2646. 51-1 RGISTERED Sorthorn bullsd What Others Say months oid. Also females, al ages. E. F. R. Osborne, New- THOSE castle. 50.2* COLOURLESS CAINADIANS PUREBRED Yorkshires, import- Professor A. R. M. Lower, ed strains, boars three months 1 self-appointed goad for the Can- oid to breeding age, aiso a few adian mentality, is at it again. gilts available. Hinton. Phone In a magazine article, once again Orono 14r12. 50-2* he holds Canadians up to rid- Ir) licule as sheep-iike, apathetjc, _tf 6 WEEK old chick bargainsisemi-morons, with. na colour or -whie they last. Pullets, cock-, individuality, who know noth. erels, nan-sexed, Barrcd Rocks,i ing about art, who do flot know .d White Rock X Light Sussex, New how ta think, who are inhibited Hampshire, Light Sussex, Col- i emotionally, who are copy-cats umbian Rock X New Hampshire,1 of everything that comes out of New Hampshire X Barred Rockj the U. S. and other papular heavy breeds, This stuff is getting tiresoine. $39.95 per hundred. Assorted There's a certain amount d heavy breeds, $38.95 per hund- truth in it, and it prabably duelr .tf red. Also younger started chicks u o fgo t e h od and day old, Canadian Approv. but we're flot sa dang colourless ed chicks at bargain prices. and inhibited as ail that. We'd Tweddie Chîck Hatcheries Ltd., like the Prafessor to spend a Fergu's, Ontario. 51-1 Haflowe'en in Wiarton. It wauld shake him rigid.1 I We neyer can see Just what it is these people want who are Farm Wife otnal rtcsnthdul AI$ 90 0Do they want us ta be as aul if$9, 0 inf armai and breezy as the A araî Yanks? Or do they want us t re ihow reserved wc are, lk h British? Do thçy want our An agriculturai economic ex- universîty students to exchange pert, who must 'have been a their earnest pursuit of football, man, recently made a survey dames and learning for palitics. and put a price tag on a goodj street fighting and mob scenes, farm wife of $69,000. The' the mark of the student in rnany peculiar thing about it is that less inhibited cauntries. the resuit of the survey was! Until this form of criticismn presented to the Women's Insti- became a vpgue, we always had- tute by a woman and, sa far J an idea that Canadians were L. as the repart of the affair i pretty liveiy. uninhibited lot, but The Ottawa Journal indicates, with a good deai af commoil the audience, made 'up mainly sense. Are we colourless be- ai o farmers' wives, accepted this cause we prefer aur politici -price tagging of themseives with- ta be statesmen instead aodef out a murmur. gogues? Are we immature A value tag on a good farm cause we know nothing aboulý wife af $69,000 is ridicuilous. the latest trend In pseudo-phii. It's more than tbat-it's down- asophy or abstract art? Are we right insultîng. A good farm anti-inteliectuai because we pre- wife is a peari beyond price fer'ta spend our leisure fishing 0 * * instead of reading duli books She is a general utilî written by some of the Profees- or's duller colleagues? the farm, on duty 24 he, We fail ta see the argument. the day. She is requirei Cranyw'en al ffr kitchen re hasn rieas, Z from the cultural point af vicw, fortche fieaiiy tha . but we're getting there Profess- porridge, acon tand egg. or, we're getting there. We're a porrdeaco and te. jam 4't young cauntry, and just getting or beadand, asutten amandatagood toe-holt. Give usa littie marmaladeana feasot time. We have one ai the liveli- tffried potatoes and galions of est Young theatres in the worid. coffee. for the size of aur population. She is supposed ta have the We have same good writers, eilîdren who attend school same real musicians, and a few scrubbed and dressed, ready artists worthy ai the name. Wc when her man pushes himself have just as many people, Pro- back front the table, or the portianately, who appreciate art schoi bus is sighted down the as Britain or the U.S. have. road. She bas the marnîng ta We're a littie bettex'-mannered herself, washing the breakfast.than many Yanks and a lot dishes and preparmng the naon- ,friendîjer than mast British. ï; day meal, which includes several1 let us go on being duli, colatfr kinds of fresh baked pies. less Canadians. But yau can't Then, after palishing off the push back the frontier with ane dishes, whiie the man she mar- hand, dabble the ather in a fing- ried snatches forty winks or erbowl, and play the vialin with listens ta the markets and the your feet, even though some- sports news on the radio, she is body hoids the sheet music. ready ta go out and drive the We're busy, Professor, but corne tractar or do the barn chores around and see us in 25 years for an haur or two. The even- and we'Il be so cultured and ing meal in prepared while colourfiý'l youi'll have ta write 1greeting the youngsters home an article asking what happen- fram schooi and delegating them ed ta the good old stalwart, ta collecting the eggs, cbapping1 sturdy, comimonsensical Cana- the waod or bringing in the i dian.-Wiarton Echo. coal.e a1e ate eehn 1 , . 1 1 PAGE XIGHTEM ME CMAMM STATEMM, BOWMANVffýL& OVrAMO TEU SDAT. DW. Ilf. Un AL

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