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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1953, p. 4

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ÇPW ýWAWAR W A P7»MhWBDA V IU% e en OJW JZArINV JJ.A IJ. JWIT rulZwALFT, LVis..Z lapa around the field wlth a Ms member of Trinity Ch ch. ~ MiM nbv plough ten âimes as fast a orMs Jean INleoSurviv'îng besides Ig. Me- 7 F1ortunately, theme mothers Receives Pariing Gifis M-rhf W. J.niiiaied ai LegiiIn know that once upan a winter- .e Grostenquin, France. where her T usa a dtune cutters did glide over a ' nom i"eterDories husband is stationed with the Ce]e oyo snowy road while "lballa on bob. ___ R.C.A.F.; four sisters, Mns. N. tail ring" or cutter shafts tink- À A RylDut iuiewas D el n r.M .Secord, Two e ebrFaeil led their sweet music on te froc- .RyiDutnFgrn of Toi onto, and Mrs. A. S. mc- v car ecslsdN2 Clueln id ___t i.i sqit os~ hyaifls hrdyt Miss Jea'n Laren and Mitas Lillian Ashbury. mnFAey ..1 omn were neyer fortunate eog tofensa tea London, Ont.; and one broth- il By Dii. Carruthers Lunney ig o troog giutrlR-eWlimAhuy fCi experience that delight thern- eO MpreetborughC. actraonrWllam Asbry agci ilever e ntaemnomm selves. Stili, they know it hap- prsnaaeF .Ptro.brsip i h omni HITSLEAN ESLE sigig aol' om noe pened, and sa they co anwer Hello Hamemakers! Crit.Creained Car s MssNoble i eiring at the The funeral service was Jhda h eua etn u reuing bang on tue t hing tm aos, Somad lilce o ueta qeymWatsa t enas cornes but once a year, but Cranberry Sherbet ecno! t the esdstrt hme tudyatrO .Re.Jh Thrayigt A eoldn ogo h um?,when it cames, there la a tre- L. Duncan, nectar af Trinity T bead frram a 'flu bug lest week a community concert ini Bow- muny"endous arniunt of work for* Cookies, Tea with office at Bowmanville. She Church. afiiciated. Entombm@nt wih u mnilewihth ude esig W op heaswrwill a ne hamemaker - especiaîîy a Christmas Breakfast will attend the College of Edu- was in the St. Thomâs Mauso- nerfol db rsdp ly guest ar-resthing ZnnthCommander.Stan tma pepraiosn Ho-. glos i arleead uet n-nohig n Feteuit.Fo alagegaheifgucastyioolnCnfafFritJucehaea fr hehai-ea trmîem.*Dnnan Cmrde RisMc ve, ellath p.Anyway, tîsts ram Toronto, whlch is sa cutter ride on a starry winter iow aur practice. Each family French Toast beginning i January to qualify er.2ni we neyer were anc ai th' close ta us, contributing some night was pure magic, the kmnd bringa part af the Christmas Mffn, araad s a teachér ai home ecanies Mlo hS y T oth raChitamuocomagi rom hs ds eae 3in Callegiate Institutes.TrarrJon icre rtd People who had their cards -ail a h ra hita ui oa si hthsdsperddinner ta Grandma's. It mayW h tablneo 76iteknrl-' aloved by usai. utry rmthe modern couin- be teprilyratdbrCofieA afrwlltam h atnbuer addressed and presents ailC the ______ inastdthe poAtapfaeaccoteennt.hValte-rerde__ bought by the lot of December. * *tir'sîde. Tha kind ai magic that ready-to-cook vegetables, the Christmas Dinner noon, the Homemaking Cub con iteB~~ha4$6 Think af the fun they miss! SPEAK1NC: 0F EATING aclosbc nnwoe h salad in the bawl, along wîth Sherry Consomme leaders presentcd Miss Noble Mon years and cherishes; glad ta be the bottla ai dressing or the Roast Turkey, Sage Dressing with a place ai luggage. The eIGHT TO STRIKE lony osetsaethrwa - We've been dreaming vsry They tell un Christmas dimners alive on such a night, glad ta pudding in the steamer. This Cranberry Jelly. Cslery Hearts presentatian was mnade by Mns. ABUSED $276intescalbldgac biard of a white Christmas, and today aren't what thsy were in have livcd it sa it con be re- gîves Grandnma or Mther an Riced Potataca, Mashed Squash Marjorie Payton, ai Lakefieîd. (Montreai Star) caurt this manning when we laoked Pepys' time and thereabouts. msmbercd. No wondsrs present appartunity ai setting an attrac- Carrot Salad Appreciation of Miss Nobie's Labor Union Leader Mosher cog asVne ahwo out the resuits couldn't be bet- After reading a iew such menus or future can ever surpass it. It tive table and planning how Plum Pudding with Sauce sustained work with the leaders sesms ta think that labor shauld reporc htacmr ig ter. It la starming beautifully, we knaw it wasn't only plague had about it the same joyou5 nlany àhould help with caokmng, Coites and their clubs was expresscd ha the sole judgs of the public Wouldb edtu erSdta thiek and swirling. But this is and small pox that carnied them quality that Christmas had then who will be asked ta serve and hîasNgtMn with best wishes fer her future. interest in ail industrial dis- a totlacvn$0 a er only Manday, 12 days from off. It was just plain aver-eat- before it was ruthlesuly sud who will be the assistants ta Ahrstsot o community a hogras Christmas, and we fear it wil ing. Nutrition and baianced grassiy commerciaized-breath- la h aleadd*h is- AsretCldeSaad does flot share this view, nor " in 53 sun appears. We dling ta the for another couple ai centuries. an9ihth ido hpieawahln heesa9ie Buttered French stick O IUA Ydaés the record oifer ita sub- Mmesdcddt r u fdea ai a snowy Christmas i A boar's head with ornaments that is next ta tears. gathening. thora is a hostess and Mi c atories ak been accasians-many ai them han(ldb i elr nEw thîs country' because mast ai us and embelîishments, or swans 'Ycs. That's the way It really her raie o a tîîî planning Mi craoFruit Cake sta OLEAN hn the spprgt therie haeth aksaiteeisa st were brought up with it, we and peacocks dnessed in their was. How wcil do wc remember. and supervîsing a panty la more TAKE A TIF R. ARYH CLMA ewen he ight asie haf rmanil eaemkn e sups.feathers with giided beaks were How iucky ta have the chime afI mportant than iancy food or an 1. To kesp the tiny tata accu- We ar~e indebted ta ane ai aur Moshen has forgotten this, the chasefrteLgaHl. Stili, we must do the best ws among the dishes enjaysd by the clcigli halls ta remember. over-abundarnce aifaod. Toaen- pied while you are busy have aidest siubscribens ta The States- rast ai us have not. Cch reb~sfo akta canan hpefo a noy hrst rihcarid ntomylod it 4Y your part, plan iists using them cut aif 3 inch stnips ai red man, Gea. A. McMuntry, St. ________t]___ Mas Eve. Christmas trees are great cenemony. He snjoyed pencil and paper. Visualize the cellophane or feit tram an 8 Thamas, ion sending us the foi- fruit advsl ehdncie won pp atced aare, th ne e ow. ut ne wte i ld R brFtable and plan simple ioods that inch wide piece. Round end lowing ohituany. In Mn. McMur- Let them work for you-The whileaptetnetlinMm wrpe adtcedaath ekow hy eeWilfle R be acf ory hava a varizty in colon, flavor plnking shears are a sate lu- try's letten t,)the editan ha asys: Statesman Ciassifieds. oanal HsiaBwawe children's excitement is mount- with minced mutton. vn aQee and texture. Cook weli in ad- strument. Thn asa ihHryClmnwsaca he .~awuaaashhogaa ing Ad tisSunaythelae- An ondinary littie luncheon M vance food which wiil keep, and cellulos tape ta the watan glass- boys living lu Bowmanville* ai ly canais will be sung, the story given by Samuel Papys in 1663 P J 1 7 ave a few penishables stored es. my time although a littie aider.E of Christ's binth ne-told. consisted of the following: Oys- D.u e f iOi gh Wvages in plastic bags in the refnigera.. 2. Suggest that a teenager His father, the late Thomas Do ws ever get aur f111 O! ters; a hash ai rabbits, a lamb, tor. Provide enaugh ai a few prepare place cards using cray- C oleman, was the Chief Magis - ______________________a rare chine ai beef, a dish afi "Spiraling lahor casts" wene foods along with the necessary ans and sayîigs such as Chief trate of my home town and ha e noasted pig, tour lobsters, a tant, cted by officiais ai the Good- accampaniments such as sait, ai New Car, Lady Mars with used ta wear a siik piug hat There's nothing like giving fruit and chasse. What must he rich Ruhben Ca. ai Canada as sauce or sugar. Then too, the High Boots, etc. on il ber hloas iotns I re have had at Christmnas time! chiai reason ion the move ai hostess places ash trays in Chtanpre ent r a i peî1 asfions w ereys folks WIUt tkev want Christmas pudding as ws know thein foatwaar manuiacturing veulent places, hangs mare coat 3.thafonipîngst rvettra The abituany tn.,m iit was not known until about apenations from Kitchener, ont. hangers in the closet, and ar-en- f7r rpig the St. Thomas Times-Journal --i 01 1670, wc anc told. Its finst ap- ta an undisclosed Quebec plant ranges iamps sa there are nao '4. Arrange extra chairs uising iol1ows* pearance was as a stifianed startîng Jan. 1. dark corners. It ail saunds sa orange crates wlth plastic cov- rs .%aueCoemntfr iorm i o the eanlien plum pan (This annauncement in The Fi- easy, but hours pass like Min- ens on them. meriy of Landau, Ont., and the 100 idge. This was a concoction ai nanciai Post brings ta mmnd utes baore holiday parties. To 5. Take tirne ta visit someone widow ai Harry H. Coleman, titi mcat-brath, raisins, wiZie, fnuit- that the local Goodyear Tire & help yau, we iist simple menus in need or living sione. died hans Dec. 3rd at the home I juice and spicas, thickenad with Rubben Ca., made a similan maya that can be servsd festive style. 6. Place a welcomesi o f lhan daughten and son-in-law, i -e bron beadandsered n asevralyeas aa.)After the Concert Snack youn door-a wreath, Christmas Mn. and Mrs. Cynil A. W. Mc- Ssemi-liquid state at the begin- Aowga ri ra Murtry, 39 Rosebarry place. She ning ai the meal. Turkays bagan Appnaximately 400 persans, Bte, hee Mraa e lspra themainesthtadrtoraihan hu- d' ta replace the peacocks and mslyw m, are emplayed in Bowi of Orange, Grapes, Apples 7 n ita attog t ba n 28 heyears ao e h swans we mentianed above Ie igrraHtCooae-bn 8yasao »e about 1542. small part ai the Kitchener op- Nelthbours' Gatherlng abu it o ayo st r Coean, peronwait jOIfiI Th *enation. f iig aeCranberry Punch wsaemls afha astmp disesrin Brant County, iived most of ONE HORSE OPEN SLEIGH rte ptn te ma nin ae Party Sandwich Loaf ve tarsof moine stamiPs. han lite in Landau bafore coin- ani raasputîn th copay i aMincemeat Tants * ing here. She was a woman af Abot he nl plceweseepor cmptiivepoitin asAssorted Cookies AnuoAla invites you tait an ~~~cutters taday Is in Christmas laid befone employeesa in July, CAisnwie talan c/invites an hayayfradoShua decoratians, or ln County Musa- 1951. Sinca then, the campsny CwiritE.ine et ier yonTuge stions an ums. There are no doubt many has been able ta buy its raw Crit am homnnr emaing purosugesiosudalrihoTnsgicn ul childnan who, on ssaing the lava- materials at campatitive pnices, Hmhmraig polm n i ih!Ti a a ul ly cutter in the window ai Hig- but labon ratas had risen and Buttered Noodies watch this column ior replies, pair ai traublesome Highland gon Electnie this Christmas sea- ionced the maya ta a lower-nate ________________________________ stags with a gestune and a shautTh Ne son, have said, "Mummy, what's ares, declared Ira G. Needles, Th"Geyrivite iys".ieDleD thnt?" company presîdent. Na said * 1The.. T i adeliean the sene cs id- ron Fartnate1y, mont Mathea avenave rates for the Kitchener il iMtnaabelyncopicte scemattrs i- graw upin the period Pre-Trop- group vsre substatiay hiher R eading W ih eatly roupiatis wa btrd Hawkeyoflash Oti HA B Y' orth, and can still remomber t'ry as a whoia. Take Time to Read - It is the Foundation of Wisdom Balgershoalhan maie counterpant, RA B YSwhen thena was snaw on coun- The mave wiIl b. made aven -Asu IihPryr ad a revitalîzed Digby> retunns Indoars or outdloors, ho con storttangitusrih try nosds and Man's nobleat a period ai months with Kit- tlaa. e"all's clatends.y i diio ateBon aky aea DEVERAGES friend, the Hanse, had nat been chener personnel laid aif grad- How o aFlash o adWy n ormndader len.' Mlswl ha nso oInadi ahtfio thcanisaFahla ihbt crowded out ai bis stable by aually. Some of the 400 are cx- wga redt o udwy nyu m n niches wIlf yaFaellanighn ivngte iel, etfash lapstwa rantilsofaakerco Oshftwa, Ont. Phone 3-2733 sensaless, noaring m ach i ne pacted ta ha absorbed in the ne- me, youn lite. tis tae pmannlngyon glitetn .knawn as a tractor which gal-, maining parts ai the apenaio. How wonderfui a book may be! aodThsPae b .J hi a thma intake he edf aoim, epkjsfash i struto olt ope. i itb A book ta spread bafone aur Cronin is heing cansistentiy ask- give hlm ideas! $~OS.i e. dfrteedy tms irr Ts.ueia hre licest. ls. We suppose the name "A. sure ies.J. Cronin" i5 enaugh ta ensure p E C IÀUS l A book where beauty is nevcaied that! This ans bas juat a bit aif And jayaus fouiitsiis are unl- the gloom ai "Hatten's Castie". Uo seaed. pth e a It really is an elabonate dctec- Upanwod ea a0 sw a tive story; the tale ai Paul Ma- A flrosjure e h ind, thry's attempt ta ires his iath- bae rwho has been sentenced ta BA~frCIr w a at theWho lovez a book àwla Pal sconvincedle i Té dwelH Inail the worlds that deep, and poweniul names are b.. -Catherine Cable against Paul. Hawcven, witi the LO W LO W Pricesi parlî avery nawspaper or public sentiment, ha succeeds. Peridicl oe piks p tese Uniortunataly his tather bas days has a review ai the yean s bacome immeasurahly brutaliz- Dh~ei eOON8 books suggesting that s book is cd by the years in prison. SfIs- a wondeniul Christmas gftt-an penseful and melodramatic, this Bega" idea with which we haartilyiy gaad readîng for an avening conur Shrt wer ud tebti antgt the "Tasi ui Rbs $N .~. u $g~sweetneass ofchocolates Kaites oa"The Kingdeo"Th $ ~~~~~~~~passing thîng, but the swect- Ky fTeKndm.SCE g~~~ ~neas o! a good book lingers a Wies- iti riceh ________magazine recently entitied "The Shlp ai Sîsepless Men". Aboard unela n the liner Herbent Fuller out ai 9019W M _ 1_121 the captain, his wiie and the UAru * beg~h, *605 u $1.U )second-mate were murdered. Only twa men, Bnam, the iirst «&-M fS w 01at-oMwtc a te im o at least cdean his name. uifl0 The athen suspect, Chanliet Brown, some years atter the Ils-Iship munders, had beau taken e: with another attack ai homici- g dal mania in a hospitai in ~ gg~IT7Stackholm and had tried ta kili ReED5UCED., 2ef*o his nurse with a knite. M V W W ~ W w W --Wonder how aiten the Courts af law aire mistaken? TbnL~kdy rd * of t"Digbyet if another on the lmlist of irequentiy requested AIL .ue rasm Body Saacht Powder..;. ....0o E a.Vue MMa" .Srp -3 hbycks books. This is hy David Waiksn, I. Blue Grest Luxury BC" msalée......$6.00 charmling see-thruhtb .5.0 barn in Scatland, but now a ne-c .GasIudL .-npst ati- F. Blue Cocos Sld Cologne......$ 5 sident of New Brunswick. 'Dig-C lu ms od oin-npat . ic b otGtle -.HadSupIdviuly o by" la the m ildly am using, gent-0.é u Co o & W e s 12 w f r in a t b ly upooking stary af the stutfiest $2.00Gas M aoe-2 asr . Ime re"a WUne Powd.-(it.. __________________________oa stuffed shirts, Dighy P. Ross. .0 PMI SOFIEMERS tJury & Lav(inueli wfe ik(a bag of two grouse, two J u g &Lv Salmon and two staga in a dag> hnW)etEe tl oePo.l W ebtàr's Fü me Centre i àA i a0U G will nsfresh hlm. It doas! hnWTm yzIisDePrprl Ha meets Froua Kiihurnie, tic YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE N . TI h ."aPh. 32 PLUMBING AND HEATING Hîghlarid chieftain who, i - PHONE fils BOWMANVILLE ,t'Ilfing in her shirt! She gives him a retresher course, ail nxght, "M eMAMAW VrAnmmAw vwvwujLwuwvw ovomjLmm% qqmmmqà9r TYW- 19 MM 9

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