-I'WUMtDAY, DEC. 17?,- 1953 THE CAIfADIMI STATESMMI, EOWMAIqVMILEOWTAR!O y Thrill the whoie famiiy Christmas Day with the excitement and luxury of an Admirai. Bring famous Christmas programmes into your living room for the children . . . meet 'the stars of many wonderful shows, right at the peak of their season. Here, inAdmirai eeiini rl the gi/t of gifts for ail the family.. for Christmas and the years to corne! Discover, as thousands have, that you see far more . .. see far better with an Admirai. Enjoy sensationai realism with the ail-new Adniirai Aluminized Picture Tube. Here is television 's ciearest, best-baianced picture. It's 80% brighter! Biacker blacks, whiter whites plus the fuil range of those ail-important ttin-between" shades that make the picture the most lifelike ever! An ultra-thin aiuminum mirror on the inner face of the picture tube lets no iight escape back into the tube ... hoids it ail on the picture surface! Only the Admirai Aiuminized Picture Tube captures every littie detail with "specluator" vividness ... lets you see ail the camera seesl and-stain resistant ebony finish cabinet. AIl-new Cascode Chassis. A1-new Acro-Matic Picture Tube. Tone control. Built-in "Omni-Scope" aerial. Every deluxe feature! Mahog- any elightly higher. Matching base optional. 95 0 17"1 TV $249 9b Model T1822X: Tremendous value! Modern mahogany finish cabinet. Same power- fui chassis as higher priced sets. Acro-Matic Picture Tube. Buit-in aerial. Con- solette base optional. 21 'picture in TV (252 sq. ins.). Anti- glare Optic Filter. Powerful Cascode Chassis. Tone control. Ready for UHF. Detachable legs included. Watnut or Mahogony. $f 9 ILimed Oakc sghtly higher) 191 mariner. Golden Picture Frame, a "new dimension" of picture realism. Anti-glare Optic Filter. Biggest 21' p icture in television. 10' speaker. Ready for UHF. WaInut or Mabogany. $AA095 (Limed Oak slightly higher) «T B.y Fiish 2" Model C2225X: Cabi- Admirai Aluminized Picture Tube (252 sq. ins.). AII-new Super Cascode Chassis. Anti-glare Optic Filter. Golden Picture Frame. 10» speaker. Tone control. Ready for UH F. (Limed Oak sightly higher> 24"l Model C2515X; Bigger Admirai Alumjnized Picture Tub&. Opic Filter and Golden Picture Frame. Super Cascode Chassis. Tone control.' 10"» speaker. Ready for UHF Superb cabinetry. Walnut or Mahogany. . 1649% LiJmed Oak slightly higher) Prices include one fui! year warraritv on ail tub.i, ùxncludiag big picw. tube. - W1WUIWfIWwuwwawsarte E VENIN CHRIST riiI rS WAS ()ver haif of ail T.V. Sets in Bowmanville are There are Ordy 7 Days Left The 33 RING ST. W. T.V. BGWNANVI to Ordler Yours Fromn CASH IF' YOU HAVE ITI s1nopTERMS IF YOU ILLE ~PHONE 3262 NE T Our Serv is the BES'I OPEN UNTIL