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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1953, p. 7

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Tbe Statesman wlll be issuec Es lisual on Thursday, Dcc. 24 an ? 31. Miss Jayce Lawson, London, lias a wvrekend visitor witb Mr. and Mrs. Bill James. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichoîx sPent the weekend with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas 4%Nichais, Kingston. Mrs. J. H. Jobnston is spend- ln'. Christmas bolidays with ber 'daughter, Mri and Mrs. Bruce , Tesley, Walkerton. T !he Truckmen Television 'aw wiil be beld in the Arena 4nSaturday, Dec. 26th, during the Kingston - Truckmen game, Mr. and Mrs. Manson Coul- tel., Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haynes, Peterborough, were Sunday vis- ltors of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutch- ison, Elgin St. Mrs. Susenn Awde,- Orono; M~rs- Mary May, Windsor, and Mrs. Frank Werry, Bethesda, Wcre guests of Mrs. Margaret Silver'for a few days. Mr. Arlie Nortbcutt, who met With a seriaus motor accident several weeks ega, is now home fromI Memorial Hospital and ineking satisfactory progress. Don't forget ta send in your Elst of Yuletide visitors. If eny inembers of your femily are go- ig away for the bolidays send tbcmý along ta. Phone States- inan 3303. TEE eANAflTAM C'APA'IU!r~AI. sswu '3il1 Smith and Barry Howey, and Glen Tbornpson. of Bowmanville, were winners Walters won a prize for of tickets for the hockey game most strikes and 0111f T: a, Maple Leaf Gardens Satur- for the most blows. The di night in the draw sponsored and low teams for the evt b3ý Bowmanville Lions Club. also received prizes. Mra. F. T. Tighe left by train A very enjoyable e' yesterday (Dec. 16) for the party was beld at the bon diSunny South" where she will Mrs. Muriel Dunn, Divisior visit ber son Frank, in Los An- on Wednesday evening, DE geles, Calif., a sister in San for the bospital. There D)iego, Calif., and a brother in eleven and a haîf tables. Yumna, Arizona. winners were: Mrs. Gor Mrs. Gatcheil, Mrs. Magee, .PFive boys and five girls were Samis, Mrs. Humphrey, born at Memorial Hospital dur- Quinney and Mrs. McFac Ing the week Dec. 5 - 11. Four Prizes were donated by major and ten minor operations Dunn and refreshments by were performied and four emner- Women's Hospital Auxil ______________________Mr. B. Kitney donated a 13 glass set wbicb was raffle 10c each to those who atter *u ma netting$33.Wne a - Wes. Lee. niepoed STe the bospital amounted ta $2 CHURCHCanadian Club (Anglican) Rev. Warren Turner, (Continued from Page pi B.A., B.D. whicb saw well trained C munist armies quickly ove: ail China. The last provinc yield was Szecbwan and the 8 city, Chendu, in whicb Mr. 8 Liii.Mrs. Kitchen lived. MOLY COMMUNION "China's emergence as a class power, strang and un 11ar. under the Communists, bas corne one of the major evi CHORAL of history, and may prove t COMMUNION of the turning points of hisi Sermon: because of the resulting in ence on Japan and India," "Covenants, Old and New" Kitchen said. 7 p.m.China a Police State 7 p.. -The speaker then went or, XVENSONG ask. "What bas Commn iSermon: done in China?" The changeâ every aspect of life, social, p "Jeans Cornes ini GloryP" tical and economic, in so st. J a time are almost incredible, said. China is now a police sti iYOUTH FOR CHRIST in the BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL DECEMBER 19lh ai 7:45 p.. CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE with THE 60-VOICE CHOIR from the Christian Reform Church HOOPER BROS. QUARTET frcun Oshawa Also Soloist BARRY WAGAR fromn Peterboro, Ont. SPEAKER JAMES DEBBES Young Bible School Student fromn Hamîiton, Ontario Corne! Everyone Welcome. No Admission Charge. TRINITY UNITED CIIORCIE Minister: Rev. T. A. Morgan, B.A. CHRISTMAl S SERVICES Sil A.M. - "A Mighiy Salvafion" 7 P.M. - "0 Holy Nighi" A Candis-Iight Carol Service with Senior, Intermediate and Junior Choira participating. Mr. D. C. Peters, Phyllis Challis Barrett, L.T.C.M., Director of Music. A.T.C.M., Organist. Mary r the irewin b igi- rening ýuchre ne ai n St., ýec. 2, were Prize rhem Mrs, Mr. ,dyen. Mrs. y the iliary. -pce. ed et nded, sMr. Is for 26.30. I - sidea at tne . piano for openiing and clasing oxercises. BLACKSTOCK Mrs. Lorne Tbompson and Mrs. Wilbert Archer visited last Tbursday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Montgomery at Cedar Crest near Lindsay. We are ne) sorry that Mrs. Montgomery is rom- in poor health. ?rrun Mr. Wm. McCamus, Mr. and e to Mrs. Leslie Graham, Millbrook, last spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. and Frank Stinson on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. first Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn, rltdRonald and Blair, with Mrs. bied Florence Scott at Tyrone on ents Sunday. Mrs. M. E. Burnett, Port one Perry, wbo was the chief oper- ýtry atar at the local Bell Telephone iflu- office bas retired, and Miss AI- Mr. berta Freelen, Lindsay, bas tak- en her place. Sympatby is extended to Mrs. n to George Fowler on the death of ism ber aunt, Mrs. John Tbompson, . formerly Adeline Holmes, Peter- oîi-n borough, wbo was buried at the pl-Union Cemetery, Cadmus, last hort Friday. ý,e Miss Mary Wilson nurse-li- late, training, Oshawa, witb her par- ents. - A special Cbristmas off ering will be taken at the United Church Sunday Scbool this com- ing Sunday morning ta be sent ta Rev. Merle Ferguson Jn Africa. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow and Bill were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain witb Mrs. Weir at Brooklin. Mr. Andy Holmes, Nestle- ton, witb bis sister, Mrs. George Fowler. Just by way of contrast-Last week our neighbour was picking fresh lettuce ini ber garden and today there is a foot of snow with more coming. Mother Nature is certainly very lem- inine. Miss Kate Deacon, a former Cartwright resident, passed away at a rest borne in Port Perry on Sunday. She was buried at the Old Caesar Cerne- tery on Wednesday. The congregation at the Unit- ed Churcb last Sunday evening greatly enjoyed the Rev. C. G. Kitney, missionary fiom Trini- dad, and also the slides wbicb hle showed after service. This week is school concert week, a very busy time for the teachers and pupils. We were very sorry ta learn that Gordon. Patton had died at Strathroy on Saturday, Dec. 12. He and bis daugbter and bis sister. Mrs. Leslie Smith, form- erly Lillian Patton, and ber daughters visited friends in the village last summer. The Patt- on family wil be remembered as general merchants in the store that is now Saywell's. December meeting of the O.N. 0. Club was at the home of Mrs. Percy Collins lest Thursday ev- ening with the President Alma iDuff in charge. After the minutes and! roll caîl the main Point of business was a discuss- ion concerning the New Year's Eve dance. Everyone enjoyed the Husband's Nigbt banquet th %Scretary was instructed ta write ahank vou ta the W.A. After the business. Gwen Bail- ingaîl acted as Santa Claus and' distributed the gifts. The hast-I ess and the group in charge served deliciaus refreshments including Christmas cake, bring- ing ta a close a very pleasant meeting. Scots mother ta son who bas just married an actress: "Cen your wife cook, sew and dae housework?" eSon: "No but she's a bra' iing- ' el Mother: For shame laddie-'i hioo did 'e no' bLi\ a canar\'"' Bu\ ing or ;zellinig' Let a &tatosman Ciauilied h.elp Yeua. we 'IOCIAL AIDpERAL PHONE 330.'? An, BW ±uN.iV LLE, L'ARIO Igency cases rcceived treatment. 4 Total admissions were 39, dis- charges 46.» 1, Eleven members of the Cen- tral Ontario Branch of the Ontario Retail Feed Dealers' sAssociation met for their month- rly dinner meeting in the Bal- smoral Hatel Monday evening. Murray McPheil, Toronto, Sec- retary - Manager' of the Associa- ction, was the speaker et this Iget-together. We are glad ta report that Mr. Fred Knox, well known *shoe merchant, wbo suffered a stroke lest Saturday and is in Memorial Hospital, Bawman- ville, is considerably improved. Fortunately be bas no paralysis. His daughter Dorothy, Toronto, is helping out et the store dur- ing this busy seesan. Congratulations ta Mrs. Ros#P- anne Kirkendall who is celc- brating ber 9lst birthday to- day (Thursday). Mrs. Kirken- daîl is in good heelth, able ta read, write letters, knit and crochet. The Statesman joins witb ber family and many friends in wishing Mrs. Kirken- dali happy birtbday and many happy returns. Tuesday, December 8th, was an open evening of bowling for the Trinity Jacks and Jilîs. A large crawd was anticipated but only 27 turned out. Lucky spot prizes were won by Doris Akev pofluieter - st ry, ortract. We, asoderteiy 34.50-' A r JOHHSOI'4&S JOIISON s. aby Sets r ~ "&ft st. 'Elcy eNci -o Land- IEUSH AND COMs SmT Merry-go-round Met wtli clown pull tay $1.00 Hughes oSd 3p.eces sm plstic 79C J... i rxiied by thse dictatorsbip 'Eof.Enei ar e niinarity. 1M s retLr e Thiod philosophies of Con- e fucius and Lao-tzc were thrown Eeted Presideni out and countless tbausands of1 volumes burned. Filial piety on Blackstock W.M.S. which the wholestuur of China was based-, is now gone. Sons and d au ghbte rs Blacktock-W.M.S. met att] are denouncing their own par- .parsonage Wednesday, Dec. 9t ents ta police. AIl religions with 19 aduits and three chil have been dcnounced, and the ren present. In the absence new way of life is compulsory. the President, Mrs. Fýrnest Larn Indoctrination classes are car- er, vice-pres., presided. "Whi -ried on continuously. "Brain- Shepherds W a t c h e d The -wasbing"l is a special indoctrina- Flocks" was sung. Mr. Huttc tion course wbicb lasts five or gave a very interesting Chris -six montbs, or longer, ta change mas taîk and offercd praye -the minds of those wbo resist Rall cail was answered by sthe Communist ideologies. Home Missions flash". Thse People'. Courts Dccided ta hald special mee t Mr."Kitcben gave instances of ing at the home of Mrs. Cec ihow classes have been levclled Hill, Tuesday, Dec. 29tb for th iin China. "The ricb have be- purpase of filling in reports an icame poar, and the poor poor- arranging programmes for 19& er," be seid. Landlords bave The following slate of officei been fined and taxed until they was presented and accepte( are penniless. Others bave aIl President-Mrs. Ernest Larmei cash taken from tbem by 14eing Vice-Pres.-Mrs. Cecil Hill; RO forced to buy a prohibitive cording and Press Se'y-Mrý amaunt of bonds. Offenders are Arnold Taylor; Treasurer-Mr: tried in the People's Courts Earl Dorrell; Christian Steward where children witness the ship-Mrs. Russell Mountjo: trials and the anly penalty, death Literature-Mrs. Hutton; SuppJý betore the firing squad. -Mrs. Jas. Henry;; Missioi Mr. Kitchen closed his address Band-Mesdames Wes PearcE on a very seriaus note. "Relent- Roy Taylor and Cecil Hill lessly Communism surges on Missionary Monthly and Worl tbrougb the world," be said. "It Friends- Mrs. Cecii Hill; Bab, is a force ta be reckoned witb. Band-Mrs. Ralpb Larmer; Corr It provides a faith, however mis- munity Friendship-Mrs. Rol guided, especially for young Taylor;; Temperance and Citiz peole.Thre s o ohe fathenship-Mrs. Ralph Larmpr thtenplcomare itbt eep tFruit and Flowers-Mrs. Ge< Cbristanitympand th iîî ev pýFowler; Pianist-Mrs. Gordoi mhi.t us , no t eceive a er Strong; Group Leaders-Mns se.Lves.tomusnism eci o - Carl Wright, Mrs. Gordo: marlv ecbimnuits ten the Strong, Mrs. J. A. Johnston anc marh, eacingou it tetacesMrs. Lloyd Wright. ta world power. Eternal vigil- The Christmas programme ir ance is the price of liberty. Let the Monthly was followed wit] us alert ourselves ta what Com- aIl singing tbhé carols and Mrs munism can do in Canada if it Hill and Mrs. Strong readini sbould get control," Mr. Kitchen urged bis hearers. Mrs. Ross Dickenson, Newcas- tle, expressed the appreciation of members for Mr. Kitchen's fine address and bis kindness liII speaking on such short notice. President Rolpb announced that next month's speaker will be Dr. Graham Bell of SbadowbrookI Hospital, Toronto. Christmas decorations addedA a festive toucb ta the social haîf-hour whicb preceded the meeting. Miss Helen Morris pre- 2's--33e 25S-41 c 50's-82e À -j------ :r-W -7 ~ *~~3*-*.*~ -' 4 KODAk 1M i mpsre 10 w"" Su. sceson e. cw KokDuefl*X come. escfetphotos as'aloble wahi isem w Wit4, Iodet Lens ...$16.00 \4,th Kodor f/8 Lent . 5 ... 25.50 Beenie H.wke1,.FlSk Oufx For easy-to-take p.ctures day or m'sght, a. doors or ouit - complote set .$1650 TeuuicI M 0FeolIêCmwo - .$29.00 Plais otachment .......... . .....$925 P.surn 828 -.$3575; eth sfield cee $4285 PoSw135.$41.00, wth ifeld cm $4935 -BANTAM r, PLAISuLIS i Il.. Ie S'l" 'Ioeb Your .0.. move hmo. o M "flueOer'. 11. 19. 19 flélet, ronge of toge, s, wrap- *05* ~Cartrs of un for p e r Wlo rOtflmiSO thbpes..$.0 10 49 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ILiex McGregor, SDeliver Your Local L D. A. Drug Store Drugs Phone 792 Banlcer Sandord..... vWorstoes w,4Ds2 t of g aS . . $6.50 $6.95 $7.95 tanks 13M.-0 TRURSDAY .Dre. l'y, 1853 Ud. i eil ton It- er "A ind 54. ýrs er; ýe- rs. rs. 1d- on Id by n- y )n )n id in g The Farm Pond Committee,_Watershed later. wad gie fifty pounds." -f ..'.... Sh4'*..*4 wl .. 1 ... .........' ...... 1 After qxe,$5 GEMEY 4t4 ; t dW«mw Mlteés ff SU25 hW* yfrogrns a .SeillaoNq ift *wPIF & .4.. Parume. set in aistyrofaam vioii, fto:hing 1 wth rrmetollhc star dust ond fittings .. $1 .75 " M « Rf ELCTRUC RA ORS Cologne - ftt for a queen -*nslovely sim M0ie4 h.abig Clwltmas for *@e mme in your house crown khke, gold color container set in styro- - èma0Scd 200'.IW et *,a end of terni Ôs fooer, base is a gif t s"r ta pleoise .. $1 .75__ Dumh.g Powdor wth thse loveit' Gemney1 Fragrance.. $200 338.9 f- a alvlahond md àfl A bM.Mml - 0" kdhemg a op - ~ ::z Re ~* <4IOe)0% U$1u.$50 Globe Setý-"s dity globetm .....$1.S moer ahhRemasqer. Enue'.1 -0«uf.r *0 B.o"Set Boards, Ôrangewood Stciç j r - contalrw Mug, Att. Cotton Roll, set in a maouve or5ham., Cologne & An.- pale blue base .........150 tiseptic Doodoront Pow. 0" eCit.. der - i otractive gift Sm s- 89c, $125,$I.50op b - ,5 AMMSCAL POW9M Sm a~ * i.~ sinctive beautiful gfi whicls plaýe 0 avI-t lime each turne the lid is MUNNGP SE 00 Wwsm brocer, men's q»o deadrot, Sftraton EngiisIs Compacts beaitr- ful gfts - luxurioes and tue- hé*tlo i .. ..... .each$&95 PriendsIlIp'sGarden Set - a rimot- OL A troct-e package contauning the e. moua lotion perfurre, Laqud Patois, h. *-s 4 1. @MWhU$s 0ibng loM tis.els, 8 tubes $1.25 y il.1shil Garde,, TelletW«« r$1,'»' w him a Omn rk -- f fl*5 Miniatur'e Perfume, 10 cx ....$6.00 ,ýIi.' kiite.haedki, gezsuue '4'le Il tége 5 .. . 3.0bistie b,-,a .. emIs mtching m*$4.6vaIs'. for 98e n lippe [S ineiiu "a"kwieRM O à 6 , ILTIIt 1 ER M E gW oeld fo ms.Içho thc ather parts, intersperscd b3 a beautiful solo, "«O Haly Night' by Mrs. Harold Kyte; a reeding "Putting Christ into Christmas' by Mrs. Lloyd Wright and E paper "Christmas and Christiar Stewardship" by MIrs. Russell eMountjoy. After the bencdic- ition lunch was served by thE -1group and a social hall boui f cnjoyed. r Ganaraska Report (Contjnued from Page One) Clarke, Hope, Cavan, Manvers, Hamilton, and the town of Pari Hope, with the co-aperation and support of the Dept. of Plan- ning and Developmenit. The 1Authority et first had found t: budget limited ta the purchase and forestation of eroded or depleted lands in the Weter- shed; therefore, funds were not evailable for extensive aid in other directions. However, it had made real strides in fores- tation, as weîl as in encaureging better conservation practices, and were assured that witb the rising prices its forests would be sclf-sustaining in the course of years, and wouîd do a great deal ta rehabilitate the entire district. Govt. Gives Finanelal Aid Herbert F. Crown, conserva- tion engineer, Toronto, spoke of the many benefits ta be de- rived from restoring the Water- shed lands ta productiveness. The Authorîty had donc a very fine job, he saîd, and wes doing the right thing ta take adven- tage of the Provincial aid in endeavoring to hold the water in the land, where it belangs, through this farm pond subsidy ýy program. He sid thse dcmand O Nash. Grade VI, piano-Clare for water had increased in 50 Oistanding Music Tierney, pupil of Miss Ida Arn- years from five gallons ta 1,800 Sîunî tt. Prize donated by Mr. R. ;gallons per day per capita, Sue sR eceive G. Geen. Vocal-Betb Travel, largely due to the great con- pupil of Mr. R. G. Geen. Grade * sumption of industry; wbile at Awards ai Recifal VI, piano-Sharon Dale,' pupil *the same tixne, due ta érosion - of Mrs. L. W. Parratt. Prize il and unwise draining, the water donated by Mr. H. C. Milîs. !- table was gradually lowering A large and appreciative ud-iPiano-Anthony Meegber, pupil * alarmingly. The Provincial Gav- lence filled St. Andrew's United of Mrs. G. R. Booth. Grade VI r ernment, be said, were greatly Churcb Sunday School Room1Ivocai-Rýobert Henry, pupil oÏ interested in this problem, andOsa, on Saturday evening, Mr. R. G. Geen. Prize donated want ta assist financially in Nov 28th, when the Registered by Wilson and Lee. Piano- avercoming it. Music Teachers of Oshawa and Kethryn Frost, pupil of Mr. R. The technical side of farm District presented its annuel G. Geen. pond building was dealt wîth prize recitAl of pupils wha bad Grade VIII, vocal-Mary Mc- in detail by Ralph Gregg, ex- gained the *highest marks in Rae Moses, pupil of Mr. R. G. pert of the Dept. of Agriculture, Oshawa and District in their Geen. Mrs. Moses chose as ber Lindsay. Ponds were useful, be respective grades. selections, (a) "Dedication." tsaid, ta provide water for live- Mrr. Everett L. Eliiott (nee Frenz: (b) "Thou Art Like Un- stock, fire protection, orchard Margaret McKessock, Saline) ta a Flower," Schuman. Prize spraying, or irrigation, for fisb- president, presided and intro- was donated by Mrs. R. S. Mc- ing and recreational purposes duced the students as follows: Leughlin. and beautification whîch in- Grade I, piano-Mary Elizabeth Grade IX, piano - Simone creased values; and certainly Weldon. pupil of Mrs. L. W. Gimblett, pupil of St. Joscph's rwere effective and valuable i Parrott. Prize donated by Miss Convent, played Sonata ini P tholding water in the sali. Ida Arnott. Grade II, piano-, Major, first movement, by Mo- Ponds were of three types - John Davis, pupil of Miss Ida zart. Prize donated, was by St, dugouts, or spring-fed, or by- Arnott. Prize donated by Mrs. Joseph's Convent. pass ponds, drawn from passing F. McClintock, Port Perry. Grade X, piano-Tanya God- streams. Eacb anc sbould be at Vocal-Janet McGregor, pupil Of dard, pupil of Mrs. L. D. Work- least 60 x 60 feet and,ý four Reta Dudley, Bowmanvîlle. man. Bowmanville, prize was feet deep, cantaining a mini- Grade Ili, piano-Mary Lou donated by Mrs. Everett L. El- mum of 75,000 gallons. The first Lockwood, pupil of Mrs. L. W. liott.% step, always, should be ta test Parrott. Prize donated by Mrs. Grade X, piano-Marilyn Siîm- the sou ta watch for quicksand. T. Jackson, Port Perry. Grade merson, pupil of St. Joseph's Large photographs were used IV, piano-Cherie Lynn Mer- Convent. Miss Simmerson play- ta illustrate his tecbnical ex- tens, pupil of Miss Ida Arnott. ed (a) "Valse in D flat," Chopin* planations. Prize donated by Mrs. L. W (b) "Rush Hour in Hong Kong,'q Arthur Letorneil, Dept. of Perrott. Vocàl-Kathleen Jack- A. Chasins. Prize wvas donateci Planning and Development, wbo son, pupil of Reta Dudley, Bow- by Mr. S. T. Hopkins. is engeged in contacting persans manville. The president exp r e S s e d intcrcsted in farm ponds for the Grade V, piano-Sharon Dale, thanks toalal those who had Authority, aperated a motion pupil of Mrs. L. W. Parrott. donated prizes and ta twa local picture projector ta screen two Prize donated by Mr. Leon florists for the loan of floral excellent p i c t u r e s, "Farni - decorations. Ponds", and "Raindrops and Elmore Scott. Stuaii Ryen and Sali Erosion", wbicb effectivelY Hilton Harris, were all present. "Hoo much wad ye gie for a illustrated pond construction A similar public meeting is tbousand pounds, Tam?" and uses. planned for the west end of the "If I was sure O' gettin' it I L-- à 0* Covnada Dry of hoiday. h Smooth ricd, àu deicjs,c 'tosty centres malce d buys1.f .nest h4* T-V o oen6oc-_o$j.& AbeaâwddW .ug biau and goîd gf tbons Of* . On u eWSQM5rtment - a fàw seecton of dhoce f resh cosDeu*& peora% hlber*s, olmnds, tr 8iw h- $2.00 A iss ecfton of ckocokatm in o wide varefyd ssorirmées od prs oS aw. obie ut your r D.ÀA store. ALKASEMTER W ~ l 1 h S t a , n Ci o d y , c e r t in g 0 ~ A 1 spowkling refreshêrg AikoSeftzer watee w4N heip regoën ihat "Mst rsgh't-' feeling. THERMOS- V au. ote kW"Tbox,0N o'-' PEU$ 'AGI SEVEN ýj .y ke n h 9 i a J'y t7r. cool Amvp tiom $Ue

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