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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1953, p. 15

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?!TUSDA7DEC. 24, 1953- -- - - -L*-AADA SATSMI.9W Avu OTRO C anada I ~~this purpose. if resuits on the Savto m P ~ r n ~ L : m w I I d f ! h p e rfo rm a n c e o f th e v a rie t y h a v e S r ~ vP T sit aire made available. If the__ D e a l W i t h D i s a s t e r s ai e n o t e A ta p re ordi g o 15 ni Most new varieties, wherever SIna tte amnil ARTICLE VIII fon Canada, accordirg ta the ex-,g o q aiis Pa t be d - tp Jua as nio ern war hasspr ad perts, would certainly give pri-b te 9erd Army CitadePlat ilee ee suti ..are always cin the lookout for teaced a ~ bra w s fro mf field fo rces *0 civ il coin - o rity to section s w h ieh s s a nb e d n t c s a d t e e v r r d o s a i n C L , O h nas broadwa SundayanJanuarde arme 1Mfore cannot afford to overlook 80am 7ence authorities, ta embrace al production plants and industrial b a upsstis in sc arne- n floig udy n ' te ns of the country- not only z The p en tal dangers of blo- s oeeing ul ghoe et 1neaa. Thngfarmer, most of ogical and chemical Warfareon toeIn crawded, Potential.tar- get es h an mortan t raie a haveal ead y b ne l a inaed variety before it as been prov- br oa c s t t e s m o r s nipran oet ed superior to the variety coin- Leut onHmhsan c in any measures which with their peculiar signx 'cances 1 ol rw nterdsr c arr C i a tacy.have, t ak o who live utside the larger com- 7,va o A my C r s h p s t m unities. There is stili another p o u e f l b t É .o P13* efrucitingforces ofa5U9 h possible threat ta such places- Soi stewrdsbg uineadetn h cp n ique already being em ployed ' ce d.ri m... ......_ ~w : - -- . effe tivey i are s wh'-~W hen we think of arson-the eflaes, vey inoaew nyasautdelîberate firing of prphty- 1& à ____________________asaul we usually think of such acts as~ erials, key installations, produc- q tion machinery, transportation, jIetc. But the civil de .ence au- It horities believe that an enemy e ight attack our farns and for-~ and defence establishments, in an effort ta cripple aur resaurces ------_____________________ m. Bush Fires RCAF LOOKS BACK -As 1953 closes the RCAF sste (4) With Canadian air defence requirements to!U It Jasne undermsinnethour-10hole econ-an allweathe The havoc which forest fires looks back on a year of continued achievement and expan- the fore in itOein h Fl0Cnuki nalwahr~IS'U I cause is, unhappily, too well sion. New establishments were opened, new operational long range jet fighter designed and buit in Canada. wn o Canadians, £rom squadrons formed, and new aircraft and equipment added. (5) Turkey became the ninth NATO nation to send air- peceieexeic . e wilI Personnelen ifcly nvsasigtrength rose from 38,391 at the end of 1952 to crew trainees to Canada for instruction. Five Turkish thae terrr and destruction which an estimated 43,000 at the end of 1953, and 'Europe saw trainees are met on arrivai at RCAF Station, Uplands, by could be spread, in wartime, by stiing evidence of Canada's air strength wîth 12 squad- the Turkish military attache to Canada, Colonel H. Bulca. ' May dw thiialg dcort th imberlad.Th uiose pitrs Sabre jtfgtr stationed there. The olowing (6) The RCAF continued its search and rescue and mercy ith or lnas.tiose chri edpa cure give an indication of the activities and expansion flight program, and many humanitarian flights were fiooSO Cristlnnal who ]ive in or near wooded of the RCAF. carrried o ut by air force crews. Here, following an SOS areas to be partictilariy watch- (1) At a technica] training unit, pilots are given from an isolated village in Labrador, an RCAF Dakota'U adScaiag-,= ihome~ fui, should the threat of war instruction on the Orenda jet engine which powers the transport laircraft lands to take an injured Eskimo to 0 nte.fourslne, hyin Ogr ) ~ p iwmn si )o h / cutothmfoviia C -1in Canuck jet fighter 2) Threehapy j nhptal. 7) F-86 Sabres o h RCAF's No. 4 Fighter Sfle âàthehapinmpeacetime, too, for fires can start aboard the liner Franconia which took them to England1 Wing fly ast during handing-over ceremonies of the Wng -and most often do - froin for the Coronation ceremonies. (3) One of the RCAF to operational control of NATO at Baden-Soelîingen, M 11f s e s Y sheer careîessness. Cornet jet transports, first of its kind to be f Iownb n emn. Wt h adto fti ig aaa's 12 Crop Incendjarismi air force. The Cornets provide the RCAF with high speed Sqdn. NATO force was overseas months ahead of schedule. At tm While a vast number of en- high altitude aircraft to exercise Canada's air defence -National Dofence Photo i~emy agents; would have ta bc ,puedt d ichhrm b oc between ripening. and tions where, already, civil de- tervleudrdfeets' spreading germs amang human hapestnadthnml ii ec evce aebNe aife beings and livestock. and a sm-all h vstn. A yenstu n lrai oe.R ,Dr i ry of saboteurs would be dry weather. At these times ta fulf.1I the funiction of mutual aira Foso the Cereal Division, Ottawa,l J. W. JE EL eded for the ivhoiesale pollu- standing crops might be a target aid and rception areas, in sup-0fCra Fod says that in the Experimental J. WjEEL inof waFi or intspanfod forals nd rendr would nt ort outthe farmer omay ithat vrietis bSeedeiecpdnewly nrdc "BI 2 " socs, xtnsie ire c uld be might be made, too, on stored whic ma be expected ta un- ed varieties from both foreigo started by a mere handful of grain~s and the loss of basic cer- dergZo dir'ect attack. Ney aer i befoenhave opman and domestic sources are tested agent . newat B ranch Stations in the areas stadin cr ps xce t t~ nly be a calamity for the farm- war has came right into his own d u r n g r s u t if w i d s p e a d w o l d b a r y a r d . H e m u s t, s a y th e e x - i m . i n t h e c s s p î g p r o a c h th o s e o f th e a r e a o f o r i - <~<<Igq~ii~<~ ontitut a national disaster ofpetb ntatyaguro hetots nd alyteechvi- er etestmgntde nure tat o onietampr wtoh ave been ndes tan eythreni gin ai the vaniety. Su jvaie ew varietiest macnisudeforesale ties are tested for yieid qualit arming people, therefore, are his holdings or endangers his 1i nd rngteps ieofganndsrw ieer- coun ed pon by those setting ow n fam iy, stock or yield. H e, in C anaTd urong the s t fe f g a n an t a , di e s up-,r o'a a ionrdaig as a Canadian, is an important brought in irom the. United y cars and if found uinsuitcd ta with trouble, fia matter where member of the national army de- States local conditions, they arc drop-, ' sin, W~~~~~~~~o whcn or IF it cames, ta do! fcnding aur *very soil and is aspdfo h et ti o l their share in defcnding this caunted uipon, with the sturdi- As a general rule, a new var- ways possible ta appraise suichi, Orug land and in foiling activities of1 ness which marks hlm as our îety gives best resuits under characters in a varietY by cas-!I 4 fè,Z- _1 this sort which May weii be de- 1 prime producer. ta do his hr dtos sinlaa hsei ual observation at anly anc la- PaY C/ve fac or i oîr he. ur in densuring the national safety which it was devel p d. There cation. Tests of this kin d can be,Ït - -- vactoard ifnnedabehackingupraurarc exceptions, however, as be conducted 4t Expern nen tù tedisaster services with positive praved by stuch varieties as Institutions which arc praperly Our very best wishes go oft ~ Cb est w ish es Fr Fgtesation. Anewtc a barleyA as o:nd equipped for such work. go -~a hs h ld y s a o l n t Ottawa officiais, and theirAewctatswels h. Occasianally a private go-cfti oicysuo ineareg potners in the pra- ta be widely adapted, as regards a foreign source for trial pur- for. the tHohdays iic, restb gheartnedn rurthecin- Fire e nswer, 'eammi&elim~ate, th etrendne pse.ifthe crop looks at l our stncere thn for yor -. j~munities in the subject of civilf w am Sna Pprîty i ss'em tbvariete a- for a y har or twa an tenan 4denfence and in measures which T oj da una PPl arrofwsudown aite r- frayevo.toad na g many of aur smal!cr places are ýulynrrW on otearea application for a licence ta sel g nih oi THE BALMORAL HOTEL , taking ta ensure that thev ay Rab sS uffocateed lnwhich the varietnieswercase at othhlerleilee ana- nrnis ndcrgialle oina icnc hs ntpasanedbi B O W M N V I L E a o r t w h i e r a e I e v r C n a -~ b n i n d e d . T h i s m a y b e d u e , p a r t - c a u s e t h e v a r i t y a s c t h r BW NVLEda is in danger, Two calîs wc;re answeed yya t least, ta the greater chaiceshw Uparliitesarad tian or he villaesdandmsec-'thepBart e o unytee ie% shnopporyiitst le ------Ti o hey hav ilxaresedadmira- the amnvi on unteerbuFine ai varieties in recent years and made at some experimental in- j ~ret damge reultedfrompartly ta the fact that grawers stitution or cisc there is insuffi ___ gra aaersle tmare bccoming marc "variety dient evidence that the varictv M cîthex; blaze. consciaus" as time goes on and j ueirt aite led fAt 1.50 Suinday niarning the are always on the lookout for being grown commercially. firemen werc called ta an out- sometbing better than they have. In order ta overcame cisap- uiilding on the property af Ber- Normally the experimental pointmnent in obtaining a licence V A- i tard Dillon, Nelson St. A fire institutions kcep close wvatcb an for the sale f seed of a new!X urniture andAnppaa ceiir *had startcd fram a coal-ail stove the record af performance ai variety in Canada, a privatec in the building, which was used new varieties praduced by plant grawer should make inquiris1B0WMANV11 as a rabbit hutcb and storehos rders in other countries and from the closcst expcnimental 1frfruit and vegetables. as soon as seed is available such institution as ta whcther th-. Thrcc streams of water were varieties areetested ta find out variety has been tested and if piaycd on the blaze and it was damage was don. A few rab- bits wcre smothered by the hea- 1vy smoke. k The Department also rcceiv- Sd i a aua 5.45 p.m. for a car wýhich caught fire at the Crcam f 4> e- cçao Baniey camp, The cal vas C[EA RA N CE , ancelled. howevr, before the W E KàAY A eam p. _ _ _ _ _ _ _5 tailored Meotesûid a Oshaubatantialkdsco ÀtSpncBa, BCwmanviîî Chiids, Bowmanville, E. Manski!,,lar G o s W t ch if S u c ip i Oshawa and Don Bac, Bawman-'. Every suit sold in this sale Is band-ta ilored and ville, finely-detailed to the regular Warren -K. Cook high #______TUE Seil hismsCarAdIAGoTesMî ach GU usriîo OnIy One Family SE D 1il ECNDA SAEMN standard of quality. 0# BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO. 4ilGentlemen: i' ter cmployment scason Candnnunin large-scale layoûffs at the Goodý adanuen its arrivai to: yecar plant thraughout the faii, f1TH actually suffening hardships k duning the Christmas scasonStee Town Clerk Aiick Lyle bas sta C U O tee _ _______ ed. Town or City only Bowmanvilîe Persans aoyn___ relief, and this man is a new Canadian wha has only- beenn Street ~ite .1lthougb many are uncrnploycd,, Address ---r---A practically ail arc drawing un- ~ lae idecoe onyOdro h emiployment insurance, he said 9 0 wes id e Subsript on eyO, r h que for , alici the tow n does fot grant re- , Or e ea s i % a $ 4 O In h U1 8 II lief fUnds mwhcn these ' obless ~ wm b. tajd»gn he .S benefits arc bcing reccivcd. l . ~ e~ - - e e rt The nam e of this new Ca rin ooi a T ep. OF lmbbl c eflesadian has been givea la Uth! "8aioa Arny. i j 0 1~~ Mmm

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