TM CANqADUA2 STATESUMIL OWMANVMtLE OhIAMO PROUE 3303 Cards of Thanks The members and officers of L.O.L. 2384 Purpie Guards Orange Lodge wish ta thank ail those who sold and baught tick- ets on aur turkey draw which was a big success. Thanks. 52-1 I would like ta, express my sincere appreciatian toalal my friends and nelghbours and fellow workers in the Goodyear for cards and fruit and other t ilANT-r. nd Ms. Jmesgifts of incness auring my stay L'itANTMr an Mm Ja e inToronto Western Hospital and f Zrnt are happy ta announce the whie convalescing at home. of~ a their son, Richard Alex- Wilfrid O. Smale. a::"-den, on Decembor 16, at 52-1* 1\Meinoial Hospital, Bowman- vile.521* We wish ta thank Dr. C. W. M4URRAY-At Sine Nursing and Dr. Koith Siemon, nurses F-ome, Harold, on Monday, De- of Memorial Hospital, also Ken c'-~be l4h, 953 Rundie, Mr. and Mns. H. Strong, 1 -s. R. B. Murray, Stirling, Ont., friends and neighbours, for é; son. 52-1* cards' fruit and fiowers, and those wha heiped in any way at the time af aur accident and DEATHS sne ____________________ Mn. and Mrs. R. Perkins C',VWLING-At the residence,; and Margaret. 52-1* 1I . A. 3, Eunketon, on Tuosday,; .:.22, 1953. Fred H Cowiing, In the midst af aur sorrow We 1 1 ýd 69 years, belovee busband wish ta, express aur heartfelt cl Ar.ýnie Dodds Moore, and thanks and appreciation ta aur fL1.ner af Freddie and Evelyn 'many relatives, friends and ./Irs. F. Hepburn). Oshawa. neighbours for the kindness and YEosting ut the Morris Funeral sympathy shown us in the loss (Xjapel, Bowmanville. Service ofa a dear father. Speciai thanks ji the Chapel an Thursday, Dec. ta Rev. Lawrence Turner for 2,ï at 2 o'clock. Interment bis consolîng words; ail the don- Hampton Cemetery. 52-1 ors ai the beautiful floral offer- GLENNY-Atthe frm, ew- ings, the palîbearers, flower C LENEYAt te frm, ew-bearens, and Marris Ca. for their sbstle, on Thursday, Dec. 17, kind and efficient management 1953, Howard Samuel 'Glenney af the services. fii his 90th year, belaved bus- The Gienney Famiiy. band ai the late Emma Buckley 52-1 and father af Anchie W. and _____________ Charlie A., Newcastle. Grand- father af Edwurd, John, Marg- Notices iret and Elizabeth. Service %vas heid at the Marris Funeral Open bowling at Martyn's (1;apel. l3awmanville, on Satur- Bowling Academy until Wed- ray, Dec. 19 ut 2,30 p.m. Inter- nesda$r, Junuary 7th, 1954. Came -c.ent Orono Cenietery. 52-1 out and enjoy a good dlean sport.i 52-2 jAk7 "iS-At ithe home ai his ', Harry -ýames, Pleasure I bave received proper author- SkOshawa, on December ity fromn L.O.L. No. 2384, Orange 1-ih, 1953, Archibuld G., belov- Lodge Association, ta organize a feý son ai the late John and Alice fife and drumn band. Anyone .1 ires ai Colum$ius, brother of wisbing ta jain this band p]easei 1Idrs. C. Haynes (AIma) Toronto; contact the undersignod. before1 Mvrs. R. Moase (Lucy), Edward December 31. Fred Griffin,J and Harry, 0sh wa; Albert and 1 Hunt St, Phone 904. 51-2 Ho ardo Det ait, in his 6lst year. Intermený Union Ceme- THE BULK SALES ACT, R. tery, Oshawa. 52-if S. O. Chupter 42. _î j- Take notice that John Kenn-1 PLtýRRY-At Mmarial Hospital, eth Graham, trading as Grah-g Bowmanville, 4n Manday, Dec. am's Florists at Enniskillen, On-1 21, 1953, Alla.f Campbell Perry tunia, bas soid bis business and ir. bis 5lst/ year, busband ai stock-in-trade under the Bulki Fred. Hanjsen, and brother of Sales Act. V;elen (ifs. G. T. McGrath), Creditors are required ta send1 Y-smbir/g, N.Y.; Harcourt Ferry, full purticulars of their dlaims ta eGrtnde Prairie, Alberta, and Dr. W. Ross Strîke, Q.C., by the lst James Perry, Peterborough. Mn. day ai January, 1954, aiter Ferry rested at the Marris Fun- which date the proceeds af the eral Chapel, Bowmanvilîe, unti] sale wiil be distributed, having Wednesday noan. Service was regard oniy ta the dlaims receiv- held in Hampton United Church cd 1w such time. et 2:30 p.nM.* Interment Hampton Dated ut Bowmanville this Cemetery. 52-1 21st day ai December, 1953. W. Ross Strike, Q.C., Barrister, RAL- EY-In Orono an Monday, Solicitor, Bowmnanville, Ontario. .Dec. 2lst, 1953, at the home of 52-1 her daughter, Mns. W. Hour, M~ary E. Taylor, wîfe oi the late TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Pobent Rainey, in ber 8lst year. NOTICE FResting at Barlow's Funeral By-Law 1332, a by-law ta reg- Home, Orono. Service ta be ulate the size, strength, char- held I Orono United Church, acter, location and use of build- Thursday, December 24th at ings und structures in the Town- 2 pa...52-1 ship ai Clarke was passed De- cemben 15, 1953, by authority of THOMPSON-In Toronto, on the Revised Statutes af Ontario Monday, December 21, 1953, Ira 1950, Chapter 243, Section 388. Thompsan, husband of the late T hoase persans henceforth idith Quantrili. Rested at the considering the construction af 1-Iallowell Funeral Home, Toron- buildings are herewith informed to. until Tuesday ovening. Fun- that thoy must iirst apply ta e-ril service was beid at the the Building Inspectar at thel FfureraI Homeofa Northcutt & municipal office, Orono, for the S: îth, 53 Division St., Bowman- necessary permits and details ai ville, on Wednesday, Vecemben construction. 23rd at 2:30 p.m. Interment By order ai the Port Hope Union Cemnetery Municipal Council. Vault. L.O.L. No. 311, Newton- Carke Township. ville, held their service ut 2 p.m. 52-1 in the funeral home. 52-1 ____________ ZEKVELD-At Oshawa General:Real Estate Foi Sale FY'spital on Tuesduy, DecemberI 22,A. 1953, Teunis Zekveld, bus- HOUSE for sale, faur-roomn band ai Neotje Dehaan, in bis cottage, first stop east of Court- 510 yeur. Resting ut the Morris1 ice corners, turning North. Write r-..: Chapel, Bowmanville, Box 106, c/o The Canadian u -. Wednesday morning, thon Statesman. 52-1 a' 'nis residence, R. R. 4, Baw- SEASON'S GREETINGS nî nvîlle. Service in the Christ- toa ah aur iriends and clients. iýReformed Church on Thurs- M.A .Jne e-,Decembor 24th ut 3:30 p .m. il Duke.St. Bowmnvi Ir termont Bethesda Cemnetery.ilDkSt omnle Ficvers gratefuily declined. Phono 3309 after 5 p.m. 52-1 Local agent for ___________________ John F. DeWitli, Roaltor 2 IRANE-In loving memory cur dear father, Melton <uwha passed away on .'.ar26th 1950. Jc yo vu, dear father, rest and ..ieep, Your laving memnory we'll always keep. -Ever remembered by daughter C ladys, Tom and family. 52-1 * Reception Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kilpatric ho" ut bornoe ta their fnienÈ a relatives ou Satunday, De 2 :om 3 ta 5 and 7 ta 9,i t residence, 76 Scugag Si c iho occasion ai their 30t m. 'ding anniversary. 52- Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freema wY hobeut homo ta their mienc a: ~relatives on Monday, De 29" . :m 3 to 5 and 7 te9,j tri residence. 96 King St. 'V erab -1 Rae Dairy Aptowa eaev;l-e. on the occasion ai the assor' 'th wedding unniversary. 52-: srgeon 1 Vn.îâii F'or Rent Mip of the %NITavalable Jan. Surgeons lu L , 784. 52- pperation ho was t<>, behotoi ia ta th e c~ wth bah: himouton:q 2 Films Flown To ùaq roani Prodessor Aird was imm* nveî lyinterested and ".qu 153. SEASON'S GREETINGS To ail clients and fricnds A Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous 1954 James Nixon Real Estate 52-if MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR ta al aur clients and friends. F. A. Bruce, Broker, Toranto Local Agent5 Mrs. M. E. Leask Phone 919 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville 52-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Proporties Soid, Rented, Managed and AppraÎsed L. M. AL LI SO N Roai Estute Broker Phono 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal, Nqwcastle. Lost WILL party who changed hats at Hampton Church Sunday iugt please Phone 2260. 52-1 IN BOWMANVILLE on Satur- day, blue chestnut-shaped butt- on off mny ccat. Ni. Orville Osborne. .52-1 s, LADY'S brovn leather glove.; n- unlined, vicinity of Kinîg and 134 Church Street&. Phonoe'75-. Articles For SalIe 1,000 BUSHELS oats for sale. Phone 2947. 52-1' ONTARIO potatoos, 75 lb. bags, deiivered in Bowmanville. Phono 2473. 31-tf SPACE heater and ail drum juat used one winter; rangette i good condition, neasonabie price. Phone 637. 52-1 SAVE on lumber, direct from mill ta you. Phiflps Lumber Co, Kinniaunt Ont. Phono 17r11. 13-tf TASTY table turnips $1.00 a bushel at farm, delîvered, $1.25 a bushel. Charles Frank. Phono 2403. 52-1* SWEET apple eider, gallon or keg, fresh weekly; deliveries. Meadowmount Farms, Newcastle. Phono Clarke 2811. 46-8* DRY hardiwaod, 4'18.00 per cord; slabwood $10.00 per cord, sawed and delivered. Phone New- castle 2146. 40-tf INSULATION-blowing method with rock wool, worknîanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 49-4*-tf SUFFERING from backaches, rheumatic pain, stiatica, lum- bago is over if you let Rumacaps help you ta relief. Ask your druggist. 52-1 GIVE apples for. Christmas. Choice quality MacIntosh and Courtland still available. Lewis Clark, Newcastle. Phone Clarke il r 13. 52-1 TILE CERAMIC - PLASTIC RUBBER - MAýRBOLEUM H. G. HEAL, Phone 2902 Bowmanvillie 14tf Ruys, Broadloom SAVE 50 %. New Rugs Made from Your Oid Rugs, Carpets, Woollens, etc. Dominion Rug Weaviug Company Phone 3446 Bowmanvilie 49-tf DRAPERIES and venetian biinds custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative wili caîl at your home any time with a compiete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Free estimates and free- in- stallation wîthin 35-mile area. Lowest prices in town. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Phone 3609, Bowmanviile. -tf Elecirolux Canada Lld. announce the Opening of their New Store at* 325 Simcoe Si. South Oshawa Sales and Service Cleaners - Polishers and the NEW Domestic Refrigereijes Phone 3-4163, Oshawa, 52-1* APPLIANCE SPECIALS THOR IVASHING MACHINE With Pump, reg. $189 Special $ 139.00 COFFIELD WASHING MACHINE With Pump, regular $175 Special $132.50 ELECTRIC RANGE, 4-burner Ail porcelain, large oven, siightly marked. Regular $225 Speciai $145 PHILIFS TELEVISION from $299 S mail Down Payment and Up ta 24 Montbs on Balance Used Appliances GENERAL-ELECTRIC RADIO and RECORD PLAYER, 4 months oid. Regular $269- for $150 2 only - CONSOLE RADIOS Your choice for only $35 STROMBERG MANTEL RADIO One oniy Like new $22.50 USED WASHING MACHINES $29.95 USED REFRIGERATORS $75 ELECTRIC RANGEITES New Burîters $23.75 FAIM EIUIPNIENT and AUTOMOTIVE Tom Cowan. Prop. KLNG ST. E. PHONE 689 BROWMAN VILLE ffl5 Work Wcmted FLOOR and wafl tiles laid. Phone 2753. 47-tf DARLINGTON Abattoir, Ha - ton, for custom killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf LIGHT carpentry, storm sash and door installattion. F. Os-, mond, 13 Orchard View Blvd. 50-4* IF YOU have any carpentry work or Intend ta remodel, buiId or like layout assistance for your new home, give us a cail, no job too big, no job too small. For free estiniates and a guaranteed job Phone Don Brooks, 602. 50-tf Nasonry Construction BRICK - BLOCK ' CONCRETE Free Estibates ANGER ERGS. PHONE-2643 or 3375 42-tf SAVE MONEY AT 1)AVIfE'gS SHG0E REPAIR SKATES SHARPENED 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (4u rear) 47-tf CARPENTRY WORK Alterations Cupboards Boofing Cementing Aiea expert Decorating Reasonablo Rates H. K A SS1N GE R Phono Bowmanvile 2772 47-tf C01NCRETE and qASON WGRK STRUCTURAL sud REPAIR ESTIMATES FREE L. TURNER PHONE 3600 EVENINGS 3231 P.O. Box 1717 BoWmanville 46-tf BULLDOZING and EXCAVATING TRENCHING and LOADING BT HOUE OR CONTRACT - Free Estimatos Given- Wl!. TRIPP PORT PERRV R. R. 2 PHONES: Res. 109r42, Offiee 392 22-tf ]Phone 3613 FOR PROMPT SERVICE on your Plumbing and Heating PROBLEMS LOW DOWN PAYMENT - EASY TERMS ON New Insiallations W. A. KILPATRICK~ 48-tf FURNACES Air Conditioaing Dii Burners Sheet Metal Work EXPERIENCE COUNTS Eavestroughing Phone - Day or Night, 3412 - 691 & 16-tf DAVIS &CG. 2. Mill Lane BownianfflIl Articles For Sale Azaleas Cyclamen Poinsettia Africau Violets Cacti Gardens Mixed Pans CUT FLOWERS Don't Forget Your New Year's Corsage SEE THIEM AT ENNISKILLEN GREENHOUSES or Phone 2468 or Blaekstock 67 52-1 SEASGN'S GREETINGS Io kll Gur Friends compliments of SINGER SEWING MACHINE CG. IDial Bowmanville 36491 COMING EVENTS Dancing every Saturday even- Ing ini Tyrone Comninty Hall ta Godfrey's six-piece orchestra. Ladies 5Oc, gentlemen 75c. 52-1 New Year's Eve-Dance ta Godfrey's six-piece orchestra in Tyrone Community Hall. Span- sored by Tyrane Service Club. Tickets now on sale at $3.00 per couple. 52-1 On December 29th ini Nestie- ton Presbyterian Church at 8 p:.e nioving pictures will be gîven by MisGe ilson, on her trnP ta the Western Prov- inces and the United States. Musical items will alsa be on the programme. Admission- Aduits 35c, children 15c. 52.1* Livestock For Sale EIGHT pigs six weeks oid. Phone 496. 52-1* AUCTION SALES DURHAM COMMUNITY AUCTION ORONO, ONT. To bo held every THURSDAY SmaIl items, 1:30 p.m. Livestock 2:00 p.m. Small articles not soid by 2 p.m. will be sald after livestock. 47-tf, Help Wanted RAWLEIGH business now open in Bowmanville. Trade welI established. Excellent opportun- ity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept L-140-189, Montreal. 52-2 Wanted To Buy BEFORE selling your live poul- try, try us. Our prices are high- er. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7 r 13. Reverse charges. 51-tf WANTED-Live poultry. goase feathers, feather ticks, scrap iran, rags and metalâ. Raw furs and deerskins. Phone 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 46-tf Repcrirs REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- eratars, domestic and comnmer- cial; milking coolers. Higgan Eiectric, 42 King St. E. Phone 438. 25-tf Wanted DEADi STOCK removed f ram yaur farm promptly for sanitary disposai. Telephone colleet: Co- bourg 1266 or Toronto EM3-3636. Gardon Young Limited. 50-tf Personci HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber goods) maiied postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price iist. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Ham- Mlon, Ont., 1-52 Poice Issue Warning To Drinking Drivers Motarists who plan ta do any drinking on Christmas or New Yea's Eve wou]d be wise ta plan now ta leave their cars at home and travel by taxis or in the cars of non-drinking friends. CpI. Gardon Keast, head of the Bowmanville detachment of the Ontanio Provincial Police, makes, this warning.1 Ail seven officers of the de- tachmcnt will be on duty bath nights and wili also be watchful for im'bibing motanists ail dur- ing the holiday seasan, he said. CpI. Keast pointed out that the ordinary hazards af winter driv- ing such as icy or snowy raads are bad enough without drivers adding alcoholie impairment of the senses ta them. Thase motorists wha do drive while drinking will be charged when apprehended, Cpi. Keast stated. The well-known warn- ing is especially applicable dur- ing this time of the year and can bear repitition: "If yau drive, don't drink - and if yau drink, don't drive". The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCX FOR SALE FOBR lENT - HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE CLOSTt - FOUND - ETC. ash Rate . 3c per Word Wtth a minimum ci soc iMust b. paid by date of insertion If charged, an additional 25c will be odded. Acharqe af 25c will lie mode for cal replies direct cd f0 this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANXS 3c a Word with a minimum ci 31.00 for 33 words or les.. BIRTHS, DEATHE. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGS $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAUS 31.00 plus 10c a lin. foi ver» COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDE Ineludes ailt advertisinq foi persans or firms selling services, ideas or goods of cany deseription -3e per Word; minimum charge 75c cash with arder. To regulcre advertisers, payable monthîy. islay Classifiod at 81.50 pez ini th a minimum of on.s inch. Additional insertions at Ds the sumo rat«.. All Classiffied Ads. must h. in this office not luter thon 12 oclock noon, Wednesdal. Sand cash, starnps o, môney orerand a r mney I One may see at a glance that this determined young gentleman would be a handful for his mother. Jimmy had a f ail and then developed convulsions, but responded to treatment at the Hospital for Sick Children and is now ready for new misehief. More than haif of the Hospital's patients corne from Ontario points outside Toronto, and the institution is now conducting its annual Chiistmas appeal to retire an operating deficit of $210,476. 'Hitch YGUr Wagon Io a Star" Between Jerusaiem and Beth- lehem, flot ifar from the tradi- tional Shepherds' Field, trave- ers may still see the parapet af an anciont weli. It is called the Wel ai the Mugi. It is dry now, but it is not bard ta picture it as a once busy place where wear truvoiers and their .beasts ai burden stopped ta quench their thirst. Tradition makes it the conter ai a pleasant littie story. Wbren the Mugi . . . "*wise mon from the east" ..-. set out ta find and bonor the Christ-child tbey were aiten feanful ai losing the star which their study ai astrology had told themn would guide them ta where the king could lie iound. Sometimes ciouds obscur- ed it. Sometimes it seemed ta corne and go in intensity, and there were other brilliant stars noar it. At such a timo, on a dank and cloudy night, weany and worri, thirsty and discouraged, they came ta this well. They had a feeling that they were near their goal and yet fuilure seemed ta confront them.. Thein star was blotted aut. Sa tbey loosened the packs an their animais, and prepared ta wait bore where there was wu- ton until the clouds wauid once mare dissipate and the beavens wouid again ho revealed. One af the mon then went ti the well ta lot down bis pitch- or. It was a long drap ta the bottom and bis eyes ioilowed the dangling vessel that ho might lower it careiully and nat dash At against the sides of the well. Just before it splasb- ed into the wator, ho checked its descent and laudly cailed ta bis companians ta jain bum. Unknown ta any of them, sa busy were they preparing fon the night, the clouds had parted, and there, deep in the quiet min- non ai the walled pool, their star was refiected in ail its giary. It is nat an idle figure ai speech that urges us ta "hitch your wagon ta a star." These kingly men had hitched their curavan ta one, and naw it bad brought them close by "1ta where the young child lay." WEDDING PIERSON - WADE Ini a quiet ceremony on Fnl. day evoning, Dec. il at Caurtice United Church parsanage, the. marniage taok place ai Cora Lucilie Wade, duughter ai Mn. and Mrs. Edward Wade, R. R. 2, Bowmanvîlle, and William Cecil Pienson, son ai Mn. and Mrs. James H. Piersan. Oshawa. Rev. L. M. Somervilie penfonmed the ceremony. The bride was 1ovel51-#N1' gabardine suit ai de],, blue. Hon bat was velour tnimmed with, ber accessories werP pink. She ware a cort orchids. !outs wili The bride's attenda*~w yoar Eric Hughes, Oshuwa. >,Y hold. a pink gabardine suit -vFriday-,! or bat in wintor white ' cessanios and gardenià êb,4 Mn. Eric Hughes was best m"-, A iamily reception falloviý ut the home ai Mn. and Ms Sweetman, Courtice, and te. bride and groom leit later on " wedidng trip ta points in New,, York State. The young couple will reside in Courtics. 1 The bride bas been a stenagra. rnher with Mr. Roy W. Nichais' Goodear mploee BwmanilleFounry irrm ut Courtice for the pust 12 yerand the groom is employ- "'r ' (1111111. ~ed with the Customs and Excise Isus "odays aIll" Chrstmas Prybranch ai the Dominion Gov- In The Wingfooi Clan AUl the emplayees ai tho Bow- eneta sau (ByCoinTalo inth Crit-manvilie Faundry Company, Discovery of Nonsense (ByColn Tylo intheChrst-their wives and chiidren, were Clan)eofTe igfo guests of the firm at an enjay- By Lewis Milligan Living as we do in an age ai able Christmas panty held ut G. K. Chesterton declarod that the discovery ai nonsense wonder and development, onie the Lions Communitjr Centre was the most notable discovery is led ta marvel at the sincer- Tuesday ovening. ai the Victorian Era. Ho came ity and simple faith with which Sauta Claus wus on hand ta inta Fleet Street ut the end ai urh orebar csieonab a ret distibute Christmas stockngs, that ea and ho contiued the suchgrou ocasios u Chrst-discovery well into the twen.. mastide. presents and candy aud oranges tieth century with bis iight It wauld seemn that wo are in tealal the children. A magician verse and paradoxical prose. danger ai losing much of thut from Toronto presonted a most Chesterton was referring td- sinderity and faith in a day entertaining program ai sleight- Lewis Carroll's Alice in Won-e wheu faith should ho strength- oi-hand and magic tricks. derlund and Edward Lear's lim-% ened ten-fold. Ernest Rehder, owner ai the enicks as classie exampies ai Only ai late years have we firm, wished all the 150 guests Victorian nonsense. But W. S bad the miagic ai radia, telev:- present a happy and enjoyabie Gilbert, in his Bah Ballads and sien, and other electronics, Yet holiday soason. bis libretti ta Suliivan's aperas,. there is a very roui throat ta was at once the greatest jester the sanity af Christmas thrLagh and -nansense wniter af the nino- the false sense ai values flaunt- getenh etuy.HTikd u edbeoe s.Bth OaneLu t kings and queens, at peons We do nat refer s0 mucb tae ei,<~k- and policemen, and made a more commercialism. althaugh J.olUs Chistmas uance laughingstock ai political quacks this is flagrant enaugh, but tae. and highbraw artists and poets the confusion that ensues iran Bethauy-Members ai Bethany who "walk dowa Piccadilly with.-, seeîng too much, boaring teea Loyal Orange Lodge No. 1022 a sunflower or a lily in your much, and tbinking tao little. held thein annual Christmas medieval baud." If Gilbert were The Christmustide is primuniiy dance on Saturday nigbt, with living today he would have a religiaus festival, and the pitY a gay holiday crowd in attend- abundaul. ready-made materia-,t is that too few ai us treat At as ance. Ruth Wilsou's Variety for rnonsense ballads and comio such. Band furnisbed the music with opera. Our conceptions are not based Ernest Youngman calling the Looked ut in the light of bis~ upon the exporiencos ai the pro- square dances. Tickets on tory, the last great war was noni viausly mentioned forebears, turkoys and chickens bud been sensical fnom the beginnini and the best dlaim we can makA sold previous]y and Mr. John Hitler end Mussolini were mono. ta auy degree ai affection for Read ai Blackstock drew the maniacs who hypnotized th( highen things is ta say that winnîng tickets as follows: No. German and ltalian people ou grundiather or great-grandiath-j 1026, Thomas Staples, R. R. 2, ai their senses, and fooled Bnit or loved theni. Why thon this Bethany; 1431, Miss Norma Mol- ish statesmen, with the excep: lack ai simple faith wbeu sci- bourn, R. R.' 7, Peterborough;, tion ai Churchill, into a scare< once and invention offer sa 2014, Mn. Harry Ryley, Bethany; pgcifism. Ta future histoniani mnuch that should boîsten it? 952, Mns. Wilfred Reynolds, itwill appear incredible tha Perhaps the present years are Fraserville; 1757, Mn. William two hare-braîned fanatics, whf, seoing a passing phase which Werry. Enniskilleu; 903, Mrs. A. strutted and talked like coniý will luter adjust itself aud en- Murnie, Cavan:, 1817, Mr- F. J. chara4cters in a play, should hav1 able us ta behold a greater and Fee. Ornmee, and 896, Mr. V. been permitted ta seize suC more beautiful Cbristmas. Aithouse, R. R, 3, Havelock. power* and plunge the worli Aiter ahl, the potentialities and into the worst war of all.ti= passibibities ai scieýnce were Gilbert, tbau shouldst be Eu present iran the beginning ai Enniskillen joliein ing at this hour! What a riat c Time. wit and humer the author l The development we have Earns Ce~rificaie Pinafore and The Gondolit achieved shouid not blind us ta could have with the nonsen4 the breadth and majesty ai f - n the world today. The do,. Cbristmastide, but sbould awak- Cedar Dale Inka May Maud, position and pioceedings af th on in us aur senseofa need for a member ai the pure bred Hol- United Nations make naxiseun, its redemptivo power. stein bord ai J. W. Bawmau, En- ai the very namne ai that orgu Surviving as many ai us do, niskilleu, Ontario, bas quuiified ization, with one ai its princ upon the backwusb ai a past for a Blue Soal certificute <if pal mernber nations waging henitage. is net onougb. longtime production awarded cold war in Europe and h Today's prablems must ho met by the Hoistein-Fniesian Assn- wars in the Far East, wbi with a resolve and purpose ciatian oi Canada. In nine lac- Vishinsky uses the platiorm gieaned fron today's charactor tations sho bas produced Oni Lake Success as a broadcasti and strength. twice-a-day milking. a total oi station for Communist prop Christmas, and ail It implies, 139,546 lbs. milk containing 4,- ganda. What could bo more I must be put back inta its igbt- 960 Ibs. fat, average test 3.55% dicrous than the presence fui place, otherwise we shall be butterfut. the United Nations' councils overthrawn by the varied "isms" Maud sturted on test as a twa- delegates frorn a power that that seek te mend saciety and yoar-old, and made her latestopenly in league with and su salace its ibis, yet leavo us more record in twelve-year-old farm. plying arms ta a country that bewildered and airaid than ho- In four of ber lactations she bas at war witb the United Nation fore. qualified fon the 30.5 day divi- Being an ustute lawyer, Vishi _________________ 'ion. Her largest individual r,- sky is well aware of the iro LOCAL ND OTHRWISE cord wa5s made as a ten-ý ear- n )f thct ýi1ua1îon, and his satirni LOCL ND THRWIE Id hen she produced in 365 squibbs ai the ,,%esteris allies i Mr.Aa s tTrnte daysl8,115 Ibo. nûik cont"inigldicate thut ho la Iaughing at BIRTHSl J3..RIE-oronand Doreen ~cie (nee Mitchell) are happyl ts. announce the blrth of their EL.Stephen Alexander. bora lc.20, 1953. at Memorial Hos- pa], Bowmanvile, a brother i s'ýirAN-To Mr. and Mrs. T. i.Dustan on Wednesday, Dec.' It,1953, at Women's Coliege 1 îýsptal, Toronto, a son. 52-1* % 1 1 - .1. 5 1 - 01 TRU MAT, DEC. 24, lm M. PAGE Mr