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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1953, p. 1

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-' .- -1 k "tDurham County's Qreat- Family Journal" V'OLUME 99 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24th, 1953 10e PER COPYNMBR5 (2l5ryCub ]Feaiured Excellec Showing Varions C Members of the Bowmanville Rotar Club enjoyed their Chrîtmas meeting at the Bal- moral Hotel on Friday, and tbrough the medum of color films learned how Christmas is oelebrated in countries aroundâ the world. A fine Christmas banquet cf Televisiofi and Radio Repairmen Busier Than Family Doclor A man who is almost as busy these days as the family doctor is Roy Myles, television and radio repairman, and proprietor )4fyles Radio Service, 3 Silver -Bowmanville. Mr. Myles leaves the sales end to. others and concentrates on repairs only, which are more than sufficient to keep him busy in view of the large number of TV sets installed in the Bow- inanville district In the past few years. Born in Orono and stili mak-1 ing his home there, Mr. Myles Io the son of Mr. and Mrs, Del-1 bert Myles. He attended public - - -- - - -- ---- --- - Christmas Party il Colored Films Christmas Customs turkey and ail the trimmings in- I cluding plum pudding, nuts, fruit and candy, and the singing of traditional Christmas carols, gave the proper Yuletide spirit t# to the MTeeting. This spirit was heightened bylv the excellent color films showxî by Rotarian Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, with accompanyiîig records explaining the different Christmas customs in many countries of the world. In Holland and Belgium. the films showed, Christmas is cele- brated on December 5th, St. Nicholas Day. Since St. Nqich-V olas is supposed to make his rounds by horse, the children put out hay for the animal along with their wooden shoes. In the morning the hay is gene and their shoes are surrounded by presents.Y In France and Spain scenes of y the Nativity showing the stable in Bethlehem, Mary, Joseph and the Christ Child, are set up in the churches. In Spain and in Mexico these manger scenes are alsto set up in the homes. Mexicans often travel from house te house dressed as Joseph and Mary, and when they find a house with a manger scene they pause for prayer. and high school there and went Roumanian Customs Shown to work in the radio and appli. The films also 1portrayed the .acssorso edWoyr Roumanian custom of carrying çTe» completing his education. large Christmas stars through ' ~ , - joined the R.C.A.F. in the the streets on Christmas Eve W spring of 1941 and spent four In Yugoslavia, when the Christ- full years in England doing mas dinner is eaten, the dîning radio location and radar work room floor is covered with straw in the location of enemy 'planes a s a reminder of the stable in coming across the Channel to iwhîch Christ was born. At attack English cities. He was Bethlehem special services are discharged in September, 1945, held in the Church of the Nativ- with the rank of Sergeant. ity near the actual spot where Mr. Myles again went to work1 the event took place.j r Mr odyard ln Orono, and Christmas trees are put up en he ater pend strein China the same as ii the ______ ÈRôwmanville in 1948, he op- Western world, the films show- 1¶ 'dbsonrdo earso d, and the trees are known as ds e rear of the store where the -trees of life" and are gaily A,.repairs ail makes of tele- decorated with colored paper. v.1,in. He~ moved to bis present lcation on Silver St. just off 1Th~e films peinted ut that be- King three years age. His lw the Equator. Christmas! brother, Lloyd Myles, works cornes in the summer and water- with hlm and he also employs melons traditionally form a part ether men on a pax t-time basis. of Christmas dinner in Australia. Mr. My 'es is a member of the Special picnics and fiestas are ?dasonic and I.O.O.F. .lodges in held in Brazil and other South! Orono. American countries. Rutarian Morgan wvas intro I duced by Rotarian C. W. Slem- UT-on who outlined his career upi LuckyWinnes tothe time he served at St. I nLegon rawGeorge's Unted Church i _______ity United Church in Bowman- A total 'of 10 lucky residents ville. "We have neyer regrettedi cf ownanvlle Osawaamibringing a minister of such abil i points as far awav as Uxbridgetity and varied interests herey *1 oorgwr i he declared. Mr. Morgan stated ~ turkeys, chickens and otherl that he had obtained t he films Christmas supplies in the draw 1 from St. George's Church. 1 p o n so r ed by Bowmanville Rotarian John James express- Branch 178 of the Canadianed the thanks of the Rotarians j ~Legion. i for this initeresting program. I ýýeolowing are the winners: L.1 President George Moody wel- Menault, Oshawa, John D. comed one guest, Jim Hoît of Northup, Newcastle; C. Rtiitýýr, Stirling, and made a birthday 13owmanville; C. James, Osha- presentation te Rotarian Mark wa; J. F. Barton, Whitby: rL. j.' Roenigk. He aiso announced Huntingford, Uxbridge: Michael that the profit on the Rotary, e De Paepe, R. R. 1, KendaI: C. V. 1 LuInch Booth at the Internation- Planagan, Bowmanville: C. Keil- iai Plowing Matches at Cobourg ar, Oshawa, J. Mackenzie, Co- in October amounted te $791. bourg. The singing cf Christmas car- In addition. the seller cf each ols xvas led hv Rotarian Abbie winning ticket received a Christ-! Darch with Rotarian Dave Morr- nmas present. ison at the piano. ........... . . . ... .. Il THE CIISTlIAS SPIRIT ... we take plusurai thl. l.y fI la putting asble busirnes te @end Our .uany friends the heartieut and mmot sineere wishes fer the rlch 5oys et the VHRISTMAS SEBASON0- .. THE STAFF AND CORRESPONDENTS RUhr R-lau=--?i-tau etatronmu -- --.-. - Nativity Scene at Orono Bi*g Attraction 14 ray thusands of citizeris from ail over the district have visited Orono uring tu}IFpast week te view the beautiful Nativity Scene on the front iawn of .Orono Uri d Church. The figures, cut from piywood in a day and night operation last weekt ve been painted with authentic colours. They are life-size and remark- Ïbly Ifel e when seen during the evening heurs ivhen the spotlights bring eut the manyl irx-'.details' The Village of Orono is te be complinyWnted. especially those who wvorj î d so liard on this particulaîr project. When the Christmias Seasoli is over, the Ltires will be stored away un' il next year when they wil reappear again *0 f~. ChaiMma s eawoa 'u e meai. Food, Fun and Vi Enjoyed by Lions Donate $50 Io Sali The good fellowship and horseplay cf the annuai Christ- mas party cf the Bowmanville Lions Club was enjoyed by the members Monday night in the banquet hall at the Liens Com- munity Centre. The Lions did net ferget those iess fortunate than themnselves. hewever. and approved a de- eision cf the executive te don- ate S$50 te be diÉtributed by the, Salvation Army in the form cf Christmas packages te needy familles. Foilowing an excellent tur- key dinner with al the trim- mings, Lion Stu James, pinch- hitting for Santa Claus, distribu- ted the large number cf mirth- provokiîig presents. Seme cf these tool; a practical turn as in the case cf the "plumber's friend" received as a present by Lien Jack Brough. This brought a remark from Lion Jack that bis opposition was finaiiy re- turning some cf the tools ber- rowed from him. Each Lion member aise re- ceived a key case with the crest of Lions International as a pres- cnt from President Barney Van- stene. Christmas Carols Sung Ail the members jcined en- thtuiastically in a sing song o t he Christnias carois led by Lion John Watson with iLien Don Shay at the piano.1 LinDon WÀiUamau ngthe solo isu front Santa Nembers Nonday ration Army parts of the carcis, '0 Come Ail Ye Faithful". Birthaays were celebrated by Liens Jack Ross, Art Constable, Leu Deweil, William N. Allun and Russell Osborne. Bob Mutton was welcomed by Presi- dent Vanstone. Nemorial Hospital Gaily Decoraied IIn Genuine Christmas Fashion Wilh Patients Served Special Neals I Oshawa Coniracior. Killed in Accident On Solina Road Mike Trimble, weil known Oshawa contrator, was kiiled in an accident on the Solina road about three miles west cf Ennis- killen Friday afternoon when his truck overturned, threw hlm out. and then rolled over hlm. Constable C. B. Cresswell of Hospital Is not the place that roast turkey with cranberry anyone would choose to be at sauce, yams and green peas, Christmas time, but if Fate has celery and olives, plum pudding se decreed, at least there is the and Christmas cake. A little iBowmanville, are cheered in decorated cup holds candies and 9isatisfaction of knowing that nuts to nibble on, if the patient Upatients in Memorial Hospital, has any room for these after ery way possible. such a dinner. There is aIse The hospital bas been decorat- a special Christmas punch. Long- ed by the staff and presents a termn patients are permitted ta ivery festive appearance wîth a have a guest, semetiynes two, te rlovely decorated tree in the eat Christmas dinner with them. lobby and Christmas decorations As might be expected. a ver3' in every ward. light supper is served, but the On Christmas morning, the supper trays are special Christ- ientire staff assembles in the hall mas cnes too. Each has a little ifor carol singing. Big event of fireplace made of sugar, and a ithe day for patients, as for those piece of Christmas cake, indlvid- ion the "outside", is Christmas ually iced, on which is a iighted edinner, which is served from candle. In charge of ahl this j12:30 te 2:30. work which means se much te Try1r desdU with those in hospital, is Mrs. T. E. 1special Christmas covers and aPrudetan littie red or green knitted stock- The hospitail was also remem- ing filled with candies is placed bered last Sunday afternoon by on each one. The dinner menu Salvation Army members, whe is mouth-watering, consisting of sang carols for the patients, ac- companied by the fine Armny Band under the( direction of Foresiers Hold Lieut. hn1- Chiristmas Party Wiih Good Program The annual Christmas party cf the Canadian Order of For- esters was held on Saturday night, Dec. 19, at the Odd Fell- ows Hall. The prcgrarn featur- cd the young fry in solos and recitations in the best tradition cf ail good Christmas concerts. C. R. Francis Thompson acted as chairman and introduced the foliowing numbers: ballet dance -Marie Martin; recitatiens- Gordon Abernethy, Don Master- son, Marva Abernethy, Kathleen Osborne, Bob Blackburn, Lorne Thompson, Cecil Abernetby, Marie Hodgson, Alvin Master- son, Adie Jansen, Ben Thomp- ! son, Ken Sedman, Carol Sed- Sman, piano selo-Karen Clarke; vocal duet-Diane and Sandra Macnab; vocal solos - Linda Masterson, Mary Jean Billett; piano duet-Marion and Lorna Abernethy; vocal duet-Glen and Bob Blackburn. STwo films, "Mickey Mouse" and the "'Coronation". the latter ,~in color, were shown by Mr. RegI SHarding and were much enjoy- cd by old and young alike. 3Six small children were chos- en te make the draws for Spoultry. The Iucky winners are listed elsewhere in this issue. The party concluded with the Sai-rival cf Santa Claus with a Sgift and an orange for every boy and girl present. àX STruckmen Meet SKingston Saiurday IDecides Leadership >~The Truckmen regainied their Swinning stride last Saturday night after a six-game losing, streak and will be out gunning for the first - place position again when they clash with the SKingston Goodyears on Satur- 1% day night at 8:30 ini the Bow- m.atviiie iviemor,±ai Ana. At present the Goodyears are holding down the lead position by the slim margin of one point but the Truckmen will be after a win Saturday night te reversel this standing. With newcomer Wally Samanski centreing th first Truckmen attacking unit! and several of the Oshawa players producing better hockey, the Truckmen will be favored te skate off with a victcry on Saturday. Turkey, Pjaws Lucky Winners BilIy Wade Goes On Television Again Over CBLT To-nighi Billy Wade, the flve-year-oIl ycungster cf.Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Wade cf Courtice, wiUl again have the oppertunity te demonstrate bis exceptienal ability as a drummer on televi- sien tonight (Thursday) whent he wiil take -part in the program "Now's Yortr Chance over CB LT, Channel 9, Toronto, at 8 pa. This Is a sp cial amateur heur fer younger hildren and Billy' will be doing Ii s best te capture the $50 first igLe. This is de- cided by votes seé'?± in b3k the viewers, se ail Billy's friendti in West Durham are asked te maq.I- in their votes te help hlm. This will be the second televi- sien appearance for the talented Young drummer as he appeared over WIBEN TV, Buffalo in Or. tober, winning a prize of $25. Hospital Staff Enjoys Christmas Party and Visil From Santa The annual Christmas part,.' for members cf aIl departments cf the staff cf Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, was held at the Nurses' Residence on Wednes- day evening, Dec. 23. This year the party teck the form cf a come and go tea frou3 seven te ten o'clock, when de- licicus refreshments were serv- ed. With Mrs. Florence Fowler playing the role cf Santa Clauls, [eacb staff member received gifts previded by the Wcmen's Hos- pital Auxiliary and the Hospital Board. Carol singing was cnjcy- ed by al. During the evening farewel presentations- were made te twe members cf the nursing staff who are leaving at the end of this month, Miss Norma Wood- worth and Mrs. Marlon Kil- patrick. Miss Velma Gay was convenor et the party. Trinity Y.P.U. Christmas Party Trinity Y.P.U. heid their an- nual Christmxas party in St. An. drews Suridav Sehool rooin Menday, Docernher 2Ist. The meeting was in charge of the (.x- ecutive. Madlyn Wilcox led in Secretary Norm O'Rourke the Bowmaînvillîe .. de- h ukygeedcxk- keeping with the Cliribtmnas s,Ža- tcmn adta rml ithCri- son. Miss Nauncy SmNvthe favoiir. read,. the correspondence, wvîien tcîet'adta rml a ens given as prizes inheChis- d us with tv;o lovely vocal s-,0 încluded a letter and cheque for been driving north on the Soli- mas draws sponsored by Court les "0o Ho]y Night" and "Guard- $50frm heBowaniie o-na road in a pick-up truck Bowrnanvîlle cf the Canadian ian AwgelSI'. ta0 r Cubte be used fe or-e rud43 i h feno Order cf Foresters and St. Miss Jean Cunningham prc- tar Clb t beuse fo ne arLin 4.0 i th afernonJeseph's Church, Bowmanvillesneth orof"eOh- chairs in the board romi at the apparently headed for Black-- will mestiy find their way intoi WsetMdahei"oyicn"T1 O«'~ Lions Community Centre. Lion stock. At a narrow and icy part ovens in Bewmanviile and W-st iruulpesn Herbert 'Deac" Goddardstated of the road the truck apparent-!Duriam. mariner. Mr. Morgan led us in U eaeig r tewin 1sc carol singing which was foilow- that he believed the Retary ly went into a skid, flipped everth Forestg rters rw Tureyo- ed by a very lively period af Club intended te buy ail these and threw the driver eut, It then Ghe oresVie, Berwanvile Joh recreatien. At Iast the time chairs and that a few wouldt ro]led over him, infiicting ser- Shaw, saa eeeWie came for joily old Santa Claus. be purchased each year. ious body and head injuries. Thrtl Oshwanie: Donlt Everyene was lucky enough te Lien Andy Thompson called An F. F. Morris ambulance!j Hannah, Bowmanville; Chickens recelve a gift fremn Santa whic.n for volunteers te work after was called frein Lowmanville -George Matthews, Oshawa, brought forth a good number )f Christmas te re-deccrate the and Dr. C. J. Austin attended Jim Allun, Bowmanvilie. laughs. A delîcious lunch was kindergarten romr at the cen- the badiy injured man but he The followîng won turkeys or served in buffet style by Rena tre, and 18 members volunteer- was dead befere reaching hos- chiekens in the draw staged by Mutton and Pat Smith, with cd for this job. A cheque for pital.l St. Joseph's Church: James plenty cf candy, etc. The new S56.67 representing the balance Hwr iio h lvs ihhiOs ha w a; Dorien executive for 1954 was votfýc cfs prfis ndteien Cana near the accident scene, toid Pc- Shanque, R.R. 4, Bowmanville;, on and presented te the Union preentd t Prsidnt an- lce e hd dive pat a 41 Jack Crago, Newcastle*, W. Hunt- at the conclusion cf the meet- stoe b Lon . J Dllig. and fouînd nothing amiss' but ier, Oshawa; Zonc>- Quigg, Toron- ing, wbe will be installed at our when he returned at .0,Tiî-Ite; Gertrude Laforge, Pontypool;- annual Installation Service bic wa ty4n.unoscicu - ihC. Paulusse, Newtonvilie; Mad- which wvill be held in January. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Con- bewsligucncosi h way, Scugog St., report that, snow ta front cf bis overturned 1ln ona.Ohwa tla Watch for same in church calen- willows in their back- truck. Pethick. Enniskillen. dar. yard are almost in bloom. Wbh tth iecfteacieth Bowmanviile winners In thist ail hatwar wea be inNov :s elivedte ave eengoig daw were: W. J. Berry. .hîm J m wealhrin ',io,.- bn.ivd o inebeen goig Mir-.Rev. J. M. RIefr"M Miller. ember and early December, how *aBlaukstuck. where his firm :, ervHW.~A i3J.wîk visited is a poor pussy willow to know 1 's building a new scbool. to pay! piipnJeCo rad r.j~Mi Florence Werry, it LâInt Sprinz? the woritera; their wages. cuuy. lust wek n - &I mt4bxan -1wcý', ý -X ý - - - 1 'l ý 1 i - 1 - lý 4 "4_4 4 K:l

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