¶'URDAY DEMC. 24, 158 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILE, ONTART _ PftC)i SOCIAL AND PERSONAI. âalvation Army to Help Needy Families Joly l sanQ i las ___ ___ ___ PHONE 333De gh s 4 0 K dd s AiGoodyear Party Mrs. P. Cata l pending the news items early. Over 400 happy thildren went C h r is tm a s h o id 'ay s ith h e r A g o u o f e m e s o t hta t u, o e s n B w m v i e son Mr. Win. Cator at Windsor. choirs of M aple Grae, Ebnetzher and the surrounding district Miss Olga Tod left Tuesday to and Courtice Choirs oined inClcing t analChmas partyow spend the Christmas holiday , vCng leadership to the singing in h,,ulChita at wth her sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. of hristmas carols ini the Zeller Clube Godyern thoe G. Wright, Hamilton. store in Oshawa on Friday . hatin lluat hednh tomorning. The carol singing is recreationhaltte plant o Mrs. George Rundle left t carried on in the store every Saturday afternoon. sa pend Christmas and New Year's mnorning during the Christmtas Open ta children 12 and under with her son and family in Saint season by different choral o lGoderm paties,h John, New Brunswick. igroups. awfih hatecldren atein ir s . G l a d y s B a r t l e t t l e f t o n M r . R a y , D u d l e y ia a t h o m et h o n a r i g t 2 o ' l k Si urday by plane for Florida with his parents, Mr. and Mr. n the oerart oing at 4 'lc Were she wil spend Christmas, C.H. Dudley, Courtice, for the ocak returning to tawn on Dec. 30. Christmas vacation and will play prnswr lopeeta h Jliss Janice Dale, University at the Com.munity Concert in p rns w r lap eetà h af Toronto, is at home with her Oshawa on Jan. 6. This concert Pry parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melville is open ta subscription members bentpeCsaaandi mn S. Dale for the Christmas holi- only, unfortunately for Bow- Santa laus te andis omath days. manville friends who always en- pth adofcanefieso Mr. Ralph H. Carruthers, New joy an opportunîty of hearing of toys, a bag af candy and an 'York City, is spending Christ- Ray play.clb dst b te a se cto mas week with his parents, Mr. Among the guests from this . 4 addition two separate Punch and an:, Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, Scu- district who attended the Steph- i Judy shows were staged by Len gc St. enson -Brown wedding n Co- Jmes of Taronta. - ir. and Mrs. Byron Haddy lumbus United Church last Sat- anu daughter Betty, also Mr. urday, were Mr. and Mrs. Milton Charles Haddy, visited their Stephenson, Jean and Pearl, and a -,Mrs. Harry Foster on Wed- Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson, Janet-N w grclua ri ay. ville; Mr. Charles Stephenson, Ïrs. Frank Oke left for mon- Beth'any; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce BuNldiAgrfoculenrai treýai to spend Christmas and Stephenson, Manvers, Mn. Wmn New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson, Burketon. Buildig b Opn ai Wilbur Oke, and cousins, Mr. The Companions af the Forest and Mrs. W ilfred Hall held their Christmas party A v n f k e neett Mr. Cephas Mountjoy, Isling-: Thursday evening, Dec. 17. At arcuteenas eniterestnta ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Norton ter a short business session gifts will be the apening o h e Chambers and son Maxwell, To- were exchanged and a sing sng :a Agricultural Engineering build- ronto, visited the frmer's sister, enjyed with Mrs. H. Smith at ing at the emptville Agricult- Miss Annie Mountjoy on Sur-' the piano. Miss M. Gudie show- V ural School at 3:30 p.m., Tues- da-. ed beautiful pictures af Canada daJn ry 5h 194 MIr. and Mrs. Orville Osborne and the British Isles. A pot luck i 92 hstre are leaving today by plane from lunich was served and all report . Begun5'x 00jrik n Mato ir on a pe d Chis- ed a very happy evening -M: steel structure wiîî heo foiicially mas with their daughter and The Salvation Army Band and o pened by the Hon. George H. famiiy, Mrs. Alex Wight, Ed- singers under the direction of Doucett, Atn iitro monton, Alta. Lieut. John Ham have been When a six-year-ald boy in a needy Bowmanville family was asked by bis foe ha h or Ontaria m ti kew mavi. and M n. . ele and sanng a dierntart msaictan oer if he knew Lieut. John Ham of the Salvation Army, shown above, he replied, Griesinger, Minister of Public Mis. BoM.Jambilyend Or.no, ilon each night ats week.This"Yes. That man is Santa Claus". The yaungster was probably nearer the truth than Works for Ontario will misa be Mrs. M.J. Tamlyn, Oono, wlpednthat thet oHon. Wiek.liam spend Christmas and the week- is much appreciated by aîî he realized, for Lieut. Ham and the Salvation Army provide the anly touch of present. end with Mn. and Mns. J. E. townfolk. They alsa pravided a Christmas ta many needy families ini this town and district,.lie is shawn above Thl eveanteratetbuild Leishmnan, Toronto.j Christmas atmasphere for shop- with some of the 40 Christmas baskets which will be distributed ta werig or qil evtt e rvte last ashando Bob Hegadoren and Glen W at- pers last Saturday by playing f is. a hde rv n p ar qu rn n ta eve sasc oî i kis ee hewnnrsa hckycarols at the Post Office corne. familie.Ec basket contains groceries, fruit, candy, a ham and a warthwhile instruction for yung farmers tickets for the game in Maple M. Clint Burley, Scarboro, present for each of the 109 children in the families which receive them. A donation anasoreaexninsr- Leaf Gardens Saturday night in brother-in..1aw ai Mrs. Cecil of $50 from the Lions Club has' been used for coal for two families, and donations ices for Eastern Ontario. the draw spansored by the Bow- Tomlinson, Bawmanvîîîe, who from the Bowmanville Honme and Sehool Association, the Salem and Hiampton Sunday wiîîb rsn ha a owt manville Lions Club. was one of the six men who Schools and other organizations and individuals also hel inti Ik esthi e cem thatndrseds Miss June Bickle, R.N, arniv- survived an 1 -day ordeal in the heinodenin this woarkild e d h m e ft e a s v e n m o n h N o th e n Q eb ec b u s w h n e n S h o p e ne s e c eret o n o n df t in d trp ta Vancouver, B.C., where their 'plane was forced down, Sunday, Dec. 20, were honored eo si aaa sdhomasenaitherstaffsefV anoh isNothen eba e uhwhen b eevigo htdy ee Cams Pe igsecnd t -ae-ai-tskin ver General Hospital. She e- family. M. Burley and is gram af congratulation from port anenjyabe mtartnpcampanians stirvived the crash Queen Elizabeth Il. Mr. and S n r 2~ I L U.rsan noamto. 30Highay. and sequent Il days in the Mrs' Chant's aine children, A nIcrease ENFIELD Yia mug~~~~ged bshcountry witb few ilI mast ite copne v8I Report Bawmile oriath wiee t their families, attended the open The Christmas concert was la,.. 12 tanv18 shosth24 admis- Brown, esl, was bouse held at their parents' The supermarkets are working Bath men and wamon are well attended Frîday night. Mrs. sion an12 44 dishaows24aSisb- recently pesented bis share af home, 77 Ri-ýerview Gdns., the a slow, subtle charmn on men, equal r ipulsive wben buying McKenzie's pupils did a very liesonnuos and 44twoage.Si a the F. K. Morow Faundation precoding day, and also a family according ta a speaker at the biscuits, cookies and potato fine performance in their char- gierlsTheeowre oys ajtor Scbolarship at a prize-giving dinner at night. Attending irom Canned Foods Association ai chips. Mr. Huston's survey uses, dialogues and other van- ginls.ton mion er tioajSev banquet at the Ontario Agnicul- this district were Mr. and Mrs. Ontanio's convention in Toronto. shows that 46.3 per cent ai wam- bous'nmes uttnigi andtenminr oeraion. Sv-tural College, Guelpb.g The Charles Vivian, Bowmanville; Said B. T. Huston, editar ai on bought thes e on imulse, their performance were the six encd. enycssweetet awand, hh amaunts taîO 5)Mn. and Mns. Ted Chant, and Mr. the Canadian Grocer: "There is compared with 46.7 per cent afeines Miss Mary Heleni ed. each year for twa years, was and Mrs. Refond Cameron, no doubt that the percentage afimon. In the canned foods lino, Bowman assisted witb accardion A surprise party was beld by made ta him for having the Hampton; Mn. and Mrs. Arnold men shappers in supermarkets woenae mare impulsive t han selections and Bruce Bowman M. and Mrs. Bob Kent at their bighest aggregate score in the Venner, Little Bitain. is increasing. 0f 102,347 shopp- meo n byar margin ai 2 per cent.lydEpinso.Sat s home n Monday night in honor Intr-County judging cmpeti- ers checked in a recent survey,. Thse figures prove that dis: Plae in oo at a ai the tenth wedding anniver- tion at the Royal Winter Fair 35.9 pen cent were mn, a def- pay is the secret ai success in faithful and funny as usual. s a r a i M n. a n d M r . A a n ~ - h is y e r. T A R V I L P ite ise o v e r p a s t e a rs . In a s u p e rm a r k e ts , w ith s a m a n y im - C h r is tm a s S u n d a y b r o u g h t baoe .ateghn oplsr Mrs. G. B. Stephens, Toronto, __LL great many instances, wives and pulsive characters anound, said out a lange number af worship- bovane Abotb et caipbstees ws a Gu .eptaiMmendMTrsno husbands are now shopping ta- Mn. Huston. "You will see baw pers ta enjoy Rev. R. M. Sey- glass an re. RaIl ailn service a Rie st oweer.nd os Miss Ellen Wilkins, Port gethen." necessary it is ta show youn maur's message. A bammoniaus Sunday assisted in the chairn Hope, spent Sunday wthMn. A survey ai the types ai food products in as prominentasptoclricostngaMs.In Thsse.nr !St. al's Churcd nhe o!hih and Mrs. Percy Farrow. bought by bath sexes showed as possible," hoe said. Ormiston, Miss Lois Ormiston Tho oan omol flongesmerceng S wals a embrhfor many Miss Norma Hallowell, Ta- that men are more reckless in adMs ýr ee O) service pin awards during Nov- years. Mrs. Stepheni tald fiends rotsettewe-n tbuyng hexravs a h oo tr ember include: 35 years, Frank that she gave hon homnetown as home,.hndsetmxs el sanOaspcil umer Calver and Albert Piper; 10 Bowmanviîîe when pnoparing fon Mr. and Mrs. A. Dodson spent hndsetmxjly yeas, owad ave, Hrve br rcon apeaanc onth Sunday evening with Mn. and powders, candy and nuts are in- yearnerowrnk Pie r, GereT howWce lcomp e Traelnte"Mrs. Llew Hallowell. cluded in the basket, 50.8 per Evening Auxiliary meeting Murtn, NFran ip ulr.bGorgaedTVand w vediaoned wer Rev. and Mrs. Pike were cent of wamen shoppers bought was held at the home ai Mrs. Don Anderson, Alfred Grace. Toonto was given înstead on guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dob- 697peh e ntmpulse Bu a est MaudNichol. h om" Lteetn With the holiday season upon the program. She bas roturned son on Tuesday. d9.7 e cen ftheir hubandas owenofBthlhm"OLittlE us, n u m e r o u s Bowmanville fmom ber plane trip ta Goorgia Service at Shiloh was well at- papped hmi h odbga ono ehee" r.E hom s wll be ntrtanin a d C lu bus wbee he ettended on Sunday. Carol sin- an aftethought and with no Sweetman and M s. Anne Gay friends and relatives from a dis- parents of two boys whom honr ing was enjoyed by ail and Rev itnin ibyn te.eoe okte eoinlwt.h tace heSatsani awyssnskewdnigWol WrPike gave a fine Christmas arriving at the store. fýetesrpueraig tlasced Teta ev san salwasn new .g ord a message explaining that canais Said Mr. Huston: "If Wives and the latter a Christmas story. pleaed t reeivepersnalnewsIl.were not connected with rel- nealized how reckless men are Devotional closed with bymn ai this kirîd for publication in Mn. and Mms. Stanley G. gian at first. They stanted in when let loose in self-serve "Sulent Night". Several neadings these columng. Sa please DIal Chant, Toronto, whose, Diamond the thirteenth century and gain. markets, they might be persuad - were given fiist by Mrs. Maude Statesman 3303 or mail in yun Weddng Annverary was on ed praminence aven the centur- ed ta do alI the shopping them- Nickols reading "Just Before -les. Ho also spoke ai the Christ- selves," Christmas" and Mrs. Ede Gear- mnas card custom. Special music ing a reading on "Temperance". T. 1 ] 1ýS C R IC Iwas provided by the choir. Mrs. Beth Chartran read two s . c u~ uMiss Donna Stark spent the ..onflî Lrgef ou readings, "Suggestions fan Santa weekend at home. Pae o rGr Claus" and "Christmas at Gram- (ANGICA) Bsho Beerlv's This Yuletide Season and secretaries for 1954: Presi- Rev. Warren TurnerB.A, B.D. Bso eely dent. Mrs. W. Brown; vice-prosi- Christmas Message nP spite of the hundred deceta, Mrs. .Owens ; cr Christmas Eve Sun. aller Chrisîmas ndonadd Jobs to attend sceay service n -- -opened oy Young Pea- P.M.- At-C stnsWe Join once appreciate the s rvicepîe's Ppose. The devational moe h copaliv or the sit are getting, Yau should let waincrgaiMsRaJo- "Crsmsth raîghout the fige' in thanking 3ur delvery oyv or girl StnadM. Raymond Osborne. MWmet M W C usb o m s A ~ a *~ I J J ~ " G od for H is greatest gift t a ien know tha t ru value ILt toi ato n e î d b a i n ZILO I'1 iu uv rîu in Jesus Christ ur Lord. in ur The ditor passes this sug- W ymna n was e j yeay I. h 1 . ~ pS0cdêo _Z(A IChstistmaslk Communion we re- gestion on to ur itizers la xcange ai gifts showed that «An Ilusra ed Ta k)turn thanks for this unspeak- b haf of these y ung folk, veryone liked what they w re able git. AIl other gifts fade for ho woell remnembors wben given. The meeting closed withModl dofw into insignificance before this. ho delivered papors and Taps and Mîzpah Benediction . Hau, & USIand the Hope ai the world. It is of appreciation"' from his this gift. ightly understood and patrons. madeourowntha givs man-At ibis immartal hour, ail hu- m nga d aur pawns tt i e s man - am an ate, p nde, greed, lust: CH JS M A US C a ps e t luandelation soud bwaddeclareChrist' UT presented by ship. phodweterm andshein preiandofblest.-P B I Bol "*0 IHalv Cido ehee n iedvn hudmk Th rinify Orchesra Descend ta us %we pray: marys Eddvur.ndbes. eCast out ur sin and enter in: Mr BakerEdyPU L CTI Be born in us todav' Ipray that Ille Saý'îoir* may have the central place in ,0-ur .T1ECEK EHTRS M p1, ). C. Peters, Phyllis Chailis Barrett, heart tdav, and that thro'gh- . Air, Rail o R ea l pRO S TR K , Q , T.CINI., Directon ofMusic. dOgans' i l 10 Iio e \ltx. 1 01 f , \ýj L V E L LChaîrm an . LiaPPY fNew Year. inla TE1 l King St, W. - Phone7718 Mr. and Mrs. liarold Ormis- Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor. AJi ton and Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman and Gordon, attende - tbrm attended the golden wedding way birtbday celebration at t1i oelebration of Mr. and Mrs. W. home of Mr. and Mn. 3 J. Stainton, Orono. Smîth, Toranto. il, 1,/il g,- --- ------ r ça "Wc fWou@ of fm rnesmoncmsf. » fslw cf woMrm his Mmd f«. belgh $parero f lholidey gre..cry - enl rcflcf »cr Igy. frlcudly wlsbcs for YOur Haoppy loildoyl ALEX.--NcGREGOR DRUGS YOUR 1. D. A. DRUG STORE w bsyourdybeasmyo aadfdld Oshorne Coal.Co,, Wlicn~~l Soiaclod iff4od.n po c ow home, we 6moow i âd f"ced km oyow ee" lep"p**rdoa. r greef eacà of yo, .1 fmis *» .- w mPm c a sis weh.eb. wlé VMAN VILLE ILITIES COMMISSION GEO. VANBRIDGER, Manager. Il- >1 - N. 4 GEO. VANBRIDGER, Manager.