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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1953, p. 8

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PAGE lIGE? e can't go wrong." The aldest re- Ii 'a"fIITT'While men believe in the a- Wa ene x Huma Iaere.t Soris o Stakvif ~sident at present inthevillage St. raul's S. S. Ibid SXJh '.C urh TONlLU.VLLEiLa lities f h i flt ne lign bu GI P si id P ese i Da s P hliczedyears ofae hitaIocr Mr. and Mi. Milton Kinball to make them sol becausthe owl ntea ns ltn Oefembet andndfather Chrisimas Concerr NewsI i , . . . G a dah rhave moved up rom the arm are ffering ther n ot a i lds dte, bt n w srnt rn Jake can remember his grand- A beautiful Christmas tree ita spend the wnter with her butama'regon- ensOhihtfufitoehtar moh r, i. Gilmer-Smith. forms of truth and men's frn li qo~u.-TynE R e v eals R ural Life ai I sbuess f ullr oftaemo r i nal flor esfl nd theXeba ck rd o nS t . n. C orun e hed M e are pliesed ta hear that af experiencu.-PhiIIIps Bro k. w r (Toronto Telegram) thausands, but sometimes you hours ta raise her nine children concert held lI the Sunday rectian af Mr. John'Smnart has Mabel Langstaff are bath un------ Russian Tuptr a sound Can ic up a pigeon for 50 under primitive conditions. School auditorium on Friday repared a fine sélection o pra i nl cely. lemote froin a small Ontario cents."y "She was born in 1833 on a night, Dec. 18. Wilfrid D. Cari-r isma usic far the services Mr. William Cullins who COmmunty but à whole loft of Mr. Trim has shown his birds farin iust west of the corners," uthers, Superintendent, acted aio Christmas Day and the fai- spent a couple ai weeks with his them have helped put Starkville, at the Royal Winter Fair and the aid-timer recails, "and she chairman for the evenlng's pro- lowing Sunday s relude ta sister, Mrs. Etta Clarke, Buffalo, Scho1 Sctin 1 ClrkeTow die in193 onthesam faingrain which was wel2l atterided the Christmas mldnight service returned home on Monday. 0 olScin10 ireTw- has had a champion for nine de n13 nth an aiby aet n red.teewl eahl-orp ship in the Countîy of Durham, consecutive years, shîpped ta just a few months past hier i Oth ypaetadired.heewlbeahl-ore- Bud Jones, Queen's, Kingston, Ontarioon the mp. everystate inthe unin, the brthWith RuthtesBragg taththeitpiano, Brad ai tappianpiateofcarolpriforcaislsporndingpnd hegholiday withithhis Ontrio onthernp. ver sttein he nio th brthay. Gratst lowto heeveryone joined in slnging choir and congrégation sung as parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Theze Russians are pigeons United Kingdom and every family was a visit af diphtheria, Christmas carais, followed by the congregation la assemblig. Jones. and fanciers corne from ail over province in Canada and judged four of the nine children dîed two ccodo ubr efr-Tecorwf in aa i Wr a eeve nMn North America to view and in many United States Clubs. i one week, two of them 0on ed by Owen Scott, "Pep «Up"l the Advent, "People, Look East" day that Mr. Ira Thompson ai sometimés ta buy the pigeons. Not Invlted Back one cay. and "Four Lea! Claver". David ta an aid Besaxicon carol tune, Toronto had. passedi away. The Starkville is a gathering a! wea- "Funny thîng about it," hie Mr. Halloweil now lives an the Werry sang "Frosty the Snow- "Creator a! the Starry Nlght" sympathy ai the community is T7 A L L OI theed edbrik frr buldigssay. " ued a gt nviatonsad farm. by himself. He keeps man", accampanied by Mrs. Otto ta a traditional Engllsh plain- extended ta his sister, Miss btheight m biles nrthbuoldnw-tays " sho en d s y earviatensthe iplace tidy, cooks his own Bragg, and Marlon and Lamna sang tune o! the 7th century and Jennie Thompson. GREEINGSI 1 k Ou ..~h~<~Ua tonville and 15 miles north-west year. Finaily I entered themin Imasadgnralok !e bentypae iano duet, the "Cherubin Sang" !rom the Johnnie Miligan is out againl lo&fl0 oy aygs Mg O! Port Hope. a hwdw nth ttsadbimseif in spite o! that 9th "Bright A% a Button.' Ru.ssian church, camposed by afteft having had an attack of a h aplg cheand U.ofed M Bert Trim who works in Osh- neyer got invited back irtdycmnnp Wrkd Nx aeavcltria, "Away Bortniansky afid adapted and ar- jaundice. awa owns the pigeon loft and Might have had agaet in. hard ail my life," he says, in a Manger", by Lynn and ranged by Dr. Albert Ham, for Mmm. Giddus Jones, Bowman- oaid ...0*HLYCASM . calis his hobby "the poar man's do with the birds "inn eteverything was done by main Larece Lunney and Sharon Hull, saine tino organist at St. James' ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. apot."Ai th fu a bredig ! sowbet o winig bststrength and ignorance in the accompanied at the plana by Cathédral, Toronto. The con- Harpeli and son Donald, Whit- spr. i h u fbedn fciass and best aid days." Mrs.Kýenneth Hull. A vocal gregation will moin the choir in by, called an friendu in the S. a.. J M S nuac pure blood lines only much yaung bird." sl,"htCidI hs ysnig" on,0Cre r.vlaeo audy chapre haactteorhase.htakile . amd ferWi- edTorFldlr al, WhtChidIsThs"bOsngng"OCae OCone E- ilae n atrdy Strvil i amdafe Wl Teviln shi oby pa.Janet MeGregor iqllsswed. She manuel" and "Once in Royal Mr. William Hallowell wha ]pH N 61 ~ure-bred bull can run ta liamn Stark who came fromn Tevoi shshby ly was accompanied t* Merle David's City". was In Memorial Hospital, Bow - ------- Scotland around V20 bringing ing for old-tyme dances as far Ferguson. Lamna Abernethy con- IL manvilie, for a foot operation, ______________________________ SP NC Rhîs famiiy ta settie in S.S. 10 of dstant as Lindsay and Peter- tributed a vocal solo, "A Sang ChOrw¶îî thegCommunion the returned haine on Monday S E C RClarke Township. A son, James, borough. Twice hie competed in In The Air", with Ruth Brag Chi l sn apprapriate a Mr. and Mrs. Laverne PFatter- was Reeve of the township for the fiddie cantest at the C.N.E. at the piano. rois inciuding "Geins o! Day" a son, Orono, spent Sunday with COUILELILliL many years. teSaisgv Even now hie keeps at it ta pass Fo .r short filins were shown French carol ai the lOth cen- Mr. and Mrs. Clintan Brown. Althoughth trsgv the time. "Mother bought me my by Mmr. Oddy Robson and Mr. tumY. The schooil concert was held Regstered since 1931) their name, for many years there first violin when I was 16, but Reg. Harding: Christmnas Rhap- Just over 400 years aga when in the Community Hall on Wed- Pr J E Rihrs were more Haiiowelis in the 1 got a new one in 1895 and have sody, Champions in the Maklng, the church of England Prayer nesday night before a packed !z 4rsJ. E Ricards village than Starks. New ar- been using the new one. ever The Sleeping Beauty and The Book was first transiated into audience. Mr. Munroe and Miss BOX 33, ORONO rivais were always told: "If you since," hie says. Night Before Christmnas. These Engiish John Merbecke was Gray deserve great credit for the Telephane 27-r-16 meet a stranger on the road, just Four daughters and a son in were much enjoyed by all. commissioned ta write music Sp- way they had traîned the child- say 'hello Mm. Haiioweii' and you Toronto and another daughter The Pimary Class under the propriate for the Communion ren. The children also deserve in Florida don't seem ta be able direction a! Mrs. Victor Jeffery service and ather parts o! the credit for the entertaining pro- --- ta lure him away froin the aid and Mrs. Jack Hately, with Mrs. Prayer Book. Since that timne grain which they put on. The homestead. "I drink and smoke Otto Bragg at the piano, sang Merbecke's mnusic for the coin- recitations, drills and piays S a littie, but it doesn't seem ta "Away In A Manger", "Hark munion service has been the weme ail weil done especialiy the NINK F R CHR STNASbother me-only been eai sick The anditsese fr cngegaioni ing- first, "The Nativity Scienie". Rev. 141]K F I CIR ST fonce in my life." "Here Cames Santa Claus." The nomn because o! its grace and S. J. Pike acted as chairman and "About eight years ago, Ir asiattered ushered in the arrivalit aefrcnegiolsn- told the odd jake between acts.o iyig sck n bd~ o sck heof Santa wha had a bag o! candy ing. The use a! Merbecke, gen- Neil Stewart was at the piano.Oo 25% Off Durling Chiim sSasnd c sin I w ouldn' te and an orange for all the child- eral in so many parts o! the The highlight o! the evening was 25% ff D rin Chrstm s Sesoon tothehospîtal. Weii they gave ren present, bringing the evenîng crAnglan cur n hasnecomen when Santa arrived. me a blood transfusion and th to ahapcocuinCngtltos MsFy ~'w an treeskn Sares ro $2.5 uppe skn 1 woke up. The doctor askenm The decorations were the the past 15 years and will be the Jones who has passed hier final A Two and hree-siwhatrvI feit $ uandr Iktoid hm work o! the Men's Club under musical setting for the greater exain and is now a full-fledged rast Ibef, mkad pottoes and the direction o! Ai Cuthbertson. part a! the communion service reglstered nurse. roat befmased otaoesandat mid-night and 10.30 Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gardon and lots o! gravy, but lie wouidn't mas inamning. !amily spent Sunday with Mr. Drop In and aee then. -rive me any. Feit brîght as a Onth una eenn aieran rs iIGodnOhaa dollr eer inc, thugh" Y LVE TONChristmas the service wiil in- Mr. and Mrs. George Walkey, Radia Ambition clude camais for bath choir and Port Hope, were looking in on With heamtetapeito Open until 10 each evening except Thursday. The fiddler's ambition is ta Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Mc- congregation. The choir wîîî aid !riends in the village on hit the big turne on radio. "I'm Kee, Cadmus, were Christmnas sing "Gens, Day", "In One Monday. fryu just an amateur, you know, but Sunday guesta a! Mr. and Mrs. Bleak Mid-winter"(Hlt;"e Little Miss Sharon, Barton fryu idptoae Honoy HoIIooResiauranita get tagether with Ed Lawson. Rj Ml olrnandBe Merryb (an od ave a dson ryr 1it-ber ig rthis year,aslay Iar monta thataratabaj reai ko n o r.adMr.Rlp acomDrstcro) Jeu haohahappy nFrdy i enghe Sewronto Pono g plays ra good and adgil were entertained oni <a Huron Indian carol), and seventh birthday. happyta en yuin Newaste Pone3206 gonth radia before I get too Sýaturday by Mm. and Mrs. Don 'Cradled Ail Lowly" (a French There was great ejiclng Mr.Haiowli anremmbr M. nd . J .Srdik a oradwhen word caine over the air -~Greetings o h esnwt aid." The chian congre- on Thursday hthesxmn puliing stumps for 35 cents a Oshawa, spent Sunday with Miss gaiohwllJo" leplane wtha dteixn in am i day hi grndathr tllig i Em. Henders and Mm. and Mrs. Shepherds Watched", "O! The snwo nNoten ub day, h is grand!ther t e eln isJack W ilson. rather's Love", "Angels Fom snow sali. CinNomtn u e becnd doorbecusethewoles ere Mr. nd rs.R. ass Peer-the Realins o! IlGiory', "Goocioot b elh we, -- hwlin. an Mrs R. aisPete- King Wencesla,. others arrived in Trnob The C.N.R. uine ran by the o! Emnie and Bertha Lane. and "Joy ta the Worid". Buriey, bis father, went up for SU he t N w M. ad Ms. aurceNesbitt, The attendance o! patrons o! the home-corning. village about a bai! mile south, Nestieton, were caliers at the the Amena was attracted by a Mrs. James Forbes, Grayiing, and Starkviiie su!fered when Murray Malcolmn haie ti ai ihe hitia reo lhstdhm brother and * " -,. 30se One mw'tuedinte week. the awn a! St. John's Church, wife, M. and Mm. Len Barton. ALLAN . W III 30s On mn wo ddnt mf r.Mm and Mrs. Ralph Malcom Saturday night. This festive There was a good attendance was George Etweil, who pulied visted with friends in Peter- touch ta the chumch grounds was at the Sunday evening service LivsckDae down the station, moved it ta bomoughi on Sunday. added by St. John's Young and chair and congregation the village and built his home Mrs. Davis, Bethany, spent Men's Club and wiil be seen seemed ta enter ino the spirit -EN SKLE out o! the material. beveral days with Mm. and M mu. each evening durlng the holiday o! the carol singing. Also, aE The house lx known around Jerry Bristow. season. The Young Men's Club lovely solo by Jim Gilmer and the district as "Layercake Mrs. Hugh McGill spent sev- is aimoararanging ta play the a short Christmnas m.issage by Phone oravle27 House." Built an a stone foun- eral days ecentiy witbh lem sit- chines during this season. aur minister, Rev. S. J. Pike. dation, there is a layer of brick er, Mr4. Bert Arnott, Peterbor -__________ and another o! waod. Mm. Etweil ougb. brouht bis famiiy down froin Mm. and Mmm. Murray Malcolm r Atdon Si 952 o t Y(Uc Uxbridge when hie retired froin and Marlean motared ta Bow- uAro n Snclair boans and advances from «YU AL ILLHA L the garage business. Thinga got manville on Sunday ta visît wlth Canadian govermient ta foreign' too complicated with ail the Mr. and Mrs. Sain Adamns. E prse Th kS gb ernents totaiied $1,370,-1 newcas, iesay. ebas an odd Mm. Reg Ruskin, Toronta, was E pessT ak 0 2000 Iby INTER NàATI NAL iHaRVgsTER hobby. esides helping bis wifeý ekn uet ! rs ot olumnisi <. with hiem quilting, be makes rag Mrs. Gea. Heasiip. GrassRoofsC rugs, just ta pass the time. Also Mm. and Mrs. Ed. Lawson bie bas a bouse full o! children. attended the funeral of the late CFRB Radia Station, "The kids are campany, don't Mrm. John Thompson in Peter- Toronto, '1?see why mare people can't give borough. smre kids a home when they' Mm. and Mmm. Gea. Clark andDee erlt,13 baven't got one o! their awn. Patsy, Port Perry, visited wlth Ed Yaungman, Esq. ~ We sent them 'back once and the Miss Em. Henders, Saturday ev- c/a The Canadian ta tesmen, ~~ wife and I couldn't eat anything ening. Mrs. Jin Mackie was Bawmanville, Ont. for a week, turned -out the kids aima a Saturday vimitor at Ern's. Dear Ed: couidn't eitber, s0 we brought Mm. and Mmm. Raiph Malcolmn, Youm piece about mysel! in the y then ac. Tisisa godplceKaren and Cyndy were dinner for kids ta graw up." guests o! Mm. and Mmm. Jackisua Dc be3dprvst Wilsn anMondy evning me, beyond any question, that Only Eight Hbuses Andlso nthnyeno gaes A ou must have a tremendous There are about 60 people in aid gentleman in Bumketon store audience. S.S. 10, but only eight bouses in last week was heard ta emark The enclosed note wbich came Starkville praper. Miss Cather- that it neyer wouid have snw.ta me taday fran a Toronto er, "off and on here for 30 radio badn't been wishing for a 1 have had sent ta me . . . the Ji years" bas 23 pupils *'and there white Christmnas!" thiteenth clipping o! your cal-! bave always been two or three Memry Chmistmnas and a.Happy umin. Starks or Haiiowells. New Year, everyone! In addition ta that I bave lost The sco.ool is proud o! its track o! the number. a! peoplel choir singing. Above the black' soid out ta Mm. Savory wbo op who telephoned me ta mention board are shields won at the erated itforr man-yam a )te our pleasant words. cendant cf the original settieris. The Stark farm and the McKay 12 u. t. OMEFREZERfamm were side-by-side an the owns both farms. Mis mother H-olds 400 Ibs. of Frozen Foods . was a Stark. As reeve, be will B Rtegular $525 for ______ ~~U be setting no famiiy president, $405 the aforementioned James Stark was for many years eeve ai $10-000 WilI Hold Any Refrigoralor Mthe tawnshîp as served on la nogev*à"bu se fj y Unlil Chrisimas. ~coundil off-arîd-on since 192 ~ u y deciding vote against statutorv W. wIts vu@ eONfihe set ckad eb..rt W have the very es of hldywse labor. "Most people these days wse 24 Mnîhsta Py - o Don Pamenî wot eenremembnermwhat sta- Ad a f.mke eu..Cirlsm moyon for a Merry Christmas and Jpp Ne Yaa at one time tbe farmer bad ta 811 ti.d Up- just for yu work so many days on the road yu Infor sa many acres cf land. If youi ED. FOIRAN -~1 e Farm Equipment a d had a team and wagon, you got iN TFF£ V ÇBPM a ~~~~~~~few dy f.Ta n a N TF goning weme worth S2 a day T HI.V i then. and a day's work in the I . Automotive grave pit was worth $1. o IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER M.adMs adnWo TOM COWAN, Proprietor SAnorkvîer Wilm Saof W i2 King St. W. Phone 3036 M. nW S GronW King St. ast Bowmnville Pono 689 r Hî Wi a ni erriebî h ULj~AA 134Kig 5t Est Bomavile Phne69 îfrst blau .ýinshop in the yand Sfaj lage, run by a William Gass. He,1 le-bâ----- ---' --------- THE CANADL« STATESMAN. BOWMANMI& ONTAMt 1 TffURSDAV. nvr qà la»

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