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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1953, p. 1

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- ~ . . .~,,,* Y -~>- I 'S~~L#~ETY71 'DEC. si, 19 )ungàw ~Ttrnb uîn "<Durham County's CGreat Family Journal» VOLUME 0 ROWMANVTTTJR O(TTPTfl VtxTTnc1QTA«% %lmLrnm . - - - . U' ...& lÂk 10 1, J4JUJ2I.O.5~.UOle PR ~COPYNU ER5 After being outpiayed bad lni the second period ai the game with the Qi-hua Pantia here on Tuesday nîght the Os] awa Truckmea came fnam b hind a 5-3 defîcit la the fin, fi-mme ta register a 6-5 victa. in a tbniling finish. The Truckmnen skatcd c With a 2-1 lcad at the end ai ti first perîod but la the second ti, Pontiaca Put an the beat1 score thi-ce goals with only ar reply. Dowa 5-3 starting th final session, the Oshawa ci-e came ta life mnd banged ia tbnE goals ta gain the verdict. Fi-e Etcher, Bill Peters amd Geni Scott were cast la the bei-oc raies in this period, and LE Colvin was msa terrifii la)m ing Off a at-minute Onu:l drive. SThe Pantiaca pullcd the. . oalie ini the at minute lna:a effort ta tic it up but tih Trucknien weathened the stonnr Sanianski Opens Scaning Wally Samnanski natched thi first Oshawa manken aiten an%, 80 seconds wb'en he Out-m h oeuvred Shr-opshire lan thi Qilm twiaes mter beiag du ia the lemi- by a pasa fi-arn 1oi McBeth. At 12.40 Cary Pa'ni wms waved tai the penalty t ri: for Interference and whiîe hi wms serving time GerySoit f u the Truckmen two up onj lovely shat whicb picked ithf leit corner bi Sbropshire's c-ta del. Jack 'Whaier and Haln'ýa Siaden' werc given assista ar thec manker. Qi-fa got one bmck at 18:5w wbea Brwmio F#xvci- set up Clary Payne with a ýice pass. Payne was statloned 1' at the side a: the goal and banged the relay home. Ab Bowcn wms aiso S credited with an assist. The Pontimes came out witlh lire iàl' thelr cyca la the second r ~eiod and Bruno Faveno talliec rOini close on passes fi-rn anmd Paynre efter orily 42 sccontdg. Jed Wilson and Gerny SScott comnbined on a iovely Pla paat 2:53 ta agin put the Trucknien mhemd. Scott carried the puck la mlter tmking a pmss tram Dickens and slld the puck ta Jcd Wilson alter drawing cirer the Jane Qi-hua defence- znmm. Wilson -made no mistake en bis abat irom lin close. Ron Nelson gat this anc back foi- Orillia lesa than a minute laten wbea lie got the puck a way from Hooper and coasted g'alone On Colvin ta fire lt ome. Ior the rest ai the second staaza thc Pontimcs had a widc edge la play and evea the fine goaitcndiag ai Calvia could not pi-eveat the visitai-s fi-rn slam- zning in two mankens. Rusty .Aikin got the first ai these at 12:34 wbea he cashed a rebound tiiied by Cia-y Payne. Br-uno ,Javeroalmsa dnew an assist. - r~ Aikin Scores Again Qi-hua went ahead 5-3 tour minutes before the end of the perlod, with Rusty Aikin again ..,,lli,.., 41...-ac--- - -.-- mter mmd Les Colvin was called on ta make some nice saves whiie the Truckmen wcre short- hmmded. Bihl Petens tied up the bal game at 9:47 whcn he scored on an accunate long sbat mter be- ing fed by Samolenko. Lloyd Pensail wms scnvimg an elbowing sentence at the time. The play roughencd Up consîdermbiy mter this, and at 12:14 Referce Jimn "Ticker" Ci-omble taggcd Han-y Sinden with a misconduct pen- alty for abusive language from the beach. As Ci-omble wms skating aven ta the box with Sinden, Fred Etchen isa chim- cd la with some abusive lang- uagc mmd, Crombie sentenced hlm , ta li miscanduct penalty ir Gen-y Scott tmllied the win- ,n ning goal at 14:16 when he took ýe a pass fi-rn Ernie Dickens and iblmsted a long shot past Shrop- sbire. For the rest ai the game the Truckmen, and particularly SColvia in the Oshawa net, were y' kept hopping as the Pontiacs -tricd for a tyiag goal. In the e iast minute ai play Goahie Bob ýt Shropshire was pulled and the nPantimcs used six mca up front, ebut the manoeuvre did not pay Koff. ýt Thraughout the last eight aminutes Etchen and Sinden kept eup a volley ai abuse at Referee Ci-omble fi-rn the penalty box, and as the tcams Icit the ice -Etcher had some rcmarks ta make. Chief Rcfcree Mac Walsh aio Ajax, shpped a match mis- rconduct an Etcher for this final burst aifoi-atoi-y which will cost Ethe Truckrnen player an uta- matic $10 fine. Ice Chips This observer thought that Ci-amble showcd admirable i-e- straint la not tbrowing Etcher and Sinden out ai the game ai- togethei- befone the final whistle blew. . . . In this event they would bath have had autamatic $10 fines . . . The cnowd was treated ta some thnîlling hockey ia the hast few minutes ai the game with the Pontimes going al Out ta try and tic it Up... Br-uno Favero, Chai-y Payne and Rusty Aikin make up mn out- standing Unme for the Onilia squad . . . They scored four ai the Pontimes five goals. Orillia-Goah, Shropshire; de. feace, P ea rs a 1, Shcwchuck, Grigg, DesRoches; ionwards, Richardson, Bowcn, Vasey, Aik- ini, McDonald, Nelson, Payne, Wood, McLeod, Favero. Oshawa-Goal, Colvin, de- feace, Dickens, Peters, Sinden, McBeth; farwards, Etcher, Wil--ii son, Scott, Hooper, Samanski,E Holden, Thaler, Samoienko, Ber- c. wlck, Yourth. Rcenres--Moe Walsh, Jimm Ci-ombie.a In spite ai sevenal snaw storms, the plants and trees la this dis- Mr. and Mrs. D. Wight Have Daughfer Born Christmas Day The niccst Christmas git that Mn. and Mns. Douglas Wight ne- ceivcd was a baby daughten, bora at 11:05 a.m. on Chirstmas Day in the Memonial Hospital, Bowmaaviile. The baby, Canal Lorraine, wcighed 8 lbs. l0Ojs ozs. Mn. and Mns. Wight, who ive with his parents, Mn. and Mns. Milton Wight, Providence, have anc other child, a son, John. agcd two and a bahf. Doug and his father run the fmi-m togeth- ci-. Mns. Wight 15 the former Ethel Wilson ai Kinmount, Ont. Christmas Day babies are too common, but there was born hast year at Memorial E pital, the son af Mr. and lRoy, Tennant ai R. R. 1, Orc On&' thing is sure, no one ever,ý have any difficulty in me;fibering the birthdays t>eeeý,children. Paper Producis Ltd. Adopis Pension Plan For Ifs Employees Dcp antmcnt managersa key personnel ai the Special Paper Froducta Limited we guests at a Christmas par which was hcld at the Balmor Hotel on Boxiag Day. About wcne present, includimg empli ces mnd thein wives and hi bands. aone Mas. Vno )fil reh ad lty Lrty 30 LiS- The host and hostess were Ronald R. Shaw, Toronto, pres- ident of the company and Mrs. Shaw. After heartily welcom- ing his guests and wishing them the best for the New Year, Mr. Shaw announced the inaugur- ation of a pension scheme ta take effect in January, 1954. This plan will effect ail employ- eesý of three yeals standingý or longer. The pension fund wil be built up by contributions from the company and the bene- ficiaries. Mr. Bruno Miller and Mr. Art Collis of the -Bowmanville ad- ministrative staff, and their wives, helped ta entertain the many guests, ail of whom thor- ougly enjôyed the party. Miss- ing: the famed Collis f iddle. Post Office Hours ýNew Year's Day Postmaster John B. Kent an- nounced this week that the Bowmanville Post Office will be elosed ail day New Year's Day. On Saturday, January 2nd, the wickets will be open from 8:30 a.m. ta 12:30 noon only. Starting next week the Post Office will resume normal hours. It will be open from 8:30 a.m. puilng e tigge ona nce rietrefse o beaveas heyAnswenîng the door ta the Blritish Columbia, Oshawa , Po: LAI~ ui~~r n a îce,~Â se U De ave as hey wi l e c o e a susual n W ed- g ess ee tw gr n d u h P ry, H m on a d B w a pass from Clary Payne. should in winter. Mrs. L. E. nesday aftennoons. vill ee w radauh erHmtnadBw The Truckrnen gat back in the Hayes found blooms on her _________ ters, Barbara and Marilyn Fhin- vle game early in the third period white lilac bushes in lier garden tofi and Mrs. Ron Bennett (nee when Fred Etcher toak a pass on King St. W.; Mn. and Mrs. rp i ary Pickard), also grand- fromn Don McBeth at 2:55 and Stuart Candler found dandelioris ce n daughters. Welcoming the hast pcked a corner af the net from in bloom recently in the back ofheusts ere M. anwMrM Yairly close in. Gerry Scott yard of their home at 151 King (abr Freeman's four daugbtens, Mns O IA N _______off __for ________________________St.__E. MBrar urdoch, Editor) Denis Pickard (May), Oshawa; PO Christmas Party Mrs. Ernie Gilbank (Thelma), H Onono; Mrs. Morley Flintoffi______________ On behalf of Fifth Form we (Lyra), Maple Grave; and Mns. Two Sime e win O erlinswords of syrnpathy ta the staff tle. Mn. an-d Mrs. Freeman re- a weekend guest with Mrs. J would lîkhertauroextend. e iae few os Au (Marln),tewcasin- HMissMryJrTrotw Performed in Canada and in England realize how crushing it vmteusstti heliig-ooeman n 4 ~~ ~ ~ haebe ýbe defeated for the TebieMcke aeb e roklnF..,hmnaredvsnh i l-second year in a row. Please Tebiesckmd yhrBokyNYaevstn e NaveConsdera le ocalInte est don't take it toa bard. This de- youngest daughter, Mns. Mon- mothen, Mrs. Elgin Wight. feat daes not mter the high re- ley Flintoff, and beautifully Mn. and Mrs. John Carpentei -im hwn r gard your students have for you. decorated by Miss Mildréci and family, Guelph, spent Filmsshawig Dr.Eardiey that the films of this operation We do not consider it sucb a Snawden, a niece, bad a place Christma ihM.adMs Allin af Edmonton, Alta., ne- be fhown ta London so he could disgrace that aiter beating Fifth ai honon in the living-room. In Adler. mswt r n r.E phew ai Dr. Norman G. Allin, study them befone openmting on Form in the annual vollal the dining-noom the tea table fi anvlle, periorming one ai the Nigerian Siamese twins. He1 match for six years running you had as its centre-picce a beauti- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Buckley the most delicate aperatians in later pcnformcd the deicatelhave been defeatcd for the îast fui pink azalea, the glît oai mnd famîly, Toronto, visited the field of surgery-the separ- surgery and anc ai the twins tayas nedw avlJenusalem Ladge. Other giit Mn. and Mrs. E. J. Gibbs or tiana ims twins-were ai survived and was rcturned ta that people of your advanced bouquets ai flawers and plants Sunday. 'great hielpta an Engiish surgean his home. age werc able ta hohd out as long decorated bath rooms. Mr. and Mnfs. W. (Bill) Edger, 1 ecently in a similar operatian. Peterboroughi, spent Christmas Dr. Eardlcy Allun, wha la one Dr. Norman Aluin, who retir- as you did against sucb stiff ia the aiternoan Mrs. C.- H. wAth his parents, Mr. and Mns. teIroup who operate the AI- cd fnom the medical profession competition. Then considen misa Palmer and Mrs. Han-y Sutton AtEgr Chnc i Edontn wichsixyeas ao ad wth is iîewhat a wonderful team Fifth poured tea, and tea assistants AtEgr s oude b hs ater tereturned ta his native Bawman-Fomhathsea.Aihng wene Mrs. Ross Stevens and MnKn Everett, Newman- as ounedby is aterth vile o ivewa fo 35yers s-considered you realhy didn't Mns. Chas. Greenham. Ia the ket, was home ion Christmas teDr. Edgar Allia, a native vlet iewsfr3 er s make such a bad showing at ai.l eig Ms eleJcsnwihhsprns i.adMs 4 hDurham County, 'p enio med Dr.Ed gan Alun, ate the re AlM r. L si ac s n w t h s p r n s M .a d M s ýào e ain t o e ;, g o ci. ad w ih isat e rthe r, Sn oua dn 't fel ady. We lo eand Mrs. L. C. Snowden, siste nsr acqveet *prat ion stw ya ' ontanClini. He specalized in eye, youaywsartcefa n in-law, pesidd at the tea table, Mrs. Sarah Arwood and Mr, bei-ta. These twins wCere join- car, nase and thraat ailments. Toedthsaicesfnoe while Mrs. Ennie Twist and Eric Arwood, Tornato, were re- Itb would think that mil we did at Mns. Howard Cryderman, nie- cent gucsts with Mn. and Mns. eface ta face et the abdomen His son, Dr. George E. Ailin, o ur Christmas pmty wms play ces af Mrs. Freeman, assisted F. C. Pethick. and cheat, and whic Dr. Ailin wha is now studying in Eag- vahîcybail. Such was nats the ln serving. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fowler pefredtaetieeyrare land, plans ta join his cousin, case. No sînce! Ours ws a Following the evening rccep- and family, spent Christmas operation in Edmonton's Royal Dr. Eardiey Aluin, at the Allia Christmas party with ail the incls reavsrmiedwtler ohrM.Cals Alexandra Hospital, films were Ciinic when he returcs. He is tiimmings. W e e"e n had ftihce relatives eoaf c ifs tHrbe, r mtn, .ha-e wIade af the cirent. now casualty aficer ad assist- nslte Didn't we, Miss C? 1 thc honared couple. Rev. L. M.: M.adM.D.O tisn Recently Siamnese twiaa, jain- ant Resident Medical Officen at The party got off ta a flying Mroev.i ctda caranTnaseCndisD.0 ta» wit edlath sm mnnrweeQueen's Hospital, Stratiord,istart with 'ye aide talldng and and called an Mn. Chai-lie ber mother, Mns. McQuarrie, and bora-sm Nigeria and were flown East London, England.1 moviag pictunes" as pramised bySn deuceathbreaanMr. ebt. ta London, Englaad, for 8an op- Dr. George Allia saw à great Rudoiph and friend. Then read teanlessoaitconradtla ,Mis est er.Tele yr enation ta sepanate them. Prof- deai ai service in the R' ai Na- Marvin Walker chewed his way ratie Two grandsongratWane MisCthinue Troato, speat essor Aird, a famous English vy during World Wr Lot fame and fortune by becom- ain Biaie Picadn, thenpe sCbrIst it ber paentsMn. suergeon ,wh o ad ta en for. he begiaing is mediadl career. igthe c pi. ee an tca mpion ai se ted Mr. and M rs. Freem an jand M rs. W ilbert Teeple., opleln a ion, o dfi. -oar n - Q A s a sub-lie ten:n faic amoý bin- t e s h o . N x , S n a a n v d Aho isonatdinDr.foran doeainu e 0oo with gifts for ail the good itti': with the gift ai a telephane Xhos sudingfo a J-fie mjo1ha1 i s f kanabos.Squrn table and chair, and Mn. Ernest Mr. AI Richards, Ryci-son la- ship ai the Royal <?lleg' ai troops. He commaîe d a fîetof 'and carol singing filled in the;j Freeman, St. Catharines, bro- stitute. Toronta, is spending the Surgeons la London, that the iaading barges ring n h time until the foad was senvd hra h rom aete hita vcto îhbspr :peratioa he was ta do was vci-y biaus assamuits North ampi-; Ater the eats came the big. presentation ai a tri-lite floor ents, Mr. and Mns. Geo. Rich- %smilar ta the ane performed in îj'Suhr ac f-cfvlebl aei hc it lamp. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman ards. 'I~monoaNoi-mandy bea ,-head. adteFoaim Wms victoriaus aver the each fittingly cxpressed their Mn. and Mrn. John Baker Jr., Fils FownToLonon r. arloyAlln i n staff. The i-est ai the eveaîng tbanks. and childi-en, SaUina, wei-e FimsFlwnToLodo D. arlly lu I fow was spet la dancing. And 'a M. and Mrs. Freeman were Christmas Day guests ofai er Proi esr Ad a immedi-Hopnolulu. nt'm va aton , good 'ime (we ho e) waa had married 40 years &go at the parents, Mr. and M ns. Chanr e ~ iter ste an r. u.s~ H nullu by ail, home ai the bride's parents, M r 1 Morris. >t New Year's Eve Dances'Galore To Welcome in the New Year The infant year 1954 shauld wili hold a semi-private bail at get a rousing wclcome in West the Lions Cammunity Centre. Durham at midnight ta-night, At Courtice the annual New since there are na lcss than Ycan's Eve dance will be heidq seven New Yemr's Eve dances at Varcoe's Pavillon and this bcing staged ln Bowmaavillc event la aîways papular witb and district. Bawmanvihle couples. A dance Those wîshing ta ushen la the is being hcld at the Newcastle New Yean at anc ai these fuac-' Community Hall and there will tions can pay anywhcne fram msa be dances ta usher la the $3.00 ta $10,00 per couple for New Ycan at Tyrone la the the- privilege, with favons, noise- Commuaity Hall, and at Black- makers, door pnizes and a lunch stock in the Reci-cation Centre. throwa la fan gaod measune la Those who pi-cicr ta do thein most cases. Dancing at these celebnating at home wiil be events start at 9:30 or 10 p.m. holding pnivate parties ad mmd ends at 2 a.m. - or laten. thene will be many ai these, Ia Bowmanville itscif there bath large and smali. Movie- wiil be three New Ycan's Eve gocrs will be able ta sec a dances. The annual bal ai the special New Year's Eve show at Bowmanvilie Badminton Club the Royal Theatre begianiag at will be held as usual and this midaigbt. populan event is again expected To mai-k the religiaus signifi- ta draw a cmpacity cnowd. The cance ai the New Year there Bowmanvîhle Branch of the Can- will be a service ai Hoiy Com- adian Legion is misa stmging a munion at St. John's Anglican dance at the Legion Hall, and Chunch on New Yean's Day at the Bowmanvihle Lions Club 10 a.m. Most Local Nerchanis Report Christmas -Business Very Good Although Trade Slow ai the Star! Although the Christmas trade in Bowmanville stores started very slowly, some heavy last- minute shopping by local resi- dents in the last two or three days before Christmas pushed sales in most stores up to or beyorid the figures reached a year ago. Practically ail the local mer- chants reported the same Christ- mas buying pattern-a late slow start and heavy sales in the two or three days immediately be- fore Christmas. Sales in ail types of stores with the exception of ladies' wear shops were as good or better- than .last year, mer-. chants reported. Jewellery, elec- tric appliances and hardware store owners statecl that their Christmas trade was better than last year, and sales in drug stores were alsa slightly better than in 1952. The proprietors of local mens'. Mr. and Mrs. H. F, Their 401h Weddir Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman, King St., West, Bowmanville, were at home ta their many friends and relatives on Monday afternoon and evening, Dec. 28, on the occasion af their 4th wedding anniversary. During the day, many telephone cals, cards, flowers and messages of congratulation were also re- LWear stores reported business 1on a par with last season and one such establishment set a new one-day record in sales in the heavy last-minute rush. Bath chain and independent 1gracery stores ini Bowmanville, with one exception, reported in- creased business this year in bath grocery and meat depart-I ments. Only noticeable fallingi suüch as _imported Engish bis- On their return home after cuits. ty calling on friends Christmas Shops handling noveltiesty Eve, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kil- tobaccos and chocolates were patrick, 76 Scugog St., Bow- also well satsfied with Christ- manville, found ail members of mas sales, which were better their family assembled ta sur- than in. 192, > prise them on the occasion of Most merchants said, how- their 3th wedding anniversary. ever, that their customers are Their oldest son, Bill, propos- becoming more selective and ed a toast in honor of his par- "choosy"ý in their shopping, ents and the happy occasion, and which is in line wîth a general on behalf of all members af the trend in Canada as competition family presented them with the in ahl types of retail selling S gift of a 400-day dlock. There becoming stiffer. were also several personal gifts. The family includes Mrs. Wii- mot Shane (Marjorie), Bill, Iae oDrty odn reeman Celebrale D R.eJ. oe, ad Btt Patsy and Jahnny. I n Saturday fenoadev nu azamaversrv ening Mr. and Mrs. Klarc A held open house when a nme of friends and relatives called ta and Mrs. Thos. Snôwden, Maple offer congratulations. Dorothy Grave, by Rev. S. F. Dickson, Kilpatrick answered the door ta minister of the Courtice circuit. cahiers and Patsy was in charge Their four daughters with their of the guest book. Mrs. Kenneth husbands and familles, were ail Hull poured tea and assisting in present ta celebrate the occas- serving were Miss Jean Bond, ion of their parents' 40th wed- Miss Sylvia Coverly and Miss ding anniversary, Dorothy Kilpatrick. The tea table was centred with a three- Throughout the day tele- tier wedding cake and a bouquet phone messages were received af chrysanthemums aiso graced from St. Catharines, Willawdale the tea table. and Oshawa, and cards from Mr. and MVrs. (ilDatr.ickwr Wood Producis Lid. Employees and Ladies tOne ai the gayest parties ai t>ie holiday season was enjoyec receatly by the employecsandm lstaff ai Oshawa Wood Pi-oduct.ý Ltd., ai Oshawa mnd Courtice, and their ladies, at Kedron Unit- ed Church. A gay group numbcing about 70 was teted ta a bot tunkey dinne, scved by the wamen ai Kedrn Churc. An excellent example aif niendly hospitalîty I was shown and along with fest- ive table arrangements ai flow- es and lighted candes the di- ner was delightful indecd. Ia a few wads Mr. Kenneth Court- ice expessed thaaks ta the wom- enforlwi he dcllnne Meng. r ca fo hir excle intcMt. er-g vin Dale ai Oshawa peseted his troupe ai entetainens. A sing-song led by M. Dale was enjaycd. Two short films were shown by a representative ai the Depatmet ai Lands and Foests. A peppy pi-ai fol- owed ai gi-mmes and catests, wth prizes for the winrs. Mr. Dale gave some comcdy umbers, and a reading with some familian names entering at times, was enjoyed. A clever peformer ai magic wms success- fulinl praduciag rabbits, much ta the surprise ai Mrs. Fouri. Billy Wade ententained an the dr-ums ta some milita-y march- es. Glits wene preseated taail] the employeca bringing nc ai the warmest amd fricndlicst Christmas parties ta a close. The Kilpairicks Given Surprise Party rt mrried3o yearslago at the 1home af her sister, Mr. and Mrs. o PERS GIAL NE 3303 9. k' r, tS L j r i Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hoffman, Andrea and Jimmy, Buriington, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W, James. John Fowler is in London, Ont., attending the Older Boys' Parliament as a representative ai Trinity United Church Trail Rangers. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McMil. ian, Hamilton, and Miss Alice Nicholson, Ottawa, spent Christ. mas with Rev. R. R. and Mr.. Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dippel), Peggy, Marion and John, spent Christmas with Mrs. Dippell's parents, Mr. and Mns. O. W. Patter, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Ken.ieth Burn- side, Montreal, and Miss Wilma Richards, Oshawa, spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chant and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hoar and son, Mr. and Mrs. E. Green, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Nichais and daughter, Stouff- ville, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichas. M.r. and Mrs. Jim Cahlan and boys, spent Christmas at Pres- catt with Mr. Tomn Cailan and family and later matored to Montreal to visit the former's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Myles. This week the editor is smack- ing bis lips aver a deliciaus; dried apple Pie brought in ta him by Miss Elva Orchard. This is a delicacy remembered fond- Iy fromn other years when this dessert was more aften made than it la -iow ve are in- dp-rI ta "F ,I M d for her .-."tt ------ C - o o 1 Fire Does Cons iderable Damage To Gimbleit Home Wednesday ANR Firemen Fight Stubborn Blaze 1 A fine which caused beavy 3damage ta the interion ai bis home at 123 Ontario St., Wedncs- day manning spoilcd the holi- day season fan Carl Gimblctt, bis wifc and five childi-en. E Stmnting fi-rn an avcrheated smoke pipe from the wood-burn- ing funnace, the blaze spread rapidly up the basement walls ta the kitchen, amd misa burnnd woodwork in the hall mnd living room before finemen brought it unden cantrol. Outside ai humn-i cd flooring, woodwork and kit- chen furniture there was not much damage fi-rn the blaze it- self, but there wms hemvy dami- age fi-rn amoke and water. Ken Gimbiett, the oldcst boy ta the famiiy, stmtcd that he bad stantcd a firn thet funnace shontly before 9 a.m. mnd had thea gone uptown. Mns. Gim- blett, who was iii la bcd with the 'flu, smclled smoke fain the blaze at about 9.30 and gave the larm. The Bowmamville Volunteer Fine Dcpantment wcre quickhy on the scene and soon hmd two streams ai wter play- ing on the blaze. The flames were confined chieily ta the basement and kitchen mmd it Lander's Hardware In Annual Draw Mrs. Jim Newman. Silver St., was the lucky first prize winner in Lander's Hardware Christmas Draw. Mrs. Newman was the recipient af a Dormey Electric Food Mixer. Second prize, a carving set, went to Miss Linda Barnes, Nelson St. The third prize, bathroom scales, was won by Miss Hazel Webber, Ontario St. This draw is an ann'ual event sporisoied by the hardware firm. r wms mot necessary to remove thec ;living-room or bedroom fui-ni- turc. The badly-damaged kit. chen hmd beca rc-decormted anly a short time before Christmas. Aiten the fine had been quehl. ed there 'wene severa intches ai wtcr in the basement, mnd wa- ter mmd smoke damage was hcavy thi-ougliaut the bouse, jGimblett cariled same insur- mmcc on bis home. Two Motorisis Fined for Abiliiy .Being Impaired Two motanists were fined $e' mnd costs whem found guiity tý Magisti-ate R. B. Baxter in Bow ,manviile Police Court, Tuesday, on charges af drivlng whilc their mbility was impained. Andi-cw Cadeau, Toronto, wa' anncsted on the charge an Der 8th at Countice, amd a Newcastl man was anrested amd a char- laid an December 1sf followirj a i-car end collision at the stcL Boy Scouts Hbld Paper Drive Friday, Jan. 8th Bawmanvilie Boy Scouts wili make an effort in the new year ta augment their funds by hold- ing a paper drive on Friday.,, January 8. Home owners who wish te help this worthwhîle mavement are asked to fie their magazines and papers up in bundies and, leave them on the curbs i front of their homes by 6.n on that, date. «i'rucks'w17' around to pick up the bundies. THE TOWN CRIERS MINOR HOCKEY To start the new year off The Bantam, and Pee Wee right, the Bowmanville Choral teams are practicing again this Society will be holding their week on Saturday marning and first rehearsal on Monday, Jan. aitho' the games do not count as 4th in the Tawn Hall at 8 p.m. far as the schedule are concern- Being so close after the New ed they are still p]ayed with al Year's celebration, the rehear- the heart in a boy and give the sal will either sound like the fans some good entertaînment. William Tell Overture or the Last Saturday saw a big Dead March fromn Saul depend- crowd of parents and friends ng an how you spent the fes- down ta see 'their boys' in the tival weekend. Howsoever, Mr. game and from the smiles and Hugh A. Martin, the nexvly ap- chuckles from the onlookers it pointed choir leader, from T- was quite evident that they were ronto. will be an deck ta con- enjoying the games as mc duct the practice and ail inter- the boys. ested citizens f Bowmanville The Midgets and Juveni' and district are welcome ta at- will be getting back inta ar tend. on Jan. 5th at 7.30 'In the nr Rehearsal will be held on ing with the Imps playinI6 Monday nights each week . e Raiders and on Thursday Mc have lined up several numbers igwenteHws pa including 'Brother James Air" Statesmen, SWING YOUR PARTNER Under the auspices of the Bowmanvilhe Recreation De- pantrnent and in co-operation witb the Community Prograrns Branch of the Dept. af Educa- session on Wednesday, Jan, 2Oth * * at 8.30 p.m. in the' Lions' Com- TEEN TOWN munity Centre. The first dance of the new The dance is being organzed year will be held on Jan. 15 in by the Recreation Department in the Lions Community Centre order ta give community lead- starting about 8.30 p.r. Let'à ers in Bownianville and district hope by that urne an appropii- the latest information on hov ate naine for the dance wil be ta plan and conduct an evening the "Srow Bal". af this type in their own group. * * Mr. Harold Harton of Toron- SKATING, HiE SAYS ta, wihl plan the program and The town's people and their the evening v'ijll af ice friends wiil be able to enjoy a breakers, square and folk danc- bountiful helping of skating 1ing incuding the Virginia reel, this holiday weekend and the Duck and Dive, and other famil- school children will be able to iar and flot sa familiar reels have a last fling before enter- and squares. Àng the famous partais for an- Whie the evening is primar- other term's study for the arena iyt iegroup leaders of Home will open its dote.t on Thursday adShool associations, Young night, Friday aiternoon (2-4 p. Peoples' group, Church groups, M.) Friday night, Saturday ai- Service Clubs and other com- ternoon and'Saurday night for murity organizatins a new public skating. (Prevaiing pri- type af programn which they ces in effect). cauld canduct in their own Then there's the one about graup, it is also designed tao Gary "Hank" Lane who thinks stimulate a square dance inter- a mushroom ia a place to, take est which could possibly devel- the girl îriend. o noa regular square dance, There will be a panrnent mnhysocial. af two weeks in thte artlng of In order to help defray, the the Leathercraft Ç1ULý, whieh cost af light xefreshmeints 10o be vil1 begin on January I,ather served at the close of the dance than January 3. TIu 1j e session, a regisration fee of 25c m'ade necessary dawtAe f*ct will be charged. that the initructrui bm u, T,- If your feet start itchin' wheri rest Dillinà wilI',be toldng a the fiddler starts fiddlin' came specil course In t.ather work, an out and jain the crowd at, includ ng tooling. in, Toronto one af the best square dances in thevine prior t Januu'i the county. j evA. ga t ACTIVITY CLAssES Registrations are naw il. taken for the RecTeation L partments activity classes bJ 'phoning 728. A complete list at activities and other pertaining N T t' 1 , . Y v-I A l TrucWn Rally in ýThird Period To Euige Orillia Ponfiacs 6-5 et -Thfrilling Game Tuesday Night Ai N.J y y lyl£IIN y iLilin. VIN 1 ' l' ri 11 H.N% 11 A y 11 W.U' WM RV.P Q 1 ai- 1 a rZo * 1 É%- lm"T% e i , 1 - 1 - 1 -- 1 1 1 1 a 1 , 1

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