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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1953, p. 4

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w PAGE FiOUR J ~and editor of the Peterborog e-Examiner, writes of the har- 7c'IIý,ýýýý 7-- -acters of the play and the people N-' 14e ntII who piayed them. Grant Mac- donald has created wonderfu.l i iportraits, produced in calor, af and many of these artisas in costume. The book itself is a fine pro- duction and one of particular Confid ntialinterest as it is the first in Can- C onfi ental~,ada t beproduced without type. _________By Elsie Carruthers Lunney I was composed photographi- ail n printed by the offset impression method. Therefore, ITS THAT TIME most of us read them. we submit, both the festival 0F VEAR AGAIN ** and the book rate as outstand- This is the time when many CHOOSING OUR LTMB ing events of 1953. People are busily summing Up Ail of which leads Up to the,*** forthebocti ofTh Puli statement that one of the most HERE'S TO '54 for he eneit o Th Pulicoutstanding events in Canada in This is the third time we have the outstanding events of 1953 in 1953, if not the most outstand- wound up a year in this column. every sphere of life found on ing, was the Stratford Festival. Before we know it, we wil be this madIx- whirling bail which!Even people who were neyer skating away over a ream of we alithe'voju.interested in the theatre before, smooth white paper into 1954. incaltenatonad ienc, gee wVth this, so we do not Little black marks on white sports. literailure. theatre, moie find the limb we have gone out paper - the transmission of! -eac drws ommnt romon so very shaky. But if you thought by the printed word, soe horare aumthoritesan want to shake it like an old rag which characteristic of Man's so',ý., xxho are as faritremoved rug, we don't mind a bit. civiization has not yet been en- t frorn that status as boogie woogie It is true at any rate that the tirely ousted by radio or tele- ti is from Bach. Stratford Festival gained for vision, nor sureiy in the end is a urterror, i Jnuay, Canada international renown. likeiy to be, though aur increas- 1 urthrrnoe, i Janarywhen Tom Patterson, whose brain- ing ignorance of our own Ian. co,,ipanies and every organîza- child it was, must be a very guage threatens to compietely v tion in Canada (of which there happy man this New Year's Eve dissolve ti ehdo omn mos h co ne fod, as he looks back on the wonder- ication. This pet subject - Eng- b hi.v wound up their affairs fi fui success of the first Festival lish, the present appalling ig- o, the x-ar, wil corne the annual (66.000 people attended), and norance o! - is likeiy ta reappear t meetings with masses of reports, forward to the great plans which mnany times in the coming year. t4 ficrincial ai-d otherwise. are already under way for 1954. That's fair warning.S NXeertheiess, certain of these RewnaSrafrWeaevrgaeultaite- r ri s aisurveYs are rîecessarv eona tafr eaevr rtflt l h anc usful Or mmores re To mark and commemorate kind people who have taken siort, ancf to have the yer' this great event a very fine book the trouble to tell us they enjoy- evcflts summarizedfo us is ha enpro ced, "'Renown at ed this coiumn. We are'some- helpful. We have to know where Stratford". This is a wonderfui times startied to learn o! theh -w e been if we are to know book to own. Reading it is a people who do read it, or to where %ve are going. That is pleasure, but ownhng it is a sat- whom some particular columnn is s vauabe abut istry.isfac tion which should flot be has been sent by a friend. Like ,%- wo musnt digress. mîssed by any person remoteîy the architecturai adviser for the .interested in the theatre, or Canadian Home Journal Home 40 orne of the summing pi vni itrcleet.Fr'53 competition who took great - pi'vin the popular field and the Festival was that indeed, and issue with us on tae subject of rneons littie or nothing; such as the book wiil become a keep- modern homes. But disagree- t1- names of the ten best dress- sake. We are very grateful to ment we enjoy too. Aiter ail, a ed xx'onvon of the world. Or the the Business and Professional column is a reflection of personal tell hoýtiniovies (xvere there that Women's Club who pieased us opini~on and it would be a very n x',or the' ten best books. beyond measure by giving us a duli world, not to say deaden- main intercst in such lists, copy at Christmas time. ing, if we ail thought alike. W Of course, is iin agreeing or Tyrone Guthrie, the director, Nevertheless, we çjo not wlsh y" vicu(2itly disagreoing with the tells in witty and graphic fashion to remain static, but to broaden hi choice macle, and this is every of The Idea from the time it was both our horizons and yours. We Az reach'r's piiee especialy s r in ',oin lPalLersons mind, hope you may find something of sti the chuice is based most often " ,h its various crises, fin- interest here in '54, and to ail W, ofl someone ois's porsonal likes, ancial and otherwise, to its uit- we wish a Happy New Year. ai dislikc's and preferences. This ý-ae fruition. Robertson Davies, N( persona] bias is what makes1himself a Shakesperean actor nui __________of___tl value. But' and direictor as weil as author Cufc .&S od Nr. and Nrs. W. J. Sfainfonf Orono Celebrale 501h Wedding Anniversarl On December 25, 1903 Rcv. Clarence Stainton, Rahph Lami B. Tucker united ln niarriage and Gamnet Towna. Aima F. Tamblyn, daughter ai The room was decarated wit Mm. and Mms. Albert Tamnblyn, beautiful baskets o! gold an Orano, and Wm J. Staunton, so white chrysanthemnuns. A three ai Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stamnton, tier wedding cake centmed thi Enniskllcn. The couple resided table, with taîllwhite tapers 1 on the gmaam's farm at Ennis- tiier stal candelebra o et ie, and baby mum kilîca uOnti 93 hritcyr-and Talisman rose buds complet tOne t Omono. cner d the beautiful table setting. On Stumdy, ecemer , Pouring tea in the a!ternoo 1953 at the Omono United Church weme Mrs. S. R. Caldwell, Pa-. Sunday Schooi ,room Mm. and Hope, and Mrs. F. Tamblyn, or Mrs. Stainton celebmated their ono, and in the evening Mmn golden wedding anniversary, Hjaad Stevens, Enniskuller when aver anc hundred and and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Oranc scventy-flve friends and rela- The two daughtems o! the hon tives attended to offer congra- ored couple, Mrs. Lamne Lamil tulations. and Mrs. Gamnet Towns, weri The guests wcre received at assisted by the daughters-in-law the door by their two sans, Mii- grand-daughters and nieces ii ton and Charles, assisted by Don- serving a mast deliciaus lunch ald Lamb, gmandsan, and John Mr. W. C. Stainton, Toronto D . Brown, brothem-in-iaw. As- entertained in the evening witl' sisting in gmeeting thxe guesta severai selections on the violin Arme Mms. J. D. Brown, Omono, accampanied by his sister, Mms sister of the bride, and Mr. Al- H. Stevens, at the piano. bert Staînton, Toronto, brother The couple were the recipientE of the groom, who were the a*.. o! many beautiful flowers, cards, tendants o! fi!ty years ago. At- messages o! congratulation and cendlig the guest book weme gi!ts, showing the esteemni x Stuart Lamb, Ray Stanton,. which they re eld. One look at a garment we dry clean will show you the amnazing differenct Sanicone makes! Clothes actually look and eci like new again! Judgc for yourseif, try us todayl Lovai Agent: ROOPERs LADIES' WEAiR PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 ï, Il oz'er t/we -world is breaking Every Day Your way of living.. your cost of fiv' --g is influenced and a!tered by events which happen n other parts of the world. ln London world capitals Iaws - . saying affect your ife. n Was$ingtan . . . in other' men and women are making things and doing things whschg The Toronto Daïiy Star bnings you the news of the world.. . the day the news happens . and the Iatest news pictures. Have The Taronto Daify Star delivered ta your home. This big, bright, enterprising newspaper wtiI keep you in touch wîth what's going on everywhere, *Mail Subscripclou Rat«s 1 m@th - -- - ----- 3 monthi - ---- 6 moanth 1 ear - - Aamy Addgest 3.50 6.50 1 Loo Christmas Meeting Cou rtice Home and School As- sociation beld its Christmas meeting an December 18 witl a goad attendance. Mrs. George Goddard presýd- cd for the business. Several itemns o! business wcre deait with, chie! among them being "Federation Hause". Members were eminded that the January meeting was ther deadhine for "Quartera for Head. quarters". The miniature house was again an dispiay and several "Quarters' have aready faund their way down the chimney. Mrs. T. G. Giadman was chairman for the program. Reading, "The Night Before Christmas" Mrs. G. S. Chartran; piano solo "The Christmas Belis", Mrs. William Wade; two vocal solos "Wbite Christmas" and "I Saw IVamma Kissing Santa Claus", Mms. Lloyd Down, accompanied by Mrs. Eric Cour- tice; Christmas story, "Wben Shepherds Came to Tea", was toid by Mms. Lloyd Courtice. Mrs. Eric Courtice led the group in camai singing. Gifts were excbanged and a social boum was enjoyed. Pmogram and refreshments weme in charge a! Mrs. Chartran, Mrs. Thomas Gladman and Mmi. Lloyd Courtice with these members assisted: Mrs. H. A. Gay, Mrs. Jack Gay and Mrs. G. A. Vinson. Zion Woman's Assoc'ný Makes $250 Donations Af December Meeting HOLIDAY ENTERTAINING Happy New Year one and al] te sincereiy hope you enjo: rur own holiday parties ani tve fun cantributing to other s you know, the best way to ir up merriment is a sing song 'hile the folks are singing pir number on their lapel or dress aw, from a duplicate set c iumbers (in a bowi) call ou Ie or six numbers as an eiect. d tcani for a game. Piar mail" amusing game. an lect different people for eact, ame. Sa, "Play up and play th' ame",. AXES FOR HOUSE PARTIES musical Hat. 1. EleCt pix people anxd on~e re. re. 2. Ask someone ta playa îrch an piano, harmonica or ýord. 3. Give five people a4 aid hat ,d leave anc persan in the ci.r- ewithout nc. 4 Naw everybody start march- and also kee pa'sn ht the one behin & sî. h t 5. Interm.ittedly the music ust stop-and the ane without hat must step out. 6. Referee takes away one hat id the music starts again. 7Each time the music stops, egroup wili be minus the ýeheaded persan and onie bat. B. The prizc-a candy cane. Pick-and-eat 1Place a dozen marshmaliows two plates and set them in middle o! a card table. 2Elect six people and a me- ee to each table. 1 Give each anc a toothpick. 1The leader, wlth toathpick ;eeth should pierce a marsh- Ilow and hold until the per- on the ieft has caten it. iThen the next persan with toothpick in teeth pricks rshmallow and feeds next son and sa on. Hands off is m ule and don't swaliow or sk toothpicks! Prize may be a boutle o! Daredevil Ehect any number to stand iront o! a chair for each. Give each one a balloon. The winnem must blow the lon ta a size o! at least 8 10 inches in diameter. Then the winnem is the one can place the biown-up bal- 1on a chair and sit on it tout touching it. Prize may be another bal- ele g& s- gai Rs GA ai fer it ec ât 3 ~anc cie Imu L;and '7 the bar on the 2. feme 3. 4. in ti mal son his mai pers the brea 6. POP. 1. in fi 2. 3. bailI or E 4. who loon with 5. AnteLnerAhan i-nvibtes you bonle - . ... in ,q o u suggestinsc 1 lc wlgles wtStr end emin you sugesion peopehec wotam witme.hemaing pu fresias 2,eopleoneachsie. wachthi coumnforrepie 2. Giveoni eahacappe. lt ta hod n ished If two angels weme sent doxw 3Gieeach one a grapefruit from beaven, one to conduet a which tbey must place between empire, and the other to swec their knees. a street, tbey would feel no ir 4. Witb evemyane given an chination ta chan ge employmentý even start, the contestants -must, -John Newton. Zion-December W. A. meet- ing was beld in the Sunday Sehool rooms with 19 members, two visitors and three chiidren present. Mrs. Nayhor opened the meeting and Mrs. Ahex McMa.s- -ter took charge a! the devational, period and introduced the Christmas spirit by use o! a short story. Mrs. Williamrn as- iuk read the scriptume. Sang "Joy ta the Worhd" and Mni. McMaster gave the devotional folhowed by prayer. Roll eall was answered by something on Christmas. Cards o! tbanks were read and bills amounting ta $3.15 were paid. It was decided to send $20 ta the Sick Cbiidren's Hospital. Treasuxer gave a very encouraging financiai report for 1953. It was decided ta contri- bute $100 ta the general church fund and $100 ta the M & M' Fund also $30 ta the W.M.S. It was decided ta fi the candy *bags for the Christmas tree at Mrs. Wes Cameron's an Dec, 21, There is hope af getting the C.G.I.T. group going again. The executive are holding their offices for anather year also the committees with the following new visiting commnit- 1 tee; East side, Mrs. J. Cruick- shank, Mrs. W. Pingle; Centre- Mrs. R. Killen, Mms. Gemry Glas- pell; West side - Mrs. Tracy Glaspell, Mmi. H. Bennett. The foliowing pragrami was give-Reaing,"Christmas in IDifferent Countries" by Mrs.! Henry Dart; humorous reading,» Ifthe Farmem's Strike" by Mrs. IFred Dart; piano accordion salaý and encore by Jerry Hiuk; t reading by Mrs. Arthur Dart;I vocal sala and encore by Missý Marina Johnston. closed meet- i ing xvith the "Theme Sang". jThe group-Mrs. Alex McMai- ter. Mrs. Williami Hasiuk, Mrs. Waefrshm eserwith ico WaefrsPinglservet lCitas cake as an added treat. Mrs. N. Fice extended thanks ta the group on behaîf af the ladies for the nice aftemnoon's enter- tainnment. Time is a mortal thought, the divisor of wbxcb is the solar year.E ;ornity is God's measure- ment o! soul-filled yeams. - Mary BAker Eddy. walk with grapefruit between knees and plate on head. If the grapefruit falis, the contestant falis out - eventuaiiy the cau- tious walkems win the race when given a distance o! 8 or 10 feet. 5. Prize may be a dozen or- ;S. TAKE A TIP of 1. Leftover brussel spri Lt- string beans or cauiifhower Ln apt to be unattractîve wheri id heated as is. Make a supper -seroe by placing them ji le shallow casserole, top wil cmeam sauce, sprinkhedi cheese and heat for 20 min Smoderate oven. 2. Aimost any combinatiai eooked or raw vegetables *be blended inta soups or sai for meats. a 3. Leitover jellied tomato Spic can be added ta a cali vegetable soup. 4. If mixed fruit sahad is *over and cannot be used atti tiveiy in a fruit cup, it can *stewed in a iight syrup and ved on steamed cake, or in and added ta mincemeat. c 5. Leftoyer whipped crE tmay be dropped by spooni onto wax paper in a freez ttray and quickiy frozen. Fre in electric mefrigerator set coidest point. Then wrap frozen creami gobs and store freezer storage ta serve n, weck on applesauce! 6. Dry parshey and celg leaves by placing them. on1 and in a low ven o! 3001 gres. When dry, ub throu a sieve, remove stems and st( in spice jars. 7. The smaii bits o! leto% cheese may be crumbled a added to salad or cream, sau scalloped potatoea, boiled c ions, or grate it and add ta pi try dough for apple pie. 8. Leftover egg nog from t recipe we listed for you may frozen and served as a mouE eo ped witb diced fruits. Soi olks may wish ta dissolve leman fhavamed jelly powc with i cup boiling water and cup le!tover egg nog for a di sert. Memo We have been known ta bmi about using heftavers but todi we let the family or guests a sume aur dishes are !mesh ii gredients and an intricate reci) when we are disguising or e: ploming ways o! using leftove, Ane llninits o eNOi bAt>Dy- - IV THE KITCHEN REF.#/GERAT'OR TUAT DIMMEt> TW-E LIGHTrs/- D@'t overload y@oar electric circilt$. Whon you bulld or modernise provide ADEQUATE WlIIN. HIOOON ELECTRIC IMCCMIING, REPAIES AND REFRIGIRATION 42 KING ST8-CE4ERALOELECTIIIC S.x36< Phon 438b@wmanvi Phne431 HOME APPLEANCE DIALER Ontario I0. STARKVILLE rThe Christmas concert Starkville school was wel y tended and a fine prograrnm presented by the pupils. Sai nb arrived and alter reading' list of requests, gifts wereà th tributed fromn the beautiful ti !e Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowý Jack and Mrs. White, with I heand Mrs. Burgess, Mapie Grci an Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan a ns son, Mrs. J. Wannan and Jeý t.Kirby, with Mr. and Mrs, Hî old Souch. )n Mr. and Mrs. E. Ruthve rt Zion, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lowe r- and family, Mr. and Mrs. Me s. key, Toronto, with Mr. and i n, A. Dobson. 0. Miss Williams. Toronto, wi - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd. Lb Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturk ai 'famiiy with Mr. Moore Casti ",ton. in Mr. and Mrs. Bill Trin, os] Iawa, with Mr. and Mrs. H. DTrim. h Mr- and Mrs. Charles Yu 1and famiiy, Oshawa, Mr. au s*Mrs. Russell Savery and Betl and Mr. Wm. Savery with M~ and Mrs, Ewart Savery. Mr. and Mrs. John Sturk ai dsons, w~ith Mr. and Mrs. Logi Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robir son, Elva Ann and Doris Mari with Mr. and Mrs. W. ProusI Osaca. Mms. Wright, Walter and An nie, Port Hope, with Mr. an Mrs. Len Falls. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier, Toron to, spent the holiday 'at Mi Lloyd Haiiowell's. Mr. and Mms. Perey Farrov with Mr. and Mis. Widdus, Mill brook. Christmas Day guests at Mi Llew Hailoweli's were: Miss Ma my Hailoweli, Toronto; Mr. ar( Mrs. Orme Falls and famiiy, Mr Brian Casweli, Mr. and Mis Harold Caswell Zion, and Mqý Norma Halioweli. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe anc son Miss Lorraine Farrow, Bow. manville, Mr. and Mrs. Georgi Knox and Carol, Solina, witi Mr. and Mms. Howard Farrow. Mr. J. Hallowell spent a fem days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott ané famiiy, Newcastle, at Mr. War. ren Carson's. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robin. son entertained fr ie n ds on Christmas Eve. Mrs. G. Pium, Toronto, wit Mr. A. McKay. Mr. and Mms. Victor Farrow wîth Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Kimby. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and farnily, spent Saturday evening wîth Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- son. Mr. and Mrs. Stapieton anh family, Newtonville, with Mr. and Mrs. Lomne Todd. Saturday evening Mr. Lloyd Hailoweil, Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier and Miss A. Halloweil were dinner guests at Mr. Sic Haliowell's. Rev. and Mms. Pike, Mr. anc Mms. Cari Todd, Bruce and Dor- is, at Mr. Llew Haiioweil's on Sunday. Mrs. A. Dobson and Mary Lou spent a few days in Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. Liew Hailoweil attended the silver wedding an- nivemsary pamty for Mr. and Mms. Gordon Martin, Lakeshore, on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robin- son and daughtems at Mr. Har- lit ReadingEC. SiRuth a Take Time to Read - It is the Fougdation of Windoni dis- ne -AfOld Irish Frayer ,ree. Inst a fi "Hello Sunshine, feed ai iuscious blueberry oie ilGoodbye Rain", it's "GoOdbye ane day luat weck. 'eh, Christmas, Hello New Year". There is a lady in ur coin. ve. Hope you got at ieast ane book~ munlty whose opinion I value. mdfor Christmas. We did, Isabella Knowing that she would enjoy' an, Holt's "Rampole Place" (about "The Robe", I sent It home wlth >a- which 1ll tell you next week); hier. The pie came back wtth la-and iuxury af luxuries, a box o! the book. Kind wasn't it? rechocolates ta go wth it! But please don't think thata eThe first free evenng, when pie must camne back *ithwry ery the klddlcs are un luliaby land, book lent! If the bo rriw' te a-it's "book land" for me! a bit o! pleasure redin, E Er. Wee Cindy Ru got two books is reward enough for me. for Christmas and o h ie h told me how sheý&d theni! One is a Music Maker learned to love readlng tha Book. The look o! cnchantment child. Every evening her ath- nd on hier face as she looks at the er brought down the Bible and le- pae n un teitl ead astory from it and showed Pgsaneyeurrforge ltl handie, the accompanying picture ta thq I shll everforet!The notes', children. h.. o! "Hickory Dickomy Dock" come 1 She re caid o c o h L. tinkling out to accompany the i aiied do cledhowdhei ue Story O! a Grandfather Clock. p1 le d ta lldo or nclose oiand hîd mc Your book eviewer had atak h moninthca e)il tty lights were turned out, ;i 'r dr.11 youinger brother used to op"ni M .and Mrs. W ln the littie door on the front o! nd '. the stove and read by the flick- Fi, orfiei h Anniversary jering fire-iight. eniicln i- The 4th wedding anniversary friends to those two. le, of Mm. and Mms. William N. Will- e, ton was ceiebrated on Saturday, Qjgc Dec. h9th at their residence on "- . ,n- No. 2 Highway, east o! Bowman- 'id ville. - Mr. and Mrs. Willton were n-marmied at Centreton, Ont., on r. Dec. l8th, 1913. During the day visitors ar- )W rived from Toronto, Hamilton, i-Wood.stock and Cobourrr andi in- rcluded Mrs. Rbr W ,Mrs.> SWiilton, sons Everett and Weu.ý id ster and their daughter, Mrs. r. John Ramsay (Marion),P with cs their grandson. lq A turkey dinner, compiete with weddîng cake, was provid- ided by the visitors, and Mm. and V_ Mrs. Wiliton received severai e> gifts and congratulatory mes- th sages, which came as a com- A DUIRO PUMP .plete surprise to them. MasBte iig! id LaeSoe re OUR DURO Water Sys- LakeShor, Cark entgives us fresh, pure water when and where we L (Intended for last week) need it ... adds ta aur con- "Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson and Yenience and comifart af daily ;Linda, Oshawa, weme visitors iife. with Mr. and Mrs. W. Basker- DUOPmiacaa- ville. U umsaeail SMr. and Mrs. L. Laverty and able in aà i e2s ta meet in. Mr. and Mrs. E. Tonkin, Oshawa, dividual needs. Seo ycor dspent Siînday with Mr. and Mrs. Plumber or DURO dealier 9 Bey. Jaynes' for full information or write Mr. and Mrs. Biul Jaynes for FREE folder, *Runnlg spent Sunday in Oshawa and Wat.r, thse FaimNacesolty". d Toronto. Mr. Calvhs Dunn, home on leave from Tokyo, is visiting Mr. d and Mrs. Bey Jaynes. Mm. and Mrs. Les Alldred and iJoan, Orono; Mrs. Roy Mc- I Kay, Bronte, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robin Aildmed. ut Î The Lake Shore School held its anuai Christmas concert Dec.V 1 18, with a large crowd in attend- ance, complete with recitations, jsongs, piays, flutophone seioc- tions, etc., Santa Claus and lunch. Congratulations to the teacher, Mrs. R. Munro and the pupils for a wondemful progmam. Mrs. Ken Dean attended the funeral o! hem sîster, Mrs John Gibbsons at Barrie on Dec. 17. PU19PS& SOFTENERI The sympathy o! the commun-L IrE RF8 ity is extended to Mr. and Mms LMTD 88 Ken Dean and famiiy on the LONDON CANADI death o! Mms. Dean's sister. family adMr.m. Pîilar vis-JACK BROUGHR ited, Mr. and Mms. AI! Brown. PLUMBING AND HEATING Division Street S. Let themn work for you-The PHONE 615 BOWMAN VILLE Saem n Classifieds. ________________ Stte ma _ __dom__ __ ___à_ W- 1 PONTYPOOL be Chrstmas is over agaîn with sse its usual sehool concerts, dan- mie ces, parties and festivities in .a this community. Signs of is ap- drproach have been evident here, 11since hate October with thous- es- ands of Christmas trees leaving here by practically every means of transport. Somne last minutej .ag and Ontaria buyers !ound trees lay scarce and well picked over.1 s- However the business gave over in- two months employment to [pe inany workmen, extra income to ýx- growers while aur local Sunset rs. Cafe did a booming business. Early spring will sec planting ta again and pruning during the in summer months. on Almost 300 peophe, young andi id aId jammed the Orange Hall for, the school Christmas concert and heard one o! the best and long- est program ever given here, n The chihdren excelled them- n selves from the youngest to the' p seniors and the the teachers and nî- pupils are to be highhy cangra- s. tulated. Mr'. Gerald Fiske in his usual good forrm did a fine job -as chaiî'man while Mr. Clifford Curtis, another trustee looked after the financial end. Other ýood concerts were given at )rum, Carscadden and Bally- *u1f! schools. We were pleased over the x'eekend ta see one of aur local asiness men on skates. He in- rmed us that it was the second in 30 years. Possibhy it was tie Christmas spirit or the fact he young people have a faim iece o! ice so close ta the vii- age. The dance committee o f thej ',.O.L. were well pleased with ,he crowds attending the Christ- .ias Eve and Satumday night Jances. Those in charge were )ýelbert Bowins, Albert Bowîns,' Aoyd Brown and Russell Kerr.I 1 will dedicate the !ollowing poem ta this column. Fhey corne froin near, they corne from far, They corne on foot, they came by S car, They came by sea, they camne by land, 1To dance ta Ruth Wilson's Var- 1 iety Band. It's good aid Pontypooi wc mean, Where you can dance for bal! a bean; Where else on earth couid you eat and drool, And have as much fun as in Pontypool. "Shortfehiow" 1 wish ta thantk ail those that during 1953 assisted me in se- curing news, giving me their subscriptions and renewals and also ta extend ta alrny friends everywhere mny most sincere wishes for the vemy boat in 1954. outs, rare n me- cas- Lfl a h a with is. in )n o! can Luces )as- left ac- Ïbe ser- .iceti eam [fuis zing eze tat the *in lext cry t fouI de- « ughr ýore ver ands stre nd t0 f i fr mof cratiéon (9LtICS LtCIlf. Tcan Pau(Riclter Une Ji"useof eag ram Men, eho 4inI o/f ornarrom pradicemoderato,, today M-I k Defivcred by Carrier 30c a week Cfr.ulm"*.,DOW, D.I7 It, 80 King Se. W., Too.v. 1 ME CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVnJ.& ONTARIO î DEC. si, ion j i Aý -.- [ove

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