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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1953, p. 7

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TWURDAY EC.31. 953THE CANAflIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO i OClAL AND PHONE Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hendrv ihec parents un Niagara.x avec the holiday.M .u.John Rice, Tocontto, spent c Cncistmas with bis mother, Mrs.; Harrv Rice. Concession St. ;c Mr. and Mrs. Art Code. Pal- Hý ecto. spent Christmas week-end H ,, v.ith Mr. and Mrs. Len Dodds. ai Mr and Mrs. Charles Symons, b: ,,5f5Ossx,spent Christmas bolirtavs., lm-CL ,%Id ërNith M. and Mrs. HarrvSmith Sunday visitors with Mr. and Ch Mrs. W. S. Staples were Major C. and Mrs. James Williams, Otta- ari m'a.1 Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jury an and Alison. Timmins, will spend B3 New Year's with Mrs. J. H. H. Wi Jury.i Miss Eileen Ciouch, Torontc, ar( spent Christmas weekend withi tol ber mother, Mrs. Howard an, Couch. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichais tre spent Christmas with their son, Ch Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nichols, an( Kingston.1 Qt The Salv, Lieut. Guest Spel MAJOR Ml F R.ecorded Radio1 CKLB - 8:15 an >'Showers ofJ TRINITY UNITI Miniatert Bey. T. A. IlA.&IL i3ead-End5 Ir KJ '«The Thumb on1 I & MI'D.<c p.ep, Pl L.Tr.CM~, Director of Music. Spocial Walch N Preented YGUTH FOR li the BOWMANVILLE TOWN1 DECENDER 31»1, with THE SALVATION A and manj SPECIAL TALENT Speaker: ERIC Christian Business Man fr4 Corne! Everyone is Re'reshmnents wilI NO ADMISSION UNITI WEEK TUESDAY, JANUAI EVANGI Rev. A. WEDNESDAY, JANI SAL VAI Pasf or1 THURSDAY, JANUJ S T. AN Rev. H. FRJDAY, JNUR ST. JOI Rev. A. Each Service tan, is spending the Christmas M . vwa.r vacation with hec parents, Rev. M'arrieu ±uriy Years Mc. and Mrs. D. G. Morrison,E and Mrs. R. R. Nicholson. Oshawa, wece Christmas guestsr PERSONAL I rs Kenneth Bley, Charlot- o r and Mrs.LreKlet 3303esvileVirgniawasa wecof Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kellett2 ~33Christmas guest with hiec moth- vstdM.W Renlsai __________________er, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. Fraserville and Bob Reynolds l I Mc and Mrs. Ralph Parrisjh returned home with them ta Mr. and Mrs A. Lockhart, AI- and duhe.Hmlowr visit his cousins, David ands -iote vsiedthirdaughter Christmas guests with herDoad elt.t r. and Mcs. Keith Jackson over mother, Mrs. C. A. Wight. Dr. and Mrs. George Werry, .hristmasip . - Carolyn and Donald. Mr. andv Mr. nd rs. ohnJuryand Mr. and Mrs. Douglas NicholsMr.N MtcfeMs. ury ÙldenOttwa spnt fw ad Dana Mlhian KigstnMetcalfe and Larry, OshEtwa; Mr.p is at Chcitwaspwit Mrs. J spent Sunday with his parents, Chas. Shortridge were Christmas Ms. J.B.hE.staps, Dh r. Do- sitv of TrontLa,. is enoigteM. nsr.E Hcaa Hs.L.J.uicoy. Day guests at Messrs. S. E. and0 Hr. Jur. B .Sais r 'r, Miss Gloria Robson, Univer- Wes Werry's. hy M. James, Toronto, cele- Christma.s vacation with her Mr. and Mcs. William N. Willtan, R. R. No. 4, Bow- d.ahters.weE.wihoc Missesd rated Christmas with Mrs. N.; parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Rob- manville, were surprised by family and friends at their Rilda and Lizzie Hockaday for j B. James. son, home on December 19, marking the celebration of their Christmas.c Mr. and Mrs. Bert Law and' Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hughes and 4th wedding anniversary. They wece married at Miss Mabel Harris was a Sun- f hristopher. Uxbridge, spe;it childreîî spent Christmas with Centreton, Ont., on December 18, 1913, day diner guest at Mr. Ed. Mill- hristmas with hec parents, Mr. Mr. Hughes' brother, Profes.ser 'son s.a id Mcs. Chaude Ives.1 Phillip Hughes, Trafalgar Town-Mrad rs hon outh Mc. and Nirs. G. W. Colmer, ship. of Ottawa Engineering staff, Marion White, Elizabethville; oH*mn Mr. and Mrs. heonMon e nid Miss Donalda Calmer. Mc. Chas. Warder, Rochester, spntChristmas with their par- Miss Wilda Harkec, Millbrok joy, mpon; Mr. and Mrs. C.Sem racehridge. spent Christmas has returned home after a ents, Chief and Mrs. Sidney Ven- Miss Phyllis Parker, Norwood; ion; r and MrsL. Slem a-B ith Mrs. Fred Calmer. week's visit with his sisters-in- ton. Miss Dorathy Sanders, Peterbor- don; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnston, 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Musclow law, Misses Etta and Mildred Christmas visitars with Mr augh. Classes will resume on Mr. Elmer Slemon, Toronto, at I id Mc. and Mrs. M. W. Cramp- Willmott. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar were their Monday, Jan. 4. Mr. Russell Gilbert's. )n spent Christmas wîth Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. McCarthy son Chaclie and family, Miss At the annual Christmas tcee Mr. nad Mrs. Frank Weslake id Mcs. V. H. Starey. and baby Francis, North Bay, Docothy Hoar, Toronto; Mr. and for the staff of Roy W. Nichais Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- Jimmy, John and Harvey Bat- and Miss Edna Bottrell, Toron- Mrs. Haccy Kerry and Patsy and garage in Courtice and Bowman- lake, Jr., and family, Mc. and sîll, Toronto, are spending their ta, spent Christmas with Miss Mc. and Mcs. Chas. Smith, Osh- ville, Mc. William Marsh whu) Mrs. Percy Weslake and childcen hcistmas holidays with Mr. Mae Bottrell. awa. has been in the painting depart- at Mr. Tom Westlake's, Bowman- id rs.Frak Bttrll.ment af the firm for the past 20 ville. id rs.Frak Bttrll.Miss Mabel Challis, Bow,,man- Christmas Day guests with Mc. years, was presented with an Mr. and Mcs. Frank Weslaked Miss Grace Nicholson, Hamil- ville, and Mr. and Mrs. George and Mrs. F. C. Pethick were engraved wrist watch ta mark Jr- and fainilv were Saturdayn Edgar, Caurtice, were Christ their son Bud, Toronto, an dMr. the occasion. He is the third em- vîsîtars at Mr. Cyril Smith's,S - mas guests af Dr. and MrsD adMcs. R. G. Hamlyn, former- ployce ta ceach the 20 year mark Fleetw.ýood. R. Davis, Oshawa. l of Ottawa, who have recent- in service. After miembers of the Mr. and Mrs. L. Broome and i With Mr. and Mrs. Don Shia.,',,Y maved ta Bawnmanville and staff exchan.-ed gifts, Mr. and' sons atM.Ca.Jhns', Baw- h fo Critiaswee ispaenswill make their home here. \îrs Nihls er reeted m vitIe. ý * o hrsmswee1s aet, s ciswr pcee Mr and Mrs. Bruce Tink and t( ration Army 1 Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Shay, Miss Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Staples with a curtain fireplace screen. Midre er hrsma a Cathan McWilliams and Mr. seî hita ihhcboh Mrs. Nichais also ceceived a ciiinnr uesw 'ls. W.s . a v t. J. Ham oadBluTrno er, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Walker. beautiful bouquet of cases fco.n I ditnr gucsts andwth SW.A Mc. and Mrs .Alec Birks and Taronto. Recent visitars with' the staff. Later, the emplayees OM's istnBroin, areend ith a aeIfamily, Montreal, were Christ- Mc. and Mrs. Staples were hec of Darlingtan township present- guests at Mr. Clarence Tink's, caker, mas visitocs with their parents,ý father, Mr. J. A. Walkec. Mea- ed Reeve Nichols with a pair Of Hampton. a Dc. and Mis. W. H. Birks and tord, and Mrs. M. Carc, Toron- gloVes and a lovey scarf. Mrs. Rase Blanchard acop G FLANIGAN IMc. and Mrs. S. M. Scott. ta.. One Christmas family gather- anied Mc. and Mcs. A. L. lnh M.adMrs. Don Ferguson and Mc. and Mrs. Lamne Kleinsq i-ng in Bowmanville this yeac lard ta Caiborne where they spent famly.Hailtnarespndig er ndMrs Keintier -was rather unique. Mr. and Mrs. Christmas at Mr. Malrley Cook's. bi famlyHamlto, ae peningverandMr. Keintiv S.,W. H. Carlton have came fcam Mrs. Addie Tink visited hec fi 7 p.M. the Christnmas vacation with Dr. Dashwoad, were ChristmasI and Mcs. Harold Ferguson ai-d Tornoeeysme ic itr r.MblMKsok ProgrammeMc. and Mcs. Leslie J. Nichais. guests with Mr. and Mcs. Nor- 1916toe very suemmoer sanceasiOsteawM. MblM sok Porm Scott. Mr. and Mcs. Lamne196tlieathCaeanas shw.MCalobareietede M.adMs.RyLgmi Mr. and Mcs. John H. Ne- Kleinstivec also visited hec par- M.Crtnhsrtrd hyd- M.adMs o agada m. ech undy hm spnt hritma wih thir nts Mr andMrs Frnk il-cided ta make their cottage a entertained at a family pacty on n. ech Sndayhason tCcsmswihteret, M. and Mcs. Haronk Wil- \'s. ear around haine. Their so Christmas Day. son, QMc. Cty and . aclNeed- ha.bihl designed and toak charge Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ln-s main fac the New Year holiday. With Dr. and Mcs. C. W. SIe- of the remadelling. To celebrate maid had a family party of the h B lessing" M.adMs Rnl alman foc Christmas were Air1 the family, 14 in aîl, had an aid- lattr's relçitives, Satucday even- s Mr.andMrNanleft ll Marshal Roy Siemon adMcs. fashioned Christmas dinner. The 'ng, Chathea d oncyuesa aftefr Siemon, Patsy, David and Pam Miyi m H r n ic r. and Mrs. Roy LangmaidQ Chatham__on_______________ ela, Ottawa: Dr. Harold Slemn and twa sans, Bill and Bob; E' w.ere Saturday evening guests at Ji wpi g Christmas holidays M.LToron's owinvle wihhis parents, Mc. and Mcs. Toota; Mr. and Mrs. Boyd SIe- Noble. wife and family (cecent- Mr. aP rsn.'s, Bw anle James Hall. mon, Maryann and Nancy, Nia- lyarcived fcamn Halifax), Susan, M- n r.A ebr n gaaFalls. ~dSehn n Mar'y, Columbus; Mr. and Mcs. CH U CH rnd gara the wh isa tepe; idJohinlM ebrRseladHr attending Calvin College at Mr. and Mcs. C. H. Taylor, '!. and wfe.-, 2' ,rni.nt M ebiriiRsel n aod ED CHURCH Grand ~Rapids, Mich., shm Doug. Pat and Ron, and Mr.Rc gedta oýnýil-'ec a hita inra r foc Yuletide holidays with bis Woodward, Oshawa; Mr. and is almost as nice in December as Clarence Vice's. MorganB.A. mother, Mcs. G. Witvoet and Mcs. F. G. Smith, Miss Grace in July. Mr. and Mrs. C. Vice ý."'l family, Sîlver St. Smith, Tycone; Mc. W. Lunn Donna, Mc. and Mrs. M. Vice ýh Mr n r.PtrBalyand Mr. A. Lunn, Town, spent wece supper guests an Christ- le BoManilM. and Mrs e Baly Chitma with Mr. and Mrs. SOL INA mas day at Mr. Donald Yellow- Arthur Redknap and Mrs. Wm* Fred Smith. ___ lees', Taunton.W Mr. and Mrs. A. Hutcheon, T( Whittakec, Newtonville, spent Mc. and Mrs. Harry Taylor and Christmas Visitors Oshawa, visited on Sunday at G, re s"Christmas Day with Mr. and sons Allan and Mark, Napanee; Master Harold Yellowiees with Mc. C. Vice's. Strets" Mrs Wm Cheter Oshwa. Mc. and Mcs. Ernie Taylor and bis cousins. Robert and John Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Mont- Spending Christmas with Mc. daughter Nancy, Oshawa; Mr. Allin, Bawmanville. gomery and Jean, Mc. Bruce H( and Mrs. Gardon Badger and Conscience, Oshawa; Mc. and Taylor, Miss Kathleen Graham Molly wece their son, Mc. and Mrs. Ron Aider, daughter Patti Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees at Mr. Bert Montgamecy's. Osh- i Mcs. Arnold Badgec, Robert and and son Warren, tawn, wece and Murray wece Saturday tea aa Kathleen remained for se Patricia, and Mc. and Mrs. Nor- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman guests at Mr. M. Waltera', Max- th eked Ihe SclesH man Badgec and Don, Orillia. Tay lor.VaDieadBoN- well's. Laki on rm Mc. and Mrs. J. Leger, Misses cri te Sae Spending Christmas with Rv. LamneVa eanBoN- Ewart es i hm frn Mary, Elma, Jean and Olive T. A. and Mrs. Morgan were bis hie wece winners of tickets ',a Kemptville Agricultural School Cryderman, Mr. Sam Carr, Osh- Fe >parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Mac- the hockey game in Maple Leaf foc holidays. awa; Mr. and Mcs. H. Pascoe, NE gan, Hamilton, and sister and Gardens on Dec. 30 in the dcaw Mc. and Mcs. Ralph Davis and Dan and Lyn at Mc. E. Cryder- C. brother-in-law, Mr. and Mcc. sponsored hy the Bowmanvile Patsy were Sunday tea guests man's. hylhias Chals, Geo. Campion, Waterloo. Lions Club. Winners of tickets at Mc. Gardon Davis' Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman A.T.C.M., Organist. Miss Aud.rey VentonR.. for the game an Jan. 2 were Patsy remained foc holidays with at Mc. C. J. Wcay's, Oshawa, W] n'RNFrank Blunt and Nelson Os- hiec cousins, Marilyn and Peter. and on Sunday visited at Mrs. D~ Toc onWseraoialad borne. Mr. and Mrs. R. Anthes and S. Rundle's, Bawmanviile. Mc oadVenton of the City Messrs. Howard and Tolbect chilciren, Hamiltan; Mc. and Mis. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor had M, McLaughlin, Toronto, spent George Milîson, Douglas an~d as Christmas guests: Mr. and Hc Christmas with their uncle, Col. Mauceen, Mcs. Ella Taylor, Mrs. E. Larmer, Mr. Glenn Lac- and Mcs. L. T. McLaughin. On1 Toronto; Mc. and Mcs. H. Mill- mer, Mr. and Mcs. Ralph Lac- Qt ST. jo llffS Saturday Col. and Mrs. Me- son, Peggy and Janet, Mr. and mec, Sharon and John, Black- au fihRt Service [ J H S Laughlin visited his niece, Mrs. Mcs. Stan Milîson, Glen and stock; Mr. and Mrs. Har-vey SGrant at Mr. Ed. Millson's. Yellowlees and Karen, Miss wi HerbMcKnle, Cod Srins,ýLena Taylor, Bowmaîîviile, and bit by anHe McKiniy wa ping o.sMr.Gordoni Pascae, Kingston, Miss Jean Montgomery.1 VH R Hnephew, Mr. and Mcc. Gardon withbis parents at Mr. Chas. Mc. and Mcs. Wes Huis and to CHRIST1 Thompson, Port Hope. Naylor's. Camai at Mc. A. Huis', Tyrone, SP CH I T(Anglican) Mc, and Mrs. John C, Wylie Mr. and Mrs. C. Naylor and and at Mc. M. McCarcel]'s, M and son, Brock, London; Mc. and sons, Columbus; Mr. and Mcs. H. Omemce.1 Rev. Warren Turner, Mcs. Don Cox and daughter Crassman, Taunton, and Mcs. Mm. aund Mrs. A. Yaungman me HALL ( IGTB.A., B.D. Janice, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Alan John Naylar, Oshawa, were Sat- and sons, Tycone; Mr. and Mcs. a (TONIHT),Greville and daughter, Dawuî, urday visitors at Mc. Cecil D. Fiett, Murray and Marie; Mc.- Toronto; Mc. and Mcc. Gerald Pascoe's. and Mrs. N. Leach, Taunton, ai 10 p.M. New Year's Day Cox and son Dean, Tawn, were Mc. and Mcs. W. Knox, Mr. with Mc. and Mrs. J. KivelI and' 10 - visitors an Christmas Day with and Mrs. Ross Knox, Betty-Jean Miss Pearl Leach. theic parents, Mc. and Mrs. Ken- and Faye, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mr. and Mcs. A. Hilîs, Tyrane; HOLY COMMUNION neth E. Cox, King St. E. Pascae and Donna Lee, Brough- Miss Bessie Hills, Lakeview, at &RMYBANDMr.T. Hrry Whiey) ob-am; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hardy and Mr. Wcs Hilîs'. McSTuHrrdahiey Rb Billie, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and kRy BAD ISun - inson, Rochester, N.Y., came George Knox and Caral; Mc. and Patsy joined a famniiy fathering 8 aback ta bis native tawn foc the Mrs. Hacry Knox at M. John t M. J. E. H. Davis, Oshawa. NUMBERSm HOLY COMMUNION Christmas oia rnwhs Knox's.Mran s.Ry idlt, yout byvisiting his relatives. Mc. and Mcs. Harry Knox Mr. and Mcc. Bert Rickwacd, C BORN Il ar.m.- He is also a wclcomne visiter a Ïfailyd a gathering of the Vice Toronto; Mr. and Mcc. Hacold CHRLThe Statesman officewhe ajicd foc supper Christmas Day Patter and family, Hampton; Mc. DmUxbridge, Ont. COMMUNION1 delights ta reminiscewnhtheatMc Do)nald Yelolees,-P', Taun- and Mrs, Jim Pantter-Ad-ons U A R Y Ih -~Sb aî,;ý d fou r girls, w ith oie H m er's. T m-akr- - -r ad ng g- - b el : [UARY 61h b~and hîs girl, daughter of Mc., Mm. and Mrs. TmBkradKo and Mac Naylor, and choc- D.Wiht, riving at: famly spent Ckristmas Day at uses by the junior pupils. 1ON1AM5 on Christmas Day. Three Mr. Edwin Ocmiston's, Ebenez- Santa ie d t hecncuso Pif ield, Speaker eruirgeney cases treated fve Staneyat Mr. W. Glaspell's, tributed gifts from the tree.Te Mrs. William N. Wîl -Peterborough. ittle anes were also delighted i Monre laenl crsat Mr~. and Mrs. Joe Snowden wheri Santa called them ta the -itheir home, R. R. 4, Bowun- with Mm. and Mrs. Foster Suîow- ptatforun whece they joined in AheRYtheh den. Kedran. Christmas sangs and a candy vIY 71 ailon Dec. i9th, we hi faiyand a number af relatives i Mc. Elmer Crause, Oshawe; scramb!e. arrived ta congratulate themno i Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Spires, The White Gift service on FDRE 'SPRES YTE IANMîllbrook, at Mc. E. Spires'. Sundav afternoan was well 1'I ung anniversar-y. Guests vweme M.adMs la asnatne.A ninpga Turne, Spakerserved a sumptuaus dinnier and chidren, Kingston: Mr. and 'lJesus is Born"' was presented 'lowi:ng hich the gifts ,%eic, P~~ opened and an enjaxýable even- Hanpton; Mr. and Il rs. Russell caca], 'wsI h ono F 8h- i ng spent. Guests werc prc'cnt itBalson aund daughtecs, Caurtice,j Winter-tîme', bv Mrs. J. Baker f r o m Woodstoçk, Haunilton, enjoyed a Christmas gathering, and the angel choir-Gaul Bal. Toronto and Cobourg. on' SatLrda.v at Mr. A. .J. Bal- er. Pats'.' Davis, Barbare Hooev. IN', A GLIANsoli - Other vusitors vwere Mr. Annç' Werr': and Helen Parcind- RN'S, A GLICANClass parties v.ere enjoveci by. i , nd Mrs. Hectoc Bowýeii, Ocono: er. The part af Mary was taken cuii. ndcîldi en at ()nTar <1 Mr. and Mus. Wili Brown andb Jî rK o Jseph--Lar' Morgan, Speaker strict and centrai Suittoits . t .-1r. and Mrs. Givnn Eastv.aaod'qSolis 't: h, hunters and Indian w~eek prior to the- Ciîri t .tx, va- of(; ilO. chiefcý vho warshup the- c.ation. Anioni. the aut-u)f-to%%n :\r. an lh.akLre abyv Jestîu and oresent their' ~eat,- . u went i.o E.t -i Rc, i and Janet, Bîî\manv.illE ý if. -IomcTink. Ronnip Bak- Will Commence ai 8 W arne* r, (ýn.Spr- )dR ne ce, C ,l . , ' .. W P a c n n r 1 CK.n ' pr in cn C ..-~ E .- 1r a,d Mr_. gai-Pd tP , r ri e 'Fh~ r .a, - -- -- - -i tte Mc.\razýie1 r, ou aui, .l ý uests at Mr. J. W. Dyer*s. Csna- i weli gîven by Mrs. Roy Lang- Mrs. Chas. Reid, NIr. and VIrs. Kenneth Smith and Mrs.1 Smith, Sm., Toronto, xvith Mc. and Mrs. Wilfmcd Wood. Mcc. John Lancaster with c and Mrs. Ivison Munday, Mephe Glrove.1 Miss Minutie Randalh with hem brothem, Mm. Elnter Randaîl an.di family, Oshawva. Mcc. William Uglow and MissI Barbara McConnel with Mr. and Mcc. Cecil Jones, Ocono. Mc. and Mrs. Wilbemt Lang- taff and famihy. Toronto, withi mis mather, Mcs. Mabel Lang-1 staff. Mr. and Mcs. Dave Ahemnethy, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mcc. James Kendai. Mm. and Mcc. Arthur Red- :nap and Mis. William Whit- taker with Mr. and Mcs. William Chester, Oshawa. Miss Jean Wede, Tocanto,I rith Mc. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mc. and-,Mmc. Dave Denault wu4h Mr. and Mrýts. Ronald Bur- ly, Port Hope., Mcc. XmenWare, Miss Pat lTace and'-. L osGilmour, 'oranto, w~ Mr. and Mcc. heorge Ovens hi Por Mr. Fred Burlé1ý>.]nPr lape hospitai. Mr. and Mcc. Raymond Ur. and Mcc. Chas. Wettern "n Bruce, Oshawa, spent .olidey with friends at Bu !roft. Mc. and Mrs. H. Williams, aort William; Mrs. Williams, Sr., ewcastle, visited Mr. and Mcc. H. Lane, Manday. Mc. and Mcc. James Daynard Nith Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 'aynerd, Oshawa. Rev. and Mcc. S. J. Pike with Ir. and Mcc, S. C. Pike, Port lope. Ronald Hatherly, St. John's, ýucbec, with bis parents, Mc. 'md Mrs. Jack Hethecly. Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toconto, ith her sister, Miss Annie Nos- dtt. Mmc. R. S. Johnston motaced o Juniper, New Brunswick, ta pend the holiday with Mc. and mcs. Raymond Shaw. Mr. and Mmc. Laurence Gil- cme, Buffalo, N.Y., with bis If you're in a spot financially right now, with expenses like fuel, clothes for the children, and plans for the holidays ahead, think this over. Yon can borrow $50 to $1000 promptly on your own signature at HFC. One-day service. Then take up to 24 mnonths to repay on a plan that Yom Select ycurself. nS USINESSLIKRI UT'S MODERUI 23OUSEHOLD FINANCI 1 11/ Shuicoe St.Smoth, second floor, ph.., Oshorwa 5-1139 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT HOPE BRANCHt 71 Wahen St., 2nd floor, phone 3050 jnrijuer mwno were iI;o present w'hen Mr, and Mrs. Bates were miarried 25' vears a'-o in St. John's Anglican Church, Bow- manville, by Rev. R. Shires. These included Mrs. Bates' Ibridesmaid, Mrs. Harry Hughes, also Mr. and Mrs. B. king, Mr. Ia nd Mrs. J. F. Childs, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. E. Wi]latts. Mrs. Jack Poolton. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lobb.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nich- OIS. Mcr. a*nd Mrs. Ross Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Bates both came from. England with their fami- lles to Bowmanville where they met and later married. Their family includes Mrs. Bill Park- er. Lydia, Wilma and Billy. Gilmer. Mr. Laurence Saver.v. a form- er teacher here, with Mrc'. Savery and son Elgin are 'snen'!- ing a couple of weeks in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle vis- ited his brother, Mr. John Vinkie, Belleville, who is in the hospital suffering from a serious heart attack. Miss Dorella Lancaster is on the sick list. Master Glenn Farrow gave a birthday party on Wednesday for eight of his littie fri4ends. ,4e was six years old. ~r . Irwin Farrow, Bowman - v14,who has been with Mrs. (e1 Langstaff for a couple of ýetfo om nSatur. Stafford Bros. Monumental Wor Phone Whitby 552 318 Dutidas St. E., WVhitby MIE QUALIITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and domnestîc Granites and Marbies hInstock. ., .w ..~ - i ¶ -THURSDAY. DEC. 31, 1953 PAGE SEVEN rilli maid who also conducted the entre erice Saro 1Mr. and Mrs. W. Bales read the sciptuce passage andFfe yFred a Christmas poem was cead byFe dbyFre s Alberta McQuaid. Ait intcrest- 1 ing taik on World Missio aflws On Silver Wedding deiee yMrs. (Rex'.) _______ Preceding hem message the chairl sang '"We've a Story ta Tell ta! Mackîng their Silver Wed- the Nations". , ding Annivecsary, Mc. and Mrs. Sundey School next Sunday; Win. H. Bates held open bouse wili be et the regular tinte,1-ü u et their home, Il Flett St.. oni- p.m., with chucch service e 2:45! the aiternoon and evcning af p.m. 1 Dec. 22nd. A number of fclieui-s Sacrement service wili be held and relatives called ta affer on Sunday, Jenuacy lth their congratulations. Mms. Pet- Mr. Bruce Taylor is eueîding er Bthgate poued teea and a s ort cou se t O A.C. G elp .'M iss Lydia Bates and ~M rs. B iit Csonrtulsato a. andelh.,Parker, daughters of Mr. anîd Congatuatios t Mr.andMcc. Bates, assisted in secvin.-i. Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees who on Christmas Day obsecved their On Satucday evening, a fur- foctieth wedding .niesr ther celebration was held et the They with their faniv ersac3' Lions Community Centre whern a Christmes gathering et the about 125 fciends gathered witlî home of their son, Wesley. Oth- Mr. and IMcc. Bates for an ev- er guests included: Mc. Chas. ening of dancing. The honoccd Aluin, Mc. and Mrs. Clae Alhin, couple were presented with a Robert and John, Bowmanville; lovely silver tee service. Mi. M!r. and Mrs. Jack Marks, miss Robt. Evans giving the address MIarilyn Marks and Mr. Hector Of congratulation, and Mcs. Jones, Miss Nan Aluin, Toronto. 'Peter Bathgate making the pro- sentetion. Dancing follawed ta the fine N EWTON VILLE music af Bob Mactyn's orches- ________tra for round dancing and Art Collis, Ah Fletcher, Len Somer- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott and scales and Mcc. Jim Firth for haughter Docothy spent Christ- square dancing. A bauntiful mes with Mr. and Mcc. Wray lunch was secved, with several Soules, Toronto. ohd friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mc. and Mcc. Lennox Vesey,ý Bates jaining ta help pravide Part McNicoll. with Item parents, the meny gaod things enjoyed MIr. and Mrs. William Staple-1b y ali. aon. Among the gruesis wrea

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