'1 -~ S. S. No. 9, Clarke MrS E. Winnett. sitri 1lw Legion fo Conduci Celebrale Forfielh Anniversary Galloway's School Claus arrived in his usual hiat i rw n in eeto L a tM rs. B ow en w ith lier sister m an n er t a d istrib u te g if tsty M s a i y a k r j î LatMonday evening the Mrs. Stockdale, Toronto. Speaicing Coniesi t eger children.waenodwthM.Asn school children. ail .39 of themj hristmas visitors with M 1rý. m P i Cner hrsms a ago put on their annual Crsms C~ o~- Christmas was a good day . Turner as chimn and Ms Harold Pedwell were: J. o Lcal Branche concert. It conzisted of carol M dMs . LlAA Pedwel anebatdoghebya n M.nd rsEgWOCInS Mr. an Mr . loy P d w ll nd___ __ L e r w d fam ily groups as possible. by the different grades, solos Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ped- Carse vtewdepedBtav-Ppiso alw nTroll hrMs NichaIs Smi. Nwcste:Mr.arthe~ and duets. In betw een dialogues w e l. M r. R ussell P edw ell an d 1 I muc ess edof the P o iewidep e B ay S hool icted by the i h oros t o ed ta be with Glia s L s A l r d a d i m l , d a were well rendered rectations friend. al of Toronto; Mr. and public speaking contest conduct- a' chr, M r Lar R w n f u h s posbl. r a d Mr. Chs. Aicrd hi h Waere mu bch en d . r t n Rc ad a d f mled through Canadian Legion 'B t a y ed h i n u l Candle lighting service wa fa il an M s. au to, M i s al a c i a e o m e n - B e a v e r to n ; M r . a n d M rs . M a u r - b r a n c h e s , w t t e fi a c n e s h ri a s c o e rt nth e s c h o l- jh e ld o n th e la s t S u n d a y o f th î h M . n drs R o i ed fo h r in e fo t nd al o ice Pedw ell and B arry. !a feature of the 1953 Provincial C r iso m asThere cer e u e o s r - v a w t i h e a d e in the masol the children who made it the Mr. and Mrs. W. Brunt and Convention at Sudbury, the On- cttosgvnb adaFlicuc idw.wt n alAlrd adcen wîthvas.bignbag f andiesDonna with Mr. and Mrs. Bill. tario Command of the Canadian DciMathenushers lit thndeaothers as Toranto, called on Mr.oan laden witJeanbGg ,aCarolcaniFalGisdoDor-ecandlellat the pulpitunfromfwhicnrMr.aande MrstheordoniClarkm ana ragsdo althorangGroneewsnvle.Lgonanonesoom Po-i ohaGyilne rer rthev.M. adigtodofte r. .Bakrvle ren and distributed th ï s M r. and M s. Byron B runt, vincial H eadquarters that a sim - gu rJBernG a , ea ther Sîll s o n,. ed rn n o h~ lt h n s b r. X. B u t o h e k n . m d t i ae so thatGay therePo ter Jo- h' hil. hes lc hor e e rethe f r o m u n d e r th e t r e e . H e t h r i 1i- Il P e t e r b o r o u g h , w i t h M r . a n d 1 9 .a nnc o uncw l e m e p n s o e n g N e a l s , L l o y d H A m th r o n g n d f a m il iMr .tHa rM r.ga n d M rsf Gea y , el ny d h A r esto n , D o nld c h u rc h wT h c ir te c a de î F a k J h s s a a of pîcking them un and chattirig Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mc muade will be aete or theBbSh' ofhtc ndte :n o i otCrdt îh Mrs.R. rncn wlbrnoe andle ist fric eyKn'th Prito- Don ligchrhted cad1eh er aes 5y I Tr Armstrong and Peter Gay. ing. Jov To The World", whl\r adMs busy waý*.1 and familv. Betty returned fori ination contests to be completed A quartette, Ross Neals, Ken- i n pn hita , The Alunti amilv gathered at a visit wîth them. Mr. and Mrs. for the finals to be heîd at the . . neth Preston, Muriel Neals and the congregation duringth M.anMr.WHoms ar Mr. and Mrs. Stan Allun'sfrFakPke spent Sunday with biennial Dominion Convention of Caralyn Fallis sang "Oh Little snging of the closing hymn,"S- Ms .Cmne. ha; ar ner Irs.Branch. thewLegionetwhichmi.todielheud lent Night. sIoe lmne at r di the familv Christmas in r heL go ,w ihIst eh l Mr. and Mrs. W le Pingle. in who were married T w fBtlh m.Adaou Lovelv rrd roses were placd a d Ms a G oe adSýn G Mr. and Mrs. Chris Barchard, Miss Esther Wallace with her in Toronto frorn August 1 tai 6 Sakn ayJn wsgiv f-tpcuc o h evc eewt i.adM Sharon antd Ronnie, -New~castle, parents at Iroquois. next. on Dec. 18, 1913, were surprised by about 75 relatives and en by Ross Neals, Dianne Por-intecuhfotesrv, V lmnto otsswl satfriends on Dec. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Pingle received many ter. Muriel Neals, Brenda Row- Oronoo.M.'arowl Mith his mother, M~ A. FLk. Mr. and Mrs. A. Turner and Eymnto atss wl tr and Mr. Thorndvke, sent by M. ~ ~M ri n c adDreeNecat. iî'Hunter. Lakefîeld a. ners of these will go on into occasion. rsDil"w gvnbth FoecefCaoeAE A and Darn. Neasle.-hr adIHîS frîends will be pleased to zone and district finals, fram junior ptîpiis. Gordon Gax- and i lo wreeof aroweAiert.hm o1tehld~s hear Calvin Dunn has arrived which will corne the district win- rnaRw sg"Da-adi bkafehriles Lois on Saturda 'v. hm rm oeWecm er otkepr n h ia Oshawa, were Sunday visitors nBrandaNrewancan ". Dn l eega aw oeMs ap'NwYa aal M.ad-r.Ca.F--adhome Calvin' He is visiting bisl competition for the Ontario Pro- H MPTON atT rys on hne i id familv w4th lier fn 1.Mr n rtr r* a ndD Niagaura'vincial troph..Provincial Comn- M.adMs e cuewas a short daou ive b Lk nrenir< Mrs. Russell at Campbcl±orc broherM and rs.Muriagra!' mand had fixed April 15 as dead- Mr. and Mcs. Merw',in Mount- and daughter Sheryl, Varcoe's Donald dialtonguean o Lk Soe lr Clalarnenanc Fedand Fred fr f0itaoor rach fors.May15jinnpetanditmsPatda y at.,wit Mr" ad .MsGack v. Fiefoarac fnls vayLjyspn '-1sia .y nRdw-nM. n ,is akThe entire school joined few davs' vi' ýt M rn Mi fr zne finals and June 15 for Toronto. Lyon's and at S. Kersey 's an i g thcee Christmas car- The home of Mr. andMr WeeArec o hiqn osOhwris Waeda district finals. Zone and District Rev. and Mrs. W. Rackbam, I Saturday. ais. 3A dialogue "~The Pediar Gardon Martin was the scene o followii v ri "c hav e lot thîî Mle) . Mcr and Mrs. A. Martin frwl ers onil idawere with M . and l' Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters Man" was given by Lloyd Arm- a twýýentv-fifth wedding ann i7poi eerse ogtago loIaed Y: Io -%Ir, t'ii ani and 1M-s Rogers, Toronto, with atin crn gi g or th se elrnn M rs. Bruce Hogarth and am - a d1l h c a d M c et strong as the Pedar assisted bv vesav ' celebration in tI ih et hytuo m osbs ei on1 the passing cf Mr. Howvard -Wîth Mc. anîd Mcs. R. OÎshorne therme wil be twecfsrctions for Christmas visitors ai Mr. andý Peters and Reta Kersiake, gave a ceading. Ail the pupils, 26th. Many fciends and cear(elh kdes6trposn decs fl\ v i i-9lhva n c ec~Trno cadacy schocl pupils and the other trs ondi ign Rdlh n ieceepe nwas inch is 9 t i-a-ndarndv. îl e M: . Toanton:ndTeMrndfcscndr coo uisThe and Mcs. Ray Smith and Elean- Mc. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- "Christmas Day". A dialogue and Mrs. Martin mucb happ-rprte tyi h ytn-itre rnîssed bv ail whio had the ip' 1\Miad rs. CcilBell - 1Citizenship Committee of the Donald ect;Marioand Mrs. lo t. Knnt Smels gvnb ent rso, cnrtltos hvwr priorOntario.Comman', -'- heIn pleasure 0cf k o v',p hn. o man and fmiv and M . BefL- son ri g Co ema n t, w hîc a isn T r ied .An Ty is ima Lah ih re ad o ss Nayl dS.. ao ner s, al i s ented xvita l a tfora cuer ~te in M c :. B i l l A l n a n d m0 " ý O l c a n a n d M i s s M a i o n . B o w m a n - ds p o n c c a in t e o n o t e t s s b a s i o c r vt hî nl y ti l b n i h . A p r g a m c n s s dtawnupualîstcf foctee sof TYicr' brlatves1i theJolif ami"y t ecited "The Senses'". Gordorbnda.AV Jt I ther out Alsri ckjth cf lmai-id - Ms. Bob Kennedy, jects tram which contestants Mc, and Mrs. Stuart WVilson' Newcastle. Gay gave a piano instrumental. of accordian solos by Miss Dors-finYii ther oel ct t oseen tv iAi-oeyato oMcS uartMTor ntnder brteMcoat. nka, Tuckervc thil Mrekend . .wisb ta speak in the competîtion. guests of hec aunt, Mca. Alfred Thee' Martin: vog elcal selections byMc who pas~ed awv Chcîetmthc. and Mcs. . bonad All provincial fînalists viIllChallener. jy tRusilGibrts E-fl frwelsag "We Mix Our i monnreceive a free, all-expenses paid c n MsMI H ut r .lnd Sig . ogr h s ih Snhn" c mornîng farnily witb Mr. and Mc W.trip tai Toronto foc the final and Miss Jean Hunter. R.N, Mc n c.JD gchRaiph Preston was chairman the"s. funkea ne i f ~errog- H ing, Osbawa, on Sunday. ciptto tteDmno caa eeget nStr with Mr. and Mrs. Bloyd Wil- arnd congratulated the teacl-ï. the,' fnealandisspndnga r. and Mcs. W. Henderson, 'Convention in August, and in day of Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray cCbug and pupils on their good pro- ____________________Bowmanville. wîtb the Robt. addition ta the provincial fr0- and Miss Eileen Wray. YiMc. and Mcs. Bruce Hogarth gram. Santa Claus arrived ta Mc n c.BbKent visited phies. thece wiil be substantial Mc. and Mcs. K. Cax'eciy and and f amily wîth Mc. and Mcc. assist in dismantling the Christ- j 1COEV TWRS isM.ander. MBcbFKane, Osn-e cash prîzes for the winners. Bruce wece Christmas guests cf Douglas Rackham, Bowman- mas tcee. TOEVR. EE is ohr rFan, l-Mc. and Mcc. Albert Cole. ville, on Friday, AirT Rail or Steamship awa, who has not been well foc Bowmanvile. Mc. and Mcs. Lewis Cryder- I , ~ Consult ~ELI some biller. GroSMci ALEM 1Mc. and Mcc. R. J. Hodgson man visited Mc. and Mrs. Peccy UflITUAkIY I JURY&BOwaVELLeM.and oriseGordatu a inwitb their son, Mc. andMcs. Cl acke, Greenwood, on Sunday. wît Bwa ieadDrs eeStra ih Dean Hodgson, Bcwmanville. Miss* Ruby Calwiil, Bowman- lr 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 dnner guests with Mc. Law- Christmas Visit.ors for Christmas. ville, was a visitor at T. Wray's CHARLES H. ROWLAND N ___________ rence Cryderman and Ann. Mran r.LodRcad Mran Ms HE.P- -iMnay ____..____- c.-ndMc. Loy Rchads r.andMc. . E.ePY di MonyCharles Herbert Rowland Lae and family wtandM.c e brothec-in-law, IVi. ûâdMc,. A. Sincece sympathy. of the corn- aged 57 years died suddenly at Lane and fMiliss MRuy Le E. Billett, and at Salter's munity is extende d ta Mcc. A. hic home in Port Peccy on Dec-, Lan a .Mis RbyLae, Dr. and Mca. E. C. Reynodi jC Percy in the death of Mc. ember 25. A son of the late Rab- P~îlîp~, Toante; Misso toe xvh iss c Wdnsdy ftrnontt t TnW..TootwihMs Ll e Peccy on Monday last. The ert Row1and and Annile Wise- Mcc. George Pînie, Miss Mil- nolds.u funeral service a held in the an he had lived l hic earlv Craig, Oshawa; Miss Beatrice R. J. McKessock and Mc. and! and scondutdby Rv .ll înBetand asstnî.n .w e hisnd ~ ~ Craig, Mapie Island: Mc. and Mcc. Evecett Eliott, Oshawa. 'J Reed wbo spoke comforting pacent's farm. Fac several yeacsl ee - Mcc. Douglas Reynolds, Maple Mr. and Mcc. Raymond Bucas 1 words. Mc. Pecry, who was of lhe was the rural mail caucier. Grv;Mc. and Mcc. Bob Ccaig and Barbaca, Oshawa: Mr. an-dj a quiet but friendly disposition, He jalned the Canadian Royal NSels lrd and famiiy with Mc. andi Mrs. Mcc. D. Rackbai Lee and; i wl be missed by neighbors and Air Force in the Fins t orl1No1- eds -Fi W ri.Linda, Bowmanvîlle: Mr. andi friends and frorn cbucch sec- Wac, neceiving bis wings at I1 fI MU1Sz Mr, andi Mrc. W. Chaterson, Mcc. Ken Pooler, Lary and vices whece be was faithful .n Long Branch acîd obtaineti bis'BLAC IAMA A U9 Bancroft; Miss Evelyn Taylor, Randy, Oshawa; Rex'. andi Mis. attendance and in which he'! commission as a Lieutenant Colacot.Plainfilei: M . Lloydt Kesey, uial was in the Hamptoi mistce was sîigne. After hic Mr. andi Mcc. Mark Black- Toronto, at S. Kerseyy, ' Cemetery. release fcom the Air Force he RP buco, Hampton; Mc. anti Mcs. Miss Cecîle Petit, Toronto, etoMilrkan fra Wilbuc Blackburn, Mcc. Kate set h eeed thme ±sîipwt - rte LOW - __ Mc anti Mcc.eccy A libh.mLONGmber of years was in part- \' -~ C o w hin g , M r . a n dti s D o u g la s 1'T T T - ' ' -h cW l Mcr..a r. Pecv l'", ip i FORrohe W -A Colbacy anti family, Haydon; Sheila and Russell, Boymari 1-li opecating a grist miii, for- ~ - ,~., Mcc. Nettie Cole, Miss Sela vleM ako ra UhmrykonasNe1e~ i Blackburn, Newcastle; Mc. andi awa Mr. andi Mcc C, E. Haro,1Mr. and Mcc. Walter Vaneyk Late he moved ta Port Perry_____________________________ Mî's. Gecald Shackleton andi held a family pacty Christmas and foir came timne had been fail iExe.an rs ar-baokkeee for a transport comn- Fresh Sweet- California well Blackburn. Mrs. Allyn Baker and family pany in Oshawa. Mc. ant Mcc. . G. W rcy *t Monday for their new home Helaes hic witiaw, the fox- A f d with M. andi Mc. Ken Werry, :a W TC*a CosSwc tMarln Fter, ad to Shaws. W C HMr. and M c. Fred . Smith sa s ob t ani F te, hi tDo.* Mis Iia St phe s, Mc L w- * atI o xvanville, were P rt Pecy; two brothers, John 0IIR A N-E Squaîc wîth Mc Mcc. par~~ents' home.o ilro ate tBt. W. offt, con . ~ xf eek n c. ndMcc. John Wright any and one sister, Mcc. S. Sta- >' Mc and Mc a utc farnilvý, Jntî ihbrpies (Olive) in Aibecta. Cape Cod- No. 1 Ne,%Soc Mr. nands. am BtteyEa eb, anti faily wît Mc. ani Mcc wparents, Mc. and Mrs. Rye Gib- The funeral service was et ý- Mr andi Mcc. Ronald Hall 0Mse onVaekvstdbeacers wr oadPe n ~ ~~LI * L,~~~~ and family, Chatham, with bis fr: Mse in cageo:e.W ie.PH FoiaPsa ie4 parens, Mc andMcc. . Hal u :Bunkton. Josph Bairdi of Part Peccy; N li L*aets r Md s J alNellis Rowland, Toronto' Oc- DE'E 'CE LFO ai-d Mcc. Ronald Hall's mather * n'o n eren. anti Mcc, Harolti Murphy ville Rowland, Peterboough -i E Y - I Mcc. Clime alsa spent Christmas a:* nn e e tî:-'hMr. and Mcc, Ray Mc- Jabnston Rowland, Mîllbrooki wihtê,Laugblîn, Blackstack at ap olnis rrvd -Txs-Ra re an alhRwlnOttaw-,' Jus rie -Txa May w loin in your New Year M. and Mcc, Howard Foley, ~faM. anti Mc. G. Fletcher and Buial was in Prince AlbertNEwcA, EL. - weTown, with Mr. and Mcc E.M Mc. Stanley Fletcher wece Sat- Cemnetecy. celebration this year. wIth a crowd Twist,. urday evening guests af Mn. antiEW CA B 1 Mr an Mrs K.Shacletn a rs.R. Sim. of good wishes încluding heulth, IaMd. anti Mcc. KM. Sackleton c. HarperLL antiLOaD ly wît Mc. anddMcc w ErnestiViiiiiI Wm. Aluin, Kirby. ga* xxce Sunday evening guects of bcpies rseiy n eclM.anti Mcc. Rolanti Shack- rM anti Mcc. Gardon Fletcher. leoMaster Fred Shackletan, II* II M. anti s alter Vaneyk O Fesor eenng Dc.23' 1I happi ess, resp rlfy, and ~Shac leton anti amil helt a :th M r. an ti M c. W alter Bon- the chiltien an ti teacher pre- Y u . u c Shcketn ndfmiy el aatOcbawa. senteti their annuai Chcîstmas j TOMATODES - RADISES U BR antims ahein t r and M ccad r. Paul Vaneyk concert to a full bouse. Fromte Q %j % E D r.G. Sbackleton's on Satur- !SH E SA E ith Mc. A ntiMa .Sn un ecmn pec yPuA- I SLM OIH IG INR i vriue Ok hre felc letcher,. Tocanto, with hic par- solo bY Bannie Austin, anti an. 5w eet - Fresh Flavour Oelbpks -Mcc. K. rat1.5 in f hSbaclet: ice- sdn Daily Journaîs ents, Mr. anti Mcc. Gardon Fiet.- aci'ostic by the lîttie o000 .Cbrisj aeb and akr Scot' I uso cue orsFs! i-r.K.Sakeo:Vc-cher, mas atls were sung by enios MaebYCnaaPakr Scott's r coul sio î . 3 c u e or s F s !P res.- M s. S. B utte v: Sec.- 1 r, ýn1 M s n .a td ji rsa tha t Cheista u î N~ i C e u lîo i M cc G . B a rrie : A ç loc- M s c a t c . n . J h n so n a tcui r t g t e n i s e p a .- _________________________Day Books at 'ilewith MrI. anti Mcc. ate*y oatha Brnds Ige. bot. 1.,25 ___________P___ . BIakburn. Tcea-.-cs LaBnt lhsn mihga, hc nteix ti"a TuaBrn botiti Gin N aI C3s ex ,~ W e sh: P anst- M cl s. S. B utte n: Jo u.naananti s hF G w Sith Mc gCa ns w i c mîng To Toxx i i R G A R bodd's Gin N'val Ass't. Pianlist- Mýrs JG. Shacklre-ant Pill s Kitiney Pi bes ton: Flower Com«.--Mcs. w.1- Tbesanti Mr,. F. 0. Smnith, Bowman- eti an the guitan hv Bi Bar- ___________________i_________ 59e rrV v9iileersrowclough accompaniet hyD on EbT - M cc. . B arri . M cc. . L e d g e s M cc. O rm e M ille r w it b h e c a O g tc t t t e p ia n o . O th e r u ~ a9c 9c- 9r Sc-0c-.0O .002.0 I A chardsý Grcs. W ' parents at Tara. senior pupils we e Pearl an ari AUI Spjal S zM ccem rs N . « . c ad : G co p eaIrs .' te il sM r, an ti M rs. S tanley G ble. M a ie A ustin an ti R nn ie D mn - H om e P e r a n ils S eca S e No e em cClUre. Mcc-1 L. Richards, M cc , Keith anti Leslie. M . anti M c. nec anti l nioO PECnai ant 98 1 25L . C oo m-bes.H iunito nt a m î , ~ h ro h r sik C a ntio la n I P ro m ___ ____ ___.25 jC h rist mn as C on certI S ta p le rs a ne. Miss l e n d Pa c yT ,,_ant 'SC a coked v e n G Toni . .sN~~~ The annual Chistmias cn- 1 Mr. Ross Bowins wth Mr. an i The charman las o sitn cetTo eli in t e h cc jL tt r Sc l sM cc Fred Partne r. pt. f the Sunday School anti T a n e t t e - . ... 1 . 7 5 ~- l ia y -S h a v i n g C r e a m en2 . A o e e t a T o b lc -aal ewsh f i n t s i T c n . g a t t t n i ncr .r e t r n 1. 5 : De~~~~~ ~ ~ ~c. 2.A prta'T-u)eîr.anti Mcs. Rve Gîbson anti made presentatians cof bocks foc j urlers 1.29 25r in ~~~~ ~10Tovanci -va: "ci rescr nsi yoe l odatnadeteedrn Sange h\ -leJuno.at e Tape Dispensers ,Mcr anti Mcc. Haroldi DeMille 'ýhe past vear. Books have bec.n 1Orý, an a zortpla, ereais anti famil.v, Buckebon, with Mr. gîfts ta the Suntiav, Schooh fr l a c : a n t i a ' b r t p a " k r e a s x i n t i c c P u l V n e y kt h i s p u r p o s e f o c a l m o s t 2 0o , a - c. .Murh xt.IE't tdie JanMc r, anti Mcc .lVn-knt c ecngbksti Nio.ladcots ann hoSenarRen -M1etcalf for 'he:r -c1entiýti train xxîtn nec parent-z. Mn. and Mrs.' Ear wxece: Helen. Pearl. , m L * ~ i n g f - h e c r b : l a' r e n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i r e a t i J a î h l , R o n i , P H O N E_" B ig__ _ _ _I nt h eL a n c a n d B a cb a r a D i n n e r , W a n - G S T R E %V E FIT ',-untiýre one-eontd vu," g 0 bte frst nine m nts of 1 da Gwenne anti Lesie Fordo i i CR1SSES Ja beto:c-nui n ceý, i 7 t~1Bomni 195Î Canada hatianunfavour- 1 Canl, Sharon ant iLnta Thorn- iOSt es L d whatwcýud ouable trade balance of $231300, dkye, Glenda Parnell, BBll Bar- w~'u1ti ou de" PHO%'E 556 000 a- comparedti t a fax'ourablef cawclaugh.GlnCak.Frj wacicoon th .,ný 1 a- ance of S245,400Oo n th dozen bagc f cany %ee also B W A "I wad coont heîn'saie Pe= d of 1952 . i gven to children x éeset. Santa 1 L JI PAGE EIGHT aazm ilATESbL&àN' BOWMANVnýLE' ONTAJUO g4.TR-CZ' TRE CANADTAq