THO MDAT. ZAN. 21, 1984 SOCIAL AID PEISONAL PHONE Sm0 g 4 - 1 Mn.. Myrtle Warren, Toronto, days with thein dughter and !spent Sundmy with her mathen, san-in-law, Air Vice Marshal and Mn.. Rase Kirkendali. Mrs. Boy Siemon, at Ottawa. Miss Gladys and Miss Greta Mn. and Mn.. James Blakey, Mallon, Toronto. visited Mrs. Newark. N.J., and Mn. and Mns. Maude Cary on Sunday. Richard Hutchinson, Peterbor- MissHeln Mrri Lisped-augh, were weekend guesta ot Mis Hecu arrs l siud-Mn. and Mm.. Hrold Carpenter. irig a few dmys with her sister, Mirs. Wes. Garner, Oshawa. Winners ai the Lions Club à. Hockey Draw ion Saturday, Jan. SMyrtle Warren, Tononta, 23nd, are Harvey Dillng and9 a1o visitar this wýeek with Dr. H. Ferguson; ion Wedues-1 Mn.. Mabel Baguell and Mns. day, Jan. 27th, Bruce Semnple1 Kirkendal. and Jin Cassell.-1 Reeve Sidney Little and De- Mn. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, puty Reeve Owen Nîcholas are Orona, and Mrs. T. Wesley attendiug the opening session ai Cawker, Bowmanville,1 leave ta- Caunties Cauncil this week. moraw on a Cook's conducted Miss Joan Hutchinson, Peter- trip ta Mexico. They wiil be "borough Civic Hospital, spent away about a month.t %londay with hem parents, Mn. In renewing hem subscription und Mrs. R. Hutchinsan, Elgin ta The Statesman Mn,. E. P. Et. Bradt, 54 Lynn Ave., Guelph, Mn.. Gea. Weekes, Sm., ac- writes these encouraging words campanied by hem son George, ta the editor. We stiil enjoy ne- Toronto, were visitons with Mr. ceîvîng the "Family Journal" and Mrs. C. C. Lunncy an sud would not like ta be with- Tuesday evening. out it."a Mn. and Mrs. Norman Git- Reg. MeCanu, Reeve of Brigh-n maun and Mr. and Mrs. Earl tan Township, was electcda Gilmoun and Susan ai Leiroy, Warden ai the United Caunties visited an Sunday with Mr. Council on Tuesday. Mn. Mc-n and Mrs. W.. A. Edgem. Cann was elected by a large Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Sîcinon mjority on the fîrst b riot icit Tuesday ta speud a icw He has been attending Counties1 Council for five ycars.p Northumberland - D u r h a m C Tubercuiosis Association basp S sent out reminders this wcek toa: ST. JO N' send in their contribution ta the cý ChritmasSeal Campaign. Re-S CRU UHmember dollars given ta this pý CIEUIRCHfund fight TB li through the a (Anglican) ycar. jt Hon. W. J. Dunlop, Ontarioadi Rev. Warren Turner, Minister ai Education, Toronto, B.A., B.T, iu a letter ta the editor express- es this truism: "In education, as in religion, there are certain S rn -fundamentals which neyer HOLY COMMUNION change, which neyer become old-fashioned. "«Hold fast that which is gaad". C il mrn.Grandpa John F. Gamman ai e MATINS 517. Somerset St., Gloucester th City, N.J., writes: "Another o Preaeher. 'Gamman' amivqd Jan. 6th et o Rtev. C. R. Feilding, Our Lady ai Lourdes Hospital, M, B.A., ST.». Cainden, N.J. The poud daddy cr is Charles A. Gomman who ne- TI 7 p.m.- sided saine yemns mgo onCeteG Street, Bowmanville." CenteG EVENSONG Word has been received thmt an Annua Cive Sevice Edwand Lockhart. grmndson oaifj Annal ivl SOVIc the late T. H. Lockhmrt ai Bow- ci, manvilie, wha lived at Stoney wi MONDAY, 8 pm Creek, Ont., died Dec. 2nd mter ha VESTRY MEETING five days iliness from polio. Hie T] was 31 yemrs aid and leit a wife orý and two sons, 9 and 3 years, be- du 1TRINITY UNITED CHURCIIAi Minister. Rcv. T. A. Morgan, BA. 11 A.M. - "John The Bapfisf anld Jesus" 7 P.M. - "'More for Peace" SOUND FILM N0 T E - Junior Sunday School wiII return to Church building, Sundmy, January 31st. Mr. D. C. Peters, L.T.C.M., Dircctor of Music. Phyllis Challis Barrett, A.T.C.M., Organist. Look< at these LOW FOOD PuCES Ideai Tomato 13 oz, bot. Campbeli's 10 oz. tin Ketchup- 19c Tomao Soup 2/25c KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ 8 oz. Jan 32c KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ 16 oz. jan 56c KRAFT CHEESE SLICES Pkg. 29c Habitant Pea Soup 28 Oz. tin Aylmer Sliced - 16c Phaches Snider's Sweet 16 oz. Powder Miîxed Pickles 29c Jello 20 oz. 26c on Puddings . 3 Pkg. 29c S pe c ial ICE CREAN DRICKS --25c TV RGLLS, ICE CREAN, quart 49CO A Co mplete line ai Frozen Foods and Vegetahies Freshly killed Capons and Broilers FREE DELJVEEY YEO'Is NMais and Groceries 55 MGN ST. E. BOWMANVILLJE PHONE 3367 Po' W( Ce tai cm, W: a1 spt The Town ai Bawmanville Collective bargaining, he said, now has a modern and efficient is mcrely the process whereby mto idaigwt h c the representatives af capital strets odu ed by w te recn and management get together on sub-zcro weather. A new Flink equai teris with the represen- autamatic sand feeder has re- tatives ai labor, gnd wark out cently been installed an the what is best, nat aniy for the tawn truck ta do the job ai two groups but for the coin- sanding. munity at large. ucae tacsoflihy Refrrig t te fndiis faver $800, the new equipinent Mr. Justice Rand made fo low- can be aperated by the driver ing the strike at the Fard plant alone. A Wormi gear feeds the in Windsor in 1945 for union re- smnd onto the street irom the cognition, Mr. Miliard stated body eliminating the need for that Mr. Justice Rand had coin- men with shovels on the truck. mented on the fact that in the __________ Ford plant the mechanical en- Onmavsthtaiedca gineering was periected ta the eve sc elssthan atiful.-a -. ast detail, but that very littie Mary Baker Eddy. jattention was paid ta human engineering, with the resuit that there was much strain, frictionPotc and disharmony. rtc "One ai the prime abjects af Your Valuable trade unianism is ta impraveCAL E this human engineering andCÀLIfE work out a sound relationship Against Dcficicncies between labor, management and Cclusinq SSours, Pnourmon1a and the public at large which will bc Other Diseuses with NixoNS ai benefit toalal these groups RV'4 rEv and enable them ta jain toge- PI IAEV A.aiI ther in the developinent ai a T A B LE~T in the years t c me", M r. M i i- trace olements. le_ AVOID CALF TROUBLES BT lard concluded. GETTNG Nxo" Rs vmpu Introduced By Norma Allisan c Hie was introduced by Norman JURY & LOVELL Allison, Canadian Director ai 15 Kng Si. W. Bowmani,IIî the United Rubber Workers, who pointed out that Mr. Mil-_______________ lard had worked and lived for many yeams in Oshawa. He was one af the iirst arganizers for j the C.I.O. in Canada when the eW iirst steps weme taken ta union-I -W ize the Genemal Mators plant in AUTOMATE« 1937. He misa stated that Mn. Millard was made Vice-Presi. dent ai the Canadian Cangress ai Labor when it was iirst or- O L H A E re-elected ta this office every year since. Mr. Miliard is also very active in church activities and in the cause ai temperance, Mr. Allison said. President Rev. Harold A. Tur- ner intmoduced hcmd table guests at the dinner which included Mr. Millard, Mr. Ailison, Don Kemp. President ai Local 189 af the United Rubber Workeis at the Goodyear plant here; Frank Doriand and Secretmry Percy Corbett af the Canadian Club. Il New Members Welcomed Mr. Corbett introduced sev- eral new members amang the 68 persans wha werc preseut ta hear Mr. Millard. These wereý Robert Hendry, Rev. A. G. Scott, Joe O'Neill, William M. Stapies, Frank Cryderman, Her- bent Galbraith, C. Papineau, Wiibert Crmig, Russel Robins, John Cruikshank and Blake Short. Grace was said by Bey. A. G. Scott and the sing sang wa.s led by Charles Canruthers, with Dave Momison as accampmnist. Frmnk Rickard gave a vote ai thanks ta the Aitemnoon Wom- en's Association ai St. Paul's United Church for providing an excellent dinner, and this wms cknawledged by Mrs. Wilbert Teeple. LOW IOWN PFUMENT Tum a Imm $2.5 4-WAY$25 RADIANTA HEFAT WERK OftW#MW"uÀibdm- <OM #4 ..d »e If Lander Hardware Bowmanville, Ontario 200 tissm 9,','ixW, 35C MANIS SIZE 12"1x12" 1 Bides his mother, Mn,. Hara] Lockhart. At the 3lst influai conventic of the Canadian Associationi Nurserymen held ln Toroni last week Bowrnanville nursei ies had the distinction of havir two members being appointe directors in the personha o Noi rnan J. Scott of the Brookdalc Kingsway Nurseries and Georg Dawnharn af the Dawnhar Nurseries af Bowrnanville ian Strathroy. The trials and tribulations c one of The Statesman's rur carrespondents is summed up i this sentence in a letter ta thi editor: "I arn uorry 1 arn unabl ta send in the news more regu larly, but it is rather difficu ta get a party line when ther are over 25 familles sharing il We are hoping ta get dîili soon which ought ta help in good many ways."1 In the captian beiow the pic ture of yaung David Lee on hi miniature Case tractar in las week's 'ssue af The Statesmar it was stated in errar that hi was the son af Mr. and Mrs. G W. Lee. These are David'i grandparents. His father anc mather are Mr. and Mrs. F. J1 Lee. David wan the tractar in a draw canducted before Christ- mas by W. H. "Mick"' Brawn agent for Case farm equipment, The publishers ai The States- man greatly appreclate thE rnany wha have sa pramptiy renewed their subscrlption for 1954. A few ordered theit paper stapped, due ta the in- crease in price, but we were pleased ta have several admit after missing an issue they carne back saying: "Guess we can't get aiong without The Statesman." 0f caurse, we were pleased ta hear such comments: and we wiil da aur best te ustify and make the paper in- dispensable. Millard Speaks (Cantinued froro Page One) Association and Chamber ai Commerce, and that farmers re arganizedthraugh their Fed- rations of Agriculture. "Why then shauldn't the labarer be )rganized misa?" he asked. "Such concerns as General gators are a union af sharehaid- ýrs organized inta a campany. rhe persan who buys shares in encrai Matars is making an in- iestment which he cari draw aut id place with same other firm, 1he is nat satisfied. The wark- Shawcver, çannat after 40 'ithdraw his investment, he ias ta pratect it where it is. 7hat is why wc alsa have aur Sganization and aur board ai rectors". Mr. Millard stated. He braught ta the attentian ai is listeriers that the union takes nta account the probiems ai .e cornpany and aiten urges re- traint on its members. He ointed out that ail the average -orker sees or knows ai a ompany such as General Mc- :rs is the foreman or supervis- r. "How is he going ta deal ith that nebulous arganization "the company"-unless he has union ta speak for hlm?", the ýeaker asked. Democratlc Collective with mdded vitamin Beef, ran and Ws inesietnc ldIxiv 1 0 bot. r e.$. IEpsom S ali S Guarnted quality, fine neede 19C a crystals, 16 az., reg. 25c, L.D.A. Minerai aIl and agar Idol-Agair 16ozrg79 59C-1.19 40 az. 1.59 Olive 011 liehly refined for medicinai use 2c S7 sets individuaily wrapped Seidliz Powders iu box, reg.~ 29e 23c a fine liniment Whife Embrocalion 4 oz. reg. 29e 23c, 39c FEVER TERMOMETER POWDER PUFFS Oral type - invaluable for Good qualty pufs checking fmmiy's halth 69e Reg. 10c c., e, 2 for 15c HAIR PREPARATIONS LADY WILDROOT 'IýR HDU SHAMPOO -- 43c, 73e RCADHDU 49pray and Stay - -1.75 NESTLE'S SPRAZE Marvelous Shampoo 75c, 1.25 1.25 - 1.75 Egg Creme Rinse 75c, 1.25, 2. Light and Bright -1.75 HELENE CURTISHo e P r a nt - 17 SPRAY NET ---- 1.75 - 2.75. H m e m n n .....17 COUGH AND CGLD REMEDIES Id Dr- IP .R. E. Logan; Organlst-W. E. D .Bell Speaks Palestine Chapier C. Warkman. aon otne ro aeOe ffcr nile Fallowlng the Installation cere- of (otne ro aeOe ficr n ale mony a fine luncheon was ev Ita cd into three parts--the pys-eM n M n. JeJae-o M, !r- cal, living and chemical - he Wiih Due Ceremony M in H. .Js antradPr A. M saine language uscd ta explain The officers ai Palestine Chap- Orono, other Ontario centres, ige the sanem is atinms.____MiatAlt-etngpcursa r-tepolmt hspet.A- and the southern United States chai is a chemical which tak- ter, R.A.M., No. 249, G.R.C., for were shown bY Mr. Armstrong ge 2 in sufficient quantity or in- 1954, were installed in office ai Orano. 'Ml tenslty. with sufficient irequen- Monday night at an impressive d cY and aven a suificient peiod ceremony conducted by Rt. Ex. H ce oftiereuls n isas teCamp. Dr. H. Ferguson assistcd H ce Players 01 same as the expasure ta lead by the Past Principals. T. ,al poisaning eventually results in The following officers taok Receive Injuries in disease. Not ail peaple will be- jvrterdte:itPicpl ie came diseased at the same rate, av1-. e;n eirdtes: st Prina- In .Coliio e but it ih a rare persan wh J. H W . Ja;immediate Pas Pin- I oo ouso Li. drinks heavily for aven ten cipal-W. . WGlis; 2nd Prin- [t years who does not became an cipal-A. E. Moffatt; Treasurer Several Oshawa hockey play- *e- alcaholic, Dr. Bell sald. -J. R. Stutt; Scribe E.-L. W. crs neturning home aiter a it. Social Drinking Dippeil; Scribe N.-Dr. A. F. practice at the Bowmanville In "Social drinking is paorly de.- McKenzie. Principal Sojourner Memonial Arena Sunday mter- a iined," Dr. Bell stated. "The -A. L. Blanchard; Outer Guard noon narnawly escaped seriaus term. should be reserved for -D. Deeicy; Senior Sjourner- injuries when the car in whleh n-toxic dinking." He thenlC. J. Allun; Junior ooun- they were riding colllded witt, Swent an ta describe, with the H. D. Sutton; Veilsinen: 4th-C. anc driven by Dick Wood, Or- st aid ai a diagram dividing the L. Warren, 3rd-D. V. Gibson; ana, anc mile west ai Bawman- 1, human brain into five parts, the 2nd-P M. Lunn; lst-F. R. ville on Highway 2. ,e eifect af varying quantities ai Osborne; Darector ai Ceremonies The accident is said ta have ralcohol an these five parts of_______________________________ s the brain. A level ai 50 milii dgrams per cent af alcahol in the 1blaod affects the thinking ap- n paratus and relieves tension, -which is the reason that many E t a S e i a social glass. - Quantity ai 150 impairs action e n ilget a person convicted DELICIOUS y ai drunken driving. Next ai- r fected is the third part ai tht r brain with a quantity ai about - 200. This reduces physical pain BOSTON CREAMf PIE eand it has been revealed that -tnany arthritics resort toalaco- hol for this reason. Alcohol, Dr. L>Bell said, is the oldest anaesthe- e c L>tic known ta man. It has been30 Laround for 10,000 years. In the faurth stage with 300 miîîigrams per cent, a persan F IA N A U D Y O L becomes unconsciaus, and at FRD Y A D S% U ]àY O L 500, he is dead. The reasan that mare people do not die fraina drinking is because the part that - a lits the drinks becomes anaes- thetized before they can get ta the pointewhere they wauid die, Dr. Bell said.Th CatrF m l An Old Problemt Alcohol addiction has been T a R o recagnized as a disease since RN T . Y a R o weli before the Christian era, KIGS.E OWMANVILLE stated Dr. Bell, but it is only ________________________________ recently that a scientific and _________________________________ medical approach has been made ta the problein. Studies made by Yale University showed that the best recovery rate, ane in three, was made through psy- chimtry. But ln starting Shadow- brook, Dr. Bell feit that some- thing mare was nceded and his approach, through the socioiogy angle, has appeaied ta patients and has had encouraging resuits j with 67% recovering. Dr. Bell was introduced by Mrs. L. D. Goddard and thank- cd by Miss Apha Hodgins. The usuai social haîf-hour wms en- joyed pniar ta the meeting, jbdopendo. COMPETI' which had a gaod attendance. DrIug.t, PEIA President Mrs. O. W. Roiph, Or- AflianomoeLA V ana, presided. Mrs. D. R. Mor- rison was at the piano for open- ing and closing exercises. di-ou lm J. BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP - o--------- -- -75 Mecca Ointment- 49e, 98e, 1.65 Pinex Cough Syrup 50e, 85e Smith Bras. Couth Drops 10e Boots Meloids - -__..35e Pertussin Cough Eemedy .59c, 1.00 Norwa7 Fine Synup 60e, 79e CUfhlSfEk r r' -aP VICK'S VAPO-RUR Regular size - 3c Economy size - 8 Thermogene Wool 69c, 1.23 Grove's Bramao-Quinine- 39e, 69e Buckley's Mixture 50c, 85e Jack and Jli Caugh Syrup - 50e MÂCLEÂI4S LPE ROXIDE- TOOTH PASTE' e. * ALL AT ON4E TLIW PERMANEN I 4' NO NEUTRAUZE 0 No RE-SETTINS SNo TIRESOME WUOOI U MceGregor, IW e Deliver Youz Local I.D.A. Drug Store r r occurred when the car driven nor cutsanmd brulses. by Wood pulled out of a side Driver ai the other car and naad anto the highwmy in the only occupant, Dick Wood, w«u path ai the Oshawa car dniveri badly shaken and bruised and by John Brawn. suffercd a possible broken noue. Most seriously injurcd ai the The injured were treated at six passengers in the Brown car Memarial Hospital, Bowman- was Harry Kelsh, Oshawa, who ville, by Dr. H. Ferguson. neceivcd several braken rlbs. __________ Four other Oshawa men, George and Jack Robinson, Dave Smith When we are Yaung, friends and Edwmrd Kunkel, suffered are, like everythin aie. bruises and minon Cuts. The matter ai course. In the ald si.xth passenger. Dareen Woad, days we knaw what it means te Bowmanville, mIsa suifered mi- have them.-Edward Grieg. w' Pj BRYLCREEM 'nu IMMUM ag Eiot#%s amy 0" *socia ee '>1 j t' LE e-ARADIM BTA"MM, ÔUT,& The Radio Shop e8 Ring St. East Phone 573 PACM mvm ÉTIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE rALUES AND REMNDERS FOR THURSDAY l - &&,q FRIDAY AND SATURDAY is 79c ýl .UUO f7- SPECIALS ON 1. D. A. BRAND 9 ý Beef, Iron and Wine 9 Alexo