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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1954, p. 4

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- --. ~ 44é~AZL~, I.JW U1ALV IJ.Ls, .>IWAPUMNRDY TE t,15 Current , and Con fidential Bp Maie Carruteu, Luney A. WINTERS TALE Uncle Dan Patta. (so-callec beceuse a great - great - great great-grandiather beck in the mists ai time about five yeers ega had came ta the inglariaus end of being potted rabbit on the table ai those wild-shooting humans who lived et the head oi the valley) shook the snovw frmm is whiskers, shifted the mail sack on bis back and bar- cd his teeth et the North Wind. Evemybody knows the mai] ,-iust go thmaugh "came snaw or hall" and sa an, but Uncle Dan Patta had been carrying the mail ever since be was a nipper helping his father and the finit flush ai enthusiesm had long ega worn off. Besides, this weather made bis rheumatism worse. If it badn't been for al these Special Delivemy letters ta every groundhog in the valley, he'd have been tempted, just this once, ta say there was toa much snow. But it was Ground- hog Day, Feb. 2, and the Me- teoralogical Service in the cap- ital was expecting every ground- hag ta do bis duty. Stili, Uncie Patta didn't see why he should have ta wake them ail up. Some of them weren't very goad tem- pered about it. Why didn't the Governent do its awn dirty work? Archie and Millicent Wben he got ta the Archibald Groundhog's be waa quite out ai breath. In a minute when he'd got it back again, he scrap- ed away same snow, put bis mouth to a amaîl hale and whist- led through his twa iront teeth. The mail be'd leit lest week and the week befome was still in the letter box so he knew that Miily and Yes-My-Love Ar- chibald weren't up yet. Another cold wait in the snow, for thcse letters had ta be delivercd ln persan. Uncie Patta stamped his feet ta warm tbem Up. Just then a cbunk of snow flew out and bit hlm square in the eye. "Came on down, Uncle Patta," seid a blurred vaice. "Blast!" said Uncle Patts, wlp- Ing the snow fram his face. I always farget ta uncaver the return end ai these speeking tube things. Fo01 ai an inven- tion anyway. In my day an oid- fasbioned sod knacker wes gaad enough." Stili grumbling, he stertcd down the dark narnaw steirs. He couldn't sec a tbing after beîng out in the snow. "Nobody cares if I break a ieg-"l "Here we are Uncie Potts,"' Archie said putting bis rmm around hlm.- "'Oh. oh. Wýhat-stairs," Uncle Patta groared. Then hc drew himseif up, pusbed out bis chest and intoned, "As an cmissar ai Her Majesty, employed ln the Postal Service ai Canada, one ai ber Dominions beyand the sees, I bereby deliver in per- san ta the rightiui addressee this Speciai Delivery letter!" He let out what was ieft ai bis breetb in another groan. "You know Archie, I don't think I cen do this enather year." Sit Rlght Up "What yau nced is a cup ai goad strang coifee," Milly said briskly ratting the stove lid.-i "Fartunately I got this na-gaad men oai nine up in lime ta have a lire gaing f1r you. Now sit rlght Up." 44Yeu rny love," Arcbie said absenly as he scenned the ie- ter. His wife gave hlm a witbcmlag glance, but he wesn't looking et ber. "Wes the sua shinlng whcen you caenl Uncle Patta?" he asked. "Oh no you don't," Uncle Potta aaid, wiping caffee and taasit crumbs fromi hi, whiskera. "Yau know I'm not suppased ta tell. You have ta go out and sée for y'ourseli and then fill in that form lan triplicate and send it ta thc Meteorological Bureau sa they can têke an Éverage and reckon the weathem for the next six weeks. The second copy goca ta the Bureau ai Stetisties." He scetcbed bis enr. "I do't kaow wbet thcy do withi the third." "Keep it for a file capy, ai course," Milly said with e su- periar air. Milly had warked in an office befone she married Ar- chie. Middlc ai March "Personaily," Uncie Potts continued, "I dan't think it makes a demn bit af difference. Spring neyer cornes before the middle of March anyway." "How right you are," sighed Archie. He had his head in a corner, roating in a pile of coats, Lsweaters, boots and boxes. L"Whet in the world are yau daing?" his wife demanded. o"Looking for my galoshes, my lve," Archie replied meekly. "l'il have ta go I suppose." "They're flot there you idiot. You know I alweys put them in the spere roorn closet. Of course you'll have ta go. It's your duty as a groundhog." "Weil thanks for the coifee, Millicent," Uncle Potts said when Archie staod ready in his avercoat, muffler and galoshes. "Archie can heip me up the- Oh my stars and bload hounds!" "What's the mnatter?" sald Ar- chie and Millicent together. Buater Again "I neariy forgat ta give you this pasteard irom your nephew Buster. He's ln Tampa. Just taak a hop over ta Havana ta do the night clubs he says."1 "That gaod - for - nathing!" snarted Milly. "A rolling atone gathers no mass." "Ah!" Uncle Patts said, rail- ing his eyes. "But he's living, that boay. If 1 were bis age again "Me tôo," sighed Archie fer- vcntly. "Archibald!" P"ýYes my love. Came an Uncle Potts. Governments," he said bitterly as be boosted Uncle Patta up the staîrs. "Thcy'll be wantihg ta know what-I eat for breakfast next. Breakfast! That reminds me, I haven't had any. Nathing ta cet since lest Navem- ber. I wandem haw those Gov- ernment fellows would like ta get aut on a cold marning on an empty stomach- And of course the aun is shining." He stoad blinking in the bright white light. "Wasn't when I went in," Un- cle Patta aaid. "Sa ai course thei whale thing is just a waste ai ýd IS n 9 d v e r n e r ;t blMore D.T.U.'s per dollar Wittf» h fah a #à* 7 King St. L, with //ew TV-lm AS teW M w..keO i wff-l* Me ageubmt pg besiva bu figu WOM mmha fUwe.dt"h - -màmbm Phone 774 UEEUUEUUEUUEEUBM5UUUUEUUUUU..E% Youth For Christ Rally Features Whiiby Orchestra la upite ai the change la th weatber the Saturday nigl Youth P'ar Christ mally in t] Bowmenvilic town hall wes wel attended. During the sang service le by Arcbie Campbell the eig. Wice vniety orchestra i hitby made a wonderful bac] graund. The musical number wcre meny, bowever bigblight la g the evcning wea eleven yea aid Carnl MMen fmom Whitbl wbo sang first "You Ain't Go Nothiapr At Ail", then blendirl ber vaice with the 8-piece strn ensemble bmaugbt a very atnik lng aumber "From the Mange: to the Cross". The Harmonie quantet, memi bers ai the orchestra, pleyet "This World la Nat My Home" Ail la ahl it was icît ta be tb( best programme here la Bow manville this yeer. The message ai the eveniný was brought from the Word ci God, St. Luke 9 -.59, by Rev E. Conbctt, B.T.H., inom Whit. by, Ont. The wonds reconded ir this portion of the Bible i "And He aaid unto anothen, Fa]- low me. But he said Lord, auf- fer me firat ta go and bury my father." It was aaounced that anather raiiy will be beld Feb. l3th, Gucat soloist and speaker will be young Gerald Margan imo Peterboro. Also an Mondey, Feb. 8, 1954 the wonld's finit Christian western picture wll be sbawn la the Bowmanviill town hall et 7:45 p.m. OBITUARY ERNEST GEORGE MITCHELL The deeth ai Ernest George Mitchell occurcd suddenly on Jan. 24 et bis resideace, 10 Hunt St., Bawmenvilie. Mn. Mitchell, Who wes 76 yeans ai age, was the son ai the lete Mm. and Mrs. Luther Mitchell end was borr et Bettersea, Englaad, on Dec. 25. Mr. Mitchell had retired and eajoyed gardening la the ici sure time et bis disposal. He w as a member ai St. John's An- glican Cburch and St. John's MÇen's Club. He is sunvived by his wife, Alice; anc daugbten, Charlotte, and anc grendchiid, Donothy; elso two brothers and anc sister la E ngland. Funerel service was held in St. John's Anglican Chunch'on Wedaesday, Jan. 27, with Rcv. Warren Turner essisted by Rcv. DePencier Wright, Leaside, e former rpctor ai St. John's, con- ducting the service. Mrs. John Guna presided et the argen. Among the many beautiful floral tnibutes wene those ai St. John's Men's Clubi, Companians ai the Forest, Memanial Park Association, St. John's Eveniag Branch W.A., as weil as those ai ncighbors and fnienda. Pelibean- ers were Messrs. Reg. Harding, Rolad Bete, W.J.E. Ormiston, Bert Parker, Henmy Hem and Harry Sutton. Intermeat wes in Bowmavilie Cemctery. Friends attendcd the funenel fnam. Oshawa, Peterborough, 17oroato nd Nigara Flls. time. One icllow secs bis sha- dow and another doesn't. Sa wvhat? But I suppose tbey have to bave snmething for- those Government clenka ta do. V'I call beck for your forma about aour o'clock." Archie yewned."Oa. h boy! Another six weeks' ie THE END i - 1 "Wally" Shaw Retires Es 1rmGoya fe SUN MONDAY TUESDAY WDNESDAY TURSDAY FRIDAY STURDAY Over 38 Years' Service! The aew Toronto "Wingiooi Clan" in its latest issue reports wberce nothen populer native son ai Bawmanville, in the per-1 san ai Wallae Shaw, brother ai Mrs. Dave R. Morrison, ofi tbis town, retires on pension aiter 38 years and 8 months con- BOAPDO0F R A1LWAY 1st DIV CEF PREPARE&FOR il PECY ARgS EHA SCORN Y LOARINS 0F WINDSORAMD SI1% NATIONS £ELL tin uuaand feîtbful service COMMISSIONER ORANI1 IN YE 1KINGAN FTCH NER RPE O ARBOROS WESERN DSE1S BR i 1H EMPIRE 94ýOOO ACRES INWAEMOO 13ROCKVILLE rI EDav witb the Goodyer Tire & Rub- ber Ca. Weily beld the impor-p tant and exacting position oi Quehity Supenvisar. In repart- iag bis fareweil prescnattian, eiong with two other long ser- vice mca, the Wingiaof Clan bas this ta say: Elmer Brak, Division B Su- perintendent, pesented Welly . - $50 bilîlwitb -the request that I m PIRIE OF lORONM >SETS 6E, CANAPIAN SOCIEI1Y FOR1-ME C )AA WINS f:ouR-MLES WINS WORI. S FAN SI<ATIN&X TRONMO 5 PAIS FPANCNiiSEf VIRSCANADIANSKIC4AMPiON be buy himseli samething in 1 ANtS5 RECORD FOR 110-YDO RF PREVETImON OF CRU ELTiI D REE BPARV 0PE145MN INGLE DYA E CRAMPION5HfPAJ TeR5UGPJCAEI OMT~SISMNRA remembrance ai the many STYLE SWIM 19IC38 ANIMAIS FOIJNDEO, 1869 AT GUELPH,1883 GAMES, 938 PU5SIA, 159 PRESENT LEAFSv 1927 (WiNf.> N& JUMP 6orFErT fnienda be la leaving behiadml hi, retirement. Wýaliy attended a iarcweii ga-- thering ai Division "B" fonemen t-ep at which a pictune wes taken. Wally started witb Goodyer la the Bowmanville days underJ J. A. Gilbooly and leter moved up ta New Toronto wbere he eventuaily beceme general fore- year products made hlm an ex- IRST 'S L ALL STA R VARSrfTY JDENTS'ON STRI KE# CANA1DAS CI4ARLIE GORMAAI 2 w- -&BAFAMED INDIAN T~1ER SCORES 5:PLA)CrON 10RON10 BA5ESALL CLUB celentmanionth jo aique- Ami:ACE BAILEY BENEFIT) Wm.> W L MACKENZIE KIN4G ST OL PEED TIN& RAIL AYOPENEDFROM S FHSRNN WLS; BAM- SVARSITY GRADS BEAT MOVES 1DNANLANS ity supervision whicb position!1 A LEADER, 18c55OR244 1D5 28I FALST)PRM1 59 FORD1DOROMM10iO NLISY1 916 5 1SFOR OLYPvPIC11TLE, l928 ISLAND, 190O8 he bas held for meny years andi& 1 -1 on wbich he bas donc excellent wonk. Wally wes a fine cbep,- always a gentleman and a per- son you could be proud ta know. -.;- The trio were the guestsa ., the Company et lunch with P their depantment heedsaned long J \Z.. tirae associates. County Council Names Commillee Chairmen Counties Cauncil appointed the cammittees et lest week's mneet- ing and the faliowing are the makeups: Road Commission, Northum- berland, four years.-Gardon Honey; Raad Commission, Nar- thumberland, twa years, Ray Bothwell; R a ad Commission, Durham, anc year-Alan Beer; Auditar of Criminal Justice Accounts-H. G. Woadley; Dur- ham Reforestation Commission, two years-H. B. Wilson; Board ai Management. Durbam, two years-Stuart Grey; Children's Aid Society, Durham-Art Mc.. Kay; Children's Aid, Northum- berland-G. Broadworth, Coun- tics Board of Health, Durham, one year-Roy Nichols, Courtice; Board ai Healtb, Durham, two ýlt av edMEATS uncovered and without water. ht Hello Homemekers! Every Raest tender cuts of three )ln trade bas ita awn techaicel lan- pouads or more. k- gu:age and tbe expert is as fem- Spareribs in Sweet-sour Cherry ns ier with the terms as be is with Sauce t- the tools ai bis trade. When you 2 piecca beck nibs (park ar thiak ai it, cookcmy bas its owfl spare-mibs) Y technical ternis and lack ai un- i tbsp. fat Ot deratanding them is aiten me- 2 cupS saur pie cherries 1g sponsible for tough stringy 1/ tsp. grauad claves 19 meet and ather baking trage- 1 clave garlic, cnushed k- dies. 'À cup brown sugar, firmly er Perhaps we shouid review the packed définition ai the termis cancern- 1/4tsp. dry mustard n- ing the coaking ai meat. This là tsp. sait *d mey result in less shrinkage, 2 tbsps. floun mare serviags and themefore 3 tbsTs. vinegar ic mare saving. Then tao, tender, 1 cup water v- juicy and flavonful meat ila the Cut spaeribe inta tbre nb moat satisfying part of the meal, portions. Brown in bot fat lnaa ig don't you agréé? heavy akillet. Remove ribs and DfTAKE A TIP keep bot. Drain cherries. Pour V. Sute r Pn-fr-Thse trmacherry juice into skillet. Add v- bat eePn-ta cook enismaloclve,, garlic. brown sugar, mus- not amn i ot fatina sa tard, sait, ilour, vinegar, and wa- pnamn Liv oter a in afi'ying ter. Stir and caak until sauce la ýs:pan Lierseusages and meat smooth and thick. Retuma riba patties are usually sautecd. takie.AdchresCvr [y Fry or Deep Fry-To caok inaend cook slowly on surface heat ya deep kettie in enough hat fat or in a moderate aven (350 de- ta ilaat the food. Used chieflY grees, M'2 boums. Twa or tbrec rwhen meet is elmcady caoked, times durîng caoking, dip sauce as in craquettes. over the ribs. Yieids 4 ta 6 serv- ElPan Broil-Meat ila placed in ings. Ma warrn, ungmeased heavy pan Frulted Pot Roast te and turned frequently during i(3t5lb)efporat st caoking. Fat is paumed off as it 1(Chuck or) rumfpot)o Iaccumulates. Used for tender 2 tbsps. r fat p lchop, bacon and steaks. 2 cusps wate Broil or Grill - These terma 3 tbsps. mixed pickling spices bath mean ta caok under direct 12 cup dried apricats heat-usually the preheated top 1/ý cup died prunes aven element. Meat is placed an 1 tsp. sugar a rack ia a pan ta catch the Brown the meet in bot fat la Ldipping. There sbauld be a dis- a heavy kettie. Add water and tance ai ilve or six inches be- spices. Caver tightiy and sim- etween bot elément and the méat, mer 3 ta 3½ b oums or until fork n Basting is nat necessany but tender. During lest hour ai caak- steaks, lemb chopa, spareriba. or ing add apricots, prunes and su- bacon sbould be turned during gar. Yields 6 ta 8 servings. scoaking. TEQETO O Braise-Meet la iirst browned TEQETO O nby sauteing then cooked slowîy Mrs. C. C. asks: Why do veal in a cavered pan either an top cutlets dry' out when broiled? of range or the aven wîtb the Answer: We prefer ta braise addition ai water or tamala veal cutiets. You wili also iind juice. Leas tender meats cut in that iresb park (chopa, or loin aerving partions are caaked this ends) should not be braiied. way. Mrs. T. K. asks: How do you s Pot Roast-When a less ten- caak a shoulder butt ai park? der meat such as ilank, bisket, Answer: We braise park butta rump, bneast ai veal, blade or in the aven without browning auter rail on shenk in large but the coter ai the pan la re- roasts arc braised, thea cooked1, maved during lest balf boum ai covered, witb cnough liquid ta cooking. Allow 40 minutes per create steam (heuf a cup). Use paund coakiag time. iow heat. Mrs. G. W. esks: Why docs Stew-Meat sbouid be eut liver become dry and tastelesa? into sael pieces and mey be Answer: Siiccd liver should seared then simmemed in iota -)f be sauted eight ta ten minutes lîquid using long, slow cooking. -no langer, an medium heat. Sear-To brown the surface Sametimes the homemaker uses ai the meat which impraves cal- a pan that la wide for two pieces or ai gravy and keeps juices ln ai liver, la which case the pan pot roasts. becomes too bot and fiavons are Par-Bail - To partiaiiy cook lost. in boiling water, same athen Mra. W. H-. asks: How much method beiag used ta complete time shauld we allow ta broil the caaking - usually hem an hem slices tripe is prepanedl this way. Answer: If slices are 1/2 inch Simmer-To c*ok la liquid tbick, broil 8 minutes an ane below bailing point. Tangue and aide and five on other aide. Place stews are immered. pan six inches irom top aven Add monosadlum glutamate- element and nick edges ai meat When this product is spninkled ta prevent curling. aven meat cither raw or cooked* * * it bninga out e mare predomin- Anne Allen invites you ta ae flavor. Write ta ber c/o The Statesman. Add meat tendenizer - When Send la youm suggestions on this praduct <elso iound on bamemnaking probiems and spice sheli et gracer's) 1.5 apnîn- wetch thia columa for replies. kled an meeta -thinty minutes __________ before cooking the meet la not stringy. Let tbcm work for you-The Roast,-To cook in the aven,1 Statesman Ciassifieda. ville; Northumberland, Board ai Health-Cbarles Burrîson, thre ycar term; Cammnssiancrs ai Registry Offices: Cobourg-Jack Erskine; Coîborne-1. Post; Part Hope-Horace Smith; Bowman- vile-Owen Nichoaes; Jeu eand Caunty Offices Commissioner- Charles Jobnston; County Prop- erty-Wamd Archer. Hampton W.MS. Hampton: The Women's Misq- sioaey Society held their Ja- uary mýeetinjget the pansanage, Mrs. LTrui1 apencd the meet- ing. Prayer by Rev. Reed. Ail the 1953 officers gave their re- ports ai Work donc tbroughout the yeem. This wes iollowed by the installation ai aificera for 1954 by Rev. Reed aiter wbich sident, took charge of the meet- ing. Plans are being made for the World's Day of Prayer, also dis- cussing the Bible School. Pro- gram was in charge of Mrs. C. Daw, taken fram "Where'er the Sun" by Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Caverley, also a new year'u reading by Mrs. Daw. Meeting closed by singing "Blest Be The Tic That Binds" and prayer by Rev. Reed. At- tendance 23. Next meeting et the home of Mrs. A. E. Billett, pre- sident. The warden aio a jeul was mystified ta receive a bulky, registered letter addressed to anc whose name was unknowr% to ta everybady in the institi.,, When he flipped the letterwdr, the explanation was forthcom- ing. On the reserve aide the sender bad printed: «'If not in jail yet, kindly hald tiil ho arrives". WORKINO WITN <ANADIANS IN IVIRT WALK OF Lun SINCI 111,18 Lake Shore, Clarke (Intended ion lest week) Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake and famnily visîted Mr. and Mrs. Han- aid Skinner, Tyrone. Mm. Roy McKay, Bronte, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Robin Ail- dred. Mn. and Mn,. Bey. Jaynes spent Sunday in Toronto.' The sympethy ai tbe cam- munity la cxtended ta Mrs. Wii- bur Bakerville, Marilyn ad Jirn'v, and Mrs. J. BaskerVille, on the deatb ai Mr. Wiibur Bab - kerville. MARETPRIEÇ I N CIOS AN 'US AHCANADIENS BLDUINAN 'S ISUN91PALA DI 501 0 8PEE r-rrcAMARIN N R R&DRD SI'RKOF 39rUITsENGLN 10 IARMY - Oe BRiNSRCPS1AKF3DITClOAT 8U6 i CHOICE 1A0 ESTE..M!.9 BA& ODN8 a11 OLD EVTrL.9 IEC5 OSN09Ml4JI SUAPN) 940UN M1NGAEC55TEAKoI94; SiNoUTNFIAIO 0 RECALL FOR CANADIANS TODAY SOME 0F THil IN OUR COUNTRY'S COLOURFUL STORY. PAGE lotim OIL HEATER LOW PYEf SPEC IAL! Special Deal with Power Blower Unit worth $27,50, regular $134 Coleman Heating Unit compicte with Heater, Tank and Blower, ouIy $119.95 Corne i and sec this wonderful heater Lander Hardware vears-Owen Nicholas, Bowman- Mrs. A. E. Billett, the new pre- TEM CAMADIAN qrrAmp-quAu 0%%"Àklbvm

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