__________________________A EA IVI.N, WMAN4VMLLP. ONTAUYf - ~ *u um get untracked in the third Trucmen rosunce Belvle 82 ju simply could not seem oTwo owlers Hit Over 800 Triples get going against the close- - -.-. tecking Truckmen. At 7581 To Pull Inio tirs! Place lie chan Hooper ran the count toi ilBisSilLa nA eae ___________ 6-1 when lie fired home a 25 D iiB footer after being put in thei the Peterboroughi Petes by Duncan drew assists on the; FredEtcher and Wallv Saman eor handing the Belleville Memûs marker. The Memos had a man ski teamed up ait 10.21, with an 8-2 trouneing at the Bow advantage at the time as Bob Samanski pulling the trigger Two bowlers were over 8001 Averageu Inanville Memorial Arena Sa-~ Holden had been waved off for from just a few feet out after this week with Dr. HowardG Ave.1 urday niglit to pull back inoatiping at 13.25. being set up by Etcher's pass. Rundie leading the way with 1B. Bates.......... first-place tie with the Petes. The second period startedi At 12.09 the first penalty shot games of 297-246-314 for a totaliDrRni._____* 4 Peterboroughi had taken the witli the Truckme-n taking the. on Bowmanville ice this season of 857. At Osborne had 300-233- 1 DA. Ohrune ___ 15 2421 league lead Friday niglit by offensive, and they neyer lost was awarded to the Truckmen 298 for an 831 total. B. storne 15 24 downing Kingston 8-5. Th e it during the rest of the game. because a Belleville player had Ten 700 scores were bowled. B. Polley----- 15 234 Petes were idie Saturday night, George Samolenko tied it Up held the puck witb hi.s land iiilBill Westlake 758, Phil Cancilla A. Piper 15 229 however, enabling the Truck- 1.1 at 3.,33 when he cashed a the crease during a scramble.77, atDe er 5,NomT.Bgei1 22 mnen to climb back into the screen shot from close in after Left Wingrer Fred Etcher tok1Hennings and Norm O'RourkeIG. Elliott----- 15 227 deadlock again due to their w*i being fed by Gerry Scott and the shot 'but his drive hit the1 7 v rank Blunt 742, Matt Harr- R. McKnight 15 '226 here. Frank Hooper. post, althougli the shot seemed .sn72,EtonBok77 akR ere1 2 It was a decisive victory for At 5.43 of the stanza, Goyer f0 have Sarault beaten if it had Lander 705 and Bill Bates 701. P. Cancilla 15 2231 the Truckers and after the first was sentenced to a b ooking been on the net. Walt DeGeer had higli single N. O'Rourke 15 222 period, which ended 1-0 for the penalty and had a 1-minule with 350, while Normi Henning J. Coole ... 15 222 Memos, the home, forces were misconduct tacked on for argu- had 323, Dr. Rundle 314, Reg. Iý. Brock ____ 15 222 in control all the way. The se- ing with too strong language to Hearle 306, Ai Osborne and Ken D. Taylor 15 221 cond framne ended 5-1 for Osb- Referee "Sixty" Coombes on the utn30B.Mle1 20 awa and they added three more matter. Whilc lie was sweating Lutn30J.LMimer 15 220 n the third against one lone it out in.the coo1er. Red PetersBil atsssiiledgin.Lner1 20 Belleville reply.fiealoglwdvetbin the averages with 246, while Dr. Dr. Slemon 15 220) The high-scoring Duncan brc% the liglit behind Sarault. Ernie udeiinscdpotonwhE.Prc 1 20 thers and linemate Doug Day IDickens and Maxie Yourth were 244 and Al Osborne is third with P. Yeo ~_____ 521 wee el o nI netal b cedtd it ssst.242. Bruce Mîlne's team is on R. Fry 12 212 were lethog n n ca n Jby c kd T ih sa p t he ntop with 25 points with Dr. T. Phllips 15 211 D a y a th o g h E d w n u n c n a c T h le u p e d th e c o ntS le m o n 's a g g re g a tio n in se co n d J . C a lla n 15 2 1 1 1 had two assists and brother Er- to 3-1 at 7.44 from a shot in spot with 24 points. W. DeGeer 15 210 win helped on one goal. Vern close, wvith Sinden and Wally i Dr. Rundle's team had high E ude1 0 Goyer pegged the other Belle- Samanski in en the play. Gerrysigeaeof122swel MDe ville tally. Scott got bis first of two goals ingle triple, 3,618. wllasM. Harrison--- 15 209J Six Truckmen got on the ait 16.415 on a play set up by . Raytrooke, wo,61 ow honors risn 1 209 Iý scoring sheet. Gerrv Scott and Plaving Coach Ernie Dickens. with a 91 single - with Dutch M.Lrer ----12 209 Jack Thaler each 'sniped two Jack Thaler was also given an M.a mnlivng11 RyBrorGmier 15 09 and singletons went to "Sain-1 assi t. Hlmnhvn l.RyBokG.Ppr--------- --1 2081' S a m o l e n o , B ih P e t e r s F i n a l g o al o tAie e ri o d h i c h ~w o n tr ip le h o n o r s w it b 3 8 1 w h ule ~ G a a -1 0 ni' aoek . ilPtrs a ol.ftepridw hDutch had 443. J. Gaa 5207E Frank Hooper and Wally Sam- made the coujnt 5i-1 also came S Woods ----1520 E anski. fro the stick of Scott one min- Ailey Chatter M. Vanstone 12 207 E Memos Draw First Blood ýute and 47 seconds later when Ron Maynard is on the sick Dr. Austin 15 206L Big Vern Goyer gave Belle- hie took a pass from Hooper and Mitbti shpdh ilb .Sehn ------ 1 0 Ville their first period lead 3tý skated in alune to beat Roly back very soon to help Fred R. Maynard 12 206R 13.47 when he hit the post froin1 Sarault cleanly. Harry Sinden Cole's team in its fight for the H. Janzen ---- 15 20)6 D about 20 feet out witb a shot 1 also received a n assist on thismne.W haeodnesfrDLite1 20 that neyer left the ice. The rub- marker. .. lebwrseog ElitwaBEney1 20 berboucedtherigt wy ad FankHooer ets6thnot eliminated in the second J. Gay ---------- 15 203 2 bner bup ned the crght way nd F a k Ho1r Ges 6hround of the tournam ent, but . W illiam s 15 20.3 ene pi h od eidThe Memos were trying iard was top man with 1,405 for five B. Oliver,--------- 15 202 games, or an average of 281. It T. Miller ------------ 15 202 71 -. is also rumoured, now that D. McKnight------ 15 202 .that a trophy may be given to B. Oke--------------------- 15 200 9 the winner. ScottDr. Rundle bas informed the Gerry Scottbowlers that anyone wbo is bard N. Cowle TakesB Oshawa scored their final up, just see him at the office P] counter to make it 8-1 at 17.55 akdfl AIUIL urs in withEl on a breakaway play. Fred Et- some green ink and some blank o H nrs nE icher passed the puck to Dickens chieques. cguha wholo e i to Jack Thaler We had the pleasure of having Duha eague J in the clear. Sarault came too an inspection tour of the alleysM far out of his citadel in attempt- with Manager Elliott, and we Team Pins Points C ing to save and Thaler beat him were amazed at the good con- Enikle l--46 8B dean alleysI.- -T--ey486ou8ld cleanly. dition of the . es.Te wudA. & P ---- 15497 27 At 19.06 Harry Sinden was make any liousewife envious of Palmer's 15070 26 Bi waved to the penalty bencli for the sbine and cleanliness. George Foundry 15525 23 B WIHa trip and a last minute offen- is really proud of the alleys and Mc .tY' 15473 23 01 WIHsive gave the Belleville crew rightly so. We aIl break the C. o. F.- 15276 20 their second goal at 19.5 1. Doug rules at times but we should try Blackstock 14187 17 W' Day was the tiggerman after and keep back of the fou l lne Trn ----- 145 1 . I D*taking a pass from Edwin Dun- and try not to bounce the ball. Maple Grove 13822 12 La Scan, who in turn had been fed It would only take a second, 50 Enniskillen 1 13555 7 Sby Goyer. the next time you bowl examine L. 0. L.---------- 13427 ~7 Bu Sarault did not seemi up to your shoes and see that no nails Hampton --------- 12324 4 form in the Belleville cords and are protruding to scratch the c the whole teami had troubleru ay. ncseyueitr Averages El] FROM gettng organzed. DougDay, esdw the runways extending E. McQuaid ------- ------- ---232 Fil Goyer and Jake Wade were the 10 fe the alleys approximately -B. Hearle---------223 Ha cko h eo. l h 0fet, are made of liardwood, N. Cow'le .*.29K pic 0ftheMems. il te s f t healleys are soft- G Wie . . ..2179sKa U aScott, Jack Thaler and Red Pe wo dN.o ba] b uning --ve--r---N--- 214 oet '~~ L~ fi Y' Nu ~ters standing out particularly 0otmr cudlaeaE. King L When WeTest Eyes lit Ys Done Properly for the home forces. det Wednesday-Feb.-17-our - Tho-pson211 23l YOR REXALL DRUG STORE Ice Chips senior mnembers of the MÇen'sJ. Coombes----27B PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE Tecodwaaandsp ao League, Cecil Osborne, K. YMoLaug6iGe ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ pointing-only about 550 cus- will be celebrating his golden H ~ o.2 6 G tomers . . Th rcmnMn dn. We imagine this is a H cLauglilin ------- 0 e agement announced over theirecord for a major league bowl- J. Slemon -----204 210 loudspeaker that a bus would er. Congratulations f0 Mr. and BudLenitt------- 21l D be cliartered on Saturday to take Mrs. Cecil Osborne from the J. Wrigt-----------------201 DBr the home fans to Kingston for memýbers of the Major League. L-Wit-------------- ------ -- 201Br the Truckers transferred gamelHappy anniversary and many L MacDougal------------- o with the Goodyears . . . Fare more of them! . Lemon League Ohi ____________________________ to the game will be provided Men's Major Standing F. Gif fin --------------- 7M free for those making the trip j End of Sth week, 2nd Sehedule B. McNair ----------------- - --- 5f Be' One bus was quickly filled Team W L Pins Pts. 1. Munday --------------------9 8 B et 166 u, nditwa tenan'oncdMîlne il 4 16737 25 Higli Triple-N. Cowle 754 Ev. IE T EwI W A ILEthat a second one will be used iSiemon 10 5 16058 24 High Single-N. Cowle --- 345 Rut -- if enougli fans signified their 9 61822 n THURS. -FR1- SATntntionoEBgiil-.. T2-13s Rundle ----- -- 6160 22_______________ O ineto 0 on ..Teb Bagnell ------ -8 7 16864 19 MOI TRUIRS. FIRI. SAT. FEB. 11 12 -13 es will leave the Arena on St a urday ffroo t .5. a- eeer. 8 7 16631 19 TICKETSM Brocoo t .1.k 8 7 16479 18 TO EVERYWHERE Dot Belleville-Goal. Sarault: de-Iae7 8165 17 ArRilo tmsp Th jfne ae adagSn-Osborne 7 8 166591617 Ar, Ra l teasi ark, Goyer, Bastedo; forwards Ltl ---- 7 8 16126 16RY LOV L' fee, Woande Wra uh emo'Co8 -16279- 16' & ouit 6 637164 HOT TIPI DON'T MISS THIS Iran MacDonald, Pete Jones,-----------65 91018630714 Bowmanville S Ervwin Duncan, Dave Jones, Ed- B'rouglrk1e586i 15 King St. W..- Phone 778 TIPPITY-TP MUSICALTHAT WILLwin Duncan, Day.---41 159 9 HAVE YOUR HEARI GOING Truckmen-Goaî, Colvin: de -___________________________ For HIPPITY-HOP! fence, Dickens, Peters, Sinden, !\ Betli:Hforwards. Scott, Samn- o"enko.Hoper, Samanski. Tha- 1er, Etcher, HoJden, Yourtb, Berwick. Officias-Stan Boshier. "Six- I ty" Coombes. j~~~à pu-. f :Jkns------1 20 33lImi1 in ooper 13 20433M WUMLAb IUHI'4 111 JuEuIu1~'ç Sctt ----14 1 27-And there lies a woman's skill in pro. he 'T Z - ' ~Siden412 13 22 viding for her farilv W ith many roducts e ft Mansi th 5 61451 if women seek a lot for their money tbey Ontar 'w, nki9 1 sacrifice goodness and quality. But when Of lasi 461Peters - ----- -7 8 15bui GingrAle thousands Of women 20 assi Holden ~7 7 ;4 b n knwtate LSNSIMND Hea -.Berwick 7 6 13 no to htWIS N IM ight, Yaorh------ 12 JUBILEE soles the problem of gettingnte. counc sort 7 12 Most of the Best, for the Least Mons.Tul Williams 5 7 12 this xw WE.-THURS.- FEDRUARY 17- 181 Wilson -------- 4 6 10 Satur( spot. Unis.d'fl .Mains aniWages paid to Japanese prim- in the Unie flteMenslniarv textile workers are nine per Foîlg ceint of the wages paid for sîn- igg ilar jobs in Canada. Player _____ _____E. Du Murrae ARTHRITIC 'PAINS Payne Are you suffering from arthritic Fryia pains" If so . .. write at once t0 MacGr ~ ~ ~ pê GHE8RYPickwood Pbarxacal Co. Ltd, G N GER ALES Leonar 5U a~ ~ NcNUT IMiltn, Ont., for particulars of IE AL Bowen ~ o>w ~hein g u a r a n t e e d treatment. 62.1 Favenu Monex- refunded if pains are o DIAMOND UIEDR GOLDEN AMBER Greenli __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ relieved, ofJU I E D YEtcher j __ ____ ____ ____ ____Partis From occupied Poland cornes1 another figure- emerged from the the story of two ghosts that fell shadowýs, thinner, even more nto conversation on the dark-: terrifying than either of the ened docks at Gdynia. -l died spectts. 'When did you die?'$ n 1939 when the Nazis invaded queried one of the phantorns. our, country," sighed the first The ghost-like stranger answerq. "Thev got me while I \vas ed indignantly: 1Im fot dead iighting in the underground," yet, vou fools! I'm on my way recalled the second .. Just then homýe from work!" Elaine Manko Tai High-Single in Name Ave. Kay Beauprie --218 Vi. Coole ----- -203 Eleanor Larmner 202 Lii. Phillips --202 Doris Joîll--- 200 Onie Etcher 195 Bernice Budai --193 Lydia Bates-- - 192 Mary Harrison 191 Elaine Manko - 189> Hilda Brock 187- Hazel Davis 186 Norma Gay - -185 Helen Duna ---184 Ev. Sweetman- 179 Babe Brown 178 Mel. McNulty -178 Ena Etcher 176 Helen Moore 174 Sadie Bucknell --173 Ollie Patfield 173 Edna DeGeer 173 Joyce Majqr 170 Dot. Cromnbie 170 Lola Wright --169 Ruthi Barclay -168 L.il. Hooper 168 Ede. Marlow 168 Jean Firth 168 M'arg. Elliott 167 1 Jean Pattrick. 167 1 NJorma Hooper -- 166 1 A1yce Hodgson _ 1661 Viv Pickard ---165 Eva Whitehead --165 Helen Piper .-- 164 1 Edna Large------164 1 Li]. Cônnors -- 162 1 Sylvia Bucknell . 162 1 Reva Parker ---- 162 High Average, Kay Beaur Ga. 12 12 12 12 12 12 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 9 12 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 9 kes Pin 26l' 2431 242à 242, 231 2M~ 1M7 23() 22ff 227" 224Z 2231 222 2213 214E 2137 213) 2108 1567 2081 2081 2072 2045 204. 2031 2020 2015 2010 1509 2002 1999 1994J 1 992 1 978 1974 191 1964 1 948~ 1940 1459 1930 1916 iprie riko, nko, Beauprie 22 10833 bhillips --- - 18½1/210826 ,teher O. 18 11202 4tcher E. - 18 10318 oo0le ---- 17 10044 eoore 14 9920 'ourtice ------- - .. 12 ',z11056 3udai---------------- 12 10326 ýucknell Sylvia 8 10203 rock- 8 10048 ýuckneil Sadie 5 9863 )ver . 200 games are Twenty- nine, 'hicli you'll agres ,in mighty fine, ,st week it was just the same, lut witli just one »00 game. Elaine Manko 3.31, Ena Et- her 308, Helen Dunn 297, Marg. lîott 282, Doris Joli and Jean irth 269, Vi. Coole 267, Mary irrison 266, Ollie Patfield 265, ,y Beauprie 263, Alyce Hodg- )n 246, Ev. Sweetman 245, He- in Moore 238, Hazel Davis 236, l. Philips 234, Mary Wilcox 2, Toots Wiseman- 231, Lydia ates 230, Mel. McNulty 221, ut. Edniondson 220, EdIna De- eer 220, Emma Brommeli 216, ýan Pattrick 212, Vel. Miller .. Helen Corden 210, Ede. inrlow 206, Hilda Brock 205, ot. Crombie 203, (Babp rown 266.) Lemon League ive Moffatt ------------------72 nrons Shane ------------3 tty Fogg ------------ 79 th Chatran ----- 79 len Milnes-- - --- 82 .Sweetman ~84 thJohinson 91 ise Courtice 96 d. Fair --- --- 999 &Lemons are eut down by one, surebe glad when they are done, much wasted effort and time, rus, who can't exceed Nine- Higli 733. Higli Triple, Elaine Man Sig Po lintMa Senior "B" Jp to and including gamnesi Feb. 6: lawB ---1913 0162 139 38 erboro 18-14 2 165 160 38 lia .16l5 1152 14833 igston - 16 17 1 173 164 33 leville 11 i 21 0 140 181 22 Games Last Week eb. 2-Osl'awa 9. Onillia b; es 5. Belleville 6. eb. 3-Belleville 7, King- 18. b. 5--Kingston 5, Peterbo- b. 6-Onllia 3, Kingston 1. eville 2, Oshawa 8. Gaines This Week ýb. 9-Oshawa nt Bellevill3.. ýb. 12-Osbawa at Peterbor- b. 13-Kingston at Oshawai t to be played at Kingston. 12 Scorers Senior League ftwinger Fred Etcher )f Truckmen was still amnong top twelve in the Eastern ýri Senior "B" League as t Friday with 20 goals andI ists for p total of 40 points ided two assists Saturday thoweyer. to bring lis tup to 42 and witli the: mren Playing thres gamnes; week lie should end up by : rday niglit witli a higlien owing are the top twelve eleag ue up to and includ- urnes of Febnuary 5: ýr G A Pts. incan (B)--- 31 29 60 ay(K 33 26 59 B<OR) 26 29 i5 )uncan (B> 20 34 54 (P) ---- ----- 38 13 51 ýegor (K) 29 20 49 ird (P) ----- 13 35 18 * (OR)--------- 20 27 47 * OR) 17 27 441 aw (P) 18 q5 4.3. r<( ) ------ 20 20 40f (K) 10 30 10- ut [Isr c.L 36 14 199 38 09 89 731 37 23 3 8 il; 39 15 U )2 q I4 9 IL MODEL BS-.38C-Gives you a real de luxe range for your small kitchen. Only 30 inch- es wide. vet oven is big enough to bake 6 pies at once! Full-width cooking top lamp: Cook-Master Oven Clock Control, full-width storage drawer; Lifetimne Porcelain finish on cabinet and oven; de-luxe Signal Panel; Oven Signal Liglit; four Radiantube Surface Units; 2-Speed Electnic Time Signal; Automatic Appliance Outiet: Higli- Speed Broiler; waist higli; Automatic OVen $ Interior Liglit $39.75 Heiglit: 481s" Widtb: 30" ~Dale MasonI 36 KING ST. E. PHONE 408 Bowmanville Memorial ACTI VlTlES THURSDAY, ýFEBRUARY il PUB LICt .SKATIN G 0 u j.iii SATURDAY, FEDRUARY 13- PUBLIC SKATING ADMISSION - Aduits 35e 3:0pM . JRT GANEFF ChuidrGAen MIDPCET PEOF DO WNAN VILLE Final game of a home and home, goals to count series. Teams are now tied, 4-4. GO ODYEAR "ALL-STARS"" rOWN LEACUE 'ALL-STARS' LDMISSION TO BOTH GAMES - Aduits - 50e Children - 25e 'UESDAY, FEBRUARY 16- SENIOR 99B" HOCKEY Gaine Time 8:30 p.m. ORILLIA "PONTIACS" " VS. THE "TRUCKNqEN"" SPECIAL AVTRACTION ss Elaine Richards, courtesi' Oshawa and Bow- inville Skating Clubs, well known figure skating rsonality, wiIl do her famnous "'Grandnlaw Act" d other novelty routines between periods. Aduits, reserved (sides) 1.00 Aduits, reserved (ends) ...75 Aduits (general admission (standing) - .7.5 Children (reserved or otherwise) .54) NOW IN FRIGIDAIRE'S FAMOUS THRIFTY-30 Line! mis mai per and AD] --.~ PAOB TWELYN Ilth, 1954 1 mi m TM CANADIL&M morAw-emAu -.-- Children 20( Children zoc 1 1 8:00 P.M. 1: 15 P.M. SECOND CAME