~4l~ ~ TRE AJAOIA1'i TATZMMi. IOWMANV=LU.ONTAMO Pee Wee Rangers are Having a Good Season in Minor Hockey >4 -t The Pee Wee Rangers, pictured here, are having a goad season Bill Crossey, John Goode. Back raw, left. I ln the Pçe Wee division of the Bowmanville Minor Hockey League, Left Paul Hancock, Bob Richards, Allun Cale, Ci to right, front rw, are: David 0O Rourke, Ross Turner, Grant Wright, Emmerson and Coach Walter Goode. -Photc v p I M I Cleans all over1 DOWN $10.00 A moi *. 9.1VO." Demonstrat rhe Rai 8 KING ST E. WW 1 j9ý a*~Feb. lat, was in charge a! Rev. T. A. Morgan o! Trinity United from position bChurch and interment was in AS. tt P fka P.cl bemmens were members a! the 9 9 ~Masonie Ordier: Mr. Hammyr ~ fl~ 9 5 Freeman, Mr. Wilbemt Teeple, jMm. Elmo Anderson, Mm. Law- rence White, Mr. Gardon Mo!- fatt and Mm. Arnold Lobh. complot@. wftb Memberq of the Canadian De Luxne j Legion weme flowem bearers and a.Cl.earng Taool i floral tributes 'vere received ,k 7rfilfrom Jerusalem Lodge. Drin Chapter 0.E.S., The Canadien Legian, Part Pery Yacht Cilub, tion at Our Store AT O C Genemel Motars and manv busi- ness tirnis and personal triends. Sp Palities have become sa mixed upIn France that a Galle states- a n is saidta have awvkened ýd "o h o fom an hours nap ta discover PHONE 573 that while asleep be had beeni twice Made leader o! the gav- uuet--and deposed meach time. Wlit Amil anc Mm:, Mr. tonv visit Dori Satu Mr. and mai Mr. i ville, Mrs. Mi and Mr.i Mi tamL Mms. Mr Dore Mvovement Now on rs. Increase in Canada i as1 id ge A back-to-he-and movement ais taking Place in Canada and i the United States. Mre and Amare City workems who toil in :n o!ffi ces or shops ail day are find- rs ing a new "freedom" in tilling 10 the sali mfter they get home e and an week-ends. y- Sundown fermers, as they are ta being calied, may be assembiy e line warkers in a !actory or cor- ýd p a r a t lao n executives. Theur farms" may be a quarter-acre. backyamd or a 30-acre plot. Their croPs range from gladioli ta pa- tatoes, aithough the majority ri'ase !resh vegetables which, can be canned or put down in a home freezer. The mass movement of urban dwel]ers ta suburban areas hs ane chie! cause for the increase in sun-down ferming. But theme )fare other reasons. The purchase It o! a home freezer bas prompt- r . ,. - y ecanomy oif is met by growing bis own vegetables. Ac- carding ta one survey, a bal! to three-fourths o! an acre of good land will produce nearly ail the vegetebies and small fruits me- "BIg 20" quired by a family o! five for i Albert Wright and Mr. endM Ms. Fred Wright, Blackstock, Miller S Taxi LI;Ms and visited Mr. Wright in Port Perry Hospital. Town Hockey League Mr. Wilfred Williams, Mr.- and Mrs. Ralph Sadier, Gloria In Town League hockey action and Janice, Nestieton, were lent We&îeîsday night Front Saturday dinner guests at Mr. Street emnerged with a 7.3 win andMns. Fred Tomnu.. ven Courtice, whlle Miller's Everyane is cordialiy invited Taxi dawned the Foresters 8.3. te attend aur annual Christian Chuck KllPatriec led the 'Youth Service on Sunday even- Front Street squad in their win ing et 7:30 p.m. in the church. b npn w oltefis The ntir sevicewillbe oan assists tram Leman and Bob ducted by aur young peopIe Williams, and the second aisa with Rev. T. A. Morgan of freim Wiliams. Other Front Trinity United Church, Bow- Street goals carnetrein theà manvîlle, as guest speaker, sticks of Lormer, assisted by There wili aise be special munie Jack Parker, Bab Wlillams tramn by local talent assisted by Misa Masters; Terry Masters tramt Marilyn Spleen, Bowmanvi1lle. Kilpatrick; Don Bishop unes- Mr. and Ms. Bob Morrison sisted; and Dn Runde on a and Murray, M. Jack Sîemon, pasramn Bishop. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Courtice narksmen were L. A. Werry. Harin, G. Harin and Jerry Messrs Lawrence Bheil and Sayers n a paisramn Norm Jack LaCombe, Toronto, with Saers. Mr. and Mns. E. MeNair. in the Miler's Taxi - C.O.F. gaineBuckCowie led the way Mm. end Mms. A. M. Weamn, for iller' with two goals, Clamemont, with Mr. and Mrs. whiie singletons were scared by A. L.Wearn Lam. Chant, Don Childs, Fred Mm. and Mm,. Donald Loo, Luxton, Bud Perfect, Harvey Wayne and Terry, Oshawa; Mr. Lunney and Tim Cox. and Mr@. Zack Adams, Brice For the Forestens Bill Lyle, and Biain, Bowmanviile, with Marjernison and Masteris mc- Mm. and Mms. Walter Ferguson. counted for the scming, with .Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lead- assists by Irving Brooks, Mo- beater and boys with Mr. and fat nd Lary Dewel. Mrs. L. Pearce, Port Perry. Town League Standing Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn, Tem W L T Pts. Oshwa wih r. ndMrs ErlMiller's Taxi 9 3 3 21 Oshwwith Mm. ladMi. EmforFront Street 8 6 1 17 Tmein efre levii foFresters 5 s 2 1 Floride. Courtice ~4 921 Woman's Association met et Mns. Laurence Wean's Tuesdy evenng, Jan. 26, wth 25 present.Bac bo hTa Devotionai was in charge o kfo he-aiidL VALETN' Fo DAY rbueinta special someone in your life, choose from our Jusi the Right AENIN ChARDite xr and for Dainty Handkerchief A Cholce Bit of Chine A Box of Hasti-Notes Do came in and look araund, you'l find many mor sutabeift RICKADY'S was read by Mrm. W. Howe] Reading by Mrs L. Wear. Leaflet was taken by Mr Adam Sharp. Roil eau wi answered by fees being pai Mrs. J. McLaughlin took charg of this program: reading b Mrs. J. Siemon; Scotch mulsi was playea by Mrs. G. Yeo. very interesting reading o - Kate Aitken was given by Mni 4~ ~4' ~F. Werry. Mrs. Deroon, wh has recently moved to th Bentham farm gave an enjoy to right: Coach Tom Turner, able talk on her plane trip t 'aptain Brian Hughes, Monty Holland and customs of th te by Carson Studiô, Port Hope Dutch people. Gî'oup 1 serve, - a delicious lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dubvk and Denise, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Dubyk and Dianne. Doc lor Sug gesis xou Ciem and Ronald Rahm visit-Tr Unesad ed Mr. and *Mrs. Alex Perg r y oU drfn and boys, Waterdown. d 'Difficuli" fldster W.M.S. meeting was held at uuir the home of Mrs. Walter Rahim with a good attendance. with The rnoods and tantrums President Mrs. J. C. Cook pre- very aid people are reaily n siding for business. . Devotional ",difficult" to live with if ong by Mrs. G. Alldread. Reading màkes an effort to understanc by Miss Jean Phîlp. Suszanne their causes. This was the subý Lute and Esther Anne Rosevear ject of a recent article by Johr each played piano solos. Mrs. E. Elihenlaub, M.D. in "'Today'. Ralph Glaspeil gave the chapter Health", an officiai publicatior of study book. Refreshments of the American Medical Asso. were served by group in charge. ciation. Mission Band met Sunday "A persan is as old as his ar- morning with twenty children teries," Eichenlaub said. HE present. Vice President Shirley pointed out that the signs of rea] Coombes opetied the meeting. aid age begin ta show as the ar- Roll caîl and minUtes were read. teries that supply different Lorraine Rosevear had charge parts of the brain begin ta wear of program. Shelagh Murphy out. Increased 'crotchetiness" is and Carol Ye]lowlces gave read- the resuit of this deterioration, .ngs. Diane Siobodian played a but one who understands aid piano solo. Mrs. W. Murphy people wiil not be disturbed by sh owed pictures of the 23rd occasional outbursts of crochet- P'salrm from the Bible. Mrs. W. iness. They go as quickly as they R4hm had the devotional. Bruce corne, and they are forgotten. Coombes took up the collection, The first personality change, $1.32. Closed with hymn and according to Eichenlaub, is loss prayer by Shirley Coombes. of recent memory. Oid people who can reme7nber scenes fram their childhood with sharp ENNISKILLEN clarity can have difficulty rp- membering that their gxrand- Schildren visited them a few Miss Laura Griffin spenithours ago. This is humiliating Sunday with Miss Betty Jane at first. and Eichenlaub said Werry. many oldsters will caver up Service Club met at the home such memory lasses by accusing of Mrs. L. Stainton an Feb. 2 their grandchildren of negleet- with 16 present. Following ing them. business the evening was spent Eichenlaub's advice ta Young- quilting. Lunch was served by er mnembers of the family is to Irs. H. Ashton, Mrs. A. Boyd, take it with a smile and a M[rs. E. Trewin and the hostess. friendly word. These littie Next meeting at Mrs. D. Pick- storms are forgotten toa. FHis ring's an Feb. 16. advice ta oldsters lu to live on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton a scheçlule pay cash on the line and boys with Mr. and Mrs. S. or pay bills at regular intervals, Kersey, Hampton. and keep a memo pad handy ta Miss June VanMeer, Barrie, avoid t he petty embarassments pent the weekend at Mr. and, caused by inability te remem- Wrs. E. McNair's.1 ber. Sympathy is extended ta Mr. Another change caused by ar- ad Mrs. R. McNeil on the terial deterioration is intensifi- )assing o! his sister, Mrs. S. cation of immediate and simple 7anstone, at Whitby. emotions. Slight peeves become Mr. Gordon Fleet, Toronto, towering rages. The "lump in vith his father, Mr. J. Fleet. the throat" of youth becomes Mr. and Mi's. Clarence Avery a deluge of tears. But, according -id girls, Burketon, with Mr. ta Euchenlaub, this change can id Mrs. Albert Oke. be welcomed by other under- Mr. and Mrs, A. Leadbeater standing members of the familv id boys visited Mr. and Mr.î. when it iýq realized that "even 1Tabb, Bowmanville. an aid timeworn joke or a mam- Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon, entary reminder of some pleas- 2wmanville; Mrs. T. M. Sie- ant memory will pull an aid- on, Enniskillen, at Mr. and ster out o! the blues." rs. R. J. Ormiston's. Sympath * is extended ta irs. J. Butson and familyon Ve 60» pC S e passing of Master Ronaid O e uu pce own who has made his homei th them for aver ten years. eOf ms ects in the World Mr. and Mrs. W. Lamb, Nest--___ aon; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth The international farmer isi .mb, Port Credit; Mr, and Mrs. faced with a continuing battle onald Lamb, Miss Muriel Rey- againqt weeds, weather, insects, lds, Bowmanville; Mr. and plant and animal diseases, CIL rs. M. Heard, Enniskillen, News comments in leading up to ith Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb. 1 this statement: Miss Ruth Brock, Bowmaa- -There are some 685,000 spe- le, mn companv with Mr. and ries in insects in the world and x.~ Roy McGill, Reva and their total weighý lu estlmated ith at Mr. and Mrs. Charlie 1, te autweigh the cambined ngmaid's, Solina. 1 poundage of everyhuman, ani- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright. mal, bird, reptile and fish by ?nt an evening in Oshawa three ta one." h his brother, Mr. and Mrs. That is an arrestiTîg carnpari- .hur Wright. - I son underlining the collective Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick! formidable enemy of agricul- d Miss Nancy Wood visited! ture. rs Wm. Smith and calied on '-Inseets take a $350,000,000 .and Mrs. C. M. Jones, New- bite out of the annuai Canadian iville.1 crop and loss from plant diseazes Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp is estimated at $700,000,000 a ted relatives in Toronto. y.ear. A recent baok listing plant Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Irwin, ailments run ta 1,192 pages nit Ina Gail and Rodney were, fine print. Someb plants are at- turday evening callers on j tacked by as many as 300 dit- ýand Mrs. Fred Toms. i ferent disorders." Ir. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson On the mechanical front, the Jfamily visited Mr. Ray,- wooden plow was used for ai- -id Bottreil, Newcastle, aind most .4,00t) years withaut a Edwrilin S nd r oc . Or n .ch n e Th scke w s t e b t' FoodIA lWuIeD OBITUÀRY TYRONE Fctrr Forum s ARTHUR JOHN FRANK Mr. and Mrs. R. Redshaw cLr m and famiiy, Whitby, were guests ________________________________________________ The sudden passing of Arthur of Mr. and Mns. Walter Park, John Fra3nk an Friday marning, Jr. »LACKSTOCK FORUM PROVIDENCE FORUM Jan. 29th, came as a great Mr. ai-d Mrs. Clarence Good- shock ta bis family and many man, Bowmanviile, visited Mr. The Blaekstock Farm Forum Our Forum met ait the home friends in this community. He adMs .Gamn met at the home of Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner was stricken by a heart attack adMrs .Gomn Mrs. N. H. Mountjoy Feb. 8th. early Friday marning and died M. and Mrs. Harold Skinner Thetapc or iscsson aswith 21 members present ta dis- paeul nhssep ehdcailed an Mr. and Mrs. D. Hoop- the grading of farm products. cuss the tapie, "Witat Grade, neyer been absent tram his er and Mrs. Storie, Orona. Chairman Ralph Larmer arrang- Madam?" place o! business for a single Mr. and Mrs. Jamnes Graham eston ne rouht ut hat We uggst hatchesebeet day thraugb illness. The ab- and Garfield, Mrs. W. Mac- etr e groups orediecusshos Wf iendlytpersonalisetyfdonald, Bowmanville, visited esinoebruh u ta e o i redy esnlt Mrs. Florence Scott. Y*dV co mmodities were soldiand park, especialiy bacon, be bas ileft a Igreat gap in the wide Mrad rsG.PipCst- laeaiy not graded because theladded ta the list of praductsj circle o! bis many friends and tr.onistdMat t. he home of Mr. eonsumer kpew what quality it sald in aur area by grade. associates. tond Ms.H.litPhehmepfMr was by looking at it. Anyway We think it wouid be possible Deceased was born Augu,,t Laurellyn Weish, Bowman- many eroducers are net quali- ta carry the grades through 1Sth, 1900, the youngest son o! ville, spent a few days with her lied te grade produets. tram producer te consumer On a tamiiy of five sans and three uncie and atint, Mr. and Mrs.1 Carried through ta consumer, same produets sueh as apples1daughters, of the late Mr. and George Alldread. nany things do, such as poultry and other smail fruits, eggs and Mrs. George Frank on the aid Club 49 met lit the home of! ucts, and fruit, also vege- vegetables. It would mean the Frank farm near the lake. Mrs. Elva Beckett where plans a jhe.There is a prablem in producer wauld have ta have e mdto akaqulan i L~êmeat grading, because the more help than he has now and At the age a! 16 be enlisted wremae a ak quilt and i Yrpowessor can change its shape mare inspectors wauld have ta and served tWa years Overseas aMr.qîlandMrui. lt. el n and content ta make a good be himed ta enforce the grades, n World War I. Always inter- . de istd r nd Mrs. R.GapY n grade out o! a piece that nat- Perishable fruits often become ested in automobiles, he quai- chiE.dewisiteoed . ad rsF urally grades low. Hawever, inferior through handling and ified in that particular tracie W.r. aLewis, Welcame. , the piece he seils is good (gen. impraper conditions in stores. when he returned, and was em- Mr.la and Mors.nS. Wake$ *raiiy). Some people complaîn The consumer then throws the ployed for a number a! years DoglaMs G d ardonBwmn et tougb beef. blame back on the producer no by General Mators in Oshawa OshwMiss HGladys anard, We believe grading is a ben- this would have ta be over- and their dealers in Toronto obranFakWim vs elit ta bath producer and con- came by educating thase who and Hamilton. Returning ta olbad r. and Frnk WisHellvis- ouvrer. One thing sure if we handie the fruit between pro- Oshawa in 1935.,lhe remainedied Mr. and Mrs. . al an eall 2nd or B grade "Choice" ducer and consumer. in the Service Technicai and M. and Mrs. K. Rahm. Pe It han much mare appeal. Next meeting et the home of ExprientfWol ai es nIIth Mornd rs.J.stePc Next meeting *' Carl Wriig.ht's Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Luxtan. otra !Wrd Wr~ krnvstdM.adMs A period a! recreation was en- __________ when he was reeommended for LameAn ni ewllme joyed by li, as well as a de- the position of Staff Sgt. in the Women's Isti tute ihomeetof lightfui lunch uerved b teR.C.A.S.C. and served Overseas MFebruarencl ct t te homo! hostess. ~ y~' ENFIELD as an Instructor for five years rs. Fryeen cot te2 p. m During this time be assisted in prid a evenng tedeuchre b 9. 9. No. 4 FORUM Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor and setting up the General Mators partabls aesll attended , q Allan with Mr. and Mrs. Les Mechanization Depot ait South- Mrs. Elva Beckett: 2nd, Mrs. G. 1V SS. No. 4 Frm Forum met Jhsn ihadCek ampton which was later bomb- Alidread; 3rd, Mrs. Peggy Miii. N at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. R. Parr and dso.Gn'fit prize. Bill Wal- N. W. BiekIe, Feh. 8th with 271family at Mr. D. McLean's, In 1944 he was invalided lace; 2nd, Leslie Coombes; 3rd, ej present. The tapic for discussion Blackstock. home and served six months Arthur Harvey. I.ha Greyhig aldahouh he Correction- Miss Doreen Ly- convalescent period in Cmnad- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and al 1.to res i gad rades ohe cett was n Oshawa General Ian Army hospitali, befuie being family were guests o! Mr. and K~ cherese are confus esnof Hospital, not Memorial Hospital, discharged. Returning ta civil- Mrs. W. A. Clark, Toronto. 2.es re sonui e ete.ra-assatdst week. Domeen i an life he decided ta go inta Friday, February 5th, a birth- s 2, Bfor hcnu r twould now canvale.:cing as the hom business for himself and with day party was held at the home M be uit a ob a hve he rad o emgal.pe-nlt th me.an the assistance of bis family, o! Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Phare beaqkideanjb every etheatdpe- Mmi. H . C oling, Whitb. erected bis awn garage and in honour at Mmi. G. Phare on a reut an elpe-w pe.In W reeruta em that i r-Y service station at 72 Scugog St. ber 88h birthday. Mr. and Mrs. P eut nd cllohane wrpped In We ae srry e larn hatwbere he continued in business Wrigbtson Wight, Mrs. Fred V some produets it is bard for the Mr. Fred L. Smith in iii in hos- until bis death. Wight, Mrs. M. Wight, Mr. and producer ta follow the grade pitai and hope he will soon be. Mrs. G. McCoy, Bowmarile; w thraugh ta the consumer when up around again. He enjoyed membei'ship in Mr. and Mrs. N. Cailacott, someane else. does the process- Little Mark Simpson, son of the Canadian Legion and .Jer- Messrs Lance Phare and James ai ing. Mr. and Mrs. Rad Simpson1, usalem Lodge. and was a Past Colville were present. an Lunch was served by the made bis !îrst appearance ait Patron o! Durham Chapter, The Willing Workers Branch hoitess. Meeting an Februmry chu rcb with bis parent.s Sunday.J Order of the Eastern Star~, and j beld their meeting in the school a 15 at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pearce's. Camne again Mark,. always interested in sparts, he raom Friday. Feb. 5th. The neyer missed a hockey match, meeting apened with O Canada, Imediately surviving are his minutes and rail cmii. Collec- Bc It oeII~wdow, the former Victoria tion $1.50. Audme 'y Wood had Mi Itt om là $ën o lol, Ronald, and ane daughter, bodian played a piano solo; e- Beverley. Of bis !amilv' yanly citation by Lorraine Rosevear; Mi twa sisters remain, Mrs, W. G. stary by Barbara Taylor; jakes thq Rice oft Sudbuîry. and Mrs. G. by Jerry Taylor. Leaders of D B. Gibson o! Kirkiand Lak-ý, cantest were Cecile Park, Betty wi and one brother, Sidney o! Sac- blis orieRsva n a ramenta, Cali!. Grace Gibbs. ]et He rested at Nortbcutt and Mr. and Mms. Paul Kowalski, La At4CP O TOOLS Smith Funerai Home, wbeme an Do CI-NT L Saturday evening a large num- no] ~ ber o! members o! Durham ~Mr Chapter O.E.S. assembled ta pay -i Dutsgtheir respects. The members, _______________ o! the Canadian Legion met vil] ramt Sunday atternoon ta offer their _________________Mr mi tor», mazing New Super-Poweed lest tribute. and tbe meînbers A LoT 019 YWU »W&6 AIL' Ke] of the Masonic Order Sunday "KOPJÇT Ac *-fin Dm s LofU6e La, evening for a Masonic Service. 5ET I#, A LITTLE DIRITy The tuneral service. largely ATwo&64.1sp Ab attended. on Mondav afternonn m L)tSNà, Cortiamd Applos 5-1b. bas GRAPEFRUIT SIZE 96'oi 12 FOR 45Ç Freshly Killed Capons and Broilers FIEE DELIVERY YEO'rS Nouas and Groceries 55 KING ST. E BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 MIclnfouh Applos 5-1b. bat Aylmer 2O-oz. tins Illumination 20-oz. tins Tomato Lombard Juice - 3 For 29c Plums - - 2 F.,, 27c Aylmer 15-oz. tin stokley'z 15-o:, tins Fruit Cocktail - 26c Crsam Corn 2 l'or 29c Minute Minute Hics Pli. 17c Tapioca - ""'. 21c Special . jWESTGN'S SODAS and SALTINES I LB. PKG. 29c SAINT one year. Many sundown farmiers find that gardening relaxes the men- tal tensions built up during the day by the pressures of mod- ern business. "Ulcer insurance"l some eall it. Mechanization oft gardien tools has lured a large number ta the land. Work has become easier and more can be accornplishied in Iess time. One large U.S. depRrtment store chamn is even offering a sit- down tractar especially for spare-timie farmers. MUS ln the DOUWAN VILLE TOWN HALL FEDRUABT 13lh, ai 7:45 p.m. Victory Girls' Trio fromn Peterborough, Ont. Also Guest Soloist and Speaker GERALD MORGAN from Ingersoil, Ont. Did you enjoy the film "MR. TEXAS"? If so don't fail to HEAR GERALD MORGAN.ý R1e bas often heen called Canada's Redd Harper. Corne! Everyone Welcorne. No Admission Charge a - YJMMDAT, M. Ilth, 1954 deurm dA»Aivàý -- m YOUTE FOR CHRIST