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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1954, p. 1

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rntbn "~Durhtam County's Gireat Family Journal" 'VOLUME 100 1ROWTiuAMVTTT T t' (n1M A lTn rmTTDOnL1i~A xr- .-~-~. ---L~/Y~VL.3± JJJJL U11iXA IuI.~i~Y ui;-iiIAIV It U~ t4te~m4n 1 ý1ýJ LL% L,2J:4)l .11 IJO.LAI, .1.coq.LUC . LiiIN U MBER T Geo. Chase Honored on Retirement e§ X jIC. Manager for Pasi 37 Years Pre enied wiîh Easy Chair, Table The many friends made by Mr. Chase was also a charter George E. Chase in the muni- membér of the Bowmanville Ro- cipal electric field throughout tary Club and 3rd President of r,9tario in his 37 years as Mani- the organization. he said. In [ager o the Bowmanvlke Puo- more recent years he conduct- >lic Utilities, gathered in the ed the Rotary Club Choir and .J~Balmoral Hotel Friday night Io was a member of the Rotary rpay tribute to him ýat a testi- Octette. For 12 years, from 1924 monial dinner held to mark his to 1936, he was the hard-work- retirement. ing manager of the annual Ro- Thirty-five guest.s, including tary Carnival through which electrical' men from points as the Club raised most of its distant. as Smitbs Falls, Sud- funds for comnmunity service burv and Chatham, heard speak- work. ers testify to the rany fineI In fraternel ci-cles, Mayi3r qualities whicil. made Mr. Chase Venstone said he is a Past No- sucb an efficient and popular ble Grand of Brighton Lodge, P.U.C. manager bere since 1917. I.O.O.F. an.d a Past Excellent They showed their genuine re- Master of Palestine Chapter at gard for bim by the generous Bowmanville applause tbey gave wben he was "George CI.-ase has servtrd presented with an easy chair, this town and community for himself andl a coffee table well", His Worsbip declared. for bis charming wife. -We congratulate him on bis W. Ross Strike. Q.C., Chair-, well-earned retirement and man of the Bowmanville Public wish him well in the future. We Utilities Commission, who bas1 extend mcst of ail our tbenks lcnown and worked witb Mr. for the many services he hes Chase for many years, ected 'as rendered the citizens of this chairman of the meeting and town". Mayor Morley Vanstone wel- Mr. Strike introduced two ex- comned the guests to Bowman- Mayors of tbe town wbo bad ville. worked witb Mr. Chase and Outlines Work Fom Community wr rsn ttebnut Mayr Vnstnewhois lsoLawrence C'. Mason and Sidney a member of tbe P.U.C., stress- Little-and steted thet two ed the greet services 'rendered other ex-Mayors: George W. to Bowmanville by Mr. Chase James and Reg Jones, would outside of bis position as'Man- ueyhvbenpsntex ager of the P.U.C. He pointedsueyhv benpsetex out that Mr. Chase in bis resi- (Continued on Page Seven> dence bere since 1917 hed giv- en bis tir-e to a wîde range of TI community activities. He wes a IlhSho or member of the Bowmanvillc Citizens Band for many years, Receives Permission Mayor Vanstone said, and took a leading part in musical pre- To Issue Debenlures sentations staged by aiu community oIganizations in ad- dition to being a baritone solo- The Durham District High lst in St. Paul's Choir for 25 Scbool Board bas received the years. approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs to issue $1,- 040,000 in debentures for con- Safurday Night's struction of the new high scbool at Port Hope and an ad- TT1 dition to the Bowmanville Dis- I cke Gam totrict High Scbool. ~'veq4 ~ The eight member municipal-~ 4 Il. Main Actors. in Hilarious Rotary Presentation Shown in a scene from "Arsenic and Old Lace" the Rev. T. A. Morgan in the role of the lunatic nephew who Bowmanville Rotary Club play whîch opened. to a capacity believes he is President Theodore Roosevelt; Gladys Elliott audience et the auditorium of the Town Hàl1lelst night, as Aunt Martha, and Dr. Keith Siemon who represents are several nýembers of the cast. Left to right are: Keith law and order in the generally unlawful atmosphere. The Jackson as Mortimer, Pete Newell as the smooth and sin- play will be presented again tonight (Thursday) and ister Jonathan, Dr. Howard Rundie as the scîentist, Dr. tomorrow evening. Einstein; Lillian Dipppli, who plays the part of Aunt Abby; -Photo by Carson Studio, Port HoDe iLicuiue E iies inthe Ditrict ave- ah- _LLzip Sagreed to assume their propor-Hop aiDsussow a vlesN w P neNb rsC nclW lSe The most important hoc- tionate share of this indebted- H sia icse B w a vlesN w P o eN m esCuclWl e key gaine of the season is ness. The debentures will ec-Nedf ar rTxRae i coin u hreSauray -talybe issued by the United oed r gr TaEffeceive night when the Truckmen Counties of Nortbumberlandi No Efectie U tilE ary F ..-4ke on the Peterborough and Durham Council in order Food eorage _________Meengr Petes at the Bowmanville to take advantage of a lower Memorial Arena at 8.30 p.m. interest rate than the individual j Tbe new telephone number- numbers will.consist of the first with first place in the East- municipelities would be able Necessity for instelling a large ing system for Bowmanville two letters of an excbange plus Bowmanville taxpayers will ern Ontario Senior "B", to obtain. walk-in refrigerator and insti- originally scbeduled for next àn excbange name numerel - receive the bad news about' Hockey League at stake. Approval waý, granted early -tuting a cafeteria system of May, bas been deferred until MArket 3 - and four other f ig- what the tax rate will be in This game wiIl probably in February and the architects, feeding employees at the Mem- early faîl, Frank Williams, BèlI ures. Bwavledrn 94a decide which team ends up Barnett & Rieder for the Port Telephone manager bere, ann- The new numbering system omnîledrng 94a as champion oit the league Hope scbool and John B. Park- oriel Hospital, Bowmenville, ounced this week. conforms witb a uniform num- the Town Council meeting on as the two teains are cur- in Associetes for the Bowman- wcre discussed by the Board of "It bas not proved possible to. bering plan graduelly being in- March 1, it was announced fol- rently tied for first place ville addition, cen now go Directors et a meeting Friday secure the ncw apparatus as troduced througbout Canada and lowing e special councîl meet- with 40 points each, and ahead with drawing up plans night. rapidly as we bad bopcd," Mr. the United States. It will be a n ing Tucsday nigbt. and both teams will only for the structures., It is cxpect- Chairman Joc O'Neill pointed nWindosexlves obanige tevencpainlof isancemservice The Tucsday night meeting have two gaines left to play cd that tenders for construction nwfn usle bie aavne!'ogdsac evc after Saturday night. The cen be callcd for in about six out that the bospitel is losing defer the change until the early which enebles operators to diel was a budget session at wbich TrucJïîen wind up their months. approximately $1,000 a year by faîl. The exact date of the con- direct to telephones in distant the verlous committees of catun- home schedule here on-flot baving the large walk-in re- version will be announccd weîî centres. cil dccided wbet funds they Tuesday night against the frigerator, since food cen only in edvance of the change. A similar changeover schedul- wiil need to carry on their work Fireeille emos be bought in small quentities "Additional dial equipment cd for Whitby will also be de- during the yeai. Estintiates o The "Petes" are current- F ire SaurLay and there is more loss of vege- wil beavibl, hc the ferred until earîy fell.h ulcSboiBed h Iy the «"hottest" team in the AtW iPln tables by spoilege. Originel change takes place, to proîide A speciel supplement to the Department of Recreetion and circuit, but the Truckmen AtW iPln plans for the hospital celied for service toaIl those waiting for telephone directory listing the other bodies which receive civic could hardly be claLjifled ____ such a refrigerator, but this was telephones here." new numbers will be issued funds were aiso considered et lter omitted becuse of a lack Under the new sytem ah shortly before the change. this meeting, in preparation for ling of the Kingston Good- not known, broke out in the sene essry funtds.i th years on their home stamp- besement of the R. M. Hollings- Estîmated cost of instaliing ncsayfns Ing grounds in the Lime- head Company here et about the large cooiing unit is $6,500S Th siaeofteDrm ston uCity aStdy 9:45 S amg turay monig andand tpBoad is tig ta find Circus Theme Features Decoration strc ih colBor game wîîî no doubt be cept for the sprinkler system in The Board bas also received tS c esflH hS ho lA Homje evening, however, saothe meet- a reàl thriller froin start the fectory. severel applications for the A tuau(3g S h o A aig îî asntae tais e cted to finish and it is hoped The cutting in of the sprinkler position of superintendent of the thet the lrevy w i fot e mch that a large turnout of local systeni and the prompt arrivai bhospital to succeed Miss Mac <By Barb' Murdochi) jam don't shake like that". ihrtals yrowv, fans will be on hand to sup-, of the Bowmanville Volunteer Hiiditch, Reg.N., whose resigna- The annuel "At Home" of The corsages of roses and car- rbihran lesthyar, bowcver, port the Truekinen, who Fire Department prevented the tion from this post becomes cf- Bowmanville Higb School wes nations were again supplied at rably te 3 oles ta n have been playinr to scan- flames from gaining much bead- fective on March 31st. Some held this ycar on Friday, Feb. the dooî' by the Students' Coun aoete4 oletdi 93 ty bouses here most of the way. Damage was slight, Plant candidates wili be interviewed 12, and was egain a huge success. cil. season. Manager John Watson stated. et the nd of this wcek. The uditorium was dccorated in Lunch wes servcd in the gym- Father-ob the circus theme in keeping witb nasium during intermission. The Head Table Guests at Testimonial D înner the cetye of teaioim In gemernwadcaratoonbsg. Pulls Fire Alarm a red and white pole and red and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. DîppellT r yellow streamers draped between Mr. and Mrs. A. McGregor, Mr' jInLXC itement this pole and the wails gave the and Mrs. E. Withcrspoon, Ivan N___ effect of a circus big-top. Wooiley, President of the Stud- Two huge clowns flanked by ents' Council, and Dorothy Hock- Exe1n ahr osm seals grinncd down from the ing, President of the Girls' Ath- weird things while under back wails. The side walls werc letic Society, made up the re- thctanaL teso p bedecked witb elephants, giraffes ception line that welcomed the proaching parenthood but it c and various other circus animais. dancers as tbey arrived. is doubtful If aîîy of themn The stage was decorated to look __________1a omnil idee befoe at Tlehurdy. hike a cîrcus wagon. Two buge cle h iedprmn red hearts et the front represent- Orlli Snwbondlat cl reydawn e edthe wheels o the wagon, and I h odge ano monkeys and other smell an-Fo p last Thursday morningon t i mals hung from the curtains ta o r T uays ame sc hrssdfte-to-b i4complete the picture. We con- arrived wlth his wlfe by sidered getting bars on the front Tebayoignthsusy ambulance et the ambulance of the stage but werc afraid it snwoeed bighways post- door of the Memorlal Hos- migbt make the orchestre un- pital here. Rushing te sum- comfortable. poned the game scbeduled for mnanreo otr i Imm*The music was provided by the Bowmenvilie Memorial becanie se flustered that in- the fine orchestra of E. Van de Arena Tuesday nigbt between stead of pushing the but- Walker who played et the Jub- the Truckmen and the Orillie ton at the endrance te sum- ilce in Oshawa lest year. Tbey Pontiacs. The Pontiacs stertel mon a nurse lie pulled the provided a real treat o h fire alarm a good 10 feet jazz enthusiasts in thefOérod for Bowmanville, but after only eway.e when they presented e specialty covering the distance between Needless te say, lie got t of theirs "It must be jlly 'cuse Barrie and Bradford in an action aIl right, but flot the e Managers of publie utilities commissions from many parts of Ontario gath- ered et the testimonial dinner given et the Balmoral Hotel, Friday night, for George E. Chase, te mark his retirement after 37 years of service as Manager of the Bow- manviIIe hydro s.ystem. Shown above are the head table guests who were among the many who gathered to extend their congratulations. Lef t to right are: W. RoIs Strike. Q.C., Chairman of the Bowmanvîlle P.U.C.; Mr. Chase, Rex Martindae, retired former manager of the Sudbury P.U.C.; Milton J. Elliott, Vice-Chairman of the Bov :,- nviI1e P.U.C.: E. V. Dyke, President of the Eastern Ontario Section of, the O)ntario Municipal Electric Association, and Mayor Morley Vanstone. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Scouts and Guides Will Attend at Trinit y Service Attention ot ail Girl Guides, Brownle s. Boy Scouts and Cubs is drawn te the tact that they are te be the guests et Trinlty Un- ited Church , et the morn- mng service, this Sunday, Feb. 21. Sunday is belng observed as Guide and Scout Sunday throughout the Dominion ef Canada. Girl Guides and Brown- les will meet at Trinlty Sundey School, and Boy Scouts and Cuba at the Town Hall et 10.40 a.m. Everyone ls rcquested te lie in NuIl u-niiorzn. hour's driving, were finally stopped for good outside Brad- ford when a wheel came off their bus. Their manager tclephoned tbrough thet they would be un- able to meke it, and the Truck- men management refunded the price of admission to the 550 fans et the arena, or cisc pro- vided them with a ticket good for Saturday night's game here against Peterbordtigh. Miss Elaine Richards, skating star of the Oshawa Skatingj Club who was to have skated between periods, did ber cow- boy number and one other fig- ure skating number for the hoc- key fans present and was hear- tily applauded for ber fine per- formance. Many fans stayed et the Arene to wetch a practice game between the "white" and "red" teemns of the Truckmen. kind lie had been expect- ing. When the nurse on duty caine te the entrance and saw what lied been go- ing on she went te the office te 'Phone the firemen net te Comne down. It is a great tribute te the Bowmanvllle volunteer Fire Department, liowever, that ln the short interval which had transpir- ed the trucks wêe already manned and on their way to thé lospital. At the regular meeting of the liospital Board of Di- recters held on Friday even- ing a -motion was passed thet a letter ot thanka lie sent te the Fire Departinent for answering the call, and another letter lie sent te Town Council commend- Ina' the fîremen for the speed and eft iciency wlth whlch they angwer a tire alarm. Cat.Loses Ail Nine Lives Saturday Residents Lose Lights for an Hour, Will Nake Repairs Sunday Norning A stray cet, wbich lost al 0f The freak accident brought its ine lives et once in a spec- hoe f ril o o m n i tacular finale, knocked eut al rieforciblyte ow manvithe hydre power in Bowmanvillereintjstowmc th for- an heur and. ten minutes on modern home depends on hy- Seturday night. dro power. Tehevision sets, The animal stepped on cep- lights, oiù burners stoves and per bars carrying 4,000 voltsini other equipment were useless, la closed cempartment et the witb the loss of T.V. et tbat sub-station ef the Bowmanville tieo h v Public Utilities Commission off tieo h vnlng perhaps the Temperance St. et the rear of bîggest blow. Cendles were et the Commission offices. The e premium as heuseholders short circuit caused by the strey scurried about for some source pussy blew out several trans- of ligbt. former fuses and knocked eut The blackout forced the post- three insulators, piunging the penement of the ai-star geme town into darkness et 9.30 p.m. et the Memorial Arene between The fuses were quickly re- the Town Hockey Leegue and placed, but the necessity of re- the Goodyer LUague. Fortut- moving the three ruined insu- ately there were ne peratins lators caused powerte be off in progress t the Memorial until 10.40 p.m. Permanent re- Hospital, but the institution has pairs te the damage will be an auxiliary iighting systern made by P.U.C. wrkmen Sun- which cn be used i the oper-. day merning and a power in- ating roomn in sucb an emergen- terruption wil be necessary cy. Nurses made use et flash- from ý .m. te 6 a.m. for this ights in making their rounds purpose. tbrough the werds. Manager George A Youth for Christ rally was stated tht the ast time the being eld t the Town Hall door of the compertment was and the main speaker centinued known te have been opened was bis address in the derk. Stores et 8.30 Thursday merning. It is wbich were open had te resort believed the ct sneaked in t te candes and other forms et that time un-noticed and re- emergency ligbting. m ined there until 9.30 S tur- Th mi d e s f t e w e t r day night before coming te an Th idesotewahr abrupt end by stepping on the prevented any serius conse- live copper bers. The bars are quences from the power failure nerly eight feet from the floor at the nurseries and greenhou- of the cempartment but there is sesîin town. oher lwer equpment nerby. At the time ef the filure The animal ad all its fur burn- Harold Abbott and Mr. McGuire ed off and skin cherred by the of the Bowmanville Rural Op- tremendus impact of the 4,000 erating Area et the HE.PC volt current, and a weoden pole Herbert "Deac" Goddard, Fr;ec in the cempertment was cher- Cole and Norman Scott gave rd by the flash of fleme from veuable assistance te the P.U.C. the short circuit. men in getting service restored. Children of Korea Need Food Women's Canadian Club is Told Dr. Lotta Hitschmanova, manova on her return front founder and executive director Korea last September launched of the Unitarian Service Com- a "Barley for Korea" campaign. mittee of Canada, a non-sectar- A new type of pressed and roU-. ian, non-political voluntary re- ed barley made by Quaker Oats lief rganiation with head- Peterborough. and pre-co ed 1quarters at 48 Sparks St., Otta- is being used after being tested wa, was the speaker at the re- in Korea the previaus year. gular meeting of the Wgmen's CContlnued on Page Severi) Canadian Club. held Monday Lafternoon, Feb. 15, in St. John's Parish Hall. 74 New Ho e Dr. Hitscbmanova, a smail,Ho e dynamic person who spoke ring and want wbich she found in Korea and India during a recent rnsTtlf 1,9 36,000-mile world tour, was Brnsnoal-1,9 troduced by Mrs. Fred Stevens. Last year was one of the busi. Dr. Hitscbmanova was born in est in point of home construc- Prague, Czechoslovakia, and is tion in Bowmanville since a graduate of the University tif World War II, figures compiled Prague and the Sorbonne in by Assessor Clarence Oke show. Paris. She holds a doctorate de- Seventy-four new home# gree in philosopby and diplomas were copipletc during 1953, à in social science and journalism. figure considerably higher thaas Arriving in Korea two days 1952. This eavy new home after the armistice was signed construction raised the total last August. Dr. Hitschmanova number of homes within the was impressed with' the Arn- town limîts to 1,294. 0f these, 504 provements there over the last are in the South Ward, 409 are year in spite of the wr condi- in the North Ward and 379 are tions which had prevailed. Fol- in the West Ward. lowing er first visit to Korea The housing figures for Bow. a year ago, the Unitarian Ser- nianville also show 130 apart- vice Committee of Canada in- ments over stores, 93 apart.. stituted a successful "Milk for ment bouses with more than Korea" drive. Canadian pow- two families, and 126 cottages dered milk is no longer requir- for a total of 1,643 dwelling un- ed bowevcr, because the Unit- its. Sixty-eight of the apart- ed States is' sending great sur- ments over stores are in the plus quantities to Korea, but West Ward, which includes the the speaker stressed that there downtown section, 39 are in the is still an urgent need for food, South Ward and 23 in the North Spirit Marvelous Ward. Apartment bouses with more The spirit of Koreans is mar- than two families are concen. vellous, Dr. Hitscbmanova said. trated mainly in the North Korea is the first country inl Ward, wbicl: has 52 of them. history whcre rehabilitation be- There are 27 apartment bouses gan while fighting stili went in the West Ward and 14 in the on. But it is estimated that 700,- South. 000 cbildrcn desperatcly need The commercial side of the supplementary feeding. The picture shows 108 stores in the ROK government bas set up town; 48 in the West Ward, 40 feeding stations, but can only in tbe South and 20 ini the provide for 60,000. The Unitar- North. The 18 service stations, ian Service Committee pledged some of whicb include garages, to feed 125,000. are equally dividcd, with six of For this purpose, Dr. Hitsch-l these in .each ward. Kinsmen Hold Founder's Ifight Kear Three Classification Talks Founder's Nigbt was celebrat- ed by the Bçwmanville Kins- mnen Club et their meeting iS the Balmoral Hotel Tuesda3T evening to mark the 34th an- niversary ù4 the founding ef the Kinsmen Club. President Ken Nicks read a nessage from the founder, Hal Rogers, which emphasized thet F'ounder's Nigbt is e tume for re-dedication to the bigh ideals of service wbich Kinsmanship embodies. It also pointed out bhat any member gets out et bis association with Kin only wbat he himself puts in by wey of work and service. Kin Jeck Lander read a mes- sage from National President H. S. Pinder of Moose Jew, Sask., reminding members that Lhey are part of a netion-wide rganization whose different luls were celebrating the event ,ith themn in towns and cities Erom ceast te coast. ;e4puty District Governer ieryCnnolly of Lindsay was inable to be present to speak kt the meeting due ta the mnowy E ti sa H th or c.i fi Gi Ur at and slushy condition of the roads and Kinsmen Clarke Wil- son, Irvine Brown and Wlly Wallis fllled in with interestlng classification talka on their oc- cupations. Guents Introduced Two guests were introduced te the gathering by President Nicks; Kin Ron Wilson ef the Oshawa club, and William Dad- son ef Bowmanville. Birthday roses were presented by Regis- trar John Graham te Kinsmen Lionel Parker and Dr. Jon Werry. President Nicks announced that an Inter-Club meeting with the Liond and Rtotary Club wi.l be held et the Liens Cern- munity Centre on March 19 and this weuld replace the regular meeting ef Mardi 16. He also announced a Kinsmen Zone Conterence et Lindsay on MercI 5th and eth. The sin& song was led by Kin Hôward Sturrock wlth Ivan Wooley et the piano. Valuab:e prizes donated by the Kinsmen Basketbali -Club were ralffed off v., 1 J:)Vyvlyl.tllNVIJUljb, UIN'I'AUIU- 'I'JtIURbDAY. FERRUARY lgt.h- lqAà 1 rbÉb «Pp.'P rfD'v

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