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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1954, p. 3

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- - .- - - - .~ C~ ~PAGE TE= e 1 ý'"Livhts O uf" Here is My little epitaph folks That began last Saturday night When ail you folk in Bowmanville Went without your lights. I'm just a mangy oId alley cat Sa ll make it short and sweet, 1 wandered into the Utiity Sbop Juat off old Temperance Street. A littie tin door I found ajar 91 Into which I cbanced to snoop But stepped upon a fatal fuse Which knocked me for a ioop. 1 hate to admit I'm the cuiprit That put you ail in suspense, But think of this oid alley cat Cremated by false pretense. -Tex. t,,ri t -..j Three ew ebrsae nfae A feature of the regular meet- kIg of the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion held in the Legion Hall on Thursday ;ight was the presentation of a Sast President'a badge to Com- rade Lloyd Preston. The presentation was made by Zone Commander Stan Dunn, who painted out that Past President Preston, in his two years in office had worked hard and conscientiously for the Branch. It was during his ten- on the waf ch #w M HAVE A WATCHMAN at aur store-though guardlng un s lnfot his job. -mastly, he'a an the watch to ke.p yaur wateh on the go. ReUs our watch service ex. pert-the man wha knows "'what makes it tick." And what makes it keep tick- ing-alniost bal! a mil- lion times a day. Your 'w*tch does that, you knaw; year ini and year aut. That's why he so often re- minds us *how Important it la ta have any watch in- spected periodically, The little time it takes can save big money later on. And that's why we're urg- ing yoIL to stop by for a watch eheckup today. We'll be watching for yau!i .ure of office in 1952 and 195: Lthat the new Legion Hall wa Lbuiît, he said, and the brancl rhad grown in numbers anc iprestige. He stated that Comirade Pires tan will still be active in Legior work, having consented to ac Las Membership Chairman ii Zone Fl during the 1954 mem. bership drive. Past Presidents MauriCE Breslin and Elgie Harnden tool part in the presentation ceira. mony. Three new members: Com. rades Robeirt W. Cameiron, Wil- liam J. Leask and Alfred Sam- ella, weue initiated inta member- ship by Pires. Rosa McKnight, 2nd Vice Jim Fair, Sergeant-at- Arma Ernie Perfect and Com- rades Jim Firth and Pete Bath- gate. Chairman Firtb of the Special Events Committee reported that plans are being made for a so- cial evening for the Truckmen hockey team, and Comirade Fair stated that arrangements have been made for a dance for mem- bers of the Legion, Ladies' Aux- iliary and Legion Pipe Baid on Febuuary 27. Comirade Preston reported that the inembeirship drive is coming along well on thé' basis of each member striving ta ob- tain a new member during 1954. A district membersbip meeting will be held in Peterborough an February 28, he said. Thie quota set for the Bowmanville Branch is 25» per cent, or 70 new membera. Just Point It OnI Hardens Like Tile! Now you can get a tile-finiali floor, for only the price of paint. LIQUID TILE goes on like paint, hardens like tile. It gives a durable, rubber-like surface; chemi- cally, the finish ia identical to the longest-wearing type of tile. Goes directly on ail types of floors, over bare concrete, wood or linoleum; or over old paint. M, Apply LIQUID TILE with brush or roller. Unlike ordi- nary loor paints, LIQUID TILE does not have to be put __ on ini a thin coating; yau ca put it on thickly, and it will SU Il adr dy thoroughly. waIIs, too. Goes over plaster, - ~~ stucco, brick, concreteorcn der block, or wyood, plywood, etc. No'prning is needed. U» le fer ktehons, bosements, pleyroome, stoirs, haHwaya, b.d.- reemi, summ.r hom",estc. EASY '10 APPLY-and le eut. wos .rdleury fleurPa"nts I Affroctivio Clon TLE fRD «T'E * mN-A INEBU OALLON QUAIf St. John's A.Y.P.A.* Enieriains St. Paul 1s Young People On Morrday, Februairy 15th, St. John's A.Y.P.A. entertained St. Paul's Young Peoplc's As- sociation at a Valentine supper party. After a deliciaus supper Val- entine games were played. Each boy found bis partneu far the quiz by finding the girl who had the missing haîf a! bis valentine. Fallowing the games a Paul Jones got the dancing underway. Marie Feuguson and John Lunn wcre lucky winneua a! a spot dance. .Rev. W. Turner closcd the meeting with a prayer followcd by the benediction. HÀYDON W.A. February meeting was held on Thursday afternoon at 3 the home of Mrs. Henry Ashton. 2 The president. Mrs. Lloyd Sie- hmon, opened the meeting. De- dvotianai was presented by Mrs. Arthur Read. Mrs. Claude Ives, -Bowmanvilie, gave a splendid n talk. tThe pragram was i charge Iof Mrs. W. Blackburn. Valen- *tine readmngs were read by Mrs. Kenneth Walker and Mira. Jack cJones; instrumental, Mrs. Lloyd kSiemon. Meeting closed and -lunch was served by Mrs. Biack- burn's group. * On Sunday evening a Young *People's meeting was held. Mr. Vernon Goheen of Newcastle, was the speaker. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Corrigan and daughter, Toronto, at Mr. *and Mrs. Charlie Rankine's. Mr. and Mrs. Harolid Gay, Oshawa, visited Mir. and Mra. 1Charlie Garrard. Mrs. MacKenzie and, Mr. oulas Fontain visited1 tMr. and Mrs. A. McNeil and at-; tended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. S. Vanstone, Whitby. Mr. George Bertrim, Miss Lorraine Graham, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mra. M. Bertrim's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wood- iey, Mir. and Mira. C. Woodley, Mir. and Mrs. David Malcolm, Mir. Charle Garrard at Mir. and Mirs. Frank Denby's. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bradley, Hampton, visited Mr. and Mirs. J. Hanna. Mr. and Mirs. Douglas Colbary and family at Mr and Mira, W. Blackburn's. Mir. and Mira. Wm. McLaugh- lin, Burketon, at Mir. and Mira. Ross Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Avery and Ronnie, Burketon; Mir. and Mrs. Lee and Lynda, Brooklin,: visited Mir. and Mra. Normanj Aveiry.1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemonj visited Mir. and Mirs. Ear Tre-1 win, Enniskillen, on Sunday. Mir. and Mirs. Norman Avery and family at Mu. and Mrs. Clarence Avery's, 9tirketon. Congratulations to Mir. and Mira. Henry Ashton who will celebrate their forty-ninth wed- ding anniversary on Monday, Februairy 22nd. The annual Sunday School convention will be held on Tuesday, February 23rd, in St. John'asAnglican Church, Bow- manville. Mexico City, Mcx. Fcbiruairy 11, 1954 Dear Gearge. Tbank you very much for sendîng me a copy a! The States- man telling about the new pro- prietor o! The Big 20. My bro- 1 ther Alver and I were greatly interested. He is now almast 9o and my wife and I bave'been visiting him and hia wife here. and at their other home in Cuernavoca. OJust now Alver brought me' alittie porket calendair of 1891 'with the compliments o! Dab- son's Big 20". He bas now re- tired !uom bis business a! wbicb he waa President, called The American Book & Printing Cg.' He is the oldest member o! The Anglo-American Colony here and is af!ectionately known everywhere as "Dobbie". My wife and I are returning ta St. Thomas next week. Congratulations te you for your great success as a weekly paper publisher and as a citizen o! Canada! Yau are a wartby auccessor o! a worthy father. If I arn nat too aid and decre- Pid. I'd like to bave a chance to speak to your Rotary Club on, "It miqht have bappened toý Canada' - comparison of Can- adian and Me-xican history. Agamn many thanks for the paper and ail gaod wishes fromn My brother and mysel. Cordially yaurs -Perry Dobson WESLEY VILLE A crokinole party was held in the cburch basement on Thursday evcning, under the auspices of the Sunday School. There werc about 32 present and six tables played. Ladi2s prize was won by Berniece Beat. Mir. Percy Snell, Murray Payne and Truman Austin tied for first place, and Murray won the play-' off. Consolation prizes went tu Sharon Tborndykc and Ronnie Dinner. Tally carda in the shape of heauts were made by the jun- ior girls, class, whca looked afteî' their distribution and collec- tion. The primary class made tiny ued bearts wîth numbers ta match for partners for the eats and coffee. The nigbt was very cold but a fairly early start gave time for 9 au 10 games and every anc away home by eleven o'clock. The Sunday School treasuuy was enriched by fine dollars. On Fuîday afternoan the achool childiren entertained their mothers and the pue-achool childiren at a Valentine party. There weire games. Carol and Sharan Thorndyke sang a duct and each child had an indivi- dual mailbox. Valentine rcfresh- menta wcre served and a basket o! fruit and Valentines werc packed fou Gloria Nichais who still muat, spent much time in bcd. Yeo. ENNISKILLEN Mr. Hairry Ferguson, Oshawa, at Mir. and Mms. Albeirt Oke's. Mira. Margaret MacKay, To- ironto, Mir. and Mira. Lloyd Sie- mon, Haydon. Mir. and Mira. Fred Toms, with Mir. and Mira. Ear Tirewin. Mir. and Mus. Lloyd Smith, and family, Hampton. Mir. and Mira. Glen Andrews and family, Oshawa, were visitars o! Mr. and Mira. Ed. Cox. Mir. and Mira. Leonard Stain- ton and family with Mir. and Murs. C. Milîs, Port Peirry. Mir. and Mira. A'rthur Lcad- beater, and boys with Mu. and Mira. M. C. Brown, -and alsa Mira. M. Ailin's, Courtice. Mir. and Mra. Lloyd Preston and Garry, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mir. Roy M. McGill's. Miss Murmel Reynolds, Bow- manville. Mu. Stewart Lamb, Enniskillen, Mir. Gordon Get- ting'a, Caesarea, were Sunday visitors of Miss Shirley Ellis. Mu. and Mira. Norman Wright spent a veiry pleasant cvcning with his sister, Misa Annie Wright, Oshawa. Sympathy is extended to Mu. and Mirs. S. R. Pethick. on the passing of his brother, Mu. Chester Petbick, Ncwtonville. Mir. and Mus. Mel McCunw and Cheryl, Varcoe's Road, at Mir. and Mrs. Harold Ashton's. Mir, and Mira. R. McNeil at- tended the funeral on Wcdnes- day o! Mir. MeNeil's siater, Mira. S. Vanstone, Whitby. Mu. and Mira. Earu Masters, Gail and Darlene, Bowman- ville, at Mir and Mira. A. Sharp's. Congratulations ta Mir. and Mira. Carl Ferguson an the arri- vai of a fine baby girl. Mir. and Mirs. Leonard Brad- ley, were recent guests of Mir. and Mira. Fred Toms. Mu. and Mirs. Wallace Griffin, Heather and Dale, at Mu. and Mira. N. Collacutt's, Tyrone. Mir. and Mira. E. R. Walker and girls, Bawmanville, with Mu. and Mirs. Russell Griffin. Mu. and Mirs. A. L. Weaun and family spent Sunday at Mir. and Mira. Earl Pauuott's, Chalk Lake. Mu. and Mira. Fred Toms, at- tended a social eveniný at Mu. and Mus. Cecil Siemon a, Hay- don. Soriry te report Master Ted Yea was taken ta Bowmanviiic Memorial Hospital, for appendi- citis operation. We wish bim a spcedy recovery. Mir. and Mira. Lucas Nicholas, Mir. and Mira. G. White and family. Rev. T. A. Morgan, Bowmanville, called on Mira. E. Kennedy at Mu. H. Stevens. Mir. and Mira. D. Yeo and Loirna, Mu. Bob Wannan, Osh- awa, with Mu. and Mira. Gardon were guests of M r.and Mirs. James Turnbull, Peterborough, on Friday. Mrs. Sherman Montgomery and baby daughter. Peterbor- ough, are visiting her parents, Mir. and Mua. William Phiuipa. 5,000; today it is close ta 20,000. A wide variety of synthetit rubbers and chemical treatment of natural rubber make tires to- day last five tinies as long and cost haif as much as i 1920. Mileage 30 years ago aveiraged lu k il SPECIAL PURCHASE Ail Woo, WooI and Rayon, WooI and Mohair SPRING COATS 2.00( PER WEEK 7h. easyw sY f.e >rchase yoo e.w apring Cen. t flpy select your new taraient snd ssy uIayaway Plea..." MWy $5.00aMd $2.00 per week. YmUoe w 6"t wMài b. paide« th mgr wy Mi dy awben y.. mt bk cd.~e4 S&~e42im4ed m I opwUQw0 TUL "dy et - J. HaunABERNETHY 86 KING ST. W. PHONE 431 mu .sortment of aif wool, wool omd raye., vool and mohair fabrics. Every coot le hafly taffeta lh.ed. There ore a mutitude of new spring nastels la aff elenmortavt yles--TRINIDÂD (o bricht corol shode), ANZÂC (a glow- n Iwg aolIuh M~' ,d a ho*t of ne-w, fun! of 1W.e, shades in rose, gve, mues, lentcm, qroy. An f1te newes! awd smortest in sprinq cool style, emuoihv and velue are feofured aof Mis one Iow price. Ée sure of the. beut selectlou end ho". y... uew sprwcootlIoyed awea'ytoay! FOR TOPS IN VALUE SEE THIS SPECIALLY PRJCED VALUE-FIPIL RANGE AT WALKER'S Sizos lée b.20, 11 Ml*%z se 22 Y BETHANY The February meçting of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church was heid at the home o! Mira. L. Millby and Mra. B. Taylor. In the absence of the President, Mira. George Waddell, who is 111 in hoapital, Mira. T. Jackson took charge o!. the meeting and was assisted in the worship service by Mira. Ernest Stacey, Mirs. Mervyni Parteaus and Miss Maude Rod- well. Several members paid their fees. Three qults had been compieted since the last meeting and arrangements were made ta quilt the fourth one this week. Plans were made for the World's Day of Prayer ser- vice. Mira. M. Parteous gave a short talk on Cîtizenship and Mirs. Jackson spoke on Christian, Stewardship. Mirs. Clarence' Rowan gave the chapter from1_ the current study bookan told of conditions in Europ-. "There is stiil resistance ta the work of the cnurch, but in spite1 of this a pragram of relief and reconstruction is beîng carried out. While things look dark and very few practice religion ... Above ail is God and His work; will go on." At the close of the1 meeting the hostesses served lunch and a social hour was en- joyed. "A atout cedar shingle makes a very effective Board of Edu-! cation . . .. especially when the' board of education is appliedI ta the posterious of stubborn offsprings." Mir. James McKinnon spent last week in Toronto visitinga with Mr. and Mira. Cecil McGill and Mir. and Mira. J. Ahiren. Mus. Winnifred Fitzgeirald, Peterborough, was with Miss Annie Sisson for the weekend. Mr. Bert Monk, Windsor, vis- ited with his parents, Mr. and Mirs. A* H. Monk on Sunday. Miss Jean Palmer, Peterbor- ough, was home for several days last week with hier mother, Mirs. Ina Palmer. Miss Marie Lowery, Lake- view, visited with Mu. and Mrs. R. Carr on Sunday. Mrs. Marie Yonchus, Kitchen- er, spent the past week withý her daughter and son-in-law, Mir. and Mirs. Fuank Martichen- ko. Mu. and Mira. Ken Syer and family, Cavan, were Sunday guesta with Mir. and Mira. John White. Mr. Clifford Carr, Detroit, Mich., visited with hia brother and sister-in-law, Mir. and Mira. Rosa Caru, last week. Mir. and Mira. Bruce Ryley k/aj/w /4U tme PHONE 451 BOWMANVILLE KING ST. IL "ITRULY A PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP"' TEM CANADI&M STATTSMAN. BOIVIIANVnl&- MMARTn % 1 màdqm

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