ýM7- THMUDAY. ME. l8th, 1954 TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMLANVILL. ONTARI PA(~ I'TV~ Local Team Enters 0.R.H.A. Playdowns }Iere Saiurday Arbocteam hes been entered in glh tr..Rural Hockey Assocî n Intermediate A. pleydowns with irvin MAcCul- 'Ough as Coach. The local club has been fortunate in securing the services ai Bill Gearing as goalie te nlay with the pick ai the pleyers from the Town League made up ai Newcastle &mNewtonville boys. ~'Arrangements hed nat been ~ompleted et time af writing. but it is expected that the first geme ai the round robin series with Brougham, Peeches and Newcastle wlll be played here en Seturday evening when the local boys will meet e teem from Peeches (e village neer Stouff- ville). It is well known that it casts maney ta travel and those in charge of the local team are asking local sports fans ta take this into consderation and ta turn out in full force and sup- port the team et its home games. Later, if the team should win this series, the team will be travelling farther and probably have ta hire artificiel ice arenas for home games which will be even more expensive. Let's al get behind this local team and support them in every way. "Our Church" Theme 0f W. A._Meeting The Woman's Association uf the United Church met on Thursday aiternoon, February llth in the Sunday School Hall. Assistant group leader Mrs. Per- cy Brown led in the Devotionel period. the theme ai which wes "Our Church" She read a selec- tion enlerging on the theme. Mrs. Harold Toms read the Scripture lesson and commen- tery, and Mrs. N. Stevens led in prayer with aIl repeating the Lord's Prayer in unisan. Follawing the devotional per- lad, three short readings were given by Mrs. Percy Here. "The Ladies' Aid", a humorous ec- count of how that orgenizatian cornes ta the financiel rescue of the Church Board, "The Roed ta Happiness", and "Go on Ahead". The President. Mrs. Jase, was not able ta be present so, in her absence, the business ai the meeting wes ably conducted by Mrs. C. A. Cowan, aiter which the ladies ai Mrs. George Wel- ton's group served hot soup which was very acceptable on such a cald day. Justice is the moae significa- tion ai lew. Injustice declares the absence ai law.-Mary Ba- ker Eddy. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis were Mrs. Ida Armstrong ai Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Walton and daughter Helen of Agincourt, and Mr. and Mrs. Alden Pollerd of Osh- awa. Mrs. H. R. Pearce has return- ed ta her home iollowi.ng a manth's visit with her deughter end son-in-law, Lieut. and Mrs. W. J. Hockin, in Camp Borden. Mrs. Boucher ai Greiton was a visitar with Mrs. Percy Hare for a couple ai days lest weei<. The community wes sedden- ed on Frîday to leern ai the sud- den passing af Mr. Herbert E. Hencock. Recarding Steward of the Newcastle United Church, Mr. Hancock was enroute ta the meeting ai the Oshawa Presby- tery with Mr. W. F. Rickard when stricken. He died in hos- pitel leter in the day. The fun- erel service wes conducted by Rev. Harold Turner ai Bowmen- ville on Monday afternoon. The sympethy ai citizens in general gaes out to the members ai bis iemily in their bereavement. Lieut. and Mrs. W. J. Hockin and family ai Camp Borden, spent the weekend visiting with Mrs. W. J. Hockin Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peerce and family. Mrs. Normen Bargersan ai Lowell, Michigan, was a week- The Corporation of The Village of Newcastle PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that the votes of electors of the Village of Newcastle qualified to vote on money by-Iaws on the question of passing a by-law to- provide for borrowing the sum of $167,000.00 on debentures on the credit of the Corporation at large will be taken on Monday the l5th day of March, 1954, between the hours of 8 o'clock in the forenoon and 6 o'clock in the afternoon. The places where the votes are to be taken and the deputy returning officers ta take the votes at such places are as follows: Ward Number 1 WaM. Number 2 Polling Place Cammunity Hall Polllng Place Community Hall Deputy Returnlng Officer C. R. Cerveth Deputy Returnlng Officer Mrs. F. Butler The time and place for the Clerk to sum up the number of votes given for and against the by-law shall be at the Clerk's office in the Community Hall at 6 o'clock in the aiternoon on Monday, the lSth day of March, 1954. The time and place for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places and at the fipll summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behali af the persons interested in and jOioting or opposing the by-law shaîl be at the Clerk's office in the Community Hall on thith day of March, 1954 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. ~ The following is a correct synopsis of the by-law. A by-law to provide for borrowing the sumn of $167,000.00 on debentures on the credit af the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle at large for the purpose of providing funds for the establishment and construction of waterworks in the waterworks area of the Village below mentioned. The debentures are, to be issued at any time within two years after the passing of the by-law $and are ail to bear the samne date and are to bear interest at 5 per cent per annum payable haîf yearly. The principal of the debentures is to be payable in annual instalments over tweSty years from the date of issue. The amount to be raised annually for the payment of the principal and interest of the instal- ments is $9,895.00, subject to the provisions of section 35 (3) of The Public Utilities Act R.S.O. 1950 chapter 320, which provides that it shall net be necessary to levy any rate ta provide paYments on account of any debenitures issued by the Municipality for the con- struction of the waterworks, except to the extent that the receipts arisîng from the supply of the public utilit.v, after providing for the expenditures incurred for the maintenance and operation of the utility, are insufficient to meet the annual payments falling due on account of principal and interest of the debentures. The amounts of the annual payments may be varied to the extent that is required te ensure that each debenture issued is for $50.00 or a multiple thereof. The sums required to meet the annuel instalments of principal and interest are to be assessed and lex'ied on ail rateable property within the waterworks area of the Village of Newcastle described as follows. Description of Waterworks Area AIl those parts of the Village of Newcastle described as follows: FIRSTLY Bounded on the north by King Street, on the east by the west limit of Lot Number 27 in the First Concession of the Township of Clarke now in the said Village, on the south by the southerly limit of the right-of-way of the Canadien National Railway Company and on the west by the west limnit of Baldwin Street. SECONDLY Commencing at the intersection of the southerly limnit of the right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway Company with the west lîmit of Baldwin Street. Thence westerly along the southerly limit of the right-of-way of the Canadien National Rail- way Companyv to a point in the southerly continuation of the west limit of Newcastle Street. Thence northerly to and along the west limit af Newcastle Street a distance of 792 feet. Thence easterly at right angles to the west limit of Newcastle Street a distance of 385 feet. Thence southerly parallel with the west limit of Newcastle Street a distance of 317 feet. Thence easterly at right angles to the west limit of Newcastle Street a distance of 410 feet more or less to the west limit of Baldwin Street. Thence southerly along the west lirait of Baldwin Street to the place of beginning. THIRDLY Commencing at the northeast angle oi Lot Number 29 in the First Concession of the Township of Clarke. Thence southerly along the east limit of said Lot a distance of 650 feet. Thence wvstery parallel with the north limit of said Lot a distance of 230 feet. Thence iiortlierl,, parallel with the east limit of seid Lot a distance of 386 feet more or less to a point distant 264 feet from the north limit of said lot. T'ence westerly parallel with the north limit of seid Lot ta the west limit thereof. Thence northerly along the west limit of said lot a distance of 264 feet ta the northwest angle thereof. T7 ence caster]v along the north limit of said Lot to the place of beginning. j M'fRTHLY The northerlv 264 feet of even width throughout of Lots Numbers 27 and 26 and the northerlv 264 feet of even width throughout of the westerly 975 feet of Lot Number 25 in the First Concession of the Townshifi of Clarke. F FTII!X Bounded on the south by King Street, on the east by the east limit of the road allowance betwccn Lýots Numbers 26 and 27 in the Second Concession of the Township cf Clarke, on the north by the northerly limit of the right-of-way of the Canadien Pacific Rail- way Comnpany (Canipbellford, Lake Ontario and Western Railway Company) and on the west by the xest imit of North Street. SIXTHLY Comrnencing at the southwest angle of Lot Number 26 ini the Second Concession of the Towvnship of Clarke. Thence easterly along the southerly limits of Lots numbers 26 and 25 in the said Second Concession to a point distant westerly 200 feet from the southeast angle of Lot Number 25. Thence northerly parallel %vith the east limit af said Lot a distance af 264 feet. Thenée %'esterly naraliel wvith the south limits of said Lots ta a point distant easterly 264 feet froin the x\'est litmit of said Lot Number 26. Thence northerl.v parallel with the westerly limit of said Lot Number 26 te the northerly limit of the rýighit-of-\vavN of the Canadian Pacifie Railwey Company.i Thence westerly along the last mentioned northerly limit te the west limnit ai said Lot N Mujer 26. e sout herlv along the lest mentioned west limit ta the place of beginning. .4Ni.HLY The westerly 264 feet of even width throughout of that part of Lot Number 28 in the Second Concession of the Township of Clarke lying north af the right-of-way of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company and bounded an the north by the north limait of the Vlaeof Newcastle. EGHTHLY Commencing at the southeast angle of Lot Number 29 in the Second Concession 4!the Township of Clarke. ence northerly along the east limit of said Lot te the north limnit of the Village af New- ce westerly elong the last mentianed limit a distance ai 250 feet. ce southerly parallel with the east limnit f said Lot te a point i the north linit of Lot Number 13 in said Township Lot shown on the plan af the Village ai Newcastle. Thence westerly\ along the forth limnit of said Lot Number 13 and a continuation thereof ta the west limit of Lot Number 29 in said Second Concession. Thence southerly along the west limit cf said Lot ta the sauth limit thereof. Thence easterlv along the south limit of said Lot ta the place ai beginning. Any tenant desiring to vote on the said by-lew must deliver ta the Clerk notlater than the tenth dav before the day appointed for taking the vote a declaration pravîded by subsection 3 of section 276 of The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1950 chapter 243. If the assent oi ýhe electors is obtained ta the by-law, it will be taken into consideration by the Counicil aiter the expiration oi one month from the date ai the first publication of this notice, which date is the l8th day of February, 1954. DATED the 12th day ai Februery, 1954. <MffS.) NETTE BUTLER, Clerk, Village ai Newcastle. end guest with Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nesbitt and John Paul visited ini Toronto on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Woodhams and Mrs. Semis ai Toronto, were Sundey visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Couch. Pansies and Sluggers Reiain Lead in Town League With mild weether causink the pestpenement of Monday'ý games in the Town Hockey Leegue, McMullen's Pansies and Jahnson's Sluggers remein ir undisputed possession ai firsi and second place respectively as e rcsult ai their wins an Fni- day evening. In the first geme ai the even- ing Johnson's Sluggers ended their game with Newtonville in Photo-finish style when George Kimbaîl scored the tie-breaking telly with only three seconds leit ta play in the game. It wes one ail in the first periad, Lekte scoring for the Sliuggers and Bob Halmen fer Newtenville. At the end ai twa periods it wes 4 ta 2 for Newtonville with Phil Gilmer, B. Holman and E. Rowe eech scaring anc for the eastern village and Gerrardi gctting the only telly iar the Sluggers. The Newtonville boys failed ta find the net in the third periad while Noden, Gerrardi and Kimbal eech scared oiie ta put the Sluggers ahead 5 ta 4. This was anc ai the best gemes of the seesor good fast hockey and very fcw penalties, 3 in al with Newtonville receiving two and the Sluggers getting off with one. Friday's second game was quite diffenent irom the f irst when McMullen's Pansies walk- ed aver Quinney's Clippers ta a score ai 5 ta 2, with these teems drawing a total ai 11 pen- alties in the thrce pcniads. First period scorers for the Pansies were Cowling (2) and McCul- lough with Stephenson scering one for the Clippers. Cawling scored twa mare for the Pensies in the second and Quinney scan- cd the anly goal af the third period. Perelties were 8 for the Clippers and three for the Pan- sies. Wcather conditions permit- ting these four teems will be et it again on Friday evening whcn fans are promiscd their twa bitý warth ai fun. TYRONE Tyrone friends ai Mrs. E Stanie, Orono, join in wishinf her a happy 93rd birthday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook spent Saturday in Toronto and whilE there visited Walter Frank el the Riverciele Isolation Hospi. tel. Walter is always pleesed to sece ny ai his Tynone iriends or hear iram them. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jcwell anc boys were tee guests ai Mr. anc Mrs. James Grant, Bowmen- ville. Mrs. Helen Cosins, Provi- dence, Mrs. W. Macdonald, Bowmanville, spent the week- end with Mrs. Florence Scott. Mn. and Mis. C. English, Pe- terborough. spent the weekend with Mrs. W. Miller. Tynone friends ai Mr. Wil- liem Farrell, New Toronto, wéfre sorny ta heer he is in the haspitel. Mr. ind Mrs Walter Park and femily visited Mr. and Mrs. James Park, Peterboraugh. Mr. und Mrs. Lorne Phare, Mrs. G. Phare, visited Mrs. E. Storie andi Mr and Mrs. D. Hooper, Orono. Mrs. Mary Findley and Mn. Dean Findlay, Unianville, with Mr. andi Mrs. C. Bigelow. We were quite pleased ta sec quite a number eut te church Sunday marning. Club 49 hcld e quilting bec et the home ai Mrs. Walter Park, Jr. on Tuesday. Mr. and Mns. J. Gibbs and Michael, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. R. Perfect Bowmanville. Mrs. Charlotte Stevens, Hamp- tan, is naw with Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. T. Jenczyn, and family, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Peeling, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Kerl Colbany and Frankié, visiteci Mns. E. Foster. M mico, end Mn. and Mrs. Frank Calbeny, Long Bnench. Miss Phyllis Meynand, Bow- menville, Mrs. H. Hall, Mn. an-d Mrs. Roy Maynard, visited Mn. Ronald Maynerd in the General Hospital, Toronto. Tuesday the storm did dam- age ta hydro leeving Tynane without hydnG for f ive houns. Some 'phones were also out of onder. Mrs. W. H. Rehm, Burketon, Mr-. and Mrs. W. Rahm were tee guests ai Mrs. G. Niddery and Mary, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bige- low, Mr. and Mns. A. Richards, attcnded the funenal on Satur- day af the lete Mn. Arthur Rich- ards, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dubyk and Diane moved on Saturdey inta the house iormerly owned by Percy White. Special church service wiil be conducted by Missionary R. Hewlett in the Community Hall, Tyrone, Sunday, Feb. 21 t e 2.45 p.m. Subject, "The chur:h as Ged made it and as it will be when Christ returns for His Chu.roh'l. Wed in Orono United Churcli Pictured following their wedding in Orono 'United Church on Saturday, Feb. 6, are Mr. and Mrs. Robert George Youngman. The bride is the former Dora Ellen Black, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, Haydon, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Youngman, Pontypool. -Photo by Jno. Stutt The Orono News Mr. Roy Powers and son cock on Monday and attended Grant, Scarboro, visited Mrs. C. the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Powers and Mr. A. E. Clemence. Herbert Hancock. Miss Carolyn Jones attended Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Miller were the dance Wednesday evening dinner guests Tuesday evening at Royal York Hotel, Toronto. of Mr. and Mrs. John Armn- Mr. and Mrs. A. Clough, Mr. strong. and Mrs. W. Duhart and daugh- Mrs. A. J. Jakeman was host- ter, Trenton, spent Thursday ess at a miscellaneous shower with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Major. at her home Thursday for Miss The manthly meeting ai the Clark Township Public Schaol Teechers was held Monday ai- ternoon et Orono Schaol. Congratulations ta Mrs. Eliza Storie who celebreted her 93rd, birthday, Feb. l7th, et the home ai her niece Mrs. Deve Hoaper. Mr. George Butters returned ta Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday and had bis second op- eretion on Tuesdey morning. Mn. George Mitchell, Toronto, spent Saturdey with~ Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Butters. Mr. and Mrs. H. Branton, Guelph, visited with friends and were guesis ai Mn. and Mrs. O. Cowen, for the wcekend. Mns. W. Payne, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Joncs and baby, Bowmanville, werc Sun- day visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones. Mr. Chas. E. Miller and sans Lerry and Wayne, spent the weckend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Niagara Fells, Mrs. Miller returned home aiter spending the wcek et Niagara Fells. Master Lerry Luxton, Baw- manville, spent the wcekend with Mn. and Mrs. Herry Mer- cer. Mr. Herbcrt E. Hancock, bro- ther oi Mr. Egentan Hancack, passed eway in Memonial Has- pital, Friday, Feb. l2th. Fun- eral was on Monday, from New- castle United Church. Inter- ment Orono Cemetcry. Rcv. John Kitchen was in To- ronto on Monday. Miss Audrey Billings, Osh- awa, spent the wcekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. Mrs. Bradley, Stittsvillc, is staying with her daughter, Mrs. D. McGec, who returned home lest -week irom Western Hospi- tal, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Egenton Han- cock were in Orillia Seturday, Februery l3th, ta attend the marriage of their grandson, Mr. Mervin Hcldaway ta Miss Joan Lee. Miss Mildred Holdaway, Warkworth, and Mr. and Mrs. Menlow Hencock, Newcastle, were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Hcrb. Duvaîl visited his father, Mr. Earl Du- vaîl, af Leskard, who was op- creted on in Oshawa General Hospital lest Friday. Congratulations ta 'Mr. and Mrs. Herbent Burgess, wha cele- bratcd their silver wedding an- niversary on Seturdey, Feb. l3th, and entcrtained about thirty ai their friends and re- [ations et their home on Church St. South, Oronu. Mn. and Mrs. Burgess were presented with a floor lemp for their new home which they will occupy soon. Aimong the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burgess, Mr. and Mvrs. Wcs. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgess and Mr. and VIns. Clarence Wcodley, Tyrane, Edith Joint. Marion Parise and MIr. and Mrs. Charles à4tttan, 3owmanville. The write up in lesf week's T'oronto imper re Mr. Oscar Aidams ai Roseneath, iormerly if Clark Township, was of local intenest aqs Mrs. Adams has hrce children married and liv- ing in Onono. a daughter, Mrs, Sid. Barrabeli and twa sons Perhaps Mrs. Adams will show hcn femaus quilt et Orana Fair in September. Mrs. Lawrence Haoey and laughten Marie are in Memaor- ial Hospital, Bowmenville, hav- ing their tonsils remaved. Mn. and Mrs. Norman An- drews, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jake- maen, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mfoiatt and Douglas, were sup- pe; guests Satunday ai Mr. N. R. Andrews and son Frcdcrick. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hencock, Belleville, Mn. and Mrs. Glen Hancack, Warkworth, visited qr. and Mrs. Egerton Hencocic ind Mr. and Mrs. Robert Han- WAMT ADS Louise riestley, Niewcastle. lassa Orange and Grapefruit tm7AR»MAtLADE Pawdered Skim Mibk lana TOMWATOES McCorm iak's SAITIlVES Purity ROLLED OATS Robin Hood White CAKRE MIX Gordon Agnew, Ed.llor Phono 3621 NEWCASTLE, COMMUNITY HALL NONDAY, FEB. 22, 1954 - 8 pi.. 20 Games for 50c Extra Game SHARE-THE-WEALTH. GAME Jackpot $100 for Five Numbers Proceeds for Lions Welfare Work. Orono W.M.S. Holds FebruaryMéeeing The reguler manthly meeting oi the Women's Association was held laest week. Mrs. E. Rainey, the president. presided and con- ducted the business. The mina- tes of the Jenuary meeting were read by the secretary, Miss E. Peniound. AlI outstanding bills were ordered paid and proceeds from catering ta wedding oh Saturday announced $85.00. Mrs. Rainey announced thet Mrs. Ives, W.A. president wil visit aur association in the near future and also thet the copies ai the Upper Room are on hand for use by visiting committee. The Devotional perîod was taken by Mrs. Kîtchen based on Psalm 46, which sl¶e read and also used for a reference Rpm- ans 5-1, and gave a most inter- esting and helpfui talk and some impressive incidents in the lufe of Martin Luther. Mrs. Kitchen closed the wahi service with prayer and the hymn "Faith ai aur Fathers". The correspanding secretary, Miss Davy read correspondence which was carefully considercd and deait with. The meeting closed with the theme sang and Mizpah bene- Soe For YourseffTMa A&PNau$mm . ....FINE FOODS AT BIG SAVINGS EVERY DAY! V%'s fin 3lc 2tatins25c 220-oz tins 2 5 c i 2-o, tms 27c 22-or is35Sc 215-oz fins 29c 216-oz jars35Sc 24-oz jar 27c 14lb p'cg 3 Ic Z28-a*z tins 2 7c lana PEACHES A> pkg2 7c lana Dessert 2 19 Daity Sweet Mix.d ya-fb pkg 1c PICKLES Jello Lemon pIg,5 c PIE FULLING "kSUPER- RIG;HTN MEATS! N1eafts are among the biggest items on moat faood bHis. So it e 9pood to kaow ttat you aan save on meats et A&P ev ey . . .. and en joy the delicious e.ting SUPER RIGHT quality insufes. 13LADE RMOAST Igade Bone Remved Red or Blue SHMORET ID ROAST Very Meaty grand .Beef lb 3 5C PRIME RIB RO LEAN PLATE BII CHOICE ]LAMBIL] BoiLI1VG ow: SMELTS1 Low Calorie "SLIM" CIIESE M anarch MARGARINE Canad ien MILD CHEESE My-T-Good SHRIMP Afn, Page KETCHUP Short Cut « T Bailing Cuts EGS sh~iort cut s. ]L Choice Grade "IAN, 4 ta 5 lb. Average Fresh Caught, Headless & Dressed lb 33c lb4Sc ibl3c lb 59c m>35c Po 29C PRODiJCE SPECIALS 1 ho 29e Onta-,Gri o wn>%i, Farcy Pcb43c Mclntosh APPLES SPE.C IAL 5-oz fn 39c M-zbd 19C 34635e California Fancy Navels, Now t thsr BeMn * ORANGES 5l eM g49e Finest Qualty, No. 1 DANMANAS Po19e Califarnia No. 1, Fre.sh, Large Siz. ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 or25e Fresh, Green, No. 1 IVEW CABBAGIC Pc 7C N. B., Canadja, No. 1, Table Stooc - 10 lbs. 2.5e POTATOES solb 6"89e PMtCE8 EFFECTIVE UNTIL BAT., FES. 20, 1*4 OBITUARY MERVIN JOHN PEREMAN In Bowmanville Hospital on Friday, February 12, Merwin John Pereman, in his 7lst year. dîed aiter a %rery short illness. Born the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Peremen ini East Whitby Township on Novem- ber 5, 1883, Mr. Pereman farm- ed ail his lufe in the townshio. H~e was a member ai Columbus United Church.% He married, on April 7, 1909, Fannie Mey Reynolds ai Osh- .awe. She predeceesed him .:a June 8, 1948. A daughter Ina died in 1929. Mr-. Pereman is survived by three daughters, Mrs. E. H. McCormack (Greta) ai East Whitby. Mrs. Russell Vice (Elva) Derlington Town- ship,' Mrs. Levi Ellins (Eileen) East Whitby; a son Roy Pere- man of East Whitby and a sister Mrs. Rosina Niddery, Port Per- ry. He had eight grandchlldren. The Reverend R. H. Rickard ai Columbus United Churcn took the funeral service et Arm- strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, on Monday, February 15. Inter- ment wes in the family plot it Social and Personal DEEP CUT SPECIALS! A&P Fancy Red Sookese A&P Evaporated MILK A&P Choi«Ce Oeamted CORN lana 0abLY DATEDI1 JANE PARKER WHITE1 MREAD 24-oIa PAGE ri V ce 9 3 Pkgs 29c